Medabots Fan Fiction ❯ This is spirit: Clash of souls! ❯ The greatest medafighter yet! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 1: The greatest Medafighter yet!
Disclaimer: I do not own Medabots or any of the characters inside. Not even Zorin's medaparts. Except for his antennae. Story plot and OC's and stuff is mine though (obviously). Either way, enjoy my story and please rate it, leave a comment, so I may understand whether my skills are worthy to be recognized as a master author! Thank you for reading!
"Metabee, you're too close to him, get around him and use your rifle!" A small yellow robot dashed around another blue and white robot with claws attached to its right arm. The yellow-bot yelled and dived in true movie fashion while firing with the rifle attached to his arm. Two quick shots embedded themselves in the blue-bot's right shoulder.
Critical, right arm Medapart 100% damage. Function ceased.
The blue-bot's right arm became darker as the part twitched a final time before dying in a fit of sparks.
"Zorin, use the monkey manoeuvre!" The blue-bot understood and quickly flipped over the yellow-bot. he continued jumping and bounding like some kind of ninja to gain some space and then leaped forward like a monkey from a tree before the enemy could counter with his rifle. "Zorin, switch to ox style!" The blue-bot or 'Zorin,' turned his monkey dive into a rugby tackle to knock Metabee to the ground before he punched him hard in the face repeatedly with his hammer-like left arm.
Head medapart 50% damage. Seeker computer fault. Homing offline.
"Ikki, arrgh! What… do… I… do?" Metabee gasped in between each Tin jarring blow. Ikki Tenryou stopped to think. He was only ten years old, but already he was considered as the third strongest Medafighter in Japan, and part of the second strongest team in the world. Metabee, the yellow KBT type medabot being beaten up was his partner. On the opposing side was a KWG type medabot, a model similar to Rokusho, Zorin. Like most KWG's it had the same trademark antennae as Rokusho and similar colour and parts. His Medafighter was a solemn kid with dark blue hair that covered his eyes and a blue T-Shirt. Ikki couldn't help wondering who this strange kid was. He had come out of no-where with his Zorin Medabot…
The school bell rang. All the students in the class shifted out lazily as they tried to escape coach mountains gym class. Erika, amazingly, seemed to be fine even after the day of "watering the sports field with your sweat!" She always somehow found the energy she needed if a news scoop was on the line. And then she'd find more to bully Ikki into coming with her.
"Come on Ikki, you're always so slow!" Erika was jogging on the spot waiting for Ikki to arrive from the boys changing room. "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"
"Aw come on Erika, it's not like you discovered big foot or something else that doesn't exist. What's with the rush?"
"First big foot is real, second, if you loved to robattle then you would rush. There's this weird medafighter outside with a piece of junk medabot who's trashing everybody who robattles him! I was planning reporting on Koji in action with his upgraded Sumilidon but since he's not here, you're the next best thing."
"Gee I feel real special now don't I," Ikki said sarcastically as he exited the changing room.
"Nah, you're nothing special, but I rock," Said an all too confident voice that could only belong to Metabee.
"Metabee you're not supposed to be here!" Ikki said as he jumped on the tin can himself to try and hide him. Giving up he grabbed one of Metabee's horns to the distress of the medabot and pulled him away out of the sports field and the line of sight of Coach Mountain.
The trio which was later joined by Brass, Erika's medabot, arrived at the park to see the sturdy Totalizer get flung twenty feet in the air before landing face first onto a bench.
"Totalizer! No!" His tubby medafighter Sloan fell to his knees at the site of his broken medabot. Two other medabots, a red peppercat and a blue coloured krosserdog lay busted in the fountain being retrieved by their owners Samantha and Spike.
"You don't know power yet, go and get Koji if you don't want a round two." A blue haired medafighter, probably the winner, looked serious, but you couldn't really tell with the hair covering his eyes.
"Who cares about Koji? We taking you down!" Metabee ran into the scene closely followed by Ikki with Brass recording everything from the side with the rest of the crowd. The boy turned his head to the pair.
"And you are?"
I don't believe it Ikki thought to himself. This guy has seriously never heard of us? And yet he's looking for Koji of all people?
"Who do you think you are? Coming to challenge Koji yet you don't even know the number one medafighter in Japan?
"Actually you are only number three," Brass corrected.
"Whatever! I'm Ikki Tenryou."
"And my names Metabee," and as one they said
"And we're gonna make you kiss your bot goodbye!" The kid smiled. If Ikki and Metabee weren't so heated they would have noticed something very wrong about the atmosphere around them. Erika realised it and her eyes grew wide with fear. Brass's scopes scanned the machinery going on underneath the Zorin and quickly realised something was not right before her systems crashed from the shock of what she had seen. For a while Erika forgot all about her 'scoop' and completely freaked out.
"Ikki! Don't fight! Look around you for a second! The park is littered with shutdown medabots of all kinds, all of them belonging to previous challengers. There are hundreds of them! And why haven't the owners retrieved them yet? From how some people are shaking they must be too scared to try! The Screws were the only people who were stupid enough to get their medaparts! And look at that Zorin. It's even older then your Metabee's body from what I know yet even after all that beating it is still perfectly fine!" Ikki checked and true enough the Zorin didn't have a scratch. It looked newer than anyone could lie that it was. But the mountains of medabots lying around everywhere seemed to be telling a very scary story about this Zorin. Ikki checked the Zorin again. When he looked closely at the Zorin it had a faint purple glow. Like a weak medaforce. But this wasn't medaforce. And frankly, he didn't want to know what it was. For a second Ikki felt something tugging at his insides. Maybe nervousness at first. But it kept growing and poisining him inside. Fear!
"Yo, Ikki, I know you're not feeling 100% up there, but this guy is hurting people and their medabots. We know that aint right. So if being number 1 means battling creeps like him, then you know what to do." Ikki turned to look at his friend. He wasn't shouting in his usual Metabee manner. He was quiete and more serious then he'd ever seen him. His eyes weren't the usual Metabee green anymore. They had turned a deep purple and he was emiting his bright green medaforce glow. This was the real deal. Ikki didn't know who was creeping him out more. Metabee or that Zorin. But he wasn't scared anymore. Metabee wiped out all the doubt he was feeling in his mind.
"Right, it's robattle time!"
"Don't you get it? He's gonna cream you! Back down before thi…" Whatever Erika was going to say was rudely interrupted by yours truly…
"Then it's agreed!" A flying saucer shaped like a giant medal came wizzing through the sky. Everyone looked up. "I officially declare this a submission robattle! As such, I shall act as referee, me, Mr. Referee!" Mr. Referee was lowered down by a futuristic tractor beam. "The rules are simple! The first medabot to stop the other from functioning wins. The loser must then submit one medapart to the winner, for keeps! Medafighters ready?" The blue haired boy smiled and his Zorin's glow became brighter. Everyone's medawatches started to show the data of the competing medabots.
"If you battle me, your medabot may not be able to robattle again."
Zorin Medabot corporation/ Extrteme tech
Medafighter: unkown
Specialty: Shadow sword
Signature: Unkown
"You don't even have your upgraded parts! For the love of all that's good Ikki, STOP!" Erika was panicking. Brass's systems rebooted but she was jittering with bolts going loose everywhere. Her 'hair' ribbon had even fallen out.
"We're willing to take that chance!" Ikki ignored Erika and didn't look like he was about to back down.
"That's right, I'm gonna Metabee-bop ya!" Metabee's electronic eyes glowed with energy
Metal-beetle (upgraded to Metabee) Medabot corporation
Medafighter: Ikki Tenryou
Specialty: Seeker missile
Signature: Medaforce
"Alright medabots, robattle!"
"Attack mode Metabee!" Metabee fired a volley of laser canons and shredded the ground underneath the Zorin. Dust was blowing everywhere in an attempt to obliterate the Zorin on one blow. But it wasn't enough. Zorin moved like lightning dodging every bullet that came his way. Metabee stopped to reload.
"Zorin, syn sword!" Zorin leaped into the air rotating like a spinning top to come crashing down on the spot where Metabee would have been if he hadn't moved out at the last second. Cracks formed in the ground around the impact zone sending shock waves along the ground knocking everyone but the combatants themselves off balance. Metabee knew, one slip and they're all dead.
Zorin, rapid slash!" The Zorin yanked his claw out of the ground and charged at Metabee like some kind of blue blur. Metabee tried to block the next attack but the Zorin seemed to somehow clone itself into multiple opponents to attack Metabee from all sides. Metabee couldn't escape without being torn to shreds.
"Ikki, what now? He's boxed me in!" Ikki hesitated for a bit before replying
"Metabee, fire your seeker missles to the ground where you're at."
"What? You've said some crazy stuff but now you're just trippin!"
"Metabee just do it!" Metabee aimed his head cannons to the floor and fired. Over time Ikki had bought far more dangerous ammunition for Metabee's cannons so this explosion was enough to have everyone sheilding their eyes. Even the camera Brass had set on a tripod had a cracked lens. Luckily Brass's eyes could record whatever they saw into the camera's memory card while Erika replaced the lens. Metabee was seen flying overhead from the blast while the Zorin amazingly was able to run out of it.
Metabe legs and arms at 60% damage. Head at 25% damage.
"Metabee, fire at Zorin," Ikki said hurridly. He wasn't about to lose to some old bucket of bolts and his creepy medafighter. While in midair Metabee fired four more missiles at the Zorin. The Zorin sideflipped over the first one and some way or another, cut straight through the second one without going up in flames. However shots three and four proved too much for the Zorin.
Leg and arms 100% damage. Function ceased. Chain reaction, head medapart 75% damage.
The Zorin's parts kept having miniature explosions and it failed to respond to it's medafighters commands. It's master smiled.
"Zorin, use your antennae," The enemy said with a smug grin.
Whats that gonna help with, Ikki thought If all KWG antennaes do is make their aim better? But Ikki didn't know what was coming. The Zorin got up like some kind of zombie and his antennae started changing colours until it stopped on yellow. Machinery was heard as gears meshed together to try and repair the damaged parts. Electricity crackled and even the smell of melting plastic seemed to be disapearing. A sickening crack was heard as his left arm snapped back in place and the dents on his right arm popped out. The metal in his legs began to brighten from the dull grey that usually comes to shutdown parts. Zorin was back and ready to put the slam down again.
"Zorin, rapid slash!" The Zorin charged for Metabee and split up again. But this time Ikki wouldn't do something so suicidal.
"Metabee! It's only one Zorin! He's just moving so fast that you think it has cloned. Focus your mind and attack or just spin around repeatedly shooting!" Metabee was about to put this into action.
"Zorin, change head medapart configuration to dragon type!" All the Zorin's heads changed again from yellow to red and they all laid tiny turrets on the ground. "Formation gamma!" The guns were all lined up to look like a y flat on the ground with Metabee in the middle. "Fire!" The Zorins cleared out and the guns all fired at once peircing straight through Metabee's machinegun arm which exploded instantly.
Left arm 100% damage. Function ceased.
Metabee fell to the ground and made a coughing sound. Oil came out of his head cannons as a replacement for whatever would come out of a humans mouth. Again the boy smiled. This time it looked like he was enjoying Metabee's obvious suffering.
"I will spare your medabot if you can get Koji here quickly. Maybe his Sumilidon will put up more of a fight than this defective piece of junk." Metabee started to twitch back to life as he started making a his usual cheap imitation of a beetle's pincers.
"Kikikikikikaa! I am not defective!" As he said this the whole park around them darkened and his bright green glow reapeared. "Dude… I rock."
"Zorin dragon formation!" Zorin set up the guns all over the field again. It was Ikki's turn to smile.
"Nothing can stop a full blast of medaforce. Your Zorin's toast!" Metabee got into a cool pose.
"It's time to kiss your bot goodbye! MEDAFORCE!" But this time It wasn't a full blast from Metabee's arms, it was a massive explosion of power. Everything electronic seemed to be going haywire. The camera's view became fuzzed over and almost broke again. Brass shutdown again and the Zorin who was right in the thick of it got bowled over by the attack. As the smoke cleared it was clear that the guns were destroyed.
"Zorin, what happened?" The kid now didn't seem so happy. Zorin's antennae changed back to blue. "Zorin dragon formation now!" Zorin tried but only a few sparks came out of his antennae. Ikki looked puzzled.
What did Metabee do? That wasn't medaforce which was used just know, or at least none that I know. So what did Metabee do? And why did the turrets shut down along with everyone's phones yet the medabots only seemed a bit dazed? Why can't Zorin use his gun formation anymore? I guess Metabee just learnt a powerful new move but can't use it properly due to lack of experience. If anything I should be grateful to his new power. I hope it's a new skill because if that was luck I don't want to take this win, if Metabee can still move that is.
"Ikki, what… did I… do?" Metabee looked puzzled.
"Metabee are you all right?" But by then the Zorin had already recovered and was charging Metabee with his hammer. "Metabee, you're too close to him, get around him and use your rifle…"That's how this had all started. And know Metabee was pinned to the ground by that same Zorin. "Metabee, how much power do you have left?"
"Enough to take out this defective piece of scrap metal!" Metabee did a breakdancing spin on his head to get the Zorin off him before getting on his feet and blasting him with his rifle.
"Zorin, knight mode." Zorin's horns started glowing bright purple and all of Metabee's bullets bounced off of him as if there was some kind of force field. Metabee was starting to get more frustrated by the second.
"Yo! How can that junk bot keep doing near impossible stuff with his horns? That aint cool! That aint right! That's wack! He's using cheat codes! He's an alien in disguise! He stole Rokusho's fighting spirit and is using it against us! He's…" Metabee kept going on while Ikki stood unbelieving.
This guy isn't right! Zorin doesn't have any of these skills! Warbandit and Sumilidon can't even keep up with this! He's been running circles around us and whenever we find an opening he uses a skill he doesn't have to escape! How can I beat I guy like this? If there's one thing I know, I have to take out those antennae. They're causing a lot of trouble for everyone.
"Metabee, will you shut up and listen! Get up close and personal," steam erupted from Metabee's canons as he turned to Ikki angrily
"You telling me to shut up? Are you the one fighting a guy who can make earthquakes whenever he wants? The guy who makes the speed of light wish it was faster? Why should I listen to you when all you've done is get me killed?" Ikki ignored Metabee and continued, whispering into the medawatch so that he wouldn't be heard by the Zorin.
"Get close and grab his horns. Don't let go no matter what. You are going to rip his horns off. Once you do that, he's powerless. Or at least he can't defend himself." Metabee gave up arguing and charged at the Zorin. Erika finally found her voice.
"What a scoop! This is possibly the most heated robattle the world will ever know! I Erika Amazake am here live witnessing an epic robattle between Ikki Tenryou and… this person with his Zorin! The energy going around here is epic and you can actually feel the power of the two Medabots through the ground! Each impact is sending shock waves through the air and we ourselves in the audience are struggling to stay standing!" The video from the robattle was being broadcast to the school network and even on the internet, but you didn't need to see the fight online to feel the shock of the battle from multiple blocks away.
Metabee grabbed the Zorin's horns and in the process took multiple hits from the Zorin. Metabee's eyes were beginning to dim.
"Metabee stay focused! Fire the last of your seeker missiles, point blank!" Metabee aimed at the Zorin's face. He couldn't just fire and count on it homing in on Zorin because his seeker computer got shut down. He fired the first one from his left horn into the Zorin's face. The battlefield became engulfed in smoke. Then a second bang was heard and the two medabots flew apart.
Zorin left arm and legs 100% damage. Head 90% damage. Horn upgrade shutdown.
Metabee right arm and legs 100% damage. Head 95% damage. Warning, shutdown imminent. Functions halted.
Both medabots were shaking from the explosions and it looked like someone was going to collapse soon. Metabee's eyes turned dark and misted over. Oil was leaking out from all over his body and even Zorin who was missing an arm and whose horns were in Metabee's hands, seemed better off. Metabee was swaying side to side.
"Come on Metabee! Get up!" Ikki was screaming from the side but Metabee couldn't hear him.
Whoa, it looks like this guy just Metabee-bopped me. I'm the one who's kissing my bot goodbye. I can see why this guy said we'd never be able to robattle again. I'm struggling just to stand, imagine another fight. My back is hurting like crazy. Something else is hurting along with it. Is that my medal? Is it cracked? It looks like I'm really gonna kiss my bot good bye…
"Is that all you've got, Metabee?" Metabee's eyes lit up. The Zorin… spoke? "If you claim to be the best in Japan yet you're so weak, then you're lying to yourself more than anyone. You're a joke. No wonder Warbandit destroyed your team so quickly. You held them all back. Belzelga sacrificed itself to save you and Sumilidon forced the medaforce out of himself the second time not for Koji, but to protect you. When Rokusho ejected your medal with the medaforce, Ikki had to find your medal which you so carelessly let eject. You are a disgrace to medabots everywhere. You're always getting your backside saved by someone else and then arrogantly claiming to be 'your own medafighter'. You had to have everyone give you their parts to fight Mega-Emperor and you still lost, having Arcbeetle and Space medafighter X save you. You don't deserve that rare medal of yours." Metabee started glowing. Not green but all the colours of the rainbow all flying crazily around as Metabee coursed with pure meda-energy.
"I am not relying on anybody. I work together with Ikki. I don't rely in him." Metabee's eyes flashed dangerously and any normal person would be paralyzed with fear if they saw this sight.
"Please, you can't work with such a weak medafighter. There are many things separating us. You became strong due to luck. What if you didn't have that rare medal of yours like Sumilidon? He got that from the bond he shared with his master. You can lie that you did the same but Arcbeetle isn't that close with his master anymore and he has the medaforce. It is just the power hidden in your ancestors' genes. You don't deserve that medal of yours." Now the whole park turned dark. The sky itself blackened and the clouds were actually moving towards the combatant's. Metabee's medaforce light shined brighter than ever before and everyone had to shield their eyes.
"This power was not luck! I am not Metabee because fate decided to throw me a hand!" Zorin suddenly exploded in a bright purple light.
"Then prove it to me! Pit your medaforce against mine! We will see whose souls are stronger!" Zorin brought his claws back preparing for a full dose of the medaforce. Metabee stood at the other end of the park as lightning struck, in grim defiance of the storm he was attracting, the Zorin he was facing and most of all, the words being spoken by that same Zorin.
"It's time to kiss your bot goodbye!" Metabee yelled his now famous battle cry which was heard for many miles around. "MEDAFORCE!" Metabee fired out a blast from his hands of unspeakable proportions. At the same time Zorin cut straight through the air launching his own medaforce attack cutting straight through the ground leaving behind a large chasm as it weaved its path of destruction to greet its counterpart. All the spectators were blasted back a few meters and the clothes of the medafighters were rippling in the blast wave. The nearby building windows were shattered and the camera which had taken much abuse was finally destroyed. Brass started sparking and nearly shut down again but stayed online to record the end results. The explosion was massive. Everyone was waiting apprehensively for the results which were obscured by the smoke. The smell of frying circuits hung heavy in the air like the smell of death. Everyone's medawatches started to beep. Everyone whose medawatch didn't break in the blast checked it now to see the data from the match.
Zorin head medapart 99% damage.
Metabee head medapart 100% damage. Function ceased.
"Function ceased! The winner is Zorin!" Ikki fell to his knees as he surveyed the scene. There was a gigantic crack from where the Zorin fired his medaforce and a large chasm from where Metabee's medaforce had been. There was a giant crater in the ground from where the two met in the middle. Two smaller chasms from Metabee split up around the side of the Zorin and a thin crack went from the blast zone through Metabee's medaforce crack to Metabee himself.
The Zorin's medaforce, cut through Metabee's? And Metabee himself… Ikki turned his head towards where Metabee, Metabee's body was still there. Standing upright.
"Metabee! You're still," But he stopped there. The medal ejected and Metabee's body got torn in half. It was probably from the previous medaforce attack. Everyone, even Erika who usually finished professionally gasped. Someone in the crowd shouted "We told you so!" "Metabee!" Ikki ran over to Metabee's destroyed body and tried to pick it up. Whatever he touched on it broke into pieces. He frantically began searching for a medal considering that his best friend's life depended on it. He saw something shine on the ground. He scrambled over to it quickly just to find it was cracked almost completely in half. It was like a large gaping wound on his spirit right down the middle, where the green gem was. A single tear was seen rolling down Ikki's cheek as he saw his destroyed friend. We went through all of that hard work for nothing. The blue haired boy was seen smiling for real.
"That was exhilarating! No one here had laid so much as a scratch on Zorin and you very near shut him down. And what's more, Zorin has never talked to anyone during a fight. Even out of battle! If you're Metabee could do that then I feel finding Koji would be way too much for Zorin, even at his level of strength," but Ikki was getting up and the tears were flowing more freely now. He walked over to the kid through the medaforce crater straight to the boy and forgetting all about being a good sport, gave him a colossal haymaker punch that got everyone gasping. Spit and blood was seen flying and people later exaggerated about seeing his teeth saying bye to his mouth. The kid tumbled over and fell to the ground. He looked up at Ikki to see he was in more anguish than he could have possibly realised. "I guess I shouldn't have destroyed your medal. But if it broke in the first place it must have been too weak…" Another sucker punch was dealt by Ikki. "Maybe you would prefer it if I told you why I was looking for Koji. It's too bad you won't get all the answers here though. But I can tell you I was looking for the strongest medafighters this world shall ever know, and I waited till now for them to appear. I got lucky to get them without causing permanent damage to them or their medabots. Most of the guys I already have but I'm still missing…"
"Freeze where you are! This is the select corps, investigating the massive energy waves that have been disturbing the peace. Put your hands up!" Naturally no body put their hands and they all just ran wildly in a panic. Their Land Brachios fired out sleeping gas in their missiles along with the select corpse themselves. Sleeping bodies began to hit the floor but most people had already left. Erika stayed with the select-corps avoiding the tear gas just to interview them on why they were so spectacularly late. She even borrowed a gas mask from the face of a shutdown Belzelga. Amazingly, the gas avoided the two boys in the middle and hid them from the select corps.
"As I was saying, I still need to get, Koji and Sumilidon, Victor and Warbandit, Hikaru Agata, or Space medafighter X with Arcbeetle, possibly, I'm considering you if your Metabee is still alive, and… No I won't tell you that yet... But maybe... Kam and Black beetle!"
Please note, this was originally on, so you might see stuff like 'thanks for the reviews! And stuff. Please excuse it, I'll edit them out. Well, enjoy!