Jubei-Chan Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ Coming to Terms ❯ Trying to live ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor moon. If you think I do you are insane. Plus, I think some of the characters are strange. Kiyonne is from Tenchi.
This chapter will be broken up into two parts: one part for Serena and the other for Darien. I am trying that out for now. If you do not like my story like that: e-mail me and I will cut the story down to one main character.
Chapter 4: New beginnings.
Part 1
Darien's mentally kicked himself for going along with this woman willingly. How could he leave Serena? What would happen to Rini? This he might never know.
Kiyonne approached him with a plastic looking card, “This is your id. I am to lead you to you private chambers to change into a uniform before you start your training.”
Darien slipped the card into his wallet while he thought about Serena. How could his live be so cruel as to give him a lovely wife and take her away? They might never meet, again.
He found his way to his room and put on his gear. To his surprise it did not look anything like he pictured it. It looked liked military gear but it was mostly black. His room seemed to have some future elements to it but not many. It looked like a later episodes of Star Trek. (A/N: Why would I own Star Trek? I am not that old.)
As he left his room he wondered down the hallway to find a cafeteria with other people his age just lunging around. Before, he could get there names a robot walked into the room. “Welcome, to the SG-4 Core Star.”(A/N: I made that up.) “You have been chosen for our new elite team of Power Rangers. You are the Stargate Rangers. Here are you morphing crystals.”
Darien could not believe this he had been choice to fight as a Power Ranger. He always thought that Power Rangers looked a lot older than they where said to be on the late night news.
He could not believe that his crystal is black. That would mean he is the black ranger. How much could one man take in a day?
Part 2
Serena watched the dishes as they sat in water. Luna meow but she did not hear her.
Luna jumped up on the counter. “Life is not always fair, Serena.”
Serena scrubbed the grill parts while it sat in the water, “You speak the truth. What am I to do Luna? This was supposed to be our home.”
Luna rubbed up against her, “Would you like to go to another place?”
Serena's eyes fog up, “What if Darien comes back for me?”
Luna sets down on the counter, “I know how you must feel but this life did not turn out like neither of us would have planed.”
Serena scrubbed harder, “Luna, I would love to leave but I only have this home.”
Luna jumped down, “Come into the forest with me.” Serena washed her hands and fallowed Luna.
“I miss him so much, Luna.”
“I do too, Serena.”
Serena fallowed Luna into a thick forest area were she could only see trees. It took forever to walk thought but when she did they came upon a town that looked decent to live in. “Luna?”
Luna walked up to her, “This is a new place where you where never Sailor moon. In fact, Sailor Moon does not exist in this place.”
Serena smiled, “Oh, thank you Luna. This means so much to me.”
“Darien is not here either.”
Serena sat down on the grass staring at the other houses. “Do you think I will be happy here?”
Luna curled up on her lap, “Only time will tell Serena.”
Serena did not like this one bit; her eyes focused on the cat beside her. “Luna I want to be my own age. I have played my dues. Sailor moon is who I am. I have accepted who I am.”
Luna meowed while staring to purr, “Serena that is all I need to here. I will turn you back. I know you will not fall me. However, things will be different. I can not promise the best life for you. This is another time, place and by entering you have became a part of it.”
Serena stood up determined to make the best out of any situation, “I will be.“
Luna pointed to the forest with her little paw. “This forest is enchanted. When ever you feel that you need time to get away you can come here. The locals are very nice but since you have chosen to stay in adult form you can not stay her every day.”
Serena watched as the small village seemed to move a slow speed. “This village is very peaceful.”
Luna meowed as Serena seemed to go off into a dream like sat. “Yes, it is but if you want to by anything in this world you must get a job here. The money in your time will not work in this time.”
Serena walked down the road slowly, “I don't know how to make money Luna. Will my education work here?”
Luna jumped up so that Serena could hold her. Serena caught her with little effort at all. “Yes, the degrees will look the same as on your planet. All you have to do is to get a degree.”
Serena looked up at the sky, “”Have you ever seen a sky so blue?”
The cat scratched at her, “Serena, I am talking to you.”
“Sorry, Luna. I just don't know what I am going to do. I am so alone in both worlds.” By this time Serena not only reverted to her normal self but she wear her favorite sunny yellow heart dress. “Oh, Luna, I miss Darien so much.”
I added more to this chapter because I though it was too short.
Serena will be going to the Wolf's Rain world to finish up her degree. She will eventually find out that she is a wolf but that is not until later.
She will also calm herself in the world of Jubei-Chan. Later, she will try to make friend with Jubei in her wolf form.
Darien is in a world where he is a member of Stargate but instead of it being Stargate SG-1 it is on a planet that has Stargate SG-4 Core Star. He will be the black Power Ranger because he always wears black in the Sailor Moon series. I know there is only one black ranger but I don't see Tuxedo Mask in Red. Tommy will always be the white ranger to me and he might be in the SG-4 for moral support.
Review. I really want to know what you think.
Possible worlds Darien could visit.
I have not seen most of the anime that were mentioned in the reviews. I have fruits basket, the inuyasha movies and Jubei-Chan.
I watched inuyasha, gw, db, Tenchi, blue seed, yu-yu, battle angel, sailor moon, eurika seven, tank police, witch hunter robin, zatch bell, wolf's rain, RK, ghost in a shell, monster rancher, and digimon.