Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Strange New World ❯ Shuichi's Situation ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Shuichi's Situation

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

This chapter contains Orochimaru/Kurama and hinted Fukuro/Kurama

Fukuro decided that he was going mad, being driven mad by the desirable teen that Orochimaru held a facination for. Everytime he looked at the red-head, he seemed to be flirting with everything that he did. At the moment the beautiful male was currently pacing back and forth across the room, but all that Fukuro could see was Kurama's beautiful ass swaying back and forth. He had decided that black looked too good on the red-head. How dare the gods send such a gorgeous creature to tempt him so?

Kurama could feel Fukuro's eyes on him, on his ass to be exact. He had decided that it was a compliment to be stared at in such a way , however he would be much happier when Orochimaru returned, and when Fukuro's gaze was broken. "Shuichi-kun, why don't you sit down and keep me company." Kurama heard Fukuro say. "Surely you could do that." Kurama looked over at Fukuro. "Who knows how long he will be questioned for." Kurama had to agree with the Uchiha on that point and approached the table, taking the seat accross from Fukuro.

'Here is my chance.' The Uchiha thought as the emerald eyed beauty settled on the chair across from him. 'I am sure that I could make him forget all about Orochimaru in a moment.' Without a word he activated the Mangekyo Sharingan and readied Tsukiyomi. The moment that their eyes connected, he activated the Genjutsu. He imagined Kurama tied, naked, to a bed. Fukuro expected Kurama to scream, but he never made a sound when the Genjutsu took effect.

Youko woke when he felt Kurama's mental panic. 'Settle down.' The kitsune grumbled. 'It is only an illusion. Anyway, I doubt that it will last long. Orochimaru is on his way back and if he finds out what the Uchiha brat is doing, he would castrate him.' Kurama only nodded at his other half's statement.

While Kurama had been conversing with Youko, Fukuro had begun his slow seduction. He knew that he had all the time in the world, days could be turned into a mere second in the real world. He was determined to win Kurama's affection at any cost. He wanted, no needed. to sample all the delights of the body below him."Shuichi, I am going to take a lot of pleasure from this experience, and I am sure that you will too." He licked Kurama's neck, bringing out a whimper from the trapped kitsune host.

Orochimaru was returning from his interogation when he heard his name screeched by a voice sounding like Kurama's, and he ran towards his cell, forgetting all about the wounds that had been inflicted upon his body during the interogation. He waited impatiently for the guard to open the cell door, and he entered the moment that he could. He could see the angry red of the Sharingan, and that the Mangekyo Sharingan was activated. He knew that the Genjutsu could cause great pain or pleasure depending on the intent of the Uchiha using it. Itachi had proved that on one than more occasion. He covered Kurama's eyes, knowing that it was the kindest way to break the Genjutsu, although he seriously wanted to hammer Fukuro through the wall.

Kurama felt the coolness of Orochimaru's hands as they covered his eyes, and he felt the Genjutsu lose its hold. He leaned back into Orochimaru, before realising that there was a cooling wetness, which was now revealed to Orochimaru's gaze, and he blushed. "Orochimaru-sama, I..." Kurama said, trying to form a decent sentence. "I... Youko told me that you were on your way back." Kurama said as he felt Orochimaru pull him from the seat, all thoughts of Fukuro and the Genjutsu he used to try and sexually molest him was gone. At that moment, his thoughts were on Orochimaru and what he would do to Kurama.

Orochimaru guided Kurama to the bed before starting to undress him. At that moment Kurama became totally aware of what Orochimaru was doing and started to protest weakly. "Unless you want to sleep with such a sticky mess, you'll let me do this." Orochimaru said. "I don't intend on you cuddling up to me in the middle of the night and awaken to feel it against my leg at any rate." Orochimaru's words made Kurama blush as red as his hair. Orochimaru gave a slight smile. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. You haven't anything that I haven't seen many times before." He gave a quick glance in Fukuro's direction and saw the Uchiha staring at them. He then returned to stripping Kurama of his clothing, eventually baring his naked form to the cool air of the room.

Kurama whimpered as the air cooled his damp skin even more. "Orochimaru-sama." He whimpered as he felt goosebumps rise over his skin. "Orochimaru-sama, I'm cold." Orochimaru only smiled wider. "Please, Orochimaru-sama, I..." He suddenly went quiet as he felt Orochimaru's tongue lick at the dampness on his skin, teasing as much as cleaning. Kurama knew that if Orochimaru didn't stop then he would only get more excited and that wouldn't be a good idea. "Orochimaru-sama, please stop, I think that you should..." His words were cut off with a whimper when he felt Orochimaru's lips caress the skin on the inside of his pelvis before pulling back.

"Do you really want me to stop?" Orochimaru asked, seeing the flustered look on Kurama's face. Kurama did say to stop, and Orochimaru was in the mood to indulge the red haired boy, partly because, somewhere along the lines, he had developed some feelings towards the boy. He couldn't understand what he was feeling, or for how long, but it was there. He then realised that Kurama was shivering once more, and covered him with the bedcovers . He knew that if Fukuro tried anything like that on the kitsune again, then Orochimaru would have to make sure that the Uchiha was adequately punished.

Orochimaru was pulled from his daydream by Kurama's gentle touches. "You're injured." Kurama said, seeing blood drip from one of the open wounds. Orochimaru could feel Kurama pull at the clothing until his body was revealed. Kurama looked Orochimaru over, his fingers tracing each injury lovingly. "Orochimaru-sama, I wish Youko forced Kabuto to teach him healing techniques." Kurama said as he felt the slight flinch as his fingers touched an especially render cut. He started placing small kisses over each wound as though the kisses would heal them.

Orochimaru moved to lean against the wall before he relaxed more, allowing Kurama to continue his gentle touches. He could feel Kurama's hands move over his body as he checked every bone, making sure that they weren't cracked or broken. Satisfied that it was only cuts and bruises, he lay his head against the closest shoulder, sighing happily as Orochimaru's arms encircled his body, and relaxed further. Orochimaru manoeuvered them to lie on the bed, knowing that it wouldn't be long before Kurama would fall asleep.

"Go to sleep, Shuichi." Orochimaru said, his arms tightening around Kurma's body. "I'm not moving." With that Kurama's eyes closed, and his breathing evened off into that of sleep. Orochimaru knew that he had better things to do, however he always liked to watch people sleep, and Kurama was no different.

Kurama woke slowly, remembering the actions leading to him ending up, naked, in bed. He suddenly realised that Orochimaru wasn't in the bed next to him, but was kneeling on the floor next to him. It took a moment before he realised that he could hear the sound of water being moved around, and Kurama sat up behind Orochimaru, and then realised that he was washing his clothing. "Orochimaru-sama, you don't have to do that." Kurama said as Orochimaru turned his head to look at Kurama. "You shouldn't have to clean up my mess." He heard Orochimaru give a quiet chuckle, a very rare sound.

"I know I don't have to, in fact, if it were just the two of us in here I would happily let you walk arond naked. I am sure that I would even enjoy every minute of it too. However I don't like to share, especially not with him." Orochimaru said, nodding at Fukuro, who was sleeping on his bed. Kurama placed his head on Orochimaru's shoulder and carefully wrapped his arms around Orochimaru's chest.

"I didn't mean for me to walk around naked." Kurama exclaimed, although he soon realised that Orochimaru was joking, at least partly anyway. Not long after that and Orochimaru finished washing the clothes. "Orochimaru-sama, can I ask you something?" Kurama asked as Orochimaru draped theur damp clothing over the chairs in the cell. "It's about last night." Orochimaru looked at Kurama, the kitsune getting his complete attention. "What did last night mean?" Orochimaru approached Kurama slowly, reminding him of just who he was dealing with. Orochimaru was a predator, a dangerous man to get involved with. It was good that Kurama liked danger.

Orochimaru approached Kurama slowly, allowing him plenty of time to escape if he wanted, but the kitsune didn't move. His hand stroked down Kurama's face when he got close enough. The kitsune leaned into the touch as though it was the most natural thing for him to do. The simple gesture spoke volumes to Orochimaru. He lowered himself onto Kurama's lap and leaned forward until his mouth was next to Kurama's ear. "It meant whatever you wanted it to mean." Orochimaru said, knowing that he was teasing the teen. "Only you can decide what you want last night to mean. Let me know what you decide, hmm?" With that Orochimaru left Kurama to think of what he wanted.

Author's Notes: I'm planning to give my best reviewers a one-shot for Christmas, so if you are mentioned below, and would like a yaoi fic written for you, please let me know. Please let me know:Pairing: (Either Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, or a crossover between the pair) (mention if you would like the fic to be in the 'A Strange New World' Universe or not)Lemon or notGeneral themes
Happy/sad/any ending

Pairing: Youko Kurama/Orochimaru (ASNW universe)
Bondage, Noncon
Any ending

Gifts for:

on - Eye of Ra
on y! gallery - unlovedunwanted and nathnm420
on fichaven - kit kit
on mediaminer - kit-kit12 - summer-loven-2
on TONFA - naruto_newbie