Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Cliche Guide to a Classic Romance ❯ Awkward Lunch ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto

Step 3- Awkward lunch

Naruto and Hinata sat at a small round table by the window in a small eating place. It wasn’t all that fancy or expensive, but it was mostly quite and had a comfortable atmosphere, which, Hinata thought would come in handy for how awkward there conversation would be. Granted there was even a conversation to be awkward over.

Not only that but it was the only place that served ramen and other foods that she could think of. And with all the knowledge she obtained about the blond threw all her ‘observing’ the boy was completely in love with ramen. She herself how ever was not. So this place would be the best choice.

Naruto looked around the place. It was a bit. . .cozy. The round tables were made out of some type of dark brown red wood. It wasn’t all that noticeable since it was covered by a green table cloth with curtains to match. And the chairs he had to admit were pretty comfortable for something at a restaurant.

Of course no matter how comfortable the place it’s self might be he didn’t feel all that comfortable around the Hyuga girl. Really why was he so nervous? It’s not like she was going to sprout horns like she did in his head right? It was humanly impossible and like Iruka said she was just shy right? It wasn’t like she was plotting anything, right?

Naruto gulped and decided to talk to relieve his mind from the paranoid thoughts. “Uh, so Hinata. . .what have you been up to? Didn’t you get back from a mission few days ago?”

Hinata peeked out from her menu thanking the stars she had something to hide her now red face behind. The boy looked pretty nervous which was something she had never seen before, and was it just her or did he gulp just now. She smiled to her self from what she thought was the cutest thing she had seen him do. “W-what? I-I didn’t hear you. S-sorry.”

“Your mission, how did it go?”

Hinata set down her menu feeling her blush going down a bit. “I-it w-was fine. We complete t-the mission s-sooner then we thought we would. The Hokage g-gave us all some time off.” she said her head bowed slightly not wanting to look at him in fear of blushing again.

Naruto hearing this got more curious about the mission . “Really, what type of mission was it? Was it dangerous? Were there any fights?!” he asked hyperly getting a little exited talking about missions.

Hinata was a bit surprised and blush at the fact that he was taking an interest in some part of her life. Even if it was about mission. It was a small step up right? “Um well we h-had to escort l-lord Miaki b-back to his village. Th-there was a few encounters, b-but nothing s-serious so it was ok.”

“Who’s lord Miaki?” Naruto asked aloud although he meant for it to stay in his head.

“He’s a l-leader of a new village. He was b-being threatened by some people and asked for our assistance.” Hinata explained, keeping it as simple as possible for the blonds sake. As much as she would deny it to others she knew Naruto wasn’t the brightest person.

“Oh I see. Good thing there on our side, we have enough enemies as it is. We don’t need anymore. Especially with granny tsunade and her debts!”

“N-naruto! Y-you shouldn’t talk like that about the Hokage!” Hinata exclaimed trying to sound more stern but some how it made her sound more worried.

Naruto blinked and looked at her shocked expression. He chuckled and gave her a grin. “Heh heh you sound like Shizune. Don’t worry, She knows I don’t mean anything by it! It’s kind of like how I called the last hokage ‘old man’.

Hinata looked at him a bit more calm. She guessed it was alright if the hokage didn’t mind but she still didn’t think it was a good habit. ‘I hope he doesn’t try something like that if he ever meets father. My parents already don’t think he’s any good. . .but I have to try!’ she thought determined , however she felt more nervous then anything.

“Hello, I’m Aiko! How May I serve you!!”

Both Naruto and Hinata jumped at the loud voice. The dark haired waitress gave an amused smile and giggled into her hand.

Naruto observed the girl who seemed overly amused by something. She was eyeing the two like she knew something which to him was kinda of impossible since he never seen her before in his life. So why was she smiling? He was confused

Hinata gave off a fake cough and Naruto shook his head noticing that Hinata had already ordered. He quickly order his Ramen giving the women a random flavor and handed over his menu, watching her walk away.

He looked back over to Hinata who suddenly seemed depressed. She was pushing both her forefingers together and muttering inaudibly to herself.

‘Weird’ the blonde thought. ‘One second she’s fine then gets depressed after ordering food, did she order the wrong thing.’ “Hey, Hinata? You okay? Are you getting sick, Do you want home or something...”

Naruto watched the girl jump up and blush again. “N-no, No!! No! I-I li- Ah! I’m not-! I-mean I-Idon’twanttoleave!” she exclaimed hurriedly, stumbling over Sentences and not making sense.

“. . .” Naruto stared at the pale eyed girl blankly.

The pale eyed girl turned crimson. “. . .”

“. . .”

“. . .”

“ Hinata?”

Hinata gulped. “Y-yes?”

“Could you repeat that?”

Hinata sighed and seemed to be relieved. “I, um. I’m fine.”

“If you say so.” The blond said then looked down at the table cloth seeing a loose thread he decided to pull it off and play with it.

Hinata watched silently as the blonde twirled the peice of material around his finger, tie it in nots then finally getting bored with it threw it on the floor giving it up to turn his attention to the window to watch a bird fly around the buildings and trees. The girl smiled, watching the boy.

“Hey. . .Hinata?”

“Huh! Um. . .what is it Naruto.”

Naruto turned back around seeing the girl was willing to talk. “Have you and Neji been getting along any better?”

Hinata was surprised by the question. Naruto Had a history of asking random questions so she really shouldn’t have been surprised. She took a small sip from her water and gently placed it down. “Um well, He’s b-been training with me for a while. At first he was pretty hostile and I would end up pretty badly hurt. B-but as time went by he got a lot calmer, and I started getting less injuries and h-he started to take training me seriously. A-and now we even have short conversations together and communicate better.” Hinata smiled at Naruto. “I think you had a lot to do with that Naruto”

Naruto’s eyes widened and he almost yelled but managed to keep his voice down. “Me? How?”

“That time during the exams, when you beat Neji I think you might have opened his eyes, even if it was only just a little. I believed you helped him out a lot. I think he’s started seeing people in a new light. And because of that he can see people for who they are and not judge them just by how powerful they are.”

“I guess so, But I don’t think I could have changed him that much. You must of helped a lot too, how you show him compassion when the others in the main branch didn’t, you probably got threw to him.” Naruto said not really believing he could change anyone so drasically.

“Even so, I must thank you for clearing his vision, Naruto”

“Your welcome I guess. . .”

Hinata smiled and was about to say something else when there meals were set in front of them. “Here you go! Would you like anything else?”

Hinata looked over at the chipper girl and started feeling upset again since Naruto was looking at her again. “No, were fine.” She said a bit quicker then she attended it to be and immediately blushed afterwards. She hadn’t meant for that to come out, not like that any way.

The waitress smiled at the girl then at Naruto, bowing and leaving.

Naruto once again watched the woman walk away. What was she up to?!

“Um. . .Naruto?”

Naruto was jerked out of his thoughts and looked at Hinata. Who was fiddling with her fingers blushing again. “Yeah?”

“Well, um. You see it’s just that. . .that you were looking at the waitress and. . .”

“Yeah she’s really weird!” He state bluntly.

Hinata’s looked at him surprised. “Wh-what”

“Yeah she’s looking at me like she knows something and she keeps smiling and acting all happy. It’s freaky!”

“Oh. Well maybe she...maybe she likes you Naruto.” Hinata suggested blushing again.

Naruto gave hinata a confused look before he grinned. “HaHa! Yeah right, I think I could tell if that was the case!”

Hinata looked up from her hands and she suddenly felt nervous. “Re-really? You mean- you could- you could tell?”

“Of Course you’d have to be completely blind to not notice. I mean what kind of idiot can’t tell when someone likes them, they’d have to be a real dumb ass or something! ” He exclaimed laughing and taking his bowl of ramen and started slurping up his noodles seemingly not chewing while Hinata slowly ate her food.

Hinata smiled at the blonde boy calmly eating her food and silently glancing at him every now and then inwardly laughing at his noodle covered face.

The meal had ended in a comfortable silence, Until the waitress popped up with her blinding smile and giddy luagh. “How was your meal? Would you like to order something else or would you like your check?”

Naruto smiled over at Hinata who blushed lightly. “Is there anything else you wanted, Hinata?”

Hinata looked nervously between the blond and the waitress. She didn’t want to be in here with the waitress but she didn’t want to leave Naruto. Then Again it was getting pretty late and her father wouldn’t like it if she came home past curfew, especially if he knew who she was with. “U-um, I’d like a strawberry milkshake to go, thank you/” Stuttered out blushing deeper then before.

“In that case I want a chocolate milkshake!!” Naruto practically shouted beaming at the thought, liking the idea of the cold treat it was summer after all.

The woman wrote down on her pad. “Alright I’ll be right back!” she replied with the same enthusiasm as naruto, walking off with an extra bounce in her step.

Naruto turned his attention back to his new friend. “Yeah, Icecream! You’re a genius Hinata!” He declared excitedly not being able to stand still now that he knew there was something sweet on its way.

“Oh! Um. . .It’s just a warm day so I just thought. . .” She trailed off as Naruto’s attenion way caught by the lady returning with the desserts. “Here you go to shakes and the bill!” she said with a tone that had to of been practiced cause right then in there she sounded extremely happy, before walking away

Hinata quickly placed the money one the counter wanting to hurry out of the building. “Uh hinata are you su-“

“I-it’s fine Naruto, Really!” She said happily yet hurriedly and quickly walked to the door.

Naruto followed after the girl, wondering why she was walking so fast. They both made it out the door and were walking silently down the streets of konoha.

The silence made Naruto fidgety and he was holding his shake rather tightly and tapping his fingers against the Styrofoam cup. He looked over at the small girl who was sipping at her sugar filled treat, that never ending blush on her face. She looked like she was thinking and Naruto could only guess what about.

They both rounded the corner. Naruto noticed Kiba but didn’t take any interest until the said boy had accidently bumped into Hinata knocking her down.

“Huh? Hinata?” Kiba asked looking pretty confused.

Naruto glared at the dog lover, helping Hinata up. “You knocked her over you could at least help her up!”

Kiba looked over at Naruto and back at hinata, repeating this pattern atleast five times. “What are you two doing together?” He asked suspiscously, watching Hinata’s face go red, he smirked. “You wouldn’t be on a date, now would you?” he teased.

Naruto snorted, “Yeah right like that would happen.” he said quietly turning his face to the side.

Kiba noticed Hinata’s expression change from embarrassed to hurt and he glared at the blond. “Why not?”

Naruto ignored the other completely. “C’mon Hinata it’s getting late.” He said grabbing Hinata’s Hand and dragging her away. He didn’t need to explain to that flea infested jerk. His thoughts didn’t need to be shared with the world.


Naruto stopped and turned questioningly to the timid voice.

“Your hurting my hand.” He looked down at there hands and like the girl said he was squeezing hers a little too hard.

Naruto quickly let go. “Sorry Hinata” he said calmly, glaring at Kiba who was giving him a ‘im better then you’ look.

“Um Naruto, don’t mind kiba he’s just a little. . .”

“Don’t worry about it, c’mon I’ll walk you home” Naruto said once again taking the girls hand, this time more gently and pulling her away from the Inuzuka.

After making sure he was far enough away from the other boy, Naruto let go of Hinata’s hand and gave her a small smile which she returned with a light blush.

He looked at the girl longer and took noticed that her blush had died down to just a light pink and thanked whatever god was real that her face was starting to lose it’s fierce red color. He also took notice that she wasn’t as fidgety as she was earlier. She seemed more clam and sure of her self, and for some reason naruto found himself looking away, his cheeks feeling a little warm.

They walked in a comfortable silence all the way to the gate of the Hyuuga property. Naruto had almost missed the fact that Hinata had stopped.

Hinata bowed gratefully as she looked at the blond happily. “Thank you for inviting me, Naruto. . .” she mumbled her face flaring up again much to the boy’s horror before she quickly added. “. . .I enjoyed your company!” She finished bowing again this time trying to hide her blush.

Naruto was caught off guard by the comment and found himself feeling warm again and this time he just knew his face had to be the same color as the girl in front of him. He gave a nervous laughed and scratched the back of his neck. “N-no, really I should thank you! You paid after all!” He replied giving the girl his famous grin.

Hinata looked like she was going to comment but instead closed her mouth quietly and smiled.

Naruto let his grin fade into a small smile and for once couldn’t think of anything to say. He could’t help it he suddenly felt. . .awkward.

“W-well I’d better go inside before it gets to late. I’ll see you soon Naruto.” She said before turning around and running up to her porch.

She shyly turned back once to wave good-bye, the blonde waved back watching as her father came into view and looked at his daughter curiously. The two started talking. Naruto couldn’t hear what was being said but he seen her smiling and talking happily before the door closed.

The smiled a lazy smile before turning and heading home. So maybe the girl wasn’t out to get him after all. And no she didn’t turn into a monster with horns and evil smile. And Maybe she wasn’t all that weird, But she was still weird...just not as weird.