InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where We First Met ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Where We First Met
AN: Yes, I know it's the name of an episode. But in the end you'll see why I called it this! Kikyo works with the gang, she isn't trying to kill Inuyasha, she's actually helping to play matchmaker! Sorry Kikyo haters!
“SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT!” she screamed. Everybody sighed and Kikyo stared down into the large crater that now held a very stupid hanyou.
“Hm. Wish I'd had that when he was trying to take the jewel.” she said to Sango. Kagome was breathing extremely hard. Her eyes were shining with unshed tears and she looked like she was about to collapse.
Then she said the one thing no one had ever expected to come out of her mouth. “I despise you! I hate you! You're such a bastard!” she cried turning and running away.
A soul skimmer came to Kikyo and she nodded. `Follow her. If Naraku comes near...come get us!' she ordered silently.
Inuyasha was miraculously able to sit up. Kikyo looked at him with sympathetic eyes. His eyes held an emotion that had never been seen in his eyes. Fear.
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Kagome tripped as she ran. She felt blood coming from her knee but she stood up and kept running. She had to get away. Away from him.
His words still echoed in her head, tearing at her already wounded heart. `You're such a weak stupid human! Why would we need you here if we have Kikyo as a detector? Go home and just stay there you stupid witch!'
A sob escaped her lips as she reached to God Tree. She had thought that Inuyasha liked her at least a little bit. But apparently she was wrong. Dead wrong. Inuyasha despised her.
She collapsed against the tree hanging onto the bark as her heart broke into more pieces. She fell to the ground when she wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to keep the pieces from falling out.
The soul skimmer was watching from a distance. Then it sensed Kagura's presence. But before it could report to Kikyo Kagura had destroyed it.
`Well, so Naraku was right. It looks like Inuyasha has permanently destroyed Kagome's heart.' Kagura thought watching the girl from a distance.
She raised her fan and watched as energy surround it. She threw it at Kagome who screamed as the energy entered her. Kagura glared as Naraku and Kanna appeared before her.
“The last battle has come. Kagome will do us all a favor and bring Inuyasha down into the depths of hell.” Naraku laughed.
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Kikyo gasped as her heart skipped. The others looked at her as she looked in the direction the soul skimmers death had come from.
“What?” Inuyasha asked. His voice was deadened, tinged with a loneliness that he knew couldn't be broken.
“The soul skimmer I sent after Kagome has been killed; by Kagura.” Kikyo said. Inuyasha growled. He ran towards Kagome's scent, trying to control the fear that was building up in his chest.
He reached the God Tree and gasped at what he saw. Naraku and his incarnations stood behind Kagome, and Kagome stood with her head down in front of the place Inuyasha had once slept.
Kikyo and the others caught up to him and they all gulped nervously at the scene that greeted their eyes. Finally Kagome's eyes turned up and looked right into Inuyasha's eyes. Her eyes now held no emotion.
They were blank, dead. Then they glowed slightly with an explicable anger. Inuyasha gulped as she just stared at him. The words he'd uttered before she'd sat him so many times echoed in his head like a bad omen.
Finally Naraku attacked and the others were snapped out of their trances and began to battle against him.
Kagome walked up to him and placed a hand against his cheek. Though her eyes were still glowing Inuyasha couldn't move away from her. Tears began to fill her eyes.
“You hate me. Despise me. Loathe me.” she whispered. She turned away from him. But then something happened that brought her abruptly back.
Kikyo had shot an arrow at Naraku but Kanna repelled it with her mirror, only it shot at Inuyasha. Kagome felt her heart skip. She turned back and jumped in front of him.
“NOOOOOOO!” she screamed. The arrow struck her right in the heart, and she collapsed against Inuyasha who gasped and fell to the ground.
“Inuyasha...” she winced. His eyes filled with tears. “ to tell...” but she had died, her heart stopped beating.
In a shock Inuyasha took the arrow out of her body. He looked at her blood staining the arrow head. He stabbed it through his own heart. Before he too passed on he placed a hand on hers.
“We'll...find each other....” were his last words.
550 years later from Feudal Era-
Kagome walked down the streets of Tokyo. As she walked past an old shrine she passed a boy. She stopped; her heart pounding. They both turned around and stared at each other.
He had flowing white hair and gorgeous amber-gold eyes. He looked almost familiar.
`Kagome?' both turned away and walked in the directions they'd been going.
A young woman stood at the top of the old shrine steps.
`And so it shall begin....' Kikyo thought continuing to sweep the shrine grounds, the leaves of the God Tree blowing gently in an unheard tune.
Don't fret! I'm going to write a sequel, someday! I need to finish up some other stories, then I'll make a sequel!