InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Waking The Demon ❯ Chapter 03 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome felt so betrayed; tears burned her eyes as she ran through the forest blindly. Just a few minutes ago, she had returned to the past to find Kikyo standing in her place with the people she had grown to call her friends. They all put her down, called her weak and useless, a liability to the team. Even Shippo had turned his back on her, which had hurt most of all.
Her heart had been shattered as she watched her friends walk away from her and into Kaede’s hut. The miko had run for hours, she had no idea where she was but she couldn’t stand being near the village any longer. She could no longer go home; Inuyasha had made sure of that when he attacked her, destroying the well.
Kagome sat him and took off, masking her scent and aura from him.
“Well well well, look who it is,” a familiar voice drifted across her ears and she felt her heart fall to her stomach. ‘Not now’, she groaned inside of her head. She turned, her tear-filled brown eyes meeting violet orbs.
“Little miko, why are you so far away from your protector?” the youkai smirked, walking up to her. “Please just kill me or leave me alone,” she whispered brokenly, feeling his soft hand on her chin, forcing her to look up at him.
“Let go of her, you bandit filth,” an unfamiliar, cold voice entered the clearing. “Lord Tsukido, what is it to you what I do with this human,” Kuronue smirked as he turned to face the demon lord.
The demon lord smirked, his blue eyes lighting up at the challenge. “She is in my lands and I do not enjoy having bandits defile what is mine,” he growled out. “It seems you are being saved again, little miko, we will most definitely meet again,” Kuronue said into her ear darkly before disappearing once again.
Kagome shivered at the presence of the demon lord, bowing to him lowly. “Do not bow to me girl,” he ordered, stalking over to her, his hand grabbing her locket. “There is only one person I know of that has this locket, and I sent her away a long time ago,” he whispered.
Kagome’s eyes widened as he snapped the necklace from her neck. She gasped, her lip quivering only slightly as she looked up at the tall demon. “Arise my daughter, I never thought I’d see you again, I didn’t expect you to ever have to come to this place,” he said, cupping her face and wiping away the tears that stained her cheeks.
This was her father. Her heart pounded as darkness started to cloud her vision and pain shot throughout her body. The last thing she saw before she blacked out was her father catching her before she hit the ground, his icy blue eyes peering into her brown.
Kagome groaned as she woke up, sitting up from the soft bed she had been placed in. How long was she out? Her clawed fingertips ran through her hair and that’s when her eyes widened and she looked at her hands. She got out of bed quickly and rushed over to the mirror that resided across the room. Peering into her reflection, blue eyes stared back and she gasped in shock, looking over her demonic features.
Ice blue eyes replaced her brown ones; her unkempt waist length black hair had straightened out past her hips. Her hair looked silky and claws protruded from her fingers. Opening her mouth slightly, she admired the fangs that took place of her normal canines. Running her tongue over them, she continued to look herself over. Her body was more defined and filled out; her baby fat was gone and was replaced by lean muscle.
“So you are awake, my daughter,” a voice filled the room, causing Kagome to turn and stare into her father’s eyes. “How long was I out?” she asked, shocked at the sound of her own voice, it wasn’t as immature or high-pitched as it had been when she was human.
“You have been out for a week, Kagome, it’s so…nice to see you all grown up,” he said. This brought tears to her eyes but she stayed in place, the memories of her friends betraying her still fresh in her mind. “I am glad to see you, Lord Tsukido…father, but I have a quest I need to finish and shards to find, I also want revenge on my friends for betraying me and destroying my only way home,” she growled out.
“But I first need to know what kind of demon I am,” she added.
“You are a dog demon, but we are not kin to the silver inuyoukai, we are black inuyoukai; a little bit more powerful than the silvers,” he said with a smirk. “I will allow you to finish your quest but you must train first, I will train you with swords and hand-to-hand for a month, you are a quick learner, you get it from me,” he said.
Kagome nodded, “yes sir, I will agree to this training, as long as you let me go in a month to finish what I started,” she said. “We will start immediately,” the demon lord said, walking out of the room and leading her to the dojo.
A month later:
“Very good Kagome!” her father bellowed as she fought with his second in command. “Come on Kinari, don’t go easy on me,” Kagome taunted as they circled each other.
Kinari smirked at his opponent, “Kagome, I’ve never gone easy on you, you’re just getting to good for me to beat you, you are a worthy opponent,” he complimented, his silver eyes sparkling. Kagome smirked, her blue eyes meeting his silver.
Kinari was a fellow black inu with silver eyes, he was a formidable opponent if you were unfortunate enough to be on his bad side. The dog demon launched at her, his twin swords poised to defeat her.
Kagome brought her own sword up to deflect his attack, disarming him. Ducking to dodge his punch, she swung her leg out to cause him to fall onto his back. In a flash, she straddled him and had him pinned with her sword at his neck.
Tsukido clapped and gave a fanged grin as Kagome got off of his second in command. “That was an excellent fight, Kagome, I do believe that you are finally ready to go out and finish your quest,” he said as he drew his daughter into a hug.
“Thank you father,” she panted as she hugged him back and walked over to Kinari, offering him a hand to help him up. “Thank you, Lady Kagome,” he said, equally breathless. She smiled at him and sheathed her sword, wiping the sweat off of her brow. “I am going to go get ready to leave, then,” she said, bowing to her father and Kinari.
“Kagome-sama, let me accompany you to your chambers,” Kinari said as he caught up to her. “Okay, I guess that will be alright,” she said with a smile as she walked alongside him. “I am certainly going to miss you as a sparring partner, Kagome,” he said as he put his arm around her shoulders. The female laughed softly, “Yes, you are definitely a great sparring partner, Kinari-kun,” she said as she walked into her room with him.
“I am also going to miss seeing your beautiful face around,” the dog demon flirted, grabbing the young demon by her waist and twirling her to face him. A smile touched her lips and she brought a hand up to cup his cheek. “I am going to miss our nightly talks,” she whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him to her tightly.
He kissed her neck gently, “I am sure you will find a strong mate while on your journey, but if you were staying, I’d definitely ask to court you,” he said softly. Kagome gave him a watery smile when she pulled back a little to look at him. “I wouldn’t want to do that to you, Kinari, I have no idea when I will be back and I know you have feelings for our healer, Sakari; you should court her,” she said softly.
“Can I at least experience what it is like to kiss you, Kagome-sama?” he asked huskily as he looked into her blue eyes. Kagome didn’t give him an answer; instead she pulled him down and smashed her lips against his. She felt his arms tighten around her waist as he kissed her back. His lips were hot and passionate as they claimed hers, igniting a fire in her entire body as she pulled him even closer to herself.
She moaned softly against his lips and felt his tongue take advantage of the opening, the muscle slipping into her mouth and stroking against her own tongue. Her tongue played with his for a little bit before she slowly pulled away from the heated kiss, panting softly.
Kinari panted with her, staring into her beautiful blue eyes. “That is something I am never going to forget, Kagome-sama,” he whispered, his voice still husky and his eyes were full of lust for her. Kagome smiled softly, “I feel the same, Kinari-kun, I am certainly going to miss you,” she said as she pulled away completely and grabbed her belongings.
Wrapping his arm around her waist, he led her to the gates where her father and the other inhabitants of the palace were standing to see her off. Kagome smiled at each and every one of them, saying goodbye.
When it came to her father, she smiled sadly at him and felt him tug her into a tight hug. “Come back as soon as you can, Kagome,” he whispered into her hair, kissing her on the forehead and letting her go.
“I will,” she whispered before waving goodbye one last time and leaving quickly, disappearing from their sight in the blink of an eye.
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