InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What would i do without you ❯ fluffingness ( Chapter 1 )

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As if in slow motion inuyasha leapt in front of the cloud of arrows that shot through the air towards kagome
“NO” kagome screamed as inuyashas now black hair screened her vision.
Feeling the arrows pierce his chest, as a wave of pain surged through his body he keeled over.
Watching disbelievingly as inuyasha slid to the ground at her feet she felt a tear slide down her cheek, suddenly as if waking from a trance she regained the use of her brain and dropped down beside him. Lifting his head she gently cradled it in her lap “Inuyasha” she whispered gently wiping a spatter of blood from his cheek , oblivious to their war stricken surroundings “ka…gome” came a faint murmur from beneath her
“Shh inuyasha save your strength” kagome murmured her tears flowing freely down her face
“Ka.. gome … I'm so sorry” he coughed his blood spilling over his lip
Gently wiping away his blood she whispered gently “why would you be sorry, you saved my life inuyasha” stroking his cheek she looked into his eyes
“kagome I you, im sorry for leaving you so soon” he said as his eyes fluttered shut
“no, NO INUYASHA” she screamed “ don't leave me because, because I love you too” and with that she pressed her lips into his pouring every speck of hope and love in her body into him hoping against hope that as if by a miracle it would bring him back to her. She didn't know how long it had been when she broke away from him, looking down at his face she saw that his lips were turning blue and his skin had turned a deathly white, looking up from his face she gazed around or tears flowing freely once more . Seeing the sun rise suddenly from behind a cliff she let out a strangled sob `why couldn't he have made it until sunup' she thought miserably. She couldn't bring herself to look back down at him.
“Nigh” a groan erupted from somewhere below her
Kagomes eyes widened as her breath caught in her chest, looking down slowly she saw inuyashas brought amber eyes staring back up at her “inu..yasha” she murmured gently touching his cheek he smiled gently “ oh inuyasha” she cried throwing herself into his arms “ I thought , I thought…”
“no” he murmured stroking her hair “ no id never eave you”
“come on lets get you cleaned up “she said helping him up off the blood soaked battle ground. They walked for a while in silence until they came to a spring , Helping inuyasha lay down kagome removed his haori and undershirt so that she could reach his wounds “some of these are really deep” she murmured gently apply some anaesthetizing herbs
“am I gonna, argh, live?” he asked cheekily, wincing he reached up and touched her face” Kagome I meant everything I said before, ya know.” he said looking her in te eyes
“yeah I know” she said sinking down into his arms “and you know what?” she quizzed sliding one of her hands over one of his
“what?” he murmured gently stroking her hair
“I love you too” she said looking up at him, she was surprised to see a tear running down his cheek “Wh what's wrong… have I done something?”
“no , its just……… you don't know how long ive waited to hear you say that” he said putting his hand on her cheek and pulling her towards him , she leaned into the kiss as he slipped his hand around to e back of her head gently pushing her into him. When they finally broke away he gathered her into his muscular arms and holding as closely and tightly as he could without hurting her, he then placed his head next to hers and whispered again “I love you Kagome”
Sorry no lemon in this one plz r&r soon!