Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Bonds Of Brotherhood ❯ the fights begin (part 1) ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Note: this bit took me a little longer due to real life and feeling like I was dieing for 3 days (why do colds do that?), this chapter was going to be the longest but I felt after leaving it for so long I best post what I got the rest I will possibly finish up and post tomorrow
TroublesomeShikamaru and spiritwolf30 thanks for the heads up with the spelling of Iruka, told you I need a beta lol corrected fort this chapter and for the others when I flesh them out, also spirit I usually do Wright longer chapters but then I update slower I am going to flesh them all out once I have a beta, enjoy
Bonds of brotherhood
Chapter 5
Daichi sighed as he looked up at the imposing sight of the arena before him, so many thoughts running though his head
“No point in backing down now”
Daichi glanced to his left where Iruka's on eyed friend balanced on a fence and just grinned at the masked man
“You think I'm worried a bout them” he pointed to the arena
“About the fights, no. About after you are terrified” Kakasi held up his hand to stop the protests, then tossed him something from his other hand “I believe you will be wanting that… Arashi” with that the Ninja disappeared
He opened his hand to revile a forehead protector with the Hidden Leaf engraved on its face
“Well Aki” the fox had her paws up on the fence and was sniffing at where the ninja had been “Aunt said I wouldn't be able to fool the Hatake, guess she was right, lets go do this thing
Daichi, felt rather intimidated when he entered the arena, to be surrounded by those high walls and that many people made him just a little nervous, and glad his fight wasn't first, it was second. He followed those not fighting up to the waiting area and as the others proceeded to watch the grass and sand Nin in the first bout he sat back with Aki in his arms
He was no inuzuka, and has no ability to talk to or fight with Aki; but he had trained her to help in his bloodline ability
As he gently strolled her he removed the light leather collar she normally wore with a metal ring type collar engraved with the same markings as his Kunai, he clipped it in place and gently stroked her soothing himself in preparation for the fight hiding in the shadows a nondescript form in black clothing and cloak with his blank forehead protector the only thing showing he was there
His fight came and went, as did his semi final, they were tough fights but no worse than he had faced before and hr hadn't has to use his bloodline limit, the only plus was that it was one on one. As a solo Nin he had often faced ninja in teams, he smiled to himself then the only course of action was to run or hide or use his bloodline ability, he was now coward but three or Four Jonin against one technically Genin it was a no brainer.
He leaned absently on the rail as he watched the courant fight, the second of the semi finals a hidden mist Nin was facing of against a leaf Nin, a boy of 16, Daichi smiled as he watched the boy, his strength was impressive and would be tough if that fought, then grinned as the boy used a jutsu his aunt had mentioned his farther had been working on, his brother would defiantly be a tough fight if he passed this round, but when the jutsu changed, he watched in awe at the power of the move finish the battle, he was starting to get a little worried, he felt a little relieved when the proctor called a halt for the day and for the last fight to be fought on the morning of the next day