Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I'm Sorry ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I don't own Naruto. If I did, Neji would be mine, the perverts would be scarred for life, and Kimimaro would still be alive. I know this doesn't go along with the whole season five of Naruto, but I have my reasons.
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Sachi knelt on the hillside, her hands clasped together. A gravestone stood in front of her, almost unseeable in the deep, swaying grasses. “Kimimaro-kun,” she whispered, clearing her throat, “I'm sorry.” The glade she had come to visit that day was no longer a glade, but more of a malnutritioned forest. The fifteen-year-old was only mildly surprised; death had claimed this place long ago.
She cleared her throat again. “I used to think that, out of the Sound Five, you were the one most likely to leave-or maybe just the one with the least loyalty towards Orochimaru. But now I know that's not true. You were...immensely loyal, but your kindness foe a little, homesick girl took precedence over your loyalty. I came to say thank you...and sorry.
“I'm sorry for running away and unknowingly making you choose between me and Orochimaru. I'm sorry for breaking your heart and unintentionally killing you when you came after me. You fought Naruto, Lee, and Gaara-and died for me.
“I'm sorry for making you so scared. I'm sorry that you started having those coughing fits after I left. You thought I was dead-and you wanted to say goodbye, even if you died trying.
“I'm sorry for letting myself worm my way into your heart. I never knew that you would start to love me in your own way, or that you would want to-no, need to, look after me. You tried to protect me from Orochimaru-but ended up losing me instead.
“I'm sorry for being sorry. You wouldn't want me to feel bad about what I did with my life, but knowing that I ended yours-I'm sorry. For everything I ever did...I'm sorry.” A soft rain began to fall, echoing the girl's mood.
“And I'm sorry for being in your life in the first place. No one ever said that life was easy, but...I'm pretty sure I made your life hell.” She paused. “Kaguya Kimimaro, you blessed my life, but I cursed yours. Will you-can you forgive me?” She stood up and turned to leave, but turned back around, knelt again, and placed a small offering near the grey stone.
As she walked off, the winds blew away the grasses to show the femur bone of Hyuuga Sachi's late boyfriend, Kaguya Kimimaro.