Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction / XXXHolic Fan Fiction / X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ The Four Forges ❯ A Pillar's Warning ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The Four Forges
Fandom: Magic Knight Rayearth
Pairing: LantisxHikaru FerioxFuu UmixClef
Disclaimer: Magic Knight Rayearth belongs to all producers and companies that produces Magic Knight Rayearth, including but not limited to Clamp.
Summary: The world of Cephiro has been saved, and as the years pass, the visits from the one time Magic Knights become less and less common until they stop altogether. One day, when a sudden burst of light appears, Clef, Lantis, and Ferio find themselves caught in another world and are given a heart breakingly familiar ultimatium which had once been delivered to the former Magic Knights when they first encountered the denizens of Cephiro almost seven years prior: Save a world which they have nothing to do with and return home safely, or fail and die with as the world around them crumbles into shadow and void.
Note: Extreme OOCness and very AU along with hints of crossovers from xxxHolic and X/1999. Follows both Manga and anime.
Prophesy of the Four Forges
Four Forges Dire in the sky
Terra's Silent Guardians.
Wind, Water, Fire, and Earthen Forge
Together guard Seven Seals.
When Earthen Forge made her own world,
Terra lost a Forge and gained a Seal.
When Wind, Water, and Fire Forge
Come to seek the Earthen Forge
Earth Forge and her world shall fail.
If Earthen Forge should fall
Then Fire Forge must remain
Gathering the Shards of her heart,
And save the world of Earthen Forge.
Yet when Earthen Forge falls,
So too do the Seven Seals,
And the remaining Forges Dire
Will summon the Three Night Wizards.
Three sorcerers from another world
To the remaining Forges Bound,
Shall destroy Terra's Pillar
And give rise to new Seals.
When this is done, Fire Forge shall depart
And leave Wind And Water to rebuild.
When Terra has been reborn,
Wind and Water shall follow Fire
To their hearts dear love
In the World where Fire is Pillar.
Previously on Magic Knight Rayearth 3: The Four Forges

---"This world!" she called, "Please, save Terra, oh Legendary Night Wizards!"---

---"So you three are the ones the Pillar has summoned to the be Night Wizards?" Miyaka said as the city below came to life. "Welcome to Terra, the First World created by the Creator, the Entity known as Mokona Monotogari. You are here to pay off a debt that your former Pillar, the Princess Emeraude, owes to our Pillar, the Princess Hinoto, for the use of three of our Children whom you call the Legendary Magic Knights. If you wish to return to your home, Sorcerers from another world, Know that you cannot do so unless you become the Legendary Night Wizards and save this world."---

---"Look out over this city and know that this will be your battleground."---

---"We are not impressed by your display, oh, Legendary Night Wizards," the familiar voice said as the fabric of a skirt, so light a green in color that it was almost white, came into veiw along with a green stone that adorned the base of a staff, "We are aware the Master Mage Miyaka informed you of the futility of attepmting to access thine Cephiran Magic while in Terra. It is clear to Us that you are not prepared in the least for the battles which awaits you."---

---"Welcome, Oh, Legendary Night Wizards," a familiar female voice said, "to the Temple of Water."---

---"You think that the Princess Hinoto purposely made Hikaru a Forge before sending her in answer to Princess Emeraude's plea for the Magic Knights to force us into a debt for the use of this world's resources?"---

---"We have given all the advice that could be given. Merely remember, in this world, there are no such things as coincidences, only the inevitable. However, keep in mind that the future has yet to be decided, and follow your heart. If your hearts are true, then your enemies will find it difficult for you be led astray."---

---"We are sorry we can give you no guides, though you will have no lack for them. However beware! Not all who approach you can be trusted! In Terra, nothing is what it seems, so expect the unexpected!"---

---There was the sensation of being carried away by rushing water, and all the three could see was the blue light, and then as the light faded, so too did the sound and feeling of rushing water. When the light had faded altogether, Clef, Lantis, and Ferio found themselves in a foyer at the base of a grand staircase leading to the second floor.---
Chapter 3: A Pillar's Warning

"So this is our new home?" Ferio said as he mounted the stairs and tilted his head back to study the chandelier. "Not bad, not bad at all..."

Clef sighed. "Let's not get too carried away just yet," the Master mage said. "Remember, we've gotten caught up in something that we do not fully understand. We must be cautious."

At the top of the landing, Ferio spotted a slip of paper on a table and he picked it up.

"What do you have there?" Clef asked as walked up the stairs.

Ferio frowned and handed the slip of paper to Clef.

"Hmm..." Clef studied the page, and then read the note out loud, "Greetings, Night Wizards. It is my pleasure to be hosting you during your stay here in Terra. I regret that I am unable to met you at this time, however, this will be your home for now. Please enjoy Terra while the conflict has yet to begin, and treat this place as your home. Signed S.H.F.F."

Ferio blinked, "So the conflict hasn't actually begun?"

"No," Clef said, "I overheard a conversation between Umi and Fuu once, though after what Umi said in the Temple of Water, I'm fairly sure they knew I was listening inm, and were feeding me the information. We were brought here early so we could get used to this world before any actual fighting started. According to them, it was Hikaru who intervened on our behalf so we could have the chance that the Magic Knights weren't given when they first arrived at Cephiro."

Lantis closed his eyes, "Then it is possible that our benefactor may just be our Pillar, assisting us in what little ways she can," he said.

"it is a very likely possiblity," Clef said, "However, it is also possible that Hikaru is not our benefactor. Until we can be sure, let us not jump to conclusions." Clef set the paper back on the table and moved away. "For now, let us explore the house. It would be a good idea to know more about the place where we will be living after all."

Lantis nodded in assent. Clef made a good point. Even if it had been Hikaru who had arranged for them to have these comforts, it was likely that it wasn't Hikaru who was responsible for them. Despite it all, Lantis couldn't help but wish he could meet with his love just once now that he was in her world. It hardly seemed fair to him that while he and Hikaru were together whenever possible, it was always Hikaru who had had to come to him.

He turned to look over the railing into the sitting room where a fire burned merrily away in the fireplace.


The name left his lips in a whisper of longing.

Partway down the hall, Clef looked back toward the Kailu. An expression of sorrow crossed the Master Mage's face for a breif moment before it vanished and Clef continued down the hall.

Lantis stood there for a moment longer before he turned and made his way down the hall, following Clef and Ferio.


The two story house was beautiful, Clef had to admit, furnished in a way that was both elegant, yet offered a feeling of homey comfort. Containing all the neccessities for life in the middle class in Terra, it was a bit too large for three people, but obviously a sign of being fairly well off in this world. Well, not quite, but Clef didn't know that. He sat in the comfortable armchair by the fire, a thick, leather bound book in hand, musing over the recent events while Ferio and Lantis had locked themselves in their respective rooms, brooding over their most recent adventure, and in some cases, pining for their beloved who were changed in this world, or just plain missing. The wood crackled and snapped as they burned, and the flames rustled quietly.


Clef frowned as he glanced up from his book. What was that sound?


Clef marked the page with a bookmarker and closed it, setting it gently on the side table before getting to his feet. What was calling him?


Clef turned in the direction of the voice and flinched.

"Princess Hikaru?!"

Indeed it was. In the fireplace, the fire had fomed into the figure of a young woman, and it was from that figure made of flames that the call had come.

"Not so loud!" The figure of Hikaru said. "I don't know if the Princess is monitoring the house, and she must not know that I am contacting you! I am already toeing the line of acceptable interference as it is."

"Princess Hikaru?!" Clef said, "So it is you!"

"Hush!" Hikaru said, "I was worried for you, especially since things in Terra are never what they seem. Listen carefully, Clef! I'm relying on you to make sure that the three of you survive to return to Cephiro!"

Clef's expression changed from one of surprise to worry. "Are things that bad?!"

"It is currently the twentieth day of the eleventh month of the year 1999," Hikaru said, "The Dragons who protect the Seals are preparing to gather here in Tokyo for a conflict that would decide the fate of this world. Princess Hinoto may believe that the Forges don't realize it, but Fire can create shadows and reveal what is hidden in them, and while Wind can seek it out, and Water can bend the light so it is possible to see what is hidden in the shadows, and in the shadow of Princess Hinoto's heart is something that even she as she is now, cannot defeat. She didn't bring you here to save this earth! She brought you hear to weaken the Seals so her greatest wish can be granted!"

Clef's eyes widened. "Her wish?"

"The end of her duties as a dreamseer," Hikaru said seriously, "That is every dreamseer's wish, but Princess Hinoto takes it to the extreme! It is the dreams that the Dreamseers can weave that hold Terra steady, and the death of even one dreamseer can weaken Terra's foundation. The Princess is Terra's Pillar, but it is the Seven Seals that keep Terra habitable, and it is the Princess's direction that keep the Seals functioning."

Clef's eyes narrowed. "So to grant her wish, she will destroy this world?"

Hikaru's fire made expression didn't change when she said, "I cannot be sure. I have already sent a word of warning to the guardians of the Seven Dragons of Heaven to warn them about what is happening, especially since they will be your opponents if Hinoto has her way. Don't fight the Dragons directly if you can help it!"

Clef frowned. "What will happen if we do?"

The fire shifted Hikaru's expression into a frown. "Then you will die. The only ones who can face the Dragons of Heaven and hope to come out even remotely intact are the Dragons of Earth."

Clef froze. "You mean...?"

Hikaru nodded. "It is very possible that the shadow that grows in Hinoto's heart could very well drive her to murder if it will end in the granting of her dream."

Clef fell wordlessly into his chair. "Why? Is this dream of hers really so important?"

"To the Princess, it is," Hikaru said, "Just as to Emeraude and Zagato, their own dreams were important."

Clef's eyes grew sad at the reminder. "If that had never happened..."

"Then you would still have been summoned, and you would have met three Forges and be thrown to the wolves," Hikaru said. "Remember that in Terra, there are no coincidences, only the inevitable. Whether or not the Magic Knights had been summoned, the Night Wizards would still have been summoned just before the Final Battle."

Clef sighed. "How can you be so sure?"

"It is knowledge that comes with the office of Forge."

"Tell me, Princess," Clef said, "Were you the one who arranged for us to have all these things?"

Hikaru's eyes narrowed. "I was the one who delivered them to the Temples where you ultimately recieved them."

Clef frowned. "So if you didn't arrange for us to recieve them, who did?"

"If you wish, I can investigate for you," Hikaru offered, "Although it won't be of much use."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because the identity of your benefactor will be revealed in due time."

"You seem very sure of this."

The flames shifted to give the illusion of a shrug. "So it seems."

Clef frowned at the evasive answer. The flames shifted to give the illusion of Hikaru's head tilting before the image shifted once more.

"The Princess has just realized that someone is communicating with you. I have to go." Hikaru's form made of fire began to blur and unravel. "Remember to stay on your guard. Don't pick any fights. I will try to contact you again, but I fear it will be a long time before we speak again..."

"Wait! Princess!" Clef cried.

"Also..." Hikaru's voice became fainter and fainter as her image in the fire vanished, "Remember... The Future has not been decided yet..."


"In Terra... I am not Pillar... In Terra... I am a Forge..."


The fire sputtered and went out, leaving only the glowing sillouhette of the wood, which collapsed into a pile of smoking embers a moment later. Clef stood alone in the sitting room which was softly illuminated by warm halogen light from the lamps set in the corners of the room, his eyes fixed on the still warm ashes where the Last Pillar of Cephiro had delivered her message.

He sighed and turned away and switched off the lights, leaving only one, the ornate chandelier in the foyer on, and made his way up the stairs where only the silver moon illuminated the way to his bedroom...

Magic Knight Rayearth 3 The Four Forges Cephiro will repay her debt to Terra