Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Path of Fate ❯ When paths cross. ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“WHAT” Sakura screamed. Naruto stared at the pink haired girl. “I said I told him that I like him.”
“I caught that, what else did you say?” Sakura questioned, her anger rising.
“I kissed him” Naruto mumbled.
Sakura sat back in her chair, her left eye slightly twitching. “Sakura are you ok?” asked Naruto.
“Well did he……you know……. Like it?” she asked quietly.
“I don't know, he kicked me into a wall.”
Meanwhile at Konoha High……
Kakashi P.O.V
“Ok Kakashi, this will be your room. If you need anything just call.” The secretary said as she walked giggling. What's with her? I opened the door and walked into the room. I flipped the light on to see that it was just a room with about 30 desks. I wonder what….. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. “Mind if I come in?”
I turned to look at the person. It was Iruka. “I-I-Iruka, hi”
“Hi, I see you got your room.”
“Yeah” I said. I stood there staring at him. I couldn't help it. His flawless skin, the way his shirt fit him…..everything was so…….beautiful.
Iruka P.O.V
He just keeps staring. Do I look funny? Is my zipper down? And he looks so….cute...wait no…did I just…but he's….A GUY…but still….” Are you ok?” I asked. “Huh” said Kakashi startled, “yeah.”
Normal P.O.V
Kakashi jumped toward the door and locked it. “What was that for?” Iruka asked. “Shh” Kakashi said, slowly walking toward the other man. Kakashi pushed Iruka to the floor. Iruka let out a surprised yelp. “Ka-Kakashi WH-what are you-” he was cut off by a hand covering his mouth. “It's ok, you'll like it in a minute.”
“Li-like what?” Iruka asked, eyes widening.
“I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you exactly what I wanted to do to you.” Kakashi said, seductively running his finger up and down Iruka's chest.
“I don't understand.” Iruka said.
“Would you like me to show you?”
Iruka's entire body felt warm. He helplessly watched Kakashi pin his arms above his head and strattle him. He felt Kakashi's lips against his. Iruka wondered when Kakashi took his mask off, but it didn't matter, the only thing that mattered was him and Kakashi. Kakashi held Iruka's arms with one hand while the other slid down to his belt. Iruka tried to break the kiss but couldn't. Kakashi got the message and pulled away. He studied the face of the flushed man under him. “What's the matter Iru-kun?” Kakashi asked sweetly.
“We-we can't …”
“Shh…'ll love it.” Kakashi pulled off Iruka's pants and boxers in one tug. Kakashi kissed Iruka's inner thigh earning a gasp and a moan from the younger man.
“Ka….Kashi……please” Iruka whispered. “Please what? If you don't tell me I'll do it my way.” Kakashi said wrapping his hand around Iruka's stiff member.
“Ka….ka…shi” Iruka gasped.
“What do you want me to do?” Kakashi asked starting to pump.
“Aaahh” Iruka moaned out in pleasure.
“If your not sure, I'll make your mind up for you.” Kakashi smirked at the panting man.
He moved down to Iruka's throbbing…..problem and took it in his mouth.
He began to suck, hard. “Kakashi” Iruka panted. Kakashi dove deeper taking all of it in. swallowing, kissing, and licking. “Aah…un...ka…..ka…shi…. un….pl-please….stop” Iruka said in between gasps and pants.
Kakashi stopped and came up to look Iruka in the eyes. “you want me to stop?”
“no” Iruka panted. “stop teasing.”
“Ok.” Kakashi said pulling his own clothes off. He kissed Iruka on the forehead and threw his legs over his shoulders.
“are you ready?” Kakashi asked.
“oh I almost forgot” Kakashi grabbed his pants and pulled a small bottle out. “I don't want to hurt you.” Kakashi said putting lube on three fingers. “just relax” he told Iruka as he gently pushed his first finger into Iruka's tight entrance.
A sharp pain shot up Iruka's spine. He bit his hand to keep from screaming out in pain.
“I know, it'll stop hurting soon” Kakashi whispered into Iruka's ear. When Kakashi thought he was ready, he added a second finger, scissoring them to stretch the tight fit. “aahh” Iruka gasped when Kakashi hit his prostate.
He was about to put the last finger in when…..
“Sensei” yelled Naruto, kicking down the door. “I heard you scream so I didn't know….if….”
Naruto looked at his sensei….on the floor…..with a guy……that had his fingers up his ass. I want to do that with Sasuke, Naruto thought.
“I'm going to go” he said running out the door.
“maybe we should finish this later.” Said Kakashi, a slight blush on his cheeks.
Cliffhanger. MWAHAHA!!! I love that. Well yeah there you go review and let me know what you think. oh and sorry that Naruto busted in but no one is having sex for a few more chapters.