Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ [AU] Tales Underneath A Cherry Blossom Tree [AU] ❯ SUSH - 01 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair
Tokyo, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of
star-cross'd lovers run from life;
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their run bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their
class'cal love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,
Is now the dramatic tale of my stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, my toil shall strive to
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
Chapter 1: Meet the Stoic Romeo and Rosette Juliet!
Tokyo, Japan.
…Home of millions of assassins, drug dealers, ninjas, and them.
Yes. Them.
Piles and piles of scrolls of achievements!
…and the non-stop fighting in-between them.
“The Battle of the Fittest!”
No, that's not the perfect title.
“The Pointless Feud that has Ever Happened in the History of Japan. Ever.”
Hmm…nope, too long.
“War of the Stupidest Ninja Tokyo's Ever Seen.”
Now that was a better name for it!
Yes, the feud was many negative things: useless, pointless, and downright violent. If not for the Hokage protecting the peace of beloved Tokyo, the entire population would cease to exist.
…No, scratch that. Everyone would die except for those with the last name of `Haruno' or `Uchiha'. They'd still be fighting even if they had lost an eye and a lung, thinking their pride and honor were at stake.
They two feuding clans will continue fighting each other until they had rotted in hell.
Sasuke groaned, rubbing his temples as he sat in the middle of the forest, thinking on his favorite tree stump. His fingers moved to the back of his scalp, easing the pain on his poor, stressed head. The hot, June afternoon was not making him feel better.
If you added the ANBU getup, too…it only continued to make matters worse. Cursing the black attire, he tried to think of something other than the sweat dripping down his back…like thinking of reasons why the Uchihas and Harunos despised each other to no end.
Now THAT was mind-boggling. Neither side really knew how or why the rift between the two families became so great. Maybe, their great-great-great grandfathers were competing for one particular woman. Or, perhaps…they were the best of friends, until one of them stole the last dumpling and the other didn't bother to split it.
Before the youngest son of the Uchiha clan could conjure any more theories, an annoying, blood-curdling scream broke his trail of thought.
Oh. Shit.
That irritating voice was coming closer…what could the dobe possibly want from him, besides another (brutal) beating?
Maybe, if the Uchiha closed his eyes, then the voice calling him would disappear.
Nope, too late. The ramen-loving numbskull was already in front of him. Slightly panting, the 5'8” blonde stuck his tongue out, blue eyes filled with complete stupidity and innocence.
“Naruto, do me a favor and shut up,” Sasuke muttered, dark orbs changing to the infamous Sharingan as he glared the poor boy down.
“I will personally see to your demise.”
The other grinned sheepishly at his best friend. They've known each other since they were potty-trained; he wouldn't hurt him! (At least, not without a good reason.) Behind their name-calling, fighting, and missions, both nineteen year-olds could read each other like a book. Right now, Naruto mused, the Prodigy was everything but happy. “Ne, I've been looking everywhere for you. What's up?”
“Nothing, dobe,” the Uchiha replied, turning away as the commas faded into obsidian. “Nothing that is of your concern.”
“It is when you're moping around in a forest for five friggin' hours a day, which YOU have been doing for the past two weeks!” Naruto replied in a hurt tone. “C'mon, you aren't even looking at me! I'm wearing the coolest outfit ever!”
Reluctantly, onyx met blue…and orange and black?
Instead of normal ANBU gear, his male alter-ego had an orange silk shirt, covering his well-toned body from women who would be ogling him, if they weren't in a forest. The dark suit jacket was neatly folded in his hands, and the black pants he had on looked like they were recently pressed. Heck, even his shoes were shining in the grass.
“What, I come all the way out here, looking for your sorry ass, and I don't get a question to WHY I'm dressed like this?!”
“Pft, it's your fault you came out here, moron,” Sasuke replied coldly, not caring whatsoever.
Okay, so he cared a little bit, but not that much.
Seeing his blonde friend close to tears, Sasuke reluctantly replied again.
“Hn…Dobe, why aren't you in your uniform.”
Even though it sounded more like a statement than a question, Naruto's face lit up. “Tonight, we're gonna go crash that party the Harunos are throwing for their wedding anniversary and indulge ourselves with ramen, sake, girls, and more ramen…Dattebayo!”
Said Uchiha with an eyebrow raised, “Naruto, what do you mean we?”
“Why, I mean you and me, smart ass!”
He remained silent for a moment, before saying one of the many phrases Uchihas are known for…”Hn.”
“Aw, you can't be serious!” the blonde wailed. “Did I mention that hot females will be there? Just imagine, one of Tokyo's sexiest girls in bed with you, giving you the pleasure wi—”
“If I go with you to that party, will you stop your dirty rants?” Sasuke glared at the perverted male.
“HA! I knew you'd see it my way!” Naruto grinned at his surrender. “Now, let's get you to the nearest shower and something decent to wear; you stink worse than a durian, and you look like a hobo!”
“Whatever, let's just go.”
That being said, the dark-haired male stood up, causing the blonde to slightly waver in his smile (as Sasuke was two inches taller than him; Naruto missed towering over his best friend/rival), the two teens headed back to the Uchiha manor, getting ready for the big night.
- … - … - … - … - … - … -
No answer.
Strike three…you're out!
“God dammit…Tsunade!” Ayame barked to the blonde woman next to her. “Go fetch me my daughter!”
“Of course, Haruno-san,” she replied. Then, with a booming voice:
Almost immediately, wet footsteps could be heard from the hallway, thumping down the stairs, entering the dining room.
“You called, Mother?” a girl in a white robe and towel chirped.
Ayame's smile slightly wavered. Standing before her daughter in a modest black dress, she shielded her chest and legs from any wandering eye. The graying cherry hair was tied back in a nice bun, blue eyes shimmering with joy and pride…until it met the cloths on her daughter's body. “Oh dear…”
Sakura always thought her mother was too old and proper. Of course, her nanny was the exact opposite…
Tsunade was old, but thanks to botox appointments every six months and excellent chakra control, the woman looked no older than twenty-seven, though she was twice that age. The white tank top showed WAY too much cleavage (And those weren't implants! Inner Sakura roared), and the matching skirt was barely grazing mid-thigh. Clearer, friendlier hazel eyes greeted the young woman.
“My daughter, you've just gotten out of the shower, and we're leaving in less than an hour!” Ayame exclaimed, walking back and forth in closed-toed heels. “Tsunade, please fix her up while I explain everything…the green one will do.”
“Yes'm,” the blonde woman replied, fixing her hair into two low ponytails before fetching `the green one', motioning the teen to the walk-in closet. The sound of a damp towel and robe dropping on the floor and silk on skin could be heard as her mother began to talk.
“Sakura, dear, I know you're only eighteen—”
“Haruno-san, she is not that age yet!” Tsunade interrupted her. “I should know; I raised her up! Do you know when the summer solstice is?”
“Fifteen days,” the Lady replied coldly. “Putting that asi—”
“Hai!” Tsunade continued, stopping her once more. “In fifteen days, my dear Sakura-chan will be of eighteen years!” the Nurse grinned, combing the pink locks of the blushing female.
The blonde woman sighed, leaning against the white door as she started yet another long story about the girl she took care of. “Why, I remember like it was just yesterday, her being a young little thing, running around in the backyard garden with my beloved Dan—may Kami rest his soul—and, the poor thing…she tripped, scratching her poor forehead! My husband picked up the little girl in his arms, telling her that soon, she'll be falling not on her face upon hard ground, but on her back upon soft bed sheets. And, instead of wailing in pain, it will be in pure estacy!” A loud chortle escaped her lips. “OOH—
“Tsunade!” Ayame reprimanded the Nurse, ending the howling laughter while her daughter softly giggled.
“Gomen nasai, My Lady.”
“Apology accepted…Now, Sakura, dearest, come on out so that I can see you and we may speak properly.”
The seventeen year-old female came out in an ivory green qipao with light pink cherry blossoms decorating the bottoms of the dress, which stopped at her ankle. Two large slits (thankfully ending mid-thigh) on either side revealed creamy-toned legs. As her mother had ordered it, the dress revealed no cleavage whatsoever, but emphasized the slender curves bestowed upon her daughter.
In other words, Sakura was definitely a sight to see.
“My child, you look so beautiful!” Tsunade praised, motioning the girl to sit down in front of the dresser mirror as she strapped on matching heels and started fixing her hair and make-up.
Ignoring all of the Nurse's handlings over her daughter, Ayame continued with her discussion while examining her freshly-painted nails.
“Sakura, have you ever thought about, you know, getting married?”
“No, Mother,” the rosette replied honestly, “Nor do I really wan—”
“Oh, well, that's wonderful!” her mother replied joyfully. “Your father found a dashing young man to be your husband; you'll meet him at the party tonight. Now, go finish preparing yourself and meet us at the court yard in five minutes!”
Seeing Ayame's retreating form, Sakura frowned, looking at Tsunade in the mirror. “I really wish that she could actually sit down with me for more than fifteen minutes so that I can talk about my future, not some arranged marriage! I want to be a medic-nin just like you were, Tsunade-shishou…”
“Oh, you'll be fine!” the elder woman exclaimed, kissing her on the cheek. “Now, let's go meet your parents downstairs, ne? We'll have a grand old time at the party! It's been awhile since I've had sake, anyway…”
With that, Sakura groaned. As she rolled her jade orbs, the rosette prayed that the night would pass by quickly.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Author's Notes:
My Disclaimers are that I do not own Naruto or Romeo and Juliet. They belong to Masashi Kishimoto and William Shakespeare, respectively.
My Important Notice is that the introduction you read above was off of Shakespeare's introduction to Act I of Romeo and Juliet...altered a bit by moi.
Big Thank-You's go to Afevis Shyrin and Jadegoddess...the first chapter wouldn't be out of my head (or be in its awesome form) without you...I <3 you guys~!
Durains are oblong/round, green, prickly fruits, often known as the stinkiest fruit in the world. People (who can stand the awful smell) eat their nutty 'n sweet flesh. Qipaos are Chinese dresses, like the one Chun-Li wears (y'know, that character from Street Fighters?). They are body-hugging, silky, and VERY comfortable to wear.
Yeah…my Romeo and Juliet obsession has gone overboard. -sweatdrops- I'd love to hear comments, constructive criticism, flames, anything that lets me know I'm not some kind of ghost that makes random appearances in the fan fiction world…? -waves- Please and thank you!