Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Gamble ❯ A Lacy Black Dress ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Thank you and goodbye.
“Betting starts with a round of booze, poker, and steadily leads into a round of strip twister.”
This had to be a dream, a really bad dream. Like the ones you have as a child, about creepy guys coming out of your closet.
Wait, it couldn't be a dream.
Even dreams are better then this.
That means, I'm awake and this is reality. Cleanup aisle four, I think my brain just exploded.
“Naruto,” he could feel the smirk even though his head was in his pillow.
“What?” I pushed myself from the confines of my pillow, my haven. To look into his pale face that was shadowed in the morning light.
“My room, now.” My eyes widened at his request, and I grudgingly got out of bed. I tried to find some clean pants but at the moment I think they wanted to play hide-and-seek on me. That was just cruel. I felt something grab my arm and followed it up to a very pale, menacing face. Sasuke started dragging me out of the room and I squeaked in surprise.
“Sasuke I need my pants!” I tried to find any available surface to grab at, but everything seemed to move away from my fingers. That was just evil.
Stupid Furniture.
“You don't need anything.” His cold voice was the only thing I could hear and it immediately snapped me out of my stupor. I pressed my feet into the ground so that he stumbled and had to stop.
“Now just wait a minute. What do you mean I don't need my pants? I will not leave this room in my god damn boxers! Got that? Good. Now just wait one friggin' minute while I put on some clothes.” I turned around to begin my search again, but I suppose that was a bad idea. I felt two arms wrap around my bare midriff and shivered.
“I said you don't need them.” I felt the breath in my ear. Heck, I could practically smell what shampoo and toothpaste he used. I felt myself being dragged and I grabbed for Rock Lee.
“Help me!” The green beast just stared at us in confusion, sleep still in his eyes. Then he did the unthinkable. He went back to bed.
The bastard!
I growled in defeat and slumped back. The clock read 6:15. My pants were somewhere on the floor of our unknown coloured carpet. I just happened to be trailing behind a smirking Uchiha at this ungodly hour. And somewhere, someone was laughing at me.
Wait, no, Uchiha Sasuke was laughing at me.
I pouted as he led me to his room. This had to be the worst day of my life. Well there was that one time when Akamaru crapped in my shoe. Kiba kindly didn't tell me about it. It had not been a great feeling, especially since I decided not to wear socks that day.
It wasn't my fault if Akamaru suddenly gets fleas.
Now there was doom written on the wall in the form of a number: 213. I hated that number. I just watched as Sasuke unlocked the door, and vaguely felt myself being pushed inside.
Now you know, I have many opinions on Sasuke. But his room was immaculately clean. In the same sense, that there wasn't very much to clean. Sure, he had a bed, a television, a kitchenette, a CD player, but not a whole lot else. Oh yeah, he had a bathroom, but I bet he doesn't even shit in it.
I gazed around wearily. There was something unsettling about the atmosphere. Oh, now I remember. I wasn't wearing pants, or a shirt. I turned around to glare at Sasuke, and give him a piece of my mind. My eyebrows lowered when I saw him.
Was Sasuke just looking at my ass? I had no time to further dwell into my thoughts, because Sasuke took that exact moment to turn around and walk to his dresser. He pulled something out and I lifted an eyebrow in question.
“Well, I didn't know that you needed help picking out lingerie for your girlfriends.” I looked as the black and white lacy dress. It was actually a very nice dress; probably cost him a pretty penny too. Probably didn't even make a dent in his bank account either.
“You know Naruto, I have to go home this weekend. My parents are going to be having a party and they invited me. I was hoping that you'd come along.” Sasuke stared at me his cocky smirk planted on his face.
“Um, okay. What does this have to do with the dress? You wanted to have a threesome or something?” I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the nearest wall.
“You're going to wear it.” Now that caused my eyebrows to fly up behind my messy blonde bangs.
“What? No chance in hell!” I sprang off the wall and headed for the door, but stopped when I heard voices in the hallway. If I walked out now, I'd make quite a few people happy. I'd also have them know that there's a hell of a lot under the baggy clothes I wear everyday. I wasn't exactly chubby; the six packs were just for show, really.
“You're forgetting Naruto, you're my slave.” I looked over my shoulder to see Sasuke smirking at me smugly. Oh, the smug bastard.
“Well, that doesn't mean I have to wear a dress,” I glared back at Sasuke. The future for me was looking worse every minute. Now when were the pigs going to fly?
“Try it on.” Have I ever told him that I hated him? There's only one way to find out.
“Have I ever told you that I hate you?” I grabbed the dress from his hands and gave the worst glare of the day. The bastard didn't even blink.
“Everyday, Naruto, everyday.” Well, shit, it was true wasn't it? That got me thinking. I've been saying I've hated him for 5 years. Wow, I'm mildly proud of myself. I didn't feel the need to go change in a different room so I slipped the thing over my head.
Now mind you, I have never worn a dress before. My thoughts on girls wearing them had drastically changed. I mean how the hell do you put one of these things on?
I heard Sasuke laugh softly. That was a miracle in itself. I never, ever heard him laugh. I couldn't even see it either.
Stupid dress.
I felt rather then saw, said dress was sort of hindering my vision, the hem of the dress being pulled down. Then slowly, yet gloriously my vision was brought back. I now stood, in Sasuke's room wearing a dress. Isn't this an odd scenario? Now all we need is strip twister and booze and we'd be all set.
I turned to see Sasuke's eyes raking up my body. That look sort of made me feel self conscious. I mean I'm a sexy individual, no doubt about it. But with the look in his eyes, I felt like taking a nice long trip to the hills, preferably screaming.
“You look like a girl.” Now that was uncalled for. That was downright mean. You do not tell a seventeen year old guy that he is even slightly effeminate. It was just plain wrong, a low blow. It was dirty! I glared as best I could, and took a nice walk to his spotless bathroom, unintentionally shaking my hips in a sexy manner. I swear it was completely unintentional! Okay, I felt like having my funeral today.
I spotted myself in the mirror and did a double take. I was girly. That's just cruel. My hair had grown over the years and how some reason was shaping my face. My blue eyes sparkled and I noticed my lips looked a little too full. I guess I must have been biting at them harder then I thought. The dress even looked good. I was a flat-chested girl; the thought scared the crap out of me. Oh, and what was this? The flaring dress bottom just barely covered my ass by two inches. I was now glad I had decided to keep my boxers on. Though shocking Sasuke by whipping them off would have been amusing.
Then it hit me, I had to go to a party. At Sasuke's, wearing a dress. That wonderfully showed a bit too much skin. I silently prayed to every single god that I knew that Itachi wouldn't be planning to make a grand entrance at this party. I really didn't want to think about that.
I turned to see Sasuke gazing at me. He looked up, smirked, and licked his lips. Now that was plain creepy.
“Can I have some real clothes now?” He stood still for a whole minute before nodding.
He wasn't Satan after all.