InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where do you go? ❯ Chapter Two: A Slip of the 'Ol Tongue ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Two: Slip of the `Ol Tongue
“Have I ever been here before…I seem to have a bad case of déjà vu!” Inuyasha thought to himself as he found himself on the floor, struggling to get up AGAIN.
Meanwhile, Kagome stood facing away from him, not showing her face, but he could smell her tears being held in, and he realized how he actually deserved more than he thought he had!
The Pillow [oh yes, it needs a capital `P', it's the All Powerful Pillow!] was simply thankful that the attention had finally turned onto someone else…who apparently, did not have telepathic powers and was in much more need of them than he was. He was amazed that someone that dense existed! Damn fine comedy, this!
“Kagome…” he started with little veins popping all over his head. “Would you QUIT USING THAT DAMNED OSUWARI ON ME!!!!!!!!!” breathing heavily from anger, he stared lividly at her, piercing imaginary daggers at his necklace but just evilness at the woman who could bring him down with a word.
“But fine! Who needs you, if you're just going to be in a stupid mood the whole time! Baka! There's more stuff to do then sulk!” he said, not knowing that in reality, he was piercing more imaginary daggers into her than into the prayer beads.
“I wouldn't use it if you weren't always such a JERK!!!” she yelled back at him, tears still in her eyes, but she was determined to never let Inuyasha see that she was crying because of him again. Wouldn't he just think that she was weak, and never come back to get her again? She had to be strong! Anger made it surprising easy, and The Pillow was very glad that she had only been depressed when her attention had been solely focused on squeezing his oh-so-wonderful-made-in-Canada-feathers out of his oh-so-wonderful-made-in-Japan-pillowcase!
Inuyasha sighed and looked away. “Why do you care that much about what Kikyou does?” He sighed again, and do feel sorry for the Evil Homework that was blown off the table from the size of it, and went on. “…If you really have to know, I didn't even expect her to do that! Now give it a rest and come on back through the well!” his face set in a sulk that was determinedly faced away from her, he didn't see her eyes widen in surprise…but then go back to a hardened glare. It was a good thing he didn't see it, because then he would have seen a look of so much pure evil [oxymoron - yay I found another one!] crammed into one face that Naraku and Sesshoumaru would have backed away and hid in fear. [Damn, they should have been there! It'd be such an awesome ending of them both!]
“Then I guess it was a nice surprise for you, wasn't it! Much better than any moments with me could be - …did I say that out loud?” she finished off with a voice so quiet Inuyasha's sensitive kawaii little inu ears could barely pick it up...but when they did…
Inuyasha's whole body went into such a spasm it seemed he had gotten an electric shock. The fur on his fuzzy ears stood on end, his eyes twitched, his fingers convulsed, so great was his surprise! It was at this moment that that little voice in his head decided to make it's appearance yet again.
“Not a bad surprise is it, Inuyasha my boy!” it said to him, mentally winking at him. Having the sense to keep his mouth shut this time, he silently yelled at it.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” he said, his face similar to that of a certain Mr. Tomato that we all know and love.
“Oh come on! Don't deny it any longer! Kikyou's a thing of the past - Kagome is hot stuff!”
“You are one hentai little voice you know that right…” he said, noticing too late that he didn't deny it.
“Ha! I was right! You do love her!” the voice shouted triumphantly.
“Nononononono that's not what I meant!” he said, but without much emphasis.
The little voice made no reply, but it's smugness filled his head. Inuyasha sighed defeat. “How about we make a deal. You quit bugging me! But if it'll make you happy I'll say that I like her. Not love, just like her. OK?” “Agreed!” said the little voice happily, and they mentally shook hands.
Meanwhile Kagome stood watching his silent conversation, with him mouthing silent words at the wall, getting red in the face as if angry, sighing, and then scowling again, all the while twitching madly. She wondered vaguely if that small slip of her tongue had killed him.
“I-Inuyasha? Are you alright?” she said in the same soothing, yet dubious tone that one might use while speaking to a crazy person.
He stiffened at the sound of her voice, but still didn't turn around. “Y-yes?” he said in a small strained voice. “Is there something you WANT from me?”
Kagome completely mistook the meaning of this and started to get depressed again. He didn't have to make fun of her…that is, if he had gotten the truth out of that sentence, which would be rare. “N-nothing…it's just that…”
“A-aa?” he muttered, face as red as Mr. Tomato and Ms. Strawberry put together.
“W-well, you're…you're twitching quite…a lot. Are you…feeling alright?” she asked, unsure whether to laugh or run.
“Anno…I'm just a little…shocked?” he finally stuttered out, in a moment of revealing his feelings, and desperately hoping there would be no psychologists around to pop out at him, yelling `And how do you feel about that?'.
She gave the tiniest smile in the history of Kagome. “G-gomen…I didn't really mean to say that…” Inuyasha sighed. “Oh great again with the apologizing…” he thought, and automatically felt the anonymous agreement from that annoying little voice.
“You don't have to apologize…” he muttered. He finally turned around to catch her staring at him and blushing, and for a while he stared back with Mr. Tomato still having a conversation with Ms. Strawberry on his face, then they both turned away.
“So! I guess we should go back to the Sengoku Jidai now then…just let me write a note for my mom. I don't have to pack; I never took the stuff out…” said Kagome, starting out falsely cheerful then trailing off feebly.
“Aa, the Sengoku Jidai…” said Inuyasha who appeared very preoccupied at the moment.
They both rushed around to do something, Inuyasha to run to the window, and Kagome to get her pack, avoiding each other's eyes madly, while half hoping that the other would catch their gaze again…but it never happened, so boo hoo for them.
Finally they set off for the Sengoku Jidai, Kagome on Inuyasha's back as usual, and sped into the night, hoping that the next time it was the two of them talking, it wouldn't be so awkward.
Ten Million Kilometers Away From the Ozone Layer, Spaceship Schmifftey Two:
“We're getting closer every second!” said Jub, in an evil fit of giggles.
“Well, that's obvious, because if we weren't, we would either be going backwards, or going no where at all! Kami! Do I have to explain EVERYTHING?” sighed an exasperated Ick, who was fed up of his companion's ramblings.
“…But in reality, we're really not going very fast at all…are we Ick? Is the nuclear-nerdy-fuel-that-took-hours-of-developing running low?” pouted Jub.
“NO! You're just impatient, so it'll seem to take longer! Now shut up!” roared Ick, sending Jub into his little corner from fear…again.
But still, it draws ever nearer…
Phew! That took a while! I got logged on by my mom ugh…I HATE NOT KNOWING THE PASSWORD! Anyway, feel free to review! Or, if you're not a member so therefore can't use the review or email stuff, you can let me know what you think at! **Don't click on it, it will just say, page cannot be found…but if you would email me that would be AWESOME! Hope to hear from some of you! Here's the Glossary!
Osuwari! - Sit!
Kawaii - Cute
Inu - Dog
Hentai - Pervert
Aa - A masculine way of saying `Yeah' in a less formal way
Anno - Um…
Gomen - Sorry
Sengoku Jidai - Feudal Era
Kami - The gods from the Shinto religion, if I'm correct!
R&R Everyone!