Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Scars ❯ My Scars ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
My Scars

Note: This a tribute to my favorite Character in the entire series, Kakashi. I just simply adore him, for all of that mystery that he has around him, although he seems to care sometimes. Here it is "My Scars.

I have my reasons,
for failing some
and lying to others.
My scars,
they are real,
they have taught me
to protect,
whomever I can.
Please I ask of you
Don't fight me
on this.
Trust me
You have a lot to learn,
about this life
you have choosen.
I was once
in your shoes
Went into this life
for what I had seen
what I had experience.
And from you have shown me,
You are also unprepared.
My Scars,
They are real.
And you should not
Have to carry
these same scars