Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: A View to a Truth ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

His purple hair with blonde strands moved as he turned his head towards KU, who had finally arrived from Hinata-sou. He gave her a slight smile.
“KU… how's everything?” he asked.
She gave a jovial smile.
“It's okay! Me and Shinomu convinced everyone at the Inn that Keitaro suddenly had urgent business to attend to,” KU looked towards the lying Keitaro in the center of the room, and looked at the monitors.
“All his vital signs are normal, but his brain waves are down,” Laharl muttered.
“Kinda like in a coma, eh?” KU poked Keitaro slightly.
“Yeah… you do know there was a theory that states a comatose patient is a person whose soul has temporarily left their body?” Laharl smiled a bit. “Of course, the vast difference between a soul-less body and a comatose patient is the absence spiritual energy… chi or reiki… whatever they call it nowadays.”
KU nodded, and smiled as she brought down the large carrying case she had, and opened it, revealing a camera, and some machines that seemed to be some sort of scanners.
“So… what's the plan?” KU asked.
The door suddenly opened before Laharl could reply, revealing Nitasha, who suddenly spotted Laharl and KU on the bed, and immediately went suspicious.
“Hey… what are you doing here, and who is she!?” she demanded, her hand glowing.
“Nitasha… meet KU, a U-Agent working with K2,” Laharl replied, acting like she wasn't going to attack. “KU, meet Nitasha… K2's real partner in the rescue mission.”
“Hi!” KU greeted with her childish smile.
“What is she doing here?” Nitasha asked. The goddess still looked suspicious but dispersed the energy on her hand.
“Checking his body, and see if we can get any clues. Mana, reiki, marks or anything that might give us an indication where K2 might be,” Laharl said.
“The gods are narrowing down the uni… uh… places, already,” Nitasha looked towards KU, who seemed to start scanning Keitaro with a handheld tool. “And besides… you can ask me to check on stuff like that. You wouldn't need to use faulty human technology.”
“No offense… but having a massive search party wastes more time and resources than looking for clues… and I trust KU and her machines more than anyone when it comes to checking on K2,” Laharl replied evenly. He looked at her. “Got anything new on Miyabi?”
Nitasha looked rather annoyed when Miyabi's name came up.
“Yes… we found the technician that was using the Yggdrasil to help her,” Nitasha replied. “We're interrogating him now.”
“Show me the way, would ya?” Laharl stated, grabbing Nitasha by the arms, and slowly dragged her out of the room.
“B… but its in heaven!” Nitasha stated. “They are not going to let some demon hybrid enter! Besides… I need to stay…”
Laharl didn't listen, and dragged the goddess out, leaving KU in the room, smiling slightly at his antics. She always liked to work without anyone on her back, and he was quite considerate.
“Oh well… you really do know how to show a woman a good time, eh K2?” KU joked with a smile as she continued to scan him with her hand-held tool.
There was no wind, no feel of gravity as Keitaro floated in the air in a steady direction. The endless blue sky and white clouds surrounded him, and for the first time in weeks, he felt relaxed.
“I haven't seen you in a while,” Keitaro mumbled towards the woman with flowing blue hair, and black battle dress. She was floating right in front of him.
“It's because you've been rather occupied,” she replied with a slight smile.
Keitaro looked around slowly, and tried to gauge what position he was in today. The woman must have noticed his roaming eyes, and giggled slightly, turning Keitaro's attention back to her.
“Nothing… it just seems odd that you're looking around now,” she replied, still giggling a bit. “Before… your eyes were just on me. Have my looks lost its hold on you?”
“Oh, not that,” Keitaro answered easily. “Last time we talked… my head was on your lap. And what made it more amazing, I wasn't doing anything perverted that time.”
Her laugh was soft, tender and honest.
“Would you have wanted to?” she asked.
“At that time… no,” Keitaro replied truthfully. “I… I was rather afraid if I ever moved… I'd suddenly wake up. Like now.”
“That would be true if you were dreaming,” the woman smiled.
Keitaro's mind went aflame with that statement. He wasn't dreaming?
“I'm not dreaming?” he asked, unsure.
“You aren't,” the woman replied, nodding her head gently.
“But… I'm not awake, am I?”
The woman's smile got slightly bigger, and she slowly approached him, her hands stretched out.
“Not yet,” she answered. “Reach me…”
Keitaro felt the instinct to stretch his arms out, but he forced himself not to. Even if it might be true that he was not dreaming, he was afraid that if he moved, he'd get himself away from this woman who he found to be quite interesting.
“Trust me…”
Her voice was sincere… so sincere that he felt that she could trust her. How odd, especially for Keitaro, who never trusted easily. She was a complete stranger to him… he didn't know who she was, and where she came from. He didn't know where he was, or why he was alone with her…
There are so many questions that popped in his head. Questions he didn't know whether would be answered or not. The whole thing was as reasonable as the notion of what's good and evil… but when it came down to this one thing, Keitaro didn't listen to his agent side; the side of his mind telling him not to trust her… not to listen to her.
Their fingers entwined together, the feeling of her warmth was a surprise to him. Her smile was tender, and her clasp was strong… not strong enough to hurt, but firm enough to show that she had no malice.
They floated like this for a minute or so… Keitaro didn't know exactly how long because time didn't seem to pass him anymore. For the first time, ever since his arrival to this universe he was in, he felt no worries…
He felt free.
“How do you feel?” the woman asked after a moment.
“Better,” Keitaro replied. “The past few weeks… they were… exhausting.”
Twenty days, to be exact. Keitaro's mind had been working overtime, taking the details of each of the girl's personality and the way they acted around him. In turn he also slowly began to curb his act and name calling around them…
Everyday was a test of right minus wrong. He cannot make a lot of mistakes, because every time he slips, they would begin to suspect. But without making such mistakes, he can't gauge how the old Keitaro would act.
His aunt in this Universe wasn't much help, and rarely visited. He would have asked her to bring him his journals or anything that would give him clues, but she just said to continue writing in pieces of paper and just put them in his journal. Keitaro couldn't ask the other girls because deep inside, he still didn't trust them.
“You're off to outer space again, Kei-kun…”
The young man blinked, and looked towards the woman who was still holding on his hand. He gave her a small smile.
“I am.”
“Are you worried?” she asked.
“About the future?”
She nodded.
“All the time,” Keitaro replied.
He didn't move when the woman closed into him, her body emitting warmth as she held on him. Keitaro didn't move… he just couldn't. Everything was getting brighter, and he knew, he was about to awaken.
“I'm about to leave,” he muttered.
“I know…” she replied. “Kei-kun… no matter what happens, no matter where your heart and mind go… always remember… I'm with you… always…”
Keitaro closed his eyes as the brightness became overwhelming. Her warmth was still felt as the whole world he was currently in began to fade away. He wanted to ask her one more time for her name, but his lips wouldn't move.
Everything went to nothingness.
Keitaro wondered if he was given a gift to be surrounded by girls. From getting a faux job as a manager for an all girl's dormitory (which coincidentally, the Keitaro of this world also has the same job), having dreams of a beautiful woman, not to mention having fought two female neko lycan twins and fighting, killing and sleeping with female vampires to waking up and finding another familiar female looking at him.
Mutsumi… how could he describe her with the sun lightening her complexion? She always looked beautiful to him, and had that mature feeling about her, whether she was the Mutsumi of this world, or MT from his.
“Oh… morning Mu-ch…tsumi-san,” Keitaro caught himself again.
“Keitaro-kun,” Mutsumi greeted back. “Good morning…”
“What are you doing here?” Keitaro asked. “You do have class, right?”
“In thirty minutes…” Mutsumi looked away for a moment, unsure what to say next. “I had to come here and visit.”
Keitaro tried hard not to grin.
“You didn't have to come here, Mutsumi-san,” Keitaro said gently. “I'm about to be released. You could always visit me after school at Hinata-sou… much convenient for your time.”
She smiled.
“I know… but… I couldn't resist waking you,” she stated. “Every time you see me… your eyes look at me like you haven't seen me in years.”
“Maybe it's just the sun,” Keitaro suggested.
“You know what I mean, Keitaro-kun,” Mutsumi replied.
Yes… he knew what she meant. Mutsumi was very observant, and quite astute… just like MT back home. And she seemed to also know Keitaro a lot, and was quick to notice the difference in the way he acted now from before.
Before he could come up with another denial, Mutsumi saved him the trouble by standing up.
“I have to go,” Mutsumi said, not sounding like she wanted to.
Her eyes would never leave his, as if mesmerized by his brown orbs, trying to understand them as much as possible. She barely even looked at the watch to see what time it was. And when she did, she grinned in a silly manner.
“Ara… I really have to go… later, Keitaro-kun! I'll visit you later at Hinata-sou!”
“Bye…” he whispered, waving towards the woman who waved back at him as she closed the door. “Bye… Mu-chan…”
How hard he resisted not to talk sweet nothings to her! How hard it was trying not to look depressed that the Mutsumi here isn't the MT he knew! All these feelings, Keitaro had kept locked in his heart, and would gladly do so until he returned back to his world.
But… I can't keep going like this… Keitaro thought darkly.
He wished the gods would find him quickly. He wished Laharl would… he wished he could just return home. But after the slight moment of hesitation, he steeled his will. He took deep breathes.
In hours time, the doctor would come back and clear him. Then, he'd take the train home, where he'll go at once to the Manager's room, and get to reading whatever the old Keitaro left as a journal. He had to know how the Keitaro of this world worked.
Keitaro arrived in this world's Hinata-sou at April 21, during the afternoon, where he had guessed, would most likely be empty. The tenants should be in their classes. His aunt was at the tea house, which he passed earlier just to greet her, and made his way up on the long winding stairs.
His leg was still in a cast, but hurt less when placed in pressure. On both sides of his arm were crutches, though instead being made of wood, settled for something sturdier, like aluminum. You never know when you find yourself fighting vampires and need a nice weapon to bash their faces in.
Keitaro was about to move in when he spotted a turtle on the ground, waving its big paddle arms at him. For a moment, Keitaro's mind went blank when he saw Tama-chan. He chuckled, and shook his head.
“Unbelievable,” he whispered. “Even here… Keitaro gets a turtle…”
He wondered briefly if Tama-chan was a Hot Spring Divine Turtle, but was not tempted to try and hit her with his crutch. He'd either hurt the turtle or damage his aid, both options were unwelcome. He liked Tama-chan, and needed his crutch.
“Oh no…!”
Keitaro suddenly looked up as the front door slid open. He was wrong… it seemed there were still people in Hinata-sou. Naru came out, looking a bit disheveled, but hid it as she straightened herself up, and exited towards the grounds.
“Can't make it to the third period… what do I…” she suddenly spotted Keitaro on the grounds, who smiled, rather nervously at her, and waved. “Keitaro!”
“Hey Naru-san,” Keitaro greeted. “You better hurry if you wanna catch up in class.”
Naru cringed.
“Yeah…” Naru started to walk briskly towards the stairs.
Keitaro watched her leave without much thought. He liked it better this way… he could keep things impersonal between them for a bit, which was something he didn't need to fake. Though… what he did need to think about were reasons to not be around her.
“Still haven't attended classes at Tokyo U?” a voice suddenly called.
Keitaro turned around, and spotted Kitsune sitting in one of the rocks at the grounds, wearing a nice sleeveless shirt and that exposed her long slender arms and neck, and shorts that revealed her long, well formed legs. She had that foxy expression on her face, and carried a beer can in her hand.
“Nope…” Keitaro smiled slightly. “Isn't it a bit early to drink?”
“It's never too early to drink,” Kitsune replied as she took a swig on her can.
Keitaro chuckled.
“Kitsune, can I j…” Keitaro stopped right there. He mentally cursed. “I mean… I'm gonna be in my room for a while…”
Kitsune looked at him oddly, her lips touching the can.
“Sure…” she mumbled.
Keitaro smiled, and walked away before he would make a mistake… probably. Did the Keitaro of this world have drinks with Kitsune like he did back home?
Keitaro opened the door, and went in, looking at the interior of Hinata-sou. His early evaluation of the place was it wasn't really any different from where he came from. The place looked old, yet magnificently kept well and cleaned… though after a good while, after roaming around a bit, he spotted one difference between this Hinata-sou to the one back home.
For some reason, some of the walls, and at times, floors and ceilings were newly fixed. The wood in some of those areas were remarkably new… a few months ago, most probably. It was like this dormitory always seemed to be repaired. Keitaro could only guess that it was either suffering from the worst case of termites he'd ever seen, or someone's been using this dorm as a war place.
Well, termites or no, Keitaro had to admit this place was worse for wear than back at his home… though once he thought about it, it made sense. Hinata-sou in his world housed the Stone of Dreams, and was a property of the U-Agency. Did this dorm house anything? Does it have anything supernatural in its sleeves? K2 would never know, and most likely, the Keitaro in this world didn't as well.
He slid the door open, and went in. He shut the door behind him, and looked at the manager's room for a moment.
First thing Keitaro saw was a mess of test books for Tokyo University. The next he saw nothing else which struck him as odd… it wasn't a place neatly stacked nor was it a complete garbage dump. The word which popped out of his mind was `average'.
Well… time to get to work.
Five days passed. Keitaro was amazed at all the material he had gathered just from those five days.
He sat on the ground, and in front of him were three things that K2 found most useful when trying to delve in the mind of Keitaro Urashima. There was a photo sticker album, a sketch book, and the journal he just found two days ago.
The journal, much to K2's surprise, was under one of the drawers, well hidden by an extra piece of wood. It seems like Keitaro didn't want anyone reading it because it contained very detailed accounts on Keitaro's present life and thoughts. K2 found great interest in reading it for the past two days.
The photo sticker album revealed a lot about Keitaro's early life. From his pose, his smile, and his lone figure in almost every sticker, K2 knew that the Keitaro here was a sort of loner. It would mean a lot of things, and almost nothing substantial, but still good evidence… though the sticker of Keitaro together with Naru that represented a change in his lonely lifestyle.
Suffice to say, K2 knew Keitaro had fallen for this girl.
The sketch book proved his theory more, though it held some nice insights as well. The first half of the book was filled with drawings of different women in multiple stages of, if not totally, undress.
The next half, probably at the start of the time the Keitaro of this world began to live here, were now drawings of the tenants, each drawn as Keitaro seemed to view them. K2 laughed.
The first drawings of Motoko were inspired by western witches… in those drawings, she wore big black pointy hats, with matching black cape. She also had a big nodachi in her hand, and looked menacing. Kendo witch was the first name that popped in his head. In the end though… her images were looking much more normal, and in different clothing; though there was an unfinished `naked' Motoko sketch here.
Narusegawa's first few drawings were like Motoko's, but there was a noticeable difference. There were less `Demon Naru' drawings then `Kendo Witch Motoko' drawings. Her normal images though were done softly, and Keitaro put a lot of effort in them. There was one finished `naked' Naru drawing here though… and it was quite accurate in K2's opinion.
Shinobu was drawn as well… though most of them were pretty normal. Not anything special, but was still drawn with effort.
Su's drawings were very different. There was normal Su, demon Su, Su riding a bit metallic turtle (K2 read the name Mecha-Tama on it) and there was `mad scientist' Su. It seems that Kaolla here isn't much different from KU back home when it comes to inventions.
Kitsune's though got him to laugh. Seems Keitaro knew how to draw furry characters. Kitsune was… a kitsune. She had fox ears, fox tail, and different stages of furriness. Some were clothed… some were naked, but since she was covered in fur on those, it wasn't strictly an erotic drawing.
“Oooh, cute… that's how you see me, eh?”
Keitaro suddenly closed the sketch book, his heart jumped slightly. He turned and looked towards Kitsune, who had a small sake bottle on her hand, smiling at him.
She must have entered as he concentrated on the sketch book.
“Kitsune…” Keitaro greeted rather calmly. “What's wrong?”
Kitsune gave him a studied look, and he found himself slightly uncomfortable in her gaze. After a moment, she let up, and moved slightly away, taking a swig at her bottle.
“I should ask you that,” Kitsune replied. She sat down on the floor, and gave him a small frown. “Everyone's been talking about you.”
“Why?” Keitaro asked.
“You've been acting really strange,” Kitsune stated. “You seem to try acting like something's not bothering you…”
“Nothing's bothering me… really…” Keitaro smiled nervously.
“Yes there is,” Kitsune gave him a frown. “See? Even now, its like you're forcing yourself to act normal… but we can all see it's not the case.
“We've lived together for what… a year or so already?” Kitsune paused. “You may have been one of the weirdest guys I ever met… but you always backed into a pattern which some of us recognize… and we know you're forcing yourself.”
She plopped beside him, and her arms suddenly went around Keitaro who nervously tried to free himself. She smiled, and put her head on his shoulders, and whispered in it seductively.
“So… tell your big sister everything that's bothering you.”
K2 couldn't help but grin at her actions. He shook his head, relaxed a moment. His mind looked back at Keitaro's journal and remembered some notes about Kitsune and formulated a very risky plan… a plan, Keitaro hoped, would pay off.
Screw acting like the old Keitaro… if everyone were talking about him because he seemed to be acting too hard to be `normal' (for K2, it means acting like Keitaro) as Kitsune claimed, then he had to act as close as he normally does. Of course, acting as himself would get the tenants more suspicious… but if K2 could only establish a reason… a valid and obvious reason… he could play Keitaro a bit out of character without really garnering their attention.
“Since when did you become my big sister?” Keitaro asked, still relaxed. He finally got a plan.
“Since when did get comfortable around me?” Kitsune countered.
“Come on, Kitsune,” he replied easily. “Its not the first time you let me feel you…”
Kitsune giggled a bit.
“True,” she replied. “But in all those times, you were like a jittery bug. Nervous, shaky, bleeding through your nose… but not anymore.”
Keitaro gave a low sigh, and looked a bit down for a moment. Kitsune seemed to have noticed his change, and scooted slightly closer, seemingly interested in hearing what he had to say.
Keitaro mentally celebrated. He got her on the hook, and slowly reeling her in.
“Kitsune… have you… have you ever been disappointed?” Keitaro asked.
“We've all been disappointed,” Kitsune replied easily.
“Ever failed the entrance test multiple times, and when you finally got into your dream University… you get injured before you even got to attend the welcoming ceremony?”
Kitsune laughed nervously as she took another swing at her bottle.
“No… not really…” she muttered in a low tone.
Kitsune shifted uncomfortably around Keitaro, who didn't move from his current position. His head was down, and gave an aura of a depressed person. The woman didn't know what to say… and took another swig.
“Is that why you ran from the hospital?” she asked quietly.
“It… it was more than that,” Keitaro replied.
Kitsune watched as the young man she met a year ago seemed to show something other than either complete utter idiotic happiness or comical depression. His head came up slightly, and she saw his eyes glittered with tears that he seemed to force back in.
“I… I don't know…” he muttered in a low tone. “I… I just realized how badly my life went.
“No girlfriend for 20 years, no dates… I'm clumsy, I'm easily terrified… I devoted all my life into going to Tokyo U, and got kicked out of my house because I always believed I'd get there in the end…” Keitaro gave another sigh. “Well… guess what? I made it… and missed it by just a few meters. My life is grand… put that in a story, and people would love it.”
Kitsune didn't say much, but listened to him without comment. She gave a sad sort of smile, and patted Keitaro gently on his shoulder. There were a lot of times when she, along with the tenants of Hinata-sou, had assumed Keitaro was going to kill himself, only to be proven wrong… but… would he actually contemplate killing himself now? He did look very depressed.
“So… you don't mind if I do sell your life's story to people?” Kitsune joked gently, proding a bit to see how badly Keitaro was… but when she saw his reaction, she knew he was okay. Keitaro seemed to appreciated the joke. He smiled, which relieved Kitsune.
“If it will make you ask less favors from me… sure,” he replied.
“And what would be the fun in that?” Kitsune giggled and hugged Keitaro a bit closer. The man tried to move away unsuccessfully.
“Come on Kitsune… stop teasing me…” Keitaro mumbled, trying to move away, when suddenly, his body seemed to suddenly freeze in mid-movement.
Kitsune, who had been resisting Keitaro's futile movements to get away from her, pushed at the moment Keitaro seemed to freeze, and pinned him down on the ground. Her mind went blank when she felt her chest hit his and her lips were at his neck.
“Ouch… sorry about that Keita…” she whispered the last part of his name inaudibly as her eyes went to his.
Kitsune knew how to judge her men… she knew that Keitaro had a very big soft spot for her best friend, Naru… but… his eyes. His eyes seemed to tell her a different story.
There was lust… and there was this; the expression of love… not pure love, but something of intimacy. Keitaro's eyes bore to hers gently, caring, and sad. They were so inviting and warm, she didn't move in minute's time, mesmerized by his brown orbs.
She removed his spectacles, and gently placed one caressing hand on his cheek.
Keitaro was beside himself, though not in anger… but in shock. He felt her warmth on top of him… and the only thing that separated them were a few centimeters of clothing. Her lips were just above his, and if he raised his head, he could finally taste her again.
By God, how he wanted to…
“K… Kitsune…”
His whisper woke the woman up from her stupor. She suddenly extracted herself away from him, and laughed nervously.
“I'll… I'll be going now…” she said softly, and stood up towards the door.
Keitaro sat up, and put his glasses back to place. He watched the woman slide the door of his room open, and seemed to wait a good moment or two, before she took a step out. She looked back at him, and smiled nervously.
“Dinner's gone be ready soon,” Kitsune said. “So… don't be a stranger, okay?”
She slid the door shut, and placed her hands on her cheeks, feeling her blush. She didn't know what came over her… but for the first time in her life, she found a man who didn't just look at her with lustful eyes. And it was Keitaro, of all people!
She had to admit, she was the first to notice the difference the way Keitaro acted ever since he came to the hospital. Calling Mutsumi with a very intimate `Mu-chan'? Suddenly acting a bit aloof towards Naru? It was something worth taking a look at!
What she got shown in return was something that she never expected…
I didn't know he felt that bad… Kitsune thought for a moment. Then… her blush made itself known once again when she remembered the way his eyes looked into hers.
Gonna keep that quiet… she added in the end. She wasn't going to be in the teasing end of this… She was the teaser, not the tease-ee!
With that in mind, she went down and waited for dinner, while taking another swig at her sake bottle.
Keitaro touched his cheek gently, and gave a heavy sigh.
That wasn't part of his plan…
He had thought that making himself into a wounded dog, the tenants around would not perceive his slight changes in attitude to be that strange… and it worked somewhat. Kitsune seemed convinced by his acting, and even emphasized a bit.
But… his body suddenly freezing was something he had not expected… nor was the turn-out and that bothered him. What exactly happened that time? He didn't feel any pain or anything wrong… he just froze up… and because of that, he felt her so close to him again.
He shivered. He wanted to taste her. He wanted to feel her.
He wanted to go home.
To Be Continued…
Don't ask me what's with the fast updates… I'm in the writing mood for K2. Looks like my SIA Documentary will have to wait.
Oh… and I'm also writing a small draft for my `Beginning of Keitaro Urashima'… a one shot on how Keitaro turned to K2 we know.