Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kakashi and Raye ❯ Ten years before actual story ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Much to my dismay, I do not own Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto does. I merely like to twist their fates to my will >) hehehe
Ten years ago, a great war broke out between the Land of Lightning and the Land of Fire. The two ninja villages clashed in an epic struggle for survival and glory. The village of Konoha fought with all of their might, and it would take all that either shinobi had in them to push the war in their favour.
`Alright ANBU, this war hasn't seen us yet, and those Cloud ninja never will after we're done! Now let's go.' Raye yelled. With the entire ANBU black-ops at her command, it was up to her to decide the fate of the village.
The Raikage had mercilessly taken advantage of the strife felt by the Leaf village and attacked at full force. Raye had held back her ANBU advances as a last resort, preferring not to involve her highly-skilled teams in such combat. They were trained for all purposes; Raye had made sure, only accepting well-rounded and advanced Jonin level ninja.
After days of battle, the ANBU black-ops would strike to kill, taking down their enemy by attacking at its heart.
Shuriken flew in every direction, and the clash of kunai could be heard for miles. There were masses of ninja trying to take down a single opponent, some individual battles going on, and just plain massacres scattered over the immeasurable forest.
I can't believe that they would do this! How could they know that the Fourth Hokage had fallen whilst imprisoning the nine-tailed fox demon!? The village has only just accepted the great loss, and I haven't been officially made Fifth Hogake yet! Something's wrong with this picture! My father would never have let this happen!
`Raye! Get out of the way!' Kakashi yelled. Kakashi Hatake, the best ANBU Raye had, and the most handsome too. Raye's head swung to the side, just avoiding a shuriken, and her eyes widened in shock of the oncoming water dragon jutsu. Then Kakashi was in front of her, his own water dragon twisting upwards, and roaring in triumph before diving into the ground, followed by a wave that knocked the enemy off their feet.
`Raye, be more careful.”
`Kakashi, I…'
`Please. You're the best we have; this village doesn't stand a chance without you. Nor do I.'
`Kakashi?' She looked bewildered at the statement, but nodded firmly.
`Just watch where you're going next time, honorable daughter.' He said with a slightly visible smile beneath his mask. Then he was gone, and Raye was left to defend herself.
She grinned after what Kakashi had said. She readied herself for battle, and then took off in a cloud of dust.
`Hey guys, look! It's that girl, Raye Uzumaki. If we can take down the head of the ANBU black-ops, then we shouldn't have to worry about those masked guys killing us when we least expect it.' A Cloud ninja was telling his team.
`Yeah! Great idea, boss! We could capture her, and then torture her for information. Then we'd be heroes!'
`That was the idea, you idiot!' The captain hissed.
`Oh, sorry boss.'
`We'll let her think that all is well, and follow her until the time is right. Then we strike.'
`Got it, boss.' the ninja said in unison.
`Good. Let's go.'
Ok, I've got 497 down. By now the ANBU must have got a few hundred out between them, and the Third Hokage is co-coordinating the chunin and jonin. That must be another few hundred. The villagers should all be safe, the genin are protecting them. So, now all that's left for me to do is strike for the throat, and kill the foul beast that wills to ensnare us.
Two teams of ninja were coming at Kakashi at high speed. His sharingan eye was starting to tire, and he was finding it difficult to keep up with their chakra enhanced taijutsu.
Raye was speeding overhead of the battle, dodging random attacks, occasionally stopping to kill a few jonin who were teaming up on a lonely chunin. She constantly kept an eye out for her teams, making sure that they weren't in trouble, and watching for the Third Hogake. Powerful as he was, he was also becoming old, and his reflexes were not as sharp as they used to be. Quite often, groups of ninja would swarm him, knowing that individual attacks were useless against one so strong. Then the 3-man ANBU squad that she had assigned to him would jump out of nowhere, and take out the threat from behind.
`Alright, then. You guys think you can take me just because there are eight of you. Bring it on then.' Kakashi bragged with confidence, although he did not feel it. Seven came at him, eyes blazing with the thrill of battle. The other one was holding back, trying to conceal himself with a jutsu, but Kakashi was too pre-occupied to notice where he was hiding. He fended off the other seven, blocking their attacks and sending them back in turn. The Cloud ninja's strategy was faltering, but their back-up plan was coming.
The eighth ninja came up behind Kakashi just as the other seven attacked again, surrounding his vision, blurring the raised kunai behind the powerful copy-ninja's head.
Raye stopped on a branch, breathless. She quickly surveyed her surroundings, and spotted Kakashi under attack, with a ninja ready to kill him from behind. Her heart wrenched at the thought of losing him, and she swooped down from her perch. She slipped quietly in between Kakashi and the ninja with the kunai.
The man's face contorted, not quite sure how to react, whether he should make a fuss and alert Kakashi, or try to take her out quickly and quietly.
He didn't have time to make a decision, because Raye's chakra aided fist slammed into his head, followed by a brief fire style jutsu that sent him howling through the battle, setting the forest ablaze. Kakashi turned in surprise and saw the man screaming. Raye had an innocent smile on her face, but a cheeky look in her eye. She giggled at Kakashi before wiping out the seven shinobi without a second glance.
`Raye, how did you…' His porcelain mask had been smashed into pieces, so she could easily make out the features of his face beneath his material mask. She put her finger to his lips.
`You're not the only one in love, Kakashi.'
Just as Kakashi had done before, she leapt from the ground, and continued on her way to the Raikage.
`Alright boys, I bet she's feeling good after saving her boyfriend, so when I give the signal, we take her down, and bring her home as our prisoner.'
The Cloud ninja was right, and Raye felt good about what she had just done. Not only had she saved one on the strongest in the village, she had saved the young man she was infatuated with. From her perspective, this war was going pretty well.
`Ok, she doesn't suspect that she's being followed yet, if we set up a genjutsu, we should be able to trap her. Now's our best time, so let's do this.' The ninja spread out and began casting the genjutsu that was to bring down the head of the ANBU black-ops, daughter of the deceased Fourth Hokage, and next in line for the title.
Huh? I've been here before. I thought I just crossed over this part of the forest. And how come I can't hear the fighting here, it all sounds distant, like it's coming from somewhere else. Oh no! I was so focused on finding the Raikage that I forgot to watch out for genjutsu! Those punks following me are smarter than I thought. Do they plan to kill me?
`He..he..he.' The Cloud ninja chuckled slowly. There was malice in his voice.
`We've got her. By the look on her face, I'd say she's just realized it as well. Good work boys. Now, don't make too much of a commotion, the ANBU are still around here somewhere, and if they sense the strange chakra this jutsu uses we're done for. Remember to be careful with her, she's incredibly powerful, but we still have her slightly shocked. Use whatever advantages you have, and don't, I repeat don't get too close, or it'll be your life.'
`So, you're the upstarts who think to possibly capture me? Ha! Good luck.' Raye laughed at them. She was telling this to herself more than to the Cloud ninja whose plan she had just overheard. At the top of the trees, just below the canopy, they would fight.
Kakashi looked up at the sky. Something was wrong.
Raye started the battle. She threw a lazy shuriken in the Cloud ninja's direction. They dodged it with humorous ease, but she threw another. When they jumped out of the way this time, she was behind them in an instant. She laughed mockingly at them, still darting casually through the forest.
`You can keep playing games all day if you like, but you're still stuck in our genjutsu. You'll never escape us!'
`Well, that's fixed easily enough.' She made a quick hand sign and released the genjutsu with a small outburst of powerful, contained chakra.
`That should make it even, shouldn't it?'
`Boss, that genjutsu took all of us to cast. What are going to do now? We can't keep her here without the genjutsu, she's too strong.'
`There's always another way.'
`But captain…how?'
`Transformation jutsu. I become that ANBU guy she cares about so much, and then you watch as I break her heart.'
`Raye! Raye wait. We need to talk.'
`Kakashi, now isn't the best time, there are a group of Cloud ninja following me.'
`I know, Raye. I can't take any chances though; if you die you need to know the truth first.'
`Truth? Truth about what, Kakashi?'
`Well, I don't really love you. I never did. I doubt I ever will. I was with you because you're the Fourth Hokage's daughter. If I were the lover of the Fourth Hokage's daughter, then I would be given respect and authority, instead of what I've inherited from my disobedient father.' Raye looked shocked.
`Kakashi, what's going on? Your father was a hero! He still is a hero, even in death. This can't possibly be you!'
`Oh but it is Raye. It most definitely is. I thought that after your father died, I could get the superman look from standing by you, and it worked. But now, whether I'm with you or not, I already have that image, and I'll keep it, even without you. I think you're better off just going with the Cloud ninja, and sparing yourself the humiliation.'
`KAKASHI! How dare you say such a thing to me! Get out of my sight now. I am your leader and you'll do as I say. As of now you are banished from the ANBU black-ops and chained from my heart ever again. Now leave! You are no longer a part of this war. Go and help the genin protect the villagers.'
`Of course, honorable daughter.' His eyes radiated pure evil. Tears streaked down Raye's unblemished face. It was smudged with dirt from battle, but not a single drop of blood had been sucked from her body. Only sadness came from her, and she gave in easily to the Cloud ninja.
`We're in, boys!'
`Great acting, boss! You really broke that poor girl down.'
`Well, I am a jonin, aren't I? And anyway, that wasn't too hard. After dumping her as Kakashi Hatake, she just threw in the towel.
Raye was slung over his shoulder, unconscious. After she had looked at him with eyes of loneliness and heartbreak, and bowed her head in surrender, he had slugged her in the side of the head and knocked her out for a good 12 hours. They raced as fast as possible through the trees, trying to get away before anyone noticed her absence.
Not good. I don't know why, but I get the feeling that something is wrong with Raye.
At that same moment, Kakashi saw a team of Cloud ninja making their escape. Bouncing on their captain's back was Raye's limp body.
`No.' Kakashi whispered. `NO! Raye, Raye!'
Raye's eyes fluttered slowly. She squinted through the slits in her eyelids. Kakashi was yelling at her from below.
`Kakashi…' she murmured. Then her world was black once more.
`Come on. We still have a lot of ground to cover for today.'
`Look, Kakashi. I know that you love this girl, Raye. She's the Fourth Hokage's daughter; everyone loves her in a certain way! But we've been searching for 3 weeks now; don't you think you're being a little too optimistic about this?'
`Look, if you don't want to keep looking for Raye then fine. Go back to the village then. If you want to all three of you can go, but I refuse to stop looking for her.'
`We won't leave you, Kakashi. We just don't want you to keep wasting your energy on a lost cause. Raye is strong, if she hasn't escaped by now then there's no way that we can find her, let alone get her out alive.'
`IT IS NOT A LOST CAUSE!' Kakashi bellowed. His team stopped on a branch sullenly.
`We will find her.'
`Ok Kakashi, let's go then.'
`Why won't you speak, woman!?'
`Because I have nothing to say. You've chained me to a steel chair in the middle of an iron cage. Kakashi doesn't love me. I have nothing. Just kill me.'
`Are you really that pathetic, honorable daughter Raye?' The Cloud ninja captain said in a patronizing tone. `If you couldn't see through my transformation jutsu, then maybe you aren't as good as they say after all. Hmm?'
`You mean to tell me, that you we're pretending to be Kakashi and pretended to break my heart?'
`Sure did, babe.'
`Do not ever call me babe again, or I'll make you rot from the inside out.'
`Haha, you are a feisty one, aren't you?'
`Captain! Has she talked yet?'
`No sir. I've been unable to get any information from her.'
`Very well. Go and have a break, you've done well. I'll get her to talk myself.'
`Thank-you, sir.' The man who had been called sir walked around Raye's chair. He began talking, then yelling and shouting. He hit her, harder and harder, trying to pry even the tiniest bit of information from her, but she was in another place.
Kakashi still loves me! It was just a scam. I bet he's looking for me right now. I knew it couldn't be true, I knew he would never say those things to me! Oh Kakashi.
`Kakashi Hatake, you're orders have changed as of now. You are no longer to search for the Fourth Hokage's daughter, Raye Uzumaki.'
`But Lord Hokage!'
`Kakashi, I know how you feel about Raye. Quite clearly she is not coming back. The whole village knows that.'
`The whole village is wrong.'
`Kakashi, please. Stop hoping. You're just going to get hurt.'
`Lord Hokage?'
`Yes captain?'
`I would like to resign from the ANBU black-ops and go back to being a regular jonin, if that's alright.'
`If it helps you to accept this loss, very well. I will have you assigned to a genin 3-ninja squad. They will be fresh out of the academy. You can pass or fail them as you wish. Other than that, being an ex-ANBU, you can carry out A-ranked missions. You won't be in a squad, you will work alone.'
`Yes, Lord Hokage.'