Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Gamble ❯ Betting is a health hazard ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. I will never own Naruto. I just write fanfiction and draw fanart. This piece of writing is an alternate universe or AU for Naruto. I'm going to make that clear for everyone. As long as you enjoy my weird style of writing I'm okay.“Bettings not a game, it’s a sacrifice.”NexusGambleLife was normal at Konoha Secondary. Well for the popular kids it was normal. For everyone else it was the devil’s incarnate, literally. The hell to my usually bright life came in the form of one Uchiha Sasuke. Resident ice prick. Sometimes, it made me wonder how girls could just flock to him as if he were their migration territory. In my opinion they flew in the wrong direction and ended up in the coldest place on earth. It probably captivated them, until they froze into ice sculptures by his glare. But oh no, Sasuke had a ‘sexy’ glare. Made the men hate him and the women love him, also made him the most popular guy in school.It also labeled him as my rival, my eternal rival.Heaven only knows how the two of us are friends.Sometimes I think God, put both of us together to punish us. I mean we’re polar opposites, literally. He has black hair, I have blonde hair. He’s naturally pale, I’m naturally tanned. His eyes are black, mine are blue. Okay I admit the last one isn’t completely opposite, but it is pretty damn close. He wears dark clothes, I wear bright. He likes boys, I like girls. Okay, truthfully I know nothing about that last statement. He really hasn’t made any indication. He doesn’t look at girls or guys with a hint of any emotion, though he does have a weird obsession over his brother. He in turn has a weird obsession over me. It’s creepy really.But other then that what problem could I quite possibly have with one Uchiha Sasuke. He was a cold, arrogant, egotistical bastard. That’s right. But then again I can find a lot of guys with that type of personality. Hyuuga Neji for example; Resident ice prick number 2, another black haired ‘beauty’. I swear they come in twos, there are always two. Well in this case there’s more but we’re getting to that. Neji happens to have the freakiest eyes on this side of the hemisphere. There white, one time I questioned him about it and spent the rest of my day staring up at the sky from a dumpster. Unlike Sasuke though, he’s got long black hair. Hair the herbal essences advertisement committee wish they had for their commercials. Isn’t that a stimulating thought? I’m actually going to write Herbal to tell them this, without his knowledge of course. What living organism wouldn’t want to hear him moaning over actively in a commercial, on live television? I personally just wanted a good laugh.Now Sasuke and Neji is one thing, well two actually but they certainly can’t compare to number 3. Gaara. Simple as that.His title you may ask? Well I could tell you but you’d probably wet your pants. No, not really. I like to call him the-overly-quiet-wants-you-for-dead-has-an-overly-pronounced-case-of-pms-cr eepy-guy. Long for one breathe isn’t it? That’s why I normally either stay as far away from him as possible, or just call him by his real name. I really wouldn’t want to stick around to see what he could possible do to my body if I stuck around long enough to call him any of the names I have invented for him. But really, he’s pale, he’s got no eyebrows, his eyes are this weird color green, and I swear the man doesn’t sleep. People need sleep; I think that’s why he’s always so cranky.Now my others friends aren’t so bad. There’s Nara Shikamaru, resident lazy ass genius. Let’s see, um, oh yeah! There’s Kiba, hyperactive dog lover. Chouji: also known as Fat man. One time I put the batman song on the announcements except changed the words to fat man. I got one hell of a detention after that stunt. Then there are the girls. I can’t say I’m really close to any of them, since I tend to be close with their golden god Sasuke. But I have given some of my time to Sakura, our resident cherry blossom. But then again being around Sakura means you’re around Ino which, basically means you’re around the whole darn female population. Okay, so I practically know everyone of my grade, and higher. Okay even lower too. But that doesn’t mean I’m really all that popular. I mean I can’t remember the last time I got a girlfriend, or someone told me I was hot. That’s sort of where I’m getting at with all this really. Well, more or less I’m getting to the part in which I tell you. I like men! No, that’s just what you wanted to hear but what I’m getting at has to deal with that fact.I made a bet with Uchiha Sasuke.A very unwise decision on my part, but he had gotten me into a position that made me irritated. I tend to make unwise decisions when I’m irritated. The arguments had started like every other one. I’m better then you and such. Well he had gone on to say that he could get any girl he wanted and what could I get. Well I replied with any girl I want which was stupid. Then he made the bet. If I couldn’t get a girl in one week then I’d have to face some sort of consequence. At which point I wasn’t listening and just agreed with him.Well my week was over. I had not deflowered or even found one girl who would even touch me.Now I stood in one Uchiha Sasukes dorm room. It was the scariest moment of my life. To bad I couldn’t remember the consequence.“So how does it feel to be my personal slave for a month?” A smirk twisted at the side of his mouth. Smug bastard. Wait… what?“Your… personal slave…” My eyes widened incredulously. “You’re kidding me right?”“Naruto, you’re the one who agreed to our little negotiations.” He stepped to his counter and removed something from the top drawer.“What do I have to do?” I didn’t like the way he was smirking, this was so, not good.“You’re going to wear this and obey all I ask of you, or you’ll have to do something I think up that would be worse.” He pulled out a leather collar and walked up to me, I instinctively took a step back.“No way in hell, am I going to do anything for you!” I had unmistakably backed into what appeared to be a hard surface. Oh yeah it’s called a wall.“But Naruto, you don’t want to refrain from a bet do you?” He smirked, he knew he had me.“Fine, fine,” I was going to suffer through this whether I liked this or not. Something sank from the pit of my stomach when I felt the clasp snap together and my fate was sealed.My life sucked.I groaned as music filtered through my dorm room. So did my buddy on the other side of the room. Rock Lee was a good guy once you got past the big eyebrows, weird eyes, and over the top attitude. I just couldn’t get how he could live with green spandex in the middle of winter. Then again I didn’t understand a lot of things. Like the fact I had a collar around my neck.Oh, right.Damn.It was six in the morning and I had just come to the weirdest conclusion of my life. Well there was this one time… but forget about that. I was wearing a leather collar. It felt like some weird BDSM thing. It really did make me feel like some sort of lowly servant. I pulled my blue pillow closer to my head and sighed.I did not want to get up this morning.I did not want to get up all of this week.Wait, I did not want to leave my room for the next month.Knock. Knock. Knock.That, my friend, would be the devil knocking at my door at 6:05 a.m. I heard the bed shift and raised my eyes to see Rock Lee answer the door in green flannel pajamas. A very menacing Sasuke was blocking the door. Well, menacing for the hour that it was, with all that black and pale skin.Yep, the devil had come a knockin’.