Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ All In Time ❯ Chapter 9: How do you enter...? ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Notes:

You know, personally, I think this section should be called what's inside the author's head instead of autho's notes since what i usually put in here is what is inside of my head. Aynways, what IS inside of this author's heads...well... REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIE W!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REV IEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!REVIEW!< br> No really, this is ALL I THINK ABOUT ALL DAY! Geez, I am getting so obsessed by it, i check my mail everyday and i DON'T DO THAT AT ALL! Seriously!
Anyways, guys please review because i go whacked crazy whenever i see my email AND REVIEWS PAGE, only to find it's completely devoid of reviews. So please, just in the meantime i am in this funk, indulge me reviews? pretty please? thanks. :)


I do not own Naruto. Please I would stop claiming it as my own so long as you give me anything that would resemble a review. thanks :)

All In Time
by Boyarina

Chapter 9: How do you enter...?

The eight columns of swriling air that surrounded the defense Guardians are not what they had been expecting. The towering tornadoes just sprang up suddenly without Shouyou and Ayame doing any hand seals. It happened as though that by sheer will alone had the guardians been able to command the air around them to form this protectve barrier.

Is it possible that these two are in a way like Gaara? Could it be that they too have a monster inside them that rules the wind thus allowing them to use the wind freely?

The towering barrier reached the skies above; disappearing into the clouds and to God-knows-where. The spaces between the twirling winds of death would have worked to their advantage, but as soon as they got ready to to attack those weak spots, the cyclones started to move around the two guardians.

To compound this, slowly, inch by nerve wracking inch, the area that the wind was protecting started to get bigger and bigger. It is now almost encompassing the ground covering the entrance of Air Country's gates, encircling all the Guardians inside.

This is bad. Nope, not very good at all, and THAT is saying mildly. With the wind slashing violently around them, that wall of wind promising eternal damnation to anything that comes near it (let alone touch it), there seems to be no jutus that they have at hand to breach that deadly wall.

They could attact either by assualting them from the top or from below the ground, those are the only two areas which the cyclone barrier is not defending.

"Sasuke!" Naruto boomed out, "I'll handle it from above."

Sasuke gave his partner a curt nod, though inside he has grudgingly appreciated the fact that he had somewhat rubbed off Naruto a few of his observational skills.

Either that or Naruto had matured eough not to act to brashly like what he used to do before.

"Kage no bushin no jutsu!" Naruto called out and two clones of him appeared. The said clones plus the real Naruto grinned maniacally and linked their arms together forming a chain.

"Ready when you are, teme!"

Sasuke smirked. Forming the necessary hands seals for his jutsu, he summoned chidori. Once it cackled to life, he poised it over the ground. He squatted a little ready for the leap he would make to gain momentum before he slammed his ball of chakra to the ground.

"Now!" Sasuke yelled as he jumped to the height he would need. He have his chidori-filled hand pointed to the ground, watching as Naruto was thrown by his clones into the air.He waited until another of Naruto clones poofed into existence beside the real one--one clone being used as a stepping stone, while the other one propelled the real Naruto again into the air.

That is when he made his move. Sasuke nose-dived into the ground with chidori right infront of him, ready to make a tunnel.

Sasuke felt both his body and the earth below him tremble with the force his chidori made when he plummelled it into the ground. The booming sound that came after defeaned him and the dust particles that the earth had crumbled into flew to his eyes. Though temporarily deaf and blind, he continued on with his task.

In two minutes tops, he'd be able to barge into their comfort zone and land a blow to the silver-haired guardian.


Or not.

He had broken through the ground right infront of the guardian without any problems. However, instead of emerging victoriously (so much for the grand entrance entrance he had in mind) into their clearing, he was corked in, literally, by another cyclone.

Still, he continued pushing against it because Naruto would have done the same; because right now the only weapon he has against them in persistence, with a little stubbornness thrown on the side.

He will get to their side of the clearing, past that wind barricade, even if it kills him!

------------------------------------------------------------- ------------

No matter how high he get into the skies, no matter how many times his head poked a hole through the clouds, the tower of wind he was trying to breach just simply goes on and on and on and on..........

He tried to circle the whole barricade, hoping to find a gaping whole the defense guardians might have missed covering up. But, he already have travelled for miles, still, no luck.

For what's its worth, he would have to hand it to both Shoyou-nesan and Ayame-nesan for it seems like they have made a living wall around Air Country. There is no way to get in from either the side or on the top from his vantage point. Hopefully, Sasuke is having a better luck than he is.

He would have to abandon this strategy and go back to Sasuke. The top could not be breached by effort alone. There has to be an object that would interrupt the vicious flow of air.

Hmmmm, a giant boulder of rock, may be? Not a bad idea. A huge boulder that would cut into the swirling mass of air would allow him to punch through and gain entrance.

Naruto back-flipped into the air to get away from the whirl wind. FInding his ideal spot to land on, he twisted around so he could get a good view of his footing.

There! The highest branch of the tallest tree that is where he would make his territorial survey to locate that mound of earth which will be the defense guardian's ultimate defeat. However, to our blond hero's dismay, there is no boulder big enough that would serve his purpose. The land is flat--pure plains as far as the eye could see.

Naruto sat on his hunches, craddling his chin in one hand as he did so. Either that he need to think of another plan or make a boulder for him to use. For the boulder, he simply could pump chakra on his feet to cut up a huge mass of rock from the ground and--

Wait a feakin' minute!

Why in the world would he have to do that for? HE could simply use one of the earth jutsus that perverted sannin taught him.

Naruto smacked himself on the forehead, berating himself for forgetting a detail that should have been so obvious in the first place. Before he executes that however, there are things that he need to see to first. ONe, get Sakura as far away from their battle, and two, inform Sasuke of his brand new plan.

There might be something in that genius' head of his to supplement this course of action.

Truth to be told, earth justsus are not his forte; especially not the one that the first Hokage have invented. UNfortunately for him that seems to be the most effective tactic, seeing that he has yet to find a weak spot in the Air Country's Guardians defense.

The urge to sigh dejectedly is trong, but he fought it. It'll only be a waste of breath (that he will definitely need later) and more so, it will go against his personality.

Jumping up to his feet (to release the negative energy that crept up to him and to regain his natural exuberant self) Naruto got out of his poor imitation of the 'thinking man's' pose. Standing now on his legs (not to mention, with blood flowing back on his feet), he shook his body much like what a wet dog would do, perky now as can be.

Yosh! Now to get Sakura and Sasuke!