InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to hell: A.K.A my Life. ❯ Sisterhood - Kagome & Sango ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Authoress Notes: Again, I'm sick while writing.. not 'cough cough/hack hack' kinda sick, but I had a fever last night, zipped up over 100.0 degree's (landing at about 100.5) first real fever in 10 years (exactly) And now, even sitting up, my body feels like it wants to be dragged back to the ground.

But, while I'm tired, and zoning, I can't sleep for some reason...maybe cause I slept from pretty much four pm yesterday to 9 am this morning.. *shrugs* We'll see what I can get done. (which will more than likely be the authors notes, and part of the story x.x need to lay down..)

So, yay.. I'm planning the next 3 or 4 chapters to be fillers, like Inuyasha episodes have them? These'll be like flashbacks and descriptions of the past, how characters met, and everything like that. I have 3 planned so far, but based on how long this chapter is, is how many chapters there'll be.

So, now with that out of the way.. on with the story.

PS: This chapter is dedicated in part to Meera for your pleading for a new update ^^ this one's for you kid!!

Update: 1/11/04

Yes, I finished it, and now off to bed with me. x.x I have class at noon and wanna get up early enough to go out to breakfast with mom (My treat!) ^^

So, yup, enjoy... 4 pages of filler fun o.o;;


Before Inuyasha came into my life, hell even before Miroku showed up on our, or should I say, Sango's doorstep, there was just the two of us. Sango and Kagome. I guess we'd become sisters in 13 years we'd known each other, almost since birth.

I was there for her little brother's birth, and she was there, in turn, for my little brothers birth. We helped eachother through all the little things, skinned knees, falling off our bikes, getting picked on in well as the big things, our first loves, first broken hearts; we were meant to be friends almost as much our parents were meant to be together.

Well, sort of.

It wasn't too long after we'd moved into the shrine, with grandfather, that daddy got sick. He was going to be travelling to Australia, for some big project. But he started getting really bad headaches, within months, he couldn't do much of anything anymore because the pain was so bad. It was around the cherry blossom festival back in 93 that they began going to the doctors a lot.

We found out soon enough what the problem was. Daddy had a tumor. Something the doctors from America called an inoperable brain tumor, cancerous.

He was in so much pain, for so long, yet he fought it; with all the hope that he'd live to see his daughter turn 8 and his son to turn 1.

And he almost did. But, he died in November....

I wasn't sure if I'd ever stop crying, and I almost didn't; but Sango was there with me the entire time, so it didn't hurt so bad.

I...never understood it, why daddy had to leave us, and mama, or jii-chan, could never explain it. And oh, Souta. Once he was old enough to talk and say complete sentences, and we were sure he understood us; mama told him about daddy. He didn't cry, so I'm sure he didn't understand too well, but as he got a little older, I made sure he understood that dad was never going to be around again, but that he was always with us.

I think that sorta kept us close as we both grew up...and gave Souta and Kohaku a reason to be around each other as well. They became just like brothers, and our family's became closer than ever. Mama, Souta, and I spent almost every day we could with Sango and her family; even going so far as to be invited to the family reunions they went to. It was a relatively wonderful life.

Until Sango's life was turned upside down. A couple years ago, just after she turned 13 there was an attack... it killed all those who were living (and of sound mind and body) of her family. There'd been a big family trip to a park, two of her aunts, an uncle, three cousins, and her parents had been there. Sango and Kohaku had too, but they'd been a bit father away.

Apparently, when they were coming back from getting snacks from a vendor, they'd heard a lot screaming, and the distinct cry of, of, youkai. There'd been an attack. Bat and Neko youkai slaughtered her family as well as a few others, in a rare show of youkai backlash.

They'd been in a gang apparently, from what Sango tells me. And they made it a point to attack humans, especially Taijiya, which they could tell because Sango's entire family had been youkai taijiya.

So, before Sango's very eyes, she saw her parents die a brutal death. And then came hell. The foster system.

In any country, the social service system is horrible for people, especially younger ones. They kept trying to split the siblings up. But after 6 months of being bounced from home to home, it stopped. Mama decided to adopt them, if only to stop the trouble.

'I owe it to Mizuki, to keep her children safe, and happy, and most of all together, besides, I love them like my own children...' was what she told me the day she brought Sango and Kohaku to perminently live at the shrine with us.

'After all, this is such a huge place, and you two are like sisters already, why not make us a big family...'

The day she'd done it, had been the happiest day of my entire life. My best friend, and pretty much soul sister, had become my living breathing, real life SISTER! I loved it.

Unfortunately, Sango had been jaded somewhat. She now held a bitter hatred of youkai, of every kind, almost in a racist fashion. It was somewhat scary. Because youkai and humans, while we aren't the best of friends, we live in peace together. But I could understand her fear and hatred of demons, I just hoped that someday she wouldn't do something she'd regret because of those negative emotions.


It was the day of my 14th birthday that proved to be the breaking point of all her anger and frustration. Since I share my birthday with the cherry blossom festival, we had a huge party but that also meant that there would be quite a few youkai about as well. Of course, most of them had taken up using a disguise to pass as a human, but due to Sango's Taijiya training and senses, she knew who was a youkai and who wasn't...

And unfortunately, just as we were taking pictures near one of the Sakura trees.. a teenager slammed right into me, and I tumbled sideways to the ground. He didn't seem particularly, apologetic as he took off, and I paid no attention to it, but Sango was enraged, she took off after said teenager, and caught him by the shoulder.

With a fierceness nobody would expect out of such a young girl, she yelled at him, in words I still care not to repeat, and threatened him, insulting him, and making allusions to his youkai heritage. Eventually she gained a full apology out of him, directly to me, after of course letting out her frustration on him and slamming him in the jaw with a lightning fast right hook which sent him flying to the ground.

His loss in concentration revealed, actually, a rather attractive young yamaneko [Mountain Cat] who didn't know what hit him, when Sango lunged at him and had to be held back, once people caught her, and dragged away for a cool down.

I helped him up, apologized profusely and sent him off hoping he bore no hard feelings.

The day was pretty much ruined, or at least the mood, so we packed up and left, having a smaller get together at home, where Sango stayed hauled up in her room all night, and Souta and Kohaku looked downright terrified of their older sister.

Yeah...I'd say life was peachy about then.


Now, what I failed to mention earlier, was this one boy.

He's a year or so older than us, but in our same grade, something about starting late - or was it cause he was held back? One of the two.

Tokudo Miroku, the teenager synonymous with lechery; was head over heals in love with my Sango.

Anyways, he'd only just moved here a month or two into our Freshman year when I noticed his...flirtatious ways with women. He'd left me alone the first day, when he asked me to bear his child, and I sent him first class into unconsciousness with my Algebra book as a no.

But, after a while, he seemed to gravitate towards Sango, who was oblivious to the young man's attentions.

I could tell, almost immediately, that he was smitted with her. His ways of actually admitting that affection left something to be desired, but I guess it was the thought that counted. Right?

Either way, Sango didn't much appreciate all the attention, especially whenever he tried to feel her up in the halls. And boy did she ever let him know.

Everytime he tried it, she'd fling something at him, smack him, knock him unconscious or just move out of the way (leaving him to fall over on his own..). Poor boy never knew what hit him, and eventually it became a game to us girls.

Everytime he made a pass at her, one of us would throw something at him, namely food or erasers, it was a reflex after a while. And thus, the point system was born.

1 point for each eraser making contact with a part of his body, 5 if it hit his face, 10 if it made contact with his forehead.

Same with food, only 2 points were added for food that made contact, 5 points if it stuck, 10 for face contact, and 20 eventually for liquid or semi-solid food like pudding or rice being flung..

It was a regular food fight almost everyday at lunch. And unfortunately my poor bentou's that mama made me ended up being sacrificed for the good of the battle.

But that's digressing. Miroku was cute, there's no way around that. A young Buddhist priest in training, I think, he was always dressed in black and purple, white and blue also came into play. His hair was a little longer than normal, and pulled back into a small rattail. But on the rare occasion he actually left his hair down, or had it PULLED out... his hair was down to his shoulders.

Poor Sango, the first day she saw him with his hair down, all fussed up, she went beet red. It was rather adorable. You could tell that she had some sort of feelings for the young houshi.

And it was from that day on, seeing the look in my taijiya friend's eyes, that the plan was bred, at least in my mind, to play matchmaker. I would someday get those two together. They'd be good for eachother. I just know it.

Inuyasha pretty much came around at the perfect time, he made for a good destraction for Miroku. Those two became closer friends, and Miroku, though never forgetting his pursue of Sango's heart, backed off a bit while hanging out with Inuyasha.

Now if only we could persuaid Inuyasha to actually become a group player it would be great. But I can't even get him to look me in the eyes, let alone have a full conversation.

But I guess not everybody's perfect...


Chapter 6 will surround itself around Inuyasha and his past. It will more than likely be longer - or two parts - because it'll take care of his mother, his father, Kikyou, and various things.. I think. I can never be too sure.. *shrugs* It may just be Sessy, Shippou, Kikyou... or various things. I have plans...

Just no way to keep them in line, lol.

So, for ya all, I'll say G'night.

