Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ All In Time ❯ Chapter Four: Here's My Jacket (part 1) ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Notes:

This is an insert which I should not actually consider as a chapter but it doesn't really fit into the chapters I made and it seemed appropriate to include it in the story. So here it is. Enjoy (hopefully)


I'll make it simple and short: I do not own Naruto. You could sue me for being a pedophile though. Yep, guilty as charged.

All In Time

by Boyarina

Chapter Four: Here's My Jacket (part 1)

He looked at her sleeping form, memorizing the way that she slumbers. The bed roll is pulled up to her chin, exposing only her head and hair to the cold night breeze.

Yet she seems to be shivering.

He sprang from the height he is crouching from. Softly and quietly, he landed and crept up to where she is lying. He shrugged out of his orange jacket and carefully placed it on top of her. The heat from his body must have given her some relief for her shivers instantly ceased.

She gave out a soft moan of satisfaction, which pleased him immensely. He was about to walk away, but a sound stopped him from his tracks.


The said blond squinted at the girl whom he thought was sleeping. Sakura is awake now and had, in fact, spoken his name it seems. If her awakened state hadn't startled him enough, her next words caught him full in the chest.

"Arigatou, Naruto."

He blushed faintly, a ghost of a grin grazing his lips.

"Saa..." he whispered in reply, "Don't mention it."