Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: A View to a Truth ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Laharl knew the moment he opened his eyes, he wasn't where he last remembered being. The metallic ceiling and the white light, with the smell of disinfectant was rather strong to his already extra sensitive senses.
He ignored the nurse that asked him if he was alright and just nodded towards her inquiries, and kindly asked her to leave. His head was still hurting, and he had no other injuries from which he could surmise.
“You feeling alright, hybrid?”
Laharl looked up, and spotted Nitasha entering his hospital room. She looked less panicky than before, and pretty much composed, though he could see a slight anticipation in her form.
“Just a headache,” Laharl replied. “What happened?”
“Big, that's what happened!” Nitasha walked towards the bed, and began to recount her tale.
“The moment I got to Heaven, the alarms suddenly blared… it seems someone was hacking into the Yggdrasil and there were data fluctuations everywhere!” Nitasha declared. “I was told the hacker was in the Dead Zone… in the extraction place. Did you see anyone who could have hacked into the Yggdrasil?”
“No,” Laharl replied at once.
The goddess looked at him for a moment with narrow eyes.
“I don't believe you,” she said. “You're lying.”
“About?” Laharl challenged.
“Ah, forget it,” Nitasha muttered. “Whoever hacked in the Yggdrasil though did some particularly heavy stuff.”
“Well, according to what our technicians could derive from the data streaming, the hacker had successfully attempted a soul hijack, while connecting a possible hundred of other Universes to dump its data on,” Nitasha paused. “You do know about the truth about multiple universes, right?”
“Yes, get on with the story,” Laharl urged her to continue.
“To make long story short… we can't find his soul,” Nitasha declared. “We can't find agent K2's soul in his body. It's been transferred somewhere… we don't know where.”
“How about Miyabi?” Laharl asked.
“That's kinda cold you know,” the goddess looked at the hybrid with a slight glare. “Your friend's soul is gone, and you're more interested about that goddess you were going to heal.”
Laharl gave her an incredulous stare.
“I'm a demon. I don't have friends, and blah, blah, blah. Now, where is Miyabi?”
“She's gone,” the goddess huffed. “When I arrived, you were unconscious. She was nowhere to be seen, and agent K2's soul-less body was there, untouched.”
“Thanks,” Laharl muttered in a cool tone.
“Yeah, for nothing,” Nitasha growled. “When agent K2's is soul is found, it'll be returned to him. So for the meantime, I'll watch over him.”
She glared at the hybrid.
“At least someone has to show some support for a human that helps his race's cause in the world.”
Laharl didn't bother to reply and watched the goddess leave. When he was sure she was gone, he grabbed his cell phone which was on the bed-table beside him, and called someone.
“Hello… Lloyd…” Laharl muttered in a low tone, his voice becoming slightly shaky. “It's me… Yes, I know everything's in a state of panic there in Heaven… but…”
He took a deep breathe.
“I used my Fate Alter,” he finally said. “Yeah… I'm sorry… but... he needed help. Yeah, I heard what happened and how extensive the damage is…”
Laharl sighed, and looked around a moment, unconsciously checking if anyone was going to enter.
“Can you find him?” he asked. “… I understand. Please… keep me posted, alright?”
He closed the connection to his phone. He took a deep breathe. He silently cursed… and wondered if Keitaro was out there, somewhere.
“You live here?” Keitaro asked, his eyes darting around the place. “Looks abandoned.”
“I don't exactly live here,” the woman in front of him replied. “But this is a place I rest when I stay in this world.”
“You make it sound like you don't live on Earth,” Keitaro joked.
“Not on this Earth, yes,” the woman replied, flicking a switch open. The whole room was suddenly flooded in light, and she made her way towards a resting chair, long enough for her to lie down.
“Please… sit.”
Keitaro obliged. For the first time, he studied the woman's features in more detail. The way she moved her body was also enticing to his eyes. Her skin was also pale, smooth, and unblemished.
She was very exotic, and beautiful. Her eyes were brownish red, almost similar to Laharl's, but for some reason, feel slightly creepier. And that made her dangerous to him.
“You needn't worry,” she said soothingly. “I'm not your enemy.”
“I don't know that yet,” Keitaro replied with a neutral tone. “I'm still deciding what you are… though you can save me the trouble, and just say so yourself.”
“I told you… I'm a fellow watcher of this world,” she replied easily. “Tell me…” she looked at his eyes when she asked this, “… does the term Multiple Universe mean anything to you?”
“No…” Keitaro replied truthfully. “But from the name, I can venture a guess.”
She smiled at that.
“Basically… it means there's more than one Universe,” she replied. “The place you lived, your friends… you; the truth is, there is more than one you. There is more than one Universe. You're Universe… is not the only Universe.”
Keitaro swallowed. It felt like the air was slowly grasping his neck, slowly suffocating him.
“Excuse me?” he asked.
The woman suddenly smiled, her eyes turning playful. Her body turned a bit, and faced him completely, almost as if asking him to pay attention.
“It's funny, no matter how many times it is said they always react the same way,” the woman stated. “Confused… lost… apparently, not knowing what to do.”
“You are not in your world,” she continued. “But you're a smart boy. You probably figured that out on your own…”
“You give me a lot of credit… especially for someone you just met,” Keitaro replied with a small smile.
Her hands slowly clasped against each other, held by the spaces between her long fingers, and placed her thumbs on her chin, giving Keitaro a studied look.
“I may… but I can see you're no ordinary person,” she replied carefully. “While your body may not show it… your eyes tell me everything. You live a life that some never dreamed of living. You've seen things ordinary people should never see…”
“That's an interesting theory,” Keitaro gave her a mock smile. “Continue.”
If she was insulted by his response and reaction, she didn't show. Her smile was still steady, and her form never changed.
“For the short time we spent together, I surmised two things from you,” the woman relaxed her pose. “You aren't an ordinary person… and… you've heard of me.”
“Now you're grabbing straws, lady,” Keitaro replied. “I've never heard of you.”
“Liar…” she stated at once, not really accusing, but saying it as a fact. “You've heard of me… hence why you trusted me rather quickly.”
“You're wrong,” Keitaro countered. “I don't trust you.”
“Not completely, yes,” Yuko smiled. “You didn't trust me with your real name.”
Keitaro found it odd that she mentioned that he never mentioned his real name. Didn't he introduce himself truthfully?
“My name is Keitaro Urashima,” he insisted.
“That is the name you get by, yes,” she continued. “But that is not your real name. That is not who you really are.”
She slowly slid down, and looked up in the ceiling, crossing her legs a bit, and letting her feet touch the floor, while Keitaro was still confused on what she was talking about.
“You have another name, and that name defines you… maybe you know what I'm talking about or really clueless… either way, not giving your real name is quite smart,” she smiled at Keitaro. “For example… my real name is not Yuko Ichihara, for giving your real name towards someone grants them power and knowledge over you.”
Keitaro bit his lower lip, and shook his head with a slight smile. He looked towards the woman, and studied her eyes hard, which didn't flinch or move away from his stare, but stared back without budging.
He relented, and gave an inch to hopefully gain a meter.
“Laharl mentioned your name,” Keitaro stated truthfully.
The woman looked at him for a moment, before her smile became slightly wicked.
“Interesting,” she stated. “Everything suddenly becomes clearer… the question of your appearance in this world is explained, just by being associated by that demon hybrid.”
“How so?” Keitaro asked.
“I am not the person who should explain it to you,” Yuko replied evenly, but her smile was still there. “Though I can help you with the other questions now. Just not about Laharl. Like you're question about the Universe… though I believe you got the gist on your own.”
Keitaro did, indeed. It seems he wasn't far off his earlier theories of being in a parallel dimension, but even knowing this, it didn't make him feel any better.
“Is… is there any way to get back home?” he asked.
“I believe so,” she smiled kindly. “Something like this to happen is unprecedented. It risks in destroying Universes, something I don't think gods would want. All you need is time… and they'll find you. And if not… Laharl will.”
Keitaro chuckled at the idea of Laharl going out on a limb to find him. As much as he liked the hybrid, Laharl was still an agent, and as such, ideally, is impersonal, unbiased, and all that professional stuff.
“I don't think he will,” Keitaro replied.
“I've known him longer than you,” Yuko said. “He never leaves anything uncovered or unfinished… especially since, I hazard to say, this situation is largely his fault.” She paused. “That will be the only statement I will give regarding your hybrid friend.”
Keitaro nodded. He knew she wouldn't say any more about Laharl.
“Can't you help me get back to my world?” Keitaro asked.
“I'm just a watcher… its hitsuzen, the reason you are here, and I leave my hands out of that,” she replied. “If you were in my shop, I might have offered you a wish for a price.”
“Can't you grant a wish for me now?” Keitaro asked, thinking he could wish himself back home.
“I could… but… would you accept the price of such a heavy wish?” Yuko asked mysteriously, smiling at him. “You wish to go home, I assume.”
“Yes, so what price would I pay if I wished for that?” he asked.
“The death of this Universe,” she replied at once. “Could you live with that knowledge in your heart?”
There was a moment of pause, in which Keitaro took the time to swallow what she just said.
“Of course,” she suddenly smiled jovially, “I could be lying.”
“Were you?”
“I won't tell,” Yuko replied. “I may lie about the price of such a wish… but I spoke truth about your wish. It will cause a heavy toll on your soul.”
Keitaro found himself slightly annoyed by the woman's apathy of his situation. She was playing with him, and he could feel it, and even taste it. She might not be his enemy, but she's not any less dangerous.
“About the Universe… how many are they?” he asked, changing the subject.
“Do you really want to know?”
“No… probably not,” Keitaro replied. “Can you then tell me about this world? Like… how is the supernatural situation here, and who is keeping the balance?”
“The supernatural creatures here are quite low in number, and don't attract attention to themselves too much,” Yuko answered. “There are occasional mysterious deaths, or injuries, but never pointed towards them.”
“But who keeps the balance, and defend regular people from attacks?” Keitaro asked.
“This world has mages, and of course, the samurai lineage of the Aoyama's,” Yuko nodded.
“How about the Urashima's and the Otohime's?”
“Not here,” Yuko smiled at Keitaro. “Are you an Urashima agent?”
Keitaro cursed as he unconsciously gave her another inch.
“Yes,” he said truthfully. What was the point in hiding it?
“It must be odd… suddenly finding out that your family is not an agency responsible for handling supernatural forces, nor that you are an Urashima agent,” Yuko said gently. “Instead… you find yourself in a body of another you, an ex-three time ronin who finally passed Tokyo University, and injured indefinitely before he could even attend the ceremony.”
“I'm guessing he also runs an all-girls dormitory?” Keitaro asked.
“You think coincidence, right?” Yuko replied. “I do not. It seems it's always the case for almost all Keitaro Urashima's in other Universes. The boy finds his first love in the Hinata-sou, a hotel turned to a girl's dorm. I call it the phenomenon as Love Hina.”
Keitaro frowned as the memory of his childhood friend, and probably first love… he first met Mi-chan in Hinata-sou. Her death changed his life.
“Love Hina,” he rolled those two words in his mouth.
After a moment of deliberation and thinking, he thought back on the conversation he had with this woman, Yuko, and tried to pick clues from bits of information she might have unknowingly given him…
He chuckled slightly when he studied her speaking manner and words. She was very careful with them.
“Its odd to me you know a lot about Keitaro Urashima,” he then spoke.
“Picked that out of the conversation?” Yuko smile widened. “You are a smart boy. Well… this might add to your ego, but for me, the Keitaro Urashimas on most Universes are interesting beings.”
Keitaro shook his head a bit, and gave a slight smile. She was right… it was rather ego inflating. But he didn't think about that, nor did he feel a slight jolt in pride.
He was still lost in a world not his… with a weak body, and absolutely different lineage. He wasn't in a world where he was an agent… just a regular person who after three years of failure, finally landed in Todai.
He studied his chances. Would he depend on the gods to find him? Can he trust Yuko's words, and wait for Laharl, if ever, to come after him? Why would it be his fault in the first place? And would wishing himself back home really destroy the universe?
So many questions, so little answers. But with those answers, he finally decided on his course of action.
He stood up.
“I thank you for your time then, Ichihara-san,” Keitaro stated. “It's been… most enlightening.”
“I can see,” Yuko nodded. “I shall remain here for a while, if you ever need me for more questions…”
“Or wishes?” Keitaro asked with a smile.
Yuko just smiled at him.
“Just remember, there's always a price to be paid,” she said.
Keitaro nodded, and slowly limped his way out, using his crutch as a support. He could feel the pain of his broken leg again when the pressure was put on it.
Yuko showed him out, and watched the young man walk away with great interest. Like almost all Keitaro Urashimas, they are interesting people, one after another.
“I will see you soon, K2,” she whispered softly before walked back in her rest house.
The cold night air was chilly, especially against the hospital gown that Keitaro wore, but less so than normal, as his torso and arms were covered by bandages. But the cold was not what was bothering him.
He might have looked slightly confident leaving that woman's presence, but he knew he was in fact, no more closer in getting home than he was leaving the hospital. At least he got answers, and with those answers, began to plan his course accordingly.
First in the line is to get to know the world he lived in much more intimately. Luckily for him, geography of this world and the other hasn't changed, so he concentrated more on the human factor. He needed to get to know the people here more to blend in.
Having the idea of the notion that he was not the Keitaro Urashima they knew would raise questions he didn't want. He thought of the problems and dangers it could present… the least would be being admitted to a mental institution; worst case scenario would be garnering attention he would not need.
The gods were after him, so would maybe a little attention may speed up their search, but threw that idea away when he remembered about Miyabi, a goddess who is also after him… more specifically, after his life. Where she was completely unknown to him, and so he decided to be low key, lest he risk being found by her.
His mind went back towards the scene where he met everyone else. The blonde girl, the kid he never met… he should get know her at once. He should also know the change of relationship he has with the other tenants.
Kitsune was a painful factor for him. She didn't seem to give a care about him anymore, nor did she show she had any relationship with him, other than tenant and manager… but while he could live with that, he had to keep his passion in check, and if he could, not spend any time alone with her.
She is also… older, it seems. How odd, Keitaro thought.
Shinobu didn't seem to be any different here, so he couldn't see any problem there.
KU… no… she's not KU, Keitaro had to remind himself.
Kaolla Su… he didn't know whether she was still a Molmolian princess, but since her physical attributes seemed to be the same, he could hazard a guess that she was one. But now that she isn't an agent, he wondered how to regard her…
He also briefly wondered if she was still inventing stuff.
Mutsumi… another painful factor. While she seems friendly, she acted like a big blank minded woman… which after deliberation, he knew wasn't that much different from the MT he knew. But…
He shook his head. Like Kitsune, he had to keep his passion in check, especially around her. He also noticed, like Kitsune, that she looked a bit older than he remembered.
Narusegawa… one of the odd-woman-out in this world. Unlike back home, she didn't treat him with contempt, nor viewed him as a bane of her existence. She was much nicer, treated him civilly, not because of courtesy, but because she cared. She was a tad insulted when Keitaro had addressed her formally… which means Naru and the Keitaro in this Universe seem to be close friends… maybe even lovers.
How he detested the thought.
He could say there was no love lost between him and Narusegawa of his world… he had given her chances and space to bond a sort of friendship before, but she seemed to have no memory of their earlier friendship, and treated him with loath ever since he came to Hinata-sou.
Keitaro decided then it was a lost cause, and never gave much of a thought, or another chance for the two of them to be anything other than tenant and manager.
Aoyama… the other odd-woman-out. She was still a samurai he knew, but like Narusegawa, she seemed to care for him to a certain degree. He never had much problem with Motoko, Keitaro would admit to himself. His only issue with her back home was her rather unfair and biased hatred for men.
Would this Motoko be the same? He didn't know the answer, nor would he care to do something stupid to find out.
Haruka… she isn't a U-agent, and no chance to respond with code-names. But the way she acted in the hospital showed that she doesn't act any different from H of his world. All he had to do was avoid calling her aunt.
And lastly, the last person he'd have to know is the old Keitaro Urashima. No matter how he adapts with the different people, if they have been around the former Keitaro Urashima, they'd know something would be wrong. Mutsumi, Kitsune, Haruka… they were smart women... they'd know if something was different; Narusegawa too, if she was indeed very close to the Keitaro of this world.
He'd have to find some sort of diary or journal where the old Keitaro Urashima writes on. He'd have to see his room, check his clothes to get clues on how he acts. He'd also have to see the reaction of the women around him if he does anything out of character of their view of their manager.
So much work… Keitaro thought darkly.
So, what was he supposed to do now? Get back to the hospital, get some rest? It sounded like a great idea, and he'd rather have a roof to sleep beneath and some food as well. With that thought, he slowly began to walk back towards the hospital.
“Well, well… what do we have here?”
A voice so cold, it cut the air like a knife. Keitaro knew for such a voice, it was nothing human, but someone of supernatural nature.
His heard turned right and watched with a bit of apprehension as five figures suddenly came forward. Their shadowy appearances made them much more sinister, and would have scared normal folks to an unbalance. Not Keitaro, though…
“A boy, that's what we have,” another voice cut the air.
“Cute one too…”
The second spoke in a female voice. Unnaturally high, almost shrill. The young man guessed it was another theatrics to add fear to their opponents. The statement though was rather stupid.
“Yeah… hehehehe…”
“Check if anyone is around… we don't want any witnesses…”
Pale faces, red eyes, and a nice pair of fangs for each. Keitaro knew at that moment on, he should be scared… he had no gun, his leg was injured, his body wasn't trained to fight, and he was alone.
Alone with five vampires, who look hungry.
“You must really be unlucky,” the first speaker stated. “We were looking for a couple of nice human girls…”
“And guys,” the female vampire added with a snarl.
“Ah… yes, and human males,” the first one corrected himself. “But… a solo human being… you are really unlucky.”
“We're very hungry… hehehe… hehehe…” the fourth vampire cackled a bit.
“With strong reiki to boot…” the fifth vampire, an older one, studied Keitaro.
“I'll take the first bite…” the female vampire muttered, and she vanished in the darkness, her presence re-appearing behind Keitaro. Her cold arm suddenly grabbed Keitaro by the neck, and pushed him closer to herself.
She expected a quick taste of his blood… a quick feel of his warmth beneath her fangs. But the only thing she felt was a blow right at her nose… while not really strong, was enough to hurt. She screamed, and moved away from her victim.
Keitaro had reacted automatically to his own training; though the feeling of his movements was so unnatural he cringed at the fact. Not to mention he was unbalanced because of the cast, the injuries under the bandages, and the crutch that he had on his arm.
“You… BASTARD!” she growled, holding her nose. “You HIT ME!”
“Well, you were hitting on me first, I thought I'd return the favor,” Keitaro replied back, though unlike his usual quipping, his voice was shaking.
“I was going to just suck a bit… but you're going to die!” she growled at him. “Nobody touch him! His MINE!”
“All yours,” the third vampire nodded, seemingly not caring.
The female vampire charged at him, carelessly… she was either unskilled, or overly confident. Either way, it allowed Keitaro to do some thinking and planning. He dodged her first charge, and her nails barely hit Keitaro. He tried to shift to a better position, and readied his arms as she charged in again.
He swung the crotch at full force when she came at him, blindly again, and she paid the price as the wood smacked her in the face so hard, it broke.
The force of his swing and the laws of physics probably hurt Keitaro probably more than it hurt the vampire attacking him… his wounds groaned in pain as he stretched them more than what was recommended, his cast put him off balance, and the by putting pressure on his broken leg made him fall… then add to the fact that her attack actually hit home, drawing blood from him.
Of all the things that happened… of all the pain he endured… it was the sight of his blood that bothered him the most. Vampires get off with blood, something the vampire twins taught him well during his stay at their convent, hence why all vampires are trained not to expose the blood of their victims to other vampires when they bite, as not to create competition or commotion.
If the other vampires were as hungry as they claimed, the sight of his blood would awaken their blood lust. And sure enough, the moment his blood was in the air, the other vampires slowly turned feral.
“Blood… hehehe… hehehe…”
Keitaro felt the shiver of fear for the first time in his spine as he saw the other three vampires charging in. Their fangs shone in with the moonlight, and their nails were dangerously coming close to him.
They looked like a bunch of wolves coming at him, and Keitaro couldn't do anything but watch. He wanted to move, wanted to run… but he couldn't. His body couldn't take the pain, and his leg wouldn't give him much help.
He was doomed.
“Hiken… Zankuusen!”
A burst of ki… a burst of hope. Motoko's voice sounded heavy, yet quite calm. Her attack sliced through the air, hitting a vampire to the neck, instantly beheading and turning him to dust.
The other two vampires stopped their charge, and looked in shock as one of their numbers fell. They could see the shadow of the samurai girl walking calmly towards them, her katana reflecting the light of the street lamps.
“Leave that man alone,” she declared in a cold voice.
“You're just one swordswoman! You aren't a match for me!” the other vampire sneered, and charged at her, vanishing in the shadows.
But, Keitaro thought, it would have been wiser to listen. She knew at once when and where the vampire was going to re-appear, and ducked his attack.
Her fist, infused with her ki, struck true towards the vampire's chest, stunning him there, and without any waste of time, her sword flew, and slashed the stunned vampire from his neck, killing and turning him to dust.
For the first time in his life, Keitaro watched Motoko fight, and he had to hand it to her, he was impressed. She was definitely in her element, and looked like a real samurai… but the moment was gone when he felt himself forcibly up by the last charging vampire.
“Drop your weapon, or I'll kill this human!” the vampire behind him shouted towards Motoko.
Zankuusen Ni no Tachi.”
Cold… was Keitaro's thought when her reply came swift and with almost no hesitation. The vampire behind him seemed to have frozen up before his head came off, and turned to dust, letting the young man fall down on his backside. For some reason, her ki-based attack just passed through him without harming him.
“BROTHERS!” the female vampire shouted, finally recovering from Keitaro's hit, waking him up from his stupor.
Immediately, he scanned the surrounding for the last vampire, the older one. He and the female ones were the last of the group.
“I'll kill you! I'll kill you all!” the female vampire declared, readying her claws. Motoko seemed ready as well, grabbing her katana with two hands, positioning it in front of her.
“Sister… we leave,” the older vampire suddenly appeared behind the female one, grabbing her from under her armpits, stopping her on her tracks.
“NO! I'll kill them…”
“You'll die uselessly,” the older vampire replied. “We leave.”
Whether or not his sister agreed was not heard as the older vampire vanished along with her. A moment of peace overcame Keitaro, and he finally seemed to release the breath that he had been holding for a moment.
“Keitaro… Keitaro, are you hurt?”
Keitaro looked at her, who looked at him worriedly. He found it odd to see that expression, especially from her.
“I'm fine… except for a broken leg, re-opened wounds, and that slash I just received,” he replied in an indifferent tone.
Motoko sighed in relief.
“What were you thinking, leaving your room like that!” she scolded. “Especially this late at night; it's dangerous!”
“I don't need a lecture from you, Aoyama-san,” Keitaro replied with an even tone, and suddenly regretted it when he saw her look a tad shocked.
“I'm sorry…” Keitaro mumbled after a bit. “I… I just had a bad day, Ao… Motoko, and I felt a bit desperate.”
He flinched inwardly as he corrected himself. He didn't know whether if the Keitaro she knew called her that, but she seemed satisfied with his apology.
“I understand… you were injured just when you were about to…” Motoko shook her head, and didn't finish. “We've been looking for you. Everyone's been worried.”
“Yeah… sorry about that,” Keitaro muttered softly. “Hospital was like… suffocating me.”
Motoko slowly helped him up, and gave him her shoulder to lean on.
“Thank you… Motoko… for saving me,” Keitaro mumbled as he limped with her help.
“You were lucky we passed on the young vampires,” Motoko stated indifferently. “Anyone, if trained properly, could have handled the situation as such.”
“Now you're being modest,” Keitaro laughed gently, causing Motoko to feel embarrassed.
“No, I have merely spoken the truth,” she replied with a hint of annoyance.
Keitaro didn't reply as he continued to limp along beside Motoko. Silence shrouded the two, as they walked back towards the hospital, like nothing life threatening had happened earlier. Time passed unnoticed, and it wasn't long until the hospital finally came to view, along with the other girls of Hinata-sou.
They charged in towards the two, asking lots of questions. Motoko was the one who replied, while Keitaro kept silent, studying each and everyone silently, taking into account their faces, attitude, and tone.
The girls here were definitely, at core, similar to the girls back home, even if, for odd reason, some of them were actually older than he remembered. But even with that oddity, for a moment in time, Keitaro's fears and worries vanished… only to come back when he faced the notion of life's uncertainty.
Would he be found? Would he return home? Was what he had faced earlier just a prelude, a warning, of things to come?
Keitaro shook his head, and concentrated his mind on the present.
He had a lot of work ahead of him.
To Be Continued…
Some notes:
Yggdrasil: The World Tree… though at Ah My Goddess, its portrayed as a computer that controls and/or is the Universe. Same here.
Reiki: Spirit Energy
Hitsuzen: Causality.
Zankuusen: Air Cleaving Flash
Gurenken: Red Lotus Fist
Zankuusen Ni no Tachi: Air Cleaving Flash, Second Cut
Other notes:
Laharl mentioned Yuko's name at the Crimson Daylights (Chapter 08)
Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Ja ne!