Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Actions Speak Louder ❯ Memoirs ( Chapter 43 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Our decision is that we go to Sound," Gaara announced calmly to the group.

Sakura's eyes widened in fear at the decision, but no one seemed to share any type of gratitude, not even Ura, who had given the idea of going to Sound. No one wanted to go at all, in fear that they will not return to see the next generation. Once the statement sunk in to everyone, the Jonin began to leave the room in silence, wanting to live what could be their last moments alone.

Ura had waited in a distant hallway, she wanted to be with the one person she could confide in the most, the one who has always been there for her through the good, the bad, and the just freaking ugly. She looked to the right to see Kankurou approaching her, " wanted to see me?"

"Yeah, I think you and I need to spend what little time we may have left together with Temari and Gaara, because we are the Sand Team that brought prosperity back to our village," Ura smiled up at him, "I mean...more than likely we'll be fine, know..."

Kankurou understood, both going down to Temari's hallway and retrieved her, then went back to the office where they were in and brought out Gaara. The entire, once, Sand Team left the shrine, all trying to enjoy what the final moments could be. It was like time stopped when they were together as a team, like they were all the same when they were just Genin. Kankurou even got to be known as Gaara's older brother again, forgiveness had taken its worth in Gaara's eyes as he saw the bond of sibling-hood between Ura and Kankurou. In a way, he was comforted knowing that if anything happened to him, Kankurou and Temari would always look after Ura.

They stood at the tallest hill, each doing their own thing. Temari plucked off a wild flower and just toyed with it with a soft smile on, Kankurou layed on his back looking up at the sky, while both Gaara and Ura were both standing. Gaara and Ura stood next to each other, both looking in the same direction, where their village was. Through the corner of Gaara's eyes, he rememberedhow Ura was always there, never leaving his side. How foolish he was to even think about killing her when he would be destroying the one person who has always loved him.

As he retraced his thoughts, Gaara remembered how, as a child, lonely life was for him, especially when Yashamaru betrayed him. All he wanted was to feel loved then, and how things would've been different if Ura and himself became early friends. His thoughts played a picture in his mind at what could've happend:

(Gaara's memories re-done)


The door slammed shut into Gaara's face, another disappointment... This time, the pain hurt even worse, the girl didn't even think about taking the medicine for her wounds. Gaara's eyes were wide from the pain, but just dropped the bag and slowly walked away from the porch.


Gaara stopped walking and turned to the side to see a pale girl in the distance, holding her arm tightly as blood dripped through her fingers. Though he didn't know if she would react the same, he rushed to her, "Are...are you ok?"

Her eyes were a deep, rich brown when she lifted her head up to him, the moon reflecting in her eyes, " hari cut my arm, do you have any medicine on you?"

She didn't reject fact, she was even blushing and smiling at him! Gaara didn't understand why she was acting in such a way, but then rushed to get the medicine that was declined and brought it to the mystery girl, "Here, let me help you."

Gaara cleaned her cuts on her arms, then wrapped her arms up softly, "I'm Gaara..."

"I'm Ura, i'm friends with your brother," Ura smiled at him, still blushing, becoming more comfortable around Gaara, "But..I want to be your friend too."

To Gaara, hearing her say that meant peace for him, that each day he would get up just to be with Ura. The feeling of salvation swept through him, though it was only one girl who wanted to be his friend, it meant a million possibilities for true happiness and love. As tears swelled his eyes in happiness, Gaara gave her a huge hug, crying as he mumbled a thousand 'thank you's'.


Everything would've been just slipped out over the next few years if that had actually happened, but neither of them made the first initinative back then. But, even Gaara knew their past will never be forgotten, it was forged in time what did and did not take place in their paths.

"I bet you two don't remember the first time we got drunk off of Baki's sake, I think that was the time Ura became a drunk," Kankurou looked over at Temari and Ura.

Ura kicked Kankurou lightly, "I wasn't a drunk then and yes, we do remember how you got us drunk."

"Hey, I didn't force you to drink it," Kankurou shrugged playfully, "Man, we got our asses handed to us..."

"What happened?" Gaara asked, curious to know what went down that night.

"Your brother decided to get the three of us drunk off of sake one night, and the next morning my hair was shortened and Ura had a tattoo that Kankurou claimed her," Temari explained as she also swat at her brother.

"And Baki couldn't find enough chairs to throw at us after he basically gave us all a concussion," Ura commented dryly, "It was not the best time to get drunk, and the day after was no better."

"Yeah, that's right, that's when we found out the Uchiha had a little something, something for you," Kankurou added with a swivel in his hips, "He stole your two hari just to get to smell your skin where you touched the hari. Probably imagining it going into your-"

"Enough! I don't want to hear any more of it," Temari punched Kankurou's head, "Neither does Gaara nor Ura."

Temari and Ura had a sickening look on their face, but Gaara just stared blankly into the vast scenery, ignoring the rude comments his brother had made infront of him. Everyone went silent, what else was there to remember before the final day? What could they remember? Every day after their Chunin Exams was basically days they had missions or saving each other's life, there were very little good times besides the ones they had recently made. Then, out of no where, Temari's eyes swelled up, Ura looked over at her friend and got on her knees in front of Temari, "What's wrong?"

"It's Shikamaru...I forgot about him..." Temari whispered.

Ura had never thought Temari to have such feminine feelings, but Temari was just like any other woman, she didn't want to die without Shikamaru knowing she loved him. Though Ura knew what it felt like dying before you got to say goodbye, she couldn't imagine how it would feel to Shikamaru if he ever found out Temari died alone.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, Temari, you'll be going home to him then there's going to be a huge celebration for your wedding," Ura tried to cheer Temari up, but it was no use.

Temari went back to the shrine to try and calm down on her own, Kankurou then left when the depression of dying alone caught on to him, leaving Ura and Gaara to themselves. Ura didn't want to go to battle, not when she already saw his tears when she died once. Seeing them again will make her soul shrivel up and die, besides, there are no priestesses around to save her soul now. Gaara and Ura stood next to each other as the purple, evening clouds rolled in. Subtly, Ura grabbed Gaara's hand, giving it a light squeeze for comfort, "Gaara....i'm afraid."

Not even Gaara could cure the fear that Ura held, to kill her sister, to kill the man that was no longer human. She didn't know if any of them could surviven now, not since when Leila had been given the power to steal souls and Kabutome had the strength to rip out a soul. The knowledge of the impending doom lurked in her thoughts as her mind began to wander, there was little chance that she could make it out alive. What had she gotten her friends into? Was this really it? Was this how their fate was supposed to be? When they all worked so hard to reach to the top that everything will crumble down to dust?

"There's nothing to be afriad of," Gaara mumbled, still staring into the distance.

Ura, who could quickly question that idea, turned her head towards Gaara, "How could you say that? When-"

"You're not going into that battle, it's out of the question," Gaara interupted her statement with a firm stare, "And I won't let you controdict my law."

Speechless, Ura's eyes were wide. What did he mean by 'you're not going into that battle'? She opened her mouth, but then Gaara explained, "While everyone is fighting that battle, you will be heading back to Suna to take over my title, if I return."

"What!? Hell no! You can't tell me to do that! I don't-"

"I don't care," Gaara snapped his head to her, his stare turning to a frustrated glare, "If there's one thing I will never allow is you risking your life in a battle that is too dangerous for even two Kages to battle in. When you reach our village, the battle will already be over."

"Gaara..." Ura didn't know what to say or what to argue back at him, "Please...let me stay...I want to be with you, I don't want you to go."

To let her go would be like shooting a bullet through her skull, what could he do now? His love for her told him to let her go back home where she would be safe from any type of harm, but if he set her free, there could be a chance where he would never go back. Gaara looked straight through Ura's eyes and into her soul, she was just as confused and frustrated as he was, not knowing what to do. He release a strained sigh, holding out his right palm, sand spun around his wrist. Then, after a few seconds, the sand fused together in the middle of his palm, forming a small, pointer finger sized gourd. He wrapped some string around it and placed it around Ura's neck, "This sand will protect you no matter what, the Hokage and I will discuss the matter of the battle tonight."

"Please let me stay Gaara, don't make me go back home with you and the others. I-...I don't want to be alone," Ura took his left hand with her own hands, "I want to show you and everyone here that i'm just as good enough as a kunoichi as they are shinobi. All my life i've been trying to prove my worth to them, and now is my chance. Though it's dangerous, I just want everyone, even you, to see what my long, perilous training has pulled off to."

Gaara gave Ura a look of slight sorrow, feeling guilt that knew should've been shown a long time ago. He embraced Ura against him, his lips pressing against her own in a need of security for both of them. The connection that formed their love for one another could be seen by just the way his hands tightened on her skin. Soft, luminous tears rolled down Ura's cheeks, fear and bitter excitement clouded her mind of the up-coming battle, the blood that will be shed, the lives that would be slain. Gaara's male-instinct was to comfort the woman in his arms, to take her mind away from the solemn days that were to come. His lips pressed harder against her lips, allowing his tongue to sneak between her lips to toy with her own. Ura would've put up a fierce battle to win against their oral war, but she was just not up for any type of battle against Gaara at the moment.

After a few moments of Gaara controling her movements in her mouth, he pulled away, allowing air to fill her lungs. His warm breath lingered against Ura's cheeks, not even a heated kiss seemed to turn his love's mind away from the troubles.

"Head to our room," Gaara softly ordered to her, "I want you to strip yourself and put on the silk kimono in the closet. Leave it open and lay on your back on the bed, don't do anything else."

"I don't think tonight is a good night, Gaara, I mean...I just don't feel up to it," Ura objected as she pulled away from his, but his hands not leaving her wrists, "With the fight with Leila and's not that I don't want-"

Gaara silenced Ura by taking her wrist to his shaft so she could feel his member harden, his eyes piercing through her as Ura's face lit up in a red color. His free hand lingered to her left breast, giving it a light squeeze, "WE need this night, I don't want us going into a battle without this. I want you, I want all of you, and I won't let you object to what I desire."

Ura just fell silent, as soon as she felt his shaft stiffen all that went into her mind was the image of Gaara nude in front of her. As the images of him flooded her mind, all Ura wanted now pure, loving, sex. The kunoichi gently pulled away, not breaking her stare with Gaara as she slowly stepped away towards the shrine.

The Kazekage watched as Ura went back to the shrine to obey his orders, but then turned back to see the setting sun. Gaara's serious face didn't change, the thoughts of the final battle conjoured in his mind, but one strategy made its way to a full plan. He knew no one would agree on it, but the Hokage would understand why Gaara chose to have this plan come to be. As if reading his thoughts, Naruto appeared by Gaara, "So...are you going to screw her brains out tonight?"

Gaara didn't say anything, the plan was still forming in his mind while his eyes stayed on the sunset. Naruto glanced at Gaara from the sides of his eyes, the contemplated, serious look on Gaara's face told the Hokage that Gaara knew something. As Naruto folded his arms across his chest, he looked back at the window where Gaara's room was. He turned back to also face the sunset, "You know...there isn't any shades for your room...and...well... Let's just say I was able to see Ura nude, in a kimono, on your bed while she's putting some lotion on her legs."

Without saying a thing, Gaara left to the shrine, while Naruto had a smirk on his face....