Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Crystal Wolf ❯ Chapter 5: Heartless Invasion ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 5
Heartless Invasion

Koji and Leo ran towards Koji’s house. They reached Koji’s house only to see Koji’s father and grandfather fighting off the Heartless. The Heartless that attacked were Shadows and Neo Shadows.

Koji: Dad, Granddad!
Dad: Don’t worry, the Heartless are no problem.
Koji: How did you know?
Dad: I've heard of the legend of the Heartless before. Go defend the east side of the city then help Hiroki and the others. The Master Fighter can handle this . . .
Granddad: . . . And the Grand Master Fighter!
Koji: Ok! But where’s mom?
Dad: She’s been evacuated so don’t worry.

Koji’s father and grandfather had gained titles in the tournaments over the years and could hold their own. As Koji and Leo ran, Koji turned around.

Koji: Dad, this is my cousin from another world. I’ll explain later.

They both borrowed some motorcycles from Koji’s dad and drove to the east side of the city. Koji and Leo fought off the enormous amount of Heartless in about thirty minutes. They then found Koji’s friends. Oikawa was fighting them off with a staff. Shogo was using his street fighting skills while Hiroki fought using martial arts. The three were now surrounding by the enormous swarm of Heartless. Just as they were about to strike, the front row of Heartless disappeared into black smoke. The crystal Keyblade wielder stood smiling, gripping his weapon.

Koji: Sorry I’m late.
Oikawa: Koji, finally!
Shogo: Thanks.
Hiroki: What’s that weapon?
Koji: No time, we still got work to do.
Hiroki: Hey Koji.
Koji: Yeah.
Hiroki: Maybe we should kick it old school style?
Koji: [puts away keyblade] Yeah, why not?
Leo: Koji, what are you doing?
Koji: [cracks knuckles] Just handling things our way.
Koji & Hiroki: Let's go!!!

Hiroki went first with a kick that smached three Heartless. He ducked as Koji punched three more and traded places with Hiroki. They started to fight back to back, destroying their enemies. One of the Heartless got bold and ran up with its claws. The both of them stepped back and kicked it at the same time causing it to die instantly.

Leo: Man, look at 'em go and to think I was worried.
Oikawa: That's their double team...
Shogo: They're incredible...

After the onslaught only about one fourth of them were still alive but it wasn't over yet. The remaining Heartless started to gather in one place. A dark energy started to glow under them.

Koji: [brings keyblade back out] Something’s coming . . .

A giant Heartless pulled itself out of the ground. It opened its hands and absorbed all the other Heartless.

Leo: We should come up with an effective plan to . . .
Koji: Let’s go kick his ass, Crystal Wolves!
Hiroki, Oikawa, & Shogo: Yeah!

When they were younger they all wanted a name for their group, so Koji came up with The Crystal Wolves. They all charged the Heartless and attacked its legs. It swatted them all back.

Oikawa: Damn, it’s pretty tough.
Shogo: Shit.
Hiroki: . . .
Koji: Hmm . . . this’ll be fun.
Hiroki: Koji, this isn’t a joke.
Koji: [smiles] Never said it was! [rushed at the Heartless]
Leo: He’ll be fine.
Oikawa: Who are you anyway? [thinking] Kinda looks like Koji.
Leo: I'm his cousin.

Koji dodged strikes from the Heartless. When he got to it, he jumped on top of its arm and ran upward. It grabbed him with its left arm and threw him in the air. Koji caught himself as he came down and struck the Heartless. It was angry now and attempted to finish Koji. The Heartless made a energy blast that kept growing by the second.

Hiroki: Koji!
Leo: [held him back] Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.

Before the Heartless could even throw the energy, Koji threw his keyblade into it and caused it to explode. The Heartless was destroyed in the explosion. Dust and debris covered the area but Koji walked out with his keyblade over his shoulders.

Koji: Easy, just like the others.
Leo: Showoff.

Koji then told all of them about what had happened to him and Leo.

Leo: You should seal the keyhole now, use your keyblade.
Koji: [keyblade shines] Something’s telling me to go to the beach.

They all went towards the beach. Koji went over to his favorite tree to sleep under. A light appeared from the tree and went to the sky. He pointed his keyblade at it and sent a beam of light into it. The keyhole locked with a click.

Leo: Good, now let’s go. We must defeat the organization.
Koji: And find Mitsuko.
Oikawa: Huh?!
Koji: She’s not here anymore. My heart tells me she’s out there somewhere.
Oikawa: Aw . . . my boy’s in love.
Koji: Shut up! But remember no matter where we are, we’re the Crystal Wolves.

They all pulled out the crystal wolves that Koji had craved.

Hiroki: Good luck.
Shogo: We’ll always be here.

Leo called down his ship and they went aboard.