Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Crystal Wolf ❯ Chapter 4: Nobodies in the House ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 4
Nobodies in the House

The sun glared down on the stadium and the roar of the audience was wild. Koji loved it, he was like a king and this was his kingdom. Koji and his crew walked over to the ring where Koji's first opponent waited to take him on.

Announcer: Now for the finals! We have the “Undefeatable Koji” versus . . .
Man: Enough talk!

The very large man charged Koji but Koji then caught his fist with ease.

Koji: The direct approach is not always smart.

With one hand still blocking the man’s fist, Koji used his other hand to grab his arm and flip him out of the ring. This all took place in seven seconds, it would’ve been quicker but Koji had to showoff.

Announcer: Amazing! The “Undefeatable Koji” wins again!

The audience cheers loudly for their favorite fighter. Koji walks up into the stands and sees Mitsuko. She was looking very good in her pink skirt.

Mitsuko: Hey Koji! [kisses him] I saw the match.
Koji: Over before it started. Oh man, I got to go to the bathroom.
Mitsuko: But Hiroki’s match is starting.
Koji: Be right back!

He rushes to the bathroom.

Announcer: And now for the next match we have Hiroki versus Kazuo!

Both fighters step into the ring and stare each other down.

Announcer: And begin!!!

Hiroki feriously attacks his opponent but Kazuo blocks him using his forearms. Then Hiroki leaps high in the air and flies down with a diving kick. As he reaches him, Kazuo vanishes.

Hiroki: What the hell!?!

Kazuo reappears behind Hiroki and punches him in the back. Hiroki crashes to the ground and almost rolles out of the ring. At the peak of his anger, he charges full speed towards at Kazuo.

Hiroki: Dragon Kick!!!

Hiroki kicks with such speed and force that it would've sent most men flying out of the ring but unfortunately it didn't have that effect on Kazuo. He blocked the kick and kneed Hiroki in the chest. He continued to punch and knee Hiroki till blood came out his mouth.

Kazuo: [smirks] ...
Hiroki: [thinking] Damnit no...I have to win...and fight Koji.

He send a powerful punch at Hiroki that sends him to the edge of the ring. Just as Hiroki raises himself from the ground, he sees Kazuo's foot and goes fying out of the ring with a crash.

Announcer: And Kazuo wins!!!

Koji heads back over towards Mitsuko.

Koji: That’s a relief . . . huh?!?

Koji looked down and saw Hiroki lying on the ground. He ran over to Mitsuko.

Koji: What happened?
Mitsuko: That Kazuo guy was merciless and none of Hiroki’s attacks worked.

Koji then headed down to Hiroki.

Koji: Hiroki!
Hiroki: Koji . . . kick . . . his ass . . . for . . . me.

The medics carried him away, Koji then stared at Kazuo with a fierce glare in his eyes.

Koji: You bastard!
Kazuo: [grins] You mad? Then come at me, keyblade master.
Koji: How do you know about that?

Kazuo opens his hand and a black sword appear in his hand. Then a large white creature materializes under him.

Koji: What the hell?

The audience starts to run out of the stadium but the announcer stuck around, hidden of course. The white creature had huge arms and started to swing his arms, but Koji dodged its attacks. As the creature moved forward, Leo appeared and blasted it back. He now held two white pistols. Leo also had his hood off now and had light blond, almost white hair.

Koji: Thanks Leo, what the hell is that thing?!
Leo: When someone with a strong heart; good or bad; gets turned into a Heartless, then a Nobody is born. They are the empty vessel left behind by the heart. Some turn into monsters, but others like me and Kazuo keep our human appearances with only a slight physical difference.
Koji: You’re a Nobody?!
Leo: Yeah.
Kazuo: What are you doing here Leo? The organization will not tolerate betrayal.
Leo: [smirks] I only joined to gather info and find other crystal clan members.
Kazuo: What a touching family reunion.
Koji: Who are you?
Leo: Your cousin, we’ll talk later.

Koji gripped his keyblade and charged towards Kazuo. Kazuo flipped backwards off the monster’s back and used his foot to block Koji’s keyblade.

Koji: Not bad.
Kazuo: I haven’t even got started yet.

Kazuo used several slashes then fired dark energy. Koji used a crystal shield to block it all.

Koji: [thinking] Maybe my shield can reflect attacks.
Kazuo: I’ll finish you with this!

Kazuo fired a energy blast but Koji’s shield caught it. Then he kept blasting more dark energy.

Koji: [thinking] Damn, it’s not working.

Leo flipped over the Nobody’s back and fired his pistols. The Nobody reared back in pain but acme back with his fist. Leo flew back but caught himself.

Leo: Enough of this shit!

The white stone hanging from Leo’s neck glowed.

Leo: Lion’s Roar!

White energy in the form of a lion appeared in front of him and roared. The tremendous energy waves tore through the Nobody and it deceased.

Leo: Hm . . . I’ll go help Koji.

Leo ran towards them as Koji held off Kazuo’s energy.

Koji: No Leo, this is my battle!
Leo: . . . Sure.

Kazuo fired more energy and Koji’s feet sunk into the floor of the ring and stared sliding back.

Leo: If you lose, then darkness will reign over everything. Your world, that beach you like, and . . . Mitsuko.

When Leo uttered those words, his shield glowed and forced the energy back. Kazuo took damage from his own energy and it weakened him.

Kazuo: Damn him!!!

Kazuo gathered in his remaining energy and its force was pulling in debris. he then lunged it at Koji.

Leo: Koji!

There was a huge explosion in the stadium.

Kazuo: [breaths hard] Got . . . him . . . huh?

A destroyed crystal the size of Koji laid in the ring.

Koji: Up here, Crystal Blast!

Kazuo looked up and was hit by a energy blast of crystal. Koji came down to the ground and smiled at the defeated Kazuo. Darkness surrounded Kazuo as he vanished.

Kazuo: Not bad Koji, you’re good. [frowns upon Leo] Leo, the organization will know of your betrayal. [vanishes]
Koji: He’s not dead is he?
Leo: Nope, we’ll meet him again.
Koji: Thanks cousin.
Leo: No problem, but it’s not over yet.
Koji: What do you mean?

The sky went black as night, but it was barely one in the afternoon.

Leo: Heartless, and lots of them . . .