Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Complications at Konoha High ❯ I Must Be Dreaming ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

How can I pretend that I don't see
What you hide so carelessly
I saw her bleed
You heard me breathe
And I froze inside myself and turned away
I must be dreaming
- Evanescence (WE DONOT OWN!)
Blox: YO This is Blox-Chan here to deliver another helping of Naruto to ya D:
Disclaimer: We do NOT OWN Naruto or any of the characters. Just the plot. All the wonderful credit for Naruto goes to Masashi Kishimoto!
I Must Be Dreaming
by: BloxandBunnox
~-Sakura's POV-~
Ino slipped into homeroom quietly trying not to get much attention from everyone in the room, I was curious but remembered our little brawl before. I exhaled out of my nose and looked away. Instead I admired the beauty of Sasuke Uchiha. After skipping dinner yesterday I goggled the Uchiha's, Shikamaru was totally right they're RICH! What a plus, they own a few stores in Konoha and the Police force here. I looked up to see Ino almost reaching her seat till , unfortunately for her.....
“HEY INO!” yelled Naruto in the back of the class.
“SHUT UP NARUTO YOU IDIOT!” She yelled back blushing.
A small amused giggle escaped my lips, I quickly covered my mouth when I got unwanted attention from a few classmates around me. Sadly Kakashi-Sensei was late .....again and not able to catch her in action.... I wonder why she was trying to sneak in anyways if he's not here? Ino stared in front of the class dazed and her face seemed a little flush. Was she sick? Or maybe she didn't get much sleep? No, she seemed fine this morning...Her loud argument with Naruto could be heard down the halls, I couldn't make out what they were saying, something about a letter.
For my next class I had to write a journal about how it felt to be in love.
Inner Sakura: UGH I wish I had the same writing class as Sasuke... bleh, Ino-pig has his though and Even Naruto!
My heart lighten as I thought of love, Sasuke's handsome pale face always came to mind. His stylish dark hair and his mysterious piercing eyes always draw me in... Maybe I should write about him instead? No to embarrassing hehe. I felt my face get warm at the though.

“Hey Sakura are you alright your face is red. Are you sick?” asked Ino with questionable eyes.
Inner Sakura: THE NERVE! After what happen she talks to me.
“Oh no way Ino You're so silly some times.” I say almost forcefully with a friendly but cheesy smile.
Ino got the point and turned around frowning with a glare. I felt victorious and forced down my smile. I turn towards Sasuke for another look at his wonderfulness and notice that he looked towards my direction but then back to his notebook, I observed for a while and notice him repeating his actions ever once in a while. Finally I found out what he was staring at...
I-Ino!? What's this all about. I felt my expression turn grim and keep looking back at Ino then Sasuke but as Sasuke stared at Ino again he notice me watching him and quickly turn the other way as though it was by accident. The pencil I was holding cracked into two.
Inner Sakura: Ino... I will find out what's going on...
DAMN IT, Sakura saw me... I hope she didn't take it to personal. Thought Sasuke as he practically stabbed his note book with his pen. He thought maybe Ino might have not come to school today since she was to homeroom late but boy was he wrong.
Finally Kakashi entered class with a tired look and his hair messy as usual, “Yo!”
“YOUR LATE!” Yelled half of the class.
“A black cat crossed my path and I had to take the long way.”
A sweat drop went down everyone's head. Is this person for real?
“Pssst Teme...” Naruto whispered.
“....” What does HE want.
“So you gave Ino a letter hu?”
Sasuke spun around with dread and hate in his eyes. He looked as if he was going to kill the dobe. Naruto almost jumped out of his seat in terror, “I-I'm kidding Sasuke! I don't know anything about stupid letters and Ino, other then our lockers are next to each other...”
Sasuke's left eye twitched, “What. Did. You. Say!?” Sasuke said a little two loud.
“Sasuke. Naruto, Out in the hall way.” Kakashi demanded.

“It was Sasuke's fault!” Naruto defended himself standing up.
“I'm sure you both equally had a something to do with it.”
--MM--In The Hall way--MM--
“What the hell did you do with the letter Dobe.” Sasuke growled while shaking Naruto back in forth using his shirt. The poor blond rag doll's eyes were in circles. He was soon dropped to the floor.
He shook his head and glared at Sasuke, “I was going to read it but Ino took it from me okay. Jeez, anyways... So you really do like Ino...”
Sasuke turned red and covered Naruto's mouth quickly, “WILL you shut up already I don't want the whole world to know.”

Naruto violently slapped his hand away, “Glad to know you're not gay.”
Sasuke glared at Naruto, “For the last fucking time, I'm not gay.... At least I'm not girly like you.”
“Jeez watch the fucking language... and I am not girly! How the heck am I girly you're way more girly.”
“Well first is your voice, dude you sound like a little girl.... and you over react way to much.”
Naruto's mouth fell open, “Y-you teme! I do not sound like a little girl!” He screeched, “AND I DON”T OVER REACT! Well the way you write and dress and look is girly!”

“... It's called style and showers, and for the writing... I just neat at it alright, I bet yours looks like a little girls.” Sasuke smirked in victory.
“WELL YOU.... I.... SHUT UP!”
They heard a large tapping noise behind them, they both turned around and suddenly felt sick to there stomach. Anko stood there with a huge snake on her shoulders, an evil smirk was planted on her face.

“So Naruto we meet again... and You brought a friend. Remember our last little deal?”
“Ah, Dobe what is she-”
“EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!” Naruto said running off.
“GET BACK HERE YOU BRAT.” Anko yelled running after Naruto while ignoring Sasuke.
“...” Sasuke just stood there shaking his head confused. He almost felt sorry for the dobe... Almost.
-~Sakura's POV~-
I took a few books from my locker and my glare directed at the back of the green colored lockers. WHY GREEN!? I sighed. Today didn't seem right... Sasuke keep staring at Ino! What the heck is going on here?!
“Hey Ino.”
Eh? That voice sounds like.... I look over the corner for a quick peak end... I felt the air getting caught in my throat. That feeling was arising again. That horrible feeling...
Ino and Sasuke were standing there TOGETHER?! Sasuke was looking off the the side a few times before finally looking at Ino. (Sakura cant tell what Ino is doing since her back is to her.)
“S-sasuke? What it is?”
Ino shuttered?! She never shudders!
“So ah, ah how are you?”
He sounds so nice?! That's unusual... Usually he talks coldly to everyone...
“Oh, I'm-”

The sudden loud bell interrupted Ino's response. I almost jumped out of hiding. HOLY! Frick that almost gave me a heart attack! I clenched my chest taking a few deep breaths. I've got to not give up! I have find out what's going.... I quickly look back only to see an empty hall way.
“... AH I'm late!”
~-Normal POV-~
During lunch Neji intensely gazed at Naruto... Well what Naruto was doing to his cousin that is.. he was actually blabbing away and almost fed her some of her food! But he could tell she greatly refused but when he stuffed the spoon of rice into her mouth she turned bright red and fainted. Neji would usually attack anyone who would do that to his cousin... Until he notice Choji and some pineapple haired guy walked up to their table... He froze in his seat, which was around the cheerleaders an popular kids. Since Tenten insisted him to sit with her. More like drag!
“So Neji who's your favorite singer?” Tenten said sweetly.
“I don't get to listen to music other then the classics.”
“OH! I love that kind of music... and oh what's your favorite food?”
Neji's pale eyes perked up. “Well it's-” he realized he was about to expose his weakness. “-I guess it's the Hyuuga's famous stew...” Neji answered trying to sound uninterested.
“Awesome, you should let me try it some time.” she winked.
Neji turned away and continued to stare at his cousin's table... Okay maybe he was staring at a certain someone on that table... but his eyes couldn't help but 'wonder'.
“Hey guys!”
~-Sakura's POV-~
I set my tray next to Tenten who directed her attention towards Neji Hyuuga after our small greeting. I planted a smile on my face as I stared at my food... That looked like it moved for a second... anyways what's up with Ino and Sasuke!? They seem so... ugh I can't explain it... That feeling raised again... Envy, stupid green monster. I looked around and notice a few Akasuki members where on the table. The guy that had some strange blue skin disease who was one of the top senior jocks. Kisame if I wasn't mistaken and that weird plant guy, Zetsu. There was also the new girl from the Sand country Temari... She was talking to a few others on the squad with a smirk on her face. I felt a little....
Usually I would talk with Ino.... By the way where the heck is she... I stood up and surprised a few others but my attention was somewhere else... I looked around only to find Sasuke was missing too...
Inner Sakura: Where the hell are those two!?
.............................................................. ........................................................................... ............
Blox: Ah I might edit this more better since Bunnox isn't here to edit it but I think I keep you guys waiting enough.. by the way
Please keep them coming.
You guys are awesomerific.