Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Cliche Guide to a Classic Romance ❯ Dinner with family Pt 1- Do I Have To? ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Step 7-Dinner With Family Part one- Do I have to?

“Hey how about this one?!”

Hinata let out her seventh fit of giggles as the energetic blonde came out from behind a clothing rack wearing a pink bonnet and dress both having white lace and bows. The hat was at least two sizes to big and lean to the side. The dress however almost fit him but was made apparent that it was for a taller person as he tried to parade around the small area like a model on the catwalk, falling when his feet got wrapped in the material.

After one to many trips to the tiled floor the blond decided to take off the ridiculously puffy dress. He glanced over at Hinata who’s face was lightly colored by her laughing and couldn’t help but let out a laugh of his own.

The girl walked over to the male gently taking the dress from him placing it back on a hanger before walking off. Naruto sat there in confusion wondering where the pale eyed girl had gone off to and was just about to go looking for her before she walked back to him. “I think . . . you should try this one.” She said holding up a casual looking outfit, smiling. She watched Naruto observed the clothing. It was a normal black shirt with a blue jacket and pants.

The boy gave a long questioning gaze at the outfit slowly taking it from the girl who seemed to be trying to avoid his eyes. “Um Hinata, why are we here again?”

Hinata blushed quickly turned around looking at the dresses. “I. . I have to find a dress for a formal dinner. My father is hosting a dinner with a family from another village under the Hokage’s orders. It’s political so most of them will be in a higher class.”

“You mean like fancy rich people in tuxedos’ formal gowns that show off their expensive jewelry and talk about how much money they have.” Naruto asked a little bitter by his own thoughts on the financially lucky.

Hinata gave a small nod and a sad smile to Naruto. “But, um well . . . It’s just that I, uh father said it would give a better image if I . . . well if I had a date, so. . . . ” the girl’s words faded as her blushing increased and she looked down at the floor a little embarrassed.

“So who are ta . . . ” Naruto cut himself off as the girl looked up at him with a timid look. “Me? B-but I can’t! I . . .” This time it was the blonde that trailed off. He couldn’t find the right words to refuse and there was definitely no way he could just give her a flat out ‘no’. Sighing the male nodded in agreement. “All right . . . but are you sure I’m the right guy to take to that sort of thing?”

Hinata smiled and took his hand. “Don’t worry. Everything will be ok!”

Naruto smiled back once again nodding, as the girl dragged him to the mens clothing. ‘Yeah everything will be fine I hope.’


Ino shook her head slowly while taking a small sip from her cup. Sakura was sitting across from her resting her head in her hands, spacing out. Kiba and Shino were sitting across from each other as well both remaining silent as the pink haired ninja sighed.

“Did you really think he would screw up that badly, I mean he has grown up a lot. Even if he’s still a goof-off.” The blond said, the last part coming out as an after thought.

Sakura sighed annoyingly for the nineteenth time in one hour and nodded.

“Why? Okay, sure he isn’t all that great with women and he’s a bit dense, but I’m sure he can handle this on his own.” Kiba said crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat. He let out a growl of frustration when the girl just gave him a look that clearly asked him if he was crazy.

Shino decided now was a good time to interfere and spoke up. “Naruto as proved time and again that he is in fact dense in certain situations, which would include dating, However you must take notice that he is older and things like this do come naturally, even for someone like Naruto.” The wiser of the two males watched as both girls nodded, one in understanding and one in agreement.

“Yeah and then there’s Hinata herself! If anyone understands his thinking pattern, it’s her! She has been watching him for a long time.” Ino exclaimed cheerfully placing a hand on Sakura’s shoulder hoping to cheer her up.

Sighing the pink haired teen nodded “I guess I just have a little bit of trouble seeing him as his new self. I still see him as that moronic little knucklehead who never thought before he acted. It just worries me when stuff like this happens, and all he’s went through. I don’t want to see him hurt.” She somewhat confessed. It was true, most of the time she still saw him as that childish kid who loved to prank everyone and complain about the low ranked missions they were forced to do. Well he still complained about the missions but that wasn’t the point.

Kiba let out a sigh of his own. “If you ask me, I think you’re just worried about him leaving you behind just like the Uchiha did.” As soon as the words left his mouth he instantly regretted it, because now both women sat there with gloomy looks on their faces and an aura of despair surrounding the both of them. The man could feel the sweat drip down the side of his face as his guilt started to plague him.

Shino sat by idly and watched his teammate sputter out apologies which went unnoticed by the two mourning females.

Naruto pulled at the blue jacket missing the blinding colors of his normal attire. “I-I don’t know if this really looks like it suits me Hinata, it looks to . . . maybe something a little brighter.”

The girl stood outside the dressing room waiting for the boy to come out and smiled in amusement. “Naruto your not use to formal clothing. You could probably borrow something from Neji, He has a few things that might look okay on you . . . Although they’re more traditional” she said watching the boy come out of the dressing room in the black and blue suit. Maybe he did need something different.

“Do you think he would actually let me wear something of his?” Naruto asked nervously. He was a little uncomfortable at the thought. Getting pulverized by Neji wasn’t something he wanted to do.

“You’re his friend. Why wouldn’t he?”

Naruto nodded and walked back into the room to change back into his clothes, coming out two minutes later in his own clothes. “Hey, why don’t we go get something to eat, Im starving!” The blonde stated loudly as they passed by the other customers and workers. “I want Ramen how about you!”

The young girl held her bag to her chest and looked down for a second absorbed in thought before looking back at him. “Um actually Naruto . . . I was wondering if . . . if maybe you would be willing to try something . . . different”

“Naruto blinked in confusion and stopped walking. “What do you mean?”

Hinata stopped when she heard Naruto stop and she looked away nervously. “I. . .it’s . . . w-well the dinner is going to be long and I th-thought that . . . maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try something new, b-before hand . . . you don’t have to if you d-do-”

The female Hyuuga cut her self off when Naruto moved to step next to her, grabbed her hand and gave it one gentle tug and pulled her into him. She looked up in question, only to look back down with a blush. Opening her mouth she tried to form words even though she knew it was in vein, she didn’t know what to say. She brought her bag back to her chest and started messing with the plastic handles.

The eccentric blonde ninja looked at the girl smiling to himself as he wrapped an arm around her, confidently . She was blushing again and was having a hard time speaking. He thought it was cute. He couldn’t help it. He didn’t know why it was attractive to him, it just was. Besides, is it really all that wrong to feel happy from someone else’s giddiness?


It wasn’t like he never felt that way around her. He had blushed here and there. There had been times when he didn’t know what to say or said something off topic because of his nervousness. He had even started being abnormally hygienic. This morning he had taken a shower even though he took one right before bed last night and the yesterday morning because for some reason the thought of him smelling like he just got back from training while being around Hinata didn’t really sound all that great. Hurting her feeling when she was trying to help him sounded even worse.

Grinning Naruto gave Hinata a strong one armed hug, “All right let’s go!”

Hinata nodded and began to happily drag him off to one of the more exotic restaurants in their village. She didn’t know which one yet, but she was sure that Naruto wouldn’t go back on his word of trying something new.


“You act like an overprotective sister . . . You know what they say about worrying too much and with a forehead as big as yours wrinkles can be seen all the way across town!” Ino said grinning playfully and she flicked her rival right in the middle of her head, laughing.

Sakura gave the blond a half-hearted glare. “Yeah, and you know what they say about blonds, and your lack of intelligence is incredibly noticeable.”

Ino playful grin now looked a little forced as her hand traveled from its spot in midair to grab on Sakura’s bangs and give a playful warning tug. “Don’t start up with that, Sakura you know what they say about being bitter!”

Sakura reached out and gave Ino’s hair playful tug of her own. “And you know what they say about hogs with ego’s”

Kiba looked back and forth between the girl feeling a sense of danger. The feeling was drastically increasing with each word the girls shot at each other. He looked over to warn Shino, but ended up looking in confusion when his eyes locked onto an empty seat. His best friend had abandoned him. Left him alone with to enraged harpies who were about to create an all out war, and Kiba him self would eventually fall victim to an onslaught that was not meant for him and he would be the like an innocent bystander casualty.

“Hey Kiba who do you think Sasuke would have chosen? Me . . . or Ms Forehead?” the blonde asked still having a hold on the other female’s hair. Sakura however had switched and now one hand was holding Ino by the collar of her shirt and the other hand was trying to get Ino’s grip to loosen up.

Or maybe he would just fall victim to a malicious trap set up by the blonde siren herself.
It had taken a while to find the place Hinata had been looking for. It was apparently a large expensive looking building that had the shape of a shrine. A stone path lead to the door of the giant building and you could see a small fraction of well-kept garden peaking out from behind it.

Naruto stared at his food hiding his fear of what looked and smelt like outdated Chinese take-out. He looked up at Hinata a little unsurely, but Hinata only gave him a reassuring smile and urged him to try it.

Naruto gulped as he stabbed at his food, almost dropping his utensil when he swore he saw it move. “A-are you sure this stuff is safe to eat? I think it’s still alive . . . whatever it is.”

Hinata giggled and took a bite of her own food. “I know it doesn’t l-look good but . . . it’s n-not so bad.”

Gulping again the blonde took another small piece from the plate and slowly brought it towards him, he had to keep himself from gagging at the smell. He could hear death himself cackling evilly in the back ground, waiting to take his soul as he brought the concoction closer. The music of demise played chaotically from somewhere in the distance as he opened his mouth to chomp down on the vile mixture of ingredients.

Then a puff of smoke clouded his vision and he breathed a sigh of relief. He was safe for the time being.

“Neji? What is it?” Hinata asked looking over at her cousin curiously.

The quiet boy gave an apologetic bow for interrupting the two. “The Hokage requests are presence immediately.”

Naruto gave a huge grin jumped out of his seat. “All right we’ll be there in a flash!” He said in what Hinata thought was an overly eager tone and started calling for the waiter to bring the check.

Hinata and Neji exchanged nods and the male left the same way he arrived, leaving some of the other customers to wonder what was going on or mutter about how Shinobi over use their abilities.

The girl sighed as they walked out the door and headed to the Hokage’s office. She was a little put down that Naruto didn’t get to try the food, and that he was obviously happy that he didn’t. She was happy as well though, for two reasons. The first was because the boy was willing to actually try it, the second was that if he actually did manage to taste it he probably would have had a gagging fit. The food was horrible, she had lied when she said it wasn’t that bad but it was going to be served at her the dinner and he had to get used to it’s . . . interesting taste.

“Hey Hinata, look!”

She looked up and seen Naruto pointing out into the crowded streets. She followed the direction she was pointing in a saw a very irritated Kiba walking around the corner followed by to very enraged Kunoichi. All three looked a little disheveled and she was sure Kiba was trying to hide a slight limp in his left leg. Sakura and Ino were refusing to look at each other and both in the process of fixing their hair. “Kiba?!”

Naruto watched as Hinata called out to her friend concerned about his health. Kiba looked over at the both of them and waved sullenly. He took a closer look at the other mans appearance noticing the varies scratches, bruises and the small rips in the collar of his shirt. “What happened to you? You look like you just lost a fight to an alley cat?”

The dog lover gave the boy an unamused glare crossing his arms in front of him defensively. “Close enough.”

“You better watch your self Inuzuka!” Ino yelled from behind him warningly as she separated her ponytail into two sections and pulled them apart trying to tighten it.

Sakura smirked, placing her hand on her hips sternly. “Or do we have to give you another training lesson, dog boy?”

Naruto couldn’t help but snicker at the small twitch in Kiba’s eye when Sakura mentioned ‘training’. He really had to keep his laughter in when the unusually grumpy teen grumbled about overbearing women and psychotic female minds. He didn’t know what his friend did to gain the temporary hatred of the two girls but he would be sure to ask later to ensure his own safety.

Kiba didn’t miss the blondes withheld laughter and glared menacingly. “One word and you’re dead.” He growled out as Naruto opened his mouth to make some stupid remark about the pink haired girl’s threat.

“All right fine! Come on Hinata we better get to the Hokages office before the old hag starts looking for us.” The blonde said gesturing to the large builing, which could be seen from almost anywhere within the village. He watched her nod in agreement waving. “See you guys around!”

The pale eyed girl bowed to their friends. “It was nice to see all of you.” she said bowing politely listening to Naruto give a hyper ‘See you later’ before she was practically dragged down the streets.

The three left behind all gave their own looks of amusment, watching the couple run down the road crasing into a middleaged man who only recieved a quick embarrassed apology from the girl before she ran straight out view.

Sakura winced as she watched the scene unfold but had to admit it was a little humorous, even though she felt a little sorry for the shy girl. “Do you think hinata will be able to keep up with his endless suply of energy?

Ino grinned at the pink haired girl. “No, that teammate of yours will be the death of her”

Kiba silently agreed with a small nod, thinking about how Ino and Sakura would be the cause of his own horrible bloody demise. “Yeah, I’m getting out of here before I get myself brutally murdered.” he mumbled jumping up, deciding to travel by rooftop. Leaving the girls only slightly aggravated at the accusation.