Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto - Deserted Island ❯ Naruto - Tsunade - Sakura - Shizune ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Naruto Deserted Island
Disclaimer: Again? Okay, I don't own Naruto and all related materials, and I doubt I ever well.
< >: Thoughts
<<“ ”>>: Conversation with the Kyuubi
This is the sixteenth installment of the Deserted Island series and also the last of the Master & Apprentice Arc for Naruto Deserted Island and this time we have something a bit more entertaining as Naruto will be with more than one woman, but not two. But in this case…THREE!
That's right, this will be a real test for Naruto and in fact most men would only dream of this in their lifetime and even more besides. This time, as you can guess….this will include Sakura, Shizune, AND Tsunade….so quite a selection don't you think?
How will this turn out for Naruto?
On a nearby dock…
Naruto looked out in the deep blue sea and smelled the salty sea air and then turned about to take a good look at the rest of the island behind him. It had been some time since he had set foot in the Land of Snow/Spring and seen Princess Koyuki again, and this time it was for a small yet important meeting between her and Tsunade, who was now being accompanied by two other women and they were not ordinary either, they were Sakura and Shizune.
The Hokage needed to got to the Land of Spring/Snow in order to oversee a new change in the trade agreement that had been sent to the village two years before, which was sent to the Hokage after the mission that he had his original team had taken up when they were still younger. At the thought of his old team, the blonde sighed once more. He had hoped to go to the search for Sasuke once again to keep his promise, but here he was with the three women on a diplomatic mission.
If he had done it with others, he would have complained greatly at being diverted from his mission to find Sasuke, but he certainly couldn't say no to the three women that were important people to him. Despite the fact that he argued with her as well as call her an old woman, he had a great deal of respect and affection for Tsunade, she was the last of the founding clans of Konoha and one of the few people who have great faith in him in becoming Hokage someday, and she gave him the necklace of her Hokage ancestor that he had with him as well as a sign of her faith in him. He looked to her as a grandmother at times, though it could also change.
As for Shizune, she was very kind hearted as well as brave as she had always done her best to keep him out of trouble as well as help him when things were not too great for him. Thanks to Shizune, he understood Tsunade's past situation when they first met before, and she had been someone that he developed something of a sisterly relationship to, though he had to admit to himself that she was attractive.
And of course….there was Sakura herself.
Sakura and he have been together for a very long time, they had been teammates ever since they left the Academy and had been working side by side in the missions that they had taken together. Of course, it had not been easy for him as well. He had always felt some level of jealousy due to Sakura's love for Sasuke, he wished that he was the one that she loved, but he decided that as long as Sakura-chan was happy then he was happy, even if it resulted in more heart ache for him.
The blonde placed those thoughts aside for the moment as the thereof them arrived to him, they had recently concluded the business they had come here to deal with and it was a good thing that they were soon going to go home, however, he couldn't help but turn his attention back to the boat as something began to tickle to his danger senses, and after all he had been able to deal with for the past years, he learned to trust his senses.
He spotted a number of sailors who were definitely the unfriendly kind and all of them were staring at none other than that the women who he was thinking about, this naturally sent him on edge and he knew that this was going to be a problem as soon as Sakura, Shizune, and Tsunade were onboard the ship. He had no problem knowing how they would react to that, but it still made him willing to protect them no matter what happened and no matter who was the threat before him.
“Hey Naruto-kun!”
Naruto turned and smiled at the arrival of all three Kunoichi and Tsunade spoke to him as they decided to get on the ship, all the while Naruto could see from the corner of his eye, the sailors looking at the three women like hawks or vultures, he managed to cool his jets a bit more but he was not in the mood for them to try something that he vowed he was going to make them regret for trying anything towards his companions.
Later on the ship at dinner time…
The three women were currently taking the time to get some good food into their bodies while the blonde Genin was busy gobbling up some ramen, the ramen there was not as good as the stuff he ate back in Konoha, but it was better than nothing as he took in as much as he could get at the moment as he ate what he could. He had already eaten at least four bowls worth which was an amazing thing to the eyes of everyone though his three companions were well aware of his natural appetite. As soon as he placed down the bowl he sighed and relaxed himself just as Tsunade, Shizune and Sakura looked at him with some relief that he was done eating, and Sakura was the very first to speak to the blonde.
“Naruto-kun, I wish you had some more manners when you eat, you just inhaled your food.”
Naruto merely grinned at her and replied.
“I'm sorry, but you know how much I love ramen Sakura-chan…even if the stuff here is nowhere near as good as the stuff back in Konoha. Anyway, when are we going to be able to get back there anyhow?”
Tsunade took the time to calculate the time and replied.
“If we don't run into any problems, at least half a week, though we do have to be careful, rumors are that some pirate groups are about recently.”
The others nodded at the Hokage's statement, there had been reports of growing pirate activity recently and as such, a number of shipping groups had been hiring security and even ninja teams to help protect either their precious cargo or passengers from pirates, So far they had not been attacked by pirates on their trip to the Land of the Crescent Moon, but they were not going to take chances now that they were soon at a very fair distance from the land in question.
However, it seemed that they had other things to worry about as Naruto spotted the very same bunch of sailors enter the galley and they were now looking at his three female companions with the same lustful and lecherous looks, making him growl a bit at them while glaring at the very same time. The three women were able to see the look that Naruto had on his face and they turned to the area that Naruto was glaring and they only needed a moment to see just what had gotten Naruto's attention. They knew already just what the men there had in mind and they were ready to fight and defend themselves if anyone of the men did something.
The men came and one of them, no doubt the leader of the bunch came and spoke.
“Hey there ladies….you lonely for some company?”
Sakura replied.
“Why are you so curious?”
The man grinned and several of his comrades smiled as well as he replied.
“Because you ladies could use some real men for company, why not lose the shrimp and…”
The man was sent flying as Naruto launched himself and smashed his fist hard on the face and sent the man flying away before he even knew what was happening, he was not allowing the Kyuubi to take hold of him just yet, but even without tapping the Kyuubi's chakra, the blonde was able to hit the guy hard enough to send him back. The other men were about to act but the blonde Genin was quick to be able to fight back and sent the rest flying, as the bodies hit the floor, the leader got up and spoke hard at Naruto.
“You are going to pay for that brat!”
Naruto snorted and replied.
“I hardly think so. You leave them alone or else that punch is only going to be the beginning!”
The man snorted as he and his buddies got up and he replied as they all glared at Naruto and the three women.
“You mark my words brat….you are going to regret it….and you will, tonight!”
The men left and when they did, Naruto relaxed a bit and the three looked at Naruto as Sakura spoke to her team mate.
“Are you all right Naruto-kun?”
Naruto nodded.
“I'm fine, but that guy and his goon buddies are not going to give up yet.”
The two other women nodded as they realized that they would need to keep an eye around if those guys came back once more and as soon as the mess was cleaned up, Tsunade explained to the Captain what had happened in the galley, the Captain decided to see if the men in question were not causing trouble for the rest of the passengers.
However, just as the four of them left the galley and were halfway to their rooms, the ship was suddenly under attack as grappling hooks came out of nowhere in the night time light and soon the ship was attacked by a number of pirates, apparently these were the same pirates that had been moving around recently in the area. The four were now engaged in a serious fight on the ship as they were soon engaged by the pirates themselves as they swarmed over the ship.
The pirates however found themselves being outmatched as many of them were being sent flying aside by both Tsunade and Shizune as they were able to hold their own in a fight like this while Shizune was still able to hold her own as well as use her multiple needle shooter system to even things up, Naruto himself was able to use his moves as well as his shuriken and kunai to supplement both his Kage Bushin and his Taijutsu skills. As they were holding their own, they were soon aided by the crew who were fighting off the pirates with their own weapons as well as cut the ropes on the hooks that kept the pirate ships on the ship itself.
It was then that another voice came into play.
“Hey brat!! I said that you are going to pay for that incident in the galley and now is the right time!”
Naruto turned to see the man he had punched before being flanked by several pirates and his buddies, it took him a moment or two to realize that the man and his cronies were spies for the pirates and had no doubt given the signal to their comrades to attack the ship. He and the others looked to see the pirates then fire several burning pots that smashed into the ship as the man attacked with his group towards Naruto and the three Kunoichi, their intent obvious in their faces.
The three tried to rush in but they were stopped by several flaming pots that headed in their direction, the blonde quickly used Kage Bushin and they were able to block the pots with their own weapons as well as shield the three from the pots that exploded, keeping them from being harmed by the shrapnel and flames, the flames separating them from Naruto as he was now engaged by the pirates and the man that he had punched earlier, they had no doubt he would do all right on his own, but they were still eager to go there and help him as best they could. The shouts coming around them told them of the panic as well as the fighting as the pirates were bring forced back but they knew that the crew were divided to save the ship and fight off the pirates. The pirates had changed their plans as they realized that getting the ship was no longer possible so they were going to burn it down.
Tsunade, Shizune, and Sakura turned to see a large number of bodies fly off through the flames as they instinctively ducked to avoid the flying bodies that were coming their way, they turned to see that the bodies belonged to the men who were there in the galley before and there was the man who Naruto had punched an d on his chest was the mark of the Rasengan, showing that Naruto had gotten him hard, they turned to see Naruto following the men as he landed next to them with a wide smile at his victory but they were shocked to see him groan a bit as he fell to his knees. The shock didn't last very long as the three of them moved quickly to check Naruto and Sakura was the first to hold Naruto up.
“Naruto-kun!!! Are you all right?!”
“I….damn it….it hurts….”
Sakura was in a panic as she tried to look at Naruto's injuries, she spotted several large gashes on his back and she could feel the blood flowing from the wounds there. The same was in the minds of both Shizune and Tsunade as they also checked him, they however knew that they had to get out fast from the ship as the fire continued to spread. The three of them then decided to cut down one of the nearby pirate ships as they leaped on it with Naruto in tow. The remaining pirates tried to fight them but they stood no chance as they went flying away as both Tsunade and Sakura fought them off while Shizune helped Naruto.
The pirates who were on the ship were soon forced off by the crew and were in full retreat but the ship was already sinking so they too had to leave the ship.
The three women however had other concerns as they directed their attention to Naruto who was still in pain from his injuries and they had to get him healed and away from the area and they did so as they cut the ropes that were on the grappling hooks that held the pirate ship onto the ship that they had just left behind as the fires on it began to consume it.
As they moved away, they decided to check Naruto, and to their shock, they found out that the weapons of the pirates had very powerful poison and paralysis chemicals on them and it had begun to affect Naruto badly, the mix was a serious cocktail that required medical attention quickly as all three of them went to work as they tried to heal him of the cocktail of poisons. It took a while and the ship had drifted away from the area of the battle, Shizune saw this and did her best to get the ship under control as they moved away from the ship.
Naruto was in pain as the three worked on him to force the poisons out of his system and it was not long before they were able to cure him from the poisons, and then they worked on his wounds as well. Naruto was still suffering from the effects of the poisons from the weapons of the pirates so he was asleep as a massive storm came into the area that forced the women to get ready for what was going to be a very rough night. They did their best to guide the ship through the waves as well as find a way to escape from the storm.
The ship itself was like a small fishing vessel that was converted by the pirates into a fast ship for attacking boats in concert with their comrades but at least it was stable and had covering to protect them from the rain and winds that was moving about over the sea at the time being. With Naruto sleeping they were forced to do their best to move through the storm.
They then spotted an island, and a very large one from the brief flashes of lightning that were about. And there were rocks as well in the area so they would have to be careful as they moved through the place, hoping that the rough waters didn't suddenly send them smashing into the rocks that were in the area. They did their best to get to the island while making sure that Naruto would be all right. As they got closer to the island, they suddenly hit a semi submerged wall of rocks and coral that tore into the ship, forcing them to get out f the ship with Naruto still with them in his state of rest and they moved quickly with Tsunade carrying Naruto this time as the wind and rain hit them, thankfully they made it to the beach at a rapid pace and avoided any chance of being hit by lightning while on the move on the water. The three got into the land and tried to look for a place to rest in and spotted a large rock outcropping that was stable and had both a wall that kept the wind out of the way while also having a roof that kept the rain away, they wasted no time and headed there to cry up as the rain begin to die down. As they rested, Tsunade decided to get some water from a pool of rain water that was on a rock, it was clean enough and gave it to Naruto, the blonde took it in as the blonde Hokage gave it to him to drink, it would help him heal better as the three decided to rest, they were soaked but at least the wind had died down a bit and so did the rain, and the three then used a technique that allowed them to use their chakra to dry their clothes a bit more so they wouldn't get soaked and freezing.
Tsunade then told them to get as much sleep as they could, as this was going to be a whole new situation that they were going to be in.
The next day…
Naruto woke up and felt some slight stiffness from last night as he looked about in the small cave that he, Tsunade, Shizune, and Sakura had been resting earlier after escaping the sinking ship that they were on before. The stiffness was not just due to the stiffness of the ground that they were resting on before, but also due to the injuries he suffered fighting those pirates, they might have healed but that certainly didn't mean that they didn't hurt him a bit.
That was when the Kyuubi decided to speak to him and from the way the Kyuubi was talking, it was not in the best of moods.
<< “Well now….you finally woke up from that mess you got yourself into huh kit?”>>
<Yeah, anyway….how did we get here?>
<< “You're better off talking to the three ladies that saved your sorry hide than me, when you were out cold from that cocktail of crap those filthy pirates hit you with, they saved your life. So now I think it's time we or rather you returned the favor…time to go hunting for food.”>>
<But what about them? I can't just leave them like this.>
<< “They'll be fine, come on, we need to get some food and water, once you've got some needed energy then you can talk with them.”>>
Naruto thought about it and decided to go ahead, but he did decide to write a message on a nearby tree with one of his kunai to gouge in the message for them to read. The blonde then moved out to find anything that would serve as breakfast. He didn't have to go too far to find some wild coconuts as he decided to climb up to the trees and used his kunai to cut down the coconuts and took them back quickly to the group who were still sleeping.
He was tempted to kiss them, but decided against such an idea no matter how tempting it was, he was not in the mood to get on their bad side so early in the day after all. He then went in as the Kyuubi stopped him near a large bunch of herbs and spoke to him.
<<“Perfect, those bushes will do nicely.”>>
<They are edible?>
<< “Nope, but their juices have a special neural toxin that is harmless to humans but can kill fish painlessly, grab a few and crush the roots to get the toxins, find a rock pool and get the fish.”>>
Naruto decided to do just that and got the herbs, and used a nearby rock to crush the roots that they had, he then moved to the beach and spotted a nearby rock pool and found a number of small fish and did as the Kyuubi instructed, sure enough the fish began to float up to the surface and he collected them. But as he got up and headed back, the Kyuubi spoke quickly to him in a very urgent fashion.
<< “Stop!!!”>>
The blonde did just that and he wondered just what was it that the Kyuubi was saying now and got his answer as he spotted something that looked like deer, and it seemed to be a half grown one and it seemed to be eating some grass at the edge of the area where he was.
<A deer? On an island?!>
<< “Get back and hide you fool!!!”>>
Naruto did just that and waited as the Kyuubi spoke to him.
<<“ That is too good a meal to pass up, hold your ground and get ready to use that kunai of yours. You're lucky that you're not in the wind yet, if it smelled you then you would have had it.”>>
The blonde waited until the deer was nearly past his hiding place, he had his kunai in hand and as soon as the deer was in position, it turned to another direction and Naruto quickly moved in, the blonde hit the deer dead center as it cried out in shock and surprise as the ninja tackled it and hit the throat with his kunai while using his weight on the creature, the animal fell down and tried to get up but the blonde's attack had hit the neck deep and it was soon dead.
Naruto looked at the fallen animal and was not very happy that he killed it but decided to place that thought aside as the meat from the creature was too good to pass up despite his own feelings on the matter. He summoned some Kage Bushin and then they hauled away the still captured fish and the now dead deer back to the camp site as he headed further to get some more food, he then found some wild berry bushes and he soon headed back to camp.
As he got there, he was greeted by the sight of the three women awake and waiting for him, he hoped that he was not going to get into trouble just because he had gone looking for food and supplies. Thankfully he was not in trouble and they were happy that he recovered enough to go looking for food and supplies them all.
Naruto then followed the instructions of the Kyuubi to make a sand oven to cook the fish in as they were wrapped in leaves that would preserve them from the sand and fire as well as some herbs to spice them up a bit more, with that done, he focused on cutting the coconuts open to get the water. Once that was finished, he gave some to his companions to drank the water and ate the meat eagerly, once they had their drinks, the three decided to get a chance to bath in the water, he decided to stay behind to get the food ready as he then began to cut up the deer and removed the hide as the Kyuubi told him how to do so, he took out the organs first, discarding the ones that were not going to be of much use, with the exception of the liver and heart which he cooked along with the now cooking meat. He knew that when all were cooked, they would have enough meat for quite a while on this island so they would be all right.
As he cooked the food, and watched to make sure that the meat was not spoiled, the blonde then decided to have a conversation with the Kyuubi.
<How come you know so much about these things?>
<< “I am a demon kit, but keep in mind, I lived far longer than most if not all humans in this world so I do have other things to do when I am not terrorizing the place whenever the human malice levels are not high enough to warrant my attention.”>>
<< “For what?”>>
<For the information….I didn't know you had a heart.>
<< “Shut up kit, I'm only doing this to keep you from dying and in turn, keep me from dying, so there's no need to think I'm either getting soft or sentimental, because I am not. At any rate, we do need to talk about the situation you managed to get yourself roped into.”>>
<Why's that?>
<< “Kit, you're the only man on an island with three beautiful women with you as company, do I really need to spell it out to you?”>>
< You perverted fur ball! I am not going to do that!>
<< `Oh? You mean to tell me that you're not going to do anything frisky with the ladies that you happen to have yourself roped into? Don't tell me you're not interested in women or something like that kit, it would be embarrassing to even consider as possible to say the very least.”>>
<I happen to be interested with women thank you very much!>
<< `Good…so why not kit, you have any idea of your situation, this is what a lot of young men like you have dreamed about but never thought would happen to them! Alone with three drop dead gorgeous babes on an island with good food and water…it's the ultimate male fantasy, and you're not going to do anything about it?”>>
<Listen here you demonic pervert, Tsunade-obasan and Sakura-chan have more than enough strength to beat the holy hell out of me and render me comatose for who knows how long! I heard what Tsunade-obasan did to the Pervy Sage when she caught him peeking at her and Sakura-chan could do the same to me! Can you imagine the pain I would be subjected to if I get caught?! Not to mention that Shizune-neechan would really be unhappy with me and she could really get dangerous when she gets crossed by someone.>
<< “But you do think they are attractive….remember that dream you had before when you went looking for that spy with the pink haired babe in question, that guy named Sai and the new leader with the First Hokage's Kekkai Genkai? That was rather interesting to say the least; you had the white eyed Hyuuga girl in it, the loud but attractive blonde from the Yamanaka Clan, the weapon expert lady, then the blonde sister of Gaara, then the dark haired and red eyed teacher of said Hyuuga heiress, the former student of the snake summoning bastard with a penchant for tasting blood if I recall right, the daughter of the chef who's shop you visit every now and then, then there's also the girl who's got a serious crush on Gaara, and even that young kid who's in Konohamaru's group, as well as the three said ladies….did I miss anyone?”>>
<You pervert….yes they are beautiful to me, even though Tsunade-obasan is in fact older than she looks….but I am not going to get myself killed and besides…>
<< “I didn't say anything about you committing suicide you numbskull, and besides, they already know about me being in you but they seem to be calm about it and are even willing to care for you so don't be in such a knot in the pants about. Besides, you are going to be in for a very good time yourself, at any rate, I guess we're going to have to make the most of it until we get rescued so I'll have to help you out.”>>
It was not long before they returned to get the food and soon they were having a feats, and along the way they decided to get some things done for them rest and recover while they would remain here on the island until they were able to find a way to get rescue. They decided that they needed to find a good place to rest as the beach was not going to be a good site due to the high tides as well as there were not many viable locations for them to set up camp so they would have to find better locations for the time being.
This much was obvious for them all, they were going to have to get used to being on this island for quite a while, afterwards, they decided to head out and find the location with the meat of the deer that Naruto killed to serve as rations for their work.
One thing was obvious for the four of them….this was going to be a very different situation for all of them.
The next few weeks that past was hard for the three, but they were able to manage a good deal. Naruto and his Kage Bushin were able to use the knowledge the blonde had in the construction of buildings and walls that he gained when he was working in the restoration efforts back in Konoha before taking his journey with Jiraiya. They were able to make a good and comfortable hut by taking dead but strong wood and mud to form the walls with stone added for further protection from the wind and rain and the top was covered with two layers of the tarp they recovered from the wrecks as well as a generous helping of palm leaf branches to add extra protection, with the two things being supported by a latticework of bamboo that Naruto managed to cut down.
They also managed to make some smoke pipes in the camp and in their hut that had a special blend of herbs that released a smoke that was able to ward off insects and bugs while not smelling bad to them so they were able to get some good sleep on the beds that they made from animal skin, soft earth, and leaves, with pillows filled with same leaves and some soft earth as well, it took a while to make but it was certainly worth the effort for them to have good night sleep.
They also created a wall to protect the camp as they used a high wall of bamboo poles and hard wood as well as vines, mud and rocks. They used the poles to make spikes to ward off animals with the wood acting as the frame work of the walls and the rocks to hold them in place as well as the vines and the mud, they had walled off the compound to keep the predators out of the camp site and had a small ramp there leading into the camp as they could just use their tree walking techniques to get into the camp itself.
Since they needed to carry water with them at all times if they were to go deeper into the less explored parts of the and they had no bottles of either plastic or metal to work with, they used long and cut sections of bamboo as make shift bottles to store the cool water that they got from the springs and the small rivers nearby. They then tied lengths of rope into a make shift sachet to carry the bamboo bottles on their thighs with corks on them to keep the cool water from spilling outward.
Since they had to reserve their clothes, they had to use the hides of the deer, sheep, rabbits and goats that they were able to hunt to make clothes, and Naruto naturally had to not use his jacket as it still needed repairs from the damage it took when the pirates boarded their ship to raid it weeks before. His scars had already faded due to their healing and his own healing factor that was affected by the Kyuubi resident that usually took the initiative to heal Naruto's wounds. For the moment, Naruto would have to wear only some soft skin clothes and his pants as well as his boxers. The three women however had to wear short tunics and short skirt with their inner clothes as well as soft wraps to even it up.
The sight of the women like that was enough to test Naruto a good deal but knowing how Tsunade and Sakura would react if he got too frisky was enough to keep him from doing something to satisfy his perverted side. But at least he got to relax a bit more with the whole thing as three of them were certainly good looking either way.
They were able to hunt some of the deer as well as some of the other wild game as the large island they were on had a good collection of wild game to hunt, apparently the wrecks had brought more than just salvage to the island as one of the ships appeared to be some sort of wild game ship and the others must have been carrying wild animals for either food, circuses and the like. That would help explain why there seemed to be a rather diverse selection of animals on the island as there were also some wild sheep, rabbits, and goats as well as some wild cows and chickens, in the case of predators, there were some wild dogs, some wolves and snakes as well. They were all able to flourish since the island was inhabitable and very large with some good areas for wild animals to be supported and grow into a large group of wild life. They also managed to make a worthy raft the hunt for shellfish and marine life to even up the diet.
They also found some wild fruits and grains on the island and despite the risk of being stung by the mad bees, the blonde Genin still collected honey from the bees that were seen in the island's forest interior, and the coconuts were good for food, fuel and water despite the taste difference of the water in the coconuts and the spring water.
They were able to set up signal fires in the area to be able to signal any passing by ships that might be moving in this area, the fires were located on large pillars of stone that surrounded the island on different areas on either side of the island and the group made sure to have the fires provided with their own supply of fuel that the four could change if it got wet and old.
As time passed, they were able to settle in, with the place not being so bad as they explored the island a bit more and also found some supplies to make their life better, some tools such as nails, wire, hammers, saws and the like, they also found a number of weapons that were still usable for defending themselves from possible predator attacks, there were also fabrics though most had rotted away due to time and nature, but the rest could be useful as bandages and spare fuel as clothes were not that many at the moment. It seemed that the island used to be some sort of supply area in the past and was soon abandoned at some point in the past as well, they also used the coconut oil for sun screen when they were out in the heat of the day which really was something that none of them had done unless they were in an area where beaches were a lot more common than most would think.
The three of them also did things that would help them pass the time and keep fit so they would not get dull and lose their skills and abilities over time whole they were on the island. The three of them trained to keep their skills up as well as relax and enjoy the island as despite the dangers it was not a bad place to set up shop or even start a small community if one thought about it. However, for the blonde Genin things were not as easy to deal with.
Since the change in wardrobe for the three women due to the need to keep their older clothes clean and safe he had begun to see them wearing clothing that allowed him to see them in a more unique setup, and it was hard on him as he admitted that he found them all attractive and his perverted side was beginning to get to him once more as more images came into his head as he looked at them. He however managed to keep his perverted tendencies in check since he knew that any of them were going to take serious offense to it.
He still loved them a good deal since they were very important people to him, he loved Sakura and cared deeply for her happiness and well being though he still hoped that someday he would be able to be with her despite his promise to save Sasuke for her. As for Tsunade he cared for her as she was like a mother figure to him or even a grandmother figure though he knew she would not like that, and Shizune was like a big sister figure to him as well, they were important people to him in all respects, but he was a man after all and he did find them attractive, even more so as time passed on the island.
He managed to keep his more amorous intentions hidden though he does his best to help keep their spirits up as best he could, they appreciated his efforts for that reason, he was happy to be with them, as he was not very comfortable with the idea of being on this island all by himself as he would have to be with the Kyuubi all by himself. And the Kyuubi was more than willing to needle him about his growing physical attraction to the ladies despite his best attempts to convince or threaten the Kyuubi to shut up.
Of course the blonde Genin was not the only person who was dealing with the same emotions as physical attraction.
The blonde Hokage was also feeling the heat at the moment…
Tsunade at the moment was deep in thought about Naruto and it had nothing to do with the usual way she thought of the blonde, in fact it was more of the physical attraction type of thinking, and it was confusing her as well, she was already in her fifties so the idea of her getting attracted to a younger man was something she had not thought about, let alone entertained, it made things all the more confusing when the young man in question happened to be the son of Minato and Kushina who were good friends of hers, someone she had high hopes for as a future leader of the village when she would one day step down from the position of Hokage, and also the young man reminded him of her brother and her fiancé. Of course she was not fooling herself, Naruto was no longer a cute kid when she first met him, but now a handsome young man in the ripe tender age of sixteen.
As much as she tried not to think of the young Shinobi in such a fashion, it was hard to deny the fact that he had grown up to be a very handsome youth, and considering the fact that he resembled his father well and having the shape of his mother's eyes, he was going to be quite the sight for women of most if not all ages. There was also the fact that he was his own person as he said before so she shouldn't compare him all the time to both Dan and Nawaki, which would be unfair of her to him. She had thought that after all that she had been through she would not find the desire to be intimate with another man regardless of age, but now she was after a young man who she cared about deeply.
In a different standpoint, what she was feeling for Naruto was not the right thing, but as ninjas, she knew that they lived dangerous lives so they had to take what they could get, and the feeling of being intimate with someone, who one cared about, was as precious as one could get. Besides, by ninja law, he was already an adult, and he was already sixteen as well so he was well within the allowed age for intimacy. She loved him a good deal and now that love was becoming a physical thing as well. And besides, she knew about the times he would accidentally see them and even more so considering the choice of clothing that they had on them. Normally she would have pounded the offending peeping tom, just like in the same way she would beat the holy hell out of Jiraiya the time he peeked at her.
But this was different, she didn't go after Naruto but she enjoyed the fact that he was attracted, though he never did anything too perverted or foolish to incur her wrath, unlike Jiraiya who would not let even her presence stop him if he felt the need to get all perverted.
She knew he was a young man and at least unlike his pervert of a sensei he had the common sense not to make a mess out of it. She knew that Naruto had some perverted tendencies and those were magnified by his time with Jiraiya and that annoyed her a bit as she had hoped that Minato would forgive Jiraiya for trying to corrupt his son, however, at least Naruto was not as open about it as Jiraiya. There was also the fact that she saw him glance at her direction, Sakura's and Shizune as well while trying not to blush, and it actually amused her a good deal.
She knew about Naruto's love for Sakura and she hoped that things would soon work out between the two of them, and that was something that she decided to chat with Sakura about when given the chance as well as tell the pink haired Kunoichi a secret about her team mate that she might not have known about, and she had a feeling that she was not the only one with issues like this one concerning Naruto.
And she was right as another was busy thinking about Naruto….
In Shizune's case, she was also aware of the way she was getting attracted to Naruto and while she tried her best to place such thoughts aside, at that time she had to admit that he was certainly very handsome. And was someone that she would have been attracted to had she been a few years younger. But now, it felt as if she was getting attracted to him while they were here on the island.
She tried her best to resist the urges that were now flowing through her mind whenever she thought of Naruto and wished that she didn't land on him at all, she tried her best to also convince herself that she shouldn't look at Naruto like that, he was someone that she cared about like a little brother to her, but she knew that there was a part of her mind that was telling her that she was lying. Naruto was a very handsome young man and worth looking at as well as fantasizing about.
She also knew that Naruto was the son of both Minato and Kushina due to the fact that she was made aware of this by Tsunade in private, years before Naruto returned to the village with Jiraiya, naturally she was surprised by that bit of information and couldn't help but feel sad for him due to him not knowing his family ties, but she agreed to keep that a secret from Naruto until the time was right as Tsunade asked her to keep it so. She could see the traits that both Naruto's parents had in them that was in their son, since despite not being the same as his father, Naruto had his father's bravery, compassion, kindness, dedication to hard work, and desire to succeed in what he set out to do, from his mother he got her open-minded nature, desire for peace and happiness, and her love for life. So it made sense that those things coupled with Naruto's good looks would make him attractive.
She hoped to talk to Tsunade about this so she could be able to look past it as she knew that Naruto had his eyes on Sakura despite looking at her and Tsunade on more than one occasion while they had been on the island.
However….the pink haired Kunoichi in question had her own train of thoughts on some matters.
Sakura had to admit to herself that the time she had spent on the island had changed her perceptions of Naruto a great deal, she had always known that Naruto was attracted to her and had a crush on her, but in her youth she had ignored it as she was not in the mood and even considered him to be an idiot and a distraction for her to get Sasuke. However as time passed, she had her perceptions changed as he grew stronger, and when he promised her that he would rescue Sasuke for her to make her happy when they were younger, she saw the depths of Naruto's feeling s for her as he vowed to save Sasuke for her.
She might not show it but she could tell that she had broken part of Naruto's heart when she showed love for Sasuke when they were younger, but he showed great maturity and strength when he stood aside to let her be happy. And through their time together, she saw his other good qualities that further changed her opinion of him, as well as seeing how willing he was to make her happy and keep her safe. The hardest part of it all was the time she learned of his burden of being a Jinchuuriki and also the time he was willing to give himself over to the Kyuubi to save Sasuke at the risk of his life and humanity.
Those things haunted her mind as well as harden her resolve to keep him safe from Akatsuki and others who sought to harm him, but lately she wondered if apart from the Kyuubi, she was also a cause of pain for him, he had done so much and endured so much both in physical and mental terms for her happiness without ever considering himself. The thought of her actions and the promise he made for her happiness one day leading to his own death scared her deeply and she couldn't help but wonder if she should do something to stop him.
She cared deeply for him, despite his perverted antics and still remaining dense attitude, and now she had a feeling that she was falling for him as well. Those feelings and the fact that he had grown into a very handsome youth made her feel the pressure. She was not blind to the changes Naruto had undergone while he was away with Jiraiya as he had grown physically and was certainly handsome so she couldn't blame Hinata for fainting whenever he was around in the village. She tried her best to ignore it, but her inner voice was telling her to go ahead and relish the sight of him when he was like that, and the voice also told her to go and take advantage of him.
She was against it as it would make her look brazen to him, and Naruto would not believe her in the least since he thought that she loved Sasuke, in truth her love for Sasuke was long gone as a love interest, with the exception of a friend. But even that was fading a bit more after seeing his willingness to kill Naruto when they met him again. And there was the fact that she was not sure of Naruto's feelings for her, did he still loved her or had he finally given up on her?
Those feelings stopped her from pursuing her growing feelings for him and she wondered if she had indeed grown to love him as more than just a friend and team mate.
Little did she know that soon those feelings were going to be put to the test.
The three women gathered in the camp for a discussion that was suggested by Tsunade while Naruto was busy gathering some food for the night's dinner. As soon as they got together, Tsunade spoke to them about how they were holding up, she was happy that they were all right and then she spoke to Shizune.
“I think it's time we told Sakura about Naruto's other hidden secret Shizune.”
Shizune was surprised as she spoke to her sensei.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Yes….she is my apprentice as you are, and she needs to know this anyway.”
Sakura was naturally curious as to what Tsunade had just said as she thought that Tsunade had told her a lot already, but this was something that she had apparently kept from her so she asked the question.
“What is going on Tsunade-sama?”
“Sakura, I have something important to tell you that does concern Naruto.”
“What does that mean? ”
Tsunade took a deep breath and spoke seriously to Sakura.
“Sakura, what I am about to say is important for you to know, have you ever wondered who Naruto's parents were?”
Sakura thought about it and recalled the time when she was younger and Sasuke had not defected to join Orochimaru then. She had once made fun of Naruto and the memory of what she had said that time was not something that she was proud of and she decided to reply.
“I…well, I used that to make fun of Naruto once, back when Sasuke-kun was with us, now I know that it was a mistake on my part as no one deserves that kind of treatment, even more so if they were orphans. And now that I think about it, I am curious about his parents, I know Naruto-kun is an orphan, but he did have parents before…wait….you mean to tell me you knew Naruto's parents?”
“Yes I do, they were friends of mine and that of both Jiraiya and Sarutobi as well.”
“Who were they?”
Tsunade nodded and spoke seriously.
“Naruto's mother was Kushina Uzumaki, the last ninja survivor of the former Land of Whirlpools, when she was young her manners and attitude were the same as Naruto when he was younger, back then she was considered something of a tomboy. But she soon became a kind hearted, gentle and level headed woman as she grew older, and she loved peace a great deal after witnessing the battles she had been part of as well as the falloff her home land. She was also known for her great beauty as well.”
“Her husband and Naruto's father was a genius ninja from Konoha, who was the former student of Jiraiya himself and the former Jonin sensei of your own sensei Kakashi, he created the Rasengan and also mastered Gamabunta, a f eat neither Naruto nor Jiraiya could do, and he became known as Konoha's Yellow Flash and his name was Minato Namikaze, or as we know him as the Fourth Hokage.”
Sakura was shocked to the core by the whole thing as she spoke.
“You mean….that Naruto is the son of THE Fourth Hokage?!”
Tsunade nodded and Sakura could tell that her Sannin sensei and the current Hokage of Konoha was not lying to her in any fashion and she couldn't help but be shocked by all this, it was then that she recalled something in her studies back in the Academy.
“But….the Fourth Hokage was said to have never had a wife Tsunade-sama, how can that be?”
“Minato and Kushina kept their relationship very private and few knew of it, and the few included me, Jiraiya, Kakashi, and Sarutobi-sama, and eventually Shizune herself when she became my apprentice and met Naruto. They also kept the fact that she was pregnant a secret since Minato had many enemies and if they knew that Minato had a family, they would have gone after them.”
Sakura was awed by this but then when she recalled how the Fourth died to save the village, combined with her knowledge that the Fourth had sealed the Kyuubi inside Naruto and now knowing that Naruto was the Fourth's son she looked at Tsunade and spoke out.
“But if that is true, then why would the Fourth seal the Kyuubi in Naruto?! Why would he let his own son suffer the way Naruto has?! I heard that the Fourth was a kind, gentle and compassionate person, and his love for the people of Konoha made him a hero….why do that to your own son?! Why seal a monster like the Kyuubi inside Naruto-kun?!”
Tsunade sighed and replied.
“Jiraiya and I never knew the full details, but according to what I know, Minato did something to the Kyuubi's chakra that allows Naruto to use it when he needed to and also removed the other half of the chakra that would allow Naruto to control it better. We never understood why, but we both knew that Minato was never the kind of person to do something without a good reason. And Jiraiya thinks that maybe there was some threat that Minato saw that day when he and Gamabunta faced the Kyuubi that warranted him to seal the Kyuubi into Naruto. He always believed in his son becoming a hero, which was why….before he died, he asked the people of the village to see Naruto as the hero who contained and imprisoned the Kyuubi.”
“But many didn't see it that way and you no doubt saw how they treated Naruto growing up, only the few who knew of the truth kept that promise to Minato, one of them was Sarutobi-sensei, which was why he had Naruto take his mother's last name to shield him and take care of him as best he could. I also think that the threat Minato saw is why he did that, to allow Naruto the chance to use this power to fight that threat someday. He no doubt believed that his son would be the one who would face that threat. I guess it was why he was named Naruto.”
“What do you mean?”
“Minato and Kushina, when she was still pregnant with Naruto were visited by Jiraiya and who had written a book that had little to do with those trashy books he wrote, and was about a hero ninja who strove to bring peace to the world in his own way. Minato and Kushina were impressed and to honor the hero in the book and Jiraiya who Minato held in high regard, they gave Naruto his name, and that makes Jiraiya, Naruto's godfather.”
Sakura was stunned by all this and Tsunade replied.
“Now I must ask you to keep that all as a secret…someday when Naruto is ready you can tell him and so will I, but not now, all right?'
With Sakura agreeing, Tsunade then brought up the news about Naruto's growing attraction to them. That was surprising to the two and as soon as she got their attention, the blonde decided to tell them about how this had added some stress to the blonde Genin in question and that was supposed to something that they needed to help him bleed out. The two wondered what she was driving at and the blonde told them that she was thinking about making Naruto happy in the physical sense. This got the women to look at her with surprise and she explained her side of the situation.
It was something that neither Shizune nor Sakura expected, and they tried to point out how wrong that might be to others, but Tsunade had been ready and reminded the two Kunoichi that they were ninja and they were living a dangerous life already so they had to take what they could, and it was easier that they were with the man who they cared for deeply, she also reminded them that she had been observing them as well so she was aware that like her, they too were looking at Naruto in a totally different fashion and unless they told Naruto about it, it would affect them as well.
Apart from that, she reminded them that Naruto was a very kind hearted and compassionate man, if he was told the truth of the situation, then it would be better this way as they would be able to make changes as well as work things out so there would no more issues left. The blonde Hokage knew that unless such things were addressed, then it would lead to tension and worse. The two saw the truth in that and they decided to take a shot at and also they decided to talk out the situation and how they were going to do it.
They were able to finalize their plans just as the blonde in question arrived with his latest catch of the day which were some fish, wild berries, some wild potatoes, carrots, eggs, herbs, coconuts for water, and a wild sheep for the roast. They went to work and as night fell they were able to get some food into their stomachs as well as drink some of their water from the coconut.
As they finished the meal and headed into the hut to get some needed sleep, that was when Tsunade started the ball rolling so to speak by talking to Naruto.
“Naruto-kun, how are you holding up?”
Naruto wondered just what was the question about but replied to it either way.
“I'm all right….it's kind of hard….but I can manage.”
The blonde Hokage smirked a bit, further making the blonde all the more curious as to what was cooking in the Sannin's head at this moment, he was not sure what it was, but he hoped that it was not going to be embarrassing since he had feeling that if it was embarrassing, then he was going to never hear the end of it.
And he was right as Tsunade then spoke.
“I take it that the hard aspect is dealing with the fact that you're the ONLY man on the island?”
Naruto was wide eyed at that and Tsunade smiled as both Sakura and Shizune gulped a bit as the blonde Hokage carried on with her plan. The blonde Genin then replied to Tsunade's question in an obvious panic.
“W-W-What….I….didn't mean….to….ahhhh….”
The blonde Hokage then spoke to Naruto gently.
“Calm down Naruto-kun, that is to be expected you know, you are a young man and looking at women is part of growing up, at least however, you were a lot more gentlemanly about it and you were able to show some better level of control than Jiraiya does so I am not going to bash you at all at the moment.”
Naruto sighed a bit and Tsunade then spoke.
“Besides, even if I am hiding my real age I am pleased I can still turn a young man's head at least….so…tell me something Naruto-kun….are you having thoughts about us?”
“Thoughts….what are you talking aboiut?”
Tsunade grinned and replied.
“You DO have perverted thoughts about me, Shizune, and Sakura right?”
Naruto was about to deny it but realized that doing so would only make things worse, though how worse was up to him, if he admitted to it, then at least he let it out, but if he did do it, he had no idea how they would react, seeing no escape, he replied slowly.
“I do….”
“For all three of us?”
Naruto nodded slowly, it was barely seen, but it was easily by the three and then the blonde Genin got the shock of his life when the blonde Hokage suddenly kissed him….not on the forehead like before, or on the cheek, but on the lips as she spoke.
“Would you like to put those thoughts into action?”
The blonde Genin reacted at that and spoke out in shock as he tried to get his body to back away.
Tsunade knew they had him as she spoke once more.
“You heard me Naruto….do you want to do what you want to me, Shizune, and Sakura right here, and right now… tonight?”
The blonde Genin then spoke out.
“Is this some sort of sick joke?!”
“No it is not….”
“It has to be! I am dreaming all this….I must be….there's no way this is real….”
The blonde Genin was about to panic in a very high state but was stopped as the three were around him and Tsunade used a jutsu to calm the blonde Genin down a bit….as soon as she felt him relax, she spoke gently to Naruto.
“This is no joke Naruto-kun….we've talked about it before and agreed to do this to help you….”
“Help me?”
“Yes….you've been really tense for some time and we've noticed that for a while now….it is not good for you since it will stress you out deeply, so we decided to help you relax and this is one way. However, don't think this is just for that…we did this because we do love you.”
“For me and Shizune, we to love you, in our own way for me you remind me of both Dan and Nawaki, both important men in my life, but I can't see you like that too much, you are your own person, you are a good and kind young man, in fact….there is a part of me that wishes that I met you years before, if I did, I would have found another chance at love after Dan died. I know that I'm not exactly the right age for you….but I do love you, even if I can't exactly be wife material. I want you to be happy and give you something back for all the things you've; had to deal with in life. I would never do this with any other man if I didn't love them enough Naruto-kun, so this is no joke on my part.”
Shizune then replied.
“I agree with Tsunade-sama, I wanted to keep seeing you as a little brother Naruto-kun….but I can't do that, you're a grown man, and even though I am older than you….I am attracted to you deeply, both in a physical sense and emotional sense, you've been a good man in my eyes no matter what people say, I wanted to keep you safe which was why I… did what I thought was right in keeping you safe even if I got into trouble for it. I would have never agreed to this if I didn't feel it in my heart that this was right for both of us.”
And it was then Sakura spoke.
“I also want to tell you something….I thought long and hard about this before I agreed tothis….I feel that I was a source of pain for you.”
“What? You're not….”
“Listen to me….please. Let me finish, I used to see you as a burden and an idiot, and while you're not the most mature, or the most intelligent guy….you have other qualities that I should have seen and felt. You were brave to a fault, you never gave up on any challenge, you were always confident yet willing to learn from others, you're kind hearted and compassionate, you're honest and open minded, and you love without any bias….you loved me for a long time. And I ignored it. I knew that you were heart broken when I loved Sasuke…but you were willing to suffer heart break for me to be happy.”
“And you risked your life for me, because you loved me….you were willing to make me happy no matter the cost…even if you were going to give up yourself to that thing inside you. Naruto-kun…I am not saying that you should give up saving Sasuke…we will do it together, but I want you to stop hurting yourself for my happiness…”
“My love for Sasuke died the day he tried to kill you, I will bring him back with you Naruto-kun….but now I want to heal all the pain I made you carry for my sake tonight….here and now. I would never agree with this idea if I didn't think that this was right.”
Naruto was still trying to make sense of what was happening to him right now, but he couldn't help but be awed by all this as the three women soon closed in on him and then all three of them then kissed him right there and then.
In Konoha…
Jiraiya groaned a bit as he looked over the maps that high lighted the possible areas where Naruto, Tsunade, Sakura and Shizune might have been stranded on, it had been something of a trying time for the Sennin as he had been left in charge by Tsunade as well as several ninja she trusted well enough to handle things while she was away on this matter between the Land of Snow/Spring and that of Konoha. When word came back of the pirate attack on the ship, the Council of Konoha had to meet and discuss these matters, it was a good thing that Tsunade had planned ahead to keep Danzo and his allies from causing too much mischief while time passed, though for him, the boredom of paper work was really getting to him.
However he then determined the best place for the four to be stranded, a large island that used to be some sort of drop off site for supplies in the previous wars that was soon forgotten as well as the sight of some wrecks of ships that were sent there by storms. It was a gamble in terms of them being there, even he would admit to that but it was the only chance they had. He then wondered if the blonde student of his had been able to get very lucky, after all, he was the only male alone on an island with…
As much as he wanted to hope that it would happen, he shook his head at the situation forming in his head, there was no way that it was going to happen at all between Naruto, and the three women who were with him, he personally knew that Tsunade and Sakura would not like it and those two were more than able to prove their point on Naruto and Shizune, while lacking both Sakura and Tsunade's strength would be more than able to hold her own if she was pushed too far by anyone..
And of course, the fact was that the women cared for Naruto, and he did care deeply for them as well so he would not try anything foolish or something that was so utterly risqué like that.
Oh if he only knew…
(Lemon Time!!!)
Naruto couldn't help but feel like he had just been dunked by a large amount of hot but not painful water as the three women were now there with him, kissing him in turn, it was Sakura who started out first, the kiss between him and his long time crush lasted for a quite as it turned from a chaste kiss to a down right hot and steamy one
Naruto gasped as all three women walked over to him with very sexual intent in their eyes and he was stuck there as Sakura, Shizune and Tsunade closed the gap towards him and all he could do was stare at the three of them as they were now only wearing nothing more than those soft leather pieces on their bodies. Sakura was the first to kiss him deeply. The pink haired apprentice of Tsunade was more than willing to kiss Naruto as he couldn't help but feel his inner male instincts hit him like a wave on the beach walls.
The three were enjoying this greatly as they began to make their move on the blonde Genin, running their hands on his body as well as removing most of his animal skin clothes from his body, it was not long before the only clothing he had on his body was his boxers. The three women didn't remove that just yet, as they were very eager to go ahead and explore their lover's form.
Sakura had to admit that feeling Naruto's body was a good thing as she could feel the warmth from his muscles there along with the power and strength underneath his skin, like most men, Naruto's skin was rougher and while she knew of the Kyuubi which would heal her loved one of any injury that he would suffer, she recalled the scars that Naruto suffered, a good number of them were gained fighting many enemies over the years, and the rest….they were gained in saving her life as well as trying to fulfill the promise to save Sasuke for her own happiness at the cost of his heart.
The pink haired Kunoichi nearly cried in sadness and well as self loathing for having placed this heavy burden on her team mate and now the one she fell in love with. She now understood how deeply Naruto loved her as he was willing to risk his very soul to save Sasuke for her happiness. She would continue to bring Sasuke back, but her feelings of love were now towards Naruto. He stood by her through everything, and now she was going to pay him back.
Shizune and Tsunade noted that as they looked at her, they smiled at Sakura, deciding that they should let the two have their time together, so they moved away as Sakura moved to face Naruto as they took to the sides of the blonde. As soon as she was facing in, she spoke to him.
“I'm sorry for making you suffer Naruto-kun….”
“But now….I want to make you have your dream come true, will you let me kiss you?”
Naruto nodded, much to Sakura's happiness as she moved in, wrapping her arms around Naruto's head and she kissed him once more, and this was a loving, gentle, and passionate as well as a soul searing kiss that made the two of them blush deeply. The kiss then became hotter as well as more open and intense between the two.
Sakura gently licked her lover's lips and teeth, making him open his mouth a bit, that was more than enough to allow the pink haired Kunoichi to further tease the young blonde Genin> Sakura smiled mentally as Naruto opened his mouth fully, allowing her to make her move on him as she used her tongue to lick as well as taste her lover's mouth and taste. She loved it as she then used her tongue on his own to make him respond.
And he did respond as Naruto began to move his tongue, touching her own tongue at the very same time, making the two of them moan at the pleasure that they had just given one another. Naruto then reached out with his own hands, running his hands on Sakura's body, making her smile mentally at his sudden boldness. Though he did so slowly, no doubt trying to make sure he didn't go places that would offend her.
This gentleness made Sakura smiled warmly at Naruto once the two of them parted from their deep kiss, as they did so, the pink haired Kunoichi began to kiss Naruto's face once more as well as running her hands on his back and shoulders. She loved the heat of his kiss as they carried on with their lip lock while she relished his own movements on her body using her hands. As soon as they stopped kissing one another, the young Kunoichi then began to run her hands once more on Naruto, only this time she was moving her hands on the front of his body.
She marveled at the harness and heat of his body, the thought of feeling that heat on her own naked form being more than enough to excite the pink haired woman as she ran her hands on his chest first, then his well formed stomach, she moved up and down on his chest and stomach until. she was now only a few inches from the waist of his boxers. However she decided to move away and let the others make their move on Naruto, after all, they had all night to do what they wanted to Naruto.
Shizune was next as she moved into position in front of Naruto, as soon as she was there in front of the blonde Genin, the female Jonin began her own exploration of her lover's body as she began to gently kiss him, she smiled mentally as Naruto responded deeply to her own kiss as she then began to use her hands to touch and caress him. She also began to use her tongue to gently prod Naruto to use his own tongue on her as well. The Jonin didn't have to wait for too long as Naruto responded.
The two of them moaned as they kissed one another deeply while the Jonin thought about how things had changed for her when it came to Naruto. She recalled how she used to see him as a little brother and someone that she wanted to keep safe, even if it was against Tsunade's wishes. But now she could see that her sensei's move was the right one and Naruto was now becoming a great ninja, and quite a handsome man to boot. It was hard for her to admit that her protective feelings for Naruto when he was younger had changed into something more romantic as he knew he loved Sakura, but after their talking together between her, Sakura, and Tsunade, it seemed like it would be worked out.
Shizune placed those thoughts aside for the time being as she focused her chakra into her hands and began to touch Naruto's body slowly, making sure to use her chakra to hit his body's pleasure centers. She had been trained well as a Medic Nin so she was well aware of the key areas of the human body that would be affected by her actions as well as release pleasure all over Naruto's body. The results were worth it as Naruto moaned in their torrid kiss as their tongues dueled with one another in their mouths.
As soon as the kiss ended, Shizune leaned forward, pressing her body to Naruto's own form and began to gently kiss as well as lick his neck and shoulders while still using her chakra covered hands to touch the areas that she was able to reach, she was eager to have Naruto moan out her name in pleasure as that would be more than enough evidence to prove to her that she was doing the right things to get her lover in the right mood for what they were all going to do tonight. As soon as she was done she looked at both Tsunade and Sakura, nodding to Tsunade who was also very eager to have her turn with Naruto for the night.
The blonde Hokage was more than ready to kiss Naruto as she used her tongue to aggressively explore her lover's mouth, she gently relaxed herself as she decided to take things slowly to make the night last a lot longer between the two of them. She couldn't help but find his taste to be very nice to her taste buds and the heat she could feel from him was more than enough to make her even more aroused by the second.
Tsunade then moved away to gently kiss the blonde's face while moving her hands on his body, using the same method that Shizune had used before, her ability in using it however was a lot more refined than that of her apprentice as she used her chakra to stimulate the pleasure centers of the blonde Genin. She also took the time to even lick his cheeks as well as suck and nibble on his earlobes, making the blonde feel even more aroused while she was also being affected as she could feel her vagina becoming even wetter as well as hotter.
She couldn't help but feel happy at doing this, as she wanted to make Naruto happy, in any way that she could. He had done so much for the village as well as for his friends, so she was hoping to do something to make him feel rewarded, and here in this island, he had risked a lot to help them as well as do his best to keep their spirits up in his won fashion. Those actions were more than enough to make her feel that this was the best way to reward the blonde youth. Some might say that this was wrong, and they were somewhat right, but she knew that sometimes being loved in a physical way was a good thing for a young man to feel and no one needed to be rewarded than Naruto himself.
As she continued to pleasure the blonde Genin, Tsunade decided to run her hands to his waist, touching the area above the blonde's boxers, making her lover moan out deeply while she began to kiss the blonde's lips once more before moving her lips and tongue to his neck. She loved the way Naruto was moaning out at her actions, making her happy that he was enjoying this and not struggling against her and the others. She then decided that now was the right time for the three of them to see Naruto fully nude once more so they would see him in his full manhood.
With that in mind, the blonde Sennin looked at the two as she smiled, they smiled in turn, already aware of what was it that was in the mind of the blonde Hokage, they moved away from Naruto and grabbed his boxers in their hands. The blonde Genin only had a moment o gasp as the thereof them removed the very last stitch of clothing on his body, making him completely naked. He blushed bright red as he now realized that there was nothing left to hide his nakedness as well as the evidence of his full arousal to the three women.
“Mmmm….you are well gifted Naruto-kun…”
“Kami….you're so big….”
The first voice belonged to Shizune who was indeed awed by the sight of Naruto fully naked, with his arousal there for her to see without anything covering it, she was awed as she wondered if she could be able to handle that. The second voice belonged to Tsunade who was happy as well as very much awed by the sight of the blonde's cock before her in full arousal; she loved the sight of it as her female desires got higher. And the last naturally belonged to Sakura who was amazed that her long time team mate, friend and now loved one actually had such a thing with him and it was only now that she was seeing it in full arousal, the sight was so arousing to her that she felt like she was going to pass out.
One thing was for sure, despite the differences of their voices as well as their comments, the unifying thought for all three women was simple.
Apparently the Kyuubi's physical changes to Naruto were not limited to his whisker marks, stamina and the ability to use the demon fox's chakra. Naruto's cock was already at a full ten inches long and an inch and a half wide. On a full grown man of early to late twenties, that was considered to be a gift, but on a young male who was still sixteen, it was considered a gift from Kami himself.
Coupled with the lean, well formed, and muscled body Naruto had, his height, and his own handsome face which was made to look more attractive in an animalistic fashion by his whisker marks, the three felt like they were looking at the most handsome man in the world. The three of them had talked about the fact that Naruto would someday look like his father, the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, and now that they looked at Naruto like this, with the light of the fire adding to his features. They had a feeling that his parents would be proud of him.
Naruto couldn't help but feel like he was under a microscope as the women were giving him the once over, he couldn't help himself as his mind was now divided with one side of his personality, namely his perverted side telling him to let the women get a good look at him as much as they wanted, and the other part was telling him to get away from there since there was a part of him that was still unsure of the extent of their desire to be with him. He couldn't help himself at this moment as he decided to speak.
“Tsunade-san, Shizune-neechan, Sakura-chan….please stop staring at me like that….”
The women couldn't help themselves as they smiled at the way Naruto was blushing, and when they heard what he said, they couldn't help but gently giggle at him as Shizune spoke.
“Naruto-kun….don't be embarrassed if we look at you like this….you deserve to be admired by women.”
Sakura herself nodded as she spoke.
“Shizune-san is right Naruto-kun….you are so handsome….both outside and inside.”
Tsunade nodded in agreement as well.
“Both Sakura and Shizune are right, you are going to be a very handsome man Naruto-kun, don't be shy about yourself.”
Naruto gulped at that but nodded, happy that they loved the way he looked, it was then that the blonde Hokage decided that now was the right time for them to also be fair to Naruto and allow him to see them as well. She then spoke to the others in a very calm yet eager tone that showed just how much she also wanted to get things underway between them and Naruto .
“I think that it's high time Naruto got to see us as well, we have already seen him naked so I think we should let him see us as well, don't you?”
Sakura and Shizune nodded in agreement, as soon as they looked at Naruto, they themselves began to strip off their own clothes to allow Naruto the chance to see them naked as well, Naruto could only watch them as they stripped off their animal skin shirts, and skirts, revealing them to be dressed in only their fishnet inner garments and their bras as well as panties, the fishnet garments were the next to be removed and now the three were dressed only in their panties and bra.
Naruto couldn't help but stare at them with awe but then the three of them turned about, only allowing him to see their backs as well as their respective ass as well. It was not as if the sight was bad to the blonde, in fact, he took intense pleasure in looking at them, They three of them turned to face him and their arms briefly covered their breasts as well as their respective sex. Before Naruto could say anything, the three women moved their arms away, allowing Naruto to see them in their full beauty.
Naruto could only stare as he looked at Sakura, Tsunade, and Shizune who were now utterly naked before him and the only word that managed to come out of his mouth was simple but spoke volumes already.
The three smiled at that as they took poses for Naruto to look at them in a lot more detail.
In Naruto's mind…
The Kyuubi growled at that in a very amused yet aroused fashion as it looked at the three women who were now very much naked before his container, looks like this night was not going to be the least bit boring.
<< “Nice….real nice…. Hang on kit, you're about to get the ride of your life.”>>
Naruto gasped as he looked at the three women who were now naked before him, and the first to get his attention was none other than Sakura herself.
The pink haired Kunoichi had indeed grown beautifully over the last two and a half years since he had last seen her, and the years had been good to her in many ways. Though he never told her this, he was worried that she would not be able to grow a bit more, but he was proven wrong in all fashions as he looked at Sakura. The blonde Genin couldn't help but marvel at her own smooth skin as well as the glow of the camp fire on her skin making her cream white skin have a coppery like glow. Her deep green eyes glowed like emeralds as well as her pink hair having a darker tone to it. She was always attractive to him regardless of the years that have passed between them, and now….to see her like this was something that really got him to full arousal.
He looked at the rest of her body, he looked at her well formed and long arms as well as her neck, feeling the need to kiss, lick, and suck her body. His gaze went to her breasts which were full and firm looking, fitting her frame and height perfectly. It amazed him that she was able to look this gorgeous before him. He looked at her nipples as well as her areoles, they were deep pink, begging for his touch as he felt the desire to touch them as well as see for himself if her breasts were as soft and firm as they looked.
Naruto looked over to Sakura's lower body, marveling at her smooth skin as well as her well formed stomach, hips, as well as her long and well muscled yet sexy legs, he was awed by the sight of her naked before him as he gazed at the triangle of pink hair that was there between her thighs and to his utter arousal he could see that her inner thighs were wet with her own juices, telling him that she herself was also in a state of arousal, he looked at Sakura from foot to head and back again once more.
As soon as he was done giving her the once over, he was happy to be able to see Sakura naked like this before him as he could see her react to his stare as he was entranced by the blush on her face, the glow of passion as well as desire in her eyes, the way her breasts moved as she took in air to relax herself. She was undeniably beautiful to him when they were younger the very first time he had ever seen her, and now she grew to be a true beauty. Naruto naturally licked his lips, both to moisten them for the moment, as well as show just how much he loved the way that she looked to him at this moment.
Naruto then directed his attention to the other women to be fair to them as his gaze landed on none other than Tsunade herself. The blonde Genin couldn't help but admire the beauty of the blonde Hokage before him.
He looked at her hair which was now free from the two tails she normally kept them in for all the time he had known the blonde Sennin and in the fire light, the Hokage's hair took on a luminous golden glow that made him feel as if he was looking at a golden river or halo behind her. He then looked at her face, marveling at the beauty she had as he took in her facial features that spoke all woman to him as well as her deep red lips that were parted as well as wet. He also took into account the violet diamond shaped seal that she had on her forehead which added a more unique quality to the blonde woman. He looked then at her eyes which were like brown pools to his gaze. Tsunade Senju was a very beautiful woman even though he knew that she was using her medical training to look young, even if he knew that truth, he still couldn't help but find her beautiful.
His gaze then traveled to her arms as well as her neck along with looking at her own skin which was like light cream white, getting a unique tinge in the firelight. He couldn't help but feel all the more aroused as his gaze traveled over the blonde Hokage until he felt his eyes focus right on her full, large, and well formed breasts. It amazed him that she had such large breasts without any trouble and he naturally couldn't help but admire how beautiful and natural they looked to his eyes. He couldn't help but look them over, drinking in the sight of her breasts as well as her deep red nipples and her areoles, and he couldn't help feel the urge to kiss, suck, lick, and taste her breasts.
Naruto then moved to see the rest of Tsunade's features as he looked at her body, admiring her own curves and swells, he couldn't help but lick his lips once more as he looked at her womanly hips as well as her long and slender legs, he couldn't help but be amazed at the sight of Tsunade's inner thighs being a bit wet due to her juices that were coming out of her sex, and he also couldn't help but smile even more as he looked at the patch of blonde fur that was above Tsunade's sex and between her thighs.
He looked Tsunade up and down once more, making sure that he was able to see all the details on her naked form before he then directed his full attention to Shizune.
He looked at the beautiful dark haired Jonin apprentice of Tsunade as he took in all of her features. Her dark hair was like a river of midnight black with streaks of light there from the fire there, he looked at her face, marveling her light cream skin that like Sakura and Tsunade had a a very exotic coppery hue from the fire that they had there. He looked at her own dark eyes which were like two pools of midnight that were looking right back at him, with flickers of golden fire from the fire there in their camp.
It made him wonder as to why was it that Shizune had not yet been approached by other men back there in the village, but he naturally couldn't help but feel somewhat amazed and happy with the fact that he was now the only man who would be able to see her like this.
Naruto then moved his gaze from her face to the rest of her form, looking at her arms with her poison needle shooter system removed from her arm, allowing him to see her well formed and muscled limbs. As soon as he was done admiring those parts of Shizune's body, the blonde directed his full attention on her breasts which were not too big to say the very least but were well formed for her frame and as far as he could see, they were firm and full at the very same time. He couldn't help but feel the same desire to touch them with his hands hit him once more as well as lavish attention on them with his mouth as well as his tongue.
He couldn't help but feel like he was going to pass out from the pleasure of it all, but he managed to get his act together and continue looking at her, moving from his study of her breasts to the rest of her lower form, he smiled at Shizune's curves as his eyes wandered on her naked form, he looked at her well toned, long legs, and he naturally noted the streaks of wetness on her inner thighs, making him all the more aroused by the implications of all this before him as he also gazed at the patch of dark fur there between her thighs and above her sex.
The sight of all three women naked before him was so hot to Naruto that he felt like he was in some sort of fantasy dream that was coming true; however, he decided to check to see if he was dreaming and used one of the methods that he knew would remind him if it was Genjutsu, he cut his own lip and that allowed some blood to flow out. The pain was dead real so this was no dream or a Genjutsu, and for that he was happy indeed, though he had no doubt that his action was going to get the attention of the women.
The three women were naturally surprised at what Naruto had just done to himself as they exclaimed.
“Naruto-kun! Why did you do that?!”
Naruto looked at them and replied.
“I just wanted to be sure that this was all real….not a damn dream, or a Genjutsu that was someone's idea of a joke. If it was the first then I wished I never woke up….and if it was a Genjutsu, then I would be really heartbroken.”
The three women couldn't help but feel some sadness at this so they moved in and then gently took turn kissing him in the lips, while gently licking away the spilled blood that was still there on his mouth while his cut healed, when they moved away from him, they also took his hands and placed the blonde's hands on their faces in turns, they also placed his hands on where their hearts were, right on their breasts, making Naruto gulp loudly at being able to feel their soft, full, and firm breasts as they spoke to him.
“Does that feel like a dream or Genjutsu now Naruto-kun?”
Naruto smiled and replied.
“No….I just hope that I can handle this….this is something I've never been in before…”
The three women naturally saw the way Naruto had looked at each of them with great scrutiny and more in his eyes. There was no doubt that the deep and glittering gaze he had in his cerulean blue eyes showed lust, love, passion, and more as well. This was more than enough to make the three of them all the more eager for the chance to touch, kiss, lick, suck and pleasure the blonde who's arousal was there for all three of them to see. However, they decided to take their time with their young lover so they were not going to let Naruto get too tired to pleasure all three of them. With that in mind, the first to go at Naruto was none other than his long time crush and love Sakura.
The pink haired Kunoichi couldn't help but feel a bit nervous as well as apprehensive, while she had now admitted her feelings for Naruto to herself; she was still unsure how to do her best to pleasure the young man who loved her unconditionally without reservation. But she then calmed her mind as she moved towards Naruto as she wanted to be the first to be with Naruto as her way of thanking him for being there for her when they were young, all the way to now.
She started first by kissing Naruto once more while running her hands on his back and shoulder blades, while rubbing her body on his body at the very same time. Naruto moaned into the kiss between the two of them as he also reached out to touch her with his own hands as well, running his hands on her back as well as her sides. He even played with her hair while they kissed one another deeply. As soon as they parted to get some air for themselves, the blonde moved his hands to her breasts, gently massaging them with his hands as well as his finger, hoping that he was doing it right for the two of them.
Sakura loved the feel of Naruto's hands on her breasts as he began to play with them gently with his hands, squeezing them as well. The feel of his hands on her breasts sent shivers of pleasure, as well as the feel of his fingers playing with her nipples gently. The heat and feel of his hands was like a brand on her skin, adding even more heat in her own body, making her all the more eager to do her best to make Naruto cry out in pleasure.
She then felt her lover's cock touching her body in that exact moment as she decided to make Naruto also moan out in time with her own moans. She moved her hands down to her lover's cock, touching the head gently, and when she did so, she then began to rub her hands gently on his cock's head. This naturally had created a reaction from the blonde who was not expecting this from her, though he was not going to complain in the slightest.
“Sakura-chan!!! You're….”
Sakura smiled as she began to gently run her hands up and down her lover's cock, marveling at the feel of his smooth skin, the hardness, and the heat. The pink haired Kunoichi couldn't help herself as she began to feel her body get even hotter at the thought of having Naruto's cock in either her mouth or in her sex. It made her even more aroused as she thought about it. She moved to kiss Naruto deeply once more, eager to make the most of this moment.
Of course, both Tsunade and Shizune were not far behind in making Naruto even more aroused as they closed in to be on either side of the blonde who was still pleasuring Sakura's breasts. The blonde Hokage began to rub her breasts on one side of Naruto's body while Shizune did the very same on the other side of his body. They wanted to make sure that they were able to keep Naruto fully aroused and eager for more so this night would be something at all of them were going to remember. As soon as the kiss between Naruto and Sakura ended, the two women were there to kiss him as well, while Sakura busied herself with continuing to rub and caress Naruto's cock while kissing his chest at the very same time.
Tsunade spoke out as she was currently kissing Naruto first while Shizune was content to kiss and lick Naruto's neck, cheeks, and shoulder. She then moved her right hand to touch Naruto's back as well as his butt, relishing the feel of his skin in her hands, she knew that the Kyuubi's gift of healing Naruto when he got an injury would not leave him with scars, but she was not fooled, she traced his body, recalling the injuries he had taken in helping them before when the attack happened on the ship, she traced the area where the scars were before, she ran her hand slowly on the areas gently touching them, remembering how Naruto had gained those scars trying to save others in the ship as well as them.
As soon as she was done, she then ended the kiss as she began to take Shizune's place from before while Shizune herself also kissed Naruto deeply, the blonde Hokage had every intention to pleasure Naruto to make sure that he was going to remember this night as well as show her love for him as she licked, sucked, and kissed Naruto's neck, cheeks, and shoulder.
Shizune herself was happy that she was now kissing Naruto once again while she also moved her hand on his back, like Tsunade, she also touched the places where Naruto had gotten the scars before when he had been fighting with the pirates that attacked their ship before, she couldn't help but feel the desire to pay Naruto back for the risks he took to save their lives and those of others on the ship as well.
As soon as they were done, Sakura moved away from Naruto as Tsunade decided to take her place to be in front of Naruto, Tsunade then took Naruto's hands and placed them on her own breasts, and the blonde Genin naturally began to move his hands to massage and squeeze Tsunade's breasts as well as her nipples, making the blonde Sennin moan out deeply at the feel of her breasts being touched, she felt Naruto's hands moving on them gently and slowly, as if he was afraid that he would get hit hard if he did something wrong, and now doubt it was because he was aware of what she would do if he touched her the wrong way. However, for this night Tsunade was not going to hurt Naruto and let him have his way with her breasts, and besides, she enjoyed the feel of his hands on her breasts.
The blonde Hokage then did the same thing that Sakura had been doing before as she began to run her hands up and down on Naruto's cock, making the blonde moan into his kiss with Shizune while Sakura was kissing and licking Naruto's cheek, shoulder and neck, while running her hands o his chest and back just as Shizune was doing at the very same time. Tsunade couldn't help but feel her arousal grow even more at the thought of how it would feel for her to have Naruto's cock in her sex as well as in her mouth, but she decided to reserve something special for Naruto in a few minutes, so for now, she contented herself by playing with Naruto's cock and balls while also kissing his chest as well as licking his own nipples.
As soon as Naruto and Shizune were done kissing one another, he was then kissed by Sakura while Shizune kissed his back and neck while rubbing his back with her hand which was covered in her chakra to touch his body's pleasure centers. The blonde Genin was moaned out deeply into the kiss, making Shizune all the more eager to make Naruto cry out even more as she could feel his body move in conjunction with her actions, Sakura's own actions, and Tsunade's as well. As soon as Sakura broke the kiss to lavish her attention on the rest of him, Naruto moaned out in pleasure at what was happening to him.
“Aaaaaahhhh…..damn…..this is…..amazing….”
Tsunade was really enjoying the cries coming out from Naruto and decided that now was the right time for her to unveil the surprise that she had planned to give him. She moved her hands away and then began to rub her breasts on Naruto's cock, making him gasp in pleasure the very second he sees her doing that to his cock.
The blonde Hokage started rubbing her breasts on Naruto's cock slowly as well as rubbing her nipples on the tip of Naruto's cock, making Naruto moan out even more at the pleasure he got from the feel of Tsunade' running her breasts and nipples on his cock. Tsunade them parted her breasts, moved forward and allowed Naruto's cock to be between her breasts as she then pressed them together, creating a vice of pure softness for Naruto to feel. Naruto naturally was amazed at the feeling of Tsunade's breasts all over his cock as he had never thought he would ever feel this before in his life, as well as see this before him. The sight of his cock being sandwiched between Tsunade's breasts was a sight that was going to be burned deeply in his brain for a very long time as he shouted his arousal.
“Tsunade-chan!!!! Hell….this feels good….”
Tsunade looked that as she teased the blonde Genin.
“You like the feel of my breasts around your cock Naruto-kun?”
“Good, now then, get ready for this….”
Tsunade then began to move her breasts up and down on his cock, making the blonde Genin moan out in pleasure while she also moaned a bit at the feel of her breasts moving up and down her lover's cock as she felt the hardness, heat, and length there, she made sure to hold her breasts together with her hands to keep Naruto's cock there between her breasts as she continued to move her breasts up and down. She then decided to gently kiss the tip of her lover's cock as well as licking it.
Naruto was in heaven at this moment as he was looking at Tsunade as she continued to move her breasts up and down, the image of what the blonde Sennin was doing to him at this moment was burned into his brain as he couldn't help but look. However, he was going to have to stop as both Sakura and Shizune now placed their breasts before his face, he wasted no time as he already got the message as he began to lick, kiss and suck their breasts along with their nipples, it was somewhat hard to do this with the two, but he was more than willing to try his best as he managed to successfully hold his own as he moved from Sakura to Shizune's breasts and nipples with his mouth and tongue.
Both women were more than willing to shout out their appreciation for his actions on their breasts with his mouth and tongue as they cried out his name.
Tsunade looked to see the situation and smiled at the sheer pleasure that was written all over his face, she loved the look he had there as she continued to move her breasts up and down his cock while continuing to kiss and lick his cock at the very same time. She could tell that the combined pleasure was soon going to bring the blonde Genin to his full release and while she was eager to taste Naruto's cum, she decided to be fair to the others and let them have a turn at using their breasts on their young lover. She then spoke to Shizune as the dark haired Jonin managed to regain her senses.
“Shizune-san….I think that it's your turn to make Naruto-kun happy.”
Shizune nodded as Tsunade gave Naruto's cock several parting kisses, licks, and sucked on the tip gently. She then moved away as Shizune then moved to take her place as the blonde Sennin and Hokage then was next to Naruto who was currently pleasuring Sakura's breasts, the blonde turned and was surprised to see Tsunade there, looking to see Shizune who now placed his cock between her own breasts and pressed them together with her hands as she began to move at a slow pace, making him feel pleasure once more as he looked at Tsunade briefly before taking in her breasts into his mouth as he began to pleasure her breasts.
“Yessss…..that feels good Naruto-kun….”
Tsunade loved the way Naruto was licking, sucking, and kissing her breasts and nipples as she was on her knees there. Each action Naruto took to pleasure her breasts and nipples filled her body with heat and pleasure, she could also feel her vagina becoming even wetter as the heat also grew there, making her eager to have more. She however managed to calm herself down admirably while using her chakra to cover her hands as she continued to run her hands on Naruto's body while Sakura did the same thing with her own hands.
Shizune loved the feel of her lover's cock between her breasts as she had never done this before in her life, she had read about it and had heard the stories of some women who did it with their lovers, boyfriends, and husbands from time to time, and she had to admit that she was interested in trying it out herself. Now that she was doing it, she found it to be a very good thing to feel as she moved her breasts up and down Naruto's cock.
Naruto couldn't help but feel his own arousal grow hotter by the second, it was amazing to his mind that he was still able to do this without being driven to the edge at the pleasure he was getting from all three women, he continued to pleasure both Tsunade and Sakura's breasts and nipples with his mouth and tongue. He knew that he would never forget this and placed all thought aside as he focused his attention on pleasuring the two women who were with him. As soon as he was able to get the freedom to look at Shizune, he spoke out his approval at what she was doing to him.
“Feels so good Shizune-chan….”
Shizune liked that as she continued to move her breasts as she spoke to Naruto.
“You like my breasts too Naruto-kun?”
“Good, that really makes me feel very happy.”
Shizune continued to move her breasts up and down , she also did the same thing that Tsunade had done before to Naruto as she gently licked, kissed, and sucked on the tip of Naruto's cock, further adding more pleasure to Naruto's full senses felt that Naruto would soon reach his own limits soon and she wanted this night to last a lot longer so she stopped and then directed her attention to Sakura as she felt that it would be fair to Sakura if she was able to do this to Naruto as well.
As soon as she was able to get Sakura's full attention, she spoke to her fellow Konoha Kunoichi.
“Sakura-chan….it's your turn.”
Sakura nodded as Shizune gave several parting licks and kisses to Naruto's cock before moving away from him and allowing Sakura to take her place as she joined Tsunade, allowing Naruto to kiss, lick, and suck her breasts once more while Sakura was now there in front of her lover's cock once more, she then placed it between her own breasts, pressing them together as she began to move up and down while she also kissed, licked and sucked Naruto's cock.
The pink haired Kunoichi couldn't help but feel her body get even hotter as she continued with her actions on her lover's cock. The heat in her body grew hotter, namely there in her vagina; she could also feel it getting wetter as well. The feel of Naruto's cock moving between her breasts was now giving her a very accurate idea on how it would feel in her vagina or in her mouth. Those thoughts were more than enough to get her all the more eager for the chance to finally make Naruto orgasm. However, she decided to keep that in reserve as she had planned to make sure that Naruto would really enjoy this to the limit.
The blonde Genin couldn't help but feel his body continue to hit the very limits as he was busy sucking, kissing, and licking Tsunade and Shizune's breasts along with their nipples, making the two women moan out even more as they also reciprocated his actions by using their chakra on their hands to pleasure his body's pleasure centers, making him feel like he was going to drown in the pleasure.
As the pleasure grew for Naruto, the three women were able to see the blonde reaching his limits, so they decided to slow down and let Naruto relax a bit, Sakura stopped moving her breasts up and down on Naruto's cock and freed his cock from her cleavage. She was soon joined by both Shizune and Tsunade as they moved away to let the blonde recover before they took things to a much higher level. When they were sure that Naruto was back to a more relaxed level, they made their moves on him once again.
Tsunade moved first as she got behind the blonde and began to rub her breasts on his back, making Naruto moan as she also used her hands to gently caress his cock, he turned to face her and the two of them kissed deeply. As the two kissed, the two other women made their own moves as they came closer to Naruto and took his hands to place them on their respective breasts.
Naruto found his left hand on Sakura's breasts while his right was on Shizune's own breasts, he wasted no time as he began to massage them gently as well as squeeze them, he moved his hand from one breast to the next, making both women smile warmly as well as moan for a while. As soon as they were done with having Naruto massage their tits and their nipples, they took his hands, moved his hands to their mouth and then the two of them licked and sucked in his fingers, making him moan a bit while he kissed Tsunade. They continued to do their actions on his hands, as well as his fingers, then moved them back to their breasts to let him massage their breasts once more.
Naruto moved away from kissing Tsunade as the blonde Sennin then began to lick and kiss his neck as well as gently nibble on his earlobe while moving her hands up and down his cock with her hands being covered in her chakra to pleasure the nerves that were connected to the blonde male's pleasure centers. This made Naruto's cock become harder by the second as she continued to rub her naked body as well as her breasts and nipples on Naruto's back.
Both Shizune and Sakura then moved Naruto's hands away, but this time, the two of them first looked at one another and then to Naruto, they then nodded to one another as they guided his hands down their bodies, gently rubbing his hands on their lower bodies, over their flat stomach as well as their hips and then on the outsides of their thighs, they then moved his hands to their inner thighs, until they guided his hands to their respective vagina, as soon as they did that, both of them moaned and Naruto gasped as they nodded to him to do what he wanted to their sex.
<Wow….so wet, and so hot…>
Those thoughts were moving through his mind as he couldn't help but begin to move his fingers, naturally he did things slowly first to get a feel of the situation before him. He couldn't help but feel aroused by the heat and wetness that he was feeling there between Sakura and Shizune's thighs, he ran his fingers back and forth to give the pleasure to the women, and he could tell that his actions were doing the right thing as he could feel their juices come out in much larger amounts while the heat there grew as well as them moving their hips a lot more than before. He explored with his fingers, gently touching what seemed to be bulbs of flesh above the slit that would lead deeper into their sex. That action was more than enough to get some very good results from the women in question as they both cried out.
The cries from both women were more than enough to make the blonde smile as Tsunade noted that and she then recognized just what had made her two apprentices cry out in pleasure like that she then whispered to Naruto.
“You found Shizune-chan and Sakura-chan's clitoris Naruto-kun, good for you.”
“Hai, that is the bulb that gives great pleasure to women, but only if gently touched and treated well, so be careful if you….touch them with either hands or tongue, because it will hurt them if you do it wrong, that part of a woman's sex is very sensitive after all. So be gentle all right Naruto-kun?”
The blonde Hokage smiled as she continued to kiss and like Naruto's body as Naruto did as she suggested, and the results showed themselves as both Sakura and Shizune were moaning out in deep pleasure as he continued to pleasure their pussy and clit at the same time. This went on for quite a while until Tsunade gently spoke to the two women.
“Let's have Naruto-kun see what he is feeling ladies. It would not be fair to him since we've not shown him our sex when we've already seen his.”
Both Sakura and Shizune then moved away just as Tsunade did and the three of them were now in front of Naruto , the three of them sat down before the blonde, parting their legs with their knees raised. This naturally allowed Naruto to look at their respective sex which was already wet with their juices, showing their desire to him. The sight of all three women in such positions with their vagina exposed for him to see coupled with the smell of sex that was all over the hut was more than enough to make Naruto smile as well as moan out in pleasure as Sakura spoke to him in a very aroused and teasing manner.
“Like what you see Naruto-kun?”
Naruto nodded at that enthusiastically, which made the three women smile at that as they also looked at Naruto's cock which was still rock hard before them. Tsunade then spoke to Naruto as she was also very eager for him to pleasure her sex as well as her clit.
“Naruto-kun….can you do the same to me?”
Naruto was quick to get the message as he moved closer to Tsunade, gently running his fingers on both her vagina's outer lips and her clitoris, that action that Naruto took to pleasure the blonde Hokage had results as his actions made Tsunade moan out in pleasure as she looked at Naruto while blushing very hard at what she was experiencing.
“That's it Naruto-kun….mmmmm….”
The two women watched as Naruto continued to use his fingers to pleasure the Hokage, the sight served not to anger them, but to excite them even more as their own bodies began to grow in heat and wetness as each moan made by Tsunade hit their ears. The two then decided to get into the act as they surrounded Naruto and began to kiss him deeply in a two way kiss like before while they also rubbed their breasts and nipples on his body to get things in a more heated situation for him, they loved the pleasure that they got by doing this and they were happy that they were giving Naruto the kind of pleasure that he deserved.
Tsunade felt her body get even hotter by the second and she decided to let Naruto taste their respective juices as she moved to whisper to him.
“You want to know how different women are? Well….care to taste us?”
The blonde Genin naturally began to blush bright red at what the blonde Hokage suggested and nodded as his lust driven brain was eager to find out, the three women smiled at his eagerness as they then moved back to sit down and part their legs, allowing Naruto see their dripping wet sex before him. He was started by tasting Sakura's juices, making the pink haired Kunoichi moan out in pleasure at being the first to be touched there by Naruto.
Naruto tasted Sakura's juices for the very first time, finding the taste of her juices to be very good, he then moved to taste Shizune's juices that were still there on her sex, finding it to be somewhat stronger and thicker than Sakura's, he took in as much as he could take before moving to Tsunade's own sex, finding her taste to be just as different and yet desirable. Both women also moaned out their own pleasure at being touched like this by the blonde Genin.
Naruto took in as much as he could, while marveling at the now combined taste of the three women which was on his tongue. He continued to do what he could to make them moan out in pleasure as well as getting more of their respective taste into his mouth. All three women moaned out their approval of his actions so he was not going to be stopping any time soon as he relished this deeply.
It was then that the three women made their own move as they then made Naruto move back as all three of them moved to his cock, startling the blonde Genin, but he didn't resist in the least as they moved to his cock, he had a very accurate idea that what he was about to exposed to as Tsunade licked the tipoff his cock slowly, moving her tongue around his cock's tip .
Tsunade grinned happily as she took her time pleasuring Naruto's cock with her mouth and tongue, she then moved aside to let Sakura try it out, the pink haired Kunoichi hesitated a bit, but quickly overcame her shyness and did the same thing that Tsunade had done earlier to Naruto's cock, making him all the more aroused as she now developed a love for this action that she was now taking with Naruto. As soon as she was done with her actions, she then allowed Shizune to take her chance as the dark haired Kunoichi was more than willing to go ahead and try it out as she began to lick, kiss, and suck Naruto's cock in her own pace.
“Mmmmm….kami….this feels good.”
The blonde couldn't help but feel a great deal of pleasure at the sight of the three women doing such things to his cock, but he was given a much more interesting show as the three women took his cock into their mouths all the way to the base in turn, with Tsunade starting first, showing both Shizune and Sakura how it was done in this case, and he was not complaining at all as the pleasure hit his senses in full tilt as well as the sight of Tsunade doing this to his cock was something that was going to be in his mind for a while as the blonde Hokage was bringing him to the very limits with the actions she took in pleasuring his cock.
However, that was only the beginning as he saw Sakura take her turn, seeing his love and long time crush doing this to him now was also an image that he was not going to forget for quite a while, Sakura was slow in her actions but soon began to pick up speed as well as technique in her treatment of his cock as she sent waves of pleasure up and down his spine. Then it came to plass that Sakura moved away from him, allowing Shizune to also do what she could on his cock with her own mouth as he watched the dark haired Kunoichi take his cock deeply into her own mouth as she then began to move up and down.
Somewhere in the back of Naruto's mind, he became quite aware of the fact that what he was experiencing was something that only a few men ever dreamed about in their lives, and the sight that came next was also going to be something that he was not going to forget as the three women were now using their mouths on his cock as the same time,
Tsunade was the first in taking his cock into her mouth while both Sakura and Shizune were also pleasuring his cock with their tongues as well as pleasuring his testicles at the same time, as soon as the blonde Hokage was done with her actions, she was replaced by Sakura who also sent pleasure running up and down his body with her own actions as she started slowly and then picking up the pace when she felt herself become a lot more comfortable with her actions, and as soon as she was done with her turn, she moved aside to let Shizune take her turn, and the pleasure he got from that was more than enough to keep him fully hard for as long as possible as Shizune was able to get used to the pace easily and move on her own terms.
He couldn't help but be awed by the pleasure that was now running all over his body at this point as the three were going at it with one of the women at the front licking and sucking his cock while the others were licking and kissing the sides as well as his testicles with them taking turns in bringing his cock into their mouths.
It was not long before he finally reached his limits as he cried out in full orgasm.
Sakura was the one to receive his first release and since it was his first orgasm of the night, it was heavy to say the very least. The Kunoichi got to taste her lover's cum on her tongue well and she found it to be a clean, sweet, thick, and hot taste that she couldn't help but want more of as she took in as much as she could take as her lover unleashed more of his cum for the first time. Sakura couldn't help but love the taste of Naruto's cum as more of the thick, clean, sweet, and hot liquid filled her throat.
She then moved away as she got hit by some of the streams of cum on her face as well as her breasts to let Tsunade take some, and much to her amazement and that of the other two Kunoichi, the blonde Genin was still going strong as the blonde Hokage took in his cum that was still coming out. The blonde Hokage quickly loved the clean, sweet, thick, and hot cum that she got from her lover as she took in as much as she could as she continued to suck on Naruto's cock.
As soon as she was done, she moved away, getting some of her lover's cum on her face and breasts to allow Shizune to take her own share, and Shizune is more than happy to do so as she took Naruto's cock deeply into her mouth, also quickly developing a taste for his clean, sweet, thick, and hot cum like Sakura and Tsunade as she took in all that she could be able to take into her mouth, the dark haired Jonin loved the taste of it all as she took in more and more.
As soon as she had reached her limit, she moved away, and as she did so, she got some of her lover's cum on her face and breasts as Naruto had finally reached his limits in that moment. The blonde Genin was tired but not out as the three women could see in his face as they decided to clean themselves up for the next set of events.
Naruto himself was amazed at the sight of the three women cleaning themselves with their hands and tongues, he gasped as he saw them swallow his cum without the least sign of discomfort at all, but instead they appeared to be very happy with the taste they got from him, this made him very happy in the fact that they were all right with the whole thing. However, he had a feeling that this was only the beginning of things and considering all that had happened to him so far, he learned to trust his instincts.
The three women then decided to bring Naruto a state of pleasure that they knew men only dreamed of in their entire lives as they looked at one another, the silence between the three was brief as Sakura spoke to Naruto.
“Naruto-kun….we're going to do something that….we have never done before….so don't tell anyone back in Konoha about this all right?”
“Uh….what exactly are you going to do Sakura-chan?”
Sakura blushed deeply and looked at both Shizune and Tsunade; the two elder women nodded their approval, making her gulp as she moved to whisper to Naruto.
“We're going to….show you how women….have sex with other women.”
Naruto instantly blushed bright red in that exact moment as he quickly got the idea of what Sakura had just whispered into his ears, he couldn't help but be amazed at the implications of what Sakura, Tsunade, and Shizune were going to show him, he looked at the three of them as he spoke out.
“Are you….serious?!”
The three nodded as Tsunade spoke seriously to their respective lover.
“We are, and this is only for you, we've talked about this before….and it's something that none of us have done before, even more so with a man seeing us. This is for you and only you, that is how much we want to make you happy. So don't tell anyone else about this.”
“I swear I won't tell anyone Tsunade-chan!"
Naruto spoke as he knew that what he was about to see was going to be something that most men would kill to see and only dream of. He had heard about this before when the Pervy Sage spoke of his travels, and truth be told, the idea of women having sex with one another before him was very tempting so he was not the kind of guy to refuse.
Seeing that Naruto was serious, the three women relaxed as they readied themselves for the soon to come festivities, the first to start it out was Tsunade herself as she was the one who suggested it to the others, she had heard of this herself, and while she had not done it either, she had heard that men were aroused deeply by it and if it would make Naruto happy, then she would be willing to try it out for him to see. The blonde started things off by moving the women to be at a short distance to Naruto so he was given a full view of the action for his viewing pleasure. Once they were in the right distance from Naruto, the blonde Hokage began to touch Sakura's breasts while her chakra on her hands helped make Sakura moan out deeply.
Tsunade used one hand to pleasure both of Sakura's breasts while using her other hand to pleasure Sakura's dripping wet sex, the blonde Hokage then gently kissed Sakura's mouth, making the blushing pink haired Kunoichi moan out in pleasure at her sensei's actions, the kiss was brief but very passionate as the two parted, only this time, they were joined by Shizune who then shared a deep kiss with Tsunade while she used one hand to pleasure her own breasts while the other soon joined Tsunade's hand in pleasuring Sakura's vagina, making the pink haired Kunoichi blush deeply.
Tsunade and Shizune the parted from the kiss the two of them did before as the dark haired Jonin then directed her full attention to pleasuring the Hokage as Tsunade then moved away from Sakura as the pink haired Kunoichi then decided to do the very same thing to her sensei, the blonde Hokage was soon being pleasured by both Sakura and Shizune as the two were on either side of the blonde woman with their mouths pleasuring her breasts and nipples while their hands moved to her vagina and clitoris to pleasure both as the Hokage used their own hands to pleasure their own vagina at the very same time as they were really getting into flow of things.
Naruto couldn't help but feel like his eyes were going to be cooked by the sight before him as all three women were pleasuring one another and it was something that he was already enjoying a very good deal.
It was not long before Tsunade reached her orgasm as the two women then moved away from her breasts and nipples as they also hit their orgasm as well due to Tsunade's use of her fingers as well as her chakra that was coating her fingers at the same time. The blonde Hokage and her companions noted with smiles on their faces that Naruto was now getting hard by the sight before him, so they decided to up the factor a bit more to really give the blonde the show that they knew he deserved.
Tsunade then started it off by licking her hands clean of both Sakura and Shizune's juices, as soon as she was done, the blonde Hokage then moved to Shizune as she then began to pleasure the dark haired Jonin's breasts with one of her hands while the other was now in her senior apprentice's sex, making Shizune moan out loud as both Sakura and Tsunade were doing their own thing as the pink haired Kunoichi was now there and being pleasured by Shizune who leaned to the side where Sakura was to lick her breasts and nipples as best she could and then kissed the pink haired junior apprentice of Tsunade.
The blonde Genin gulped audibly at the sight and his cock was back at full mast, a fact that didn't escape the attention of all three women as they grinned happily at the sight. Tsunade then whispered to both Sakura and Shizune and both nodded as she moved in between them and they treated the blonde to the sight of a three way sandwish…
Tsunade was in the middle while Sakura was on the blonde Hokage's back and Shizune was in the front. All three of them began to move their bodies with the two sandwiching the Hokage as their breasts pressed on her, Sakura's breasts on Tsunade's back while Shizune's own breasts were pressing into Tsunade's as the three women kissed each other for him to see, first it was Tsunade and Shizune together in a very wet and passionate kiss.
Then when they parted from one another, Shizune and Sakura kissed each other as well for a bit more, and then as they parted Tsunade turned her head and was now kissing Sakura in a very passionate fashion, the two leaned back to allow Shizune to move in and begin to worship Tsunade's breasts with her hands and mouth while Sakura moved her hands to Tsunade's hips and the very second the blonde Hokage moaned and shook her hips, that told Naruto just what was Sakura doing to the blonde Hokage.
<Kami….if this is a dream, then I do NOT want to wake up!!!!>
The blonde thought this out loud as the sight carried on before his eyes as Shizune then used one free hand to join Sakura's own hand in pleasuring the blonde Hokage's vagina, and the increasing pleasure for the blonde made her tense and cry out even more until they stopped. The three then changed positions and this time, it was Sakura who got sandwiched between Shizune and Tsunade, the blonde was in front of Sakura while Shizune was at the back and they did the same thing as before, Sakura and Tsunade kissed one another deeply and then Tsunade and Shizune kissed one another deeply as Sakura moved aside for that to happen, once that was done, Sakura and Shizune kissed one another as the pink haired Kunoichi faced in the dark haired Kunoichi' direction while they leaned back as Tsunade began to worship Sakura's breasts as well as use her hands on Sakura's vagina along with Shizune's own hands.
They them switched with Shizune being between Sakura and Tsunade with Tsunade on the
This carried on for a bit more with various combinations until the three decided to unveil the crowing move for this night, and what a move it was as Naruto spoke out in a very obvious show of his appreciation.
“Holy hell!!!”
The blonde Genin was allowed to see the most erotic sight in his life as the three women were in a triangle shape….Tsunade was lying there on the floor with Sakura between her legs licking her vagina and clitoris, lapping up her master's juices while straddling the blonde's body in the middle with her on her knees, Tsunade herself was between Shizune's legs as she was also pleasuring the dark haired Jonin's pussy and clitoris with her mouth and tongue, and Shizune was doing the same thing to Sakura's own vagina and clitoris.
Naruto swore that he was NEVER going to forget this for as long as he was alive as he looked on in awe and burning arousal. This was something he knew men would kill to see as he looked on as the three women pleasured each other for his personal show, until all three women shivered deeply in orgasm before him. The three them moved away from one another before him as they calmed down a good deal before their undeniably aroused audience of one.
As the three women sighed in their full release, Tsunade then noted that Naruto was still fully aroused, she then decided to let Naruto have his time with one of them as she looked at Naruto and spoke to him.
“Naruto-kun….did you love the show?”
“Yes….I really loved it.”
Tsunade smiled as she, Sakura, and Shizune then crawled towards Naruto and then all thereof them kissed him once more, allowing him to taste their juices at the same time, making him moan into the kiss at the combined tastes of the three women in his mouth, it was a delicious cocktail that was not going to be removed from his mind for quite a while now.
That was then when Tsunade moved away while she took Shizune aside, she then spoke directly to Naruto.
“Good, but now….time for you to be with Sakura-chan….when you are done, then pleasure me and Shizune-chan all right?”
Naruto nodded and it was then that he felt a large rush of stamina and chakra hit him. He didn't have to spend too much time in figuring out just where the surge of stamina and chakra came from. He was going to have a conversation with the perverted demon resident in his body when he got the chance but for now he had more pressing matters to deal with as he faced Sakura
Naruto blushed and so did Sakura as he closed in on her while Tsunade and Shizune were nearby, keeping one another company while observing the two of them. As soon as they were close to one another, the pink haired Kunoichi moved first as she leaned over to begin kissing and licking his chest and his nipples as well. Naruto naturally moaned out at her actions as he leaned back to allow her to have her way with him before he made his own moves on her to even things up between them.
“Sakura-chan…feels good….aaaaaah!”
Sakura wasted little time to kiss and lick her way back to Naruto's face as she kissed him deeply while rubbing her body on his to make things between the two of them even hotter by the minute; she was doing well in that regard as she slowly began to kiss downward on Naruto's body and she decided to use her hands on Naruto's body as well as her mouth, and tongue. The pink haired Kunoichi then began to make her way to Naruto's cock once more as she began to kiss the tip as well as gently lick it, making the blonde gasp once more, to her delight.
Sakura then moved back to face Naruto and then she hugged him and whispered to his ear.
“Naruto-kun….do you want to touch me?”
“Yes….but if you want to be the one to do it Sakura-chan, I won't mind at all.”
Sakura smiled at that as she knew that Naruto wanted her to be happy, so he was willing to help her in any way possible, but for tonight, she was going to be the one to make him happy once again.
“All right, but when I am done for this night, you do the same to me all right?”
Naruto nodded at that and the blonde lay back down as Sakura began to kiss him once more while rubbing her breasts on his chest, as the kiss ended she moved to place her breasts in front of Naruto and he was quick to get the message as he quickly took her breasts into his mouth and began to play with them once more as he sucked on them as well as use his tongue.
“Mmmmm….That's it Naruto-kun, just like that….”
Sakura loved the feel of Naruto's mouth and tongue on her breasts as well as her nipples as she allowed Naruto to do what he liked to her breasts for the time being, she could feel the pleasure from his actions run all over her body like fast moving water and heat, it was delicious to her as the sensations reached all the way to the roots of her hair all the way to her toes as well as make her all the more aroused. She could feel her juices grow in amount by the second and she loved that feeling a great deal as she was eager top finally feel Naruto's cock deep in her pussy when the time came, however, she didn't have to worry about feeling his cock at the moment.
And for good reason as she could feel the tip of his cock touching her stomach and each time she moved her body backward and forward slightly, the pink haired Kunoichi couldn't help but be a lot more aroused by the feel of her lover's cock moving back and forth on her stomach, she then decided to make sure that her lover's cock was given the right treatment while she would then be able to pleasure the blonde well.
With that plan in mind, the pink haired Kunoichi moved away from her lover's cock, she smiled a bit at him, reassuring him that this was not going to be the end just yet, she then moved down to his cock once more as she then began to kiss and lick her lover's cock from tip to base, she also then directed her attention to his testicles, gently lavishing loving care to them as she knew how sensitive these parts of a man's anatomy were, after all, when some of the drunken drew had tried to get fresh with her before the day of the attack on their ship, she aimed there with only a fraction of her strength to give them something else to worry about. Of course she would not do that to Naruto this night, she might punch him to keep him from doing stupid things, but tonight she was going to be a docile pussy cat for the blonde man who loved her for years, of course she was not going to be doing nothing at all at this point as she continued to kiss and lick her lover's cock.
“Mmmmm….that….feels good!”
Naruto loved the way that Sakura was treating his cock, she might have done it before already this night, but he was more than receptive to her ministrations. He however had every intention of making her moan and cry out his own name in pleasure, after all, she had given him permission to do those said thing to her so why should he not do it to her when given the chance?
The blonde then groaned out in joy as he felt Sakura take in the tipof his cock into her mouth and begin to lick and suck on it while her hands continued to fondle his testicles as well as run up and down his cock. Naruto couldn't help but reach out to touch her head as he played with her hair, he felt each lick of Sakura's tongue on his cock as fire that ran down his body.
Sakura then relaxed herself and then took Naruto's cock deeply into her mouth, moaning as she controlled her body's normal gag reflex, doing so allowed her to take in Naruto's full length into her mouth like before, she relished the feel of her lover's sex deep in her mouth as she relaxed herself a bit more before moving her head up and down, she loved the feel of her lover's sex moving in and out of her mouth as she reached up to the tip before moving back down all the way to the base, she also used her hands to caress Naruto's testicles as well to make sure that they were not lacking any attention from her.
Naruto moaned out Sakura's name as he groaned out in pleasure as he looked at her taking in his cock into her mouth with a deep blush on her face. The sight was good to him as he was on the pillows and looking at Sakura as she continued with her actions, slowly moving up and down while gently licking and sucking his sex. Once in a while she would move off of his cock to lavish the same oral attention to his testicles while using her hands on his cock to keep him stimulated there.
As soon as she was done gently licking and sucking his testicles, she would then go back to his cock, lavishing the organ with her full loving attention as she moved her head up and down, her control of her gag reflex was still there to allow her to take in his full length once more, and as she began to speed up her actions as well as take his cock deeply into her throat, she couldn't help but feel her own sex get even hotter and wetter.
Naruto was in heaven as he looked at Sakura's actions on his cock, he felt like he was going to soon pass out from all the pleasure that was hitting his senses blow by the second. However, the blonde managed to hold it in for as long as he could, though he had a very strong feeling that sooner or later, he was going to lose it himself.
And he was right as he finally cried out in full release of his orgasm just as Sakura took his cock deeply into her mouth.
Sakura had already experienced Naruto's orgasm but she was still amazed that despite his previous orgasms, the blonde Genin was still able to release quite an amount of his cum into her mouth once more, she relished the taste of her lover's cum once more on her tongue as the thick, sweet, and hot liquid filled her mouth once more as she took in as much as she could, the result of her actions on her lover's sex was more than enough to get her all the more eager for Naruto to give her the very same attention.
She moved away and had some of his cum hit her breasts when she released his cock, she looked at Naruto as she swallowed his cum and then used her hands to wipe the remaining cum off of her face, she then licked her fingers clean with her tongue for him to see, making him all the more aroused by the second. As soon as she was done, she gently spoke to Naruto in her most sensual voice.
“Now it's your turn Naruto-kun.”
Naruto was more than willing to take his turn but he was also able to keep his hormones from getting the better of him at the wrong time as he wanted to make this moment with her special, she deserved that much from him after all. He started by gently kissing her lips once more, he felt her respond to his actions and that was more than enough for the blonde to go ahead with the rest of his actions for the day as he began to deepen the kiss as he used his tongue on her. As they kissed he moved to caress her breasts as well as her nipples with his hands and fingers. When they parted from the deep kiss, the blonde began to lavish attention on her body, starting with her neck all the way down to her chest, kissing, sucking and kissing all the way to her breasts. He used his hands to play with her breasts as well as her nipples, making her moan out in approval to his actions on her breasts. As for himself, he loved the feel of Sakura's breasts and nipples in his hands as they felt good to his hands.
“Ahhhhh…..touch me like that….”
“Mmmm…press my breasts like that again….”
Sakura made a deep whimpering sound at the pleasure she was getting as she allowed Naruto to continue playing with her breasts. She loved the way that Naruto was touching her and in the way that she liked.
Naruto then used his mouth and tongue on her breasts, staring first with Sakura's right breast, licking her breast and nipple with all the attention and focus he could muster into the whole thing as he sought to make Sakura happy, his actions proved to be fairly effective in achieving that end as the pink haired Kunoichi moaned out her approval as he also massaged her left breast as well as her nipple. As soon as he was done lavishing oral attention on her right breast and nipples, the blonde was quick to move his focus on her left breast and nipple, he then pleasured her deeply while using his hands to massage her right breast along with her nipple as well, making sure to pleasure her well.
Sakura loved the attention she was getting as she lay there to allow Naruto the time to do what he wanted to do to her body. She did say that after she was done with pleasuring him to his very limits, it was going to be his turn to pleasure her and he was doing a very good job at the moment.
She then gasped as Naruto moved his free hand down her body and touched her clitoris, gently playing with that bulb as well as her vagina, he coated his fingers with her juices first before moving his fingers on her sex as well as her clitoris, she also moaned out a bit more as Naruto also moved his fingers in and out of her vagina, making her all the more aroused with each passing second as she lay there, allowing Naruto to have his way with her.
Tsunade and Shizune looked on with considerable approval as they could see just how much Naruto had began to show his ability to pleasure a woman in the right way. They were also very eager for them to have their turn with Naruto, for now they were busy in their own right as they touched each other's body with their hands, starting with their breasts as well as their dripping wet sex and kissing one another gently as well.
Naruto then moved away from Sakura's breasts as he now directed his attention to the rest of her beautiful body, he started by kissing her breasts one more time before moving down to her stomach gently kissing and licking her, making her smile and moan out a bit more. He then reached her dripping wet vagina and he smiled at the sight before him as there was a lot of her juices coming out of her sex as well as on his fingers. H then decided to surprise Sakura who was looking at him with a blush on her face, he showed his surprise to her as he moved his hand that was covered in her juices and began to lick it clean before her.
Sakura blushed bright red at that image before her of Naruto doing that to her juices as it sent heat running all throughout her body as well as a deeper sense of arousal. Her body also reacted at the sight as it released even more of her juices along with feeling her inner walls move more in her body. She loved this as she could see that Naruto was really getting into the spirit of things. She smiled at him lovingly and got herself ready for another round as she looked at her blonde lover as he now directed his full attention back to her sex.
Naruto smiled a bit more, smelling the scent of Sakura's full arousal; this added extra fuel to the fire that was burning in his body as well as his brain so he was more than ready for this moment. He steeled himself to control his raging hormones, once that was out of the way, he then did his bit, gently licking Sakura's wet pussy as well as her clitoris, making her gasp a bit at that sensation. This also allowed him to taste her full arousal once more, and in a much more arousing fashion.
Sakura moaned out deeply as she felt Naruto begin to lavish attention on both her vagina as well as her clitoris with his tongue, the very second that happened, she felt waves of pleasure and energy flow through her body and it felt utterly delicious, she felt his tongue move up and down her sex as well as her clit, sending waves of pleasure as well as heat all over her body in this moment.
Both lovers were moaning out in pleasure as the actions of the blonde Genin carried on with his focus on pleasuring her sex as well as her clitoris. He also used his tongue to thrust in deeply in and out of her vagina, mimicking the way his cock would soon be doing in her once they reached that stage. He couldn't help but love the sweet and strong taste of Sakura's juices as he took in more than he could handle. The pink haired Kunoichi also felt her body grow hotter by the second as her lover brought her every closer to full release and she was not the least bit shy in shouting out just how close she was to already hitting her orgasm.
“Naruto-kun….thrust your tongue harder….oh kami that feels so good!!!!”
“You taste….wonderful….Sakura-chan!”
Sakura felt like she was going to die and got to heaven right now, and she wouldn't mind at all, she was breaking apart at the seams with pleasure flooding all of her senses. It was therefore not very long before she finally hit her limits and cried out in full joy.
Naruto was quick to lap up as much of Sakura's juices as they came out her sex, the blonde Genin took in as much as he could manage to take in as he had no intention of losing this chance to bring Sakura to pleasure once more, the thought of the feel of her inner walls all over his cock was more than enough to get Naruto all excited as he finished lapping up as much of her juices as he could manage with the time given to him. He then began to wipe his face clean after licking his lips all for Sakura to see.
The pink haired Kunoichi blushed at the sight as she got even more excited, and she was eager to end this night with a bang.
The two relaxed for a minute or two, gently kissing one another allowing Sakura to relax as she now was ready for the final run as she parted her legs once more for Naruto to look at her wet vagina as it released more of her juices, he looked at her as she nodded her approval, he got into the position between her legs as she crossed her ankles behind him to hold him there. Naruto positioned his cock and slowly began to move forward, hoping that he was going to hit the spot and not fumble in the end which would embarrass him to no end.
Thankfully he hit the mark and was soon pushing past Sakura's outer lips, making her moan out in appreciation as she held him tightly with her legs behind him. Naruto gritted his teeth as he continued to push even further into her sex and it was not long before he finally hit his limit. He groaned a bit as he felt himself fully buried in Sakura's inner sheath….it was a good feeling.
Sakura cried out in pleasure as she felt her lover's cock fill her to the brim, her body heat grew even more as more of her juices came out, she relaxed herself a bit more while Naruto held onto her tightly, allowing her to get used to the feel of him being this deep inside of her. The oneness she felt with Naruto was so right to her senses and her body. As soon as she relaxed a bit more, getting used to the feel of him inside of her, she nodded to Naruto and spoke out her desire.
“Go on Naruto-kun….I need you now….”
Naruto nodded, he slowly pulled back out, his actions send shockwaves of pleasure in his body as well as Sakura's own as they both moaned out deeply, Naruto then thrust back in deeply to the base, making both of them moan out even more. He then began to repeat the actions slowly, making sure that he was not going to orgasm prematurely; he wanted to be the one to bring Sakura to pure bliss and that would be a sight he would do anything to see.
The pink haired Kunoichi was more than willing to help her lover along as she then began to use her legs to help him thrust deeper and harder into her sex, making the two of them moan out deeply in pleasure as Naruto also drove in deep and hard as he began to pick up the pace so he would bring Sakura to her full release.
As Naruto sped up his actions, thrusting hard and deep into Sakura, the two of them were more than willing to shout out their pleasure as each thrust of his cock into her vagina as her inner walls milked his cock each time it was deep in her.
It was not long before the two of them finally reached their limits as they kissed one another deeply in that exact moment, moaning deeply into one another as they felt their bodies in the grip of their respective orgasm.
Sakura loved the feel of being filled to the brim by her lover's cum in that moment as she continued to kiss Naruto deeply. She couldn't help but relish the pleasure of being filled to the brim by Naruto's cum as the thick and hot liquid was inside of her. That feeling felt undeniably right to her as she now knew just how much Naruto meant to her after all this time. It was good to finally admit it and feel just how much he loved her in turn, it made this moment all the more precious to her.
As for Naruto, he felt a great deal of fulfillment, not just in his orgasm this time but also in his heart as he now had been able to be one with Sakura, the woman he had carried a long standing love and crush on for years when they were young up to now. As he felt her walls milk his cock as he unleashed more of his cum he felt very happy as the pleasure flowed all over his body in that moment as he hugged Sakura. He finally was one with Sakura in a way that changed to the two of them forever.
Naruto however was far from finished as the chakra given to him by the Kyuubi was still very much active in him, even though he had already hit his orgasm. His body recovered quickly as he then took Sakura's body up and then stood up with her still wrapped around him, much to her surprise while his cock was still buried deeply inside of her.
Sakura was utterly caught off guard by this new position she was in with Naruto as she had her legs wrapped around her lover's sides while she had her hand wrapped around his neck. She looked at Naruto who smiled seductively at her with the heat of his arousal still burning red hot in his deep blue eyes as he then began to move. He thrust upward first making her moan as her body moved upwards from that action and when she moved down through her own momentum, she cried out as Naruto's cock filled her once more, even going deeper than before.
It was not long before the two began to move with one another, the motions started slowly as Naruto used his full strength to both remain upright as well as move his body upwards to thrust deeply into Sakura's dripping wet vagina while the pink haired Kunoichi moved down with her own momentum to impale herself deeply on Naruto's cock as she and the blonde cried out in pleasure as their actions began to speed up while the combined juices from their previous orgasm together was there dripping down to the bed underneath them.
It was not long before the two of them finally released their orgasms and they were once more vocal about it.
As the blonde felt his cock unleash more of his cum into Sakura, he gently lowered her to the ground as gently as he could while still holding her close to him, listening to Sakura's whimpering sounds as well as her moans of pleasure and release. Those sounds made Naruto very happy to be a man. As for Sakura herself, the pleasure she got was so good that she was never going to be able to forget it no matter what else would happen to them here on the island.
As the two relaxed, Naruto kissed Sakura deeply as he moved away, as much as he wanted to stay there with Sakura, he was not the kind of person to leave others hanging while waiting for him, besides Sakura seemed not to mind in the least as she then nodded her approval to him to go ahead with what he had in mind. He directed his full attention to the others and directed his gaze to Shizune who looked back at him with a deep blush on her face.
Tsunade saw that and grinned at her senior apprentice as she whispered into Shizune's ear.
“It seems that Naruto-kun wants you Shizune-chan….excuse me.”
The dark haired woman gasped a bit but decided to relax herself as Tsunade moved aside as Naruto was now on his way to her. She relaxed herself as she got ready for the pleasure that was soon to come to him.
Naruto moved over to the dark haired woman who lay there before him, he gently made her stand up as he was now face to face with her, he then gently kissed her lips, making her moan a bit as she then kissed him back with equal desire and gentleness. He recalled the taste of her in that exact moment as the two of them were now locked in a deep kiss with one another. As soon as the kiss ended, Naruto moved forward to make Shizune lie down as he continued run his hands on her body, as soon as he was done with using his hand, he used his lips and tongue, staring by kissing Shizune deeply, he then moved to kissing her cheeks, then her neck, gently sucking and biting her skin while still using his hands to pleasure her breasts.
The dark haired Jonin was not going to be the kind of person who would be idle however, as she reached out with her hands, summoning her chakra to her hands as she began to caress the sides of Naruto's body as well as his shoulders and back, she was so eager to feel pleasure once more with Naruto being the one who was going to bring her to full release, she then decided to try something that she heard about that some women did with their lovers, husbands, and boy friends, she was going to enjoy this as she then gently pushed Naruto to get off of her, hoping he didn't get her actions wrong.
Thankfully the blonde was quick to get the idea that she had and moved away to lie down on the bed, allowing her the chance to have her fun with him, making her smile at his willingness to let her have her turn with him instead of focusing only on his own pleasure and benefit, as soon as he was there on his back, she quickly moved on top of him as she kissed him deeply along with using her tongue to duel with his. The blonde Genin was more than willing as they kissed deeply while Shizune then rubbed her body on Naruto's own form as she kissed him. Once they broke apart from the kiss, the dark haired Jonin got to work.
She moved to straddle Naruto's head and allow him to see her dripping wet sex right above him and naturally she blushed at the fact that she was exposing herself before him in such a fashion that was so new to her, she was embarrassed, but also very excited.
And apparently so was Naruto as he spoke out in a tone of appreciation.
“You're so pink Shizune-chan….and wet too.”
Shizune blushed fiercely at the words Naruto spoke to her as she looked at her lover's cock as it was now fully hard, she then gently leaned down and as soon as he was close to her lover's sex, she began to kiss and lick it slowly, making Naruto moan, she didn't have to wait for very long as Naruto then moved to pleasure her in his own fashion as she felt his hands on her hips as well as his breath on her vagina as well as her clitoris, making her moan as well as shiver in pleasure in his actions.
She didn't hesitate to reward her lover as she continued to lick, kiss, and suck on her lover's cock with all of her energy while also making sure to gently caress his testicles with her hands, and at times, she would also use her mouth to pleasure Naruto's cock as well, this naturally made Naruto moan out deeply as he also began to lick on both her clitoris and her vagina while using his hands to caress her thighs both on the inside and the outside as well as him rubbing his hands slowly on her posterior as well.
The two lovers were moving into the spirit of things as they pleasure done another with Naruto licking, sucking and kissing Shizune's clitoris and vagina while also thrusting his tongue into her sex allowing more of her juices to flow out while Shizune continued to lavish full attention to her lover's cock as well as his testicles with her mouth and tongue, she would sometimes move her mouth off of Naruto's cock, using her hands to pleasure it while she kissed and licked his testicles, when she was done, she would then lavish full attention to his cock, taking it all the way to the base while licking and kissing it at the same time.
It was not long before the two of them finally hit their orgasm, both of them moaned deeply as they took in each other's juices in that moment, Shizune had already developed a deep taste for her lover's cum so she didn't move away at all as she willingly took in as much of Naruto's cum as he could manage to take into her mouth while gently rubbing his testicles with her hands. The blonde Genin was not far behind as he took in as much of the Jonin's hot juices as he could at the moment as he loved the taste of her juices on the tip of his tongue, it was something that he was not going to be able to forget for as long as possible as he felt not only the flowing juices coming from Shizune's sex, but also the feel of her inner walls milking his tongue like a vice.
The two took in all that they could and then moved away, Shizune got some of Naruto's cum on her face while Naruto got some of Shizune's juices on his face, As soon as they parted, the two of them sat up before one another and then began to lick one another's juices off each other's face and that made the two of them become even hotter for the rest of the night to progress even more. As soon as they were done cleaning one another, the blonde then spoke to the dark haired Jonin.
“You ready?”
“Hai….but I want to do something Naruto-kun….do you…”
“Mind? No, if it will make you happy Shizune-chan I'll do it for you…what do you have in mind?”
Instead of telling Naruto what she had in mind, she decided to move herself to be on top of Naruto once more, and this time she was facing him as she leaned down and kissed him before she positioned herself to have his cock in the right position for her to lower herself down on Naruto's cock.
Shizune looked down at Naruto who smiled lovingly at her, allowing her to relax as she braced herself as she slowly began to lower her body over his cock, she moaned out deeply as she felt his cock part her vagina's outer lips first and then her inner ones. She couldn't help but be amazed at how thick and long Naruto's cock was as it began to enter her vagina as she slowly lowered herself, and she was more than willing to tell Naruto just how she was feeling at this moment.
“Naruto-kun….you're so big….mmmmm.”
“Shizune-chan….you feel so good….”
The dark haired woman smiled at that while blushing still as she continued to lower herself slowly on Naruto's cock until she finally was able to bury Naruto's cock deep in her sex with one final drop of her hips, the pleasure that struck through her body made her orgasm in that exact moment as she cried out.
The blonde Genin gritted his teeth in that exact moment as the pleasure of feeling Shizune's inner walls milking his cock slammed into him like tidal waves hitting the cliff face. It was something that he enjoyed deeply but he managed to control his orgasm before things got too strong for him as he was not in the mood to let this whole thing end too early. As soon as he managed to relax his libido, he waited for Shizune to also relax while he felt her juices flow out of her sex in that instant.
As soon as she relaxed, Shizune smiled as she then began to move herself slowly back up, gritting her teeth in pleasure as she felt Naruto's cock moving down her walls with her upwards movement, as soon as she felt only the tip of Naruto's cock in her, she quickly moved back down in a slightly faster pace, she moved all the way to the base of Naruto's cock, burying him deep inside of her, making both of them moan out deeply in pleasure.
Shizune then began to move her hips up and down as well as back and forth to make sure that the two of them were able to get the flow of their actions with one another as Naruto also began to thrust his hips forward, allowing Shizune to feel his cock move in her, which she approved of greatly as she began to cry out even louder. As the two of them began to increase their pace, the pleasure between them grew deeply with each combined action that they took to one another, while Naruto then reached upward to touch Shizune's breasts, playing with them as well as her nipples, making the dark haired Jonin moan out deeply in pleasure with a massive blush on her face, she also made her pleasure known to Naruto and anyone else in the room.
Naruto couldn't help but admire the sight of Shizune like this before him and he continued to thrust deeply into her while also voicing out his very one pleasure.
“This is good!!!!!”
They two carried out as the pleasure grew hotter for them, Naruto could feel Shizune's juices soak his cock as more of it flowed out her while Shizune felt each thrust of Naruto's cock into her vagina, and considering the angel that they were in, her lover's cock hit deep into her sex. The dark haired Jonin then leaned forward allowing Naruto give him a deep kiss while he still played with her breasts with his hands It was not long before they reached their respective limits and when they did, Shizune moved back and arched her body in pleasure just as Naruto gave one final deep thrust of his hips with him shouting out that the very same time.
Shizune was in deep bliss as she stayed still as she felt her lover's cock unleash more of his cum into her vagina, the feeling of the hot and thick liquid fill her to the brim, she felt herself bound to Naruto in the most intimate way that would ensure that she would never be able to see Naruto in the same light ever again, not that it was a bad thing in her mind, she felt happy to be with her Naruto-kun.
Naruto was happy as he felt her vaginal walls milk his cock deeply with each passing moment as he unleashed more of his cum into her body, the sight of Shizune like this was a sight that he was not going to forget for quite a long time, and he didn't mind it in the very least as he then rose up to kiss Shizune deeply, she responded in kind as they kissed one another deeply.
As soon as they parted from the kiss, Shizune moved off of Naruto and sat down, relishing the feel of his cum in her sex.
However, Naruto was not done yet as he still had plenty of chakra as well as stamina left in him as he then gently kissed her once more, making Shizune moan out deeply into his mouth, which he naturally enjoyed a considerable deal, he then gently began to try and make Shizune turn around, hoping that what he had in mind would sit well with the Jonin.
Shizune was able to follow Naruto's unspoken command despite the fact that she was still reeling from the pleasure that she had just been subjected to by the blonde's cock, she was able to get on her hands and knees, eager to feel Naruto's cock moving in and out of her dripping wet sex once more, she didn't have to wait for too long as the blonde Genin took hold of her hips and drove his cock into her sex, he was going slowly until she spoke out to him, she wanted him to bury himself deep into her.
“Naruto-kun….please….go deep into me…”
“Shizune-chan….are you sure?”
“Hai….I want it now….”
Naruto nodded as he thrust deeply into her, smiling happily as he heard her cry out in deep pleasure, he also relished the pleasure of being buried deeply into her vagina. He then began to move slowly in and out while rubbing his hands on Shizune's ass and hips gently, making her moan out in pleasure at his actions, he then leaned forward to lavish several kisses and licks on her back, making her smile as well as moan at her lover's actions.
This carried on for a while until Naruto then began to move his hands to Shizune's breasts, as soon as he held her breasts in his hands, he played with them while continuing to thrust deeply into Shizune's vagina in a much faster pace that sent more shivers of pleasure in both himself and Shizune as well, he then moved to gently kissing, licking, and sucking the dark haired Jonin's earlobe while moaning out his pleasure to Shizune just as she also moaned out in pleasure.
“Shizune-chan…. You feel so good…”
“Naruto-kun….harder…..thrust harder into me…..ooooh!”
The blonde soon picked up the pace of his actions and it was not long before both of them cried out in pleasure as the blonde Genin moved at a much faster and harder pace, thrusting deep and hard into Shizune's vagina while the dark haired woman was more than willing to cry out her pleasure.
Both of them felt their bodies reach the point of orgasm in them as they kissed deeply with one another, their tongues dueling in such a way that it would have qualified as sex act on it's own pace, this added even more pleasure as Naruto moved his cock faster in and out of Shizune's dripping wet sex, and it was not long before the two of them finally hit their orgasm.
Both moaned hard as they felt the results of their orgasm, Shizune moaned out in pleasure as she was filled once more to the brim by her lover's cum once more, making her feel the thick and hot liquid flow into every part of her body, as well as feel more of his cum flow into her body as she felt Naruto's cock unleash more into her. Naruto himself enjoyed the feeling of his cum being taken in to fill Shizune's sex as he felt his cock continue to release more of his cum while it was being milked by Shizune's inner walls that made beautiful and delicious feelings in his body.
As they were done, Naruto gently helped Shizune rest on the bed after being in that position for a while now, as soon as that was done, he cuddled with the Jonin while gently stroking his body and giving her loving kisses, as well as deep and passion filled one the very second he felt her breathing become normal as well as her heart rate.
As soon as Shizune felt relaxed, she looked at Naruto who kissed her deeply as she hugged him, the double orgasms that she felt due to her lover's actions were more than enough to make her very happy that she was able to be with him in this moment. After the deep kiss between them Shizune decided that it was time for Naruto to end the night with Tsunade as she whispered to him.
“Naruto-kun….please make Tsunade-sama happy…”
Naruto looked at Tsunade, seeing her to be very eager indeed for the pleasure that he knew only he could give her and he nodded to Shizune as he gently kissed her before moving towards the blonde Hokage who saw the way he looked at her, she smiled seductively, making a come here gesture to Naruto, silently ordering him to hurry to her, an order the blonde Genin was more than willing to obey.
The blonde Genin stopped before the female Sennin, he couldn't help but watch as the blonde Hokage moved to kiss him, as soon as they kissed one another, the two of them moaned into each other's mouths, further increasing the pleasure the two of them felt, the kiss started slowly between the two blondes, but that soon changed as they began to kiss one another deeply and used their tongues on one another. The kissing between the two became torrid enough that it was reaching the qualification of a sex act on it's own. The two felt their bodies crave air, but they continued to kiss one another deeply, as if they wanted to taste one another deeply.
The two of them soon parted from one another, taking deep gulps of air while still looking at one another, Tsunade gently ran her hands on her lover's face as she continued to straddle him with her on top of him, she then decided to make Naruto enjoy himself even more for this night so he would remember his time alone with her, and to do that, she decided to move off of him and speak to him.
“Naruto-kun….move to me and straddle my chest.”
Tsunade smiled gently and replied.
“Trust me Naruto-kun, you are going to be given a good gift. You do trust me after all Naruto-kun?”
Naruto nodded as he kissed Tsunade before finally moving to straddle her chest, as soon as he did so, she gave him some instructions to get closer to her chest, when he did so she parted her breasts with her hands, she then nodded to Naruto and he got the message as he placed his cock between her breasts as she then pressed them together, she then spoke to him.
“Now Naruto-kun….you managed to get your first taste of paizuri from me.”
“It goes by that name but if you want to know, it's called breast fucking in the more vulgar tone. I have no doubt you must have read it somewhere in magazines or in that perverted team mate of mine's writings, right?”
Naruto wanted to deny it but he then nodded as lying before the blonde Sennin that he loved was wrong. Instead of being angered by his admission however, the blonde woman smiled at him and spoke gently.
“Good….so, I believe it is your turn to move your hips so your cock can move more, I moved my body to pleasure you before when I gave this treatment to you, so now it is your turn.”
Naruto gulped and did as Tsunade asked, he started slowly, pulling back his hips first, allowing his cock to slid back on Tsunade's breasts, he then pushed back forward, moaning out in pleasure at the feel of her breasts all over his cock as he began to move back and forth at a slowly growing pace. The blonde Genin moaned out even more as he felt Tsunade use her tongue and lips to lick, suck, and kiss his cock whenever he thrust forward his hips as the pleasure of moving his cock in and out of her breasts was coupled with the pleasure of feeling Tsunade use her lips, mouth and tongue on his cock.
“That's it….thrust your cock through my breasts….”
Tsunade loved the pleasure that she was getting from the blonde Genin who she loved deeply, each thrust he made sent pleasure through her breasts and traveled to many parts of her body, making her all the more happy that she was finally able to do this with Naruto, she was eager for him to do what he liked to her here and now, she wanted him to take his time with her and bring the two of them to the very heights of pure bliss. Tsunade also was eager to finally bring Naruto to the very limits with not just the use of her breasts but also her mouth and her pussy as well. But for now, she was more than willing to let Naruto revel in the feel of her breasts all over his cock.
Naruto groaned out in pleasure as he began to speed up his thrusts of his cock in and out of Tsunade's breasts, he then thought of pleasuring Tsunade's vagina as well as her clitoris at the very same time to really bring the blonde Sennin and Hokage to the release that he new she was craving. With that plan in mind, the blonde Genin moved his right hand to Tsunade's body, movi8ng down her stomach to reaching her dripping wet sex.
As soon as he touched her there, the blonde Genin was soon able to see just how aroused the Hokage was as he could feel the heat coming from her vagina as well as the large amounts of her juices that she had been releasing, the feeling of her juices on his fingers was arousing to the blonde Genin as he recalled just how sweet they tasted before, he however managed to resist the urge to move his hands away and take a taste of her juices. He knew that there would be time for that later so he began to move his fingers back and forth over her wet outer lips as well as gently touching her clitoris, he then moved his fingers in and out of her vagina, making the blonde Hokage moan out in pleasure at his actions on her sex.
“Ahhhh….you little pervert…”
“Mmmmm….that's it, move your fingers like that….ahhhhhh!!!!”
“So hot….I feel sooo hot….”
“That's it….keep it up Naruto-kun….”
“I feel so good….move your cock in my breasts….mmmmm”
Tsunade relished the pleasure that she was getting from Naruto as she continued to hold onto her breasts to keep them in a vice around Naruto's cock as he continued to move his cock in and out of her breasts while she also licked, sucked and kissed his cock whenever that was in her mouth's reach. She was eager to have her turn with Naruto but relaxed herself as she decided to enjoy this for as long as possible.
Of course Naruto himself was not about to keep quiet in voicing out his own pleasure in this moment.
“You're breasts….so soft and hot….”
“Keep on licking….please….”
Those cries were more than enough to show that they were
Both of them moaned out in deep pleasure and it was not long before the two of them felt that their bodies were going to hit their respective limits.
“Tsunade-chan…..I'm going to….”
“Go ahead Naruto-kun….fire it out….I'm going to cum too….”
Both of them finally hit the full limit as they both were hit by their respective orgasm at that moment as they cried out their full release.
Tsunade was able to take Naruto's cock into her mouth but not before the very first stream of his hot cum hit her face with a stream covering the bridge her nose as well as part of her face, as soon as she was able to take Naruto's cock deeply into her mouth, she was more than ready to take as much of her lover's hot, thick, and sweet cum as she could take while she could still feel Naruto's fingers moving in and out of her vagina while her inner sheath was moving about fiercely in her own orgasm and releasing more of her juices.
As for Naruto, he also felt Tsunade's mouth suck on his cock while he moved forward as his cock unleashed more of his cum into her mouth. He looked the look of Tsunade this way while he also felt her orgasm in her own sex as her inner walls were milking his fingers, the thought of feeling the pleasure of her inner walls milking his cock was more than enough to make Naruto eager to do it with Tsunade, but before that, he was going to make sure that he was going to get his own taste of her juices.
As soon as he felt his cock relax a bit more, Naruto slowly moved away from Tsunade, the blonde Hokage didn't stop him at all as she gently moved her mouth off of his cock, this allowed his cock which despite cooling down to start firing some more streams of cum that hit her breasts and nipples as well as some of it being between her breasts. The blonde Genin smiled at the sight before him of Tsunade being covered on the face and breasts by his cum once more before directing his full attention on her vagina as he then took his time lapping up as much of her own juices as he could manage.
The blonde Hokage managed to swallow her lover's cum before she then moaned out as well as shivered in pleasure as she felt her lover begin to lick her clean while she was still releasing more of her own juices. The second she felt Naruto's tongue on her vagina as well as her clitoris, she moaned out once again as her body once more hit orgasm, making her all the more aroused by the second as her lover cleaned her sex of her juices.
As soon as he was done taking in as much of Tsunade's juices, the blonde Genin was greeted with the sight of Tsunade cleaning her body of his cum with her hands, as soon as she was done removing his cum from her breasts as well as her face, the blonde Hokage then cleaned her hands for Naruto to see, she was then greeted by the sight of Naruto licking off the juices on his own face, this naturally made her very aroused by the second. The sight of Tsunade cleaning her breasts as well as her face excited the blonde Genin a great deal and he was eager to finally end this night with the blonde Hokage with a bang.
The same thoughts were in Tsunade's mind as well as she and Naruto moved to kiss one another, not caring for the mixed tastes they were getting from each other's mouths. As soon as they were done kissing one another deeply, the blonde Hokage lay back down and parted her legs to allow Naruto to get between her legs as she spoke to him in a very seductive fashion while allowing Naruto to see her sex which was now releasing more of her juices for him to see.
“Now then….come here Naruto-kun….let's do this.”
Naruto nodded and he got there between Tsunade's parted legs as the two kissed each other once more before Naruto got himself into position to enter her sex. He took her legs and had them on his shoulders as he took hold of Tsunade's breasts once more, he then pushed forward his cock, managing to hit the target dead center.
The blonde Hokage cried out as she was now being filled by her lover's cock, she felt some level of discomfort as it had been quite some time since she had been intimate with a man. However, the blonde Hokage was more than willing to deal with the discomfort as she used her skills as Medic Nin to use her chakra to ease the discomfort, the feeling faded away as she allowed herself to moan out a bit more in bliss as Naruto pushed into her deeply.
Naruto gritted his teeth as he felt his cock enter Tsunade's sex slowly; it was taking a good deal of self control not to lose his cool in that moment and go deep into her, though the temptation to be buried deeply into her vagina was something that was driving the blonde deeper into desire. However, the perceptive blonde Sennin saw that on his face, and truth be told, she was all the more eager for the two of them to be buried deeply into one another now. She already felt her discomfort fade away due to her medical skills and chakra control as she spoke.
“Thrust deeply Naruto-kun…!”
“Are you….sure?”
Tsunade nodded as the pleasure in her face was mixed with deep desperation, she wanted to feel whole, and now if Naruto's cock was buried deeply inside of her will she be truly brought to the release that she craved deeply.
Naruto saw that in her face and took the time to calm himself a bit more and when he felt that he was now ready to do what he promised, he pushed in fast and hard, all the way to the base.
Both blondes screamed out at the same time as Naruto finally buried himself deeply into Tsunade's own sex.
The blonde Hokage had never felt so full before in her entire life as she looked at her lover who was right on top of her at this time. She reached out to caress his body and she spoke to him in a very happy tone.
“It's been so long…..I feel….whole….Naruto-kun….”
Naruto was surprised by this and was even more shocked when the tough blonde Sennin and Hokage…began to cry, he quickly feared that when he thrust deeply into her. The blonde Hokage saw the expression on his face, and she felt a bit of joy that he was thinking of her well being, as well as her happiness instead of his own, it was the sign of a really good man in both body and heart, she then spoke to assure him.
“I'm fine Naruto-kun….just stay there for a bit….please?”
Naruto nodded as he stayed there, allowing Tsunade to get used to the feeling of being filled by his cock. The two of them kissed one another a bit more before the blonde Hokage whispered to him that she was ready for him to finally make his move, the blonde Genin was more than ready to go at it as he knew already what to do in this kind of situation. He gently pulled back out, making both Tsunade and him moan as the pleasure flooded through them. As soon as he was nearly out of her wet sex, the blonde thrust back in, filling Tsunade deeply with his cock once more to the base.
The blonde Hokage moaned out in pleasure as Naruto began to do the actions all over again, starting slowly so she would be really comfortable while he used his hands to pleasure her breasts as well as kiss her legs as well as her knees which were in favorably easy reach for him. She moaned out in pleasure at that as she also rewarded him with her own ability to control her body well, she used her inner muscles there in her hips to move her inner walls slowly and in a very strong but fluid manner as well as focus her chakra there on her inner walls, further adding to the pleasure that she was giving to Naruto, who was more than vocal about the pleasure that he was getting from her.
The two then were moaning out in a much louder tone as Naruto began to speed up his actions on Tsunade. The blonde Genin was happy that he still had plenty of chakra and stamina left, though he could already feel his body was reaching it's limits. He however pushed on, this was going to be the end of the night, but he was going to make it a very memorable one for Tsunade and himself.
“Tsunade-chan….feels so hot….”
“Thrust harder Naruto-kun!!!!!”
“Ahhhhh…..feels so good….Naruto-kun! Ooooooh!”
“Tsunade-chan….you're so tight…….kami…”
The two were more than willing to shout out their pleasure as Naruto began to move even faster in and out of Tsunade's vagina, the sounds of their love making mixed very well with the moans that they were releasing in the hut that they were in. The blonde Hokage felt each thrust of her lover's cock into her vagina, it made her all the more eager as she felt herself being filled to the brim by Naruto's cock with each thrust back into her vagina. The blonde Genin himself was awed by the heat, wetness, tightness, and softness of his lover's inner walls as he felt his cock being milked hard, the blonde Hokage was certainly different and very much unique in his mind. This made him all the more happy to do his best to finally bring the blonde Hokage to her full bliss, besides, after all of his orgasms, he had more than enough stamina let so he was not going to end this just yet.
As the two sped up their actions, they also kissed one another deeply until Tsunade hit her orgasm. The blonde moaned out deeply into her lover's mouth as she felt her body orgasm hard. However she was in for a surprise as the blonde Genin had not unleashed his own cum, Naruto then placed down one of her legs while leaving the other on his shoulder. He didn't remove his cock from her sex in the least as he had her other leg under his own.
He then began to move slowly once more….repeating the process and making her feel another smaller orgasm as this position allowed Naruto to pleasure her at an angle that made the feeling all the more delicious for her as she moaned out deeply while she played wit her breasts as well as her nipples.
“HARDER!!!! DEEPER!!!!!!”
The blonde Genin increased his actions as he thrust deeper, harder, and faster into Tsunade as she was now in the grip of full pleasure due to his actions on her body, the sight of the blonde Hokage like this as he continued to thrust deeply into her was a sight that really made Naruto all the more happy. He felt that his body was soon going to hit the limits as he was going to orgasm hard this time, he looked forward to that.
It was not long before the two of them hit their orgasm once again and this time, they were more than willing to roar out their release.
Naruto cried out as he was hit by his orgasm for the last time this night as he unleashed another thick, and hot torrent of his cum into Tsunade's sex, he could feel her inner walls milk him with all she had, making him feel even more pleasure as he fired more of his cum deeply into the blonde Hokage's body as he caressed her breasts while also kissing her deeply.
Tsunade took in the kiss hungrily as the pleasure from that was mixed with the pleasure of Naruto playing with her breasts as well as the pleasure of feeling her lover's cum filling up her womb, the feel of the thick and hot liquid was something that she was not going to be forgetting as she moaned out into the kiss between herself and Naruto as she felt the thick and hot liquid fill her to the brim.
Once it was over, Naruto moved away and sat up, tired but happy beyond belief that he was able to not just survive this night despite his exhaustion, but also pleasure the three women he had now loved. As he took his breath, all three of them moved to him, gently kissing him in turns, with Sakura first, then Tsunade, and lastly Shizune. The kisses were both loving and calming so he was not all that worried as he lay down to the bed in their hut
As the four of them relaxed after such a long session that drained them of a good portion of their stamina, the three women each took turns kissing Naruto as he responded to them while they also rubbed their bodies on his own. As soon as they felt that now was the right time for them to sleep, they closed their eyes, all four of them locked in a very tight embrace as sleep finally claimed them for the night.
One thing was for sure….it was going to be a very different day for them all when they woke up the very next day.
The next day…
Tsunade was the very first to wake up this day and she couldn't help but wonder just what had made her feel rather tired all of a sudden. But when she got her memories back on what happened that night, she couldn't help but smile in a very happy and sensual fashion as she recalled just how many times Naruto had brought her to orgasm as well as how much pleasure she got that night from her two students. It was enough to make her feel very aroused, she then thought about the implications of what they had done.
She knew that she could no longer see Naruto as her little brother, nor could she see him as Dan as he was his own man. She couldn't help but feel great love for him now, the kind of love that was felt between two people who were attracted to one another deeply. But she was not too worried about that at the moment as she decided to wait for the others to wake up.
She didn't have to wait for very long for the two to wake up as Sakura was the first to awaken and was then followed by Shizune, as soon as they were awake, she began to talk to them about what they had done last night with Naruto and what would be the situation between him and them in the future as they knew that they were going to have to stop looking at Naruto the way that they used to. The time they had spent on the island and with him had changed them and their respective relationship as well as perception with and of the blonde Genin.
“You realize that what we did with Naruto-kun last night has changed things.”
Sakura nodded at that as she spoke.
“I know….Naruto-kun has really grown up so I can't look at him the same way anymore….but maybe I don't have to….last night, he showed me that he loved me for a very long time, and proved it as well.”
Shizune herself also nodded as she spoke to Tsunade.
“I can't see Naruto-kun as a little brother either, not after last night.”
Tsunade nodded at that and smirked a bit as she spoke.
“Neither can I, besides, we all have to agree that he was quite a force when it comes to being in bed right?”
The two women nodded with fierce blushes on their faces at that statement which was very much true in any case as they recalled just how adventurous and energetic Naruto could get when he was in the right mood. Tsunade also blushed at her own statements as she recalled how Naruto was when he was with her at the time, she then recalled that they would have to keep their new found relationships with Naruto a deep secret as this would be something that would cause quite the mess if leaked out, but that would be for another time. For now, they had to discuss how they were going to treat Naruto when they got him in private.
.They talked about it for a while longer and after careful thought, Tsunade spoke.
“Why don't we share him in private?”
Both Sakura and Shizune were surprised but the blonde Sennin grinned and replied.
“It's better this way for all of us, we can bet Naruto-kun would love it when he knows of it, after all, he is going to live a dream that most young men his age have only dreamed about, and in this way, we can be with him and keep him safe as best we can, we are all Medic Nin here and we do love him for all he has done for us back there in Konoha and here on this island as well. So….do you want to say yes or no to that idea?”
The two looked at one another and gave their decision.
“Yes….it seems all right, and we do love him…”
Tsunade smiled happily at that and turned to the outside as she could hear Naruto coming back to their camp.
“Good….now why don't we surprise our Naruto-kun?”
The two smiled as they left the hut….and all thereof them didn't bother to wear any form of clothing, they were before Naruto just as he walked into the compound after parting the barrier that they had in the camp. The only word that came out of his mouth the very second the three were before him in the nude was simple.
Naruto naturally dropped the large pole that he had on his shoulders that had the young deer, and also the four freshly killed rabbits on the ground, along with the bags of fruit, vegetables, and wild herbs that he had gathered early in the day, when he saw the three of them out of their hut and not wearing a single stitch of clothing, he had thought that they were still sleeping at this time so he had not expected them to be like this.
<Damn….now that is a sight worth looking at!>
The blonde Genin was utterly dumbstruck as he looked at all three of them naked before him and he naturally felt his body react at the sight of them like that. Tsunade was naturally aware of the way Naruto was looking at both her, Sakura, and Shizune so she was more than willing to tease the blonde Genin, with that in mind she gave a come here pose as she spoke.
“Like what you see Naruto-kun?”
Naruto nodded quickly, making her smile as well as Shizune and Sakura as the two of them closed in towards him. Naruto was soon surrounded by the two women, and they wasted no time kissing him gently as well as passionately.
Once that was done, the three spoke to Naruto about their recent discussion about them keeping the night a secret as well as being close to him for as long as possible, to help him with his lifelong dream to become a Hokage who would be able to defend those he loved and cared for in this world as well as protect his friends. They were even willing to love him in private in their own fashions either alone or together. Essentially become his private harem.
Normally, most men would have leaped for joy at this and bragged to others about having such a gift, and who could blame them? After all, the fact that three women as beautiful as Tsunade Senju, Shizune, and Sakura Haruno were willing to be a personal harem for them was something all men would literally kill for. But Naruto was not like most men, granted his perverted side was literally leaping for joy at the implications, but his more human side was not sure that it was such a good idea. After all, he was a Genin while Tsunade was the Hokage and one of the Sannin as well, Shizune was her apprentice and a Jonin, and the same could be said for Sakura as well as her being a Chuunin as well as one of the best healers in Konoha. That, and the fact that he did love and care for them in kind made him wish not to take advantage of them.
He made that clear to the three women and instead of being insulted, they were happy that he was honest about it and assured him that they were all right with this arrangement as they loved him enough to agree together to do this for him and only him. Seeing that they were dead serious about this….Naruto could only agree to it as he knew that they were undeniably serious about the things that they had told him.
As Naruto got the hot fire going to cook the stew in the pot which had water, herbs, wild carrots, pepper, lettuce, and the chunks of venison, he could help but smell the food, and the scent of the cooking food helped him relax a bit more while Tsunade, Sakura, and Shizune were currently taking the time to exercise and then head off for a long bath in the springs near their camp. Along with the stew, he was also cooking the rabbits on several spits as well as the sliced venison hunks there on spits as well.
The food was delicious and the bag he had with the fruits was there and a good number of wild lemons, oranges, pears, and berries were there as well, he used the lemons to flavor the meat that was being roasted as well as some of the herbs to add extra taste of the cooking meat.
It was at that point that he was greeted by none other than his demon resident.
<< “So….it seems you've just won the jackpot big time eh kit?”>>
<I guess…but damn it, did you have to do that?!>
<< “Do what?”>>
<Don't play coy with me you damn demon furred pervert!!! You gave me too much chakra!!!>
<< “Why the bloody hell are you complaining so much about that event anyhow, you enjoyed it didn't you?”>>
< I did, but I felt like I was going to die back there last night!>
<< “Oh that, I will admit that I went a bit overboard with the chakra thing, but if you were going to die with those three women in all that pleasure, then that was one death I wouldn't mind feeling in my last moments in this world. Anyway, you should be happy that what happened last night actually happened and was not some Genjutsu or something around those lines, it's not as if it happens every day that you get three ladies who you've had wet dreams about before would love you and be willing to be your lovers in private. Like I said, it doesn't happen every day, and certainly not to just anyone here in this world, so be happy.”>>
<Is it just me….or are you actually giving me love advice?!>
<< “Whatever, as long as this helps curb that bloody obsession of yours in rescuing that Uchiha brat and keeps you from going into who knows what sort of mischief and danger without thinking things through then I don't care. Though I will warn you about a number of things since I did have to keep you alive after all that stuff you had to deal with while here in the island.”>>
<Oh….what sort of things are you warning me about?>
<< “Don't start with me in that tone smart mouth, listen up cause I'll say these things only once. First off, you're going to have to consider carrying some form of protection if you and your lovers get randy when the time comes and I'm not around to keep you from getting those ladies pregnant, before you ask, yes I made your cum infertile so you don't accidentally knock them up, because if you did, how in the heck are you going to be able to explain that to the people of Konoha?”>>
Naruto thought about that and had to admit that the Kyuubi did have a point there, if he did get them pregnant, he was going to raise quite the scandal in the village and he couldn't even begin to guess how the people would react, though he had a feeling that it would really be a problem,. Of course, the idea of having children with either of the women was something that really got his attention, the thought of having a son or daughter with Sakura, Tsunade, and Shizune was something that made him think hard on it, of course, he would be happy to be a father someday…and besides….they could have a good time doing it..
Unfortunately, he was not guarding this thoughts and the Kyuubi was quick to pick his train of thoughts.
<< “Hold up you blonde Casanova, as much as I would like to see you have some little tykes to see just how you would struggle being a father, now is not the time to start thinking on changing diapers, and filling up milk bottles. That's the other topic we need to discuss, you see, the reason is that if you do decide to have kids, you need to be aware of the fact that since you're cells have my chakra in them due to this bloody seal, your little bundles of joy as you humans call them, will have portions of my chakra in them so you can bet that your kids are going to be serious power houses in the chakra department.” >>
<Are you serious?!>
< <“Hey kit, it's my chakra you're talking about, so therefore, I'm dead serious, you know already that on your own, you've got some seriously strong amounts of chakra and if you have children, they will get portions of that same amount that you have already, couple that with my chakra that leaks out every now and then, and you are going to have children who's chakra reserves could rival even Jonin twice their age. So you can imagine how powerful they are. That is the reason why you have to be careful and make damn sure that the village finds out, you see, if they find out that you can have children who had amazing amounts of chakra to use jutsu in battle, then you could be turned into a baby factory.”>>
<You're kidding…>
<< “Crap, what the hell is wrong with you humans? Look, you're a Jinchuuriki, like it or not, so that means that you've got powers few mortals have, and that also applies to anything else in your body. I think you humans have to re-evaluate what it means to have a Jinchuuriki in your lands more. If that came out, then who knows what the results would be. Also, your cum can also have considerable healing properties to cells that are older and a bit more worn out, the reason I'm saying that is then when you were able to have your turn with that blonde woman, you managed to heal every cell in her body to the point that she got her youth back.”>>
<You're making that up!?!? Are you telling me that I made Tsunade-chan young again?!>
<< “Kit, I am dead serious in this matter, you could say you made her several years younger, I'd say about half her original age, so she's able to have children like the others, in simpler terms, the effect only works if the body's cells are older as well as give them a longer life span. That means that she no longer has to worry about being called old, and that means no more Tsunade-obasan huh?”>>
<What about the others?!>
<< “On the count of that pink haired babe you've been crushing on for years, she's not that affected though she will have a slightly longer life span than most, and that dark haired Jonin apprentice of that blonde Hokage of yours got the same deal though she also has been given a few years back, namely five years at best.”>>
<< “Wow? All you can say is wow? Never mind, anyway, if you don't have another thing to discuss with me, I am going to focus my attention on the records of last night, if you want, drop by and I'll tell you how to get better with the ladies to make them even happier, see you lover boy.”>>
Naruto shook his head and decided to get back to the cooking and as soon as the three of them got there, he decided to talk to them about the conversation between him and the Kyuubi. Naturally Tsunade was shocked and amazed at the fact that she had just gotten her youth back, as well as having the ability to have children, and Shizune was amazed that she got the same deal as well though she was not as old as her master in her previous age. And so was Sakura in hearing that she got a longer life span. When they were told about the rest, they talked about it and decided to keep the rest of the revealed information a secret from the others in the village since who knew what might happen to Naruto if it came out. However, they were happy that he told them all this and that was that.
As soon as they ate their food, they all decided to go out and relax a bit while Naruto deployed a number of Kage Bushin to go around the island to the sites of their signal fires which were in the areas where ships might pass by, Naruto made a number of them to make sure that he was able to cover all the areas of the island well so had them all work in pairs to help out in spotting the ship that might be the only source of rescue that they were going to get. All the while, Naruto and the others moved out to gather extra things that they might need in order to survive on the island.
However, it was then that Naruto gave a cry of joy and headed out to one of their sites, surprising the others who quickly took after him and when they arrived, they spotted one of their signal fires lit and a large number of sails moving towards them. Apparently the Kage Bushin had signaled a small fleet of ships and those were now heading towards their direction as the sails grew larger by the second. It was good feeling for all four of them as they realized that they were now soon to be rescued by the ships.
All three of the women hugged Naruto and he hugged them back…they were going home.
Naruto felt somewhat sick to the stomach at the moment but it was something that he was able to handle. He had just gotten involved in an eating bout with Chouji this day and had to head to the hospital for some time to rest from all the food that his massive Chuunin buddy had invited him to. But apparently the food was too rich and it would be a while before he could be well.
Normally he would have taken the time to let his food digest and let the Kyuubi's chakra heal the damage, but he decided to get some time just in the off chance he got sicker and would be out for a while. However, it seemed that the hospital was full with patients which made him sad until the head Medic Nin replied that Tsunade had just requested that if he ever called in sick, he was to head to the Hokage residence for him to be checked up.
He wondered why Tsunade would ever request that he go to her home but the pain from his stomach was convincing him to find out there, so despite the cramps, pain, and the slight headache, the blonde Genin toughed it out as he headed for the Hokage residence.
As soon as he got there, he knocked and out came Tsunade who looked at him and nodded to let him come in.
As soon as they got into the room, Tsunade looked him over carefully while wearing her normal outfit, but Naruto couldn't help himself as he found himself being diligently examined by the legendary Medic Nin. After a while Tsunade gave her diagnosis.
“You've really have got to stop eating that much food Naruto-kun, try to watch your diet and cut down on inhaling your food. You've got some stomach problems and while your Kyuubi resident can heal you in about a day or so, I suggest that you rest for a while, there aren't any missions at the moment, plus no new information as well.”
“But Tsunade-chan….I love to eat.”
Tsunade sighed and replied.
“I know that Naruto-kun, but you are still human and you do have some limits, keep eating in those bouts with Chouji and your stomach might explode or rupture and you can get sick really quick. Not to mention the reason you've gotten sick apart from over eating is the fact that you've got some poisoning.”
“It's not a fatal poison, more like a mix of herbs that usually are supposed to be kept in mild doses but if eaten in too many amounts, then it can cause stomach cramps, nausea, muscle pain and sometimes headaches, and fever. In fact….you're already getting sick.”
Naruto felt it then as fever set in and he felt like he was going to faint. Tsunade then began to heal him gently and it made him happy that she was doing this to him. The blonde Hokage then replied.
“I can make an antidote for the poison but the effects will take some days to fade away, so you're going to have to be bed ridden for a while.”
Naruto groaned at that as the door opened in walked Shizune and Sakura, apparently the two were there as they had visited the hospital to do their rounds and had been told of his previous visit. Both women were not happy with this news that Naruto was sick.
Naruto groaned as he tried to get up.
“I can just go rest in my apartment….I don't want to trouble you Tsunade-chan.”
The Hokage smiled and replied.
“It's no trouble since I always wanted to have some company here it the home after all, besides you're already bed ridden and you will need to relax as well as burn out the effects of the poison you unintentionally digested. Besides, you're getting the best health care here already. Me, Sakura, and Shizune will be more than happy to take private care of you here, right ladies?”
Sakura grinned at that and nodded.
“Yes Tsunade-sama!”
Shizune also nodded at that with a smile.
“We'll do what we can to help Naruto-kun get better!”
Naruto was naturally stunned at this and he looked at the three as he spoke.
“Are you all serious?!”
Tsunade nodded and gave the other two women a smile which was then shared by the two other women as she nodded.
“We are…but first we're going to have to change clothes, if we're going to be taking care of you for a few days as private nurses, then we should at least look the part of YOUR nurses Naruto-kun, and we have the clothes already.”
Naruto wondered just what Tsunade was getting at as she, Sakura, and Shizune went to the room and all he could do was lie there and wonder just what the three women were plotting. He knew that there was no way they would do anything that was going to make him end up needing medical treatment, but he couldn't help but feel a bit worried.
The door opened and in walked the three women, and when Naruto looked, he looked like he was going to drop dead. Thankfully that didn't happen to Naruto as all he did was stare with a shocked and undeniably aroused expression.
And one couldn't blame him as the three women were dressed in some very delicious clothes since they were lingerie.
Sakura had a light green set on her which was made from silk, the bra hugged her well formed and full breasts and there was an emerald chocker on her neck as well. The lower part had a thong of green silk which was so well made that it showed her hips well with the bands on the side being rather thin yet strong while the triangle was able to hide Sakura's sex very well. She wore a pair of long see through light green silk thread stockings held up to the upper areas of her thighs.
The sight before him of Sakura like that was arousing as he looked at the others.
Shizune wore an all black number which was made from a combination of soft lace with black silk as the bra was able to hold her well formed, full and firm breasts and the straps of her bra were in an inward facing pattern that led to a black chocker. Her lower set of lingerie was also black silk with lace and like Sakura's was a thong with the straps being a bit thinner yet also strong enough with a knot on the side.
He gasped at that and then directed his attention to none other than Tsunade.
The ONLY piece of clothing that all three women had in common with one another was the white nurses' cap.
Sakura smiled seductively as she spoke.
“You like what you see Naruto-kun?”
Naruto nodded and gulped as he managed to find both the wits and air to speak.
“I do….damn….but why are you three doing this?”
Shizune replied with her own seductive smile.
“Well, we wanted to make it clear that as of today, we're you private nurses with Tsunade-sama as the head nurse, so if you ever get sick and it might take a while for you to recover, you can come here for us to make sure your needs are taken care of.”
Tsunade then winked as she could tell that Naruto was getting rather aroused by all this and she replied.
“And when we mean that we will take care of all of your needs, that naturally means that we will take care of ALL your needs Naruto-kun, so we dressed accordingly so you don't have to bother with the clothing bit, besides, we did agree to be you're lovers, so it's not a problem if we become your private nurses as well. Is this all right with you Naruto-kun?”
Naruto was no fool to turn down such a delicious offer; he nodded vigorously and spoke it out.
“Yes it is!”
The three women smiled happily at that and then they started with their treatment of Naruto's sickness.
In Naruto's mind…
<< “Nice….now this is what I call private health care at it's best.”>>
The Kyuubi laughed to itself as it looked at the sight of the three women in the oh so sinful lingerie with nurse caps on their heads. The demon fox had to admit that his container had gotten the jackpot in more ways than one.
This was more than enough reason for him to let his ability to heal Naruto drop for a while, after all, what would be the point of getting such GOOD and PRIVATE health care if one got healed too early?
To be continued…
Author's Notes:
This wraps up the Master & Apprentice Arc very well, and I have to admit that it was rather interesting and delicious at the very same time. I hope that this arc was well worth the wait and I hope that all my readers enjoyed it and I hope that if I make some new ones for the Deserted Island series, it will still be worth reading.
As for the end of the chapter….damn….now THAT is what I call some very good private medical care!!! Damn…
Imagine of you had three gorgeous nurses who were dressed in lingerie taking care of you? Nice picture huh?
Anyway, we're done with this arc so we can have some single ladies action once more so get ready for that….and who are the new ladies?
Wait and see!
By the way, we are already halfway to the end of the Deserted Island series, yes, you heard it right, this story is halfway to the end at 30 chapter, but before anyone here starts crying foul and accusing me of ending too early, let me state that there will be a sequel to this series as I know that there are other couple ideas that I need to try out in the series. The reason I stopped this is that I need to take time out from this and gather more data as well as focus on my other fics that are still in production.
There are new chapters in the works and ongoing chapters for all my works that will soon be completed. And to announce to my readers, a new Halo Crossover story is also being planned and developed, once the plot is finalized, we will see the Master Chief kicking ass soon in a brand new world and universe.
At any rate, I will be taking a much deserved Christmas vacation for this month and I will be working on my papers in my internship in teaching so I will domy best to update as soon as I can be free and have both time and energy.
Anyway, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!