Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kaka/Saku Drabbles ❯ Tell Her That You Love Her ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tell Her That You Love her
“What's your problem? Why did you just let her walk away like that?” Sasuke asked gravely as he held Kakashi by the neck. He had him pinned up against a tree, away from prying eyes.
“I couldn't...” Kakashi began, but was cut off by Sasuke's dangerously low voice.
“Why didn't you just swallow your pride? She's everything to you...You love her Kakashi! I can see it in your eyes,” Sasuke exclaimed loudly as he took Kakashi by the shoulders and shook him, hoping to shake some sense into him.
“How would you know what I'm going through?” Kakashi growled as he pried Sasuke's hands from himself.
“Because I've been there! My heart was broke just like yours is now. I let her go Kakashi, because I didn't tell her I loved her. I know now what I did was wrong and I hate to see you doing the same thing. Why can't you just act humble for once and tell her how you really feel?” Sasuke asked accusingly as Kakashi turned his back on him, but he wasn't about to let him get away that easily.
“Go find her. Tell her that you need her and that you want her to stay with you. If you don't then you'll never get her back again Kakashi. I looked up to you. But now I can see that you're just a coward hiding your true feelings behind that stupid mask. Show her that you love her! Tell her that you love her. Just do something or both of you will never be the same again. Sakura needs to know that you love her so tell her, damn it.”
“Don't you think I've tried already? She won't listen to me,” Kakashi said angrily as he shook Sasuke's hand from his shoulder once again.
“Then try harder! You're a shinobi for Kami's sake!”
“I can't tell her that I love her! I don't even like myself. I hate myself for the things I've done in my past,” Kakashi growled with narrowed eyes, glaring at the Uchiha who had turned into a man over the last few years.
“Didn't you once tell me to put my past behind me! That I was only hurting those close to me, my precious people. You, Sakura, and Naruto are my precious people. I want to help you. Just take my advice for once,” Sasuke yelled exasperatedly.
“But what if she doesn't want me back? What if she hates me now?” Kakashi asked softly, dejectedly as he dropped his head to his chest.
“Apparently you don't know Sakura that well. She is the most forgiving person there is. She loves you too; she just doesn't want to get hurt again. I hurt her and now I'm repaying her for the love I never returned. Your love Kakashi is what she wants. She would die for you. She just wants you to tell her that you love her too. Is that so hard to do?” Sasuke asked as his voice softened as he lay his hand on Kakashi's drooping shoulder.
“Your right. Thank you Sasuke. I just never thought I would be taking advice from you. But I truly am grateful,” Kakashi said with an eye crinkle as he straightened his posture and turned towards the village.
“Just find her and remember what I said,” Sasuke said with a small smile as he turned in the opposite direction. Sasuke left to return to his newborn child and young bride. Kakashi, a determined set to his stance left to find his one true love, Sakura.
Author's Note: I got this idea from the song Tell Her by Lonestar.