Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Apple Blossom Tea ❯ Round Robin ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Welcome, Readers!!! This is Chapter 1 of 'Apple Blossom Tea' I hope You like it, I know I do!!
This story was NOT written by me. It was written by backlash symphony on FanFiction.Net. I was given Permission By her to post this story. It is, in my opinion, the Best KisamexSakura fic ever written.
Disclaimer: I don't own the story or Naruto!!!!
WARNING: Sai will most likely get butchered in this chapter. I apologize for I never actually saw him before. All I've heard is that he calls Sakura ugly and makes fun of Naruto's penis. He looks nearly identical to Sasuke but he also acts nearly identical. If I'm wrong on any of those points feel free to tell me, but please don't yell at me. -Cowers in fear- Also, another mention of rape.

Timeframe: 1 Year After Sakura's Mission (Sakura is now 19)
This was ridiculous. Sakura knew it and she was positive she knew why it had gotten to this specific point.
This was unbelievable. Sakura could list all the things in her mind that pressed this to be unbelievable.
This was wrong. Sakura could feel the heart-wrenching feeling in not only her chest but her gut and she witnessed the crime before her.
This was Sai. Sakura couldn't imagine him finding an interest in her "ugly" self but he had and here he was finding an interest in someone else.
On a bed that was their own.
In sheets that were a gift from her mother before they moved in together.
With crystal wine glasses that she had inherited from her grandmother.
Drinking a bottle of aged wine her father had given her to keep for her wedding night.
A woman that didn't have her pink hair.
The ceramic plates she had just bought that were sitting in a bag between her fingers began to feel heavier and heavier and she could feel them slipping from her freshly manicured hands. With each passing moment she watched Sai's naked back ripple with the exerted muscles. Each passing moment she saw the woman beneath him arch her back, pushing her full breasts into Sai's sculpted chest. She noted how perfectly their hips fit together, how each thrust forced a squeak-like sound out of her puffy lips, soft gasps forcing her chest harder against Sai. Fingers clenched sheets and his lips trailed firey kisses over her smooth tan skin.
The dishes dropped from her hands and shattered loudly on the floor beside Sakura's foot. She stood there for moments of silence that stretched on forever. Emerald eyes stared unmoving at the scrambling bodies of her boyfriend and his lover. They noted mutely that Sai showed no emotion on his face and was perfectly aware that his face had barely shifted to morph into Sasuke's.
It was then that everything attacked her senses. She didn't say a word as tears welled up in her eyes and she swiftly turned on her heel, walking out of the bedroom door. Right before she turned to go down the stairs she reached a hand into her pocket and retrieved a small key, tossing it onto the rug in his bedroom.
"I won't be needing that anymore," she said calmly, though her voice wavered, it never cracked.
She was out of his house before he could tell her to stop and hear him out. Perhaps he wouldn't have anyway? Perhaps he knew that if he tried to force her to put up with the "truth" this soon he'd find himself burried in a pile of wall plaster six buildings back? Or maybe he just didn't have anything to say. Maybe he just didn't care.
Like Sasuke.
She arrived at her apartment within a minute -she hadn't been here in a few months since her last fight with Sai but kept it since it was good for alone time when people continuously stopped over at Sai's to see them- door kicked open, keys dropped to the floor and door left open. Sakura flung herself onto her bed and was sobbing before she even landed on the sheets. Her arms snaked around one of her pillows and she cried, tears soaking the delicate lace fabric. Her body, on instinct, curled into a ball and she stayed in that position, crying her heart out, for hours. She eventually cried herself to sleep.
She felt fingers running through her somewhat tangled pink tresses and her brows furrowed. Her eyes remained closed as the memories hit her full-force, bringing a fresh wave of tears to hide behind her eyelids.
"Sai," she began, voice exhausted, "if you don't get your filthy hands off of me and get out of my house this instant, I'll beat your pathetic excuse for a body until it's beyond medical help. That way I can rest assured knowing you won't cheat on any future girlfriends since you'll be too hideous to get one."
The hand slid over her shoulders, giving one a firm squeeze. She heard a chuckle that sounded nothing like Sai. Her eyes snapped open and she made an attempt to roll over to begin an attack when the hand moved down one of her arms, holding onto her hand. She gasped when she finally shifted to be able to see who it was.
"Kisame?" she whispered, eyes wide with confusion written on her face.
Said man grinned, teeth glinting in the dim light of the room.
"Kisame!" she cried, launching off the bed to wrap her arms around him.
He made a soft "oof" sound upon the original impact but relaxed as she burried her face into his chest, excitedly squirming as one of his arms moved to wrap around her. He was big enough that one of his arms could completely hug her while she couldn't even touch her fingertips behind his back using both arms. He could feel her smiling against him and he felt tears soak into his shirt.
"I missed you so much!" came her muffled voice.
He chuckled again, loving the way she settled and fit against his body so comfortably. He ruffled her hair with his free hand and looked down.
"It'd get suspicious if I started disappearing from work and all the shinobi here got their bodies set on fight mode every time they walked past your house," he explained. "Wouldn't want you to get put under ANBU surveillance."
Sakura pulled back from him a few inches, pressing her hands to his chest as she looked up at him. She was laughing softly.
"Nice to know you cared," she whispered somewhat sadly.
Kisame shook his head, sighing heavily. He knew that tone and he knew the reason why Sakura was using it. Her boyfriend was screwing some other woman when they were in a relationship.
"That copy boy, right? The one whose name means sword or somethin' like that?" he muttered.
Sakura eyes widened upon hearing that Kisame knew what it was. Something clicked in her brain and a suspicious look clouded her features.
"How'd you know about that?" she began, voice low. She didn't even wait for him to answer. "If I find out that it was all just some sort of genjutsu you made up then you'd better get your-"
"Filthy hands off of you and get out of your apartment this instant before you beat my pathetic excuse for a body until it's beyond medical help and is left hideous forever," he mocked, moving his head from side to side.
He laughed at Sakura's expression, one that reminded him of a five-year-old who doesn't quite believe an excuse his parents used to get out of buying him a toy.
"I didn't, don't worry. It wouldn't do much good anyway."
Sakura looked shocked.
"What? Making a genjutsu that'll make me think my boyfriend is cheating on me?" Sakura said in disbelief.
"No, the beating. I'm already hideous enough as it is!" he joked, half expecting her to agree with him.
He didn't get any response apart from her hands removing themselves from his chest to cross them across her own. She shot him a glare.
"If you were hideous I would've dropped the opportunity to serve your table!" she said angrily. "I actually had to pay off Ino who was only interested in Itachi so I could get the chance to talk to you!" she huffed, but her face softened and she placed her hands on Kisame's cheeks. "People these days don't see, Kisame," she said, her tone gentle. "They only care about appearances first before they take a shot at personality. When I see you, I don't see some terrifying monster with a big sword ready to kill me. When I see you I see someone who had a painful life, one more-so than the others, one full of misplacement and hatred and disgust. But I also see someone who cares behind the hard macho front, who wants to be like all the others to feel what it's like to be accepted." She pulled her hands away and settled them beside her so she could boost herself off of the bed. "Or maybe I belong in a nuthouse. I don't know. But what I see, you'd have to do a lot to make me change my mind."
Sakura smiled before exiting the room, happiness radiating off of her. Of course, Kisame wondered about the words she'd just spoken to him but more about her reaction.
Had she actually been expecting him to come back to see her after the mission? Did she even know that them bumping into each other on her mission was purely coincidental? So why was she looking forward to seeing him again? Why was she so happy to see him again? Did she even realize how much danger she could be in? She didn't even know Kisame and she felt safe walking around with him. Did she know he could kill her in less than a second and no one would even know who did it?
He really didn't get Sakura at all.
With a sigh the missing-nin removed himself from Sakura's bed before his thoughts morphed into less than appropriate ones. He calmly stalked out of her room and into the immediate living room.
What made him so sure he could trust her?
'Well she only saved your life and didn't rat you and Itachi out,' a voice in his head began. 'Then she actually let you sleep with her in a lover's hold without making any protest apart from being near Itachi. She didn't rat you out again when she returned from the mission and rather than scream bloody murder when she caught you sitting on her bed, she practically tackled you with joy because she hasn't seen you in a year.'
Kisame grumbled at the voice and knew it was right. As he continued his search for Sakura, he finally found her in the bathroom, only rather than be dressed in the jeans and semi-loose T-Shirt, he saw that she had changed into a pair of forest green boxers that fit her perfectly, telling him they didn't belong to sword boy, and a black tank top with one single white circle at the bottom of her left side. He assumed that this was what she wore before she went to sleep. Unfortunately for him, that was a looot of skin.
From what he could see of her, the boxers were cut to fit a few inches above her kness, nearly halfway up her thigh. Her thighs were toned, as were the rest of her long slightly tan legs. Although the tank top was high enough so that her chest was completely covered, cleavage included, the spaghetti straps barely hid the smooth skin of her shoulders. Her collarbone was visible but not abnormaly so. Her neck was slender and slightly tanned like her legs and what he could see of her flawless back, a view that ended nearly halfway down her back.
"That was fast," he mumbled, blinking himself back to reality in time to notice Sakura drying her face with a fluffy black towel.
"Yeah, it's from years of having to change in front of men and not being the type to not care if a guy sees me naked and not being the type to do it so I can get laid, I had to learn to do it fast," she explained, hanging the towel up quickly.
"Ah," Kisame muttered, nodding.
He eyed the black towel. Sakura followed his gaze curiously to see it and smiled, shaking her head.
"I never would've figured you to be a black towel person," he said honestly, laughing slightly.
Sakura nodded her head, laughing with him.
"Back when I was a genin I would've passed out from shock or beat someone up if they even dared to suggest something other than pink or red, though mostly pink. I outgrew it a little bit after I turned fourteen," Sakura explained.
Kisame moved out of the doorway to let Sakura pass by him, only to have her turn around to face him, an embarrassed look on her face.
"Uh, so, what exactly do we do?" she asked quietly, wringing her hands behind her back.
As she looked up at him expectantly, Kisame shoved away one of the more descriptive images from his mind and looked around. He shrugged.
"It's your house," he began. "I'm just here to cheer you up."
A look that he couldn't quite interpret spread over Sakura's face, though most likely it was because there were at least four emotions mixed together. He could see shock forming her lips and chin. He noted the disbelief in her slightly scrunched up nose and creased eyebrows. There was a fear that hid in the slight pulled back skin of her cheeks. Her eyes held happiness and relief.
"I cannot believe you just said that," her voice was just above a whisper.
He took a step back and held his hands up.
"If you don't want me-"
Sakura's face brightened in a smile and she laughed slighty.
"I'm not the one that doesn't want you here. I think you should probably rethink what it is you could be getting in to with me if you decide to stay. Afterall, I'm not so sure you'd find fun in doing some things I do when I'm down," she explained.
"Such things would be?" Kisame asked hesitantly.
"Well, let me think," she mumbled, holding her chin with her hand and tilting her head back to look at the ceiling. "Painting my nails, though I paid for a manicure today already which leaves that marked out. Cut my hair, though I want to grow it out. Grab a carton of my favorite cookies 'n' cream ice cream, plop down on the couch and watch a bunch of cheesy horror/romance movies, something that I'm embarrassed to say is due to the fact that I've seen so much gore that I get bored to the point of stupidity if I don't see something and that I'm such a hopeless romantic that I'd be seeking it out in a horror film. Hmm, apple blossom tea and some medical book or jutsu scroll I've got sitting on that bookcase over there," she pointed to a bookcase that had hardly anything left on it. "Still up for the stay?"
Kisame blinked. He didn't say a word. He blinked again. He looked down at Sakura. He blinked once more. He shook his head in disbelief.
"How do you do it?" he asked quietly.
Sakura 'hm'ed in response.
"Do what?"
"I never thought you would be so different from all the other women I've seen. Apart from the nail painting, nothing matches. Despite the fact that I've already figured you don't care what I look like and have black towels instead of pink or red ones, cookies 'n' cream is your favorite ice cream, not strawberry, and rather than cry yourself and eat ice cream to death watching cheesy romance films, you sit and you watch cheesy horror films. If you don't do that then it's tea and a book that has nothing to do with romance, but rather medicine or techniques. Am I getting this right?" he said, somewhat annoyed.
Sakura blinked. She didn't say a word. She blinked again. She looked up at Kisame. She blinked once more. She shook her head in disbelief.
"Yup, that's pretty much it."
Kisame sighed but there was silence for a few moments. Sakura knew what was going through his head.
"I've never been like the other girls since day one. Yeah, I liked Sasuke, but I didn't just like him, I loved him. The other girls liked him. From there on, when he left after the chuunin exams, most of the other kunoichi dropped out to become civilians. I think Hinata and I are the only ones left from that year that continued to become stronger. I became the Hokage's apprentice and I fairly easily made it to be her equal and remained that way despite the fact that Sasuke had his fun with me," she explained, smiling softly.
With a gentle sigh she tilted her head from side to side slowly.
"I enjoy being a medic, though it can be incredibly tiring. I miss fighting. I'll admit that I miss going on missions with opponents so full of themselves they underestimate me. I get to show them that I don't take any crap from them and that no matter what they do, they're going to end up either completely unmoving due to various medical jutsu or they're going to find themself burried beneath a collapsed wall of rocks that I've created from a single punch."
She stopped and smiled a brighter smile.
"See what I mean? I've always gone and done exactly what everyone didn't expect, so the black towels and the horror films with cookies 'n' cream ice cream and the medical text with some soothing tea? It's all what people don't expect, and that's what I like."
Kisame couldn't say anything. His mind was moving too fast for him to grab hold of a thought to force from his mouth. He couldn't get any control over his thoughts and because of his next move, he apparently couldn't get any control over his body, either, otherwise, he wouldn't have a hand behind Sakura's neck.
He wouldn't have his lips pressed against hers.
Moments of complete and utter silence went by. Moments that felt like minutes and hours, eternity to Kisame. He couldn't bring himself to pull back, and eerily, neither could Sakura. He couldn't do anything but yell at himself in his mind for ruining any trust this girl had in him. She couldn't help but think that this was actually nice. Despite those thoughts, Sakura's arms lifted, eyes closing, and she wrapped them around Kisame's neck, pulling herself closer. Kisame, completely and utterly shocked at this, found his body moving without his command. He pulled her closer so they were flush against each other.
Slowly, but surely, their lips moved against the other's, gently, yet getting firmer with each passing second. Eventually, Kisame decided to take the chance when Sakura's mouth opened a little wider to take a breath. His tongue shot out and met hers, and it was at that exact moment that Sakura realized Kisame's sharp teeth were nothing of the sort. They looked sharp but felt just as smooth as her own. As their kiss deepened, Kisame found himself against the wall, Sakura in front of him.
He had no idea how he ended up against the wall with his back against said wall, but he was quick to turn the tables and Sakura soon found herself against the wall. The fact that she was now 19 meant that she had grown up, obviously, and she had become surprisingly tall, so Kisame didn't need to hunch over to catch her lips. They broke apart soon to take in some air and Sakura could tell Kisame had something planned to say. She shook her head and pulled him down for another kiss.
No sooner than they began there was a knock at the door. The two broke apart once again and Sakura glanced in the direction of the door then back at Kisame. He sighed heavily, eyes closing, and he swore under his breath.
"That sword kid is really starting to piss me off," he muttered.
"Sai is here?" Sakura whispered.
Kisame nodded and looked at Sakura's worried face. He also noted that her eyes held anger. Anger at what? The fact that their kiss had been disrupted or the fact that Sai had bothered to show his face so soon after she caught him? Or maybe anger at herself for kissing Kisame? Regardless, he shook his head and backed away from her.
"I'll be taking my leave, then," he said, frustrated.
Sakura nearly screamed at him to stay but took a long jump into his arms as the knocking started up again. She heard a muffled version of her voice being called out. Sakura pushed her lips against Kisame's one last time before it was her turn to head away from him.
"Thank you, Kisame," she whispered, smiling brightly.
He nodded, smiling softly, and watched as her fingers glowed green and touched her lips, changing them from puffy to normal. The two nodded to each other.
"Not a problem," Kisame whispered back, and was gone in a gust of wind.
Sakura paused for a moment, letting her fingers linger on her lips. She turned and headed for the door. Her hand pulled the knob and the door open to reveal Sai. Her face had morphed into one that pissed rather than sad and she glared at him.
"So," she began. "What excuse am I going to get from you for this? You accidentally tripped onto the bed and the sheer speed of that fall caused all of your clothes to come off and you to slide inside of her suddenly lubricated body?"
Sai sighed and shook his head, obviously annoyed.
"Look, can I just come in?" he said calmly. "It's embarrassing to stand out here and have this conversation with you."
She scoffed and straightened her back.
"Embarrassing? This is embarrassing?" she mocked. "What's embarrassing is coming home to the apartment you share with your boyfriend only to find said boyfriend inside of another woman on your mother's bedsheets having finished drinking your wine from your crystal glasses. That's embarrassing!" she hissed.
Sakura turned and walked down the hall, heading for the living room where she and Kisame had so rudely been interupted. She heard the door shut and she heard Sai's quiet footsteps coming up the hallway behind her.
"Sakura," Sai said, but she never turned to see him. "Sakura!" he repeated, walking more quickly to her until he was right behind her.
She still didn't look at him so he grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around to face him. He pushed her against the wall where Kisame had pressed her against earlier. She glared at him and made a moved to punch him but he began to speak.
"Look! I'm not going to make up some stupid lie since I know it'll only hurt you more than if I tell you the thruth first," he explained quickly, wary of the fist he knew could knock him out. "I won't lie to you. I knew what I was doing when I had sex with her."
Sakura rolled her eyes.
"I'm well aware of that!" she snapped. "Why is my question!"
"Because I'm a man Sakura!" he nearly shouted, obviously frustrated.
"I think we'd figured that out from the appendage hanging from between your legs, Sai," she hissed sarcastically.
"I can't continuously go on without something to get rid of the sexual tension, Sakura! That's what that means!" he cried. "I can't do anything with you and I'm never going to step foot in a brothel-"
"So you find one of the village girls who's been trying to steal you from me since we started dating?"
"No! I mean, yes! But you won't let me do anything with you! How do you expect me to kill the need if you won't take the next step up? We're living together! Most couples have sex before they even think about moving in!" Sai explained.
"We aren't like most couples Sai! You betrayed us like Sasuke and worked for Orochimaru! You came over to our side afterwards! I loved Sasuke up until he murdered Naruto and raped me for an entire day! Do you have any idea how long it was in there! 1 second felt like weeks! 1 second! Multiply how many times in one second he could give me my virginity and then take it away! Multiply that by the number of seconds in 24 hours! I could never trust him!"
"But you can trust me, Sakura!" he yelled. "You can trust me," he said in a softer voice.
The tears came not even a second later and she nearly collapsed to her knees. Sai caught her easily. He pulled her tightly against him, slightly rocking his body in a soothing manner. He pressed gentle kisses to her ear, her head, her cheeks, her neck, anywhere he could find to make her understand he cared. He rubbed a spot on the back of her neck that he knew relaxed her as she sobbed into his chest.
"You're the woman I want to marry, Sakura, so please don't think you can't trust me."