Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My December ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N:I don't own Naruto nor the song My December by Linkin Park.
Sasuke walked back to Orochimaru's through the high snow, shivering and muttering to himself that it shouldn't be this cold. When he got the house that was now his 'home', he saw an orange clad figure.
Sasuke knew who it was, knew why they were here. When he got to him he, Sasuke spoke, "This is my December, this is my time of the year."
Naruto searched his face before answering, "This is my December, this is all so clear."
Sasuke walked passed him and mumbled, "This is my snow covered home."
Grabbing his arm Naruto told him, "This is my December, this is me alone."
" This is me pretending this is all I need. And I just wish that I didnt feel like there was something I missed."
"And I take back all the things I said to you." Naruto squeezed his arm tighter willing him to stay, " And I give it all away just ot have somewhere to go to."
Sasuke pulled the blonde into a hug and whispered, "And I give it all away to have someone to come home to."
Sobbing into the taller boys shoulder and repeated, "And I take back all the things I said to you."
Rocking the shaking boy back and forth Sasuke told him again, "And I give it all away to have someone to come home to."
A/N: Sorry it sucks I'm just really depressed cause I like had a big fight with my friend today and it's like we broke up or something. *cries* Okay so yea don't hate me and yes I have been listning to depressing music all day and yes this song is what I'm listining to now. Yea so no flames unless your Roy Mustang.