InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What I'll do for you ❯ Inuyasha tells ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

What I'll Do for You
Chapter 2
Disclaim: I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters.
It's been 3 days since Kagome was or went with Naraku thought Inuyasha. Why did she tell me not to come closer? Hell Naraku practically was acting like a lover holding her around her waist.
“For 3 days he's been like that, I wonder what is going on,” asked Shippo.
“Yeah I know, plus I wonder why he's not going after Kagome yet,” says Miroku.
“While I'm tired of wondering I'm going over there to find out what's going on,” says Sango.
But before Shippo & Miroku can stop her. She was up & moving toward the tree Inuyasha was sitting in for the past 3 days.
“Hey Inuyasha what the fuck is going on,” asked Sango.
Miroku, Shippo, & Inuyasha all were shocked to here Sango curse means she's pissed. So don't make it worse. So Inuyasha jump down but keep his face downward toward the ground.
“Nothing,” says Inuyasha.
“Don't tell me nothing I know something is up so what in the hell is going on. Where's Kagome & why are you not going after her,” asked Sango.
“Kagome either went or was forced to go with Naraku,” said Inuyasha who know not to lie to the demon slayer. He also had his head still down, glaring at the ground with clenched fists. Plus so know one could see his face with the tear strikes on his face.
“What Naraku? Why didn't you stop him,” yelled Miroku.
“She told me not to,” said Inuyasha.
“WHAT,” yelled Shippo. Who finally got out of his shock over kagome (his step mom) being taken by Naraku.
“What do you mean presay,” asked Miroku.
“I mean she told me not to come closer,” says Inuyasha.
Cause I'll do anything for her I mean hell I yell at to send her home cause I care plus (evil thought) there I can be myself without my youaki ego getting embarrassed, thought Inuyasha.
“Okay what is going on,” asked both Sango & Miroku in unison plus confused.
“While I don't know what's going on,” says Inuyasha.
He then tells how Kagome was talking to Naraku 3 days ago near the well.
At Naraku's Castle
“Why Kagome why do you still try to say you will not do what I say when you came to save him,” says Naraku.
“That's what I'm doing by not doing what you say I save them from death you bastard,” says Kagome in a claim but pissed voice. She also spits on his feet.
“Know Kagome do you really think not doing what I say will save them (evil laugh). Your wrong there my sweet pet I could easily kill them but this way with you near me it makes it hard for them to fight me,” says Naraku.
“What do you mean,” says Kagome.
What is he planning I need to get a hold of Inuyasha I wonder if I can connect with Inuyasha with my monk powers through dreams. If I can I can help Inuyasha out & make it where I do as he says & none of my friends get hurt. I'll try it tonight when I get sent to my room to sleep.
Back With the Others
“So your telling use that Kagome went with Naraku willingly but why it don't make since,” says Miroku.
“I know I don't understand either,” says Inuyasha.
“I think we should go back to the village,” says Sango.
“I agree,” says Shippo, “ Maybe Kaede knows a way for you to talk or something with Kagome with out Naraku knowing.”
Everyone was surprised that the kitsune had such wisdom. But no one gave it that much thought since he was demon & it was common for kitsune to become smart or wise at a young age. ( I don't know if its true but it makes season). So everyone packed up everything including Kagome's stuff & headed for the village.
A/N: thanks to my only review & viewer I wrote so pppppleaaaaaassssseeee review.
I know I'm not that good but I'm new so give me ideas & I'll try to see how they will go with the story.
Thanks for reading & plz review thanks.