Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Finally Found ❯ Open Your Eyes ( Chapter 11 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto…
Chapter 11 - Open Your Eyes
“Kakashi, you're here too?”
“Yes Jiraya, what news do you have?”
“It's not good, I've heard rumors that Akutsuki has almost completed its plans. I believe that we still have about three months before they come after Naruto, but I can't be sure.”
“Kakashi, anything on Sasuke?”
“My hounds report that he's been moving alone in search of Itachi, but he hasn't found him yet.”
“Jiraya… are you sure you need to leave now? Do you really think they can handle this on their own?”
“They've learned both the Shield and Shelter Jutsu, as well as how to utilize their chakra sharing ability. They'll be fine, but just in case Kakashi can you…”
“It's already been taken care of.”
“Thank you, Kakashi.”
“So Hinata knows?”
“Hinata knows as much as she needs to know.”
Hinata's eyes stung as she finally opened them. “Where…” she sat up and looked around. The only time she had awoken in a place other than her own room was when she was on a mission. `Was last night only a dream?' she thought in her head. As she looked around the messy room and felt the tears on her pillow that she had cried last night she knew that it wasn't. She turned her head and looked down at Naruto's still sleeping body next to hers. “Naruto-kun…”
Naruto's eyes opened slowly and met Hinata's. A sweet, tired smile grew on his face, “Hinata…” he yawned, “good morning…”
Hinata stared down at Naruto, she didn't know what to say. “Umm… Naruto-kun…” her eyes moved to the side of the bed, “about last night…” she could feel tears starting to form in her eyes, “I'll understand if you don't…”
Naruto sat up, “Hinata, it's ok. I want you to stay here with me.” Hinata turned her head to look back at him. His smiling face now looked serious.
Naruto leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips before getting off the bed. He put on a pair of pants and a shirt and disappeared into the living room. He returned with Hinata's wet clothes and hung over the balcony railing. `I need to make her feel comfortable,' he thought to himself. “I'll make us some breakfast before training.” He walked out of the room and into the kitchen. Naruto looked through his pantry and refrigerator and decided on omelets. He had managed to only burn them slightly before placing them on a serving tray and returning to his bedroom.
When he returned to his room he almost dropped the tray. Hinata was sitting on his nicely made bed in a pair of his old pants and an undershirt that was too big for her. The clothes that once lay scattered on his floor were hung in his closet and all the trash that littered his room was placed into his seldom used trashcan. “Hinata…” he sat next to her on bed with the tray on his lap, “you didn't have to do any of that.”
“It's ok Naruto-kun…” Hinata was so accustomed to her morning chores that lying in bed felt unnatural to her. “You're not upset are you?”
Naruto laughed, “No, I'm just not used to my room being so…” he looked around his almost unrecognizable room, “clean.” They both laughed. They ate their breakfast and headed off towards training.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
“Try it again.”
Both Naruto and Hinata closed their eyes and concentrated. The thought that had been running through Hinata's mind since they started the chakra sharing training once again filled her head, `Lend me your chakra, Naruto-kun. Lend me your chakra.'
`Take my chakra, Hinata,' flowed though Naruto's mind as he allowed his chakra to escape his body. The inscriptions on both backs started radiating a blue glow as Hinata felt Naruto's chakra combine with her own. “More Hinata,” Naruto whispered trying not to break his concentration.
The inscriptions on their backs were now pulsing a brilliant dark blue as Hinata took more and more of Naruto's chakra into her body. Jiraya placed a hand on each of the two ninjas' shoulders as Hinata's entire body started to glow a light blue. “That is enough you two.” The blue aura around Hinata disappeared as the two opened their eyes and smiled at each. Both were happy that after only a month they could successfully use the chakra sharing technique.
“Hey Ero-sennin! Why do you always stop us? I have plenty more chakra to spare.” Naruto crossed his arms and closed his eyes, impressed with himself.
Jiraya hit Naruto in the head, “Naruto, it's gonna take time before Hinata's body can become accustomed to the increase in chakra. If she took too much chakra right now it could seriously injure her.” Jiraya looked over to Hinata who had put her hand to her mouth, shocked. “It's ok Hinata, soon you'll be able to maintain much higher levels of chakra safely.” She dropped her hand but Jiraya was sure that she wasn't totally assured.
“Now listen you two,” Jiraya's voice turned somber as his face faded into seriousness. “You two will be going on a mission today,” he turned slightly away from them, “… alone.”
Naruto and Hinata were both stunned, “Today? Alone?” They spoke in unison. They had been forced to leave on missions on short notice, but had never gone on a mission without a Jonin before.
“But Ero-sennin,” Naruto's stunned face turned to anger, “where are you going? IF YOU'RE GOING AFTER AKUT…”
“NARUTO!” Jiraya cut him off. The look on his face was intense. “I need to leave immediately on important business.” Naruto knew exactly what he meant, and he knew that Jiraya would never let him pursue Akatsuki. There was a moment of silent understanding between the two as Hinata stood there oblivious to the situation.
As the anger faded from Naruto's face, Jiraya's face returned to a smile,” Besides, you two will eventually need to go on missions without me and you can handle this on your own,” Jiraya laughed, “or do you need me to hold your hand, Naruto?” Hinata let out a giggle but Naruto's face turned red.
Naruto was about to start yelling at Jiraya when he stopped laughing, “Calm down Naruto. This,” he reached into a pocket, pulled out a picture, and handed it to Hinata, “is your taget.”
Hinata held the picture so both of them could see. As Hinata studied the blonde girl smiling in the picture she knew that she couldn't be older than 8 years old. “Jiraya-sama,” Hinata looked up from the picture, “what has she done?”
“This morning, her parents were found slain in the village of Macke.” Naruto and Hinata gasped but Jiraya remained unphased, “It is believed that the killer or killers abducted her.”
“WHAT!” Naruto yelled out, “They kidnapped a little girl?”
“Actually,” Jiraya pointed to the picture in Hinata's hand, “that picture is over 5 years old, but it's the most recent picture anyone had. In fact,” this had worried Jiraya, “none of the villagers have seen the girl in about 5 years.”
Hinata stared at the picture trying to imagine the girl 5 years older, “Jiraya-sama, why has no one seen her in so long?”
“Well Hinata,” Jiraya looked at the back of the picture. He too had been curious about this, “the villager who brought the mission request informed us that her parents always said she was sick and couldn't leave the house. The parents too were rarely seen out in public.”
“Really?” Hinata raised her eyebrows. Jiraya could tell that she, like him, did not completely believe that this sounded suspicious. Either way, they had to complete the mission.
“Yes, your mission is to find the girl and return her to Macke.”
There was a sparkle in Naruto's eye, “We'll find her!” The thought of leaving on a mission always excited him.
“Well, good luck then.” Jiraya turned and started walking away. He suddenly stopped. No one could see the smile on his face, “Since Hinata has the highest rank… she will be the leader.”
“WHAT!” Naruto screamed at Jiraya's back. Hinata let out a little laugh.
Jiraya turned his head so she could see Hinata, “And Hinata, don't forget what I told you.” He walked out of the training field and out of sight.
“Naruto-kun…” Hinata knew exactly how to take his mind off of not being leader, “how about we eat at Ichiraku's before we leave?”
Naruto's face immediately formed a huge smile, “YEAH!” He was happy about Ichiraku's, but something else he remembered made him feel great. Even though Hinata had been staying with Naruto for the past month they had still hid their relationship from everyone, but today they had agreed that hiding it was futile.
They walked hand in hand through Konoha for the first time to Ichiraku's, amid stares from many of the villagers. Before they reached the restaurant Naruto leaned over and kissed Hinata's cheek. “Naruto-kun…” Hinata blushed and looked around, “there are people.”
“So what?” The grin on Naruto's face grew even larger, “I want everyone to know how I feel about you!” Hinata couldn't help but smile.
“It's about time…” a lazy voice made them both stop and turn around. A dark, long haired boy with earrings and a lit cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth strode towards them with his hands in his pockets. “I thought you two would never get together.”
“Shikamaru! Um…” Naruto looked down at Hinata's hand clasped in his own, “yeah.” He started scratching the back of his head with his free hand as he noticed the smoke billowing from the cigarette in Shikamaru's mouth. “Hey, when did you start smoking?”
Shikamaru just shrugged as they started walking down the street together, “It's a long story.” Naruto couldn't help but think that Temari had something to do with it.
“So when did this happen?” Shikamaru took the cigarette from his mouth with his index and middle finger and waved it between the two. Hinata let out a cough as the smoke reached her nose. “Oh, I'm sorry Hinata.” He dropped the cigarette on the floor and stepped on it.
Hinata waved her hand in front of her face to clear the smoke. “It's ok Shikamaru-san…” Hinata's voice was almost inaudible. She had learned to be comfortable around Naruto, but she still felt nervous around most people.
“Hey Shikamaru, I'll tell you all about it over lunch. My treat…” The grin on Naruto's face returned as he saw an opportunity to finally tell someone about him and Hinata.
Shikamaru looked up towards the Hokage's office, “Ok, I still have time to kill before I have to see the Hokage.” They entered Ichiraku's and ordered.
As they ate, Naruto told Shikamaru about the missions they had been on and how Hinata had saved him with the shield jutsu that Jiraya had taught them. “I guess you two make a good team then.” Shikamaru pushed his bowl away from him and smiled, “You get hurt and she saves your ass.” He laughed.
“That's not funny Shikamaru!” Naruto's face turned sour, but instantly formed into a sly smile, “She even stopped Jiraya's Rasengan…”
At this Shikamaru stopped laughing and turned to Hinata with a stunned look, “Really? Wow, that's amazing Hinata.” He couldn't believe that she could stop a powerful jutsu by one of the Legendary Sannin.
Hinata's cheeks had been pink throughout Naruto's story, but at this they turned scarlet. “It… it was… nothing,” she talked down to her feet.
Naruto jumped off his seat and threw his arms around Hinata from behind, “Yeah it was awesome! My Hinata is so strong.” He kissed her on her now burning cheek.
“My Hinata?” A female's voice rang out from just behind them. Sakura entered the restaurant with an all knowing smile on her face. “So you took my advice then, huh?”
“Sakura-chan!” Naruto hadn't seen her since their last talk in the restaurant. He started scratching the back of his head with a huge smile on his face, “um… yeah, thanks.” Hinata's confused face went from Naruto to Sakura and back again.
“Hello, Hinata.” She waved towards the confused girl, who tried to smile back. She turned to Shikamaru, “Hey Shikamaru, the Hokage wants to see you a little early. Let's go.”
“What a pain.” Shikamaru stood up, pulled out a cigarette, and placed it in his mouth. Naruto and Hinata bid their friends farewell and headed off towards Naruto's apartment.
Every time they walked though Konoha they made sure to stay as far from the Hyuuga Complex as possible. Hinata, however, could not keep herself from gazing in the direction of her old home. Today, as they walked, Hinata had a strange feeling. Without Naruto knowing, she activated her Byakugon and looked towards the Hyuuga Complex. What she saw made her gasp and jump into Naruto. “Hinata are you ok?” She quickly deactivated her Byakugon and faced Naruto.
She tried to fake a smile, “I'm fine Naruto-kun.” The rest of the walk she couldn't shake the image from her head. Her father was standing at the Hyuuga Complex gates looking back at her with his Byakugon.
When they arrived, they packed their equipment for the mission. Hinata had to borrow some of Naruto's spare clothes and weapons because all of her stuff was still at the Hyuuga Complex. “Are you ready Hinata?” Naruto zipped up his ramen filled bag.
“Naruto-kun…” she noticed the packages of pre-cooked ramen sticking out of his bag, “I'm ready, but you know Macke is only a half days walk, right?” Hinata laughed, but Naruto frowned as he removed most of the ramen from his bag. Although Hinata had begun to feel better, she still couldn't shake her father's face from her thoughts.
They had agreed that reaching Macke as quickly as possible would give the abductors less time to flee the village surroundings. Sprinting the entire way would drain Hinata's chakra, so they decided to perform the Chakra Sharing technique before they left Konoha. Hinata was sure to only take as much chakra as necessary. Both ready, they took off through the trees towards Macke.
After nearly 4 hours, Hinata could feel her chakra levels almost return to normal. Neither had said much the entire time as they had promised to be serious and professional on missions. Naruto, however, could sense that something was wrong. “Hinata…” he spoke as they lept from tree to tree.
“Wha…” Hinata had awoken from a daze. She had been thinking of her father and her fear was etched on her face. “Umm… Yes, Naruto-kun?”
“Is everything ok Hinata?”
“Naruto-kun… can we rest?” Hinata had to stop; her mind was racing. If her father was watching her he must know she's been staying with Naruto and about their relationship. `What will he do?'
They both landed on a large branch and stopped. Naruto put his hand on her shoulder, “Are you tired?”
Hinata's eyes were on the floor, “No Naruto-kun… I'm scared…” She could feel tears forming in her eyes. “My… my… fa-father…” she started to cry.
“Your father?” Naruto was confused. He picked up Hinatat's face and started wiping away her tears.
Hinata's tear filled eyes locked with Naruto's. “You can't… just leave…the Hyuuga's. YOU CAN'T!” She screamed in a moment of passing rage. “I'm afraid… of my father… I can't lose you Naruto-kun…” Her tears were coming faster now.
Naruto hated to see her like this. “Hinata…” he kissed her softly on the lips, “I won't let anything happen to you or us, I promise.” Hinata could see a sincere smile on his face. She knew that he couldn't protect her from her father, but it still made her feel better.
She threw her arms around him and squeezed tight. “Thank you…” She was still crying but she was happy.
Naruto put his arms around Hinata, “I love…” he suddenly stopped. They both had heard it and they jumped backwards in opposite directions. There was a large `BOOM' as the branch they had been standing on exploded. “HINATA!” Naruto yelled out.
Hinata had already activated her Byakugon and was looking for their attacker. She found them, “Naruto-kun, there's three of them. WAIT!” As she focused on the three figures in the distance she recognized the blonde girl in the middle, “It's the girl!”
Naruto had jumped down to the ground under the branch that had exploded. “Hinata!” She looked down at him. He was holding the two kunai that they had heard coming at them. Hinata's eyes widened. She could see chakra flowing through them.
“Naruto-kun, those kunai have chakra!”
Naruto closely examined the seemingly ordinary kunai, “That must be why the branch exploded.” He packed the kunai into his pouch and looked over to Hinata, “Let's go!” She nodded and jumped into the trees towards the girl and her captors.
Naruto followed as Hinata silently leapt from branch to branch. She changed direction but never took her eyes off the blonde girl in the distance. Hinata raised her hand and they stopped on a branch. She had brought them behind the enemies.
Naruto looked down at the three people a little ways away. The blonde girl was sitting down on the floor as two scared looking ninja were on either side of her. Naruto thought she looked rather calm. “Hinata…” Naruto whispered into her ear, “you take the right one, I'll take the left.” She nodded and they leapt from their hiding spot.
Naruto landed behind one of the ninja and punched him between the shoulder blades. Hinata landed and swung a high spinning kick that connected with the ninja's head. Both ninja were sent flying as Naruto and Hinata took their spots next to the blonde girl.
The blonde girl's once calm face turned to terror. “Who… who are you?” She looked from Hinata to Naruto.
Naruto looked down at the girl, “Don't worry. We're here to take you back home.” His eyes quickly shot back to the two ninja as they were getting to their feet.
“YOU BRATS! YOU'LL DIE FOR THAT!” The two ninja ran at Naruto and Hinata and leapt into the air. Each enemy pulled out a kunai with an exploding tag and threw it at Konoha ninja.
“SHELTER JUTSU!” they both yelled. Smoke filled the entire area as the tags exploded.
Hinata released the jutsu as soon as the tags exploded. With her Byakugon she could easily see through the smoke. “SIXTY-FOUR PALMS!”
As the smoke cleared, Hinata stood in front of the downed ninja. She had completely stopped his chakra flow and he lay there unable to move. “Wha…” the other ninja looked at Hinata's Byakugon and the intensity on her face. He stood there hesitant to attack.
“Stay behind me,” Naruto told the blonde girl as he stepped in front of her. “All right Hina…” He was cut off. For a brief moment he was in extreme pain, and then he felt nothing.
A chill ran through Hinata's body. As she turned to face Naruto she could have died from the shock. A chakra filled kunai was protruding from Naruto's chest. Naruto stood up for a moment looking down at the kunai. He lifted his face to meet Hinata's, and fell onto his side.
“NARUTO!” Hinata screamed. She stood there frozen and watched as the blonde girl knelt down beside Naruto and pulled the kunai from his body. The smile on her face looked evil. “Wha…” Hinata could only whisper.
The blonde girl looked at Hinata's stunned face and laughed. The kunai in her hand started to pulse with chakra as she turned to her supposed captor, “You could have killed me you bastard.”
The ninja looked terrified. “I'm sorry Olen. I…” he was holding his palms out as if trying to keep her away.
“I know,” she said as she through the kunai at the ninja. He dodged it by leaping into the air. The blonde girl laughed as she threw a second at the ninja. He was at his apex and couldn't dodge it; he tried to block it with his arms. The kunai exploded on contact and the ninja fell to the ground in pieces. Hinata was disgusted, but the blonde girl continued to laugh.
“Olen…” Hinata could barely get the name out. The blonde girl stopped laughing and shifted her attention to Hinata. “Why…” Hinata looked down at Naruto's still body as tears started to form in her eyes. “Naruto-kun…”
Olen looked down at Naruto and kicked his body; Hinata flinched. “I don't need to be saved. Don't you get it yet?” She looked back at Hinata.
“You…” Hinata understood, “you killed your parents, didn't you?”
“YES!” Olen screamed at her. “They kept me locked up for years because… because…” she looked down at her hands. Her face looked angry. “BECAUSE THEY WERE AFRAID OF ME!” She picked a rock off the floor and it started to glow with chakra. The anger faded from her face and Hinata could tell she wanted to cry.
`She can transfer chakra to objects,' Hinata thought, `but I have to get Naruto out of here.' She had to act fast. She leapt at Naruto's body as Olen was distracted by her own thoughts.
“NO!” Olen threw the rock at Hinata. It hit her on the shoulder and exploded. Hinata flew back several meters.
“Be quiet Naruto.”
“What, why am I here?”
“You almost got us killed… again.”
“I need to go back! I need to save Hinata! Hurry you damned demon!”
“Naruto, your weak body was too badly injured, but if you really want to save her I could always…”
Hinata lay on the ground with a sharp pain in her shoulder. She couldn't use her arm, `That attack must have stopped the chakra flow in my arm,' she thought to herself. She had to think fast.
“What?” Hinata could swear she heard a voice call to her. She looked around with her Byakugon but there was no one around except the downed ninja and Olen.
Hinata knew she heard the voice this time. She reached her good arm around her body and touched the felt the inscription on her shoulder. `That's where the voice came from,' she thought.
Olen was laughing as Hinata lay there on the floor.
“Girl… take my chakra…”
Hinata looked at Naruto's still body; it was glowing red. Jiraya's warning ran through her head, “Hinata, under no circumstances are you to use the chakra sharing technique if Naruto's chakra turns red. If you do… both of you will be in danger.”
Olen too looked at Naruto's body and jumped back, “What the hell?” She was confused.
`I can't Naruto-kun!' Hinata thought to herself, but she was running out of options. She had to protect Naruto.
“GIVE ME YOUR CHAKRA! GIVE ME YOUR POWER!” Hinata yelled out. Olen's eyes quickly shot to Hinata. The inscription on Hinata's shoulder started to burn intensely; she couldn't take the pain. She could hear someone or something laughing in her head.
“WHAT?” Olen didn't understand what was going on. She looked back at Naruto and then to Hinata as both bodies were glowing red. “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?” Scared, she threw the kunai at Hinata.
“SHEILD JUTSU!” Hinata had said the words, but her voice was not the voice that she heard. This voice sounded angry; it sounded mad; it sounded evil. The kunai connected with the shield and fell harmlessly to the floor.
Hinata stood up and in less then a blink was standing in front of Olen. She punched the blonde girl in the face and she went flying back. Before Olen had landed Hinata was waiting for her. She pulled the girl up by the hair, “SIXTY-FOUR PALMS!” the same evil voice yelled out. Olen fell to the ground with Hinata standing over her laughing. She looked down into Olen's terrified face, “Now it's time you die!”
“What?” Hinata's subconscious awoke; it felt like she had finally opened her eyes. She was in a damp, dark room with a giant gate, and Naruto was standing in front of her. “NARUTO-KUN!” She ran to him and threw her arms around him.
Naruto squeezed tight and pulled her back, “Hinata, you have to force him out.” She had never seen Naruto's face this serious.
“What? Who?” She knew that something didn't feel right but she didn't know what it was.
“Hinata it's the demon that I carry inside of me.” Naruto knew he didn't have time to explain everything, “You have to force him out.”
“WHAT!?” Hinata was confused. “Naruto-kun…”
“Hinata, I'm sorry I never told you but you need to force him out now!” Naruto knew time was running out.
Hinata again opened her eyes, but they were very heavy and she could barely focus. As the object in front of her became slightly clearer her heart sank. Olen's body was lying on the ground, her face looked terrified and there was a massive hole in her chest. Hinata blacked out and fell beside body.