Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Hurt to remember, Or to forgive and live? SASUKExOC ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Itachi: -glares-
do it!
Cherry1315: -glares back- FINE! ok, sadly i don't own Naruto, only my oc's and story plot... ... ...-starts to spit- eh now i feel
Itachi: -smirks- good pathetic human, now i wont have to kill you.
Itachi: ...-bluntly- you... -.-'
Cherry1315: -pulls out a huge machine gun from under my skirt- DIE!
Itachi: 'where did she get
that from?' now, now lets not.. -i cut off his sentence by shooting him- -squeals like a girl- AHHHHH!
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+Name: Jade (last name unknown)
+Age: 15 3/4
+Eye colour: (from the black pupil) green going into blue
+Hair: black with dark red tips. Your hair is layered, it's about shoulder length and you have a side fringe
+Clothes style: black corset top (on the back of the top it has red criss cross ribbon holding the top together), black skinny jeans and black Ninja shoes. (p.s. you are not exactly Goth/Emo you mainly wear the clothes because there good for hiding in the shadows...with style lol)
+You are sweet and sour/nice and you can be like ice
+It takes awhile for people to get into your heart
+You're a stunner/beautiful/cute/hot…a.k.a you have A LOT of fan boys. (eh eh eh :P)
+You come from the Mitsuki clan from the hidden storm village
+The Mitsuki bloodline allows you to control nature for good or bad. The bloodline allows you to be in touch with the earth, the earth and everything around you gives you its power, if you ask for it. The Mitsuki bloodline is hard to control and hard to learn for some, for you most of the bloodline traits comes easily, especially since-….well you have to read the story for that :p
Your deal (background info):
When you were six you lived with your mum and dad. You were liked and respected by a lot of people but also you were hated and disliked by a few.
One day when you went to get your bestfriend (Ruby) a best friend necklace; because you wanted to show her how much you appreciated and loved her. You loved her like a sis. She was the only person that truly knew you the best (when you were young).
When you were done paying for the gift you got outside the shop and found everything deserted. You started to freak out a little as you walked the cold streets. The sky was stormy and cloudy. You could hear thunder erupt as you walked the streets alone back to your house, where you could wrap the gift.
Why is the sky like this? This morning it was warm and sunny but when I got out of the shop it's like this?! You thought to yourself nervously.
As you turned a corner you saw dead bodies lying on the ground, blood splattered everywhere. AHHHHHH!! You mentally screamed to yourself.
You ran to your house as fast as your feet would take you.
When you got inside you found your parents sitting there tied up.
"Mum? Dad?" you whispered
All you could hear them say was muffled. They had the fright and terror written on their faces.
Ruby came around from the corner. She had blood splatterings on her. Her face was twisted and harsh. In her right hand she had a sharp, bloody knife.
You backed up to the front door while dropping her present on the ground.
"Rrruuubbbyyy?" you whispered scared, your body frozen on the spot.
She came up behind them and slowly slit their throats.
You watched them slowly die as their blood trickled down onto their clothes. She started to giggle like crazy while walking over to you.
MOVE, MOVE! You frantically thought to yourself. Your mind finally made your body move. You ran out of your house into the rain forest before she could kill you. You didn't ask why she killed everyone. You were too scared of what the answer would be…
All you knew is that you had to get away from her and that you have to get stronger!
Ok yea so that's your deal.
(Ya ya your deal thingo might have been a little rushed but meh, it's not the actual story :P)
It was early in the morning, the air was chilly and the forest still had the morning dew, making the forest sparkle when the sun hit it. It was my first time at the hidden leaf village, I was planning on living there because I had nowhere else to go.
I looked up from trying to see my feet through the shallow fog. I could see the gates of the hidden leaf village coming into view and two guards standing there.
Guard 1: "halt! Who goes there?"
I look up at him in the eyes. I gave him a death glare. "None of your business," the words crept off my tongue. My voice seemed to chill the air at how cold and harsh my voice was. I looked over at the other guard. He was just staring at me, "take a picture, it lasts longer!"
Guard1:"Well then, what is your purpose here?"
I didn't look at him I kept my eyes closed with my head tilted down, shadowing some of my face "Hn, to live."
They let me in. They knew I wasn't a threat but they knew that they weren't going to get any other information out of me.
As I walked down the dirt road towards the Hokage's office, I saw a boy with black spiky hair running towards me. I looked past him and saw a huge cloud of dirt about 15 meters away from him. The dirt started to say "SASUKE GO OUT WITH ME! I LOVE YOU"
Then more and more pleading and arguing voices came after. OMG the dirt is speaking praise the lords,…no wait its just heaps of girls making dirt and dust fly around them. Oh great fan girls I thought to myself. He saw me looking at him. I rolled my eyes and he smirked, then I kept walking towards the Hokage ignoring him and the girls.
Knock, knock, knock.
"Yes, come in" he said
I walked in the room and bowed "Sir I would like to live in your village"
"What is your name girl"
"I am Jade. Last survivor of the Mitsuki clan from the hidden storm village"
"Welcome Jade, it's an honor for us to have you here" he smiles
"Thank you for having me" I smile back
He tosses me a head band with the leaf symbol on it, then a set of keys. "You'll be staying with Sasuke"
"Hn. Thankx" great another fan boy, well since he knows what it's like he won't be one…I hope…
I started to walk out the door..
"Oh and Jade?"
I turn half around and turned my head the rest of the way so I could see him over my shoulder "Yea?"
"Sorry about what happened to your family and clan"
When he said that I just looked at the floor and did one nod to say thankx, then left with the vivid memories of what happened that day running through my head.
2 years later I am currently 15 3/4 years old. I hate Sasuke now because 1: he betrayed my trust. and2: he left to train with Orochimaru. Even after what Orochimaru did: trying to destroy the village and for killing the hokage in the process. But noo, that didn't stop Sasuke to go and train with that 'snake' Orochimaru so he could get more power to kill his brother Itachi!
As I was walking through town a flock of boys started to come close. Oh god no, here we go again
Grrr why do they always do this to me? I ran around a dark corner before I could hear anymore boys pleading to go out with me, and headed towards the woods. Humm I think I lost them. Hehe they didn't win this time. I leapt into a big tree and laid on a branch with my eyes closed.
"Hello Kiba" I said with my eyes still closed.
He lent over and kissed me gently on the lips upside down "how did you know?"
"I could hear and feel the vibrations around me" I said and opened one of my eyes to look at him and smirked. "Why must you kiss me?"
"Because I like you" he smiled
"Hn, and I like you too, but not in that way…I think?. No, I'm sorry kibbles." I got up and leaned against the tree.
He got up and walked over to me. He...
...To be continued (p.s. this is off my quizilla account: cherry1315)
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Itachi: -still squealing like a girl while I'm chasing him-
Cherry1315: -evilly- MUHAHAHAH! WHO'S PATHETIC NOW?
Itachi: Not you cherry1315, not you!
Cherry1315: -drops gun and runs up to Itachi, jumps onto his back to get a piggyback ride- YAY! WEEEEE!
Itachi: -rolls eyes- 'women and there mood swings'