InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We're Not a Couple! ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
We're Not A Couple!
By: Emily Mackay

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"Where the hell is she?" Inuyasha growled, a s he peered down the old Bone Eaters Well . He sighed and sat down beside it , not looking happy at all , He just sat there , not realizing that his three friends were giggling in the bushes . Inuyasha was their new source of entertainment while Kagome was gone. Just watching the impatient Hanyou grumb le about 'Missing Kagome' was priceless !
I bet two dollars he's gonna go after her in five minutes Miroku whisper ed slapping his money on the ground, he was currently kneeling uncomfortably while spying over the shrub at the Half-demons back.
Five dollars says he goes in three. Sango whispered back and slapped her money on top of the two dollars that was already there.
I say he goes back in two minute s and fifty-six seconds Shippou says and slaps down a twenty dollar bill
Miroku stared at the little fox, That's the craziest bet I've ever heard! He looked down to see a twenty dollar bill lying on top of his two and Sango's five And where did you get all that money!
Never mind that! Shippou exclaimed quietly I'm starting the watch he pushed a few buttons on the digital watch Kagome had gotten him for a present and it gave a small beep and started the timing. They all averted their gaze the grumbling Hanyou who had got up and was pacing beside the well.
Inuyasha grumbled some more, swore and kicked a few trees than after Stupid wench
He jumped into the well and was consumed by the glittery blue mist.
Shippou stopped the watch
Ha! Two minutes and fifty- seven seconds! I win! Shippou cried and grabbed the money on the ground and stuffed it in his pocket and ran out of the forest and in the direction of the village
He really scares me sometimes Miroku said while he and Sango gawked at the little Kitsune running towards the village, Sango slowly realized that he had won and gasped
That was all the money I had! She cried .
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Inuyasha jumped out the dingy, dark well and into the Higurashi's old Well House.
He walked up the old creaky wooden stairs and out of the small building; He blinked slowly while his eyes adj usted to the bright sunlight that poured over the busy streets of Tokyo. He started walking over towards the Higurashi's house and got to the door when he bumped into someone who was coming out. He looked down to see it was Kagome.
OhSorry She said apologetically and looked up at him Oh! It's you Inuyasha!
She said with a smile
You were supposed be back yesterday! The Hanyou said a tad bit annoyed.
Oh yeahSorry, I had this really important test I needed to take. I was gonna come back this evening She said slowly
Why, what have you got t o do now? He asked impatiently
Sh e didn't look like she was ready to come back , she was wearing a white tank top and blue jean shorts and her yellow backpack was nowhere in sight.
I'm going to the mall, I really need some new clothes, cause a lot go t wrecked in the last few month s that I was in your time. She said Wanna come? She asked hopefully.
Umm... Before he could answer Kagome opened the door behind her and grabbed a hat from the hook inside the door and jammed it on his head. She then grabbed his hand and pulled him to the long flight of stairs that lead down to the streets of Tokyo.
They walked for a few minutes before reaching what Kagome called a 'Bus St-op'
Your still coming back tonight, aren't you? Inuyasha asked still unhappy about the situation.
Yeah She said and smiled
'Her smile is so beautiful' Inuyasha thought 'I wonder what she'd say if I told her how beautiful her smile is ' He almost smiled too as he thought but stoppe d him self 'I can't let her know that I'm in love with her! ' He thought to hi mself , mentally shaking his head.
When the bus came , Inuyasha pushed Kagome away claiming that he had to protect her from the demon, Kagome explained that this was the bus, it could take big groups of people to different places. Inuyasha blushed and walked onto the bus glancing at the bus driver who was sending him weird looks.
The bus passengers were gawking and staring at his weird clothes and hair which made Inuyasha uncomfortable, so he just scowled and glared back at them and they averted their gaze to something else. When the bus reached the mall , they got off and were left in front of the huge glass building. Shoppers ran here and there loaded with bags that carried their purchases.
It's so big ! Inuyasha awed
Yeah I know, come on! Kagome said and dragged him through the glass door .
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Inuyasha looked around at all the stores and people when Kagome suddenly started dragging him towards a store.
Ow w w ! Do you have to pull so hard! You're going to pull my arm out of its socket! Inuyasha grumbled wrenching his arm from the school girl's grip.
Sorry! She apologized and started looking around at the stuff.
They walked around for about ten minutes in which Kagome had picked up about a dozen items, looked at them and hung them back up on the rack muttering nonsense like
NoI don't like the pattern.
Finally she found a cute short sleeved shirt; she picked out a sky blue one , and a buttercup yellow one.
Blue or yellow?" she asked holding up the shirts so Inuyasha could see.
Why are you asking me? he said defensively
Which colour you like better she insisted
But how would I know? It's not like I care! he argued back
Look I was just asking you which one you liked better! Kagome said getting annoyed 'Sometimes Inuyasha can be so stubborn but I have to admit it's kinda cute'
An old lady and her husband walked by, the lady glanced at th e arguing friends and whispered to her husband, unfortunately loud enough for Kagome and Inuyasha to hear.
Kids these days, they are married so young....and they are always arguing ! W e never did that ! D id we Richard ? H er hus band sighed and pulled her away from the two stunned friends.
Inuyasha and Kagome stood there speechless as they stared at the old cou ple's backs as they walked away and disappeared behind a rack of dresses.
Slowly they turned their heads towards each other , blushed and turned away .
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An hour later Kagome sat eating a hamburger at a table in the Food C ourt, Inuyasha sat across from her , eating his 3rd bowl of ramen. Both still had the old lay's words on their minds .
'Me and Inuyasha a couple ? Do we really look like we're married ?' Kagome thought 'I mean we're just friends! Even if I am madly in love with him.' Kagome chewed thoughtfully on her hamburger. 'But that doesn't matter, he loves Kikyou' She looked around the Food Court sadly. Inuyasha sat eating his ramen, deep in thought.
'Kagome's just a friend, is it so obvious....Oh No! What if Kagome knows and hates me! Arghh! This is so confusing!' Inuyasha thought as he slurped up his ramen and glared at people who were staring at him.
Kagome just looked off in the distance when she saw something in Inuyasha's hair: It was a leaf. A small innocent leaf.
You've got a leaf i n your hair Kagome said to Inuyasha casually.
Huh ? Inuyasha said , confused
You have a leaf in your hair Kagome repeated Right over there Kagome pointed to a spot on his head and Inuyasha reached up a hand to try to find the leaf.
Over to the right Kagome said
Where ? Here? Inuyasha just kept missing the small crumbly leaf.
Never mind Kagome said got up and pulled the leaf out of his hair giggling softly.
A woman and her dau ghter passed their table with tray s of food in their hands.
Look at that cute cou ple over there The woman whispered to her daughter not knowing that both of them could hear every word they were saying.
Where?" the little girl asked looking around
T he man with the long white hair The mother whispered quietly
Oh! T he girl is really pretty the lit tle girl giggled
Yes she is, now let's hurry and eat , Daddy is waiting for us outside in the car. She said and they walked away looking for a clean table.
Inuyasha and Kagome were speechless.
They both thought the same 'We're not a couple! Why does everyone think that we are ? !'
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After they were done eating they left and to shop again, Inuyasha was starting to get bored, as all he did was carry bags.
As they left one store Kagome glanced around but missed her three friends who were standing by a little jewelry stand.
Hey Kagome!
Kagome turned around and saw Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi running towards her
Oh hi guys! Kagome said waving.
The three of them reached Kagome and looked at Inuyasha in interest
Who's this? Eri asked
Oh this is Inuyasha; he's a friend of mine Kagome explained
Ayumi giggled and the three of them pulled Kagome away from Inuyasha so they were out of hearing reach.
Is that your violent, jealous two-timing boyfriend that you were telling us about Kagome? Y uka asked
Umm .....well.... yeah Kagome said blushing.
Didn't he try to kill a guy, because he was hitting on you? Eri asked seriously
No! I was exaggerating! He just got reallymad Kagome said hurriedly
So he isn't a violent crazed lunatic who escaped from a mental ward? Ayumi questioned
Of course not! Kagome exclaimed
I ha v e to admit he is kinda handsome said Eri said glancing at Inuyasha quickly before turning back to Kagome.
So is he still cheating on you? she continued
Kagome was so red; she rivaled the colour of a tomato.
So he is ! They exclaimed loudly She lied
"So do you love him?" Yuka said
Ummm she said quietly
Well? They all insisted
Yeahof course I do She answered quietly hoping Inuyasha didn't hear.
Awww!!! Her friends cooed
Unknown to Kagome's three friends , Inuyasha could hear every single word of what they were saying and grew redder by the minute .
Why is he wearing those old feudal era clothes? Eri questioned
U mm....well he was working for Grandpa and he made him wear them and he didn't have time to go home and change Kagome lied
Oh cool so he has a that's how you met hi m! And why does he have claws? Ayumi asked.
Uhhhh...I gotta go... its 5:00 and I gotta he lp grandpa sweep the yard. Bye! she called and walked back to Inuyasha and motioned f or him to follow, she could tell by the colour of his face that he heard every word.
They were silent as they walked through the crowds of people and back outside to the bus stop.
As the bus pulled up Inuyasha slipped his hand into hers.
You said you loved me? Do you? He whispered
Wellyeah I do She said shyly
Well you should know, I love you too. He said sweetly.
Kagome was shocked but turned to see Inuyasha smiling at her, she smiled back and then got on the bus and it pulled away and into Tokyo's heavy traffic.

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The End
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I don't know why I wrote it but I'm sittin' here with 3 pages of homework on Mexico that I have to write about, Xtapa, Iguanas, or Islands and Regi ons and I can't find any info! A nd It's due 2morrow ! But as Kagome from the BB story always said 'Don't cram if you don't give a damn' But I don't want to fail so I better get working.