Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto - Deserted Island ❯ Naruto - Kurenai - Hinata ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Naruto Deserted Island 006
Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Naruto and all media…so stop asking me if I do.
< >: Thoughts
<<“ ”>>: Conversation with the 9 Tailed Fox
There is the sixth installment of the Deserted island series, and for the first time in my making of this series…I am going to make a two women one man pairing and this one is a very interesting pairing.
And that is because this is the pairing of Naruto…with Kurenai and Hinata. This was requested from me by a fan that, for the longest time since I wrote this series, has been eager to see if I could make this pairing work…and in all honestly I have no idea if I can as they dynamics of making a relationship like this work is something I have yet to try…but nothing ventured, nothing gained as the old saying goes.
Now before anyone starts breathing down my neck and calling this unbelievable…let me remind you all yet again that this is a work of fiction…there is NO way at all is this going to happen at all between Naruto, Hinata and Kurenai…but there was the wet dream sequence in Naruto where Kurenai and Hinata were there in towels…along with Sakura, Temari, Ino, Tsunade, Shizune, Ayame, Anko, Matsuri (Though how in the heck is she in there is beyond me), and even (gasp) Moegi…so I figured it's high time this situation played out….and in this fic, Kurenai is not married to Asuma and is not pregnant and they are on friendly and cordial terms.
I hope this will be all right for all readers…
And for the fan in question who asked for this pairing…I hope that it meets your approval.
Writing time!
Naruto looked out on the sea as the boat kept moving onward to their destination which was back to Wave Country to return back to Konoha after an important trade mission that was handed to him by Tsunade as a chance for him to take a mission that would help him see what other countries and lands were there apart from the ones he had already been to at the moment. The blonde had no idea just how things were looking at the moment. But he knew that they had left Sea Country early as a massive storm front was moving into the country and they had to leave now in order to avoid being hemmed in by the storm.
The Hokage had received the mission for a small team to handle a small but vital trade convoy from Konoha to Sea Country that had a number of needed materials for the Daimyo who lived there…and at the moment the only ninjas available was Naruto, Hinata, and Hinata's Jonin Sensei Yuhi Kurenai. He had to admit that this was something he had not expected as he had excepted to be with his old squad at the moment…though there were some things that made the idea rather difficult at the moment…
Sakura was working on some supplies and medical cures…Sai was currently doing his level best in making himself a more likable person while in their team…Naruto had to admit that while Sai's naive actions grated on his nerves…at least unlike Sasuke…he was more than willing to pitch in when things were bad. Yamato was busy working on another assignment and that was helping Kakashi with his mission of tracking Akatsuki along with Jiraiya who was using his old contacts to see if there was any news that could help them locate Akatsuki…it had been a while since the disappearance of Deidara and the defeat of Sasori…so they knew they had dented the manpower of Akatsuki at least.
The other teams were busy and he was the only one available for the mission at the moment…however…Tsunade was happy to get some good news and found that two ninja in the village were able to be placed in the mission with Naruto and they were currently the ones he was with…He was somewhat surprised by the inclusion of both Kurenai and Hinata on this mission and wondered about that to Tsunade and he recalled how it had turned out…
“You can't be serious Tsunade-obasan!”
Tsunade looked at Naruto who looked very unhappy with the fact that he was being re-assigned to convoy escort duty…this was not what he trained for…he had trained to find Sasuke and bring him back to Konoha and make sure to finally keep his promise to his friend and treasured team-mate Sakura…but now he was being re-assigned.
“I am serious Naruto-kun, the situation was not looking good with our manpower here in the village being rather strained at the moment, I have no choice at the moment.”
“But couldn't another team handle this assignment…even a squad of ANBU can be…”
“I know that…but who I will assign anyway…Team Gai is handling an assignment at the moment and Gai is leading his team on this mission. Team Asuma is also on a mission of recon on their own, and the ANBU are needed here to maintain base security….I have my hands full and the blasted Council Elders are making it worse…”
Naruto already had a fairly accurate idea about the two elders that grated Tsunade's patience and tolerance…
“Them again?”
“Yes…I have my hands tied trying to keep things working here and I am not in the mood to be tested any further…:”
Naruto knew that while he disliked some of the situations he found himself in due to Tsunade…he respected her enough to know that she was working her hardest to keep things in order…and he had her to thank for letting take missions like normal ninja….both to help him grow as a ninja and a soon to be Hokage….and to also make sure that if Akatsuki made a move….he would be ready and able to fight them and keep Konoha from harm.
“All right….I'll do it.”
Tsunade nodded and replied.
“You're not going to do it alone though….I'm assigning some back up for you.”
`Who? Sakura-chan is working in the hospital right now, Kakashi-sensei's on a mission, Yamato-sensei is helping the Pervy Sage, and Sai is busy learning how to be a normal person….who exactly will I be working with?”
Tsunade smiled a bit and looked at the door as it opened and she spoke to Naruto.
“Why don't you take a look?”
Naruto turned and saw that there was none other than…
End of Flashback…
Naruto groaned a bit as he got out of bed as his hunger was getting to him yet again at the moment and he needed to grab something to eat and wondered how Hinata and Kurenai were doing at the very moment. Not that he didn't mind the company since having a team was nice, but he had expected him to be working with Kiba, Akamaru, and Shino and his Destruction Bugs, the complete Team 8. But it seemed that Kiba had to be out for a while as he and his family had a mission the required their particular clan talents….while the same could be said for Shino as he and his father had to help ensure the growth of the new Bikouchuu beetles that had located another site and rumors of the clan's old enemies coming to take the beetles was something they were not keen on letting happen.
As he walked out of his room….he moved to the galley to grab some food and saw Kurenai and Hinata walking towards the galley as he was from their rooms and he greeted them with a smile as he moved faster.
“Hinata-san, Kurenai-sensei!”
The two women turned and Hinata smiled slyly and blushed bright red….she had not fainted…unlike the time she and him had met back in Konoha a few minutes back then…but she had decided to be a bit more forward with herself….and it certainly helped greatly to have Kurenai to provide her support when she needed it at the moment.
Naruto smiled and walked with them as they made their way to the galley to grab some food to eat and it had been a while since they completed the mission handed to them by Tsunade. Naruto then turned and looked at the ocean and felt like this reminded him of the trip to Snow/Spring Country….and meeting Princess Koyuki. He wondered on how his favorite actress and friend was doing at the moment….she was currently acting in movies and also acting as leader of her homeland….it must be very hard but it was all right….because not only was she a skilled and talented actress and leader of her people, but was loved by others in her lands and beyond the country….
<I wonder what new movie she'll be working on….maybe I should buy a ticket…I am older now after all.>
Kurenai then spoke to him.
“Is something wrong Naruto-kun?”
Naruto realized that they had actually arrived in the galley and he had been so silent that he must have worried both Hinata and Kurenai….after all….being utterly silent was not in his nature in the least. He scratched the back of his head and gave a silly smile.
“Nothing really Kurenai-sensei….just thinking about a mission I had with the others in the Land of Snow….”
“Oh…you never told us about that mission….care to tell us about how it went?”
“You sure?”
“Of course. I can bet Hinata would love to hear about the adventure as well.”
Naruto smiled and looked at Hinata and spoke to her.
“Do you want to hear about it Hinata-san?”
Hinata blushed and twiddled her fingers gently as she normally did whenever Naruto would direct his attention on her….she was not always happy with the habit as Kiba had pointed out to her that she had not outgrown that habit even after so many years. But she didn't mind it too much as they sat down and managed to order some good food. Naruto missed the ramen back in Konoha but couldn't complain as the food was not too bad.
As they ate…he told them on how he had been in a mission to escort the actress Yukie Fujikaze and her crew to film their movie and only found out that she was actually the heir to the throne of the Land of Snow….Princess Koyuki Kazahana, and her uncle who was the current leader wanted her captured and to take the key she had to her father's treasure….he told them on how things were at first between the two of them and he admitted that now that he thought about it as he was older…things were hard on her and he was able to help her no matter how much she doubted him at first.
He proved her wrong and after she supported him….he defeated Doto with Sasuke's aid and with his own Rainbow Rasengan….and for the first time….the Princess smiled. He then told the two women of the rather interesting picture he had been given that showed him still resting and recovering…and being kissed on the cheek by the Princess. And he still had the picture to prove it back in his apartment.
Kurenai smiled at that and so did Hinata as it had been one of Naruto's hardest missions…but the young Hyuuga heiress couldn't help but feel somewhat jealous at the knowledge that Naruto had been kissed on the cheek by an older woman….she had longed to do that herself for a very long time and it kind of hurt to know that another woman had kissed Naruto already.
As they were busy chatting it did not take long for them to finish their food and then decided to see just how the trip was progressing….however, things were not that simple and safe as they saw a massive storm heading right for them and they quickly moved to the main hold where the crew and officers were….the Jonin got the clearance and the three of them got to see the Captain who gave them some bad news.
“The storm cell's hitting us faster than we expected….I've got a feeling this is going to be one heck of a rough ride.”
And sure enough….it was one rough ride as the waves were climbing and hitting the ship and making movement on the boat harder for anyone to do. However…the ship continued further on it's travels despite the rough weather and things were getting to be rather rough all over the place and the howling winds were accompanied by large torrents of rain. The ship tried to ride out the storm….but things were about to get complicated as the waves were growing in power as well and many of the passengers and crew were getting worried at the moment by the massive storm cell they had hoped to avoid early. But nature apparently had other ideas at the time as the waves smashed into the ship and the continued attacks of water and wind finally hit home.
Naruto-Kurenai, and Hinata, along with the rest of the people onboard heard a sound one did NOT want to hear when on a boat in sea….shattering wood and the moment that happened, panic came to hold on the people on the ship and that meant that they would have only minutes before the ship sank. The three ninja wasted little time and headed for the life boats….but there were many already struggling to reach the boats as panic and fear gripped the people who were trying to escape.
Several people tried to force Naruto and the other ninja away from their boat but Naruto quickly turned and used Kage Bushin to fight them off for the time being…it was harsh….but they had no choice at the moment and as soon as the life boat was free from the ship the boat landed in the rough water and Naruto used several Kage Bushin to steer and grab the oars and the rudder to steer the ship.
The three looked and saw that the other people managed to reach boats as well and were now trying to escape from the sinking ship and the crew as well. However….the three had to find land soon and it was then that Kyuubi decided to come in and aid his container.
<< “Kit….there's a very large island north in that direction….head for that quickly!”>>
<You sure?>
<< “Of course I am sure….now stop asking and get moving!”>>
The only good thing that came out of the storm was the fact that the waves were pushing them along and thankfully the waves had not over turned them yet and for that, Naruto was very thankful as the ship moved through the howling storm and the winds as they moved though the sea. The three of them tried to look for any sign of land and it was slow going as the storm made things very difficult for them all through the day….as the storm had hit them in mid day and now things were getting to be really bad….Hinata then used her Byakugan to scan ahead and she was happy as her bloodline ability allowed her to see past the rain, waves, and wind to spot land dead ahead.
“There's land ahead!!!!”
As they made it in….the boat suddenly hit an underground pillar of stone and the boat began to leak from the hole and the three had to work double time in order to reach the beach as the water was quickly filling the boat….the Kage Bushin were lucky to have found a pail and bilged out the water and thankfully, the accident happened only when they were half way to the beach.
As they reached the beach and were now able to head into the shore….Naruto leaped off the boat and quickly got of his Kage Bushin and the Kage Bushin went to work and quickly took hold of the boat and brought it into the beach….the damaged boat was thankfully not sinking as they had finally arrived at the beach when they had slammed into the large rock….Naruto and his Kage Bushin got the boat closer to shore and both Kurenai and Hinata got off and moved into the beach as the howling winds and heavy rain come in hard….Naruto knew that they needed shelter quickly and it had to be fast as there was not much light left as the storm headed for them. He then spotted a large wall of stones that formed something of a semi circle and he had an idea as he ordered the Kage Bushin to flip the boat and carry it to the rocks.
“Stay underneath the boat Kurenai-sensei, Hinata-san!!!!”
The two women did so and Naruto was able to use the boat as a shield and when they reached the area….he quickly placed the boat there to act as a roof….it was not much but it was better than nothing at the moment. He then reached for some stones and used them to harden the shelter….sadly the stones had sharp edges and cut into his hands….but he pushed that out of his mind as he piled in the sides to further hold the boat into the shelter. The shelter was thankfully now in the tide as it was very close to the tree line and Naruto learned from his training to know that the shelter far away from the high tide borders and that would make sure that the place was not flooded with sea water….Naruto growled at the stinging sensations as salt water touched the cuts on his wounds but he placed that aside as he did his best to make the shelter work….there were areas where air would come in and out but not rip off the boat at the moment that was their only form of roofing….and the entrance was enough to make him crawl in…as he did so….he was happy that his idea worked as there was enough room for them to sit down on but not stand at the moment. Kurenai had managed to use some safe burning tags to serve as a temporary light source as they listened to the howling winds.
“Are you two all right?”
Kurenai nodded and so did Hinata as she shivered a bit and that was a warning to Naruto and Kurenai….it also didn't take long for Kurenai to feel the effects of the cold hitting them and the winds were no better….that meant that they would have to hope to last the night while they were wearing their clothes which were still wet….both women were shivering at the moment….but Naruto was not…
And for good reason….the Kyuubi had increased Naruto's body temperature to help him stay warm in the cold but keep the blonde Genin's temperature in safe levels. As Naruto dried his hands….it was then that Hinata saw the cuts on Naruto's hands and she gasped.
“Naruto-kun! What happened to your hands?!”
Naruto saw the scars and replied in answer.
“I got cut holding the stones to harden the shelter outside….don`t worry about me Hinata-san, the cuts are not that deep.”
Hinata saw that but she wanted to help Naruto in some fashion and rummaged in her jacket and pants and to her relief….she found one of her usual containers of healing ointment and before Naruto could say anything she took his hands and used the healing ointment on the cuts…the cool balm helped alleviate the sting of the salt on his wounds. Naruto smiled at that and as Hinata tended the cuts he looked at her as she worked hard in healing him…even if it was not needed.
As soon as they were able to relax, Naruto and the others knew that they would have to sleep and Naruto could see that both Kurenai and Hinata were shivering and the Kyuubi noted that too and spoke.
<< They need to warm up and get out of most of those wet clothes…and so do you.”>>
<< “Listen kit….those wet clothes you three have on are going to take some time to dry up, plus they do have undergarments, plus it's getting dark, so no need to be modest,””>>
<You want me to be NAKED in front of Hinata-san and Kurenai-sensei?!>
<< “Use your head kit, the clothes you have on will dry but with the wind as it is….you will feel colder than before and in this situation….getting cold is bad news….so yes you have to strip off the clothes….but NOT all of them at the moment.”>>
The situation was evident and Kurenai and Hinata apparently got the message….though Hinata was already blushing bright red at the thought of being naked before Naruto….but thankfully with the darkness closing in and that prevented them from seeing things that would have been considered somewhat embarrassing at the moment. As soon as he was now only in his boxers….he spoke.
“We should get some sleep…first thing tomorrow I'll go out and see if I can find us anything to eat.”
“I-I-I'll come with you Naruto-kun….I can use my Byakugan to help you…”
Naruto smiled and spoke gently to Hinata….after all the missions they had been in together and seeing her growth as a ninja….he held the young Hyuuga heiress in high regard and she needed to rest after all.
“It'll be all right Hinata-san, I can handle this one on my own for the time being….we all need to rest.”
With that….the three decided to get some much needed sleep as the winds continued to howl about and the rain fell down….their shelter proved very helpful and since they were well beyond the range of the high tides and thus were not hit by the water. The rainwater moved over the rocks as the boat that served as a roof did well….allowing the trio to have a decent night's sleep despite the howling wind and rain that they had to deal with for the night.
Before Naruto closed his eyes he wondered if there was any chance Tsunade would hear of this disaster and mount a rescue for him, Hinata, and Kurenai. He then placed aside that thought and knew that the Hokage would not let anything happen to them. He had faith in Tsunade despite the situations that usually crop up when he was under a mission slated by her.
He only hoped that some of the ship's survivors would be found soon by passing ships or they would have had it.
The next day…
Naruto woke up hours later in early morning and to his surprise….found himself being hugged by both Kurenai and Hinata at the moment….and he was in his boxers….shock and panic hit him but he quickly calmed down somewhat as he realized that nothing happened between him and the women and it was still somewhat too dark to see at the moment….however….he was able to gently pry the arms of the two women, as apparently the women had huddled to the closest source of warmth in the area and that was naturally him. As soon as he was up, he groped to find his clothes….while keeping clear of Hinata and Kurenai's clothes. He then got out of the the shelter and placed them on and was thankful to find his kunai pouch and back pouch were intact….his shuriken and spare kunai were safe….but his scroll for this large shuriken was a loss but he could get a replacement soon enough.
Naruto sighed as he scanned the beach and hoped that he and the others could find any food on the island beach…the ninja did take some basic training in survival…but not that much as he was not keen on learning at the time. But the Kyuubi was more than willing to help it's jailor on the arts of survival….it had no intention of letting the blonde teen die while it was still around.
The blonde looked at Hinata and Kurenai who were still resting in the small shelter that they had made using the damaged boat as a roof over some large rocks near the beach…thankfully they were using a large sail to act as bedding. The women were tired and they needed to get some sleep after the night they had been through. He was happy that the two of them were all right and were recovering….though he would have to hurry and find a much better place for them all to stay while they were on the island.
He moved through the beach and as he entered the tee line, he took some of the stones and found some flint in them and took the flint with him and managed to use his still remaining kunai and cut down some of the nearby coconuts….going for the green and healthy looking ones….it took a little trial and error, but he got the hits perfectly in a few tries and brought the coconuts back to the camp first so that they would be easier to find at the moment. He then moved back into the forest and looked for anything that could be of use….he then spotted a large pool of water that was bubbling up somewhere….something of a spring and he was relieved as he came closer….
<< “:Careful kit….if there's one thing that's true about springs like that one….there's bound to be residents….we're not the only ones in the natural world that need water.”>>
Naruto heeded the Kyuubi's warning when he spotted movement to his left and coming out from a large crevice was a large and long snake….the snake was about four feet long and the thing hissed in warning at Naruto….Naruto was not a big fan of snakes….after all….he recalled the time Orochimaru sent his summoned snake to try and eat him in the Forest of Death years before when he and Team 7 took part in the Chuunin Exams. And facing the snake summoning freak of a ninja traitor left a bad taste in his mouth…Naruto moved back and the snake reared back…mistaking Naruto's movement as a threat and attacked…
The blonde ninja moved away and reflexively threw his kunai at the snake and hit the target straight and true….the weapon hit the snake right on the back of the body….merely inches from the skull and the impact ensured that the head was sliced off with a single blow of the kunai.
Naruto gazed at the large snake he had killed with his kunai and to his surprise….the body….when it's head had been cut off was still very much alive and moving….and it was shocking to him to actually see that at the moment.
“God…that was one nasty snake.”
The snake's head still hissed at Naruto even after he had killed it and the blonde ninja stayed a good distance from it until it died….it was then that the Kyuubi spoke to the blonde Genin.
<< “Nice kill kit….that's one nasty venomous snake and it's got a poison that attacks the blood cells and causes intense pain, numbness, internal bleeding and…”>>
<I get the message already Kyuubi….damn I thought I could finally get some fruit but nearly wind up as a target board for snake fangs!>
<< “Actually….we've just found another new meal to add.”>>
<What do you….no…tell me you're joking…>
<< “I am not kit….that snake's body is going to be a great source of protein and we need protein.”>>
<You want me to eat a snake?!>
<<“Yes Kit…I want you to eat a snake…and just so you know…snake meat when properly cooked actually tastes just like chicken.”>>
< How do you know?>
<< “I've lived MANY centuries kit, and I'm not senile either, I know about survival because it's part of being alive. I may be a demon but I've done other things apart from fighting and killing. Trust me on this one….take the body, skin it, gut it and take the body, wrap it around a stick and cook it over a fire.”>>
<I don't know….>
<< “The fundamental law of nature kit is you either eat or you're eaten. That simply means that you have to be ready to do what you can to live…no matter how distasteful it might seem at first, because that can keep you breathing. Now don't worry about the snake meat….but I suggest you go hunting for a few more snakes on the off chance we might need more.”>>
< I am NOT going to like this….>
<< “Survival means doing certain things that while you might not like them…you still have to do them anyway kit…come on….time to hunt some legless chicken.”>>
Naruto sighed and after some time….found a number of nearly a dozen snakes….all like the one he had killed in different spots….he took off their heads and buried them carefully….as the heads were still alive at the moment and could have bitten him if he was too close to them to begin with. After he took the still moving bodies….much to his disgust at the moment…he headed out….tying the bodies on a length of cord and securely lashing the bodies on his shoulders. He then found a large number of bushes that had berries on them and he took as much as he could for the meal ahead, he moved in and found a large number of nut bearing bushes and after being assured by the Kyuubi that the nuts were good to eat and were non-toxic, he took those as well and as he made his way back to the camp and set up the fire.
He used the flint he had found before and gathered a lot of dry palm leaves and grass….along with a lot of the drift wood in the area and after an hour or so he got the fire going….he then took half a dozen of the snakes….the skin was removed and then he gutted them as the instructions of the Kyuubi and the demon fox told him to burn the guts as well so they would not attract other predators…
Naruto then wrapped the meat on the tips of sharpened sticks and then he wrapped the snake meat on the sticks and hung them over the fire… afterwards…he made yet another fire with lots of wood….and when the fire died down after an hour or so….he moved aside the hot coals and dug a pit…
<Why did I make this new fire….let it die and make this pit?>
<< “This my young jailer…is going to be an oven….put the snakes in there….wrap them up in their bodies and place back all the sand and the coals…the hot sand and coals will cook the snakes in their skins and then in half an hour…you've got snake ala-sand oven…..better get those roasting ones….you don't want to burn the meat too badly kit. The best way to know if the snake is properly cooked is when you can see the strands of meat when you cut or tear into it….if you do….they are ready.”>>
Naruto took the cooking snake meat and saw that the meat was indeed ready…he looked at the whitish meat with some disgust but tried it and as he chewed the food thoughtfully…he was shocked and amazed when the meat DID taste just like chicken….a rather strong taste but definitely worth the danger, time, and effort as the meat was undeniably good to the taste buds.
Naruto ate one of the cooked snakes ravenously as he had not eaten in quite a while now since last night…and the meat was certainly helping alleviating the hunger had since this morning.
<Wow….you weren't kidding Kyuubi…the meat DOES taste like chicken!!!>
<<“Heh…now you know why snakes are sometimes called legless chicken….now eat up more of those fruits and nuts….all the sugar, vitamins, minerals, and protein will be good for you…but make sure to leave some food for your companions.”>>
Naruto nodded as Kurenai and Hinata woke up and crawled out of their shelter…the smell of cooked meat was enough to wake them up. The red eyed Jonin looked at the cooking food and spoke to Naruto.
“What's that meat your cooking Naruto-kun…it smells like chicken or something…”
“Actually Kurenai-sensei….it's snake meat.”
Hinata and Kurenai looked at Naruto with some surprise and Naruto the looks and realized that this was probably the very first time they had not only seen him eat something apart from ramen…but eating a snake to say the least. That was understandable at the moment….as he was not keen on eating the meat in the first place. But after trying it out himself…he was agreeing to the taste…though he was NOT going to ask to have snake meat in his ramen when he and the others got back to Konoha. Kurenai and Hinata moved closer to the fire and looked at the cooked meat and he replied.
“I know…but that's all I can find at the moment….listen…the meat actually is pretty good…try it…I have to go get the snakes I was cooking in the sand oven.”
Naruto went to the place where the embers were and began to uncover the snakes that he had cooked in the sand oven and Hinata and Kurenai looked at the food and Kurenai sighed and tried the snake meat and Hinata took one of the sticks that had the snake meat and looked at each other and the two women took a bit and they too found out that the meat was actually very tasty…strong at first but the meat was nice…
<Wow…the meat does taste nice…almost like chicken…>
<Hmmm….I `m happy Naruto-kun didn't get hurt hunting these snakes…>
The two women ate the food and then the nuts and berries as Naruto brought the snakes that he had cooked in the sand oven. The snakes were still somewhat sizzling still as they were brought by Naruto who used a pair of large pronged sticks to take each snake on the nearby rock and used his kunai to cut aside the skin and the three ninja ate their break-fast of snake meat, berries, and nuts…and afterwards…Naruto used his kunai with his strength to cut open the coconuts that he had brought in previously, they took out the coconut meat and then drank the water…and while it had a strange taste…it was pure, fresh water and that was a great thing to finally have food and water in their stomachs and the three felt more relaxed ever since they had been stranded on the island.
Kurenai then looked about as she cleaned her hands and she spoke.
“We should go and see just what we can do here….considering how far we are from any other island and since we have no idea where we are at the moment in this location…we have to know this island and made due until we can come up with a way to get help.”
Naruto and Hinata nodded and the three ninjas took off to explore the island and they were able to keep in track with one another. Thankfully their short wave radios were still intact and were working and since they had spare batteries with them, they could change the batteries when they needed to. Naruto handled part of the recon duties on his own….using the Kage Bushin Jutsu to cut down the recon efforts and back up the others…Hinata's Byakugan provided the ability to scan the island at safe distances and make sure that they were not going to stumble into any possible traps along the way.
The island itself was rather large…and amazingly enough…to the three ninja…the place seemed to be totally uninhabited at the moment and there seemed to be no one in the area at all. The three moved about…keeping in close contact with one another. They saw that there were some open valleys on the island and there were also some trails of large numbers of various animals in the area and that meant that there were other creatures apart from snakes on the island they were on at the moment and that was good thing as there would be other sources of food on the island as they all agreed that hunting for snakes alone was too high a risk as they didn't have enough medical supplies to heal any bites….and none of them were trained in medical jutsus at the moment. Large numbers of trees of different origins were there and there appeared to a large network of underground springs that released fresh water from underground….allowing lots of greenery to flourish in the area.
They moved on through the island and found a mountain to be there in the middle of island and there would be ice there on top of the mountain that no doubt provided extra supplies of fresh water that made its way towards the ocean in rivers….they moved there and tested the water from the mountain fed rivers and the water was very much cold at the moment.
They then explored the beaches around the area…the beaches were nice to see and looked peaceful….that is until Hinata spotted what appeared to be a large number of wrecks on the far side of the island. She called it in and the three moved there…and sure enough…
The side of the island they were on was filled with jagged rocks and hard surf…and the rotting hulks of ships, both small and large as well…apparently the area was notorious for being a bane to ships in the area…Hinata then used her Byakugan to spot the age of the wood and she could see that the wood was bone hard from the bleached condition she could see on the wood at the moment. Hinata then deactivated her Byakugan and spoke to both Kurenai and Naruto.
“Those boats appear to be very old…some are much older than the others as well…I think the storms that come around here must have run them aground at one point or another.”
Kurenai thought it over and then had an idea.
“Are there any ships that are closer to shore Hinata?”
The Hyuuga heiress looked again with her Byakugan and scanned the shore and saw that there were some ships that were in the area as well…some appeared to be older than others, while some were less old than the said wrecks at the moment.
“Yes….there are wrecks on the beach as well.”
Kurenai thought it over and then decided to see just what they could find there…it was a long shot….but it was better than nothing at the moment.
The trio arrived near the beach where the ship wreckage was located and Naruto was guided by the Kyuubi and the demon fox guided the young man to search out for anything that could be useful and salvageable….they found a wrecked ship that appeared to be months younger than the other ships, meaning that it was fairly recent….apparently the ship had been caught by a storm and sent here and abandoned by the crew…
The three found a number of useable supplies….some plastic tarp, needles, metal wire in coils, some old tools, dry clothes and cloth bundles in stored containers as well as some dry and safe to open containers that had a limited number of cooking supplies and goods….several other types of tools were present as well, hammers, pliers, some still useable wood saws, wire cutters, nails of various sizes, wood binding glue, cooking pots and pans, and also some water proof tape.
The tools and supplies were going to come in handy and there seemed to be some left over ninja weapons there as well….spare shuriken and kunai as well….apparently the ship was destined to carry metal crafting supplies and some basic construction materials as well. This was a great find as they rummaged through the other ships, and found that one of the other ships carried farming and fishing equipment….such as hoes, rakes, hand shovels, fishing hooks, rolls of fishing line, and even some fishing rods and fishing spears as well…
Kurenai smiled at the finds and decided to ask Naruto a favor….she had determined that setting up a camp and shelter on one of the valleys that was close to a beach and in the nearby tree line would be a great idea. And since she and Kurenai could not make the number of Kage Bushin that he could due to their lower chakra reserves….he could handle the load….however….she did have some reservations on the matter…
Like all Jonin….she had been aware of the drawbacks of the Kage Bushin….the chief one was the fact that diving one's chakra to fill a Kage Bushin's own chakra reserve was difficult even for Jonin and Kage themselves had to be careful. Another was the fact that while the original ninja gained the experience and knowledge of the Kage Bushin….he or she would also get the exhaustion of the said Kage Bushin….Naruto didn't have that problem as he had a far larger amount of chakra than most if not all ninja and could create a large number of clones evenly and well….this jutsu he had used to deadly effect both in his battle with Neji in the Chuunin exams and in his training with his Wind Element. Added to that was the Kyuubi's chakra…even if Naruto didn't directly summon the Kyuubi's chakra, minute but powerful portions were always mixed with his….allowing Naruto the ability to have far more chakra than even his body allowed. She learned that much when she chatted with Ebisu….
The elite Jonin sensei of Konohamaru told her that the reason Naruto was not very skilled with other jutsu like the other ninja…including the regular Bushin was the fact that his chakra was so powerful that his body rejects a portion of it reflexively, making it difficult for Naruto have the level of chakra control as his other ninja classmates and most ninja….however….when there were jutsus that relied on pure power alone….Naruto would be more than a match for normal ninja.
She sighed and spoke to Naruto.
“Naruto-kun….can you use your Kage Bushin to haul these supplies?”
Naruto nodded with a grin.
“Sure thing Kurenai-sensei!”
The blonde ninja then summoned his trademark number of Kage Bushin and they began to take whatever they could find at the moment and pack it all up….Kurenai had selected a large valley that faced the northern side of the island as their camp site for their stay…it was not just close to the sea, but afforded them a good view of the sea and locate any sign of passing ships.
They then managed to locate a good area in the valley and Naruto and his Kage Bushin began to make the Shelter they needed for the time being, as it was near a large river that was spring fed at the moment and they made sure to have easy entrances and exits….It was relatively large and thankfully….all the dead but dry wood they had found the outer areas of the tree line would do….both Hinata and Kurenai helped as well to support Naruto….they first dug pits in a circular pattern and then placed the wood in to form the walls….the other pieces of wood that they had salvaged were then used to support the bottom and that took time….they spent the whole morning doing this and well into midday….by this time…all three of them were sweating, as the Kage Bushin helped out as well. The roof was made from salvaged planks from the boats on the beach and had a hole in the middle as well to allow air into the shelter. The ninja made sure that the shelter was high enough for them to stand and move about relatively well and had two entrances and exits.
They then took large stones to further protect the lower walls and packed those in with dirt and mud from the river….and by the time they were done….all three of them were exhausted….more so for Naruto as he fell down on the ground as his Kage Bushin faded away. Hinata rushed up to Naruto and held him with a great sense of worry on her face.
“Naruto-kun!!! Are you all right?!?!”
Kurenai walked over and checked Naruto and could tell that he was physically fine…but the exhaustion he showed at the moment.
“He's all right Hinata-san…..he's just exhausted at the moment….give him a few minutes to recover properly. This is the side effect of the Kage Bushin Jutsu.”
“What do you mean by that Kurenai-sensei?”
Kurenai then explained the drawback of using the Kage Bushin constantly to her student. As she knew….Hinata had not used the Kage Bushin herself nor the normal Bushin Technique as much as Naruto or the other ninja did so it was not surprising to the Jonin that she was not aware of the weakness of the Kage Bushin. As soon as she was done….she looked at how Hinata looked sadly at Naruto and cradled the blonde ninja's head and the young Hyuuga heiress spoke.
“Naruto-kun….he trains so hard to be the best and to save his friend Sasuke-kun…”
Kurenai couldn't help but smile gently at Hinata….this was by far the closest Hinata had ever been to Naruto…normally the very touch of Naruto's hand on any part of her would have sent Hinata blushing bright red and fainting quickly…but now it seemed that she was happier now…though she still had a blush on her face as she caressed Naruto's hair as the blonde Genin was sleeping in her lap at the moment.
“Yes he does….Hinata-san….we need to find some food to help Naruto-kun regain his strength….I hate to say it….but we have to leave him here for the time being.”
Hinata was not happy but she could understand Kurenai's words and she nodded as she gently placed a soft pile of leaves in a soft cloth bag that she had found earlier to serve as a pillow for the sleeping Genin and with a gentle smile….the two went off to hunt for food.
<Man….that was some really needed sleep.>
<< “No kidding…you're going to burn yourself out doing all that kit….I suggest you take it easy for the time being.”>>
< I didn't know you cared…>
<< “Don't take it the wrong way kit….I like it better if you are alive and by default so am I…and there's nothing worse in my mind than knowing the fact you got us killed by exhausting yourself…”>>
<Hmmm….point taken….wait a minute?! Where's Hinata-san and Kurenai-sensei?!>
The blonde ninja got up as the last rays of the setting sun came through the entrance and it was then that he smelled something cooking outside. He got up and went there and to his surprise, he found that the two women had actually gone hunting for food earlier while he had been sleeping….on the pot that he had salvaged was some cooking oil that they had found previously in their salvage runs was now holding some wild chicken and another pan had cooking vegetables with meat cubes which he learned was rabbit as well. Apparently the women had done a lot of hunting and gathering while he rested. Hinata smiled and then turned to face Naruto with a smile and blush.
“N-Naruto-kun….you're awake….how do you feel?”
“Better….you guys hunted the food?”
“Yes…there seems to be a lot of animals out here N-Naruto-kun….here….have some water….”
Hinata then handed Naruto a coconut shell that was cut in half and had some cool water….Naruto drank the water thirstily and then smiled as she sat next to Hinata and Kurenai as they cooked the food for the moment….as night began to fall….the women got the food ready, and Naruto learned that Kurenai had cooked the wild chicken and Hinata was the one cooking the rabbit meat and vegetables….as they sat down and ate from some wooden plates that Kurenai had made with her own kunai and some utensils that Hinata had made….they ate the food. Naruto was no fan vegetables but he ate it either way….and to his amazement….he found that Hinata had really improved not just as a ninja but also as a cook….and Kurenai was a skilled cook as well and he made the sentiment known to both women.
“Wow….you are great cooks!!! The chicken tastes delicious Kurenai-sensei! And this rabbit meat is pretty good Hinata-san!”
Both women smiled at the comments….Hinata smiled the most as she was blushing at how Naruto praised her cooking….she had taken the time to learn how to be a better cook when Naruto had praised her for her cooking skills and it seemed that her time in this matter had truly been worth it.
“T-T-Thank you Naruto-kun….”
“You're welcome Naruto-kun….in truth, this is the first time I cooked for another person, I normally cook for myself and I am happy you approve.”
Naruto nodded as he ate the food ravenously as he was very much famished. And as the food began to fill his stomach, he felt more relaxed as the food was being digested….he placed the plate aside and gave a content sigh as he looked at both Hinata and Kurenai and spoke sincerely.
“Man….I'm lucky I got stuck with you both….I'd have a hard time cooking on my own since I don't much….and it's nice to have company instead of being by my lonesome!”
Both women smiled at that and Naruto looked at Hinata and Kurenai and was happy that he had company on this island and that none of them were hurt….it would be very bad news if any of them got harmed in some fashion. He then had a thought and looked at Hinata and spoke.
“Hinata….you recall that time you handed me those rice cakes on this mission looking for the Bikouchuu beetle?'
Hinata blushed at the memory as she recalled how she had handed him some of the rice cakes she made…with his likeness and she nodded.
“Y-Y-Yes….I do…why do you ask?”
“You have really made a great effort you know….you not only became a Chuunin but a great cook too! I am really sure that you would REALLY be a great wife to a great guys someday. TI feel that guy will be utterly happy to have someone like you as a wife!”
Hinata blushed bright red at the praise and she thought that she was going to faint as she looked at Naruto who was smiling warmly at her and she could tell that he meant those words….and the sight of Naruto in the firelight was very….hot….she finally got enough wits to realize that she should say something.
“T-T-T-Thank you Naruto-kun….I don't know what to s-s-say….”
“You're welcome Hinata-san…and Kurenai-sensei.”
The red eyed Jonin then looked at Naruto as he smiled at her and she smiled back as well.
“You're a great cook too….I think you'd make a great wife for the guy you'd marry too.”
Kurenai looked at Naruto with some surprise….and if Naruto took a good look at Kurenai and ignored the firelight….he would have seen the deep red blush on her own face. And it was there for good reason…it was not often that Kurenai got a comment like that as she didn't have a significant other for a few years and didn't get much of a comment from anyone of her cooking skills. And she could tell that Naruto meant it.
“Thank you Naruto-kun….it's the first time another person complimented my cooking.”
Both Naruto and Hinata were surprised….they both had thought that Kurenai already had a significant other already in her life, and Naruto was the most surprised….he had thought that with her looks, Kurenai would have no trouble getting the attention of a man….and before he could think it through, he asked the question.
“Why's that Kurenai-sensei….I think that you are a good looking woman and most men would like to be with you.”
Kurenai giggled at that and smiled even more.
“Thank you Naruto-kun….I honestly didn't expect that, but you mean that and that's nice to say.”
“No problem….we should get some rest….I'll stand guard for a bit and you both get some sleep….i think we're going to be here for a while.”
“A-A-Are you sure about that Naruto-kun?”
“Don't worry, I'll be all right….I'll go to sleep once the time is right.”
As the two women lay down to get some sleep….Naruto sat near the fire and looked at the sky to see the stars and the moon. He had a lot on his mind at the moment. Chief in his thoughts was naturally his team, he hoped Sakura was all right and was going her very best while training with Tsunade at the moment, he hoped Sai would finally learn how to act like a normal person for once and be all right, he hoped Kakashi-sensei was all right as well and recovering from the missions Tsunade was giving him at the moment, he hoped Tsunade was going all right with all the work she had been getting ever since she was the Hokage and that Shizune was there to help when she could, and he hoped Yamato-sensei was doing fine.
He then thought about how they were going to be while they were all on this island for the time being….he was indeed happy that Hinata and Kurenai were all right and were here with him. He hoped that there would be enough time for them to be rescued from the island….not that it was a bad thing….the island was certainly nice and it would certainly be a great place to take a vacation now and then. He then thought about Hinata and Kurenai as they were resting happily in the shelter that they had constructed in record time thanks to his Kage Bushin handling most of the slack. He then thought about how they had changed….Hinata and Kurenai had certainly….
<Whoa….I better not go there yet…>
<< “What's eating you kit?”>>
<Nothing Kyuubi….just thinking…>
<< “Really? I think you're lying….you're thinking about the two ladies with you right?”>>
<Hey!!! It's not like that you perverted fox!!!!>
<< “Could have fooled me…listen kit, you are in a very lucky situation….you're all alone on an island with two attractive women….you have any idea how most guys your age would kill to be in your sandals at this very moment?”>>
<Well I'm not like most guys Kit!!!>
<<“Really? Does that mean you don't like girls?”>>
<HEY!!! I didn't mean that!!! I respect and admire women like any normal guy….I'm just not the type to jump the bones here!>
<< “Heheheh….but you think they are attractive?”>>
<Of course I do you perverted fox!!! ANY guy could call Hinata-san and Kurenai-sensei attractive!!! They'd have to be blind and dumb not to say and think that!!!>
<< “Good….I was kind of worried there for a minute. Listen kit….I have to be honest with you for the time being….you're lucky this island was here….had we been in that storm any longer…we'd be food for the fishes and more down at the bottom of the sea and like I said….I'd rather not have you and me in the gullet of some fish or worse….”>>
<I guess…>
<< “Hmmm…I guess I need to teach you how to survive in a place like this, I can't have you die yet.”>>
<Thanks….but how much do you know about survival?>
The Kyuubi grinned and replied.
<<“You'll find out soon enough kit….all I can say is that I hope you're ready for a very interesting ride….now let's go our rounds and get some shut eye….it's going to be a while before we do get rescued and getting used to living out here is going to be the real hard part.”>>
The next day…
Naruto, Kurenai and Hinata looked about from their camp and examined their temporary home until rescue came for them. The trio had decided to make the most of their stay here on the island and had gone of routine salvage runs on the ships to see just what other materials and resources they could find that could very well help them in any fashion to live on this island until they were rescued by the others back in Konoha.
The Kyuubi kept it's word as it helped Naruto locate fresh food items and the demon fox taught Naruto quite a great deal about how to find the right kinds of things to help in a survival situation such as this one. One on such trip….it taught Naruto how to find a certain set of herbs that could release toxins that were harmful to fish and yet not be lethal to humans. This allowed Naruto to catch some hard to catch fish in some of the tidal pools that were on the beaches around the island. The Kyuubi then directed Naruto on how to find bird eggs in the nests near the beach and in the forests as well when they all went to gather food and herbs.
Naruto, Hinata, and Kurenai were impressed at the number of animals that called this place home….there were wild chickens, rabbits, some small deer herds, some families of wild pigs, plenty of birds, snakes and more….this allowed them to choose animals that they could be able to catch well, and the rivers had plenty of fresh and salt water fish for them to catch….the Kyuubi taught Naruto how to hunt for shell fish and crabs in the beaches as well as in the sea….
The three worked hard in trying to make life on the island livable for next few days….once they woke up in the morning, they would eat whatever food they had which was still fresh from last night and when those were used up….they would then go and hunt for other food items and they would then locate more herbs and vegetables….though Kurenai did warn them not to take too many vegetables as they didn't need that many. Apart from vegetables and herbs, there were wild fruits and nuts that they found as well.
Naruto was then taught by the Kyuubi how to make a raft out of several large plants and bamboo, and placed them together with a good amount of salvaged ropes, metal wire, nails, wood glue and vines….with the raft and the gear they salvaged….the three of them would take turns hunting for fish and more….along with salvaging anything they could from the wrecks that were not in reach….though they did this together and with great caution as well. They were able to salvage more parts though they then had to construct another raft to serve as the carrier for their salvage. The three were happy that one of the ships had some intact medical supplies that they could use for treating injuries and none of them had any high level medical jutsu at the moment….this made things easier for them…though Naruto knew that with the Kyuubi's help, he had a much higher chance of recovery than either Hinata or Kurenai. The medical supplies they found were not the only ones as well.
The other ship wrecks also had some still dry containers of clothing though most were already ruined by long exposure to the elements….some were in strong and study containers and those things helped them all immensely when they had to keep their own stock of clothes dry and safe….There were clothes for both men and women….including female undergarments and Naruto steered clear of those as he was not going to mess about with those things. Naruto was however relieved to find some undergarments for men and well….and those were the ones Hinata and Kurenai steered clear of as well so it was fairly even. Naruto and the others also found some old but serviceable oil lamps and some left over oil in containers….and these were needed when they needed light at night. The Kyuubi also told Naruto how to make oil from pig fat when they did catch some wild pigs for lunch or dinner….the oil was used for both cooking and making fuel for fires….and they used the fat to make lard for cooking….as well as the oils of some herbs for that purpose.
The Kyuubi also showed Naruto how to find other useable materials for survival….and that included finding wild honey…..Naruto knew that getting honey from bees was dangerous….and he sometimes wished had the same talent as Shino did when it came to bugs….but the Kyuubi fixed that by teaching him how to use smoke to stun and send the bees away to get the honey combs that had the honey inside of them….allowing Naruto to grab the honey and make a tasty treat as well. Apart from honey, fruits, and nuts….the Kyuubi directed Naruto on how to locate a certain plant that could be used as an all around good plant…aloe vera…
The Kyuubi explained that the plant's soothing liquid could be used to treat burns and sunburn most of all, and it could be used to disinfect cuts as it's antiseptic properties were very helpful as well. Apart from that plant….they Kyuubi guided Naruto to some large trees that were very useful, and that was spruce and he showed Naruto how to make tea out of the leaves….which was good for getting vitamins, minerals and sugars….Naruto was not a big fan of spruce tea as it was called but it was as good as orange juice….according to the Kyuubi itself….all the while….the Kyuubi did it's best to keep it's container alive and healthy as possible.
Apart from hunting and gathering their food, the three would also train with one another to keep busy….Naruto was the one who provided much of the training while Kurenai began to teach both Hinata and Naruto what she knew about Genjutsu, and while she knew that Naruto was not very proficient with Genjutsu as it was not his strong point at the moment, Naruto used his Kage Bushin in ways that were both creative, cunning, and interesting in the mind of the Jonin as the sparring sessions she had with him were showing that his training with his element with Kakashi and Yamato was proving to be bearing great fruit in his battles.
Hinata likewise was impressed by Naruto's growth as a ninja just as he was impressed by her own growth as a ninja. The Hyuuga heiress was willing to spar with Naruto and the two were able to learn much from one another in the many sparring sessions that they had while they were on the island at the time being, and the sparring helped show each other's talents in combat…Kurenai watched how Naruto and Hinata worked together and had to admit that both were proving to be very talented….quite a contrast to how they were all those years ago when they were still Academy students and how Naruto had inspired Hinata and made her stand up for herself.
After their training….Naruto would let the two women take a bath first in the river that was a good but reachable distance from their camp and near the tree line and as soon as they were done bathing….he would then take his turn in the river to wash away the grime, sweat, and dirt from their work on the island. The waters in the rivers were fed from a spring coming from the mountain there that provided cool and fresh water for them to both drink and bathe in….and since the water was constantly on the move….there was less danger of the water being stagnant. The Kyuubi reminded Naruto about the time he had drank the milk that was expired greatly and how much of a mess that made of his stomach.
Therefore they would take water and boil it and then let the water cool and drink it as well….At one point….Naruto climbed up the mountain with his Kage Bushin and had brought back some snow and ice…and that allowed them to cook the water through brought back to drink after boiling it….though that was only done once a week as neither Kurenai nor Hinata were interested in getting Naruto hurt in some fashion.
The days wore on until Naruto got himself in a rather….interesting incident…
“Damn….that is one slippery rabbit….”
Naruto said as he was chasing another rabbit that they were going to cook for lunch….Hinata and Kurenai had been rather busy at the moment in cleaning some of the pots, and pans that they used for cleaning….he was out looking for more food to add to their lunch for the day…..he had spotted a fresh and rather large rabbit and he thought this was going to be a quick hit…
However, the rabbit proved to be rather elusive at the moment….the rabbit had somehow evaded his kunai and he tried to catch the rabbit and here he was at the moment….trying to catch that one rabbit that got away from him at the moment. He was armed with his kunai and was wearing a light white shirt with no sleeves and some comfortable running pants and a fresh pair of sandals at the moment. As he hunted the rabbit…using the senses that were enhanced by the Kyuubi's chakra at the moment.
As he made his way through the forest….intent on catching his quarry, he was unaware of the fact that both Hinata and Kurenai had finished their chores for the day and had placed aside the items that they had been washing and then directed their attention to bathing….and since they knew that Naruto was away hunting….the two women stripped down to their birthday suits and then took their baths in the river and they enjoyed the feel of the cool waters and relaxed a bit. The two women then took out some of the soap that they salvaged days before in one of the ships….though the soap had no scent….it was all right for their needs at the moment.
The two women were so intent on their bath that they were not hearing the movements heading in their direction as the wily rabbit made it's way to the river….no doubt intent on losing it's pursuer….and Naruto was so intent on chasing said rabbit that he had no idea that he was heading right for Hinata and Kurenai…it was only when the rabbit disappeared that Naruto had enough of the proverbial cat and mouse game.
<I've got you now!!!>
Naruto leaped through the bushes and landed face first into the water as the rabbit had dashed to the other side…no doubt after being surprised to find Hinata and Kurenai there bathing….and thinking the strange furless creatures were also there it end it's short life…the rabbit moved like greased lightning and hoped away….Kurenai and Hinata were shocked and they were in ready stances to defend themselves…
It was then that Naruto popped out of the water and gave an angry oath….
“Damn that rabbit was fast!!!! Where'd he go?!”
Naruto gulped at the very second he heard that voice….
<Oh no….please tell me I just imagined that!!!!>
<< “No you didn't kit….”>>
“Naruto-kun….what on earth are you doing here?!”
Naruto gulped even further as he realized that the other voice belonged to a certain someone…
<Oh no….That was….>
<< “Oh yes….it's her….and damn…..”>>
Naruto looked at and sure enough….he saw Kurenai and Hinata….
Naruto only had a few seconds to feel his face heat with the blood flow to his face and to feel his hot blood going out his nose to know he was having a nose bleed and for damn good reason. And before things could get any further….Naruto did the same thing Hinata would normally do whenever she found herself facing him…
He fainted…
After that incident….there was some tension for the next few days as Naruto did his best to apologize to both Hinata and Kurenai for seeing them buck naked. Hinata was understanding of the whole mess and so was Kurenai…but the Jonin gave Naruto a hard time in their sparring but not too much as she knew that he would never do what he did on purpose.
As the days passed….Naruto had finally relaxed a bit and so had Hinata and Kurenai….but there were already feelings growing between Naruto and the women….no doubt due to being able to see each other in ways that was not possible back in Konoha.
Hinata's feelings for Naruto had grown and in truth….she had spent a number of nights back in the Hyuuga estate dreaming not so simple dreams of Naruto and her being together…in fact….she had dreamed of them being together on an island like this one and she was able to finally tell him how much she loved him and how much of an inspiration he was to her….while it was true that she did tell him that long ago when they had met in the training field before his battle with her cousin Neji Hyuuga. The dreams she had were always resorting in her moaning out his name and feeling hot and sweaty….so much so that she had personally requested to have her room given extra sound protection so to make sure that no one heard her moaning Naruto's name in her dreams….she didn't want to know how her family would react to that….and she made sure to handle things herself when her bed-sheets were wet to avoid raising any suspicions.
But she couldn't blame herself for that….she was a young woman after all and when she saw how much Naruto had grown over the years when he did come back from the years he spent with Jiraiya and on that mission to Suna. The sight of a much more mature Naruto and better built as well was enough to make her dreams even more heated…and those dreams involved her doing things with Naruto she knew would never seem possible for her to do….given her inherently shy nature. And those dreams had gotten vivid ever since she had been on this island with Naruto and she had done all she could to suppress the urges those stirred in her….lest she woke up both Kurenai and Naruto in the middle of the night.
And Naruto had just seen her naked….if only for a brief moment before he blushed…and fainted after he had his own nosebleed seeing her and Kurenai utterly buck naked. She wondered what she should do now when she would face Naruto again….what happened that day had changed the way she looked at Naruto and not in a negative way….but in a very hot and serious way.
In Kurenai's case….that was the very first time she had ever been seen by a man naked…and that was something she was not entirely happy about….not that she didn't like the idea of being naked in front of a man….but in a way that was inappropriate….however, she knew Naruto would never mean to do that directly as despite his immature antics….he knew better than to court the wrath of a woman. But she didn't hide the fact that she had gotten a rather interesting thrill with the event.
She understood the fact that Naruto had fainted dead away at the sight of both her and Hinata naked….most young men would do that after all….but she found it very nice to see Naruto fall like that and to know that she could make a guy nose bleed and faint was something she could have not thought possible. The reason she never got to have a man in her life was the fact that she was treated like she was a goddess and was not to be approached….only Asuma was willing to be close to her….but they never got anything more serious than being good friends and colleagues in the field of being ninjas. It would be a lie if she had said that she did not have any fantasies of her own….her friend Anko would always try to force her to tell her fantasies but despite her friendship with the hyperactive Special Jonin….she was not keen on letting Anko find out about her own fantasies….for one thing….there was no telling what Anko would do with the information….and those thoughts were private…
However….her thoughts were going towards a certain blonde and blue eyed Genin who had whisker marks on his face. She tried to suppress the fantasies as they were not proper….not that Naruto was too young….he was already turning sixteen… a perfectly legitimate age for most ninja in Konoha….but the fact was that Hinata was attracted to him immensely and she was not going to do something that would break Hinata's heart as she had cared much for Hinata ever since she had been assigned as Hinata`s Jonin sensei. However….there was no denying the fact that she did find him attractive….any young woman would consider Naruto attractive in some ways and she was not immune to his mature form now….and despite his antics….he was far more mature than he had been years before.
The one thing that worried her was the truth about Naruto's burden….she had known about the Kyuubi since she had been young, she had been a student there in the Academy when the village was attacked and she had been there when Naruto had been shown to the village to be the container for the Kyuubi….she had a healthy amount of fear of the demon's destructive powers having seen them first hand when the village had been hit hard…
But she had been shocked at how badly the village reacted and how saddened the Hokage was…and then the ban came to effect. She knew about the ban and the truth and she knew that someday….the truth would come out….but she worried about Hinata greatly, Naruto had been her greatest inspiration ever since she had become a Genin and the thought of Hinata's feelings being hurt by someone else telling a twisted version of past events was something she was not keen on having to happen…..thus….she decided to go ahead and tell her what she knew about Naruto.
She knew that what she would say to Hinata would have strong affects on the young Hyuuga heiress….and the fact that she was breaking the ban left behind by the former Hokage weighed on her mind as well. But it was better that this be done….if Hinata was told a lie about Naruto which had the truth to make it….then who knew how things would be between Hinata and Naruto.
All she had to do was find the right time and place to tell Hinata everything….and as the days passed….she was starting to doubt that she might get the chance….however….it was when she proposed Hinata and her take a an early bath as they had taken an early dinner that gave her the chance she had been hoping for….as Naruto decided to stay in the camp to eat his own diner as he had been rather hungry for the past hours after cleaning up another one of the traps they had used to catch their dinner recently….which was fresh water fish that was fired in oil, and seasoned with wild onions, carrots, and pepper, along with roasted rabbit meat.
In the river…
The two women were currently taking a cool soak as the sun began to head down to let night take over….this time the two women had lamps with them and their clothes to see them through this late night bathing session. The two women had eaten early and were now in the mood to relax after another hard day on the island….by Kurenai's estimation….it had been four weeks since they had been stranded on this island and the time they spent here was very long….
She knew that this was a good time as any for her to break the rule that Asuma's father had placed on the matter concerning Naruto's deepest secret….she knew that Sarutobi would not be happy with her action but she had prayed on this matter and thought it over for the past few days….it was better that Hinata be told the truth about Naruto….and Kurenai decided to tell her herself.
This was not to hurt Hinata or Naruto….she respected them both to do that…..she planed to tell Hinata because it was far better that she was told the whole truth about Naruto's burden than have some other person tell her the truth but with twists and hatred in it….she wanted Hinata to decide for herself what she would do when told the truth about her long time crush. As they sat down in the river….she relaxed herself and looked at the sky and tried to see how to approach this.
“Kurenai-sensei….are you all right?”
Kurenai looked at Hinata as the young woman looked at the Jonin with a worried expression.
“What do you mean Hinata?”
“I-I well noted you seem to have very deep thoughts about something….may I ask what they are?”
Kurenai smiled at how perceptive Hinata was and knew that the time had come….she only hoped that what she was about to do would not come back to haunt her.
“Hinata…I haver some important things to tell you….about Naruto.”
“About Naruto-kun?”
“Hinata….I know this might sound odd and troubling….but what I will tell you is forbidden by Law, and telling you these things will be most likely result in me being exiled from Konoha…so you must promise me than you will not breathe a word of this to anyone if we make it back to the village.”
“I don't understand….”
“Promise me Hinata….”
Hinata could see that Kurenai was serious about this and as much as it was still confusing for her why this was so important concerning Naruto….she agreed and as soon as Kurenai was assured that Hinata would keep her word….she spoke.
“Hinata….do you remember your lessons about the Kyuubi No Kitsune?”
Hinata nodded, like all Academy students….she had heard the rumors, legends, and stories concerning the nine tailed demon fox that had attacked Konoha many years ago….she had been a baby then and Hanabi was not born at that time. All she knew when she attended the Academy….was that many ninja gave their lives to stop the Kyuubi from destroying the village and the Yondaime had sacrificed himself to seal away the demon fox….but she had no idea what this was all about.
“I do….the Kyuubi was attacking Konoha years ago and the ninja of Konoha fought desperately but were badly outmatched by the demon fox….however, the late Yondaime Hokage stood forth and fought with the Kyuubi and sealed it away but he gave his own life in the process….Why does this have anything to do about Naruto-kun?”
Kurenai knew that the time had come for her to drop the bomb right on Hinata….this was in her mind the moment of truth on how much Hinata loved Naruto once Naruto's secret was let out.
“Hinata….the Kyuubi was sealed in the stomach of a young baby boy to prevent it from escaping and harming the village.”
“A baby boy?!”
“Yes….and the reason why I asked you to never reveal others what I will tell you is this. Did you ever wonder why Naruto was always treated badly by the elder villagers all his life and why he has those marks on his face?”
Hinata was confused and she quickly got the idea and she gasped… as she began to understand the implications…
“Kurenai-sensei….you mean….that….”
Kurenai nodded seriously and replied.
“Yes Hinata….Naruto-kun was the child who had the Kyuubi sealed inside of his stomach years ago….”
Hinata looked at Kurenai who was very serious at the moment as the red eyed Jonin and the white eyed Hyuuga heiress sat in the river….finally Hinata spoke.
“Naruto-kun has….the Kyuubi inside of him?”
“Yes….he was the child who was used to contain the Kyuubi after the Yondaime fought with it….the Yondaime couldn't defeat the Kyuubi Hinata, the Kyuubi was too powerful for normal Shinobi….even the Yondaime to defeat directly….so he could only do what he felt was the only option.”
“He sealed it in Naruto-kun….but why….why subject Naruto-kun through that?”
“I wish I knew Hinata….but it was not without reason….maybe the Yondaime believed that Naruto could use the power of the Kyuubi for a more heroic and noble purpose….I don't honestly know. But I did learn from Asuma-san from his father, that before he died….the Yondaime wanted Naruto to be seen as a hero….but the other villagers and ninja didn't listen….they wanted to kill him. So Sarutobi-sama forbade everyone to talk about the Kyuubi….even to their children….including you. But people still hated Naruto and that was why he was always the outcast.”
“But Naruto-kun was just a baby!!!! He's not a demon, no way is he in any way a demon Kurenai-sensei…he is who he is…and that is Naruto Uzumaki!!!!”
Kurenai was surprised a bit by how vehemently Hinata still defended Naruto even after learning the truth. Hinata was very saddened by the news…it all made sense now…how he had been treated growing up and why he pulled pranks…and more. Hinata was feeling very sad for Naruto….more than she ever thought possible. She saw him not as the Kyuubi….but as a strong, talented, brave, kind, gentle, and trustworthy person…and most of all…
The man she had been in love with since the day she saw him back in the Academy.
She always had eyes only for Naruto….his confidence, bravery, passion, determination against all odds….these qualities made her see him as an inspiration and in turn… her longtime crush….she had no idea why others would look at Sasuke Uchiha with adoration at times….and she liked being close to him…even she was too shy and timid back then all those years ago. She had grown up…..and the feelings she had for Naruto had grown as well….they were deeper, stronger and more serious than ever before.
She then looked at Kurenai and was very sad looking but serious as well.
“Why are you telling me this Kurenai-sensei?”
“I wanted you to know the truth about him….why he was treated the way he was when you and him were younger. The reason is that I wanted to tell you myself and allow you know the whole truth…rather than let someone else tell you a different version….one that is tainted by hatred of the past.”
“I see….but I don't care about the past….or the fact that Naruto-kun has the Kyuubi inside of him.”
“Why Hinata?”
Hinata looked at the water as the light played on it as she thought of her answer and after a few minutes she replied.
“The day I saw Naruto-kun…in the Academy when we were younger….I fell for him, he was so brave, confident, determined, and out spoken, and I was so taken by those things that I wanted to talk to him but I was so shy and I was afraid I would embarrass myself before him. I watched him and I saw him as a good looking young boy….and he would always stand up and work hard….no matter the odds…”
“I wanted to be as confident and brave as him and I wanted so much to be the one he likes….I don't hate Sakura-san for being the one Naruto-kun likes more than me. But I will always love him, I love Naruto-kun because he inspires me to be brave, he inspires me to be strong, that I am worth something in this world, he gave me the one thing that I lacked…confidence. The day he stood up for me and told me to stand up for myself and fight even if I knew I couldn't match Neji-kun….it was the most important thing that ever happened to me. I wanted so much to ask him if I had changed….but I lost consciousness…”
“And the day I met him in the training field and I then told him how much he changed me as a person, he told me that he had first thought of me as shy, dark, and timid….but he liked people like me….I felt so shocked and so happy. The missions I had with him were so precious to me….he was impressed with me in the Bikouchuu mission and thanked me….i felt like I was going to faint from blushing so hard….being close to him always made me feel this way. The day he congratulated me that I would make a great wife someday made me very happy and….when I defeated that ninja in the Land of Vegetables mission…he praised me because I beat him on my own. He holds me in greater regard now….that makes me feel very happy…”
Hinata then held the small stone Naruto gave her as a present days before and held it so tightly that that it hurt as she looked at her reflection and thought about how much of an impact Naruto had on her for a very long time and replied seriously to Kurenai.
“I will always love and respect Naruto-kun…I don't care if he is the container of the Kyuubi Kurenai-sensei….I love him with all that I am, and that will never change.”
Kurenai remained silent and then after a few minutes….she smiled and hugged Hinata and spoke to her.
“I am happy you told me….I was worried that if I had not told you this….you would have been told by another with malicious intent Hinata-san…. and things would have ended differently.”
“You….don't disapprove of me being in love with Naruto-kun?”
The red eyed Jonin shook her head and smiled as she spoke on her own take on Naruto.
“When I was young….I too knew about the Kyuubi….and like others I was frightened greatly by the destruction it caused when the village was attacked. And I was there when Naruto-kun was shown to be the container of the Kyuubi….I was there when many people wanted to hurt and do worse to Naruto and you were still a baby yourself Hinata-san.”
“I saw the shock and dismay on the Hokage's face and it was there that he decreed that no one in the village mention the Kyuubi to anyone. I…admit that I was frightened by the prospect of Naruto growing up….but there were times that I saw him and he was always smiling and laughing….but as I became a Chuunin and before I became your sensei….I watched him have a very sad expression on his face at times and how utterly lonely he was…all because of something that he was not aware of.”
“It was a good thing Iruka was always there to provide Naruto a chance at having a true friend…and despite the fact that Iruka-sensei's parents were slain by the Kyuubi itself…he never hated Naruto….do you know what was the reason Naruto was with you all during the Graduation from the Academy even though he failed the test nearly a day or so before?”
Hinata wondered about that and she was surprised that the reason was that Mizuki had tricked Naruto into stealing the Book of Seals and had planed to kill Naruto and take the credit….Iruka came in to catch Naruto as Mizuki framed him for stealing the Book. She was shocked at how Mizuki had revealed the truth of the Kyuubi to Naruto and how it was Iruka's words and near death sacrifice had prevented Naruto from being consumed by rage. It was there that Naruto had learned and used the Kage Bushin to defend Iruka….and that was how Naruto joined their ranks as a ninja.
“I had no idea…Naruto-kun was so strong there.”
Kurenai nodded and continued with her explanations.
“When Naruto faced Kiba and Akamaru…I had my doubts that he could beat Kiba….but his determination, toughness, skill, cunning and unique way of fighting made me think otherwise. He had truly grown since the last time I had seen him, and when he stood up for you in the battle with Neji….I was even more impressed with him. The situation with Yakumo was also something that impressed me.”
“And to tell you the truth Hinata-san….I would be lying to you if I said that I don't feel attracted to him.”
“Kurenai-sensei? You like Naruto-kun?”
“In a way, yes….I would be a liar if I said I didn't find him cute when he was younger….though I kept it to myself for a long time…and now that he is older….I must admit that he has certainly grown up to be a very good looking young man….and I am attracted….despite the fact I am a few years older than him.”
The two thought about what they learned about their respective experiences and views when it was related to Naruto at the moment and they recalled how Naruto had stumbled into their bathing time in the hot springs when he had gone after a fast rabbit for lunch a few days before….they recalled how Naruto had nose bled when he had seen them naked for a brief moment before he fell unconscious…in the VERY same way that Hinata herself would normally act in front of Naruto.
Kurenai knew that what she would ask her student next would utterly embarrass Hinata as she was still very shy when it concerned Naruto….but now that she had made her feelings about Naruto known and her stance to love him regardless of the truth presented to her, she knew that it was time for Hinata to put her foot on the door.
And as for her…..she was eager to see how Naruto would react to this situation. She had to admit that she was going to be pushing things a lot further than before but that was where the fun was…she was going to try something with Naruto….and Hinata that she had only seen in movies….It was unreal….but it could help in more ways than one.
Hinata could only blush bright red as Kurenai suggested a number of things to her.
Back in Konoha…
Tsunade was not in the best of moods….it had been several weeks now since Naruto, Kurenai, and Hinata had been found to be missing from the rescued crew of the ship they were on. The Hokage was having a hard time running the village at the moment and had hoped for any form of good news on the missing Konoha ninja.
She hoped Naruto was all right….she knew that while he had grown up somewhat and was far stronger than he had been when they first met….the young man was still something of a hothead as she recalled how determined he was to find Sasuke and Orochimaru….while those traits were admirable in other situations, they were down right difficult to deal with at times. When she was told that Naruto, Hinata, and Kurenai were lost at sea….she scrambled whatever available manpower they had to find any trace of them.
Homura and Kohane breathed down her neck for that but she was not going to budge on the mater and focused on finding Naruto and the others….Naruto was like a son to her and family and there was no way she was going to lose him like she did Dan and Nawaki, as she looked at the reports…in walked Shizune with a report on her hands….and along with her were Yamato, Kakashi, Sai and Sakura.
“What is it Shizune?'
“Tsunade-sama….we've gotten some good information from Tea Country….they've recently located an island from some of the older maps that they had on hand before….they believe that there's a chance that Naruto-kun, Hinata-san and, and Kurenai-sensei are there as it is a habitable island.”
Tsunade was relieved and wondered why this information had not been available sooner…she then gave the order for all available ninja teams to mobilize and locate the three missing ninja on the boats she had previously chartered to serve as the rescue fleet….it had taken some hard haggling on her part….but her connections and Jiraiya's money supplies had helped move the whole thing much faster and that was a great thing in her mind to happen….the Hokage hoped that all three missing ninja were all alive and safe….and that nothing odd had happened between the three ever since the storm had blown them to this island.
She had no idea just how wrong she was at the moment…
Back on the island…
Naruto had no idea what was about to happen to him…
He had finally finished his diner when the Kyuubi spoke to him once more.
<<” Hey kit….you all right?”>>
<I'm fine…>
<< “No you're not….I can tell, what's eating you today?”>>
<Just….having a hard time with a lot of things at the moment…>
The Kyuubi thought about it and recalled just what had happened a few days before and had a deep suspicion that it's jailor's mood was related to the fact he had seen the two women naked….the demon fox wondered why Naruto was this uptight about that. In it's mind the blonde kid had been allowed to see what most men…including that perverted old goat of a teacher had only dreamed off….to see two hot women naked without ANYONE standing in his way….such a thing was a dream come true for any normal man.
<< “This bad mood by any chance be related to the time you saw those two hot women naked?”>>
<< “I see….I take it that was a yes?”>>
<Shut up….>
<Touchy aren't we….that convinces me further that this has something to do with that incident….you sure you don't want to talk about it?”>>
<Kyuubi I said no!>
<< “Kit….be serious….that incident could happen to anyone, though I am happy that it happened to you….those two are very attractive, I've seen many beautiful women in my younger days….both human and demon….but those two are certainly very attractive to me. And I KNOW that the images have been haunting you….right?”>>
The blonde ninja winced at the truth of that….ever since he had seen Hinata and Kurenai in the nude….he couldn't help but feel very hot and bothered just looking at them at all. He had dreamed of being with Sakura in a situation like this….but now….his wet dreams were dominated by Hinata…and to his surprise…Kurenai as well….the dreams had gone even further when he had dreams of being with BOTH Kurenai and Hinata at the same time….he placed those aside but the toothy grin and laughter in his mind told him that the Kyuubi had seen the images.
<You sneaky pervert…>
<< “Hey….I had nothing to do with that….you're a full blooded male so such thoughts are normal to you….so….are you going to?”>>
<ARE YOU NUTS?! There's no way that will happen Kyuubi….NO WAY!!!>
<< “How can you be so sure about that kit?”>>
<First….Hinata would NEVER agree to it and I respect her enough not to do those things to her, and second….Kurenai-sensei would kill me for thinking of those things concerning her and Hinata as well!!! Besides….I doubt any of them would want to do anything with me…>
<< “Are you kidding….you're the only guy around…”>>
< I meant because I have you inside me….>
<< “I see….that can pose a problem…well in Hinata's case….I think you had better tell her about your secret….or else she gets told about us by someone else, I know for a fact the young woman likes you kit….a LOT, so telling her yourself can really help in finding out how deeply she does like you. And in Kurenai's case… let's not forget the fact that the red eyed lady is no ordinary woman….she's a Jonin….she no doubt knows about me being inside you as she was no doubt there when I got sealed in you.”>>
<< “If there's one thing I know for a hard fact Kit….is that the truth will eventually come out, it all depends on who's telling the truth…besides…I sense something coming so be ready…”>>
< A threat?>
<<“Sort of…”>>
Naruto turned and there was Hinata and Kurenai walking towards him…he placed won the plates and smiled at them but Hinata however ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek…Naruto was surprised by this….he had not expected this from the shy dark haired Hyuuga heiress and he tried to speak but Hinata beat him to it.
“I-I-I know about your past Naruto-kun?”
“I know about…the Kyuubi…”
Naruto was shocked and couldn't help but look at Hinata and tried to make sense of how she had found it all out….he had never told her his past and she certainly didn't show this kind of behavior before in the time they had been on the island…
“Kurenai-sensei told me…”
Naruto looked at Kurenai with shock and disbelief and she gently spoke.
“I told her because I wanted her to know the truth about why you were always treated so badly when you were a young kid Naruto-kun….and don't worry I won't tell anyone else, and you can trust Hinata never to tell anyone else….she loves you too much to say it…and she does not care about the Kyuubi….she loves you.”
“What do you mean?!”
Hinata smiled and kissed Naruto gently…and whispered.
“I love you Naruto-kun…I have loved you for years….and that will never change…”
Naruto was struck dumb by Hinata's announcement that she loved him….even if she knew that he had been the Kyuubi's container for many years now. The fact that she said she loved him was shocking enough….but the announcement that she wanted to be closer to him in every sense had slammed into him like a boulder hitting a lake at full speed.
“Hinata-san….are you….are you serious?!”
“Oh yes….and I want to prove it too…”
“But….what about….”
Kurenai smiled and replied.
“Don't worry Naruto-kun….I am very much all right with it….actually I convinced Hinata to try something….”
“Let me put it this way Naruto-kun….how would you feel if you got to be with more than one woman….in more ways than one?”
Naruto's eyes bulged out at that statement and question….but before he could say anything….Hinata kissed him deeply…and the passionate heat of the moment quickly had an effect on the blonde Genin as his brain began to lose all logic and begin to be slowly taken over by primal instinct.
(Lemon time and it's two for one this time!)
(Now I KNOW that there is NO way this lemon could happen between Naruto and the two women mentioned in the series….Hinata and Kurenai…because it would have been considered odd. But since this chapter is a pairing of Naruto and Hinata with Kurenai as well…then expect woman to woman action as well….so don't blame me if you see that.)
(I'd like to point out that that I don't mind seeing women doing this with other women in lemons…but don't ever ask if I do yaoi because like I said before….while I don't have anything against people who read the stuff or write about it…I am NOT a fan of it.)
(Enough rambling from me now…on with the lemon!)
Naruto had no idea what he was doing at this moment…or even if this was some form of Genjutsu but here he was kissing none other than the Hyuuga heiress and her Jonin sensei was there in front of the two of them and she was smiling warmly at the whole thing as the blonde Genin continued his hot lip-lock with the dark haired and white eyed teen who was blushing deeply as they continued to kiss one another and Kurenai was watching…however it was not going to be long before Kurenai would get involved with the current situation.
And Naruto was right in his suspicions as Kurenai moved forward and then was right next to him on the other side and then both Kurenai and Hinata smiled as Kurenai joined in and began to kiss his face and she began to remove Naruto's clothes…starting with his jacket and then his shirt though the two love birds had to separate in order for Naruto to be removed of the shirt…
As soon as he was bare of his shirt…Naruto was kissed once more by Hinata but she had quickly removed her jacket while his vision was averted and he was then greeted with the sight of her fishnet style tank top and the fact that her breasts were in front of him at the moment underneath and in her chest bindings…he couldn't help but blush bright red at the sight of Hinata's breasts and the rest of her figure….he had SEEN her naked already when he had fallen into the pool a few days before.
Kurenai however was already on the move as she was now behind Hinata and smiled at him and she then spoke to Hinata.
“it's all right Hinata….go ahead but if you need help I will do it.”
“N-No-No….it's all right…”
Hinata blushed deeply once more as she reached for the binds that held her fishnet style tank top and when she was done with them….she removed her now looser tank top and then gently untied the back knot that held her bindings there and as they loosened she removed them and she was there before Naruto….naked from the waist up and it was a very seductive sight despite the deep red blush Hinata had on her face at the moment as she was now exposed once more…she tried to banish her embarrassment as well as her desire to twiddle her fingers as she hoped Naruto liked what he saw….
Kurenai smiled as she also removed her own clothing and was now in her own fish net tank top but she wasted little time and removed the clothing herself and took it further by removing her sandals and then her own wrappings and tat left her in a soft pair of red silk panties….real eye catchers and matching her eyes' own deep red color as she walked over to Hinata and to Naruto's utter shock and arousal she helped remove Hinata's pants and sandals…revealing Hinata to be wearing soft white silk panties as well and Kurenai then spoke to Naruto who was looking as red as her own eyes. It was then that she hugged Hinata…her breasts pushing on Hinata's own as she was a bit taller now... they then looked at Naruto in a VERY sensual way as Kurenai spoke seductively.
“Like what you see Naruto-kun?”
Naruto gulped as he TRIED to think an answer but his mouth and tongue seemed dead at the moment as he saw the two women pressing into one another and it was then that Kurenai spoke seductively…
“I don't think you're being fair Naruto-kun….Hinata-chan and I are already naked or close to that….but you're still dressed somewhat….take of your pants.”
Naruto's brain was stripped of all reason at the sight of the two gorgeous women there before him at this very moment and he did so….removing his sandals and then his pants and both Hinata and Kurenai giggled at the sight of his cute boxers….and they gasped as they saw the sight of the tent that was on Naruto's boxers and both blushed at the sight as well.
Naruto wondered if he could die from both embarrassment and blood loss at the sight of two gorgeously naked women together before him….Kurenai was considered to be one of the most attractive women in Konoha….and he had to agree that she was very attractive to say the very least…and Hinata….she was gorgeous as well….the two women were both well formed and slender….with all the right female features and forms….Kurenai was naturally taller than Hinata and he couldn't help but look at the both…though he had seen them naked in the lake before….this was VERY different.
Hinata showed a build that was considered to be perfect for someone her age….as she had been training for the past two and a half years since he had last seen her….she had grown into a very beautiful and sexy young woman….her hair was silky and deep black in color, her face was perfect and her pale white skin was smooth and creamy looking, her eyes earned a nice glow and shade of white….back then he would have been freaked a bit by the look of the Byakugan, but not this time as he began to admire the way her eyes would catch the light. All in all…..Naruto saw for the first time how much Hinata had grown. His eyes wandered to the curve of her neck and her shoulders, and then to her breasts….Hinata's breasts were not too big and were right for her build and from what he could see at the moment, they were moving in time with her breathing….moving in a very sensual up and down motion, her nipples were deep pink and were right for her breasts, he looked down and saw how well shaped Hinata was and her hips were utterly feminine….and her stomach was flat and well toned., his eyes wandered to her long legs, starting at her thighs and saw how smooth they were and her calves and feet…..all in all….Hinata was such a gorgeous woman and he marveled at that fact as he realized how beautiful she truly was.
Naruto gulped once more as his eyes went up and down Hinata's nude form once more and then his eyes wandered towards Kurenai who smiled at him.
Kurenai's hair was not as straight or as well combed at Hinata's but her wild, and long locks were still very attractive to the eyes and he had no doubts in his mind that a lot of men would have done anything to run their hands through her hair….her beautiful face and her cream white skin was further accentuated by her deep red eyes which were very hypnotic and her deep red lips were also attractive…..Naruto's eyes then drifted to her graceful neck, her shoulders, her deep cream white skin…and then her breasts….Naruto marveled at the large and firm but soft looking breasts that Kurenai had and the deep rose red nipples and areoles further added to the beauty of the red eyed Jonin's sexiness as her breasts moved in time with her breathing….his eyes moved over her well toned stomach and shapely hips and then to her long and slender legs…..her strong but well formed thighs and calves and her soft and dainty feet.
Both women were very beautiful and to know that he was there before them being utterly naked and looking so sexy….
If Naruto took the time….he would have realized that he was in a situation almost ALL men would kill to be in! It was amazing enough to be in front of a gorgeous woman in the nude…but to be in front of TWO gorgeous naked women was a fantasy most men would only dream of.
If anyone told him a few weeks ago that he was going to be on a totally uninhabited island with a good amount of food and water…and that he was about to be intimate with the Crimson Lady of Konoha and the Hyuuga Heiress…he would have slapped the person or persons silly and called them utterly perverted and insane…but this was no joke and it was happening to him at this very second and it was beginning to have a VERY serious effect on his actions as he looked at the two women.
Inside Naruto's mind…
The Kyuubi howled in a very happy way and was grinning widely as it saw just what was about to happen to it's host and warden at the moment.
<< “Kit…you NO idea how much of a night you are going to be in….I hope you and I live through this….but what a way to go!!!!”>>
Kurenai then spoke to Hinata's ears.
“Are you ready Hinata-san?”
Good….now then….go ahead and kiss him once more….”
Hinata nodded and walked over to Naruto and then kissed him once more…and that was enough to wake Naruto out of his stupor and it was also when Kurenai moved in to the other side and she then kissed Naruto's face and allowed her student and surrogate daughter to kiss her crush in the way she had dreamed of for so long. As the two deeply kissed….Kurenai added to the romantic situation by rubbing her hands on Naruto's muscles…making the blonde tense a bit at first and then began to relax as Kurenai made her moves on him….as Hinata continued the hot lip-lock between them, Kurenai reached down and removed Naruto's boxers….exposing his cock into the air and Kurenai moved upward and then kissed Naruto's shoulders and licked her way to his right ear and gently nipped his earlobe…making Naruto shake and tense up as she held him and kissed him from behind, licking his skin and nipping his ears while Naruto was very aware of Hinata's nude form on his front and Kurenai's own statuesque form behind his back…..and both women's breasts were there on him as well…with Hinata's planted firmly on his chest while Kurenai's own breasts were right on his back…
At this very moment….Naruto felt like the filling in a sandwich….but in the BEST possible way!
His sex was harder than even iron and was standing at attention and Hinata gasped as she felt her crush's sex prodding her lower stomach and she blushed at how hard and insistent it was….
<Naruto-kun….he so….>
Hinata broke the kiss and looked and she gasped at how hard and aroused Naruto's cock was and Kurenai looked to see from her vantage point and she smiled warmly at the sight as she examined Naruto's sex.
<Wow….I guess the Kyuubi's been giving Naruto-kun a boost in more ways than one…>
“My Naruto-kun….you've REALLLY grown up….”
Naruto blushed bright red once more….but he gasped out in surprise as Kurenai turned his head and kissed him deeply….and the way she moved her tongue in his mouth made him feel like this was no simple kiss….it was already qualifying as a sex act all on his own as the red eyed Jonin continued to make love to him with her tongue….after a few moments….she broke the contact and moved away from Naruto and then both she and Hinata gently pushed Naruto towards the bed that they had been able to make a few weeks before. Naruto had NO idea what was about to happen as the two pushed him to sit on the bed…but he didn't have to wait very long as Kurenai looked at Hinata.
“Are you ready for this Hinata? If you don't feel comfortable…..”
“It's all right….but only if Naruto-kun will let me….”
“Oh he will….won't you Naruto-kun?”
Naruto merely nodded….still blissfully unaware of just what was about to happen to him in the next few seconds and he spoke to Hinata.
“Do what you want to Hinata-san….I won't stop you…”
Hinata gulped and saw that Naruto was all right with what she would do….and she felt her heart beat even faster as she realized just what was about to happen at this very moment, she calmed herself down and recalled just what she had been able to understand from time to time about the intricate actions loving couples would do to one another….though having her Jonin sensei in the same situation with her and Naruto was rather odd….she however recalled the long and very much meaningful conversation that she had with Kurenai a day before this happened and she felt more relaxed as she moved towards Naruto and gently kissed her crush….her previous shyness evaporating rapidly as she realized that she was about to live her most treasure dreams here and now.
Naruto kissed her back until she moved away and then to his absolute shock….Hinata kissed the head of his cock in a very slow and hesitant manner….the kiss might have been slow and very cautious….but for Naruto….it felt like a lightning bolt had just slammed hard through his entire body in less than a heartbeat.
“Are you all right Naruto-kun?!”
Kurenai saw the way Naruto's eyes rolled back and the way he shouted told her that he was fine….he just was not expecting THAT to happen to him of all things. She smiled and looked at Hinata.
“Keep going Hinata….Naruto's all right…”
Hinata nodded as she looked to see that true to Kurenai's words….Naruto looked all right at the moment and she decided to kiss his cock gently once more and she marveled at the feel of his cock on her lips…it was hard, hot, but it was so nice to feel as she gently ran her hands on the sides of Naruto's hot, hard, and eager sex….and soon enough…with a little gentle prodding from Kurenai and from herself as she saw how much Naruto was enjoying her actions….Hinata pushed to the next step.
Naruto looked on and shouted as Hinata opened her mouth and licked his sex gently and before he could figure it out….he got his answer as Hinata took in his sex and in a slow but utterly pleasurable action….she began to take in his cock slowly and the feeling of Hinata's mouth and tongue on his sex was driving Naruto to the brink.
“Ahhhhh!!!!!! Hinata!!!!!!”
Hinata calmly took in her lover's sex and found it to be rather….interesting….she had heard a lot about this from other younger women in the village and during off times on missions she would hear about it from passersby….all of whom were female….some liked it….others did not but her discussion with Kurenai told her that it as up to her if she wanted to do it….and she knew many men loved that and she wanted Naruto to be happy being with her….and if this helped….then so be it.
Kurenai watched and offered some gentle advice to make sure that both Naruto and Hinata got the most out of the situation….truth be told….she herself had little experience in oral sex but she had gathered enough information and knowledge to do it properly….
“Make sure not to run your teeth on Naruto's sex Hinata….that will hurt Naruto and would spoil the whole thing….use your lips to make it easier and take in only as much as you can.”
Hinata made no reply but followed her sensei's advice as she took in as much as she could and when she was sure she could take n o more…she relaxed and gently sucked and licked Naruto's sex….making Naruto groan out in utter pleasure as he reached for her head….Kurenai then spoke gently to Naruto as she sat next tom.
“Don't grab Hinata's head or face Naruto-kun….this is a first for both of you….be gentle with each other so you both can really enjoy it…. all right?”
Hinata felt more comfortable as time passed and to her joy she began to feel a great deal of heat in her sex as she felt powerful….and sexy for some reason….and as soon as she was sure that she had gotten used to the situation, she began to move her head and slowly moved back and forth….keeping Kurenai's advice in mind so as to avoid hurting Naruto….she knew that he had suffered enough trouble and pain and she wanted to help ease some of that pain away.
Naruto looked down at Hinata and saw her blush as she continued to move her mouth around his cock and the feel of her tongue on his sex….coupled with the warmth and wetness made him moan out even more as he caressed Hinata's hair….Kurenai then gently turned his head to face her as she kissed him once more and then grabbed his free left hand and then gently kissed his palms and licked his fingers…sending even more sensations. It was then that Kurenai moved to sit on the bed with her knees….bringing her breasts in line with Naruto's face and with a silent action and her nod of consent….Naruto began to suckle and lick Kurenai's large, firm and soft breasts while she parted her legs and guided Naruto's free left hand and placed it on her sex which was still covered with her deep red silk panties which to his aroused mind was wet, very wet….she then gently parted her panties and then guided Naruto's left hand to her sex and she moaned out to Naruto as he continued to lick, and suck on her large breasts.
“Oh yesssss…..Naruto-kun….move your fingers gently…”
Naruto did so and he felt his body heat up as he felt the softness of Kurenai's et sex and the soft patch of hair there…his fingers touched her vagina's outer lips and he felt the moisture there as well and he couldn't help but feel his body grow even more excited….
Kurenai was in heaven as she felt Naruto's hot and wet tongue on her breasts and his left hand playing with her pussy's outer lips and his occasional brushing on her clit further added to the pleasure that was flowing all over her body….she had dreamed of being like this with a man and she was now living that dream to the fullest…..and for some reason….the fact that her student Hinata was with her didn't bother her in the slightest as she moaned out her pleasure as she caressed Naruto's head and felt his muscled form from front to back.
Naruto was in heaven as he licked and sucked Kurenai's hot, firm, large, and soft breasts and nipples and feeling her tight, wet, soft, and hot sex with his fingers and he marveled at the feel of Kurenai's hot sex and her inner walls which caressed and held his fingers as he explored her innermost womanhood…the feelings he had were further magnified by the fact that he could feel the gently licks and movements of Hinata's actions on his cock….he was being pleasured from top to bottom by two women at this moment and the feelings were driving him mad at the moment as he sat there and enjoyed the sensations for as long as he could manage.
Kurenai felt like she was going to pass out….but she felt Naruto moan in his actions on her breasts and the way his body was tensing….told her that he was now reaching his limit and she was not going to miss this moment for as long as she was able….so despite the fact that she was enjoying his actions on both her sex and her breasts at the moment….she placed a halt on Naruto.
“Hold on…..are you going to come now Naruto-kun?”
“I see….Hinata….slow down….I'll join you down there in a moment.”
Kurenai did just that as she moved away from Naruto and then they looked at Naruto's wet cock and Kurenai smiled as she licked Naruto's cock…not minding the taste of Naruto and the taste of Hinata's saliva as well….she then licked Naruto's cock several times and then took in his sex into her mouth and Naruto moaned out loud at the sensations as Kurenai moved her head back and forth as Hinata watched the scene. Kurenai then moved away and nodded at Hinata and the Hyuuga heiress gulped as she moved closer and then they took turns licking and kissing Naruto's sex…and at times….Kurenai would move to Naruto's sac and play with them with her mouth and tongue, careful not to harm them with her teeth….further adding the pleasure.
Naruto looked on at the sight before him and wondered if this was all a dream and nothing more than that….he watched as both Hinata and Kurenai took turns with his cock as they would both lick and kiss it and then take turns taking it in their mouths and pleasuring him orally….the way the pleasure rolled over his body was enough to make Naruto reach his limits greatly and he showed it as he shouted out his release….
Naruto felt his body unleash all of it's energy quickly and it didn't take long for his body to release his seed. Kurenai knew that and Hinata felt it as they moved back and they both got hit by Naruto's first spurts of his inner essence….Naruto's cock was releasing more of his seed at the moment and it hit their faces once more and then both women took turns taking in Naruto's seed into their mouth….Hinata went first and took a good amount and found it to her liking and when she took in as much as she could manage at the moment….Kurenai took her own share as she moved in and took in Naruto's cock in her mouth and took in the seed coming out and like her student Hinata….she liked Naruto`s taste very much as she took in as much as she could manage….As she moved back….Naruto's last spurts caught them on their breasts and both women blushed as they felt the warmth of his seed on their skin.
Kurenai then ran Naruto's hot seed in her mouth a bit more and then swallowed it and Hinata did likewise and both women blushed hard and when they opened their eyes….and saw that Naruto was watching them with utter desire in his eyes burning like the fire inside their shelter at the moment and to their happiness…..he was back and hard at the same time.
Naruto had tried to apologize when he recovered….but the sight of Hinata and Kurenai with a few splashes of his seed on their blushing faces and their wet and heaving breasts and then seeing them swallow his seed and seeing them smile made him become more aroused by the second and that was enough for him to recover and since he had a ton of stamina due to his training, growth and his demon resident….he was more then raring to go.
Kurenai and Hinata saw that and Kurenai then nodded as the two women stood up and moved to either side of Naruto and then they each took turns kissing him and caressing his won sweat covered form….Hinata was on Naruto's right and Kurenai was on his left and the fact that each woman's taste was mixed with his won didn't bother Naruto as his admittedly lust fogged brain was focused on other matters as the two women then moved to push him to lie down on the bed and they then slowly removed their wet panties and parted their legs slowly…and exposed their wet sexes before Naruto…making him even more aroused.
“N-N-N-Naruto-kun….it's your turn….”
Naruto looked at the deeply blushing Hinata and he knew how much Hinata had gone through to do this with him and he wanted to be fair to her but he was also wanting to make Kurenai feel great pleasure as much as Hinata….he looked at Kurenai who smiled and nodded.
“Go on Naruto-kun…make Hinata-chan happy.”
Naruto did so and crawled over to Hinata and once more kissed her deeply and then moved down to her wet sex…and he was amazed by the looks of it all as he studied Hinata's wet sex. Hers was pink and very moist and he couldn't help but be attracted to the sight and he moved closer and he recalled how he had felt great pleasure when he touched Kurenai's wet sex and he wondered if Hinata would mind him doing the very same thing to her sex with his hands. He did so and slowly touched Hinata's wet sex and namely the small bulb like object that he saw there…
Hinata gasped as Naruto touched her wet sex and her clit…making her moan out loudly in pleasure as she felt her lover's hands on her sex. Naruto then gently kissed her thighs and then he directed his attention to the wet pink lips there and made Hinata moan out her pleasure even more at the sensations that were being sent al over her body….as soon as he was sure that she was ready….he probed his fingers gently into Hinata's warm and wet sex and Hinata reacted by reaching out with her hands and holding Naruto's head to bring him closer so she could feel more of the sensations that Naruto placed on her as he licked her lips gently…taking in her moisture and using his fingers to explore Hinata's wetness and he was amazed by the tightness, and softness there as well as her moisture….which tasted similar to honey.
“Naruto-kun…..oh yes….right there….ahhhhhh.”
Hinata was in heaven at the moment and Kurenai decided to get involved as she moved over to Hinata and held her close. Kurenai then decided to keep Hinata aroused as she massaged the young Hyuuga's breasts with her own hands and gently nibbled on Hinata's left ear. The sensations of having Naruto pleasure her and having her breasts fondled gently was making the young woman feel VERY aroused and light headed at the very same time. Hinata looked to see Naruto licking away at her pussy and feeling his fingers touching her clit and her innermost sheath was driving the young woman mad with pleasure and desire. Kurenai then reached forward and touched Naruto's head gently and then made Hinata look at her for a minute.
“Enjoying yourself Hinata-chan?”
“Yes….oh yes…”
Kurenai then kissed Hinata gently and then kissed her on the lips…making Hinata moan out loud and so did Kurenai as well…and continued to fondle Hinata's breasts gently. Naruto looked upward and saw the whole sight…it was so erotic that he felt his libido begin to grow even more at the sight as he continued to lick and kiss Hinata's wet vagina…and the situation was growing even hotter by the second as the two women were enjoying the situation as well as Naruto was until Hinata began to grow in movement and actions and that told Kurenai that her student and surrogate daughter was about to finally reach her very first orgasm caused by the one she loved the most and she moved away and watched as Hinata's body showed the signs…and sure enough.
Hinata shouted out with deep joy and bliss as she had her very first orgasm that was not caused by her hands….she had always wondered what it would be like to be able to have an orgasm caused not by her own actions and it felt better….she felt her breathing slow down as her body began could and relax as the waves of pleasure began to fade away from for body…
Hinata then moved on to her elbows and then she moved to be close to Naruto and then she kissed him….totally not minding the fact that she could taste her own juices with Naruto's own taste….Kurenai smiled at the two as both were blushing as they kissed one another in a very deep and strong fashion. Hinata then moved back and saw how hard Naruto was and she kissed him from cheek to neck and down to his toned chest…the very same chest she had dreamed of touching and kissing, and tasting for more than three years. She was living her dream here and now and it was no dream that she would wake up from with sadness, frustration, and disappointment…but blissful reality.
Kurenai then whispered in Naruto's ear as she held his right arm tightly and closely to her chest…allowing him to feel her breasts on his side as the large mounds touched his arm. The red eyed Jonin was feeling the pleasure and smelled the sex in the air and it was intoxicating to her and no doubt to the others in the room as well. She touched her sex and found out that she was utterly wet and the hunger for pleasure was knowing at her…and now she wanted to be given the pleasure that Hinata had experienced.
“Now it's my turn Naruto-kun….”
Naruto turned as Kurenai kissed him hotly and she then moved away and leaned back to show her own sex which was deep red and glittering with moisture…and Naruto moved forward between Kurenai's parted legs and he kissed her thighs gently in the same way and Kurenai giggled at the pleasurably ticklish sensations and then moaned out loud as Naruto gently licked her pussy and then her clit and as he got into the rhythm of things….Kurenai smiled at how quickly Naruto was getting the hang of all this at the moment.
Naruto moved his tongue into Kurenai's wet sex and felt the sensations of her inner walls caressing his tongue and then his fingers as he gently pushed them into her wet sex….Kurenai moaned out her approval of Naruto's actions and she hugged his head gently and he moved closer to her sex and Kurenai moaned out louder as Naruto's actions on her sex was driving her wild.
“Yes!!!! More….that's it….!!!!”
Hinata was also being affected by the sight and she reached for Naruto's free right hand and kissed it gently with her lips and sucked Naruto's fingers for a few moments and then gently guided his hand to her breasts briefly and then all the way to her flat stomach and then to her wet and hot pussy and she hoped Naruto got the message and he did as he moved his hands gently in her wet sex and Hinata moaned out loudly at the sensations as she lay next to Kurenai and the two women moaned out loudly at the pleasure they were both getting from the young man with them.
Naruto was enjoying this immensely and the proof was there as he felt his heart beat faster and his desire for the two women before him grew into a blazing hot inferno…which in his mind would have given even the intense burning chakra of the Kyuubi inside of him a run for it's money at the moment. As he continued to pleasure Kurenai with his free left hand and tongue….his right hand was doing the same thing with Hinata and the two women's moans and sensual movements further added weight to the situation as the two women were enjoying things greatly at the moment. It was not long before Kurenai herself reached her own limits as she shouted her release.
Naruto took in as much as he could as Kurenai's orgasm unleashed a quick but strong torrent of moisture to his lips and tongue…plus the feeling of her sex's inner walls caressing his tongue and fingers in a very sensual and powerful manner that makes him even more aroused. The two women then moved upwards and then take turns kissing Naruto hotly as they recover from the actions they had undertaken….it was then that Kurenai moved away for a moment and this allowed Hinata to take over as she wantonly kissed Naruto and the two kissed deeply while Kurenai looked on at the scene.
It was then that Kurenai had a VERY interesting idea…
She moved over to Naruto as Naruto and Hinata were busy in the lip lock and she gently spoke to Hinata.
“Pardon me a moment….”
Despite her lust fogged brain at the moment…the Hyuga heiress moved away as Kurenai spoke to Naruto in a very sultry and hot tone.
“Make a Kage Bushin for me Naruto…while you and Hinata-chan have your time together.”
Naruto blushed as he gazed at the nude Jonin and he did so and sure enough the Jonin smiled as Naruto's Kage Bushin appeared…and the Kage Bushin was as naked as Naruto was…and he was as hot and well built as the original…Kurenai smiled as she sashayed her way towards the Kage Bushin and then as she reached the Kage Bushin…she wasted no time as she locked lips with the Kage Bushin who moaned all the while as the undeniably gorgeous woman was now touching the Kage Bushin in ways that were considered VERY hot.
Kurenai wasted no time as she began to lick and kiss her way to the cock of the Kage Bushin of Naruto and the clone of Naruto could only gasp out loud as Kurenai began to lick his cock and then in a few minutes afterwards….Kurenai made the clone lie down on the bed as she continued her actions…only this time…she was on top of the Kage Bushin with her hips over his head and his head between her legs…the Kage Bushin lapped up Kurenai's wet sex with his tongue and used his fingers to caress her butt and her thighs and then used his fingers in conjunction with his tongue on Kurenai….Kurenai moaned out her pleasure as she felt the Kage Bushin perform his actions on her sex…and she reciprocated the actions by playing with the Kage Bushin' sac and took his cock into her mouth and went on with her oral foreplay with gusto and joy.
Naruto…the original Naruto however was totally focused on Hinata as the shy but undeniably sexy and beautiful woman and him were kissing each other deeply as she was caressing his cock with her hands gently…the feel of Hinata's hands on his sex was making Naruto's heart beat go even faster. He had no idea how long Hinata had been in love with him for so long and it had amazed him that she would be utterly in love with him..
Hinata moved back from their kiss and Naruto reached out to her large and rather firm breasts and as soon as he touched them and felt their warmth and softness…he gasped…
“Hinata…you're so soft…”
“Naruto-kunnnnn….your hands feel so good…”
Hinata always had some worry about her breasts…namely since they had grown rather large since the years she had been training after Naruto had left to begin his training with Jiraiya before…they were not that big….but were bigger than they were before and what was why she was rather worried about how the other ninja would act seeing her considerable bust…but she hoped that Naruto would comment on that it was nice.
Naruto however answered in a far better fashion than just words as he caressed her breasts gently and then took her right breast into his mouth, he licked and played gently with Hinata's nipple and massaged her left breast….making the young Hyuuga heiress blush bright red at the sensations that were flowing all over her body. The young blonde ninja was having fun with her large breasts as he laved attention on her left breasts with his mouth and tongue and he then directed his attention to her other breast as he played with the one he moved way from to make sure that the pleasure was still there for Hinata to feel and enjoy that the moment.
Kurenai was enjoying this immensely as she felt the Kage Bushin lick her wet sex and move it's fingers into her innermost core and the red eyed woman then licked the sac of the Kage Bushin and the Kage Bushin moaned as she went back to his cock and she reveled in the feel of it in her mouth….she had thought that it would be bad and distasteful when she heard of it before when she was Hinata's age long ago. But as she got older and her maturity took root, she had become more understanding of the methods involved and heard that it was all up to the woman and the man…men loved it and some women liked it as well….and some did not….she had merely been curious and being friends with Anko did allow her to see some adult films before and she got the ideas and techniques, just for the look about on how it really works out.
Naruto…the original Naruto at the moment was enjoying the feel of Hinata's breasts in his mouth and hands as the young woman moaned out her pleasure and bliss to his ears…making him even more aroused in turn. Hinata moaned out loud and felt her body was burning up as she reached for Naruto's head and touched his hair….it felt nice in her hands as she moaned out even louder as the pleasure given to her by Naruto continued to grow in intensity and heat as Naruto's tongue and mouth took her breasts and his hands would caress her breasts from the underside and he would sometimes touch her hips and stomach.
Hinata then looked to see Naruto between her legs and the look in his eyes told her quickly just what he had in mind at this very moment….she could tell that he was dying to do it now…but wanted her to give her permission to him.
“Hinata-chan…do you want this?”
Hinata smiled warmly at the endearment and nodded….she had dreamed of this for the past three years but was frightened at times on how many times she heard other girls say how painful it was for the first time for them and she knew for an absolute fact that this was the first time she would ever have sex with a man…and not just any man…but the one she loved for a very long time.
“Go ahead Naruto-kun…”
Naruto nodded and slowly pushed his way into Hinata's wet sex….as his penis parted the outer folds of her sex….Hinata gasped as she felt her lover's sex fill her most private place and it was beautiful to feel…she had never felt this full in her entire life…the feeling of being touched by her lover's sex and knowing that they were about to finally be united made Hinata swoon and be more alert as she relished each sensation as Naruto pushed himself deeper into her hot, tight, wet, and soft pussy…she could feel her inner walls stretching to accommodate Naruto's cock and it was delicious indeed to her at this very moment.
“Hinata-chan…you're so tight….oh kami….I…”
No amount of words in Naruto's mind at the moment could help him identify the feelings he was getting at the moment as he pushed deeper into Hinata's wet sex. He then reached a thin barrier and knew that Hinata was for all intents and purposes a virgin. That knowledge hit Naruto like a thunderbolt down his spine as he thought about….he was about to take Hinata's proof of being a virgin and as he touched the barrier…Hinata gasped.
<This is it…I will be a woman….thanks to Naruto-kun….I've dreamed of this for so long now…and it's really happening…it's really happening!!!>
“Are you ready?”
“Yes….Naruto-kun….I want this….I've dreamed this for SOOOOO long….”
Naruto could see that Hinata meant those words and he pushed in….his cock hit the barrier and it broke away….to his relief….Hinata didn't cry out in pain…but rather moaned out loud with pleasure and some discomfort….apparently her years of ninja training had weakened her maidenhead somewhat….allowing it to be easier to break….the feeling of Hinata's inner sheath hugging his cock from all sides like a soft, wet, and tight vice was intoxicating to Naruto. He buried himself deep into Hinata's wetness and stayed there for few moments. As soon as he felt that he was ready…he began to pull out until his penis was nearly out and then to Hinata's joy….he pushed back in…making Hinata moan out loud.
Naruto agreed and continued to move his hips as Hinata held him tightly as he moved his cock in and out of her wet sex.
Kurenai smiled as she also lay down and brought the Kage Bushin closer to her after trading a hot kiss and tasting her own moisture in the Kage Bushin's mouth, she then moved up and lay down and the Kage Bushin went over to her and she parted her legs as she was next to Hinata at this very moment and hearing her student's passionate moans and the sound and smell of sex going on was making her even hotter….she smiled at the Kage Bushin and replied.
“Go ahead Naruto-kun….let me feel you….”
The Kage Bushin nodded and despite the blush present at the moment on his face….he began to push into Kurenai's wet sex. The Jonin moaned out loud as she felt her sex begin to stretch to accommodate the Kage Bushin's cock inside itself. The ninja training the Jonin had been in since she was younger had also worn down her own maidenhead so the Kage Bushin had no trouble moving through Kurenai's wet sex. But Kurenai was still by all rights a virgin as she felt some level of pain and discomfort. The Kage Bushin moved slowly and gently, making Kurenai smile at that….and she moaned out loud as she was filled to the brim.
“Ahhhh….yes…..go on….”
The Kage Bushin began to move his hips and sure enough he moved slowly first and Kurenai moaned at the sensations that came to her body as the Kage Bushin moved slowly and then began to pick up the pace….she moaned out loud and made her desire know.
“Yes!!!! There….right there!!!!”
The Jonin was enjoying this immensely as she played with her breasts and the Kage Bushin continued to move his hips and moved his cock in and out of Kurenai's wet and hot sex. Kurenai moved from playing her breasts and then made the Kage Bushin lean forward and the Jonin wrapped her legs on the Kage Bushin's waist and that locked the Kage Bushin in place as he picked up the pace and Kurenai was enjoying the sensations.
“You are….inside me, Naruto-kun….you fill me….”
Hinata was in awe as she laid there for a moment….letting the euphoria of knowing that she now was united with Naruto in the way she dreamed of for years since he left for his training in the ninja arts with Jiraiya. She had dreamed for this situation for a very long time….she had just confessed her deepest feelings for Naruto nearly an hour or two before and here they were now making love and it was wonderful….she reached up and held Naruto and brought him closer to her as she kissed him deeply and the two went closer as Naruto kissed Hinata once more ravenously and then moved to touch and play with her breasts.
The Kage Bushin was in the same boat with Kurenai as the two continued with their own actions as Kurenai then reached down and brought the Kage Bushin to her own breasts and the Kage Bushin quickly caught on with the idea she was trying to impart to it and he reached down and touched her breasts and began lave more attention them both….making Kurenai even more aroused as she felt her lover's cock move in and out of her wet sex.
It was then that both women moved up and then kissed their respective lovers and that was enough for them to move their lovers off….both Naruto and the Kage Bushin groaned out loud in surprise and dismay….but those actions were quickly rectified when both women went to their hands and knees and they looked at both women suggestively and the two men didn't take very long to make their own moves and they moved forward and with a little work….they got back to what they had been doing as they pushed their penises right back into the respective pussy of their female counter-part.
Both Kurenai and Hinata moaned out as the sensations they relished came flooding right back into them as they held on for dear life.
“Oh yes!!!! Naruto-kun!!!!! Harder! It feels great!!!!”
“That's it Naruto-kun….Harder! Faster!!!”
Both women shouted as their lovers were moving their hips as they were on their hands and knees on the bed and they were moaning out louder as their lovers continued to move in unison with one another. Hinata felt Naruto's penis moving in and out of her vagina with growing intensity and speed and it was incredible to see at the moment Kurenai having the same lustful and passionate expression on her own face. However….all good things come to an end eventually and this ridge had reached the end as both women came at the same time.
The feeling that assaulted both women was incredible as they both orgasmed at the very same time. It was also when the Kage Bushin ran out of gas and poofed away as Kurenai's sex caressed his cock for the last time and the Jonin lay down with a smile on her face at the moment.
Naruto felt his brain being flooded by double the pleasure and release as his Kage Bushin had poofed away and he was hit by what the Kage Bushin had experienced when Kurenai had finally come as well as he did…the results were shocking as he felt his cock harden once more despite coming in Hinata's sex only moments before, he thought he was already spent…but his stamina came right back and he felt more than ready for another round. (+)
Hinata looked at her loved one's sex and smiled warmly as she saw that he was back to attention and so did Kurenai as the crimsoned eyed woman smiled and sensually crawled over to the still recovering blonde Genin as well as Hinata…
Naruto managed to open his eyes to see both Hinata and Kurenai licking his cock in unison and the two women taking the time to kiss and lick his hard sex…making him feel even more aware of what had happened….the women did not mind the situation at the moment as they took turns and then they moved away as Kurenai positioned herself above Naruto's erect penis and with some careful positioning, she looked at him with a lustful smile and a deep blush as she moved down…
Naruto groaned out loudly in pleasure as he felt Kurenai's pussy engulf his cock and Kurenai began to move her hips up and down and he reached for her breasts and touched them gently and played with the red eyed Jonin's nipples and breasts. Hinata was not going to be idle however as she played with herself a bit and then moved to kiss Naruto deeply as Kurenai continued her actions. The Hyuuga heiress relished the deep lip lock and then moved away to allow Naruto to kiss, lick and suckle on her breasts when she present them to him.
“Naruto-kun…..oh yes…..”
“That's it….more!!!!”
Kurenai smiled and she played with her breasts and looked to see Naruto suckling on Hinata's breasts….she didn't mind the situation in the least as she was actually turned on even more by the sight of the two together. Hinata then moved away from Naruto and then parted her legs and was now showing her wet sex before Naruto and he quickly moved his hands to hold Hinata by her butt and he moved upward and licked Hinata's wet sex and Hinata moaned out loud in utter pleasure and joy with the actions being done to her by Naruto….
The two women moaned out loud at the sensations and then the two leaned forward and they were holding one another and their breasts were pressing close to one another they moaned out with pleasure and joy…..The two held one another for a longer period of time when the younger woman moved away. Kurenai and Naruto were enjoying the sensations Hinata once more kissed and it was then that Naruto came…..
Naruto howled out his pleasure and Kurenai moaned out loudly as she felt Naruto's cock fired out his seed into her sex….the feeling of Naruto's seed in her womb was nice to her and she reveled in it as she moved away. Both Hinata and Kurenai then moved closer and they both kissed Naruto as they caressed his cock gently with their hands as they rubbed their sweat covered bodies on his own slick sweat covered form….the delicious friction making Naruto even more aroused….even after coming a number of times already.
The Kyuubi was enjoying this moment immensely and fed more of his chakra into his host get him back up to speed and the Kyuubi made sure to keep him up all night long for as long as possible…though the demon fox did want his container not to wind up like a drained husk at the moment.
Naruto could only hang on to his dwindling sanity as the pleasure began to overwhelm him again as Kurenai was kissing his penis once more…only his time…his cock was between her large and firm breasts and the Jonin was moving her body up and down….allowing Naruto's cock to move between the Jonin's soft, large, firm, and wet breasts….the friction of her breasts on all sides made Naruto's cock harden VERY quickly and the fact that she would lick the head and suck on it from time to time was delicious.
Of course Hinata was not far behind as she was deeply kissing Naruto and rubbed her body on his own….and the feel of Hinata's wet and warm form on his own and her breasts and nipples running on his chest was making Naruto even more aroused as his moans were being suppressed by the white eyed woman. Naruto moaned out even louder as he came and Kurenai took in as much of his seed as she could manage….not minding if some of the seed got to her chin and breasts….she moved away as Hinata moved in and took over and also began to kiss and lick Naruto's cock…starting from the base all the way to the tip and she then did the same thing Kurenai had done earlier and Naruto gasped as he felt his cock being engulfed in Hinata's breasts as she moved and kissed Naruto's penis gently.
Kurenai looked on and allowed Naruto to kiss and suckle on her own breasts as she moaned out loudly in deep pleasure and bliss at the situation she was in. The red eye Jonin moved away after a few minutes and then kissed Naruto deeply as she caressed his chest with her hands ravenously and it did not take long for Naruto to finally scream out his release as he came yet again…..his seed being taken in by Hinata as some of his seed was on her face and then her breasts….the white eyed Chuunin didn't mind and gingerly took his seed with her hands and with a very seductive look, licked the seed of her hands for him to see…making Naruto come back to full attention….much to the enjoyment of the two women and to the surprise of the blonde ninja.
<Damn it Kyuubi…are you trying to get me killed here?!>
<< “Don't complain kit! Do you HAVE ANY IDEA how much of a lucky guy you are right now….you've got to be up for all it's worth!!!!”>>
<< “So quit complaining and just enjoy the whole thing….we both can see that they are!!!”>>
“Naruto-kun… last time….before we all pass out….”
“Yes….go ahead….”
The two turned and the only thing both Naruto and the Kyuubi could say together mentally was…
<< “DAMN!!!!!”>>
Naruto could only gasp as she saw the sight before him at the moment….Hinata was being straddled by Kurenai and the two women were looking at him in lustful desire and their respective sex was on top of one another and were soaking wet from all that they had been doing and they were beckoning him to finally finish it. The sight was so erotic to the extreme that any thought of giving up fled Naruto's mind as he quickly got to his feet and came closer….
He pushed his penis first in Hinata's sex and Hinata moaned out loud at the feeling as Naruto began to move in and out of her sex and Hinata was relishing it as her body was growing in heat and pleasure at the moment and the fact was that her movements were also stimulating Kurenai at the moment as their clits were rubbing one another as well as their breasts and nipples touching each other, and the fact that they were covered in sweat and were rubbing one another…the result was very hot as the two women moaned and then kissed one another as they both moaned out in pleasure.
Naruto then moved to Kurenai's own sex and the red eyed woman moaned out loud at the pleasure that hit her as Naruto held her hips and moved in and out of her wet sex as she felt Hinata's clit rub her own and that doubled the pleasure…and more was sent her way as her breasts and nipples rubbed with Hinata's own breasts. Naruto continued to take turns and pleasured both women evenly and quickly, making them marvel at his stamina and strength as he continued to pleasure them both as they moaned out loud.
“MORE!!!!! HARDER!!!!”
It didn't take very long for Naruto reach his limit as he came hard and he moved to push his cock in both Kurenai and Hinata's sexes for as much as he could manage and both women came at the same time as well as Naruto's seed flowed from their respective vaginas….
As Naruto fell back tire don the bed…the two women crawled up to him and then hugged him tightly as they went to sleep.
The next day…
Naruto groaned as he opened his eyes and wondered what had happened last night…until he felt the presence of two arms on his chest and the fact that he was buck naked was something he was quickly made aware of. He turned to his left and there was Hinata with a warm and happy smile on her face as she snored lightly…and to right…was Kurenai who was surrounded by her midnight black hair and smiling as well.
As soon as he realized what happened last night…Naruto blushed bright red and he felt a certain part of his anatomy wake up and get hard once more. He quickly put that out of his mind and slowly removed the blanket he had and found that not only was he buck naked…but so were the two women…and he couldn't help but feel his cock harden even more that the sight of Kurenai and Hinata in their birthday suits.
Naruto turned and looked at the outside of the shelter that they had stayed in and saw the sunlight coming in and he was so lost in his thoughts that he was not aware that his companions were waking up behind him…his only warning was when he felt calloused yet gentle hands on his back…making his tense a bit until he felt two warm, soft bodies rubbing on his back and he could only gulp as Hinata spoke in his left ear.
“Good morning Naruto-kun…”
“G-G-Good morning…Hinata-chan/…Kurenai-chan….”
Kurenai smiled at that endearment as well as Hinata did on her o0wn endearment and the two naked Kunoichi then hugged Naruto and the blonde blushed bright red as he felt their naked forms touch his own and he felt his body react to the closeness the two women had with him…he then was faced by the two women when they faced him and he blushed harder as he saw them once more in their naked glory and Hinata spoke gently.
“Naruto-kun…thank you…”
“Hinata-chan….what do you mean by that?”
“I…was always afraid and always thought I was not able to measure up to anyone…even when I trained harder than others…I was unable to stand up for myself…until you stood up for me Naruto-kun….Y-Y-You made me feel strong and you gave me the strength to stand up and make something of myself.”
Hinata smiled and kissed Naruto gently and spoke.
“Now….we've done this and I am so happy….I always dreamed of being with you….”
Kurenai then smiled as well and spoke.
“You know….I was a virgin last night….and you've made me feel more a woman than before Naruto-kun….I'm happy for that.
Naruto blushed and then looked at both Kurenai and Hinata and realized that there were some problems….if word ever leaked out on what had happened on the island between him, Hinata, and Kurenai…he had no doubts in his mind there would be mobs of men going after him with blood in their eyes and very dark words in their mouths….all promising untold amounts of pain and torment awaiting him when they got their hands on him. He knew that the Kyuubi could heal his injuries…but even he had doubts he'd survive a serious beating that would be the inevitable result if they found out.
However it seemed that both Hinata and Kurenai had thought about this as well…as Kurenai kissed Naruto and replied.
“You are thinking about what might happen once we get back to Konoha and if what we did here would be found out by others, right Naruto-kun?”
Naruto nodded and spoke.
“Yeah….I won't be surprised at what might happen if they do….every male ninja in the village would be gunning for my hide….and I don't think Hiashi-sama and Neji are going to be very happy I…well….took Hinata's virginity….they'd beat the hell out of me the minute they found out.”
“Don't worry Naruto-kun…we'll keep it a secret between us….and we can keep seeing each other if we do it right.”
Hinata kissed Naruto and spoke to him.
“Trust me and Kurenai-sensei Naruto-kun….we'll be all right.”
Naruto hoped so but he had to admit that there were things going for them….Kurenai was the foremost user of Genjutsu in the whole village at the moment, and could no doubt find ways to evade detection by most if not all people at the time being. And Hinata was very skilled at hiding and evasion. That was enough for now as the three of them merely enjoyed each other's company for the time being.
Later…they got down to working on what they needed to take care of for the time being. Naruto currently deployed a number of Kage Bushin to move about in the island as they used the salvaged telescopes that they found days before to locate any ships in the area and if they did…they would light the signal fires to call for rescue…Kurenai and Hinata were currently taking their baths in the river a fair distance away while Naruto cut some of the dried meat from the deer they had caught the day before to cook in a spit roast….along with some wild potatoes, wild spring onions, wild garlic and ginger in a stew, and it was followed by a pair of wild chickens that were already dead and were ready to be cooked deep fry style in the oil that they had been able to make using vegetable pulp, both dishes were in the pots that they had been able to find and salvage. While Naruto was not a big fan of vegetables….the Kyuubi convinced him to eat properly and get a good diet as there was no ramen in the area for the time being.
Speaking of the Kyuubi….it decided to make it's presence known to the blonde ninja with a very sly laugh and a toothy grin.
<< “You are one lucky guy kit…not only were you stuck with two attractive women….but you ACTUALLY got to be with them in what is the ultimate fantasy for young men your age…care to see the replays?”>>
<Damn it you perverted fox! Not now….>
<< “Okay…maybe later then, but still, you got to admit that you are one lucky guy to have been in that situation…I applaud you.”>>
< You didn't have to give me your chakra….you have any idea how tiring that all was….I thought I would die.>
<< “True….but what a way to go eh kit? And don't worry, I made sure not to interfere….though I did in order to prevent you having children with the two of them….as much as I'd love to see you handle being both Hokage and raising kids….I don't think you're all that ready for parenthood just yet.”>>
< Uh….thanks…I think…>
<< “Hah….don't rely on me keeping you from having kids though….keep in mind that they need to take birth control just in case something DOES happen…oh yeah…”>>
<What is it?>
<< “I am going to have a field day with these memories….so I'll see you later!”>>
< You perverted fox…>
<< Hah! Takes one to know one…”>>
Naruto couldn't help but smile at that as he prepared the break-fast that he and the others were about to have for this day. As the women came back for the meal and they began eating….Naruto stood up and looked at the tree line and areas around the island with a hopeful expression and then a great smile as he looked to the right and saw a dark plume of smoke….one of their signal fires…meaning that one of his Kage Bushin had spotted a ship and had lit the signal fire.
Kurenai and Hinata looked and felt elation and they waited and Naruto grinned as he hugged them after placing his plate aside and that was enough to tell them that they were spotted and rescue was on the way. Then Hinata asked a question.
“Who's there Naruto-kun?!”
“It's got the symbol of Konoha….and everyone's there onboard!!! They found us!!!!”
Naruto had no idea what was going on at the moment as he made his way into the hot-springs at the other side of the village. He had been rather curious what the topic was that Hinata wanted to talk about to him and as he made his way…he wondered just what was going to happen between him and Hinata….as well as Kurenai.
When they had made it back to Konoha….they had kept the happenings between the three of them with each other and remained very much on very normal terms when they were with others….however when they were in private…things were rather different….Kurenai would sometimes visit Naruto in his room….evading the eyes of the routine ANBU patrols and her fellow Jonin and when she made her way into his room….the two of them would wait for Hinata to arrive as well. And when that happened….
Naruto blushed bright red at the memories as he recalled how Hinata had grown in her affection towards him….and Kurenai's suggestions were certainly very interesting as well as he recalled the time the Jonin had brought a can of whipped cream into the game and the rather….heated and delicious results that happened afterwards. With Hinata's help and Kurenai's use of Genjutsu….they were able to keep their escapades a secret from even Neji and Hiashi.
As he arrived at the spring….he entered the office and was ushered by the manager and told that he was the first customer to arrive at the moment….though the manager wondered why the young blonde would want to be here at this time of the day as it was pretty much night time….well at least he was being paid well for the arrangements that he and his staff had made for the night..
As Naruto got into the spring assigned to him…he wondered where Hinata and Kurenai were at the moment….they didn't seem to be here….and with that in mind he decided to go change his clothes….it was not often he got to go and bathe in a hot spring of all things and this was a great time to relax before either Hinata or Kurenai showed up.
However…he had no idea that they were already there to begin with as he walked into the water…as he sat down and closed his eyes and relaxed in the hot springs….it was then that both women sprung the surprise on him and Kurenai deactivated the Genjutsu she had set up.
Naruto gasped as he felt himself being kissed and he opened his eyes to find himself being hotly kissed by both Kurenai and Hinata in a three way kiss that would have made ANY man hot under the collar quicker than an out of control brush fire.
As the kissing stopped he got his breath back and looked at Hinata and Kurenai and spoke…
“You….you were already here?”
“Yes….we wanted to surprise you Naruto-kun.”
Hinata said as she hugged Naruto by the arm and he couldn't help but realize that the Hyuuga heiress was only wearing a very thin towel to cover her very much nude form and that fact that the towel was pure wet silk was making it even hotter for Naruto….the fact that Kurenai was in the very same state of nakedness next to him was further adding fuel to the fire.
Kurenai then spoke seductively in Naruto's ear as Hinata kissed him on the cheek.
“And now that we have this hot spring all to ourselves…we can have a REAL party….”
“Don't worry….I used very high level Genjutsu on this place and there are sound suppressing tags all over the area here in the spring.”
Naruto could only gulp as Kurenai and Hinata stood up….the water making their forms sleek and sensual and the silk towels that hugged their voluptuous frames added more sensuality to the sight before him…and it was then that both women removed the towels and pressed into one another and smiled at Naruto and Naruto wasted no time and joined them.
As the festivities went underway….the Kyuubi was howling out with joy at the sight…
<< “Oh yeah….this is going to be great!!!!!”>>
To be continued…
(+) - See? There IS another use for Kage Bushin apart from recon and diversions!!!!
Author's notes:
God I am so tired….thankfully this is over…I think more work would have been done but I need to relax before I suffer from burnout.
Well, this wraps up this chapter for the time being and I have to say this was a seriously difficult but ultimately satisfying story to write at the moment and I have to admit that this had demanded a lot more time than my other works, not to mention the dynamics of making the women's feelings more understandable and to be honest…I busted a lot of coffee mugs and down a significant amount of caffeine, nothing lethal mind you, to work on this number…though I guess the side effects were errors here and there…but thankfully I ironed out a good number of them so they would not mess up the flow of the story.
This is a very serious story and as you all have read…this is significantly longer than my previous works and for good reason. The first as mention is the fact that making the feelings of the women more clear and making them fit into the story, some are easy to do while others have to be done from scratch and have to be made into something believable…
In the chapter that had the pairing of Naruto and Kurenai for example…I made it appear that Kurenai had not only a respect for Naruto and appreciation for the good he had done for Hinata's sake and also the more made up one was her childhood crush on the Yondaime who was Naruto's father in the manga and anime…which in truth does not really happen nor is it mentioned in Kurenai's profile…that was the hard part in my book.
While in the first of the Deserted Island series… that had the pairing of Naruto and Hinata, it was loads easier due to some facts. Naruto originally didn't like Hinata and found her to be creepy due to her blushing and stuttering…at least until he was angered by her maltreatment under Neji's hands and words and he convinced her to stand up for herself and while she was defeated…he saw her in a different light….the filler arcs in the anime that involve her with him also help flesh out the plot more and allows Naruto to see Hinata in a more positive light, though not in a full romantic sense…which I took advantage of. The second was Hinata had grown greatly and this is shown when she and Naruto meet again and she has grown physically so there was a great chance to play on her physical attributes and get Naruto to notice…that and the fact that Naruto's perception of Hinata is more positive made it easier.
The same could be said with the pairings of Naruto with Tsunade, and the pairing of Naruto and Sakura…because each couple has a history with the blonde Genin in question.
Now, taking those facts into consideration and then placing Kurenai, who has a respect for Naruto but no romantic feelings, and Hinata who does have romantic feelings for Naruto in the same island as Naruto and then have them BOTH develop deeply romantic feelings for Naruto that culminate into the current situation…you all can see how hard that is.
So errors aside…I'm actually happy this one was wrapped up nicely and in time for your reading time…and I hope that despite the issues that might crop up…this chapter was worth your time and energy to read.
Okay this is enough rambling from me!!!!
See you on the next chapter!
I would like to point out that I am not adverse to opinions and comments that are constructive and helpful once more. If you have opinions and ideas that I consider compatible with my plans in the Deserted Island series then I will be more than happy to include them in the coming chapters.
However…please keep in mind that I have my own plans on this series and I have been planning them for a long time…nearly a year now and I will have a very hard time planning it all out if I get swamped with too many suggestions. I don't want to suffer writer's block and burn myself out while I'm still doing all right so far.
On the topic of the lemon formats…I would not mind other suggestions…but keep in mind that I do have my own take on the situation and if you have suggestions that can help improve the lemons then do not hesitate to tell me and I'll see what I can change in the plans that I have laid out at the moment.
If you have complaints…please forward them to me in a civil and diplomatic manner…that means give advice and offer suggestion… not issue orders or demand things from me…keep in mind that this IS my fanfiction after all.