Mega Man Fan Fiction ❯ Warmachine ❯ Foreword & Glossary ( Chapter -1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Vile’s Origin
A Megaman X Fiction

Greetings to all and thank you for taking the time to read the little fiction I’ve started writing. ^^ I’d like feedback, comments, criticism, anything as long as it’s constructive or can be classified as “sucking up” :p
It’s an odd pairing but I always found it a pity Vile wasn’t in Command Mission so I started thinking about how characters from Command Mission would respond to having a loose cannon like Vile on the team. The idea of Nana and Vile just kinda stuck. No idea if there’ll be any romance between them though, but the tag is there to be safe.
I hope you enjoy and please, review!


I thought it would be useful for readers unfamiliar or not so familiar with the Megaman X series to have this glossary for reference. I might add certain things every now and then but basically this is what you need to know to follow the canon storyline of Megaman X.

A Reploid is basically the next step of evolution in robotics. The Megaman Classic series saw the introduction of sentient robots but none of those could think or feel past what was programmed into their systems. Some, like Megaman, could already display eerily realistic human emotion but it was still just all programming. The creator of the first robots such as these was Dr.Light and near the end of his life he created Megaman X, based on the original Megaman. The X in his name stands for the mathematical variable X which implies the limitless potential of X. This doesn’t refer to his strength as a fighter but it refers to the limitless potential of X, emotionally. X is able to worry and feel like any Human and learns to cope with these emotions like humans do. But Light had to run many tests to make sure it was safe to release X and so he sealed the first “Reploid” in a pod and let his computers continue the tests as Light had grown old and sick. A hundred years passed before the pod was found by Dr.Cain who studied Light’s notes, the computer’s results and X himself and created the Reploids with that data. While Reploids don’t literally have the same independence as X they still display far more humanoid emotions than old Robots. Reploids live side-by-side with Humans though not always in peace.

Maverick: A maverick is a Reploid who has stepped outside the boundaries of his programming and has begun harming those around him and especially his human creators. The reason for this varies greatly. Sometimes it’s a glitch, an error, a malfunction, a virus or something else but Maverick is the general term used in these cases.

Maverick and Sigma Virus: The Maverick Virus is a virus capable of forcing Reploids to “Go Maverick” and this has resulted in a great deal of tension between humans and Reploids. Where this virus came from is still left largely unknown (not sure if Capcom’s made any sense of it yet :p but my facts could be a little off). After Sigma’s first death he fused himself with the Maverick Virus to create the Sigma Virus which is a much more potent version and which still terrorizes Earth.

Maverick Hunters: The Maverick Hunters are an organization created with the sole purpose of gathering Reploids who experts in all sorts of fields and using them to counter the Maverick threat. Through the many years of their existence they’ve been a subject of debate as especially in recent years they’ve become a sort of guiding beacon to the people of Earth. They do not adhere to any single government and are as such outside the law which could make them dangerous. Either way they are Reploids fighting Maverick Reploids in a never-ending war.

The Day of Sigma: The Day of Sigma is the name given to the day when Commander Sigma, long time commander and chief of the Maverick Hunters and personal creation of Dr.Cain, rose up in rebellion against mankind and lead a civil war that cost many lives, both human and Reploid. He was eventually stopped by Megaman X, at that time a B-class Maverick Hunter, but subsequently returned 7 times to continue to attempt to destroy mankind and built a world with a place only for Reploids.

Eurasia Incident: The Eurasia Colony was one of the colonies created by mankind to seek out the stars. However it soon became the instrument of Sigma’s vengeance. Sigma hired a Reploid named Dynamo who sabotaged the colony, sending it on a collision course with Earth. Through X and Zero’s best efforts the colony was severely damaged before it hit the Earth, avoiding a complete cataclysm but the Earth was forever scarred. Millions of people died, the Sigma virus spread across the entire planet and infected millions of Reploids and even now the Earth continues to wither away. This became known as the Eurasia Incident.

Jakob Incident: With the Earth slowly crumbling mankind looked to outer space for their salvation and after a monumental task of creating the Lunar base, work began on creating an elevator that would bring mankind up out of the earth’s atmosphere and allow them to transfer (teleport) into outer space. However the appearance of Vile, Sigma and the betrayal of Lumine saw the destruction of the elevator and the entire Jakob Project. Mankind still sees space as their best hope, but for now their dreams have halted.

Giga City: Giga City is a huge metropolis out on the ocean and the only place where a special kind of resource called “Force Metal” is mined. Force Metal greatly enhancing the capabilities of any Reploid that installs it. Giga City became a battlefield when an experimental Reploid called Epsilon rebelled against the government. He was going to fire missiles fueled by Supra Force Metal (impossibly powerful Force Metal) all across the globe. His plans were stopped by X, Zero, Axl and the other fighters they had met on Giga City. The battle was not over yet however as when Colonel Redips, the man who gave X his mission, arrived he revealed himself to be a traitor who wanted the Supra Force Metal for himself. Killing Chief R, the man who helped X in his mission, and stealing the Force Metal, he threatened mankind more than any before. But in the end he too fell to X, Zero and Axl and was killed in battle. Today Giga City is slowly rebuilding and it slowly starting to get back on its feet but Redips’ actions greatly damaged the Maverick Hunter’s public image.

Megaman X: Megaman X joined the Maverick Hunters as a B-Class hunter and does not recall anything of his past, or his creator. He has become humanity’s best hope for peace and together with his best friend Zero, and more recently Axl; he has saved the Earth countless times from Sigma’s insane plans. Despite his gentle heart and his reluctance to fight he does what needs to be done and values life above all other things.

Zero: Zero is a mystery. He was found by Sigma as a raving Maverick in an abandoned mine. Sigma was able to knock Zero unconscious but not before being beaten to within an inch of his life. Recognizing the strength of the Reploid, as no one had ever even lain a finger on Sigma, Zero was repaired by Dr.Cain and somehow his Maverick tendencies vanished. Zero is a Special A-class hunter and the best friend of X. He has met his end twice and has returned to life twice, each time heroically aiding his friend in defeating Sigma. In the Eurasia Incident, Sigma planned to use Zero, who was the original vessel of the Maverick Virus (or so it seems anyway) to create the true virus that would secure Sigma’s dominance. The Zero Virus was stopped however before it spread too far but even today Zero still bares great anger over being used in such a way by the Reploid he hates most.

Axl: Axl is the latest addition to the S class Hunters and a close friend of X and Zero. He’s helped stop Sigma’s ambitions twice so far. Axl is unique in that within him rests the Copy Chip. A chip given to new generation Reploids and that allows them to copy the form of any humanoid shaped Reploids and take on their appearance and/or abilities. Axl used to be part of a group of vigilantes called the “Red Alert Syndicate” but after Red, the leader, had taken a turn for the extremist, Axl decided to leave the Syndicate. In the end it was Sigma behind it all, he had manipulated Red and Axl had been forced to kill the Reploid he saw as his father.

Vile: Not much is known of Vile’s origins but he has always been known as a borderline Maverick. Violent, aggressive, trigger happy and impulsive he is everything a Hunter shouldn’t be. He always dispatched his prey but it was never pretty and after overstepping his boundaries countless times he was incarcerated a day before Sigma’s uprising, awaiting trial. When Sigma rebelled he freed Vile in the hopes the renegade warmachine would help him and for a while the purple Reploid did. Vile had always disliked X and fought the Hunter numerous times. After killing Zero, Vile attempted to dispatch X next but was defeated as an unknown power awakened within X and Vile was destroyed. Vile reappeared years later when a mad scientist called Dr.Doppler revived him in a new body. This time Vile was defeated by X and Zero once more but not without warning X that he would haunt X until the day he died. During the Jakob Incident Vile reappeared again, it is unclear if he had survived the previous encounter or if he had been rebuild. Vile kidnapped Lumine and attacked the three heroes numerous times before finally being defeated by the three inside Sigma’s Lunar Base. But this time… he survived.

Sigma: Sigma was once the commander of the Maverick Hunters and the most respected Reploid alive. Now however he is the most hated and despised Reploid in history. 8 times has he appeared with a plan to kill mankind and bring about a utopia for Reploids but all 8 times he has failed. His latest attempt seems to have been his last as Lumine had been behind the whole Jakob Incident.

Lumine: Director of the Jakob Project and a New Generation Reploid (Copy Chip). Lumine was kidnapped by Vile during the Jakob Incident as Sigma revealed his plans to steal the moon from mankind and use it for his Reploid nation. However in the end it seemed that it was Lumine all along who pulled the strings. He, and the entire line of New Generation Reploids that had already been built, could go Maverick whenever they wished simply because their copy chips contained the data of Sigma. To them the term Maverick doesn’t really apply, they can simply do what they want, when they want. And they wanted space for Reploids, not mankind. Lumine was eventually beaten and killed by X, Zero and Axl but not before leaving a mysterious mark on Axl… (Perhaps to be explained in X9?)

Nana: Nana was one of the Reploids who aided X in his mission on Giga City. She’s an expert operator and communications Reploid who proved an invaluable asset to X and his party.