Medabots Fan Fiction ❯ Let's See Where We Ended Up ❯ Let's See Where We Ended Up ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: This is a sequel to YOU ARE THE MAN, WILL YOU MARRY ME
R&R and flame!!!!!!

Michelle, I wanted Erika and Ikky but then the story would not be called YOU ARE THE MAN, WILL YOU MARRY ME and it's a humor story which suppose to be crazy! THNX 4 R&R

Nate Grey, I'm glad you like the twist at the end. I don't bcuz I normally don't write yaoi. I checked out your story (whose line is it anyways) and I luved it! Thnx 4 R&R

Viv, well FOR UR BIG FAT INFORMATION these names are from Medabots. GET WITH THE PROGRAM!!!! IT'S THE 21ST CENTUARY!!!!!!!! Thnx 4 R&R

DISCLAIMER: I don't own them!!!


Ikky: How has everyone been for the past 15 years?
Karen: Wonderful! Koji and I spent our honeymoon in Paris! The sights are amazing! We also have a little devil of our own!
Shade: Greetings everyone! My name is Shade and I'm 14 years old.
Rika: Wow, your hot!
Belmont: Rika...
Rika: But daddy, he's gorgeous!
Belmont: *shakes his head and sighs*
Erika: Belmont and I spent our honeymoon in London, England. Then we visited Paris and yes, the sights are amazing!
Belmont: We have twin devils. Double the evil!!!
Rika: I'm Rika and I'm 13. If you want a personal strip show, call me up!
Monty: Hi, I'm Monty and I'm 13. Ladies, I'm single!
Belmont: Crazy kids...
Damon: Are the bots going to be here?
Koji: Who are you?
Damon: Hello, I'm Damon, Ikky's lover. *goes up to Ikky and kisses him briefly* This is our daughter, Katie.
/everyone(except Damon, Ikky and Katie) stares in shock/
Katie: *giggles* Yup they're gay! Hello everyone, my name's Katie and I'm 13.
Ikky: No, the bots couldn't make it.
Erika: That's too bad...
Monty: I'm hungry, bring on the food!
Rika: You're always hungry...
Damon: Let's eat, the food's in the dinning room.
/Ikky was sitting in the center of the table, Damon was sitting on his right, Katie on the left, Monty next to Katie, Rika next to Monty, Shade next to Rika, Koji sitting next to Damon, Karen next to Koji, Erika next to Karen, Belmont next to Erika and Shade/ (a/n: got that, I'm confused)
Shade: So Rika, about the personal strip show... do you think I could call you up sometimes?...


A/N: Sucks eh? R&R anyways, I'd like you to tell me what you thought... If anyone wants a personal strip show, plz call me up! J/K

I chose the name Rika from the name "Erika"
I chose Monty from Belmont cuz no one would name their son Bell. Mont's a stupid name so I chose Mont-y!
I chose Shade, Katie and Damon right out of my head.
Did you know it took me 3 minutes to write this story? SO LONG
R&R and bring on the flames!