Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ All In Time ❯ Chapter Six: A Day Of Impulses ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Notes:

For some twisted reason, I happen to like all naruxsasu, naruxsaku, naruxsakuxsau pairings...actually becoming very obsessed by these parings...sheesh...i need some serious psychological help.


I hate losing things...and for that I am quite thankful not being able to own Naruto...had it been mine and I lost it...i would never forgive myself for all eternity...

All In Time

by Boyarina

Chapter Six: A Day Of Impulses

Sakura is starting to develop a cramp on her left leg. They had been travelling for so long now and haven't yet rested for hours. She hasn't the stamina that Naruto and Sasuke has. If they keep this up, they'll be picking her up from the ground soon.

She doesn't want to slow the two of them down. For now, she would have to keep the complaints to herself. She probably could do a few more kilometers anyways.

Concentrate. Place one foot in front, then push and leap to the next tree, another foot in front, then push and leap to the next tree. Another...

"Off!" Typical of one who is not watching the path ahead of them, Sakura collided with the body in front of her. Before gravity decided to claim her though, she had a glimpse of the orange back she had smacked head on to and Naruto's startled face when he glanced back at her.

The world tilted as she felt herself fall. Really, it would have been impossible for her to keep her balance with one leg hurt.

Sakura squeezed her eyes close, awaiting for the impact that was soon to come. But it never happened. Daring to open her eyes, she saw Naruto's grinnig face and the hand that he had used to clutch at the front of her dress.

For a moment, she lay suspended in the air but was quiclky jerked back to solid ground. Coming so close to falling, Sakura instinctively wrapped her arms around the nearest support that she could find--which incidentally was Naruto's waist.

Sakura is panting heavily. From the height that they are in, she would have seriouly broken something and would have to be taken out of the mission.

"Daijabou, Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked as he awkwardly patted her back. Sakura's head is placed against his chest while she recovered from fright. This is the first time that he held her so close. Actually, to be more politically correct about it, this is the only time, she held herself close to him.

She smelled trusting,Naruto wondered idly if she could hear the wild thumping of his, he wondered if she had noticed his body's reaction (particularly THAT part of his body) to her nearness.

God, for both of their sakes he hoped not.

Naruto took a deep breath. He need to shake himself out of this funk. He is stronger than this. This is not the time for him to acknowledge the fact that he is definitely a male, and Sakura, a very alluring female.

Stop hormones! Stop! Onegai!

It took every ounce of Naruto's strength (plus demonic chakra) to disentangle Sakura from him. Though he regretted doing so, he had to do it. Otherwise, he might do something foolish.

Like, kiss her senseless.

Not trusting himself, Naruto placed some distance between him and Sakura, a foot to be exact. However, he made the mistake of looking at her eyes and instantly, he was mesmerized, caught up in reading the expression that crossed her features.

...uncertainty, Sakura blushing?

"Arigatou, Naruto," Sakura said softly, torn between staying, being rooted on the spot and bolting to the oppposite direction. The desire to stay is great though for she couldn't seem to tear her eyes away from his cerulean ones.

God, he looked so beautiful that Sakura couldn't help imagining flinging herself to him and ravaging him.

After a second had passed, Sakura's imagination had turn into a full blown fantasy; a fantasy that if she failed to act upon on would surely lead to her untimely death.

Yes, Sakura is perfectly aware that she is exaggerating. It doesn't matter. What she is most concerned about is the fact that she hadn't acted impulsively before--or rather had not acted impulsively in her whole life. Right now seems to be the perfect time for impulses though. Yep, with her teenage hormones in full rampage, there is no better time than right this second.

Throwing caution to the wind, Sakura wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck with an almost savage force, forcing him to bend down a little while she stood in her tiptoes (when did Naruto get so tall?!) to capture his opened mouth in her own.

Sakura moaned, her lips meeting Naruto's over and over again, taking what she could, devouring what Naruto is offering her. Sakura felt his hands tentatively took hold of her torso. His touch is so featherlight, Sakura hardly noticed it up until Naruto started to caress her ribcage using his thumbs.

Sakura would have reveled more in the sensations that he is inciting from her. Unfortunately, her heightened senses is what had brought her back to reality.

"Naruto..." Sakura murmurred against his reddened lips. They shared mingled breaths, rugged breaths, eyes downcast and staring at each other's lips as though contemplating hard about continuing with what they are doing earlier or stopping now and saving some for later.

They would have stayed like that for hours. But their eyes met, breaking the spell that bound the two of them. Faster than you could say "lips are for french kissing", they simultaneously back-pedaled from each other, appearing as though they suddenly had been scalded with boiling water.

Naruto let out a nervous chuckle. Now that he is a safe distance away from her, Naruto could afford to do as much. Had Sakura been in his arms again, he would have her flat on her back, doing everything but chuckling.

He stared at Sakura, knowing full-well it would be be a mistake to do so, but did it anyways. He noted her panting form, looking like she had ran a marathon. Raising her head, Sakura locked eyes with him again, then winced.

The apologetic grin that was forming in his mouth suddenly turned into a concerned frown. In the blink of an eye, Naruto was at her side. He opened his mouth to ask her what's wrong when Sasuke appeared beside them, looking extremely disgruntled.

"What's the hold up?" Sasuke asked brusquely, his glare switching from Naruto to Sakura. When his two teammates' faces flared up almost simultaneously, Sasuke nearly failed to suppress the snort that came unbidden to his mouth. And if that wasn't enough, Naruto and Sakura started to inch away from each other, dispelling any doubts Sasuske had about what happened.

Guilty as charged, Sasuke smirked internally.

The Uchiha heir would have continued gloating over his new found evidence but was given a pause when Sakura bent down and rubbed her leg with a pained expresion on her face.

Sasuke glanced sharply at Sakura, and then her leg.

Sakura tried on a a smile to reassure her buddies but it ended up as a grimace.

"Anou's just a leg cramp," she said, a little bit hesitant in confession her discomfort. "Nothing big. We should continue on."

"Demo!" Naruto interjected as Sasuke scrutinized Sakura's true condition. "If we continue, that leg might actually get injured."

Sakura shrugged. "Daijabou," she told the leaf she suddenly took an interest in, "My leg's gonna be fine. Besides, we are gonna lag behind the schedule and would not complete the mission in time if we stop now."

Sasuke noted the grim determination on Sakura's face. She would push hersself to the limits and then some despite their insistence that she take a rest...

Sasuke's eyes landed next on Naruto. The kitsune would not allow for his Sakura-chan to be left behind that's for sure.

The Uchiha pursed his lips, deep in thought, thinking of a way how they would compromise. Being none too happy about his poor brain getting taxed for something that he considers inconsequential, he glared at the two who are the causes of it.

Sakura gave him a weak smile before her gaze drifted to Naruto who was eagerly awaiting his verdict.

It was then that it hit him. The brilliancy of his plan is outstanding.

Sasuke smiled slowly, if not demonically.

"Naruto, carry Sakura on your back." Sasuke declared, smirking when Naruto's jaw dropped to the ground and Sakura spluttered her protest.

"B-bu...S-sa...wha-", Sakura incoherently jabbered out, crying out in frustration and stomping her foot on the tree branch they were standing on.

"What?" Sasuke drawled out, raising one lone eyebrow at her. "If you have anything against it Sakura, might as well quit the mission now."

As is on cue, Naruto immediately took action. Not even waiting for Sakura's request, Naruto backed himself into her, pulled her arns so they would wrap around his neck, then hoisted her up.

Sakura squeaked, surprised at heing lifted off the ground wihtout so much ado. She would have left it at that, but there's one body part of her that is tingling because Naruto's hands are still resting on it.

"Ano..." Sakura said in a strangled whisper. "Naruto your hands...they're on..."

She didn't get to finish the rest of her sentence (and she really didn't want to considering that Sasuke is right in front of them) when she felt Naruto's hands move from her posterior to the crooks of the legs she had wrapped around him.

"G-gomen nasai!" Naruto exclamied, fairly shouting out his apology. At this point, being the lone observer of the two, Sasuke compared and contrasted, deciding that Naruto's face is in fact redder than Sakura's.

Unable to resist the devil inside him, Sauke caught Naruto's eyes in a direct gaze and asked the obvious: "What's making your face so red, dobe?"

Deprived of his usual witty comebacks, Naruto could only glare at his alleged bestfriend.

"Can it, teme," Naruto snapped, before escaping on to the next tree and leaving Sasuke to the dust.


Excerpt from the novel, "The Notebook"

I am nothing special; of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts, and I've lead a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough."