InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wake Me Up Inside ❯ Chapter 21

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wake Me Up Inside
Chapter 21
Beta-read by: DarklessVasion and Many Voices In My Head
Risoku - Chestnut foot
Gambatte - Good luck.
Just a reminder, sentences placed between single quotes ( ` ) are thoughts, which means, they most likely come from Inuyasha who is not capable of speaking to anyone outside of dreams.
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A tall young man of oriental features stepped through the door of the hospice, and the receptionists all stopped what they were doing to take in the sight. Long sandy auburn hair was pulled back into a foot long pony tail. He wore a turquoise shirt, a black pair of jeans, snake skin boots, and a cream-hued straw cowboy hat. The women had to admit, it was strange seeing a man of that kind in cowboy get-up, but it seemed to fit him well. In fact, the wild roguish look it gave him only seemed to enhance his Hollywood-worthy handsome physique.
Looking up to notice the women staring his way, he graced them with a charming slight blush as he took off his hat politely, “Hello. I'm here looking for someone, but the person who gave me the address neglected to tell me the room number. Might you know where I would find the Japanese guy that's staying here? I doubt I have the right name either, unfortunately. My sources carry some . . . rather irk-some technicalities.”
“Oh! You're talking about Yue, right?” blurted one of the girls giddily.
`Yue, hmm? It suits him,' Shippou thought to himself as she spoke. He nodded to her, “Yes, ma'am. That sounds like him.”
“He's the only oriental guy staying here. Has lots of friends from the Far East dropping in here lately. It's so heart-warming to see all the comradery building around him between his many groups of friends from who knows all where. Here, come right this way. I'll show you the way to him!” she bubbled.
“Oh, really?” Shippou replied as he arched a chestnut brow. “Would one of them happen to be a Kagome Higurashi by any chance?”
“Yeah! She started coming little over a week ago. She was part of one of the school tours going through on assignment, I believe. Poor girl, they say she didn't even know he was here, for whatever reason,” the woman said as she led the human-disguised kitsune down the hall toward Yue's room.
Shippou felt his heart do somersaults upon hearing that his one-time surrogate mother was in this town somewhere at this very moment. Yet, he couldn't help but feel sorry for her having to meet Inuyasha again this way. Then again, he always was far too good at getting himself into trouble like this anyway. “When does Kagome usually come by? I haven't seen her in a very long time and would like to cross paths with her at some point in the near future.”
“I'm not sure. She's a college student so she's got a strange schedule. But, Yue's primary nurse, Beth, should know. She's out at lunch right now, but she should be back in about thirty minutes,” the receptionist answered. “Might I ask your name? I'll let her know you're looking for her when she comes in.”
“Shippou. Shippou Risoku.”
“Shippou. All right. And, here we are. I will let Beth know you're waiting when she returns. If you need anything, please let us know.”
“I will. Thank you,” he nodded before stepping into the room to exit the conversation.
Once the woman had left, he finally turned his attention on the one in the bed. Immediately, a sharp yet dull pain struck his heart. Even with all the fighting he'd done with Inuyasha as a kid, he still cared for the hanyou more than he would ever care to admit. Then again, perhaps he'd learned to keep secret his most valued feelings from Inuyasha, who had been both like a father and an older brother to him when he was a kit. When the hanyou had vanished all those years ago, the loss somehow seemed to cut even deeper than the loss of his own father, who's memory had long since faded away with the sands of time. Mentally grumbling at himself, he shook his head clear and stepped further into the room.
“Inuyasha,” Shippou chided in a gently teasing manner, wondering if his old friend recognized his voice now that it was the deep voice of a man rather than a child. “What have you done this time? I mean, just look at you! On top of that, you've been a real pain in the ass to find. And I only managed to achieve that from keeping in contact, however rare, with your brother.”
`Oh terrific! Just what I needed! Another smart ass!' Inuyasha snapped back, having heard Shippou introduce himself to the receptionist.
Shippou suddenly hissed as something moved inside his shirt. “All right, all right. Hold on! You know I've got to be careful with you in here. They don't allow pets in places like this!” he exclaimed as he withdrew what looked like a yellow kitten. Upon setting it on the floor, he removed the enchantment he'd placed on it. The kitten mewed as she returned to her usual small demon cat form. “Too bad they don't know about him yet, huh, Kirara?”
`Hey, you jerk! I'm no damn dog!' Inuyasha retorted hotly. `Kirara?'
As if having somehow heard him, Kirara leapt up onto the bed and mewed at him as she rubbed her cheek against his left hand. Even as different from the rest as she was, Kirara was still every bit as much a part of Inuyasha's old traveling party as everyone else was. She'd pulled equal weight in the many battles and even managed to know when each member needed her attention. As such, Inuyasha was just as glad to have her here as Shippou.
`Just wait a little bit, Kirara. Sango and Miroku should be back soon. In the mean time, I don't suppose you can smack that bratty kit around for me, could you?' Inuyasha asked hopefully. Whether she did or didn't truly understand, Kirara merely found it upon herself to curl up for a nap on his stomach.
“Well, since you aren't much of a conversationalist right now, I suppose my only option is to make like Kirara in the chair until Kagome or this Beth person arrives,” Shippou said nonchalantly as he flopped heavily into said chair.
`Well, since you're in the mood for being a jackass, I suppose my only option is to ignore you and talk to Kirara! Baka!' Inuyasha returned. `I wonder if she's capable of pulling Sherry and Kagome's little trick.'
“You even think about touching it, and I'll see just how many bones in that hand I'm capable of breaking!” Beth warned her companion as he walked her from his bug to the front door of the hospice.
“Why Beth, my dearest, I hadn't the slightest notion of doing such a thing,” Mark replied as he quickly retracted his hand and thought, `… while so many people would see me commit such a delightful sin.'
“Sure. Whatever,” Beth grunted as she strode through the front door that Mark held open for her. He gave her his most innocently charming smile as she passed, then followed her inside.
“Oh, Beth! Just the gal I was looking for. There's an oriental cutie by the name of Shippou Risoku waiting in Romeo's room for you. He's looking for Kagome as well,” the receptionist spoke up the moment she saw Beth walk in.
“Shippou? Oriental cutie… Okay, I take that as meaning he's done quite a bit of growing,” Mark pondered aloud.
“Wow! Thank you, Wanda. I'll go find him right away,” Beth replied to the receptionist. She then looked to Mark, “If you wish to stay, then I suggest you behave.”
“Yes, ma'am!” Mark answered obediently whilst his hand began to tingle with quite the irritating twitch.
After putting her purse way in the employee lounge, Beth turned to weave her way through the halls. Mark fell into place at her side, hand still twitching, but he managed to keep it hidden in the pocket of his cargo pants. A couple of minutes later, the two finally arrived in Yue's room. The moment they did so, Beth was immediately pounced by a strange little yellow cat with black markings and orange eyes, whom they recalled as being Kirara. Beth gasped and froze as memories of another life with this cat living daily at her side from birth until death filled her mind's eye.
Spring. A five year old Sango wandered through the forest picking flowers, whilst Kirara chased bugs nearby. Kirara would pounce, and Sango would laugh. The bug would escape and flee, and Sango would laugh. Kiara would give chase, and pounce the bug again, and Sango would laugh.
Summer. It was a stifling heat filling the air that day as the child and her furry companion sought relief in a creek. Kirara splashed the young girl, pretending to chase after something in the water. Sango squealed and happily splashed back, initiating an innocent and carefree little splash war.
Autumn. Sango and Kirara chased after falling leaves to relieve the tension built up amongst those who waited outside. Her father sat on the veranda, whittling at a fat chunk of tree branch with his dagger. Inside the building, the screams of a woman in labor were heard. Then, suddenly, a new sound erupted. It was the cry of an infant, newly borne into the world as it took it's first breaths. An assistant to the mid-wife stepped out onto the veranda long enough to say, “It's a boy.”
As the assistant retreated back into the room, Sango's father leapt to his feet and ran to sweep her up into his arms with joy. “Did you hear that, Sango? You've got a new baby brother!” he said as he swung her around in circles. Kirara bounded up onto his shoulder with a mew, and was instantly included in the hug.
Winter. Sango sat trembling as she held her little brother. Kirara sat in their laps mewing and nuzzling them in the only manner of comfort she could give them. Together, they wept for the loss of Sango and Kohaku's mother. Meanwhile, outside, the snow began falling in angry torrents of white. Kirara backed off to change to her larger form, then laid back down in a circle around the children, wrapping them in the warmth of her fur. She licked their faces as they cried.
Spring. Sango and Kohaku sat on Kikara's back as she flew them over the forests turned pink from the sakura trees that were in full bloom. Slowing, she descended for Sango to pick a bouquet from the branches of one. She and Kohaku shared a sniff of the flowers' fresh fragrance. Kohaku sneezed, causing Sango to laugh.
Summer. Sango sat on a hill watching the moon, and petting Kirara as she thought about her brother, now held somewhere against his will by Naraku. There was a rustle as the monk known as Miroku stepped over to sit down to Sango's other side. She felt a pleasant warmth stir within her with his presence now gracing her.
“Ah, Kirara! I was wondering where you would be. I'm glad you've managed to find your way back to her at last. I do believe, subconsciously, she's missed you sorely,” Mark told the cat with a kind smile. The creature turned to give him a cheerfully mewed return greeting, swishing her twin tails all the while.
“Kirara . . .” Beth whispered as she hugged her beloved friend. Kirara purred as she snuggled in her old companion's arms.
“Miroku? Sango?” inquired a smooth, slightly deep, masculine voice from inside the room. Beth and Mark immediately turned their attention to him. Mark found his voice first.
“Shippou? My gods! I would have hardly recognized you at all!” the one formerly known ad Miroku praised genuinely. “Yes, that would be us. Though, I'm known as Mark now, and Sango is Beth.”
“Sango is Inuyasha's nurse? Oooh, talk about a great chance at payback!” Shippou grinned as he slapped his right fist into his left palm.
`I heard that, brat!' Inuyasha protested.
“Yes, you're quite right about that one. I'm sure he's entirely sick of me poking, prodding, and playing puppet with him every hour that I'm here,” Beth smirked.
`Ah-ha! So the truth finally comes out! Don't forget them damn pictures of yours, neither, Beth! That's one more for the Shit List,' the hanyou ranted moodily.
“My goodness, you've grown. Kagome was sharing pictures with me earlier this week from back when the bunch of us traveled together. I can honestly say I vaguely remember you once being able to sit on my shoulder like Kirara here,” Beth told the kitsune, who shuffled his feet as a profuse blush colored his face.
“Yes, well… that was a very long time ago,” the fox demon told her.
“What did you do after we…”
“You don't have to say it, Miroku,” Shippou told him kindly. It was obvious, he'd learned a few things from the monk as well. His polite manner was most certainly one of them. “I wandered for a little while until I crossed paths with Kouga and his clan. He took me in and let me stay with him and Ayame.”
“Is that who he finally settled down with?” Beth asked, hoping that was the case so that he would leave Kagome to Inuyasha for once.
“Yeah. I gave him a call earlier. He's making plans to fly out here sometime next week, if he can get some time off. You won't believe what he's doing these days,” Shippou said with a smirk.
“I suppose working at a zoo would be dangerous to the animals, and I doubt he'd work in a pound,” Mark mused semi-seriously. Beth rolled her eyes while Kirara simply blinked her eyes as she continued to purr in the nurse's arms. Suddenly becoming conscious of holding an animal where they generally weren't allowed, Beth swiftly pushed past Shippou to step into the room and out of sight. Mark followed with Shippou bringing up the rear as he shut the door behind him.
“Funny, but no. He was in the forestry business for a long time, then I got him a place in an agency as a model.”
“A model?” Beth blinked.
“Well, that was very nice of you, Shippou. I take it you're one too?” Mark asked.
`Oh my gods, this is rich! Do you two pose in your underwear too?' Inuyasha laughed.
“Yeah. It pays the bills and provides a few creature comforts,” Shippou shrugged.
“Wow, that's quite an accomplishment, Shippou. I'm proud of you,” Beth grinned. “Do you have a calendar out there somewhere that I can hang on my wall? Better yet, are you allowed to pose for freelance photographers?”
“I'm in a couple, but both are with other people. If you're the photographer, which I take it you are since you asked, then yes. I would be honored to,” Shippou grinned, thoroughly enjoying the new pout Mark was wearing.
“Oh, wonderful!” Beth cheered. “You know, I own a farm that would go splendid with that cowboy theme you've got going on.”
“Oh? What kind of farm?”
“Just horses and the old farm house that resided over the land. My uncle bought it and spent his last years restoring the place. I've picked up where he left off.”
Mark turned and walked over to sit down in the chair, “So how is your day going, old friend? I understand how you feel, stuck there on the outside of the conversation like chopped liver.”
`Ha! I bet you do. Just how many times did you try to grope Beth today?' Inuyasha laughed.
Sherry arrived at the hospice a short ten minutes after she left school for the day. Upon striding up to Yue's room, she found the door shut. Frowning, she put her ear to it, then, she picked up on the magic overflowing from the room. Without knocking, she opened the door and anxiously strode in. What she found were a startled fox and yellow cat in the armchair. The cat was obviously no ordinary cat, which instantly clued the child in on who these two were.
Sherry gasped then swiftly shut the door behind her. Turning back two the two demons with a profuse blush, she bowed low, “Sumimasen. I just got excited with the door shut. I didn't mean to barge in so rudely. You would be Shippou and Kirara?”
The fox and cat both nodded while the fox seemed to chuckle. Shippou sat up then shifted back into his human-like form. “Yes. That would be us. And, I'm not offended. At least you have enough manners to apologize for it. I doubt this baka here can say the same,” he said as he pointed to Yue.
`Up yours, fox skivvies!' Inuyasha huffed.
Sherry giggled then turned to the hanyou, “Konnichiwa, Yash-kun. Want me to smack him for you?”
`Yes! Please do!'
“Hey! What is this? We've only just met and already you're out to spite me?” Shippou laughed.
“Yep. It's called payback for picking on Yash-kun,” Sherry said with a giggle before sticking her tongue out at him.
`Ha! I have a new champion!' Inuyasha crowed to deaf ears.
“Oh, I see how it is. And you would be whom and what to him?” Shippou asked with a mischievous grin. Sherry met his grin with ease.
“My name's Sherry and I'm Inuyasha's public relations agent,” Sherry declared with a proud grin as her eyes challenged the kitsune in return with great ease.
“Public relations agent?” Shippou inquired with a confused blink.
“Yup! Because I was born with miko powers like Kagome, I managed to find a way to talk to him sometimes,” she explained. She then frowned, “But, I can only do that when I'm asleep and in the same room with him.”
“Oh, I get it. That's really cool, even with the conditions strapped on.”
`Ya better believe it's cool! Especially for me!'
“I taught Kagome how to do it. She said they hadn't met for three seconds before they started arguing,” Sherry giggled.
“That sounds like them,” Shippou laughed. Kirara mewed and hopped down to approach the young girl.
Sherry dropped her book bag on the floor then knelt down as she put her arms out for the cat, “Hello Kirara. Kagome and Inuyasha have told me a lot about you.”
Kirara darted for the child, allowing herself to be picked up and cuddled. Once in the girl's arms, the demon cat mewed happily. Sherry giggled and kissed her nose.
“She says she's happy to meet you too,” Shippou chuckled.
“When did you two get here?” Sherry asked as she walked over to make herself comfortable on the bed to Yue's right side. The effect of the action was not lost on the kitsune.
“About half past noon. I was happy to see Sango and Miroku -err- Beth and Mark . . . walk in thirty minutes later,” he answered.
“Oh! They went out to lunch again? Great!” Sherry cheered as she hugged Kirara, who purred in response.
“Yes. They're back at each other like they were when we fought Naraku together,” Shippou nodded with a smirk. Inuyasha's growl at that name went unheard.
“Kagome should be here soon. She might get held over by class, but she's always here at some point in the afternoons. I'm sure Keito will come too since he's living with Mark now and still looking for a new job,” Sherry informed the two demons, who both cheered in their own ways.
“Beth told me about Yue's three friends. They sound pretty cool. Though, if Dave gives me crap, I can't say I won't give it right back,” Shippou responded smugly.
`That, I'd love to see,' Inuyasha laughed.
“Dave's not so bad once he gets to know you. He was cold to me for a while too, but not anymore. Keito and you should get along really well. He's a big clown.”
“That's what Beth said,” Shippou nodded as he pulled out a rubber band that instantly became a green balloon dog. He passed it Sherry as his face suddenly became painted like a clown's, meanwhile squeezing his nose so that it honked. Sherry burst into giggles. A moment later, she found a cream-colored cowboy hat being plunked down onto her head. It was so big, it immediately fell over her eyes, making Shippou laugh.
“Hey! Too big!” the girl took the hat off her head and placed it on Yue, settling it so it draped over his face like cowboys often did when napping. She giggled at the sight, “Much better.”
“Oh, sure! Now I'll get cooties! He's bound to be full of them!”
“Cooties? How could he get cooties if he hasn't been anywhere but a bed for five years? If anyone's got cooties, it's you! And fleas too!” Sherry shot back.
“Fleas are for dogs like him. And wolves too. I know Kouga had problems with them a couple of times. Me? Cooties? They wouldn't let me in front of a camera with cooties!”
`Ha, ha, ha! Thanks for that bit of info, Shippou. It'll be used wisely. And get this thing off me if you got cooties! And would ya shut it with the dog crap? Damn!' the hanyou commented.
“You? In front of a camera? You'd break it. Wouldn't he, Yasha-onii?” Sherry returned expertly with a laugh.
`Keh! You bet he would!'
“Break it? Heck no. Cameras adore this face as much as ladies do. That's why Beth and her camera have already scheduled a date with me this weekend for a session at her farm!”
“Ha! You get to help muck out stalls! Ha-ha-ha!” Sherry teased, thoroughly enjoying herself.
`Shippou, I hate to say it, but you've met your match,' Inuyasha laughed.
“Nah! That's Inuyasha's job,” Shippou shrugged.
“Is not! Beth wouldn't let him so soon from getting out of here! Mneh!” Sherry winked and stuck out her tongue while holding down the bottom lid of her open eye.
“Keh! He's a hanyou. He can handle it,” the kitsune replied nonchalantly.
“You need glasses, Fox Boy. He may be a hanyou, but he's in human form right now until Kaede fixes it.”
`Exactly what she said!' the hanyou agreed.
“Kaede? What did he do to her this time?” Shippou cackled.
`I didn't do anything to Kaede-baabaa, moron!'
“Do? Baka! He didn't do anything! His Dad had her put a seal on his demon blood so he could grow up as a human and be a normal kid!”
Shippou blinked at Sherry's statement, “His dad . . . whoa. That's super cool. Then again, his dad always was one to do stuff like that from what little I managed to gather.”
“Yeah, Hiroshi-san is a really cool dad. I've only seen him a couple of times, and talked to him once on the phone. But, he's always been really nice to me too. Both him and Yash's mom too.”
“What's his mom like?”
“She's really pretty and very nice. You'll like her.”
“From how much Inuyasha, and others who knew her, adored her centuries ago, I'm sure I will.”
The two fell into silence for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts whilst Kirara and Inuyasha both lazily listened in. Then the sound of the door gently opening and closing drew their attention. Shippou sprang from the chair like his britches were on fire.
“Kagome!” he shouted as he shifted to look like he once had as a kit before leaping to pounce her.
“Sh-Shippo!” the miko blurted in shock the moment she saw him. The next thing she knew, she was on the floor with said kitsune hugging her until she wheezed from lack of air.
“Careful, he's got cooties,” Sherry giggled.
`Good point, Sherry,' Inuyasha cackled.
“I do not! Inuyasha does!” the chibi kitsune argued in his old childish voice.
`Bullshit, baka!'
“I doubt that either of the boys have cooties,” Kagome laughed. “Oh, Shippou, I've missed you so much!” she told the fox sitting on her stomach through happy tears streaming down her face as she hugged him back. Kirara took that moment to leap out of Sherry's arms and scamper over to Kagome, who pulled the cat into the hug, “Kirara! I've missed you too!”
“I'm missed you more. Five hundred years is a long time to wait to see someone again,” he told her.
`Damn right. That's why I didn't. That's why I used the jewel the way I did. Kagome's worth more than full demon blood,' Inuyasha replied.
“I'm so sorry, Shippou. If I could have taken you with me, believe me, I would have. I'm sorry,” Kagome said through sobs as she held him tighter. Kirara mewed and licked the miko's face in an effort to comfort her.
`Now, who's the idiot making her cry?' the hanyou growled.
Shippou gasped and pulled away so that he could shift back to his normal grown self, “No, don't be sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I knew there was nothing you could do about it. I didn't mean for it to sound like I was blaming you, because I wasn't.”
“Shippou?” Kagome blinked as she looked up at him to see a grown young man rather than a child.
“Yes. I'm all grown up now,” he said with a soft bittersweet smile. “And certainly big enough to dish back anything, that aho over there tries to throw at me,” he smirked.
`Keh! We'll see about that, runt!'
Kagome smiled and hugged the kitsune, “You're welcome to, any time you wish. That is . . . after he wakes up and has his demon blood reawakened. Until then, you'll have to go easy on him.”
“Yeah, cause if you don't, I get to kick your furry butt,” Sherry butted in with a giggle.
“Oh yeah? Says who?” Shippou argued.
“Says Yasha-onii and me,” she replied, sticking her tongue out again.
`Ha! See there?' Inuyasha bragged, sticking out his tongue despite the fact that he was invisible to them.
“I'm glad to see the two of you get along so well,” Kagome laughed.
“Keh! Only when he's not being a baka,” Sherry huffed, crossing her arms. Kagome laughed harder, hearing bits of both Inuyasha and herself in the girl's words. Meanwhile, Shippou gave Sherry the Japanese equivalent of a raspberry ― winking at her and sticking out his tongue while holding down the bottom lid of his open eye.
“Who's being a baka?” asked a new voice as the door opened and shut again.
“Keito-kun!” Sherry cheered as she raced over to glomp the Comic Stooge.
“Hey there, Sherry-Berry! You sound like you're having a good day,” he laughed as he hugged her back. Shippou took this moment to stand and offer Kagome a hand up. She accepted, then dusted herself off while Kirara hopped up onto her right shoulder.
“Sure am! And it's Shippou who's being the baka.”
“Shippou? Hey, I thought you were a short shit. How much fuzzball Miracle Grow did you drink?” Keito responded, turning to the kitsune who stood next Kagome.
“Hello Keito,” Kagome laughed, enjoying his usual wacky humor.
“Miracle Grow? Keh! I don't need any of that! Five centuries have passed since I traveled with Kagome and Inuyasha, moron,” Shippou shot back.
“Or, someone could have thrown him into a dryer and put him on super fluff cycle,” Sherry mused.
`Oooh! Good idea!' Inuyasha laughed.
“Na. Then he'd have one massive fro,” Keito replied, gesturing to a pretend giant afro on his head with his hands as he laughed.
“No, that's my tail when it starts drying. Or when someone gets cute with a balloon,” Shippo frowned. Sherry grinned, grabbing her green balloon dog and attacking Shippou's tail with it. “Hey! I didn't give you that to use against me!”
The room erupted in laughter as Shippou's tail frizzed thickly with static electricity making the hair stand on end. The balloon popped and became an ordinary rubber band once again. Keito applauded.
“Nice job, Sherry. You make an excellent Whizzbang Jester Apprentice,” he grinned proudly.
“Oh! Arigato!” Sherry squealed and glomped him all over again.
“So, you're Shippou, eh? Welcome back. The ladies have been wondering where you were hiding at. I hope you intend on at least staying over the weekend so the other two Stooges get to meet you,” Keito said more seriously.
“Yes, I do. And Kouga should be arriving at some point within the next few days, as soon as he can get some time off,” Shippou nodded.
“Kouga's coming too? How's he doing?” Kagome asked, thrilled to hear the wolf prince was coming out to join the group for a little while. Sure, he might start fights with Inuyasha, but that was something she didn't much mind anymore, as long as they didn't hurt each other.
“Yes. He's doing fine. He's married to Ayame with four pups, Akiko, Taime, Ootsuki, and Aoikawa, that enjoy chasing me everywhere.”
“Oh wow. I'm so happy for him. What about the two sidekicks, Ginta and Hikkaku?”
“Goofy and bumbling as ever. Both are also married. Ginta has two kids, and Hikkaku has his first finally on the way thanks to in-vitro technology.”
“Oh, wow. Everyone's come so far. It's amazing. Even Inuyasha, with getting his parents back and making so many friends . . .”
“Yeah, apparently so,” Keito nodded. “And this poor neglected kitten on your shoulder must be Kirara?”
Kirara mewed a return greeting and Kagome blushed, “Oh, I'm sorry Kirara. Here we are leaving you out all over again.” The miko nodded to Keito, “Yes, this is Kirara.”
“Did Beth recognize you when she saw you? Or has she seen you yet?”
Kirara mewed again and swished her tails while Shippou spoke up for her, “Yes, Beth recognized her right away. She said the moment she saw Kirara, she had a ton of flashbacks of memories made with her. Mark was with her, having followed her back from lunch, but he's left already. Beth's gone to make other rounds about the building.”
“Oh, that's so cool!” Keito perked.
“Those two are hitting it off so well, it's bizarre to anyone who doesn't know the secret of their past lives. Beth is always to closed off to suitors, Mark really got lucky when he managed to get his blackmail for a date to fly,” Keito laughed.
“Blackmail for a date?”
`Damn, that was funny!'
“Yeah, apparently Beth wanted him to keep his mouth shut about what he knew about Inuyasha before Kagome had the chance to tell us her story. But, he only agreed after she promised to go to dinner with him,” Keito explained.
“Oh gods, Miroku . . .” Shippou groaned, shaking his head.
“What's this about Miroku? And I think we're having too much fun in here. Shippou, quit playing with cannons,” Beth said as she walked in, shutting the door behind her.
“I didn't do it! Sherry did!” Shippou objected.
“It was a balloon. He wanted people to see what they do his tail,” Sherry said innocently.
`You gotta do that again when I can see it, Sherry,' Inuyasha snickered.
“I did not! Keito's afro comment got me ranting!”
“Do you see a pattern here?” Kagome asked Beth with a sugar-eyed grin.
“I most certainly do,” Beth nodded with a laugh.
`That's only because we taught the two of them,' the hanyou pointed out to deaf ears.
“Hey, they're both natural red heads. Give Sherry a few years, and they'll make an awesome pair,” Keito chuckled.
“Hey!” Shippou and Sherry protested in unison, then blushed looking away from each other.
“So are you complaining because my hair is a dyed red?” Kagome asked Keito with an infamous female accusative glare.
“No, no. Not at all. Though, yours could go darker,” Keito defended quickly.
Kagome grinned wryly, “That's what Inuyasha said too.”
`Majority rule!' the hanyou cheered cheekily.
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Friday came and the group gathered in Yue's room for a massive party including all of Inuyasha's old traveling group, and Yue's circle of closest friends. Over pizza and a marathon of Ninja Turtles movies, per Keito's request, the two circles conversed and played. Between Keito, Shippou, Sherry, and Mark, the group laughed until their sides ached. Sherry and the kitsune made use of the time to again tease either other mercilessly. Beth and Mark went round about Mark's habitually wandering right hand. The Stooges traditionally argued with one another until Inuyasha was ready to smack the lot of them. By the end of the night, the two groups had fluidly merged into one. To top it all off, Keito had brought news of landing a job as a stock boy at Belks department store.
As everyone rose and left to their cars at the party's end, Sherry heading with Beth to spend the night at the farmhouse, Keito shot a wink to the lingering Kagome. The miko smiled back at him with hopeful eyes. He mouthed the word, “Gambatte.” Kagome nodded, and Keito left the room at the back of the line, shutting the door behind him. When asked why Kagome wasn't leaving with them, he told the others she wanted to stay a few minutes longer. The group seemed to accept this answer, and he mentally muttered a prayer to any gods that were listening, `Please! In the name of all that is good, let me be right!'
The night nurse, making her rounds after close, found Kagome seemingly sound asleep on the bed to Yue's left. Shaking her head, the nurse merely smiled as she shut the door back again as she departed. The moment the woman as gone, Kagome opened her eyes and panned them to Yue's face.
“So what do you think about that crazy group tonight?,” she whispered to him.
`I think it's about damn time they all came together. The comedy was an absolute riot, to boot,' he replied, even though she was still awake and, thus, couldn't hear him.
Kagome sighed, “Three and a half hours.” Getting up she walked over to turn on the radio, that Keito had already tuned to a worthy station earlier in the evening. She then returned to the bed, curling up to Yue's left side. The song currently playing was a slow one that she'd never heard before, and a minute later it had put her to sleep.
Kagome felt a strong pair of arms catch her in mid fall. Purring contently, she leaned into the owner of those arms, enjoying the feeling of his silky long hair cushioning her cheek. His scent filled her nose.
“I shouldn't be here. Keito told me to wait for the eclipse,” she chided herself aloud.
“Well, when the time comes, if something happens, this way, you'll know right away. Right?” Inuyasha argued as he sat down, leaning against the colorless walls of his confining world.
“You have a point,” Kagome agreed as she shifted in his lap until she was comfortable. Her head fit back on his shoulder with utmost ease, and she felt she could no longer lift it as the night's festivities had taken their toll on her energy level. She yawned, “Shippou and Sherry are cute together, aren't they?”
“Keh! I knew they would get along fine a long time ago.”
“Watching them reminds me so much of us, it's uncanny.”
“We taught the both of them, you know,” he pointed out a second time.
“Yes, we did, didn't we?” Kagome laughed. “Gosh, I feel so old and so young at the same time. I'm a college student, not even old enough to drink yet. But, I've fought in a war and raised a child, all in that short time that I lead a double life.”
“I feel even older. Half of me is seven hundred years old by now. The other half is only twenty-three. In a way, you're extremely lucky that you don't have the weight of Kikyou's life butting in on yours. Then again, I couldn't imagine Yue and Inuyasha being two separate people, neither.”
“That's because you're both the same person. Kikyou and I . . . I guess you could say we're sisters sharing the same soul.”
Inuyasha shuddered, “If Sesshoumaru and I shared the same soul, we'd end up killing the body we shared.”
“I've been meaning to ask Shippou about him, but I keep forgetting. Who knows? Maybe he's gone through changes just like the rest of us.”
“I have a hard time seeing that but--“
“But he did come to see you once. Even if he didn't stay very long.”
“True. But I still wonder on his reasoning behind that. Sesshoumaru never does anything unless there's substantial personal gain in it for him.”
“We'll just have to wait and see,” Kagome told him, irritated with his inability to give his brother even the slightest chance. Inuyasha just grunted.
For a long while they sat in silence, merely enjoying one another's company. Then, Kagome noticed for the first time, she could hear sound that didn't come from them. She frowned and listened harder.
“That's the radio you hear,” Inuyasha told her.
“Oh! I wonder why I never heard it before.”
“Because you were paying attention to me, silly. And the radio isn't usually on when you're here like this,” he laughed.
“Oh,” Kagome blinked, blushing at her lapse in common sense.
“You can sleep if you're tired. I'll wake you when the time draws near.”
“But how will you know? You have no clock, baka.”
“The radio, baka,” he sassed with a `duh' expression.
Kagome groaned in defeat, “Fine.”
Inuyasha started to throw out his signature “keh” remark, but he found it quickly drowned out by Kagome's lips pressing to his. Beyond that moment, he no longer cared. Wrapping his arms firmly around her, he returned the kiss as he felt a familiar fire fill him. In the next moment, he felt fine digits caressing his delicate ears. Shuddering with a deep purr, he bowed his head, allowing her to play with them as she wished. Smiling, Kagome gave them each a good scratch and rub down before kissing his nose. Then she curled up in his lap to catch a bit of sleep before the eclipse occurred.
Heaving a sigh, Inuyasha decided he wasn't at all disappointed with her decision to take a nap. The ear rub had successfully cooled the flame inside him to a cozy simmer, making him a bit groggy as well. Before he knew it, sleep had stolen him too.
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Penguine's Piece
Dun dun DUN! Hahaha, yes, I know. That was the most evil place to put a cliffhanger but I couldn't help it. It was a perfect place to chapter break.
I found it strange how well behaved Inuyasha and Kagome were this time when alone together. But then again, they were both partied out and preoccupied with other things on their minds. So, it's not really so bad. They'll have plenty of time to fuss and fight later.
The Bad News: My Dad's lost his job again. So, I will be moving to Durham, NC the week before Christmas. Therefore, between now and then, I will be very busy getting things done in preparation for the move.
I'm also on a friend hunt at the moment. The only people I know there are my sister and her family. If any of you live in the area and would like a new friend, please email me (penguine-at-mindsjourney-dot-net).
The Good News: Chapter 22 is for the most part finished. I just need to look it over one more time and make sure there aren't any adjustments that need to be made.
I'm looking for new ideas for the second half of the story. I have a few ideas of things to pull, but I would like your input. What would you like to see happen after Yash wakes? Heh, besides Margaret getting beat into the pavement. -lol-