Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Back to the Past ❯ Chapter Seven: Mission to the land of Waves ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Sasuke here, at point B."

"Sakura here, at point C."

"Naruto here, at point A, believe it."

"Go slow, Naruto. Okay, Squad Seven, who's closest to the target?" Kakashi asked.

"I am." Naruto replied from where he was hiding, eyes not leaving his target.

"What's your distance from the target?" Kakashi asked.

"Five meters. I'm ready anytime," Naruto said, eagerly.

"So am I." Sasuke muttered.

"Me too." Sakura said.

"Okay… Now!" Kakashi barked.

They all jumped out of hiding, startling the cat lazing in front of them. The cat shot up and tried to run only for Naruto to appear in front of I and snatch it up. The cat obviously didn't like that as it started screeching and scratching at Naruto's face.

"I got him, I got him!" Naruto shouted. He tried his best to hold his face away from the sharp claws that seemed so determined to rip it off.

"Confirm red ribbon on left ear." Kakashi ordered.

Sasuke tilted his head to look at the cat's ear, spotting the ribbon. "Confirmed red ribbon on left ear." He said.

"Right. Lost pet, Tora, captured. Mission accomplished." Kakashi stated.

"Can't we get a better mission than this? I hate cats!" Naruto yelled, pouting as Tora tried to claw his eye's.

"Oh, my cute little Tora-chan! I was so worried." Madame Shijimi cooed at the cat being uncomfortably smothered in her arms. The cat's distaste of his treatment was clear.

"In your face, stupid cat." Naruto muttered gleefully with his arms behind his head.

"No wonder it ran away." Sakura said, tilting her head as she watched the cat struggle to get away as it's owner left the room.

"Now, Kakashi, Team Seven, your next mission is… hmm, babysitting the elder's grandson, shopping at a neighboring village, and helping with the potato digging." The Third Hokage said as he read over the mission scrolls. He didn't bother to look up, already expecting the oncoming explosion. Sure enough...

"No!" Naruto yelled. "No, thank you, I want to do, you know, a more incredible mission! Find us a better one!" Naruto shouted, crossing his arms.

'I can't believe this, but I agree with the dobe,' thought Sasuke.

Sakura shot a disapproving look at her teammate."Geez. That's Naruto for you. Third Hokage, please, just this once, I agree with Naruto. It's not challenging enough." Sakura stated with a small bow.

"See, see! Sakura-chan agrees with me." Naruto said excitedly.

"But Naruto, we are just rookies. Listen up. Many types of requests come in the village, got it?" Sakura asked. Seeing that Naruto understood, she continued. "As they come in, they are carefully looked at and assigned a rank: A, B, C, D, and, in the case of extremely dangerous missions, S. Those are only taken by ANBU or jonin's that have a lot of experience and skill to get it done. Got that?" Sakura questioned again. Naruto nodded and she went on, aware of eyes watching her lecture.

"Well, we are ranked like that too. ANBU are a group of exceptionally skilled ninja, only the best of the best can join. There are usually three or four squad members, depending on the skill of the squad and their captain. Next is jonin and also tokubetsu jonin, or specialists. Jonin can be a sensei to genin," she gestured at the three of them "or they can do solo missions or missions with other jonin and chunin. Tobubetsu jonin can specialize in taijutsu, genjutsu, interrogation, stuff like that. A chunin is qualified to be a leader or teacher. He or she can lead missions with teams of chunin, or genin, or be in missions led by jonin. As for genin, we get a jonin sensei that trains us to become stronger until we take the chunin exams.

"Now for the ranks. The ANBU and tokubetsu jonin get S ranked, though the tokubetsu jonin also take on A rank. Jonin get A and B rank missions when they don't have a genin team and sometimes they get S rank. Chunin take C or B rank missins. As for genin, aka us, we will get D rank missions until we get sronger and get more experience. Then get C rank missions. Got it?" Sakura questioned, looking at him.

"Sakura-chan, that was awesome." Naruto exclaimed.

Sarutobi nodded, surprised. "Wow, Miss. Haruno, you know a lot about our system." Inwardly, he was thinking,'But how did she know about ANBU class and S rank missions? I know she's book smart, but that isn't covered in the academy.'

Kakashi nodded to himself, more sure in his theory about his female student, 'Yup, she is definitely hiding something from us.'

"Okay, since Sakura told you about the ranks, I will give you a C rank mission. I'll perform the introductions straight away. Please invite in our guest." The Third Hokage said to Iruka.

Iruka stood to open a door on the side of the room. A tanned, drunken looking old man stumbled into the room. He surveyed the group that was to take him back home. He immediately was unimpressed by what he saw. Three children, one an orange midget and one with pink hair, and one adult. Were these people actually kidding themselves?

"These will be the ninja that will escort me, Tazuna, the best bridge builder in the Land of Waves? They're just kids. They look like a bunch of wet-nosed brats, especially the midget. He's got the face of an imbecile." He took another swing of his drink.

"Who's the midget?" Naruto asked, looking between them. He was quickly answered by Sasuke and Sakura standing next to him, both of them taller than himself. His temper blew and steam was coming out of his ears.

"I'll kill you" Naruto yelled out, getting ready to charge at the old drunk.

"Naruto, stop. Now!" Sakura shouted at him, raising her fist in a threatening manner.

"Sorry, Sakura-chan," Naruto whimpered, holding his head and cringing back in fear.

"Good." Sakura stated smugly before dropping her arm. "Now, Kakashi-sensei, should we get ready to take Tazuna-san home?" Sakura asked.

Kakashi nodded, glad Naruto was stopped before he got them in trouble. "Okay. Team Seven, we leave in three hours. Pack for a least two weeks." Kakashi ordered.

His students nodded and Sakura left quickly, eager to go and pack. Sakura was out before anyone could say anything and ran home as fast as she could. She didn't even stop to say anything to her parents before she rushed up to her room to pack. While she was packing her gear and medical supplies, she ran through everything she remembered about the wave mission.

'What to do about Zabuza and Haku? She thought.

"I have to help them." Sakura said in answer to her own thoughts. "I know! When we're training I can go and find them and talk to them. I just hope that they believe me." Sakura ran back out of her house, only stopping to tell her parents what was happening and say goodbye before going on her way.

With Naruto and Sasuke and Kakashi

"Um...where did she go? Anyways, I am Tazuna, a renowned bridge builder. Until I am back safely in my own country to complete my next bridge, you'll have to protect me, even if it costs you your lives!" Tazuna said, pointing a wobbly finger at the two remaining kids.

"Yeah ,yeah whatever," Naruto waved him off. He turned to his teacher. "So Kakashi-sensei, when do we leave again?"

"In three hours. Get your stuff and meet up at the entrance gate. Team 7, dismissed." Kakashi ordered before disappearing.

Naruto and Sasuke left to go home and pack. Tazuna walked out the door, grumbling about getting more alcohol. Kakashi stayed behind at a signal from Sarutobi.

"Kakashi, did you teach Sakura that?" Iruka asked, still shocked at the girls knowledge.

Kakashi shook his head. "No, I didn't teach her that at all. I think she's hiding something from us, Hokage-sama."

Sarutobi nodded, folding his hadns under his chin. "Watch her and see if she will talk to you, Kakashi, but don't force her." The Third orderd.

"Also, she had the same strength as Tsunade." Kakashi added.

The Third's eyes narrowed. "Find out what you can from just watching her. If you think she will tell you, then do it." He ordered.

"Got it." Kakashi said before he disappeared.

Three hours later

Sakura was at the gates and waiting for her team to show up when she remembered the Demon Brothers. 'Watch for the puddle of water. I'll go last,' thought Sakura.

A few minutes before the three hour mark Sasuke walked up to the gate. Sakura pointedly ignored him. 'Great, moron number one.' She giggled at the thought of using one of Sasuke's favorite insults against him, even if it wasn't verbally. Her random laugh earned her a look from Sasuke. She sneered.

"What, Uchiha? Do you have a staring problem now?" Sakura probed.

"No, but what's your deal with me?" He inquired, raising his eyebrow.

"Nothing and I told you, you'll never find out." She stated confidently, sticking her tongue out at him. She quickly pulled her tongue back when she saw Naruto, Kakashi, and Tazuna walking their way.

"Sasuke, Naruto, you guys are in front. Tazuna, you're in the middle. Sakura and I will be in the back." Kakashi ordered, getting straight to the point. They quickly got in formation and started the long walk to the Land of Waves.

Kakashi waited until they were out of sight of the gates before tryign to coax anything out of Sakura. "Hey, Sakura, you know that you can talk to me."

"Yeah, I know Sensei," Sakura said. Her eyes were watching the road in front of them and she narrowed her eyes when she saw the glare from the sun shine on the puddle of water a few yards away. "Sensei, I'll be right back." Sakura said before slipping into the trees. Kakashi looked in the direction she went before stopping the group.

"Wait!" Kakashi called.

"Where's Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked when he didn't see her.

With Sakura

Sakura ran out of the trees to stand by the puddle of water. She smirked. "Hey, you two, come out and play." Sakura taunted.

"So, you noticed our genjutsu, little girl." One of them said as they both rose up from the water.

"Please, I could sense you from the moment I saw you." Sakura said scathingly.

"Really now? But can you stop this." The other one said before launching kunai at her.

When she jumped out of the way, they charged. When she landed she spun on her foot and kicked the first one that reached her. Sakura back flipped quickly to avoid any counter attacks, knowing one kick wouldn't take them out. As she was flipping, she didn't notice the other brother appearing behind her. She landed after a flip and the second Demon Brother wrapped his arms around her, pinning her arms to her side and her against him. Her vein started ticking in her forehead when she realized where his hand was placed on her chest. The first one came up and smirked at her.

"You really want to let go of me there." Sakura told the one holding her calmly.

"Really? Why?" He asked.

"Do you really want to know?" Sakura asked. She smirked at them before she elbowed the one holding her. When he doubled over she broke his hold and pivoted on her heel to kick him in the head. The remaining brother roared in anger but before he could reach her she took a deep breath and screamed, " KAKASHI-SENSEI!

With Kakashi and the rest

"Where's Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked for the tenth time as he paced back and forth whiel casting glances to the tress. Sasuke was about to snap at him when they heard a scream.


"Sakura!" Kakashi yelled, looking up from his book. He quicly pinpointed where her scream came from and started running, the others following him.

With Sakura

Sakura cut off her scream to dodge the hand of the remaining brother. She noticed the other one getting up out of the corner of her eye and quickly changed her direction. When her back thumped against a tree, she cursed.

"You bitch!" The first one yelled.

Suddenly, Kakashi jumped in front of her, grabbing the shirt of one of the brothers and flinging him over his head into a tree, knocking him out. He quickly disposed of the other brother before checking on his student.

Sakura smiled reassuringly. "Kakashi-sensei, they are after Tazuna-san." She said while inwardly cursing herself for not being able to take them on. Her chakra levels were still low from the training with the bells, the mission, and the extra training she was doing on her own.

Just then Naruto and Sasuke ran up with Tazuna. "Sakura-chan, are you okay?" Naruto asked , grabbing her shoulders and looking her over for any injuries. After seeing nothing he turned to look at the two unconscious bodies. "Who're they?"

"Those are the Demon Brothers." Kakashi replied while tying them up to a tree.

"Aren't they Chunin?" Sakura questioned.

"Yes." Kakashi said while glancing at her. 'I guess she didn't want to use her strength. But what is she waiting for?' Kakashi finished tying the brothers up and continued walking with his team, watching over his pink haired student.

A/N- I hope you like this version of the episode/chapter. TTFN Bye