InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Walking Among the Living ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Three

‘A village? There’s smoke and flames. People will die… My job will continue…’ She watched. She waited. She would do so until it was over. Until she could continue to guide souls to the after life. Such was her job, her way.

“Priestess! Priestess!” A young boy came up to her.

‘Priestess? Oh yes, I forgot I was wearing traditional priestess robes.’

“Yes young one, what would you like?” She asked in a soft motherly voice. He looked at her somewhat surprisingly, for he would have never of guessed her voice could hold such maturity, though he quickly got over it.

“Priestess, please help! My village! There are bandits that are burning my village!”

‘Hmm, now I can’t just wait. This little kid, he reminds me of that man from so long ago…’

“I will do all that I can, show me the way little one.” She replied in a sweet tone, despite the fact that if you would have known her for many years, you would have caught the undertone and even longer, to know what it meant. All those people however were long since gone, leaving only her. Thus she ran after the boy that was running to his village.

- - - Village - - -

“Pitiful scum! This is what you get for not giving us the sword!” Yelled a gruff voice, hoarse and sluggish, he was obviously drunk. To add to his drunken appearance his clothes were hanging in odd positions. The black pants seemed as though they were on slightly sideways, while his mud brown long-sleeved shirt was hanging on side and was all the way un-buttoned. He had blond hair that had leaves and twigs within the low ponytail that reached his lower back. His blue eyes were focusing and refocusing, while he was holding a sword. Yet his sword was practically on the ground with the way he was leaning.

The villagers were huddling around each other, children in the middle, the elderly, then the teens and women, followed by the men. The women were to be protected, such it was in these times, and some however didn’t like it.

Before any of the villagers could respond to the bandit leader they heard a voice. “Elder! Elder! Elder!” The group of villagers and bandits turned to see who had said such a thing.
What they saw was a young boy, wearing surprisingly a long gray shirt. The shirt was obviously way too big for a boy of around five years old; it was almost dragging on the ground. Its long sleeves were so long that they too were almost dragging on the ground.
Following behind him was a young girl that could not be older than fifteen. She was wearing a traditional priestess robe and was carrying a long bow with a quiver and arrows on her back.

“Hey boss, lookie a wittle boy and a purtie girlie!”

“He! He! What’s they goin’ to do?”

“Maybe they’d tried to fight wif us. Hm, ya?”

“Shut up you simpletons! Grab the boy and the girl!”

As the three “goons” as she had dubbed them in her mind, came closing in to where the boy and she were, she performed a little trick that she had learned a ways back. It was a very useful trick; to make one’s self into solid matter when one is a ghost. Yet sometimes it was necessary to perform this technique.

The young boy bravely stood straight between and in front of the villagers and the girl, looking foreword to the bandits that had destroyed his village. His face was shinning with determinacy and he looked as if nothing could get through him.

“So ya wanna do it that way, huh?” The boss said this while looking at the boy in a sly and murderous grin. He then motioned for his “goons” to come forward.

“Stop.” A stern but very gentle voice was heard and they obeyed the command to look where it had come from. The boy had previously lost his courage when the boss’s bandit entourage was coming towards him. Thus he did what any sensible boy would do at his age, hide behind what looked like a powerful priestess.

“Well it looks like the girlie wants to command us.” When the boss said this he saw a smirk come across her face. The smirk held arrogance in it. Though it was quite unnerving to see it on an innocent looking girl as the one standing in front of him.

“It would seem, that you have already followed one of my commands.” The looks on the faces of the bandits were priceless. Anger. Confusion. Utter stupidity. All shown brightly in their drunken faces.

She looked at them. She smirked at them. She felt more alive because of them. They looked at her. Five minutes passed. They began to become angrier. Two more minutes. They yelled. They screamed. They ran in circles. They slammed into each other. They were drunk. Drunk and unconscious. The villagers stared. She stared. A dog barked.

The villagers cheered that their village was spared from more damage. Their village was smoldering, not quite burning. Smoke was coming from most of the burnt down huts. Nevertheless, the villagers were happy. No one was hurt. They could rebuild there village, but they could not rebuild lives that were lost.

She was leaving, though something caught her attention. ‘A sword? Those bandits were looking for a sword.’ She walked back to the group of villagers.

“Excuse me, sir.” The villagers looked to whom the soft voice belonged. They recognized it as the young priestess from earlier. She spoke to the village elder, yet no one knew why.

“Ah, thank you miss for helping us. Is there anything I can do to repay you?” The elder of the village asked the young girl that was addressing him. He sensed that she was different yet he couldn’t put his finger on why. ‘Hmm…Lady Fate came to me in a dream, saying that I would need to give the Holy Sword to a young woman that would come. Hmm…. I wonder if she’s the one?’

“If I may ask, Elder… Why would those bandits be after a sword?”

“They were after the Holy Sword, but I do not know the reason why, only the chosen one from Lady Fate can wield such a sword.”

If her eyes could have widened anymore, they would have fallen out. ‘So long… after so long, all those years and I have finally found it.’

“Are you all right miss?” The elder had seen the look in her eyes, and he knew now that she was the one, the one that Lady Fate had instructed him to give the sword to.

“F-fine… do you…?”

“You wish to see the Holy Sword, no?”

“Y-yes! T-that would be wonderful. I would greatly appreciate it!”

“Well, follow me.” As the elder said this, he started walking towards the forest. The villagers watched for a minute then they dispersed from their group and went their separate ways.

She followed him. They walked through a forest towards a mountain. Once they were almost out of the forest, she could see there was a shrine right below the mountain, right after the forest ended. “This way.” He started walking towards the shrine at the base of the mountain. “The sword is in the shrine.”

When they reached the shrine, she stood in awe. The shrine was made of crystal and white marble. It was tall, several hundred feet tall. The marble and crystal were carved into many sculptures of a woman. The women were all the same, yet sometimes they were of a child, a young girl, a middle aged woman or an elderly woman. They were all dressed in different time period clothes. The clothes were all kimonos, yet from different periods in history.

“The Holy Sword is inside this shrine to Lady Fate.” The elder interrupted her awe of the shrine. She looked at him in question. ‘ Isn’t he coming too?’

“Only those who Lady Fate wishes to, can enter” He interjected her thoughts as if reading her mind. With that she started walking towards the shrine. When she up to the steps, she took a breath. One step up, she breathed out. This process continued until she reached the top. She took one huge breath in and walked through the arch that signified the entrance. She let out the breath. She was inside the shrine.

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