InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishmaster ❯ From One Master to Another, Part 4: Tenchi ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sesshomaru let out a soft growl at the scene before him. One of his servants, a human female, lay prone on the ground before him, quite obviously dead. Jaken had already disappeared into the confines of the palace, the inkpot gone, out of his reach and rapidly disappearing. It really wasn't the imp's fault for Naraku's attack on his home and he couldn't really blame him for the inkpot containing his brother becoming lost during the scuffle, either. However, it didn't really alleviate his anger at the situation. He glared at the battlefield before him, Tokijin in hand. Behind him somewhere, Jaken could be heard ushering Rin back into the safety of the palace, though they were well out of normal earshot range. Several guards fell into place behind the youkai lord as Jaken hurried away.

Naraku had known . . . Somehow he'd known exactly who was in the inkpot that he'd been guarding rather jealously and he'd come to get it. Fortunately, the hanyou had not seen the inkpot disappear into the river that flowed next to his ancestral home. For the moment, Inuyasha was safe and Sesshomaru intended to keep it that way. Naraku smiled an infuriating smile at him, a certain smugness filling his eyes. He had made his intentions known.

`Too bad he won't be obtaining my brother,' he thought smugly as he pointed his blade at the hanyou before him. `I won't allow it to happen . . . I'll find the inkpot before he does and secure Inuyasha once more. Time to make my intentions known.'

"You've trifled with me for the last time, Naraku," he growled softly. "Prepare to meet your demise!"

With that, he charged . . .

* * *

Jaken gulped slightly as he herded Rin back into the palace. Out of all things to happen, Naraku attacking had not been what he'd been expecting. That itself had been bad enough. What made matters worse, however, had been the fact that Inuyasha's inkpot had been knocked out of his hands and out the window of the library by an abnormally strong gust of wind.

At first, Jaken believed it to be that wind witch, Kagura, behind the attack on the palace. After all, she had made it known to them once before that she wanted to be free from Naraku, even offering two fragments of the Shikon no Tama to Sesshomaru for his aid. With Inuyasha in her hands, she'd be able to free herself and defeat Naraku herself. However, when it was Naraku that showed up, Jaken began to have some doubts.

`But how could he summon up the winds like that? I thought that's what he had created Kagura for,' he thought as he secured Rin in one of the palace's underground cellars. He immediately stood over the trapdoor, his staff poised for attack. The cellar itself had been made secure shortly after Rin had become Sesshomaru's ward. He had insisted and had threatened to kill anyone who failed to comply with his orders. Plans had been made. In case of an attack on the palace (a highly unlikely event), Rin was to be taken to the cellar and guarded by a chosen few. Barrier spells had been placed to reinforce the stone walls Sesshomaru had ordered to be put in place. The only way to get in was through the trapdoor that Jaken now stood over. As much as Rin annoyed him the hell out of him, he wasn't about to disobey a direct order from Sesshomaru. And, though he would deny it if asked, Rin had started to grow on him.

`She can be quite the brat when she wants to be,' he thought darkly as he waited. `But she's also very respectful of Lord Sesshomaru. More so than most humans. For that, I give her credit. I just wonder what Lord Sesshomaru's intentions are for her. It's unusual for him to keep a human girl in his care, especially when he never kept Inuyasha. Ah well. One day I shall find out. In the meantime, I shall have to be patient . . . and pray that Lord Sesshomaru doesn't kill me for losing that inkpot.'

The sounds of a fierce and intense battle being fought slowly wafted through the ancient home and Jaken found himself trembling slightly. He had no doubts about Lord Sesshomaru's prowess in battle and that he would ultimately prevail over the blasted half-breed. The question that remained now was how did Naraku know about the inkpot and that Inuyasha happened to be the one inside.

`Could there be a traitor in our midst? No,' he shook his head. `To betray Lord Sesshomaru would be to invite death. So how? How did Naraku know?'

As he stood there, his gaze began to wander. The sounds of the battle became more and more ferocious but never drew near, allowing the imp to relax some. However, he had not relaxed to the point of becoming completely oblivious to his surroundings. As he gazed, he noted some inspects crawling around on the ceiling. Jaken's eyes narrowed. They weren't like any insects he had seen before. He sniffed tentatively then blanched.

`Curse that Naraku! I hope that Lord Sesshomaru tears his head off! Time to get rid of some pests!'

Not wanting to destroy his lord's home but desiring to be rid of those pests, Jaken racked his brain for a spell that could perform the task at hand. He couldn't simply cast just any spell. His lord would want proof that Naraku had managed to invade his home and most of the spells that he knew were of the destructive kind. He rarely had to use the lesser destructive ones. When Sesshomaru gave a command, he wanted the job done completely and thoroughly.

`What to do, what to do . . .' he scowled. He hated the position he was in. Then a wicked smile spread across his beak as the right spell finally came to his mind.

`Take this, Naraku,' Jaken gloated triumphantly as he waggled his fingers at the troublesome insects . . .

* * *


"Kouga, would you please just listen?" the wolf demoness pleaded.

"No! Absolutely not, Ayame," the wolf youkai barked. "I don't know why you were assisting that human and I don't care! All I know is that, because of him, that bitch Kagura has managed to escape me once more!"

"Kouga," she sighed, resting a hand on his shoulder. "She's defenseless now. You simply can't kill her when she's a human and defenseless . . . What would Kagome think?"

She hated bringing up that ningen girl's name. The girl had caused her more trouble than had been necessary. If it hadn't been for her, she and Kouga would be happily mated by now and she wouldn't have had to resort to contacting Abu to obtain the potion she now carried in her satchel. Of course, Abu had needed her as well but that was another matter entirely.

"Leave Kagome out of this," Kouga ground out, his hands clenched tight and his claws drawing blood.

"Then leave Kagura alone. She's out of your reach now and no longer a threat to the pack. Please . . . come with me, Kouga. Take some food then rest for a while. Please?"

"Very well," he grumbled, allowing her to take him by the arm and lead him towards a secluded clearing. Night had fallen and Ayame knew that she was running out of time. She had to give Kouga the potion before morning light or the potion would no longer be any good. Abu had been very clear as to when she had to give it Kouga. He had to have it by the third night after Market had closed. It was now the third night, the moon rising in the sky. Her time was running short.

'It's now or never,' she thought determinedly. 'Hopefully he doesn't get too suspicious.'

"Is there anything I can get you, Kouga?" she inquired. "Maybe something to help you relax? Or some food perhaps?"

"Not really, Ayame . . . I just want to be left alone for a while."

"All right . . ." she murmured. "At least let me get you something to drink."

"Fine, fine," he grunted. "Then leave me alone, okay?"

She nodded her head vigourously then took off towards a nearby stream. Abu had guaranteed her that the potion had no odor, no taste and that could be mixed with water. It would lose none of its potency, either, and that was more than what she could hope for.


`All I have to do after he drinks it is seal the deal with a kiss,' she thought as she mixed the potion with half a flask of water. `Then Kouga will be mine forever.'

* * *

Inuyasha sat cross-legged, staring dully at the wall across from him. It had been a while since he'd been able to stand on his feet. Every time he tried to, he received a painful jolt that left him immobilized. Writing had appeared in his mirror but his vision had been blurry, making it difficult for him to read what it said. Finally, he had given up trying to get out of his bed and read the mirror from his perch but the words had become illegible.

`What is Sesshomaru doing?' he wondered, his eyes unseeing. `Is he toying with me once more? Dammit, how the hell did this happen?'

He flopped backwards and let out a sigh. Nothing threatened his life . . . at least not in his contained space. All he could do was walk from one of the room to the other or in a circle. That was it.

'Strange how I'm not anxious to get out of here and do something,' Inuyasha mused to himself. 'Why is that? Is it because of what I've become? Is this what my life is going to be like from now on? A constant waiting game?'

He closed his eyes. Something inside him told him that he needed to fight, to break free from these new bonds, and to go back to the wild spirit he had been once before. It sounded very appealing to him. He loved running free, the wind whipping around him. That part of him wanted that more than anything, more than his desire for the Shikon no Tama. But it lost its voice to another, the voice that told him that, even if he were to break free, he'd never be the same ever again. An ancient power had imbedded itself deep within him and nothing could ever take that away from him. He knew it to be the truth.

'Why me, though? Was it always there? Did Father know? I know he had Tetsusaiga forged to keep my youkai blood from destroying me,' he mused, his eyelids drooping some. He'd been doing that a lot since Sesshomaru had sealed him away and he found it to be quite nice to have some peace and quiet. As much he loved her and cared about him, Kagome and Shippou had an annoying habit of always interrupting him when he had a lot on his mind. It felt like they didn't want him to think, to sort out his problems. Sure, he always got moodier than usual when he did allow himself to contemplate his troubles but he did have that right to contemplate them, didn't he?

`It's what I get for being a hanyou,' he scowled, his eyes opened partway. `They just don't understand . . . I have problems, too . . . Things I need to work out on my own . . .'

The thought trailed off as he stretched his legs out. As much as it had angered him to feel that way about his friends, the feeling didn't last. His anger had been dulled to the point where, if it hadn't been for faint flickers every now and then, it felt non-existent. A soft sigh escaped him. There was nothing left for him to do anymore except wait.

`Wait for Sesshomaru to let me out of here once more,' he told himself. `Wonder how long I've been in here . . .'

Inuyasha yawned then stretched himself out. He'd been aware of a faint rocking motion for some time now but had ignored it. For all he knew, it could have been Sesshomaru trying to annoy the hell out of it.

`Not that it's working,' he yawned for a second time. `More like it's putting me to sleep. Guess I shouldn't complain, though . . . Not every day I get a chance to relax like this. Just wish I could see sunlight once more.'

"I carry up in my arms/ I hear you sing yourself to sleep/ The sky opens over your room/ Sailing to your moonlight dreams."

"Inuyasha . . ." a voice called out to him, breaking through his sleep-addled mind.

"Hmmm?" He lifted his head up, his eyes partially opened. At some point, he'd fallen asleep and had begun to dream that he'd never been sealed away in an inkpot. It never occurred to him that there shouldn't have been anyone else with him.

"Wake up, Inuyasha," the voice stated. A feather-light touch began to caress his side. "I wish to see those beautiful eyes of yours."

"Dun wanna wake up. Wanna sleep. So tired . . ."

"You've slept for long enough, Inuyasha. It's time to wake up. We have work to do."

"Work?" he let out a yawn.

"None of that now, pet," the voice chuckled. "When we're through, you can go back to sleep."

"I'm awake, though," he murmured. "I'm awake."

"Not completely, my pet. Come on now. Open those eyes. You do not wish to disappoint me, do you?"

"No," Inuyasha shook his head. "Never want to disappoint you."

He felt himself being lifted up halfway and he struggled through the fog to open his eyes. Next to him sat . . . someone. He couldn't make out any distinct features other than a pair of strong arms, broad shoulders, and long hair. A free hand stroked his cheek.

"That's better," came the purr. "Much better. So beautiful, my little hanyou. And so perfect. Perfect in every way. I shall never let you go."

The person leaned forward, kissing his forehead then his nose then catching his lips in a heated kiss. Fangs pierced his lower lip, drawing blood. The hand caressing his side inched its way lower. He felt warm and safe, and it puzzled him when he felt a surge of panic rising in him.

"It's time, my little hanyou. Time to awaken your true power."

Pain blossomed in every inch of his body and fire, blue-white hot, consumed him. Writhing under the strong grip, he screamed . . .

His eyes flew open and a scream ripped itself from him. Wildly, Inuyasha scrambled back until he hit the wall. He gasped for air as his eyes darted around the room, searching for the person that had somehow invaded his dreams. When he saw no one, he collapsed forward and curled up around himself. His body heaved slightly. Despite his attempts to keep everything in, sobs began to wrack his lithe frame and choke him.

"A dream. It's only a dream. No one's here. No one's here. Please let it be only a dream. Please," he chanted, his arms wrapped around his stomach.

Tears fell down his cheeks but he no longer paid no heed to them. They were simply tears, after all, and there was no one there to see him cry. Inuyasha never noticed as his tears crystalized, like the single one had before, and turned into a diamond pool underneath his cheek.

* * *

Allah tore her gaze away from her mirror, a light smirk gracing her face. Unbeknownst to Abu, she'd been watching him and she had memorized what the inkpot containing her genie looked like. Allah rose to her feet with a natural feline grace.

`Well done, Abu,' she silently praised. `You have outdone yourself once more. He's a very beautiful and powerful genie, and he'll do very well in my service. Very well indeed, now that I have awakened the power that flows in his veins. Now all you have to do is get him to me before your time runs out and I come for him myself.'

* * *

Naraku raised a hand to wipe his chin, savouring the salty, coppery taste of blood in his mouth. His blood. The silver-haired youkai lord had proven to be a very formidable foe, inflicting the most damage in the fight.

`All for a simple inkpot,' he mused as he spat on the ground. Sesshomaru's steely gaze met his from across the battlefield. The youkai lord barely had a scratch on him as Naraku had been very hard-pressed to land a single blow. `Best to cut my losses now and come up with another plan to get a hold of Inuyasha.'


"Get out of my lands now, filthy half-breed," Sesshomaru intoned, his voice hardened and chilled, his sword leveled straight at Naraku. "Leave while you still have the chance."

"You have won this time, Lord Sesshomaru," he sneered, bowing his head in defeat. "But make no mistake . . . the next time we meet, you will die."

Naraku quickly turned and disappeared.

`I don't understand this,' he fumed. `I have the Shikon no Tama. It's increased my powers! I should have been able to kill him yet I couldn't! And I know it isn't because of Onigumo. He has no attachment to the youkai lord. Was he able to use Inuyasha to increase his own powers when I wasn't looking?' He shook his head then quickly dismissed the thought. `No. Sesshomaru desires the Tetsusaiga and has it within his grasp. Yet he hasn't taken the sword from his brother. I need to get that inkpot. I must know. I can't lose to anyone. Not to Kikyou, to Kagome, or to Sesshomaru. I can't. I simply can't. I shouldn't have attacked Sesshomaru, though. He's protective of what he considers his own and if he now considers that inkpot his. . .' Naraku shuddered. He'd made that mistake once before, when he'd targeted the human girl that Sesshomaru had in his care.

`But Sesshomaru is the least of my concerns now . . . I have to get that inkpot. I have to!'

Out of all of his enemies, Naraku now feared Inuyasha the most. The inu hanyou now possessed a power greater than that of the Shikon no Tama and nothing could take that from him. He'd heard about genie creation, had done some snooping before he'd sent Kagura out to retrieve the inkpot from the genie merchant, and, for the first time since crossing paths with Inuyasha, feared what the hanyou was capable of.

`But if I were to get my hands on him,' he'd reasoned. `If I were able to get my hands on him then nothing will be able to stop me.'

The thought of Inuyasha groveling before him and granting any wish that he had sent Naraku's heart racing. And there was no limit as to what he could do.

`I need that inkpot and I need it now . . . Kagura . . . I need to find her. She's key to this. She can get me close to Sesshomaru . . .'

A malicious grin spread across his face as he thought of how he'd bring her to her knees once more. Kagura wanted her freedom. He'd seen it in her eyes once.

`I could offer her freedom to her for retrieving the inkpot from Sesshomaru. Not that I'd actually give it to her but she'd do anything to obtain it, including betraying me. Oh, her hatred of me will grow, tainting the sacred jewel even more and increasing my powers through that. And once Inuyasha is mine, nothing will be able to stop me.'

A chilling laugh filled the air.

* * *

"I don't like this," Abu stated, wringing his hands. "I don't like this at all."

They had landed some time ago, at least several ri from Sesshomaru's palatial home. Kagura had not completely understood his decision but had not questioned him incessantly, like Ayame had. For that, Abu was extremely grateful but it hadn't alleviated any of his nervousness.

"Relax, Abu. I'm sure if you show Lord Sesshomaru proper respect, he won't kill you."

"You act as if you know him, Kagura."

"You could say that," she responded. "He is the older brother to the hanyou that you captured and turned into a genie. I've ran into him myself on occasion. Sesshomaru is not someone you want to trifle with."

"Great," he moaned, his face paling. "Just what I needed to hear. I took royalty for a servant and I'm now about to meet his brother!"

"I doubt Sesshomaru would mind too much," Kagura smirked. "Inuyasha and Sesshomaru aren't exactly on the best of terms. I think they've tried killing each other even."

"In my experience, even if the brothers hate each other, they still defend each other," Abu retorted. Then he sighed. "Let's go. I want to get this over with."

Squaring his shoulders, Abu started to march towards where he knew his inkpot had to be. He just had to think of something, anything, that would get it out of the youkai lord's hands and back into his. Then he shook his head.

`It doesn't matter,' he told himself. `I have to get it back no matter. I have to be willing to offer him something in return, something that can almost rival Inuyasha's powers and be of equal value. If he's anything like the lords I've had to deal with before, it's going to be hard and a drain on my resources. But if I don't, Allah will have my head. She is not someone who shows mercy.'

"Tell me, Kagura . . ."



"This Sesshomaru . . . How will I be able to barter with him? I need to get that inkpot," he declared quietly.

"I don't know," she replied honestly. "He may give it over to you willingly, he may not. It'll depend on if Inuyasha will now suit his needs."

Abu fought back his groan of despair. The Gods, he felt, were mocking him.

* * *

"Tenchi! Tenchi, it's time to come in!"

"Coming, Mother!"

Tenchi, a young boy of about eight years in age, quickly shook the water off his hands and picked up his buckets to head for home. Since the well had suspiciously dried up three weeks prior, the slightly pudgy boy had to get water from the river, like the rest of the families in the village. It had become a tedious task but Tenchi felt himself becoming stronger with each bucket of water that he carried. He had finally gotten to the point to where he could carry two buckets, unlike the other boys, who still only carried one.

'Whatever I can do to help the family,' he thought stubbornly when a golden flash of light caught his eye. Curious, Tenchi turned his head slightly to see a violet-hued inkpot with a strange shade of blue stripe and a golden jewel bobbing in the water. Given that it appeared to be made out of some strange material, he figured that it had to belong to some wealthy painter. Tenchi set his water buckets down then bent over to pick it up.

'Whoever lost this must be missing it a great deal,' he told himself. After all, if he owned such a fine item, he'd miss it, too. 'Better take it home with me.'

He shoved it into the folds of his yukata then picked his buckets up to head for home. There were things that still needed to be done before the sun went down and he didn't have that much time. He'd have to ponder the inkpot later.

"Just once," he muttered as he made his way back to his family's hut, "just once, I wish something good would happen to this village . . . like a good harvest of rice . . . or the well filling up with water again. Something so my family and friends won't have to suffer anymore."

Little did he know that his wish had been heard . . . then granted.

* * *


From the instant someone picked up the inkpot, Inuyasha watched as his surroundings changed once more. The room grew lighter as torches appeared and lit up by themselves. Dark red pillows with golden tassels mixed in with the teal, silver, and blue ones. He sniffed lightly. Somehow, the room had grown more spacious, lively even.

Then he heard a voice. A child's voice. That voice had made a wish. His heart went out to the troubled child and he wanted to help. He needed to help.

'And help him I will,' Inuyasha vowed as he closed his eyes. He envisioned the well and the rice paddies, seeing how the well had dried up and how drought had nearly destroyed the rice crop. The village would have enough for harvest but not enough to make it through the winter. His entire body tingled and relaxed as the familiar flow of power coursed through him. The word had been said. He didn't need to see his master to know what was desired.

"Your wish is my command," he whispered as his powers sought to correct everything that had gone wrong for the village. "When you awaken, everything will be all right, my master. You'll see."

* * *

"Such a kind and loving soul you have, Inuyasha," Allah purred. She'd had some business to take care of, business that had taken her away from her mirror and her viewing of her genie. But she at least knew that her genie had fallen into the hands of a child and that her genie could grant wishes, even within the confines of his home. "Yes . . . I made the right decision in requesting an inu hanyou. His tears, his blood . . . All of it shall be mine. I can taste it. Abu, you get my genie back here in time and you shall be greatly rewarded. Greatly."