InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Walking Among the Living ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey this is just a new fic I have been working on. I started it a while ago and only recently started posting it. I hope you enjoy!


She paused. Everything was silent. No sound was resonating from the forest that she was walking through. No sound from the beautiful trees swaying in the wind. No sound from the flowers when they brushed up against each other. No sound from the little forest critters scurrying up trees or fighting with each other for food. No sound from the deer, the bears, not even the fish splashing in the river, just absolute silence.

She started walking. She walked through the forest. She walked through the silence. She walked through the grass that was not even making the crunching sounds it makes when something steps on it … such was her life. A lonesome life, hers was. A life of dread and misery. A life, as a ghost.

She wasn’t always a ghost. No, she was once a beautiful young girl of 15. She always had everyone’s attention. Her ebony locks, seemed to shine blue in the sunlight, just like a raven’s wings. She had blue eyes, so blue that they looked like sapphires. Those eyes now were just like gems, yet those gems looked as if they were created in a sea of despair. Her pale skin used to be so full of color, but now looked, as it was white as snow. She was neither tall nor short, about 5’4”. Yet something about her shouted kindness but more so despair.

You couldn’t tell she was a ghost just by looking at her. You would just see a beautiful young pale girl of around 15. No one would think twice about her being human, let alone alive. She was unbelievingly kind to the people she came across. Most of the villages that she came to were decimated by war and disease. She offered them kindness and care. She gave them hope.

But what the villagers didn’t know was her hidden agenda. She was in fact a kind-hearted soul that was why she chose to help guide the unfortunate souls that had died to their salvation in the afterworld. She herself never went all the way with them. Though those souls begged her to come. Yet she would never, she always said that she couldn’t, she had something else to do. Little did they know that they were the reason why she couldn’t come.

The souls of the dead needed a guide. A position that needed filled until the other half of her mission would be fulfilled. A position that she would fill until that time.
She always did this in secret though, the guiding of the souls of the dead. She was frightened. Scared of what would happen if someone found out. Dreading the day she would be cast out when they knew she was a ghost. Because of this, she distanced herself from others. Never letting someone get close to her. For she was a ghost. Such was a life of a ghost. A life of solitude. A life of loneliness.

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