MegaMan NT Warrior (Rockman) Fan Fiction ❯ Amore con Brio ❯ Prelude: Maestoso ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~Amore con Brio~
[An EnzanMeiru Fanfiction by CyberForte.]
-Section I-
I do not own Rockman.exe, nor do I own any associated stuffs. I do not own the music of Ludwig van Beethoven or any other composers mentioned. I am also not responsible for any damage incurred by you who read my fic. I do own any fan characters or original concepts, though. Et cetera, ad infinitum.
-Section II-
Author's Notes
I. - My apologies to Rockman.exe and Netto fans, but the said duo will likely not appear in this fic. But, if I ever get to doing it, I have idea another set in the same timeline that will focus more on them. It'll likely be a NettoIris, though, just as a word of warning. I may refer to events from it within, so bear with me, if you could.
II. - I am attempting a musical theme with this fic, thus why all the titles and such may seen odd to you. I believe you'll find most of the definitions here: (Amore is non-musical, though. It means 'love' in Italian.)
III. - This fic assumes several things.
A. That the "twenty-years" information at the end of Battle Network Rockman.exe VI/Mega Man Battle Network VI is uncanon.
B. That otherwise, the ending of the Greiga/Gregar version of the aforementioned game is canon.
C. That Enzan, having been raised in the upper portion of society, received a musical education to some degree.
D. That Netto felt something for Iris in return.
E. That copyroids were never released to the general public.
1. After the fiasco at the Expo, all Copyroids were ordered destroyed by the equivalent of the United Nations.
IV. - Although the rating is "T" for the moment, if I decide that it fits the plot, I may raise that to "M" and add a lemon. But don't expect it, as there is as much of a chance of me not doing it as there if of me doing it.
V. - I use the English country names, mainly because I find them far more interesting than the boring Japanese ones. Most other things will be the Japanese versions, however.
VI. - I'll try not to go out of character with anyone, but I might unknowingly do so. If you see me doing it, feel free to tell me, albeit politely, and I will try to fix, assuming it's not something I think is a fitting persona shift over the four years.
VII. - Apologies if the prelude is too short, I didn't want to make it awful by trying to tack more on. If you think I need to add more, I can try to put more in the body, though.
-Section III-
Prelude: Maestoso
Within the confines of a large mansion, the ballroom, to be precise, music could be heard. If anyone where around to hear it, that is; the room, and in fact the house were deserted, with the exception of the one who sat at the large organ. Most of the mansion was ensconced in dust, and footprints could be seen leading from the door of the room to the organ. It seemed the house had been out of use of late, with the owner away on business as usual, and with the current occupant's return unexpected, no one had warned the maids. But it didn't really matter to him; the room that was his had been cleaned easily, and this was the only other room he had much intention of using, at this point.
Although it had been nearly four years since he had last sat in the organ's seat, he could still remember every minute detail about the instrument; one is not likely to forget a place in which one spent hours upon hours of one's childhood, or lack thereof, in. As long as he could remember, his father had insisted (or ordered, rather) that he be able to play the instrument and become familiar with numerous pieces of classical music. All in the name of being certain he had a more cultured outlook than imbeciles such as Hikari... Not that he minded, really; some of it was quite good, especially Beethoven.
As all these thoughts went through the mind of the eighteen-year old Enzan Ijuin's mind, whatever he had been playing slowly began to trail off, and was soon replaced by the beginning of a piece he literally knew by heart. Even had he not had plenty of occasion to practice it whilst in Netopia, he was fairly sure he would still have been able to play it from memory. Even as the low notes of the onset began to rise as Beethoven's Symphony No. 9: Presto, or Ode to Joy, as the movement was more commonly known progressed, his mind was drawn down a different path, the music leading him. His mind wandered through memories, each sharing a common factor; the only real female presence of his life when he'd in this house. Certainly he had known others, but she was the only one who he might have considered more than a nuisance.
The memory which had sparked the chain to life came back to him now...
---Flashback: Ritardando--
Enzan had been walking through the quaint suburb of Densan City known as 'ACDC Town,' an awful play on the two types of current. It had been a fairly light night, Luna being in high sanction, and he had been excruciatingly bored. Hence why he had found himself in the vicinity of his only rival's residence. Maybe he had subconsciously hoped to challenge the other, or maybe he had just been there to look down on Hikari's middle-class lifestyle...
In the end, it hadn't really mattered why the white-and-black haired had traveling as such, for when he approached the Hikari residence, something had caught his eye...or ear, rather. A familiar melody seemed to be permeating the cool spring night. Unless he was hearing things, someone was playing a piano quite well this eve. Intrigued, he had searched for the source, his ear leading him towards the gaudy pink home near that of Hikari. The melody became clearer as he approached more so... It had been a Beethoven, Moonlight Sonata.
The piece wasn't one of his favorites, but he was none-the-less astounded to hear it played with such clarity and skill, especially in -this- neighborhood. Moving quietly and nigh-undetectably through the miniature garden of the house, he had moved to a window of the structure. The sight that now struck him added to his inner amazement: it was one of Hikari's friends playing! As the girl's deft fingers moved over the keys, bringing the piece into its second movement, he couldn't help but remain. It seemed somehow that leaving would be a travesty, even if both mind and body were telling him there would be hell to pay if he were seen as such.
Despite these warnings, he had indeed stayed for the remainder of the piece, silently observing Meiru Sakurai's skillful manipulation of her piano. Such was the spell of the music, he had imagined.... Although even the spell couldn't stop him from noticing that the piano, setting, and even the girl's attire were all unsuited to the talent of the girl and quality of the music. If he had been anyone else, he might even have wished he could bequeath upon her more becoming forms of all three items... But, he was himself, and so he quietly slipped away as silently as he'd come when the music ended.
--End Flashback: A Tempo--
He had never spoken to anyone of what he'd seen that night, especially not her, but later in the year, when she had invited him to go camping along with Hikari and the others, he had given it some consideration. Some might even say he had flirted with her for a bit... But, in the end, he had seen her preference; she seemed dead set on Hikari, and Enzan wasn't the type to beg after a girl. So, until now, he had pushed her from his mind for the most part, being no more than polite on the occasions they had met.
But that had been four years ago. Now, with him freshly returned to Electopia, things might just be different. As movement he played progressed into the final sequence, which seemed quite grand, and would usually be sung along to loudly, he considered the present. It seemed that Hikari was out of the picture, having fallen for a brunette who bore a strange resemblance to the girl-navi from that last incident they had worked on together... As the movement drew into a conclusion, Enzan smiled, a very rare occurrence, even these days. Either way, he thought, it ought to prove an interesting ordeal....