Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Lurker of the Universe! ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

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Lurkers of the Universe!

A Fanfic by Adyen (

Chapter 5

Thoughts are in italics while speech is in normal fonts. Spoke thoughts between people is in " " and italics. Any speech between Usagi/Adyen is always done in thought, and any actions that says Adyen did only means that he was in control of the body, so I will still be using she instead of he. All characters when not in whatever other form they can be in shall be named with their 'current' name.

Additional Disclaimer: All characters and their counterparts belong to their respected creators. If the fanfic writers did not want me to use their characters, please feel free to email me and I'll find some way to change it.

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Usagi sat in a corner of the kitchen table happily eating ice cream that her mother had brought her. Now that her memory had been returned to her, she could tell that Ikuko is actually her mother from her past life as well. Ranma and Usa sat opposite to Usagi while Setsuna sat besides Usa, with Ikuko sitting besides Usagi.

Usagi had re-entered her room and changed into a short T-shirt and training pants that Ikuko swore she did not get for her daughter. She also denied buying the watch on Usagi's wrist as well, but even Ranma would have difficultly believing that Ikuko bought it for Usagi. The three guests noticed that Usagi's movements seemed normal again, and Pluto, along with Usa, could see a small, nearly completely suppressed aura of magic round Usagi. If they did not know what to look for, they would have not found it there.

"So… now that we'll all seated down," Ranma started, "tell us how you gained so much power."

"I trained." Usagi replied in between bites of her ice cream.

Ranma groaned in annoyance and hit his head on the table, muttering something about "what did I do to deserve this".

Usa grinned, abate sickly, and asked, "*Who* trained you?"

Usagi paused for a moment in her eating, which momentarily startled Usa, and said one word. "Adyen."

"And…?" Ikuko added, stopping her right eyebrow from twitching.

"And what?" Usagi asked from another mouthful of ice cream.

At this point, even Setsuna was groaning slightly in annoyance. "And what happened? How did you train? How strong are you?"

Usagi paused again in her mid-ice cream eating. "I dunno. Never went full out. My sensei, Adyen, would know." She answered, evading the first and second question.

Ranma breathed in a few times and counted to ten before asking, "And where could we find this sensei of yours?"

Usagi ignored him until she finished her ice cream, then she bounced up from her chair and said, "I'll go find h… her."

She quickly ran up the stairs before the others could react, and entered her room. Once inside, she started complaining. "Why did you recast that spell? I liked it when I didn't have all that additional weight…"

"Training is very important!" Adyen said in what Usagi dubbed as his 'sensei' voice, even as Usagi's eyes changed colors and her form grew.

"You sound like Ranma!" giggled Usagi.

"Oh be quiet." Adyen said as she opened the door and started to head down, modifying the gravity spell to 1000 times. As she said before, training is everything…

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"So, what do you make of Usagi?" Setsuna asked Ranma.

"I don't know… I never knew her when she was little, so I can't compare her to anyone except for the one we met when she was older." Ranma said, glancing as Usa.

"Same here. I knew her when she was older, but this…" Usa hopelessly gestured, trying to find a word to fit into the situation.

"I'm grateful of what you have done for us…" Ikuko said. "Ever since you reawakened my memories three years ago, I have tried to reawaken my daughter to her past life. And while she had done everything I have asked, it never seemed to work. In fact, she seemed to get worse from those efforts!"

"Do you think it has something to do with this Adyen character?" Usa asks sipping her cup of tea.

"It could be…" Ikuko replies, "but it seems that Usagi has more knowledge of what happened than we, or I, think she does."

"Her being able to manifest that much power is already extraordinary, especially for a child like her. She's what, five? Six?" Setsuna asks.

"Six, actually." A voice says as a figure descends the stairs. Everyone on the floor nearly chokes on their drink as they see the figure is an exact replica of the grown up Princess Serenity, except that Serenity never wore any clothing like that before, the shining golden eyes, nor did the figure have the crescent moon on her forehead. "I know who are all really are, so tell me: Why are you here? You," she pointed at Usa, "should be in the future, and you," pointing at Setsuna, "should be guarding the Gates, and you," pointing at Elios, "shouldn't be using that name and shouldn't be THAT strong yet, or that old, and furthermore, YOU" she gestured at Ikuko, "should have DIED over a thousand years ago!"

Gaping at Adyen, they were silent as they tried to assimilate what this person knows. She, however, continued. "Let me guess, because there are only a few scenarios that would for this to happen. Tell me which one I'm closest to."

"One: Ranma got his hands on a modified Nan Ban Mirror that really does alter reality instead of just messing up. Two: Pluto had her timegate destroyed or blocked, and had to find some alternate way to prevent that, which would still lead back to Ranma and the Nan Ban Mirror, but because of her own Time alternating powers, you end up changing history rather than protecting it. Or maybe its Three: Somehow, in the far future, Ranma, weather through the immortality that his curse gives," that peeped a small amount of interest from Elios "manages to marry Usa here, and manages to convince Setsuna there to allow him to create a better future because something horrible happens so far into the future that even Setsuna didn't foresee."

"Of course, talking about your girl form, what happened to it? I know for a fact that it's incurable." Adyen asked, curious.

"Found some way to control it. Not going to change in the middle of nowhere." Ranma absently replied, still trying to process how Adyen could make such an educated guess.

"Ah… so?" Adyen asked.

"So what?" Usa asked.

"I wonder if Usagi has that problem in her future…" Adyen muttered, much to the displeasure of Usagi inside her. "So, which one is it?"

"Why should we tell you?" Ranma asked, STILL trying to completely get over his shock.

"Because I need Usagi and I can't help her if you don't tell me what's wrong. Good enough reason?"

The four was silent for a moment. While this Adyen had stated that she needed Usagi, she didn't say WHY she needed her.

Setsuna thought towards Usa and Elios, "Could it be that she's from the future like us? She does look a lot like Usagi when she grows up."

"That may have happened… but shouldn't you have a better clue than we do?" Elios asks, rubbing his temples.

"We got back without the help of the Gates. Who knows what else could be used to bypass the Gates?"

Setsuna says, pointing that fact out.

"I'm sure it would be interesting to say the least." Usa says, glancing at Ikuko, who looked back and nodded.

"Fine. We'll tell you everything." Usa says, frowning.

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Heh… You might notice the time I spent on writing this. I guess I'm just more in a mood to make a big mess than plan things out in detail, like the other fics I'm writing.

I'm also currently starting on a shortfic, which I hope to release before New Years, but I might not make that deadline. Oh well.