Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Handful ❯ Handful ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By Elli Cole
Deidara x Sakura
“You're not allowed to talk back to your captors, un.”
Green eyes flashed anger. “You don't control me!”
A grin answered her response. “Not from where I stand, un.”
She gritted her teeth and she huffed out a reply. “You—you are—”
“Handsome? Artistic? Stunning? Well, thank you, un. That's very kind of you, kunoichi.”
Sakura gaped at him openly.
Deidara nodded to his head understandingly as he smiled down at her. “I have that effect on women, un.”
Silence befell between the two.
A cough broke the tense unruffled ambiance. Sakura looked up at him from the floor and watched him curiously as she noticed his lips stayed shut. Another cough resounded throughout the room but his mouth was still tightly closed. Curiosity tugged at her senses and she looked around the room.
Another cough.
“Where is that cough coming from?” She asked irately. “Is there another person here?”
Deidara raised a brow at her amusedly. “What?”
“Can't you hear that awful coughing?” Sakura inquired crossly. “It's making my ears bleed!”
“I think you're over exaggerating, un.”
“And I think you're demented!”
“Hm.” Deidara slowly stepped towards her. “I think so too, un.”
Taken aback, Sakura moved away from the blond noticeably. Fear flashed before her eyes and Deidara took notice of it smugly. He smirked at her as he stopped in front of her. Her eyes traveled from his eyes to the front of his pants. She gulped down the lump that started to form in her throat.
“What are you—”
“Nothing of your concern, un.” He replied haughtily.
He reached down and ran his fingers through her pink tresses. She stilled and a hiss left her lips.
“You—” She screeched. “You pervert!”
Deidara's eyes widened and whipped his head over his shoulder to the door. It remained close but her screams didn't halt. He looked down at her with narrowed eyes.
“Get away from me, you pervert!” She thrashed around in her bonds. “Your dirty, awful hands touched me and you are definitely not going to get away with this!”
“Shut up, un!” Deidara hissed. She glared at him in response and her anger flared.
“Don't tell me to shut up, you ass! This is your fault! You touched me!”
“I said shut up, un!” Deidara shouted and glared at her fiercely, daring her to speak up once again. She didn't disappoint as soon as she opened her mouth and words flew from her lips.
“I don't care what you say, pervert! You deserve to be beat down to a bloody—”
Her words were muffled as soon as she felt his palm crash against her lips and felt his calloused fingers rest against her cheek. Her eyes widened at his move and looked at him, surprised. He scowled at her.
“I told you to shut up, un.”
Sakura rolled her eyes but stiffened. A cough radiated from his hand to her lips. Unconsciously, she puckered her lips and felt something wet against her mouth. She screamed against his hand. He raised a brow at her.
He slowly took his hand away from her face and watched her pant.
“W-what… what the hell was that?” She questioned. Her eyes wide and glassy from the oddness of the situation and he smirked at the noticeable shock etched strewn across her face.
“I think I just kissed you… un.”
Sakura almost fainted.
End Note: So… yeah. College is a major drag. Review please. More request are coming your way, un.