InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ You Are Not Alone ❯ Shards of the Sun ( Chapter 17 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter XVII ~ Shards of the Sun

This chapter is going to be kind of sad, so be prepared, okay? I'm not too good at drama, action, or anything of the descriptive type, but I did my best, so enjoy~! *Sniffle...*

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Those eight weeks had been like a roller coaster to Inuyasha since his cousin came to stay. There was whining, complaining, pouting, even crying. But it wasn't Shippo. Wasn't Kagome, either. Inuyasha had never known that it would be this complicated to look after a little three-year-old...and a fourteen-year-old who kinda acted like one sometimes. Kagome commented that he must've been acting like one too since he kept complaining.

Despite this, he couldn't help but feel a bit of contentment at his time mostly spent with Kagome watching Shippo. It was better than doing schoolwork, he thought. That was what he had told Kagome, Shippo, his dad, brother, and himself; better than homework. But deep, deep within, he felt it as much more. With him, Kagome and Shippo together...he felt like they were all part of a small family. Of course, Shippo still got on his nerves, more and more every day, but he felt strangely protective of the little furball. Despite the fact that he teased him, called him names, even gave him hard bonks to the head at times, a tiny part hof him actually cared very much for Shippo. This was partly due to Kagome's influence. She and Shippo had developed a warm mother-son relationship very quickly, rarely leaving the other's side. Kagome absolutely adored the child, taking complete pleasure in feeding him, playing with him, and just plain hugging him to death. Shippo loved her just as much, always near her and would listen to anything she'd say. He would always come to her if Inuyasha was picking on him, in which she would scold him, and doze off in her lap whenever he felt sleepy. Seeing this got to Inuyasha's soft spot, and he couldn't help the small grin he would always show whenever he saw the two. And whenever they looked over his way, there would be such tenderness in their eyes, even if either of them were upset with him. This made Inuyasha's attitude lift a little, but otherwise made him feel like a sissy.

Even though they were all happy spending time with each other, nothing prepared them for the great tragedy that followed that seemingly short visit; especially for Shippo.

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Inuyasha was in his math class, barely paying attention and nodding off, of course, when the classroom phone began to ring and he was shocked back to reality. The teacher left the chalkboard and answered it. After a few moments, his sight drifted to Inuyasha. After hanging up, he told him that he was wanted down at the main office for an emergency; his father and even his brother were there. With a surprised and almost worried look on his face, he gathered his things and left the class hurriedly.

Kagome was in her History class, and for a moment, her glance drifted all across the room until it caught someone walking past the door in the hallway. It was Inuyasha. Something about him seemed different to Kagome. She bit her lip nervously, thinking that something must be wrong.

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After school, Kagome didn't find Inuyasha anywhere. He must've been called home, she thought. Either way, she went to the nearest phone she could find and dialed his home number. No answer. She dialed again. Still nothing. She began to get worried.

'I wonder what's wrong...?'

She thought about going to his house to see what was going on, but she figured it must've been a family matter, so she just tried to shake it off (but not really doing any good) and went home. All the way back, something kept eating at her and eating at her that something must be terribly wrong.

She found right later that afternoon when she got a phone call. It was Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha," she said relievingly. "I saw you leaving school earlier. What was-"

"Kagome, listen," Inuyasha interrupted. He didn't sound happy. He sounded urgent; extremely rushed. "Something happened yesterday that I had to get pulled out of class."

"What?" She didn't like this. It sounded serious. And it was.

"It's Shippo."

"What!? Is he alright?" Now she was scared.

"We don't know. He disappeared about an hour ago and we haven't been able to find him." he answered gravely.

Kagome felt her blood run cold. "No! How did this happen!?"

"I'll explain later. But do you think you could get your family to help out in finding him?" he asked.

She mentally gasped. Her mother was visiting her grandmother, and Miroku was out with Sango.

"My family's not here. But don't worry; I'll do my best to help."

"Thanks. Could you try looking in the park, first? I'll meet you there later."

"Okay. I'm on my way." she responded, and she hung up.

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Kagome quickly made her way to the local park, searching every bush, tree and bench for the little child. The longer she looked, the more worried she got. She kept calling the little kit's name, hoping to get a response. There was none. Soon, Inuyasha showed up and helped her in her search.

When they completely cleared the park, they traversed down the streets for him, while calling him.

"What happened, anyway, to make him run away?" Kagome asked, her voice laced with concern. Inuyasha took a deep, sad breath before he answered.

"It's his parents."

"Are they alright?" The boy shook his head sadly.

"Yesterday, they were on a plane here to come and pick up Shippo from his visit and take him home. But a sudden lightningstorm came up in their path and it hit the plane; it crashed into the ocean. There were no survivors. I got called out of school today because my dad had just gotten a phonecall from the airliners reporting the crash. Somehow, since we never told him, he must've found out, and he left."

Kagome stopped in her tracks when he finished, all blood drained from her face. She began to tremble. How could something so horrible happen to such a small innocent child? She remembered how tragic it was for her and her family when she lost her father. As young as she was; she wouldv'e done the same thing if it meant she could never see him again. And to think; this boy had lost both the people who loved him more than anyone else in the world. What kind of cruel god would cause such adversity to a little boy who was so full of joy and life, she thought? She felt a strong prick of tears at the corners of her brown eyes. She hung her head over; her eyes spilling over with tears. "Poor Shippo..." she muttered inaudibly, but above all, brokenly. "How could this happen...?"

Kagome felt gentle hands on her shoulders, and lifted her head to look into Inuyasha's burning gold eyes, which looked at her with a serious but reassuring look.

"Crying won't help anything, Kagome," he said to her. "I'm sure Shippo is doing that right now; how would he feel if he saw you the same way?"

The girl stared at him. He gave her a small grin. "Let's not find him with tears in our eyes. Let's find him with open minds so we can help him through this."

Kagome was surprised. Inuyasha had never talked like this before. Never before had she heard him so calm. Even so, it helped her to regain her composure. She wiped away her tears and smiled, but still a little broken.

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They searched all over the neighborhood, his temporary school, and other places he'd love and beg to visit. Not a trace anywhere. Inuyasha's father had already called the police to report his disappearance, but they seemed tied up in some other business, and therefore ignored their need for help. Sesshomaru even called Kagura and asked her if she could help, which she accepted. It wasn't until sunset that there seemed no hope left of finding Shippo. Inuyasha and Kagome still didn't give up, though. They kept calling for him, and searching in any place he may have been hiding. In the middle of searching, they almost passed the town animal shelter. Kagome didn't really notice it, since it was getting dark, but Inuyasha's tracks abruptly stopped right at the entrance.

"What is it, Inuyasha?" Kagome asked. The boy stood there in silence for a moment or two, and said in a calm, almost ghostly voice, with his eyes hidden:

"A young pup loves its parents more than anything. When the parents are gone, the pup is alone. It cries. It mourns. It begs and pleads for help to find love in another place; a place just as comforting and where it can feel safe. it falls starts to hopes to forget...the memories of previous and start anew..."

"But wherever it may go, whatever it may do, however things may change, those memories will forever be chained around his heart; never will he forget his long as he's still alive, and he still has hope for a future."

Reaching for Kagome's hand, he led her into the shelter. Kagome was completely baffled at what he had said. She wondered what it meant. One minute, he was blunt and obvious, the next he's speaking in riddles. She began to get a little impatient and willing to ask him what he had meant. But she stopped. She wondered if it had anything to do with Inuyasha's own past. As far as she knew, there were apparently a lot of things he kept to himself. Never willing to talk about them nor even think about them, he just moves on. Yet there is always a sign in his eyes that he can never forget. Memories are similar to unborn children in womens' wombs. When you die, they die along with you. And when they are born, a part of you remains attached to them permanently, untouched by time or action. Even so, they can be shared, and still live on. Kagome wondered if the feelings Inuyasha was describing were those of his own accord, and even Shippo's.

She stopped thinking about it when they came up to a small house of an adult female fox. There was a little fuzzball that was snug right next to her. It was Shippo.

Kagome was going to call out to him, but ceased. He was sleeping, but tears were running down his red, freckled cheeks. Slowly, quietly, and of utmost care, Inuyasha opened the metal door and reached in and picked up Shippo. The fox did not wake up.

He handed him over to Kagome, where she began wiping away his tears. He began mumbling in his sleep. "...Mama...Papa..." he called out quietly, choking out in hushed sobs. Just the sight of him made Kagome want to cry, but she held back. She wanted to be strong for him.

Then, after a few moments of quiet, the little boy's eyes began to flutter slightly open. Blurred from his tears, he saw a distorted figure above him, holding him.

"....Mama...?" he mumbled, reaching his tiny hands out to touch her; to see if she was real. His vision adjusted and he saw it was Kagome. He didn't look disappointed, but he didn't look satisfied, either.


"You've had us so worried, Shippo," Kagome told him, looking down at him with sincere eyes.

"Where's my Mama and Papa?" he asked quietly. Both stayed silent.

"Aren't they coming to get me?" he asked. Both were still silent.

"Did I do something bad? Will they still love me? I'm sorry..." the boy trailed off, brand new tears forming and spilling over his red cheeks. He began to sob. Then he started to cry hysterically.

Somehow managing not to join him in sobs, Kagome gently and lovingly pressed the young child closer to her chest, cradling him. As she stroked the back of his head tenderly, she whispered in his ear:

"They will always love you, Shippo. And so will we. No matter what you do, no matter what happens, that will never change."

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Even though their remains were never found, a small funeral was held in the local park in their memory a couple days later. The Hamagichi's came over and beat their fists over their breasts, speaking in words of reassurement and good memory. Kagome and Kagura, even though they had never actually met them, also said a few words in their honor and placed fresh flowers upon their graves.

Shippo jumped off of Sesshomaru's shoulder and walked in front of the resting places of his parents.

"Mama. Papa," he began to speak.

"I know I can't see you anymore, and that makes me sad. But I know you still love me, so that makes me happy. I will miss you, though. But I won't be alone. 'Cause I got Yashie, Kaggie, Sesshy and Uncle. They still love me. And that's good enough."

He placed both his hands on both his parents graves. "I love you, Mama. I love you, Papa. Watch over me from the nice place, please."

And with that, he jumped into Kagome's waiting arms, and they all left the park together.

As the wind blew, the flowers rustled rhythmically as the souls upon them sang to the child, watching him then and for all time to come.

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I got so emotional when I wrote this, but not so much as I would start to cry. I'm sorry if it wasn't very "heart-wrenching" enough; like I said, I suck at drama. But I just hope you enjoyed it. Thanks, and please look forward to the next chapter!!