Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto - Deserted Island ❯ Naruto - Koyuki ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Naruto Deserted Island

Disclaimer: Again….all right, you know the drill I don’t own anything related to Naruto.

Naruto X Koyuki

( ): Thoughts

((“ ”)): Kyuubi’s voice

Author’s Notes:

This is going to be a brand new piece in my Deserted Island series and in this one is now using one of the first Naruto movie characters, and one of my personal favorites. The woman in question happens to be none other than Koyuki Kazehana the Princess of the Land of Snow/Spring. And naturally one of Naruto’s favorite if not his all time favorite actresses. Since this series of mine usually takes place at the Shippuden era of Narutp, Naruto is a lot older now and while not as mature in terms of brain power, is a lot different than when he was a kid.

I know I have mentioned Koyuki’s name a lot in my fanfic Naruto Dragon Champion and even here in Naruto Deserted Island and because of that, there are some readers who have asked me if I will ever write a story that has the two of them doing the deed together. Well wonder no more for here it is, as Koyuki and Naruto get down to some serious snow loving time!

On an island…

Naruto yawned a bit as he finally got out of bed and looked out to where the dry dock was supposed to be. He spotted the ship and sighed a bit as he got out of sleeping clothes, stored them away in a scroll and placed on his regular clothing as he knew that he had a lot to do while he was here on location. He was on body guard duty and that normally would have been boring, but in this case however, the client that he was protecting happened to be someone he knew very well.

That was none other than Koyuki Kazehana and it was a good thing to him to finally be able to see her again after so long. The very moment he had been told by Tsunade that Koyuki was asking for a body guard and had asked for him specifically , he jumped at the chance. He had not seen her for three years and when they met, he could not help but blush a bit more as she had grown all the more beautiful when he had last met her.

As for Koyuki herself, she was utterly pleased by the way Naruto now looked and commented on him looking so much like a full grown man. That was more than enough to make Naruto feel rather embarrassed but no matter how embarrassed he was, he was still happy to be with someone who supported him wholeheartedly. He still had that picture in his home and make sure to have it framed for him to look at and not lose for any reason. So to see her again was something of a treat for him and even more so when she asked for him specifically as her body guard.

It had been some time since they had met and Naruto could see that she had indeed changed as she had a glow about her and carried herself with actual grace and skill. That and the fact that she really cared for her fans and the people she ruled over made everything all worthwhile. He had no doubt that somewhere in the afterlife, both her father and her advisor as well as the men and women who died bringing her to power, were happy that she had made it this far. And he was happy that he had played a part in getting her to that part of her life.

As he thought about those things, he decided to go to the set and keep an eye on Koyuki a lot more, he could get some food at a later date anyway, seeing Koyuki in action was worth every second in his mind. He got there and soon saw Koyuki play her role as the princess that he knew she really was and it made him smile that her passion and love for the arts was there and was no façade like in the past.

It was not long before the director had finally called cut and soon everyone was off to grab their breakfast/lunch at the same time. He was soon joining Koyuki who smiled warmly at his arrival to her and made it obvious as she hugged him, making him blush at the way she greeted him.

“It’s good to see you finally woke up Naruto-kun.”

“T-Thanks, Koyuki-hime, you were amazing as before by the way.”

Koyuki smiled at her long time fan and replied.

“Thank you Naruto-kun, I was a bit worried that I was going to be losing some of my skill since I have been very busy in ruling my home.”
Naruto shook his head at that and replied with a tone of seriousness.

“I have no doubt you can do it Koyuki-hime! You are a great actress and a ruler so I know you can do it and I will always watch out for those who might try to harm you.”

The princess smiled at that as she knew that Naruto was not the kind of person to make such idle comments and promises. He would do what he could to keep his promises to his precious people and he would never give up no matter what was in his way or who he would have to fight. And even if he had a painful past, that he had yet to tell her, he was not the kind of person to let such things stop him from doing what he could to help people. That was a trait she learned to respect and love from the young blonde.

“Thank you Naruto-kun, now come on, we have to get something to eat, and eat all you want to your heart’s content.”

Naruto’s eyes became filled with stars as he spoke to her with disbelief, anticipation and happiness.


Koyuki nodded and Naruto whooped as he went ahead to eat, and she smiled at him as he ate the food that was before him to his heart’s content. She was happy that he was with her on this filming run since there were people who might try to use this situation to their advantage. She had learned that there were a number of people who were still loyal to her uncle who was currently locked away in a maximum security prison. These people would no doubt try to use whatever means they could to either free him or dispose of her even if she was the rightful heir to the throne. She had done what she could to find and deal with these people with either diplomacy or force and hoped that she would not have to deal with them too many times.

Naruto had grown so much sine she had last seen him and there was no doubt that he had become a much stronger ninja. She had heard about his battles with some rather dangerous foes and even heard on how he had helped in saving two princesses like her. Haruna of the Land of Vegetables, and Toki from the Land of Birds were the princesses in question and they had nothing but glowing praise for Naruto when asked by those about the man who had been with them in those times.

She herself praised Naruto and his team many times but she stated privately that Naruto held a special place in her heart for all he had done for her sake. And she hoped to finally hear the news that he had reached his dream of being Hokage as he had told her so long ago. As the day wore on, it was time for the film crew to move to the scene of traveling by sea, and Naruto was thankful that it was not going to be like before and he recalled just what the reason on why he had been called to protect Koyuki.

Apparently her uncle had some supporters and allies that helped him take power over the land and it was determined that while some had surrendered to her rule, others had not. They were no doubt planning something and since the samurai that made up the defense force of the Land were busy regrouping after being held back and decommissioned by Koyuki’s uncle for so long, it would be a while before a full corps were ready. And since the Snow/Spring Ninja corps needed to be rebuilt from the ground up to find any of the forces loyal to her uncle, she did not have allies among them yet.

That was why he was here since his growth as a ninja made him a prime choice, apart from Koyuki choosing him personally.

Naruto checked his gear once more as the crew and acting groups got on the ship as he stayed close to Koyuki to make sure that the princess was always under his watch.

As the movie crew were working on the movie, Naruto decided to watch the movie while having a few Kage Bunshin in Henge move around to make sure that the group was not going to be ambushed. Naruto had learned enough from Kakashi and Yamato about how to use his Kage Bunshin better when he needed the Kage Bunshin for more than just fighting and training, namely for the use of recon and security. So far it seemed that the whole place was peaceful but he felt that sooner or later, things were going to change.

And he was right…

Naruto and the Kage Bunshin were suddenly able to spot a number of unknown ninja coming towards the crew ships and when he saw them, he quickly spoke to the director and the crew on the ship with him and Koyuki.

“We have company!”

The way he shouted it told the crew that the company was hardly friendly and already chaos was reigning all over the place. The other ships that were in the area began to move away as Naruto recalled the Kage Bunshin to protect Koyuki as he moved forward to attack the first ship filled with the rebels. The second he boarded the first ship, he was dragged into a serious battle that forced him to fight a force of renegade Snow/Spring Ninja who had began to fight him on the ocean. The blonde managed to even the odds as he was a lot older and smarter now than before.

The first group of attackers gunning for Koyuki soon faced Naruto who after recalling the weaknesses of the their chakra armor dealt with them with the aid of his Kage Bunshin and his Rasengan. As soon as he sent them flying Naruto was soon attacking the other rebels, that appeared to more of a band of mercenaries. He neutralized them by using his newly summoned Kage Bunshin to place explosive tags on the ships while he and the others kept them occupied. And once he had the tags on the boats, he detonated the tags and soon sent the ships to the sea.

He turned briefly to see that the ships were all panicking and moving all over the place. It was here that Naruto decided that continuing to fight like this was a bad idea. That was proven to be true when he saw another ship moving in and these were filled with more mercenaries. They were attacking the ship that Koyuki was on and as he got back there, Naruto and his Kage Bunshin fought the mercenaries before they could get to Koyuki.

Whoever hired the mercenaries had some fairly full pockets and as such, he had to think fast and out of the box as he sent them flying not just with fists, but one of his newly used Wind Jutsu. The blast of small but sharp chakra blades that he had aimed for their weapons worked and that allowed him and his Kage Bunshin were able to send them running but he knew better than to stick around as the other mercenaries attacked the ship with their own fire arrows.

Naruto managed to destroy a number of them, but there were soon too many and some of his Kage Bunshin guarding Koyuki were also hit by the fiery attacks. Seeing that the ships was going to sink, Naruto knew that staying there was going to be a serious mistake as the ship was soon going to sink.

It was then that he recalled the ship that the first band of attackers had been on before, and it seemed that at least that ship was still floating. He quickly took Koyuki by his hands and soon moved over the sea to the ship that he had in mind. The mercenaries were soon moving towards them on the ships and fired more arrows. Naruto’s Kage Bunshin had to serve as shields and took a number of the arrows as Naruto quickly climbed up the ship and as soon as he got on the ship, he quickly turned to place Koyuki down and made her hide.

“Stay here Koyuki-hime! I have to get this ship out of here!”

Koyuki nodded and Naruto quickly summoned several more Kage Bunshin and he quickly had to resort to using the Kyuubi’s chakra. He felt a rush of the demonic chakra that gave him a boost and he managed to make once more an army of Kage Bunshin and sent half of them to attack the mercenaries while the other half moved to getting the ship to be on the move. The make shift crew managed to get the ship moving forward while the other Kage Bunshin were busy making life hell for the mercenaries. It was not long before they were off and getting some distance from the mercenaries and Naruto then began to place away the Kyuubi’s chakra, not an easy feat and when the Kage Bunshin poofed away from the world, he was not moving the ship to where he had to go.

And where he had to go was where those pesky mercs and rebels were not heading. The last memory he got from his Kage Bunshin was the ships limping away as his Kyuubi chakra infused Kage Bunshin did a number on them. That made him happy but he was tired and had to rest, the only problem was that the map that would have helped him to some degree to make it back to Koyuki’s homeland had been lost in the ship that she and he had been part of. And that meant that they were now technically adrift and to really add to the problem was the fact that there was now a storm heading their way.

Naruto felt it and so did Koyuki so they had no choice but to get into the ship and hope to ride it out. Naruto was exhausted and had to rest in order to recover enough chakra into himself. The storm was soon hitting them and while normally a crew could be able to handle the situation despite the dangers, there were only two people on board, and neither one of them knew how to operate a ship.

The two could only ride through the storm while being in one of the cabins and while the place was not too dirty and messed up, it was certainly not going to be easy to be in, made worse by the fact that the place also happened to not be cleaned up much. Both of the room’s new occupants however did not bother with the details as Naruto finally gathered enough chakra to get up and do what he could to get the ship to some semblance of safety. He got up and looked at Koyuki as he spoke to her seriously.

“Stay here in this cabin for now Koyuki-hime, I have to try and get this ship to safety.”

“Be careful Naruto-kun.”

Naruto nodded and soon moved out of the room and quickly summoned his Kage Bunshin and begin to try and control the ship. His efforts were not up the sailing standard, but now was not the time to be asking him why he never learned to go sailing. The blonde Shinobi tried to keep the sails from being torn off as the storm was now releasing snow so not only did he have to contend with the waves coming in from all sides, but also the freaking cold. Thankfully his cloak which was water resistant and thermally insulating came in handy to keep him not only dry but warm for now.

He managed to move the ship but he had to struggle to keep a course and the whole situation was not too good as without a map, he had absolutely no clue as to where he was going and where they were, all he could hope for was that they were going to land somewhere safe. The only consolation that he felt that he and Koyuki got was that there would be no way that the rebels and mercs were going to risk their necks to find the two of them.

As he managed to get some semblance of control on the ship he quickly risked sending out three of his Kage Bunshin ahead to try and find some island or nearby land for them to land it before it got real bad for them all. It was a risk since he had no map but at least the storm was soon going to die down and allow him to get the ship out of harm’s way. That at least happened as the storm began to die down and the waves less of a threat, but that did not mean the cold died away. Since they were not too far from Koyuki’s homeland but the generator was currently offline, the biting cold was still there, and his cloak was already getting to the point that it would soon lose some of the ability to keep him warm and dry as well.


It was not long before one of his Kage Bunshin spotted an island, and a fairly large one but warned him that there was a good amount of floating ice nearby so it was going to be one hairy trip in. But with the other Kage Bunshin scouts telling him that there was no other land available, he had no choice.
He quickly left a Kage Bunshin to steer the ship and went back to Koyuki to tell her of what was going to happen. The princess was not very happy with it and understood the risks, but she knew that they had no choice and nodded.

“Go for the island Naruto-kun, it’s the only option we have.”

Naruto did not argue about that with Koyuki as he went back out there and began to guide the ship alongside the Kage Bunshin to where the island was. It took at least a few hours before they got into sight of the place, and it was a very large island, but covered with snow and had mountains with it as well. There was not a single shred of greenery on the island anywhere so he had to be very careful, and to add to the whole picture was the fact that a good portion of the floating ice was pretty large. That meant that navigation was going to be bad all around.

Naruto however was now the kind to give up and though it was going to be tough on him, he was going to have to use his Rasengan and his Kage Bunshin at full power. That train of thought proved to be very accurate as he was now using his Kage Bunshin to force away any incoming ice by having them work in pairs with their Odama Rasengan to force away the ice blocks or to outright shatter them on contact. That did not mean that they were able to get all of the ice floating about as one of them managed to smack into the hull and the sound of wood breaking apart was heard as Naruto continued to guide the ship in. The ship held on but as it got hit hard again on the side, there was nothing else needed to tell the blonde that this ship was not going to be moving around for a while longer and so he decided on a desperate gambit and had his Kage Bunshin unleash a powerful but controlled blast of wind to push the vessel all the way to the beach before them.

Naruto once more got to Koyuki while leaving one of the Kage Bunshin to handle the final approach as he needed to protect Koyuki, he told her of his action and promised to protect her here and now. She nodded and they could not help but wait and see how this course of action was going to play out. There was no going back as the ship was getting hit by the wind, snow, ice and waves so both of them doubted that they were going to be able to survive going back out to sea even if they wanted to.


There was a loud crash minutes later as the ship hit the beach and was soon aground, as the Kage Bunshin managed to keep the ship from sinking into the waters too early and being crushed into match wood and flotsam by the ice that was still all over the place. As soon as the ship hit the beach, the sounds of rocks being thrown this way and that and wood creaking and splintering filled the whole decks of the ship and both of the only living occupants could only hold on and pray that they were going to make it.

As soon as the ship stopped moving, Naruto, despite the mental exhaustion of having to use multiple Kage Bunshin for so long moved out to see how they were. He felt some measure of relief that they had made it to the beach, but saw that a good portion of the land was covered in snow and there was still not an inch of green anywhere. Plus the cold wind was given more bite by the arrival of snow.

Soon the cold was growing stronger and Naruto could tell that from the patches of exposed sky that it was going to be night soon. Making a fire would be a priority but the blond was too tired to try it. The only option they had now was to find as many forms of protection they could find in order to keep warm once they were going to go to sleep. Naruto told Koyuki what they had to do and while Koyuki did have her own protection, she knew the value of things that could keep one warm as she too could feel the cold coming in.

They both searched and discovered that the vessel was actually a former cargo ship and no doubt had been used by a trader group since there were some items that could be useful. But the most telling was a large supply of furs that were well suited for use in cold places, meaning that the trader who possibly used to own this ship traded with the Land of Snow/Spring.

That was a good sign and soon they began to feel the effects of exhaustion, though it was Naruto who was feeling the worst of the effects due to his exhaustion. As soon as they gathered enough of the furs, they had to be close together in order to share body heat. It was not something that Naruto was prepared for as he had never been this close to Koyuki before, but he was happy that at least Koyuki did not seem bothered by the closeness as they began to wrap themselves in the furs tightly to conserve body heat. Koyuki herself was not unfamiliar with what they were doing and knew that it was needed, plus it was a bit of a bonus that she was doing it with someone she respected and cared for.

The warmth certainly helped as the ship became darker and this was when both of them decided to speak to one another. The reason for the lack of conversation hours earlier was due to the need to rest and recover as the cold set it all around the two of them. It was Koyuki who was speaking first as she was worried about how Naruto was feeling after using up so much chakra. She had not undergone formal training in any form of ninja arts, but she knew enough about chakra to know that the amounts Naruto used up would have driven normal ninja to the limit and worse. That was why she was amazed that he still had that much chakra, and yet worried that he had also used up a lot and possibly could be in danger of severe exhaustion.

It was not long before the cold became a bit more pronounced and the drop of any light told them in the areas where the light normally came in told them that night had dome. They would have gone out and made a fire, but with them exhausted like this, they could not do anything but keep warm and sleep.

The next day…

Naruto groaned a bit as he began to dig himself out of the furs that he had buried himself and Koyuki in. The fact that he was still warm as a good thing and when he looked Koyuki over, he was relieved that she was also all right. The sudden and unexpected attack of the rebels who were loyal to her father had not at least harmed her and she had not suffered badly from the battle. He would have never forgiven himself had he let anything happen to Koyuki and thankfully the cave that they were able to find was not too cold.

He checked on her to be double sure and found that she was still warm and breathing normally though he was worried still and tried to find a way to keep her warm.

That was when the Kyuubi decided to get involved with him.

((“Grab some stones brat, good solid ones and start a fire.”))

(What for?)

((“You want to keep yourself and your precious princess warm or not? Just do what I say if you want yourself and her to live.”))

Naruto decided not to do anything against what the Kyuubi said, after all, he had to focus on keeping himself and Koyuki alive for as long as possible. The supply of wood that they had was still good and that was the reason he was happy that their ship had held on for as long as it did after the attack. He used his chakra training to slice up a good amount of wood and also some dry shavings to serve as fuel and it was not long before he finally got a decent amount of fuel. He then grabbed the supply of water proof matches he had been able to have in his pocket and then found some of the stones nearby. They were fairly large but not too heavy at least and then the Kyuubi insisted that he got some poles.

He started the fire and was a bit surprised by the fact that the Kyuubi told him to toss the stones into the fires. As he did so, the Kyuubi then told him to get the furs and wait for the fires to finally heat the rocks and as soon as the fires got weaker, he should get the rocks out with the poles. It took at least an hour or so before Koyuki finally woke up, she looked all right but began to cough a bit, no doubt from the cold that was permeating the place though the fire certainly helped.


Naruto turned and saw her as he moved over to check her again, he had to make sure that she was not injured. And he had to make sure that if she was injured, it was not too dangerous since he had only limited Medical Jutsu training for others. He did not have to worry too much for himself since his body could be healed by the Kyuubi. Koyuki did not have that ability so he had to be very careful that she did not suffer dangerous injuries.

“Koyuki-hime, please rest a bit more, I need to check you for any possible injuries that I might need to treat.”

The princess did not stop her body-guard as Naruto checked her carefully and made sure not to do something that was going to offensive to the princess. He checked her carefully and kept his focus on checking the princess for wounds, finding no sign of them. There was no doubt that since the only clothing Koyuki had on her as Naruto examined her was her undergarments, that he was having to work hard to control his eyes since Koyuki certainly looked very attractive and very well formed, no doubt due to her training to be physically able to act and lead her nation at the same time. But it seemed that he was able to find no serious injuries on Koyuki.

Once that was done, the blonde used the poles to take out the heated rocks as the Kyuubi told him and then grabbed some of the furs to wrap the rocks in. That action served to warm the furs and soon he removed them and wrapped them around Koyuki and she smiled at the warmth, and the other furs were placed on the still hot stones for them to sit on.

As soon as he could see that Koyuki was comfortable, Naruto decided to move through the ship to see if the bastards who had taken it from the one who once owned it had left anything they could use. Namely in this case, the most important thing to look for was food, since both he and Koyuki had been so tired after the attack that they had not found the time to have dinner and went to sleep hungry. And Naruto could tell that since they were here, they were going to need all the food that they could get.

He was a bit let down when he found little food, some dried fish, some canned vegetables and fruit, dried meat, and some bread which to his surprise was still fresh. But the supplies were not going to last for long since there was a chance that the rest of the cargo had been lost at sea in their arrival. The blonde got the food before Koyuki and despite how their situation was, the feeling of being warm, having a fire, and food was nice. Koyuki then moved to get some small metal cups and handed them to Naruto.

“We can scoop up the snow and melt it for water Naruto-kun. It’s a lot better than trying t find any rivers here in this frozen place or trying sea water.”
Naruto nodded in agreement and then took the cups to gather some of the snow and soon took a torn off metal rail with some hooks on the side, planted it firmly into the ground, placing some rocks for stability and hung the cups filled with snow over the fire. They ate their food and after a while, and with the aid of some of his mittens which he managed to hide from before, took the cups and both of them gently drank the hot liquid which sent very good feelings up and down their bodies.

Once they drank enough and got more snow to melt for drinking, they went to getting some food into their stomachs. Naruto used his kunai which he enhanced with his chakra to cut through the cans’ lids and soon they were eating, even heating the food in their cans over the fire. The hot rocks underneath them certainly helped keep them warm as well as the furs until they were full. But now they knew that they had to find other sources of food.

The cans of supplies were not going to be enough so in order to find food they were going to have to possibly hunt. The only one with skills like that was Naruto and he knew it so he had to go and hunt for food once he felt ready. And he was as well so he decided to rest up and so did Koyuki as they needed to conserve their energy as much as possible. Koyuki spent most of her time wrapped up in the furs the same way Naruto did and though the clouds broke apart to let some sun in, the cold air was still strong on the skin.

As soon as it felt a bit warmly an hour or so afterwards, Naruto spoke to Koyuki.

“Koyuki-hime, I am going to go and see if I can find something for us to eat so you will have to stay here for a while.”

“I understand, be careful out there Naruto-kun, no doubt despite how this place might look, there are other hunters out there.”

Naruto had to agree with that without question as he decided to gather what he might need for the plan to go hunting for food for not just himself but Koyuki as well. And he was hoping tha6 they were going to get lucky and find food. Water was not going to be a problem since they could just melt any snow and ice they needed and that was a good thing. Naturally Naruto decided to leave a pair of Kage Bunshin to keep Koyuki safe and company.


Naruto was off and thankfully he had managed to find a fur lined cloak before going out and soon carried some wire and rope that the Kyuubi made him find. He brought them and while he was in a cold place, he was sweating a good deal as well. But he was not going to take off the clothes since they were the only forms of protection that he had against the cold. It was at least an hour or so but he covered some distance since the snow was not too deep for him and using his chakra to allow him to move better as if he had snow shoes, Naruto had covered some good distance. He suddenly heard some cries and wondered if the creatures making that racket were dangerous so he moved slowly and then spotted a very large animal moving about.

(What the heck is that?)

That was when the Kyuubi finally spoke to him.

((“That is reindeer, that’s a great deal of food on that big creature…and we do have some good news.”))

(What sort of good news?)

((“They usually travel in herds, which means that one is not alone, follow him kit and stay out of sight, and if you send any Kage Bunshin, do the same thing. Don’t spook that creature or we’re going to be regret it.”))

The blonde Genin did just that and was now being followed by one of his Kage Bunshin and sure enough, there was herd. Naruto smiled alongside his Kage Bunshin as they poofed away as the Kyuubi spoke once more to him.

((“Now stay low kit….those reindeer might not be able to see us due to the sun at out back, but the wind’s behind us too, so they can probably smell us…best we can do is look for their trail and set up some traps….you still have those white ropes and metal wire I told you to salvage from the ship?”))


((“Good, now hurry up. We need to find their trail and set those traps, we got few chances like this kit so let’s not waste it.”))

The two moved through the land of snow, and despite the freezing temperatures, Naruto’s thick clothes and the furs that he had salvaged from the wreckage helped, not to mention the fact that the Kyuubi helped him keep his temperature high through using it’s chakra. It took some time before they found the trail. As soon as they did so, the Kyuubi began to instruct Naruto how to make a number of snare traps as well as using the metal wire to add more snares around the trail.

As soon as they were done, the two rested and then the Kyuubi spoke to Naruto.

((“All right kit, we need to lure the herd to this site, keep in mind the reason we made so many traps is to increase the chance of a catch, relying on one trap is not going to cut it all, understand?”))

(Right….how do you know all this?)

((“I’ve lived for a very long time kit, I know….at any rate, this is for survival, we don’t have enough supplies to last the week, the reindeer meat and organs will have enough calories to last us at two weeks at best, not to mention the skin and fur will add extra protection in the cold.”))

(So what do we do?)

((“We need to use the Kage Bushin to lure the reindeer here as well, we then need to kill the reindeer quickly and then get what we can and haul off the carcass, but not before we skin it and take the fur…you ready?”))


Naruto managed to summon his Kage Bushin quietly, as soon as that was done, the small group moved into position while thankfully not spooking the reindeer herd as of yet. And as soon as they were in position, the group attacked with the Kyuubi’s chakra in all of the Kage Bushin as well as Naruto himself, the reindeer herd quickly began to run and panic, the group managed to move in as quickly as they could to force the reindeer to the spot where the traps were.
The reindeer split into three groups, two were moving away from the trail while the other part headed off to the trail, Naruto and his Kage Bushin moved in and as soon as they arrived, they were greeted with a good sight. While most of the reindeer had broken through, a pair of the reindeer were caught in the snares, Naruto could see that a number of blood trails moving away from the sight told him that while the ropes had not always worked, the metal wires certainly did. He and his Kage Bushin moved in and with the Kyuubi’s directions managed to kill the deer.

“Man….aaaaa….I am tired….”

Naruto felt the exhaustion hit him as he felt his adrenaline fade off, thankfully the feeling passed quickly as the Kyuubi’s chakra got him back to full tilt.

((“No time to rest, we still need to haul all the reindeer out of here, come on kit, let’s hustle, but first, take a drink of the reindeer blood.”))

(What? That’s disgusting! I’m not a damn vampire you know!!!)

((“You need the protein and fluid kit, no way are you going to eat snow….this is survival time so no time to be picky.”))

Naruto did it and took out a kunai and sliced the neck of the first reindeer, the thick and dark red blood flowed out and Naruto gulped as he willed himself not to get sick as he tasted the blood. The taste was thick, sweet, and strong, but also warm, and before he knew it, the blonde was digging into the liquid, the still warm blood revitalizing him. He took in as much as he could manage and pulled back, and he could see from the expressions on the faces of his Kage Bushin, they were also unhappy with the sight. He spat out the blood still in his mouth and looked at his clothes to see them caked in red blood.

(God….that was different….)

((“It’s called survival food kit, you might not like it, but that’s the rule of nature, you either kill and eat, or be killed and wind up being eaten yourself, come on, let’s get to work, we need to get the meat and skin back to camp.”))

The blonde nodded as he worked on the reindeer pair, thankfully he was able to summon a few more Kage Bushin as they worked on skinning the reindeer, careful to not ruin the hides with their kunai as the Kyuubi directed the blonde on how to do it with no damage to the hides, once that was done, the blonde then took out the edible organs, namely the liver, heart, stomach, and lungs as well as the softer inner meat as well as the outer meat.

The blonde and his Kage Bushin then took the ropes and metal wires that were left to make a pair of large harnesses to carry the now skinned and gutted carcasses. The hides were made into sacks to carry the meat that could be carried by the Kage Bushin and when that was over, Naruto looked at the sun as it rose high in the sky. He then sent several of his Kage Bushin ahead to scout out the area for a good way back to the sea side camp that he and Koyuki were staying in.

He might have gotten into the snow covered island well on his own, but with two large carcasses with hi, he couldn’t take chances and lose them to an accident. The scouts eventually found a good path back to the camp and the blonde with the remaining Kage Bushin were more than able to carry the carcasses back to camp.

As soon as they arrived, Koyuki was happy to see them back, though she was disturbed by what she was seeing on Naruto’s clothes as she rushed to see if he was all right.

“Are you all right Naruto-kun?”

“Yeah, I had to drink the….”

“The blood of the reindeer, fresh from the body to keep warm and get some energy into your body right Naruto-kun? You don’t have to act too surprised Naruto-kun. I heard of it being done before, I know that it must have been disgusting, but better than having you freeze to death, come on, we should get you dried up.”

The fire that he had made was still going strong, the fuel that they were able to salvage from the ship the day before was a real life saver for them as Naruto began to cut the meat from the reindeer carcasses before the meat froze solid. The meat was now hanging on some sharpened sticks that were now placed over the fire to cook. The smell of the meat being roasted was a very welcome feeling for the two as they decided to rest as the day continued. As soon as he got enough energy, Naruto began to make a snow cave filled with ice to act as a freezer to keep the meat from spoiling, he made sure to clean the meat of any dirt first and as soon as the meat hardened from the cold, he placed them in the freezer.

With that done, Naruto then sat down to think of the day’s events. The meat that they had would be able to last them for weeks so they won’t have to go too far for food, and if there were other wrecks like the one near their camp, then things would work out. As soon as the meat was done, both of them dug in, though Naruto decided to slice the roasted meat into stripes for Koyuki to eat and he apologized to the princess for this kind of meal.

“Sorry about this Koyuki-hime.”

“Why are you saying that Naruto-kun?”

“I should have gotten you back safely and now we’re stuck here….some ninja guard I turned out to be…”

Koyuki however moved over and gently hugged Naruto and replied.

“Don’t you say those things Naruto-kun, this isn’t you, sure you made some mistakes, but you managed to keep me alive so you didn’t fail in doing your job, we might be off course from home, but that doesn’t mean that you failed, as long as we’re alive then we’re okay.”

The blonde smiled at her and nodded as she did have a point in that regard, but just as things were getting cozy, another strong wind came in and some more cold hit them, he saw Koyuki shiver a bit and he decided to do something about that as he did his best to clean off as much of the oil and fat from the skin of the reindeer and then wrapped her into it. Koyuki smiled at her protector’s actions and before he could do anything, she snuggled up to him and he could now feel her breathing on his cheek.

The minute that happened, a massive surge of heat hit him dead center as he felt himself blush at the rather….arousing way that Koyuki’s breath caressed his face, in a moment, Naruto didn’t know what to do, the heat might be welcoming to his body, but the embarrassment certainly was not welcome.

He did nothing and allowed Koyuki to snuggle up to him, even through her clothing, he could feel the body heat that came from her and it actually helped make him feel a great deal better, no doubt this was going to be a very long time for them and hope that they were soon going to be found by their allies soon. Naruto could not help himself as he hugged Koyuki back and soon they were asleep, but not before he made sure to keep his chakra up to warm his body.

As the night went on, Naruto would routinely wake up and keep the fire going with what he could find and he made sure to rest up a bit every now and then to allow his body to recover and allow his chakra to be restored. He knew that with the kind of place he and Koyuki were, he was going to need all the chakra, sleep, and energy he was going to get.

The next few days were not easy for them, but they were going to make the most of it, the ship that they had been in could not be rebuilt as even Naruto, who did not have much sailing experience could see that the ‘spine’ of the boat was clearly snapped and crushed in the middle and as such, it would be too labor intensive to repair, and even though there was some wood and Naruto did have building experience during his time in helping with the repairs on Konoha, it would not have done them any good.

The first was that Naruto’s experience was with buildings and never with boats so he was out of his league in that regard. The second was that even if he had the experiences, the tools needed to make the repairs were not there, and while they did have some basic tools it was no going to be enough as the repairs were too complex for Naruto to attempt.

So they had to make the most of the situation that they were in and so Naruto decided to dismantle the boat piece by piece. It was hard work and more than once, Naruto suffered from the cold but his resident aided him by keeping him alive. Naruto wondered why and the Kyuubi replied in a sarcastic manner.

((“You live, I live, you die, I die, it’s not going to be any simpler than that Kit so stop asking and just do what I say, and this time no back talking on me since we’re both in the same sinking ship.”))

The work soon paid off as he was able to get the wood of the hull o form a circular hut and bound them together with rope and snow. He and his Kage Bushin were able to make the hut have some areas open to let air in and out as well as a small fire pit to warm up the place. The wood was supported by several large boulders that Naruto managed to bring in after using his wind training to create chakra blades to cut the stone into slabs. These stones in the inside would help insulate them while the ones outside made the hut stronger.

The stone slabs were also made to form a wall around the place, a modest wall to be sure which was at least a foot higher than him and Koyuki for protection. There was also a pit there that was going to be where Naruto could place heated rocks and snow to make a bathing area which he would find a way to shield from the cold soon.

Inside, the hut, Naruto dug a foot deep pit and under the Kyuubi’s directions, used small stone blocks that he was able to heat up in the much larger pit fire outside, to warm the bed of fur that he had made from some of the deer that he was able to kill and sew together with some of the hard leather straps that he found from the ship.

In terms of food, Naruto was happy that there were the reindeer nearby, along with him being able to hunt for fish and some birds. There were no vegetables that could grow anywhere but at least there were some boxes filled with cans of fresh fruit and vegetables that they could eat. These were thankfully not ruined and as such were good to eat. All he needed to do was use his kunai which he enhanced with his chakra to cut them open. The reindeer herds were apparently large here and so he had to make sure that he moved out early and only needed to take down one or two of them with traps or with weapons. One reindeer had enough meat for at least a week and a half, and when buried deeply in nice, lasted longer as well.

Cooking in the place was no picnic and he had to work hard to gather fire wood from the trees that were hardy enough to survive in the cold. The fact that there was some wood growing there was a good thing, even more so since Naruto could use his wind chakra to enhance the cutting power of his kunai, for which he made sure to properly thank Kakashi, Yamato, and Asuma for teaching him how to use his Wind Chakra. It was a life saver, along with the fact that by only using a small but effective amount of chakra, he could conserve his own.

They usually either roasted the meat or made it into soup so the options were not too complicated and at times seasoned with some of the food they had. Fish was found in a few of the lakes but Naruto had to be careful never to fall in, which was why he had his water walking technique always on the ready.

The cold was not the only danger as Naruto had to deal with predators, namely some wolf packs that roamed the place along with some large beasts that Koyuki called wolverines, He had never heard of them before but seeing one take on a trio of full grown wolves by itself…and coming out on top was enough to convince him not to take the creature lightly. Naruto made sure to haul out only enough of the reindeer meat and organs as he needed and left the rest for the predators to make sure they did not follow and when cooking back home, they made sure to keep the left over food safe.

Naruto was usually leaving some Kage Bunshin around for guard duty at night on the off chance that some of the creatures got too nosey but when he used the Kyuubi’s chakra, the energy was enough to convince the predators not to come anywhere near their camp. Something that the Kyuubi was more than willing to remind him of and he had to agree that if the wolves and wolverines were aware there was something nastier and deadlier than they were nearby, they were going to stay away from them.

Keeping themselves clean was not too hard though they made sure to wear a lot of protection from the cold and to make sure that if they took a heated bath, Naruto had to use his chakra and that of the Kyuubi to super heat the rocks before dumping in the ice and snow, then using the chakra to boil the water just right. Once the cold froze the water, he heated it up again with the Kyuubi’s help. They only changed the water when it had been at least a week or so old since that would get rid of the dirt.

Naturally they avoided any storms and kept warm all the time in their hut and that was why they were spending time talking about so many things. Namely about their respective lives once more, just to keep themselves busy while Naruto also made sure to make some signal fires near the coast to light up if they spotted a ship with some of the gear that they were able to find. The other side of the island was all jagged cliffs with no beaches or ways into the land so they were actually lucky they landed there and so it meant that the only way for others to find them was on the coastline and beaches.

The fires were covered in water proof tarp that they found and the tarp was held in place by rocks to cover the wood. And next were sources of fuel that could be lit as Naruto would routinely patrol the beaches where they were and keep them working due to the advice given by the Kyuubi. If there was a ship that could be spotted by him and the Kage Bunshin, then the fires would be lit and with the patches of rubber there, the smoke would be black to stand out from the rest of the background.

The struggle for life and waiting for rescue was not the only thing that concerned the pair, for Naruto being this close to the woman who he had been a fan of for years was not easy. Back then he was younger and not as…attuned to his hormones despite the fact he was something of a pervert. But now that he was older he was quicker to take notice of women were attractive, in this case more so than Sakura, and as much as he did not want to show it, he was a greater pervert now than he was before. More than once he had been looking at Koyuki when she had been taking a bath though the steam around her made it hard for him to see the details.

There was also the fact that when it was not too cold and they were out of their furs that he would look at her in the light and begin to admire her features. Sure he thought of her as beautiful back then when he was still a kid, but as a teenager, his perception of Koyuki’s attractiveness had increased a lot more than he expected. And more than once, his perverted brain began conjuring images of him being intimate with the dark green haired woman who had a crush on as a kid.

The fact that the Kyuubi was more than willing to needle him about it all just to get a rise out of him made the whole situation a lot mote complicated for the blonde. He had to resist reacting to the words and suggestions, plus images the demon resident inside of him since doing so might make Koyuki worried for his sake. And the fact that it might also make her think that he was losing his marbles made self control all that important. But he was not having it easy as he had to be honest about the fact that not ALL the ideas and images that had perverted ideas towards Koyuki were from the fox’s influence.

The reasons he did not do anything about his attraction were the fact that, first he was a Jinchuuriki and therefore it would be shocking for her to find out that he had such a secret and he did not want her to be frightened of him. Second was the fact that as a Jinchuuriki, he had to keep his identity as one a secret since revealing it would be dangerous, it was not that he distrusted Koyuki, it was that there was no telling what might happen if other people apart from Akatsuki took an interest in him. Third there was the fact that he had a great deal of respect and affection for Koyuki and he did not want to harm her in any fashion or make her unhappy with him.

However, he was not the only one who was deep in thought on their proximity to one another as well as the fact that they were the only ones on the island.
Koyuki herself was having some difficulty in her time here, and like Naruto it had nothing to do with surviving on this island. She had to get used to being around Naruto as it had been a number of years when the two of them had looked at one another. When they had parted from one another, Koyuki had no doubt that Naruto would grow into a fine man, and when she saw him again after a few years, time had proved her right as Naruto had become quite handsome. She had no doubt that when he finally became a full adult, Naruto was going to turn heads, and to be honest, her head was also turning. She would be lying to herself if she said that she did not find Naruto the least bit attractive, sure he was rather cute when he was a kid, but now as a teen, he was the kind of young man any woman would love to have as a boyfriend.

And possibly more as well since he was such a good person who could really be a keeper since he was kind, brave, compassionate, funny, and very friendly, he might not be as mature or intelligent at first glance, but there was no doubt that his heart was in the right place. Add to the fact that he was also very well built. Naruto might not be aware of it but he was not the only one who had been looking intently at someone with less than innocent ideas.

The princess could not help but find herself thinking about Naruto in a fashion that was less than innocent, but unlike the blonde in question, she did not have any problem with her thoughts towards the blonde youth since she very much liked him. As he held a special place in her heart for it was he who helped her rekindle her soul, heart, and dreams, she cared for him and had no problems developing an attraction to the young ninja. When he was not wearing too thick furs, she would usually look at him and wonder just what he looked like when he was naked and it was only due to the fact that the steam from the pool that she was not able to look. And despite her thoughts towards Naruto, she was not going to just go ahead and grab him and do what she liked with him. She liked him a great deal and respected him and she wanted him to make the first move.

Naturally she had a feeling that it was not going to be that simple, but she was willing to wait for Naruto make a move. She could tell that he was very much attracted to her, as a woman, she could tell that he was doing what he could to avoid showing his feelings on the matter. It was nice to know that he did get attracted to her yet wanted to be a good man and not do something that would be considered wrong by others and he respected her. There was also the fact that she was a princess and he was a ninja, it would have sounded romantic, the heroic ninja winning the love of the princess but Naruto no doubt was not sure that he was her type.

But he was, ever since she had seen him again, she had developed her affection for him to be more mature and she knew that he had some secrets. She wanted to make sure that when the time came that they talked with one another, she was going to tell him that she was already aware of his looking at her and she did not mind, and wanted to know if there were other concerns between them.

The chance for Koyuki to make her move came on this night when she and Naruto were currently in their home and finally had a good and filling dinner of vegetables, roasted meat and hot meat broth. The two were able to relax and then the princess decided to speak to the blonde about their situation.

‘How are you feeling Naruto-kun?”

“I am fine, I have no doubt that we will be rescued soon Koyuki-hime!”

Koyuki smiled at that and replied.

“I have no doubt that we will be rescued Naruto-kun, but I wanted to ask you how you were doing here right now. I mean being here on the island with the dangers as they were must be hard for you.”

Naruto shook his head a bit and smiled somewhat.

“It is at times Koyuki, but I am willing to tough it out, after all, if I let things like this bring me down when I can still move, breathe, and fight, then I am not a good ninja. Besides, I still plan to keep on fighting and living until I become Hokage and keep my promises as well.”

Koyuki nodded and decided to drive it a bit deeper and made sure to do so slowly.

“I can see that, but there’s a reason that I am asking you that question Naruto-kun, how do you feel being stuck with just me on the island for company?”

“What do you mean by the Koyuki-hime?”

“I mean that being stuck with me must be hard on you, after all, we might be on better terms now, but back then, you and I did not exactly have the most cordial of relationships with one another.”

Naruto knew that Koyuki did have a point but he replied to that in his own way.

“I know that Koyuki-hime, but that was a long time ago and you have really changed a great deal. I mean the people love you, the director and the others in the staff certainly love working with you, and your people have nothing but great things to say about you. And all of what they say certainly sounds very sincere and truthful to me as well. And you have certainly become a lot more attractive than before.”

Koyuki raised an eyebrow at that and smiled as she picked up the slip of the tongue and decided to exploit that.

“So you think that I am attractive Naruto-kun?”

Naruto realized what he had said and quickly blushed a good deal as he knew that this was something that was going to be hard to talk about. But he decided to just let it out and not hide what he felt about Koyuki’s attractiveness.

“Yes I do think that you are attractive Koyuki-hime, you were very attractive then when you and I first met, and you have become a lot more attractive since then. I mean a guy would have to be blind and dumb not to notice how attractive you are.”

“Even when I am like this and without makeup, fine dresses and the like?”

Naruto nodded seriously and empathically.

“Yes you do Koyuki-hime, you were beautiful without it when you were still…the one I met as a kid. But now you look even more beautiful even without makeup and the dresses since you have changed into a very strong and honest person.”

Koyuki smiled warmly at that as she could tell that Naruto was not the least bit lying towards her and she replied.

“I see, so is that why you were always looking at me when I was not looking?”

Naruto gulped a bit as he realized that he was now busted by the princess and now he had no idea what to do as Koyuki looked at him. But he decided not to hide, he had made it this far and decided that now was the right time to go ahead and speak what was on his mind.

“I did, but I swear that no matter how perverted I was, I did not do anything to you since I really respect and admire you…besides, I had reasons to not do anything at all Koyuki-hime. And there’s…a burden that I have to deal with since I was young. And I do not want to have you be affected by it at all.”

Koyuki could tell very quickly that whatever this burden was, it was weighing heavily on Naruto and she decided to talk to him about it. She had to know and despite everything in her mind telling her not to go deeper, she was going to find out.

“Why don’t you tell me Naruto-kun, I want to know what bothers you and what your burden is.”

“But I shouldn’t do it…you don’t want to get involved Koyuki-hime.”

Koyuki was persistent however as she moved towards him and was soon next to him as she spoke gently.

“I am asking you to tell me, not because I am forcing you, but I want to know you more, you once spoke to me about your own pain remember? I might have acted that I did not care then, but I did, and I suspected that there was more to what you were saying. There is a part of me that is saying that I should not go any further about this, but I want to, because I care about you and maybe in a way that is more than it looks. You are very precious to me Naruto-kun, so I want you to know that I will not be frightened about what your burden is.”

Naruto wanted to believe her, wanted to believe that she was telling the truth, but there was a tiny part of him that was telling him no to do anything. Yet that tiny part was not having as much impact as the other voice. That one was telling him to say the truth to Koyuki, it was better that he did so and get it over with. Hiding something from someone precious to him was not something he liked doing and Koyuki trusted him, so he should at the very least trust her back.

Naruto sighed and decided to tell her about being a Jinchuuriki, something that he knew was shocking to say the least. Koyuki remained silent as she listened to Naruto, and quickly understood why he was telling her that he did not want to burden her with his burden. Now it made sense what he had said when he was younger and she also recalled the people whom he spoke of that made him stand firm. Her pain in losing her home and her father was strong, Naruto’s pain was different yet instead of being repulsed by Naruto’s status as Jinchuuriki, she felt connected to him somehow.

After all, he did not want this power and his life was made miserable by it, yet instead of giving in to despair, he remained strong, happy, cheerful, and more,. Instead of losing himself to pain and grief, he found people to care for and it helped him change to be the man before her. And there was the fact that it was with those same traits that he changed her from a woman who was dead inside to a woman who cared for people and id her best to bring peace and joy to all. She could not hate or be disgusted by someone like Naruto since he was in her mind no demon. Once that was over, Naruto waited for her to speak and she could see the fear and worry in his eyes.

She could tell that he was very vulnerable right now to what she might say or think, and she could not blame him at all for such a frame of mind. And she decided to be honest about her feelings to him as he had been honest now to her.

“Naruto-kun, I am sorry for what you had to go through, yet I am very proud that instead of being placed in such a situation, you id not break and become a fine man. Not like me when we first met.”


“I want you to know this, I am not disgusted by your status as a Jinchuuriki, you have already begun to overcome the pressure of being called one after all. You are strong and very capable in my eyes and no matter what they say about you, you are a good man. And I want you to know something, I am pleased that you look at me like that.”


“You are a young man who is already going to be an adult soon, so I expected it to happen at some point in time and I am happy that it is with me. You are very important to me and I want you to know that I care about you, and like I said before, I care about you in a way that goes beyond mere affection.”

Naruto could only stare wide eyed at Koyuki, shocked at what she was implying, sure he was dense at times, but not dense enough to not know that there was a hidden meaning behind that statement. He wished that he was not dreaming this all up and he managed to finally get enough of his wits into working order as he spoke to Koyuki.

“Wh-What do you mean by that Koyuki-hime?”

“You are not the only one who peeks you know, I peek at you too and I would be a liar to say that I don’t find you attractive myself. I am very fond of you Naruto-kun, and add that to the fact that you are a very handsome man to boot makes this all the more good for me. Now why don’t I show you want I mean instead of saying it?”

In Konoha…

Tsunade was relieved that they were finally able to gather a rescue fleet to find both Koyuki and Naruto. Jiraiya had come back and reported that the mercs that had been and after finding them and interrogating the groups, he found that they had not been able to catch up with Naruto and Koyuki so they were still alive. Once that was confirmed, some of Koyuki’s advisors informed her that they were able to find a well made map that highlighted some of the places near the Land of Snow/Spring that could be where Naruto and Koyuki could be found. Naturally she knew that Naruto being who he was would never give up and he took his duties seriously, even more so when precious people of his were involved.

That was the kind of person Naruto was and while it had been some time since he had been out of contact, the Toads that he and Jiraiya summoned told her that he was still around as they felt his chakra, but not in a way that could give them an exact fix of his location. The blonde Hokage however was pleased that he was still alive and so once they got the map, they began to look at the island. She and the others crossed out the ones that were either too small or were too inhospitable for supporting life

(Lemon time!!!)

Naruto couldn’t help but moan at the way Koyuki kissed him deeply, the princess and ruler of Snow/Spring Country seemed to enjoy her actions and that was a very good sign to the blonde Genin and Hokage hopeful as they continued to kiss one another as he decided to get into the act himself and kiss her back. The blonde Genin couldn’t help but feel his body get even hotter as the kiss deepened between the two of them. Despite the fact that their home was warm now with the heat from the small fire which was being reflected by the rocks that were in the walls, they were feeling a bit chilled by the weather outside. Yet now the heat in their bodies seemed to grow a lot more as they continued with their intense kissing of one another.

Koyuki herself enjoyed the fact that they were getting a lot more heated as the kiss between the two of them grew deeper and stronger. She was not unfamiliar with kissing a man, but a majority of those kisses were merely for acting purposes and her heart had been cold and dead. But that was before she met Naruto and despite her cold façade, made her see the world in a very different light. He was the one who unfroze her heart and gave her life, as well as make her smile after so long. And now, sharing this kiss with him now that he was older made her feel even more alive. She admitted that seeing him now that he was older, was good as he had certainly turned from a cute kid, to a very handsome young man, and she fell in love with him as they lived and survived together. The burden he had as a Jinchuuriki only added to the affection she had for him since he had not been broken by his burden easily and was growing stronger for it, that was something she respected greatly.

As they parted from one another, Koyuki did not waste any more time as she began to gently run her hands to her lover’s clothes and begin to remove them. She removed first his forehead protector and placed it aside for the moment, then she moved to his sandals and removed them so she would not have difficulty removing his pants. Once the sandals were out of the way, she began to remove his fur coat, then his jacket as well That was soon joined by his mesh inner shirt, and his black undershirt. Koyuki looked at Naruto’s now fully exposed torso and she could not help but enjoy the sight of Naruto’s toned muscles and form. She however knew that there was still a lot more for her to look at when it concerned Naruto, she wanted to see him completely naked and she had every intention to do just that. She grabbed his pants and after unzipping it and loosening up, she pulled down his pants and once the pants were out of the way, she then looked at his boxers and saw the tent on his boxers. That made her smile even more and without bating an eyelash, she grabbed the waistband of his boxers.

Koyuki enjoyed the sight of Naruto now fully naked and bare of his clothes and she was quick to look at his body from head to toe. The princess looked at him, enjoying ever detail of his now fully revealed form, his hair was still in the same style but was like glowing gold, her eyes moved lower to look at his face, there was no sign of the old baby fat that was there in the past. His face was leaner looking yet handsome still and the whisker marks there on his face gave him a more feral quality that served to excite her.

Her eyes moved lower to the rest of his body and she saw the strength and power in his arms and she could not help but feel eager to feel the strength that her lover would have. Her eyes were on his well toned chest and stomach, she loved the way his muscles were on his body and she could not help but feel the desire to run her hands on his body, to taste his skin, to touch his body with her hands and even rub her lips and tongue on him.

Her gaze moved lower and saw the strength in his well muscled and toned legs, but her eyes were fixated on his cock. She could not help but feel her arousal grow more intense and she felt her pussy become hotter and wetter at the same time, and for a very good reason. Even though he was not fully erect and hard, he was at least five inches long and an inch thick, and that made her wonder just how he would look fully aroused.

(Naruto-kun, who knew you were going to be like this in a few years.)

She could not help but feel the need to touch her lover and be able to do a number of things with him right now. Koyuki decided that since Naruto was now naked before her, then she should also be naked for him to see her in her own beauty.

With that in mind, she began to remove her own clothing, she started first by removing her fur coat, then the special hood cloth that she had on her, then her inner coat as well as her boots. Once those were out of the way, she removed her vest, then her shirt, followed by her pants and soon she was only in her bra and panties, she felt the cool air in the room though it was not in the same level as the air that was outside of their home in the island.
She wasted no time and soon removed the last vestiges of her clothing and now she was truly naked before the blonde Genin. She resisted the urge to cover herself with her arms and allowed Naruto to finally see her fully naked.

And it seemed that her choice of actions had a deep effect on the blonde as he could not help but look at her in her full nakedness.

In Naruto’s mind…

((“Well now…now this is the kind of body every princess should have, you had better not foul this up kit, you’re only going to get one shot at this. So you had better now fuck this up!”))

In the real world…

Naruto could not help but stare in utter desire and awe as he looked at Koyuki who was now fully naked before him. He had to admit that there was a time that his inner pervert had always asked the question on what Koyuki looked like naked and without anything covering her up And now it seemed that he was getting what he wanted and what he saw was MORE than he expected..

And even though the temperature in their hut was cool, and he was shivering a bit as he was also naked, he was getting hotter by the second as he gazed at Koyuki. So much so that6 he wondered just why was it he was not already cooking in the heat of his own thoughts.

She had her beautiful deep green-black hair in a wide unbound wave that was around her back and head like a cape of silk, It served to also show her beautiful face as her eyes sparkled with desire, mischief, and attraction, a beautiful smile was there to make her blush look even better. The blush was not just limited to her face as it spread a bit over her body and it served to make her pale yet beautiful cream skin have a light pink tint.

Koyuki’s figure was well toned and formed, no doubt that despite not being a ninja, she had kept herself in tip top shape through exercise, hard work, and a diet as well. Her breasts were not too big but not small, but were medium sized yet full and well formed, suiting her height and build as well. They moved slowly with a rhythm that was more than enough to make the blonde enjoy the sight of them moving and Naruto could not help but see that her nipples which were light red were all tight, and he wondered briefly if it had something to do with the very cool air as well as the arousal between the two of them.

His eyes did not stay on her breasts for long as he continued to look down to her well formed and toned stomach, her also looked at her womanly curve, her well toned thighs, the beautiful patch of hair between her thighs, and then to her calves and toes. She was definitely a noble beauty and Naruto could not help as his body became even more attracted as his cock became harder and warmer as well.

Koyuki shivered a bit but she felt her body grow hotter and she did not hesitate to move towards Naruto. And she smiled as Naruto was more than willing to take her into his arms. Both of their bodies shivered a bit at the contact, but their respective body heat was more than enough to make them enjoy the contact. The princess hugged Naruto tightly, enjoying the feel of his rock hard and hot body on her hands, and soon on her own naked form., and she blushed when she felt his sex rub on her belly, making her blush even more.

As she moved away, the two of them kissed one another deeply as Koyuki enjoyed the contact between them once more, she was not going to stay idle for very long as she moved her hands to Naruto’s cock and began to move her hands slowly up and down, she felt her lover’s cock begin to harden and she could feel the increase in heat in it. She decided to move away first and take things a bit further.

She began to lavish kisses on Naruto’s body, slowly moving to his neck, gently kissing and licking his skin, and even nipped a bit on the place where his pulse was. She moved lower and began to kiss and lick Naruto’s chest as well as his own nipples, making the blonde cry out in pleasure, making her even more aroused by the second.

She then moved to have her lover lay down on their bed and soon decided to make her move to make things between them a lot more intense and pleasurable as she was now right on top of her lover and she was more than eager to finally make Naruto happy and see just how much the blonde youth had grown and changed the last time that she had seen him.

Koyuki looked at Naruto as she was now right on top of the blonde and she gave him a seductive kiss that served to show him what she had in mind for the night, but she new that they were going to take all of this nice and slow to make it last. She started it by kissing and licking Naruto’s lips first, his cheeks, then his neck, right where the pulse was. She moved to his chest and smirked as she gently kissed his nipples, making him gasp at her actions as that was something that he had not expected at all.


Naruto was not apparently expecting that, much to the princess’s delight as she pressed on with what she had in her mind. She carried on with her actions on his nipples, and even used her hands at the same time on them. She also began to caress her lover’s lower body with her legs, and in a fit of inspiration, managed to get his cock to touch her wet sex, making Naruto groan at that.

The princess soon moved her attention lower and lavished kisses and lick on Naruto’s chest, his abs, and all the way to his hips and thighs, enjoying the feel of his sweat covered skin, and the hot, hard muscles underneath as well. She soon reached her target and took a very good look at her lover’s cock…which by now was already getting very hard and fully aroused, and at the length of eight inches, already a good thing for an adult man of good physical health and build, but for a teen, a god send and it was more than enough to make Koyuki’s sex a lot wetter than it already was, and that was a good thing in her mind as she felt her body become hotter.

Koyuki could not help herself as she looked intensely at her lover’s dick and she looked to see him blushing at her intense stare at his sex.

‘Koyuki-chan…please stop that…”

Koyuki smiled warmly at that and replied.

“I will not, you’re so well endowed Naruto-kun, I am happy that I am the one who gets to be close to this. Now relax, and let your princess do what she wants to make you really happy.”

Naruto could not refuse her and nodded as she began by gently touching his cock with her fingers first, slowly enjoying the feel of the smooth skin, the hard flesh underneath said skin, the length and thickness, the deep red head on the tip, and his testicles. Naruto was truly well built and Koyuki could not help herself as an un-princess like smile came to her face.

She got things going as she began to rub her breasts and nipples on it, she started with her left breast, then moved to using her right breast to be sure that she was able to balance the whole situation. She also made sure to rub her nipples right at the tip of Naruto’s cock. She enjoyed the shiver that came from her lover’s sex and the moan of pleasure from him as well. She then allowed him to feel her breasts and nipples on his testicles as well and she was not going to forget what she was doing to him at this rate.

She also felt the shivers of pleasure running up and down her body through her nipples and her breasts as well. She then decided to move things up a bit more as she moved her breasts away and soon began to run her lips on her lover’s cock. She licked them first to wet them and then moved them up and down, from the base to the tip and back down again, and she made sure to kiss her lover’s balls at the very same time.

That action made Naruto groan in pleasure, making Koyuki even more aroused as she then began to use her tongue a bit more. She swirled her tongue on his cock’s head first, then to the sides, the lower portion, then to his balls, and back up again.

“Koyuki-chan……feels sooooo goooood….”

Naruto could not help but feel the pleasure flow through his body as the combination of cool air and the heat from Koyuki’s mouth on his cock was very different and pleasing. He could not believe that at this very moment he was being given what his master called a blow job by his favorite actress and the very first actual princess he had protected. The fact that she wanted to do this and cared deeply for him as well made this moment all the more surreal for him. He looked to see Koyuki moving her head up and down with his cock moving in and out of her mouth and he moved to caress her head as well as her hair.
The blonde felt each action of his lover’s act and he saw her look at him and there was a gleam of pleasure in her eyes as she continued with her movements. He did nothing and allowed her to do things on her own pace and he hoped that soon he was going to bring Koyuki the very same pleasure that she was now giving him. He was not going to have to wait for too long as he felt his body begin to grow hotter, and he felt a rush building in his testicles.

“Koyuki-channnn…I am going to…”

Naruto’s other words did not leave his mouth as he finally reached his orgasm and soon he unleashed a large amount of cum from his cock right into Koyuki’s mouth.

The princess expected that to happen and while she was surprised by it, she managed to take in as much of her lover’s seed as she could take. She found it to be rather sweet, with a hint of sourness, as well as being thick and hot as well. She enjoyed it and took in as much as she could take and she was aroused even more by the fact that despite his rather heavy release of his cum, Naruto’s cock was still rock hard.

That was more than enough to make the princess happy as she knew that this meant that she was going to have a long night of pleasure ahead of her with a young man who was very dear to her heart and the same one who unfroze it so long ago when they met. She took in even more of her lover’s cum into her mouth and when she moved away, she enjoyed the fact that Naruto was still releasing more of his cum, as she moved back several streams of Naruto’s cum hit her face on the side, the bridge of her nose, her chin, her neck, her breasts and nipples and between her breasts as well.

She swallowed her lover’s seed, and enjoyed the taste and feel of it going down her throat, she then used her hands to remove the cum form her face, chin, nose, and neck, and she licked her fingers clean. Once she was done, she used her hands again to clean her breasts of her lover’s seed, but she then rubbed it on her breasts and also to her pussy, even gently sliding one cum covered fingers into her pussy as well as rubbing another finger with her lover’s cum on her clitoris as well.

She then spoke to Naruto in a very aroused manner.

“Now I think you should make your move Naruto-kun.”

Naruto did not need anymore encouragement and he moved fast to Koyuki’s location and soon his actions made her lay flat on her back and now the situation was fully reversed.

Naruto was now on top of Koyuki and he could not help but look at the beautiful woman who was naked right below him. Koyuki’s hair was spread over the large fur bed that they had been sleeping on and that served to add an allure to the naked princess. He looked at her blushing face and admired how beautiful he looked and his eyes looked at her body, recalling all of the details that made her beautiful.

He then moved forward and kissed Koyuki deeply and she responded in kind, they enjoyed the contact between the two of them. Their tongues dueled with one another and as soon as the two of them needed to take in air, they did so. As soon as they did that Naruto gazed lustfully and lovingly at Koyuki who noted that intense look and naturally the princess blushed a bit more and spoke to him.

“Do you like what you see Naruto-kun?”

“Yes…you are so beautiful Koyuki-san.”

The princess enjoyed that as she could tell that Naruto was telling her the truth, and she reached out to touch her lover once again and Naruto took her hands into his own and gently kissed her palms, while licking her fingers and even sucking on them, making Koyuki moan at the action as he soon moved to focus on her breasts.

Koyuki sighed in utter contentment as Naruto was focusing his ministrations on her breasts as well as her nipples. She had never thought that it was ever going to happen to her as she had been so busy in her time as an actress and as ruler of her homeland, and she doubted that she would ever find a man who she not only found attractive and give her the love that she wanted, but also able to be important to her and someone she would hold close to her heart. She placed those thoughts aside as Naruto continued his actions on her breasts and nipples and she enjoyed the fact that he would lavish his attention on one breast and then moving to the other, ensuring that there was a balance of pleasure for her to enjoy. The way Naruto was sucking and licking her breasts and nipples made her feel that he wanted to take all of her into his very bones, and that did not bother her at all.

“Naruto-kun….lick my breasts like that….”


Naruto enjoyed the taste of Koyuki’s skin and her moans of encouragement for him were more than enough to get him moving at a faster pace. But despite the fact that he was enjoying the way Koyuki acted as well as his own arousal, he needed to move on and focus on the rest of her body. Jiraiya had told him that you have to give the whole body of a woman pleasure to REALLY make her happy, and for once, he was in agreement with the Pervy Sage.

The blonde moved his attention to the lower portion of Koyuki’s body, he lavished kisses on her stomach, hips, and her thighs. The blonde used not just his lips and tongue, but also his hands as he would routinely to caress the princess’ breasts and nipples as well. He soon reached Koyuki’ thighs and the princess parted her thighs at that moment. Naruto was now able to see Koyuki’s slit and he could see that her sex was wet and deep pink.

The blonde moved his head closer as there was a smell there that served to make his body become even more aroused. He moved closer and examined her pussy intently as well as seeing her clitoris. Koyuki saw just where Naruto was and knew just what he was looking at so intently and she naturally blushed a bit but smiled as Naruto managed to finally look at her.

“Do you like what you see Naruto-kun?”

Naruto nodded at that and that made the princess smile and she nodded to him.

“Go ahead Naruto-kun.”

Naruto did not need to be told what was it that Koyuki was saying to him as his male instincts were now taking over, and the things that Jiraiya told him were now going to see some use in this moment. He started slowly as he first kissed the outer lips of Koyuki’s sex, making Koyuki moan a bit at what he was doing, he then moved his attention to her clitoris and he also kissed that part of Koyuki’s body. The princess enjoyed the sensations of her lover’s kisses on her sex and she moaned out as Naruto continued his actions.



Naruto continued his kisses on Koyuki’s sex and decided to use his tongue, he licked Koyuki’s sex at the outer lips and she moaned out deeply at that. He continued that action to the princess’s sex and did the very same thing to her clitoris. He then decided to use his fingers, gently playing with her sex’s outer lips alongside his tongue, along with gently playing with her clit. His actions were able to get some results as he finally got a chance to taste Koyuki’s juices. Her juices were sweet as well as clean, there was a hint of muskiness in it’s smell and it was hot and thick to boot. That was more than enough to make the blonde increase the rate of his actions on Koyuki.

“Yessssss…..Naruto-kun….lick me there….aaaaahhhhhh…”

Koyuki was in heaven at this point and time as her lover was busy licking not just her slit but her clitoris as well, lapping up her juices while sending more flashes of pleasure and heat all over her body. Every once in a while, he would use his tongue and fingers on her sex by thrusting either or both into her sex, that added more pleasure to Koyuki as well as making her admire Naruto’s boldness in doing this to her.

It was not going to be long before Koyuki would finally reach her limits, and she was very eager to finally reach that limit. After having brought Naruto to orgasm, she was more than eager to reach her own orgasm, and she had a feeling that she was not going to have to wait for long. And sure enough, her train of thought concerning her orgasm was proven true as she finally hit her orgasm only moments when those thoughts were placed aside.


Koyuki felt her body explode with bliss, heat flowed all over her body and her nerves seemed to be on fire at that exact moment. She felt her heart beat faster and she also felt her pussy release more of her juices, her grip on Naruto’s head was tight as her body tensed up at her orgasm and she could not help but bask in the results of her very first orgasm while feeling her lover’s tongue continuing to lick her pussy as well as her clitoris.

Naruto himself managed to remain calm as he was now licking and taking in more of Koyuki’s juices. He managed to take in as much as he could though a good deal of Koyuki’s juices managed to flow out to flow around his face. He did not mind it at all and enjoyed it as the hot liquid flowed out. Once he was able to handle most of it, he moved away once he felt Koyuki’s grip on his head lessen. He gave her pussy a few more licks and kissed it as well as her clitoris, and then looked at Koyuki.

Her body was covered in a sheen of sweat and her breathing was slow and labored. Her face was also covered in sweat and her blush was a lot deeper and stronger than before, she was beautiful in his eyes and he could not help but move over to her. He saw her breathing and once he was face to face with the recovering princess, she looked right back at him, and before he could do anything, she took his face into her hands, and began to lick his lips and cheeks clean.

Koyuki did not mind at all the fact that she tasted her own juices; instead it was more than enough to turn her on as well. Once she was done in licking her lover’s face and lips clean, she kissed him, enjoying the taste of Naruto’s mouth along with her very own juices added to the whole thing.

The kiss between the two of them was soon coming to an end and Koyuki looked at Naruto, she moved her leg a bit and found that his cock was very hard and hot. That was more than enough to tell her that Naruto was more than ready to make the move that would complete this night between the two of them.

“Naruto-kun…let’s do this.”

“Are you sure Koyuki-chan?”

“Yes…let’s make the last act of our night worthwhile.”

Naruto nodded and moved his dick into position in front of her sex, he looked at Koyuki’s sex one more and then positioned his cock right at Koyuki’s sex. He started to move his cock up and down on the princess’s sex as well as her clitoris, which served to make the green haired princess all the more aroused. Naruto then pushed his cock slowly, pushing past her sex’s outer lips and Koyuki moaned out deeply at the feeling of her lover’s cock now entering her sex and she did her best to keep herself under control.

The blonde himself was not immune to the pleasure as he gritted his teeth as the feeling of Koyuki’s wet sex begin to take in his cock. He pushed in inch by inch and he could feel the heat, wetness, softness, and tightness all around him. He saw the way Koyuki acted at the intrusion of his cock into her pussy as her breathing picked up, the blush on her face grew deeper, the blush also spread to the rest of her upper body, and the blonde could not help himself as he licked her breasts and nipples at the very same time as he continued to push his cock deeply into her pussy.

Koyuki groaned even more at the pleasure though she did feel some pain. She was a virgin though not in the traditional sense. Due to her past and the life she led before taking her place as a princess/ruler of her homeland, and as an actress, she had damaged her hymen and thus she was only feeling light pain at the intrusion of her lover’s cock. She enjoyed the mixture and whispered to Naruto as she wanted him to be deep inside of her. There was a part of her mind that demanded that he go ahead and make them into one being here and now.

“Naruto…thrust deep into me.”

Naruto looked at her and he spoke to her at this moment.

“Are you…going to be…all right?”

Koyuki nodded at that and replied.

“Yes, go for it…I want this.”

Naruto gulped a bit and he decided to give in to Koyuki’s wishes. He relaxed himself briefly and when he felt that he was ready, he kissed Koyuki gently and when he parted from her after the kiss, he pushed his cock deep and fast into Koyuki’s pussy. That action was more than enough to make Koyuki’s maidenhead go away and he was soon buried deep in her sex. He could not help but be amazed by the feeling of her walls all over his cock, and he could feel her juices cover every inch of his cock and it was a feeling that he could not describe. That was even more obvious when he felt her inner walls move around his cock. He recalled how he felt when Koyuki used her mouth and tongue on his cock and his testicles, but this was more potent than that and he relished every second of it right now.

He was not the only one though as Koyuki had her very own thoughts on what he had just done.


Koyuki cried out deeply at the very moment that she felt Naruto’s cock was buried deeply into her vagina. She was a virgin in every sense of the world and while she suffered some pain from the feeling of her maidenhead being torn, that pain was pushed aside as the feeling of her inner sheath being filled by her lover’s dick. She relaxed herself as best she could and as soon as she felt better, she looked to see what the expression was on Naruto’s face.

She saw that he was deep in pleasure as his face was in a mask of awe and pleasure and she could not help but move forward her hands, and bring his face right to hers. She kissed him deeply and he was more than willing to respond in kind and while the two of them were still kissing, the blonde began to move his cock back out of her pussy. The princess moaned out while they were still kissing one another and she was not alone as Naruto himself moaned into the kiss.

He carried on when they parted and as soon as he felt that his cock was nearly out of Koyuki’s sex, he pushed right back in slowly. He saw the pleasure on Koyuki’s face and relished the looks there as he finally pushed his cock to the very base of Koyuki’s pussy. He gritted his teeth as the pleasure flowed all over his body and he could easily see that the same pleasure was being felt by Koyuki as well. He soon began to move his cock back out, and when he was close to leaving her pussy, he drove himself to the hilt back into her inner sheath.


“Naruto-kun…just like that….”

Koyuki herself could not help as she cried out with each thrust that Naruto was doing as she found the pleasure unforgettable, this was due to the fact that she was a virgin and had never done anything like this before. And she was going to enjoy every last second of it all. She also made sure to move her own body to make sure that she was going to give her lover a dose of pleasure as well. She also made sure to have Naruto’s hands on her breasts as she reached out to them and moved them to her breasts and he was quick to guess what she wanted and he replied as he massaged her breasts as well as her nipples.

Naruto soon began to pick up the pace and soon he was moving faster in and out of Koyuki’s sex, and she was more than willing to encourage him as she moaned out deeply at each thrust that he made. He increased the pace of his thrusts with his cock into her pussy, and he could feel the increasing heat and wetness from Koyuki’s sex. That was more than enough to drive him to thrust harder, faster, and deeper and she was more than willing to encourage him to move faster.


“Naruto…soooo goooood….give it to me….”



Naruto had an idea and he was quick to place that idea into action as he reached down to lift Koyuki’s legs and then had them around his waist, the princess was quick on the uptake and soon wrapped her legs tightly around the blonde’ waist and that allowed Naruto to thrust even deeper and harder into Koyuki’s dripping wet slit. Koyuki was more than willing to show just how much she was enjoying the pleasure that was now flowing through every portion of her body and she was not going to let this slide as she made sure to voice out her pleasure.





The two lovers also were kissing each other deeply while Naruto continued to thrust his dick deep and hard into Koyuki’s sex, the smell of sex was now filling up the place and there was no doubt in either lover’s mind that this was something that the two of them wanted deeply. Naruto picked up the pace as well as his thrusts and the pleasure for the two of them. Naruto was now moving faster and faster and Koyuki responded in kind as she moved her hips to make sure that when Naruto’s cock was deep in her pussy all the way the throat of her womb, she would be able to give it a great deal of pleasure with each passing moment.

They would also kiss one another deeply and when they parted, Koyuki would routinely lick and kiss Naruto’s sweat covered form, namely his nipples as well as his neck, she even gently bit into his flesh and he did not mind. And for good reason as he was more than able to give the same pleasure and action back to Koyuki as well. He licked and sucked her breasts and nipples as well as gently bite them, making her moan out even more.
The pleasure that came to the two of them finally reached the limit as both of them cried out as their respective orgasm smashed into them fast and hard.


Naruto could not help himself as he felt like he was flying away on a cloud of warmth, wetness, and bliss as he felt Koyuki’s vaginal walls milking his cock. He could feel the wetness of her juices covering his cock along with her inner walls as she was milking him of every drop of cum that he had in his balls that this very moment. He looked at Koyuki once more and to see her body soaked in sweat like that, her face flushed with red at her orgasm, her breasts moving with each breath…it was something that he knew was going to be with him for a long time.
Koyuki herself enjoyed the afterglow of her orgasm as she felt her lover’s cock release more of his cum into her pussy as she felt her inner walls milking Naruto’s dick like a vice. She could feel the heat from his cum as well as her juices as well as the throbbing of his cock which was still hard in her. She looked at him and to see his well toned and muscled male form like this over her, covered in sweat and panting a bit was something that she was not going to forget for a while.

The two then moved to kiss one another as Naruto could not help but give a few thrusts as an he still felt the desire to do so. Koyuki moaned into the kiss and enjoyed ever second of it all with Naruto.

As the two lovers relaxed in the afterglow of their combined orgasm, Naruto slowly began to move his cock out of her Koyuki’s sex while still being close to the princess as he hugged her tightly into his arms. Koyuki herself enjoyed the closeness between her and her lover and they kissed one another deeply. Naruto managed to reach for the fur blanket that they had placed aside earlier and then used it to cover them as sleep was now winning over the two of them and soon they were asleep, but not before Koyuki spoke to Naruto.

“I love you…”

Naruto replied right back to that in her own voice.

“I love you too Koyuki-chan.”

The next day…

Koyuki woke up and yawned a bit as she began to move the large blanket of deer and seal skin that covered and she was a bit surprised at first when she found herself to be fully naked. Her confusion on how that happened disappeared as soon as she remembered the night of passion that happened between her and Naruto, that made her smile as she looked to the side and saw Naruto sleeping there next to her.

She moved the blanket aside and admired Naruto’s naked form and she waited to see if and when he would wake up. However, a very seductive idea came to her mind and she decided not to let that thought remain in her mind. The best way to see if the idea worked in real life was to actually test it out in real life.

Naruto was barely awake but he was having a very interesting dream, so interesting that he thought that it was more reality than fantasy. He then felt his body become hotter by the second and he opened his eyes, and saw a sight that really got his attention. Right on top of him was Koyuki and she was moving her body back and forth and she was moaning out in pleasure. He also felt a great deal of pleasure and saw that Koyuki was actually rubbing her pussy back and forth on his cock, which was now being coated by her juices. Koyuki smiled at him and leaned back down and spoke to him.

“Do you like the way I woke you up Naruto-kun?”

Naruto blushed and he replied to that.

“Koyuki-chan…you are a real amazing woman.”

Koyuki smirked a great deal at that and replied in a very seductive tone.

“I know, but I am showing this side of me only to you Naruto-chan, I want you to know that I love you…last night was wonderful indeed.”
Naruto smiled a bit and then recalled some of his concerns and decided to bring it out to Koyuki to see if she was indeed willing to accept him for who he was.

“Koyuki-chan…you recall what I said about myself? About me being a Jinchuuriki?”

Koyuki nodded solemnly and he spoke once more to her.

“Now that you know about that side of me, do you still want me? I am not really the best guy around after all, and I do not know how others would react…if they find out about you and me being…deeply involved.”

Koyuki moved off of Naruto and laid next to him and relied in her own fashion.

“Naruto-kun…you may be a Jinchuuriki, but you are human still, you have a human heart and a soul. You have shown to me that you are a man, and a very good man, you are the most stubborn, dense, and headstrong man I have ever met in my life. But you are also the most dedicated, courageous, honest, and kind man I know. You gave me back my life, my smile, and more. How can I not want to be with you?”

Naruto smiled at that and Koyuki then spoke to him as she caressed him once more.

“And besides, we will find a way to make things work out between the two of us. For now, we are a man and a woman who are in love with one another. So until we are found, let’s make the most of it, starting with this morning.”

Naruto blushed as he had a very good idea just what was it that Koyuki was trying to say to him. And truth be told, there was a part of him that was more than willing to go along with the whole thing.

Later in the day…

Naruto was happy that he was able to finally melt up a good amount of fresh snow that he had placed in the pit using the heated rocks that he and his Kage Bushin had heated in the massive fire outside of their camp/ shelter. The rocks managed to make enough water for Koyuki to bathe in for the day and she was very thankful for it as well as the fur wall that they had to keep the wind away from them.

He was overseeing the fire right now to cook some of the deer meat that they had managed to store away and soon the smell of roasting venison was in the air. Naruto’s stomach growled at that and he was more than eager for a meal, he also checked some of the fish he had caught before and kept cold which was now being cooked with some of them being boiled into soup in large metal bowls filled with fresh and clean snow. The blonde was happy for the food and hoped that as soon as they were done, he and Koyuki could finally have a good meal for breakfast. The melting snow in the nearby pot would be their water for drinking once they were placed in the cups that they were able to get.

While he was doing this, the blonde Genin thought about what he was going to do for now, this was when the Kyuubi finally spoke to him.

((“Deep in thought, brat?”))

(Yeah, what do you want fur-ball?)

((“One of these days kit…I am going to get you for that, but I’ll let that slide for now, how was last night?”))

(Why are you asking?)

((“You just got lucky to have sex with a real princess and it was her first time as well, I was just curious on how it was.”))

(Couldn’t you try and look at my memories instead?)

((“I will later, but let’s just say that I want to hear what you think, and before you ask why I am asking, I have nothing to do apart from keeping you alive
so you might as well tell me.”))

(Geez…I swear you’re worse than the Pervy Sage.)

((“Don’t compare me to that man, I am far better when it comes to perversion than him, I have PLENTY of years to be one. Besides, there is one thing that you can be thankful for.”))

(Really? What would that be?)

((“You won’t have to worry about me writing a story about your first time with a princess, unlike your pervert of a Sensei and sending it out into the public.”))

Naruto could not help but realize the truth in that statement and he reluctantly replied.

(You’ve actually got a point.)

((“Hah! Point and match to me then! Now, how was it?”))

(It was amazing…I have never thought it would ever happen to me of all things and I doubt that I am going to forget it any time soon.)

((“Ah…that’s a good thing, at least with that out of the way, we can get back to the more serious part of surviving and getting out of here. By the way, I forgot to tell you last night that I made sure that your seed did not get your princess pregnant, which naturally is the last thing you need at this point. You’d have a hell of a time explaining just how she got pregnant not just to her people, but to the guys back in Konoha. I can bet ten to one you will either be the most respected or reviled man in Konoha by the time that story dies down.”))

(I…guess that you have a point there.)

((“Good, now if you will excuse me, I am going to get some sleep before I peek at just how you were able to handle being with a woman. I might even give you a few tips on how to do things right.”))

Naruto mentally groaned and replied to that.

(Of all the Bijuu I could get stuck with, why did I get stuck with the perverted and snarky one?)

((“Hah! Coming from you kit, that is actually something of a complement.”))

Naruto placed that aside as he began to get the food ready and soon he was joined by Koyuki who had managed to dry her hair well enough so there was no moisture left in her hair. She was wearing her clothes as well as the coat of deer skin and she had her hood on as well. The princess sat next to him and soon the food was ready and they were soon eating the venison and took in the fish soup as well as the roasted fish. As soon as they were done eating the food, they also took the time drinking the water which was still warm.

The two enjoyed the food and drink and decided to go around and move to see if there were any vessels that were nearby. They brought with them the binoculars that they salvaged from the ship while they also carried a supply of fuel and some of the flint to start a fire just in case they spotted a ship. The two were accompanied by two Kage Bushin who would carry the fuel and also help in starting the fire and they moved to the northern side of the island before moving to the northwest, then to the west, then the southwest.

It was not long before the group saw the sails in the southwest and they decided to take a risk and light a fire. The smoke that came out was black in order to contrast with the sky and they made sure that they made the smoke thick and strong, they watched looked at ship and Naruto was happy when he saw through the binoculars and saw the symbol of Konoha. The two were even more pleased when they saw the ship was now turning to their direction, it seemed that they were soon going to be rescued after being on the island for almost three to four months.

Koyuki moved to face Naruto and kissed him on the lips and he responded in kind as the Kage Bushin disappeared in a poof of smoke and the two lovers were eager to finally get back home.


Naruto was tired but pleased as he arrived into his brand new home. The place was a heck of a lot better made and constructed than his old apartment and he was happy for it. The blonde Genin’s new home was a gift from Tsunade who later explained that the money and materials, as well as the labor came from Koyuki, marking it as a gift for being there to protect her when they got lost.

He was more than happy to accept it and when Koyuki came there on the state visit, it was there that Koyuki and him told Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Iruka, Yamato, and Shizune about what really happened there on that island. Needless to say, the blonde Hokage was wide eyed at that while Jiraiya was grinning like a happy monkey, Kakashi was actually blushing, Iruka raised an eyebrow, Yamato shook his head, and Shizune was blushing at the thought of the young blonde who she saw as a little brother was now officially a man and became one with the aid of a celebrity ruler of a nation who Konoha was allied with.

It took a while and a lot of discussions before Tsunade decided that she was going to have to let this be for now. She was not too happy, even more so now that Koyuki knew about Naruto’s hidden burden, but she was happy that despite knowing that, Koyuki still loved Naruto and wanted to be with him and give him support apart from being willing to forge closer ties to Konoha as well. She told them that they would have to wait a while before they could actually marry if they really wanted to go that far. Naturally she made sure to glare warningly at Jiraiya lest he developed any ideas on trying to cause problems for Naruto and Koyuki.

Naturally in private, the perverted Sannin asked Naruto how he felt that he had lost his virginity to a real princess. He reacted by telling is trainer and sometime friendly tormentor that it was none of his business.

Koyuki and Naruto were pleased by that and that was at least something that he was looking forward to. As he opened the door, he was greeted by a sight that he was quite surprised to see. There was Koyuki in the room and she was wearing plain and simple clothes that did little to hide her beauty and she had a smile on her face. The last time they had seen one another was over two months ago as she had been back in her homeland to oversee some important projects.
Koyuki smiled and spoke to him.

“Good to know that you came home Naruto-kun, I was getting worried.”

Naruto smiled back as he hugged Koyuki and when they parted from one another, he spoke to her.

“I am happy to see you too Koyuki-chan, what brings you here?”

Koyuki smiled as she replied.

“I came here to oversee some trade agreements and stay here for a bit until the ship I left back at port is ready to head off. So for now I am here, and I brought you some food as well.”

Naruto turned and saw good steaming bowls of ramen as well as some other food and he thanked Koyuki as the two of them began to eat. He made sure to be in his best manners as he did not want to look bad in front of Koyuki. The ruler of Snow/Spring Country smiled at that and she joined her lover in eating their dinner.

As soon as that was over, they moved into the living room to relax a bit and just unwind before Koyuki decided to speed things up a bit as she spoke to Naruto.

“How was the bed set I sent you Naruto-kun?”

“I was very good Koyuki-san, the pillows were to die for and the sheets smelled very clean and soft.”

“Good, nothing but the best for you, you deserve it all after all…but I think that now is the right time to make that bed a lot better.”

Naruto turned to see Koyuki getting up and begin to remove her clothes and he was more than willing go along as he followed Koyuki and soon they were going to have their time together, and it was not long before the two of them were now only in their underwear and they kissed one another deeply.
Looks like their night was soon going to be hot and steamy yet again…and Naruto was very much looking forward to the whole thing.

To be continued:

Author’s Notes:

Well, this ends this chapter and I can bet that a lot of questions have been answered on what I am making this time around. Koyuki was not exactly a rather good person at first, and I was not very sure myself that having her in the story was a good idea. But after seeing the full movie and learning her past, I began to admit that I was a bit premature in my choices.

And seeing her change into someone who was not only attractive on the outside, but attractive on the inside, was worth every second and picturing her developing a deep attraction to the man who changed her life in a positive light was not hard to do. I know that doing this with her was not something I expected to do, but since I included her in my Dragon Champion story, I decided to place her here as well.

On a side note, I know that two other women who were royalty had not been touched yet so I will tell you right now that I will work it all out soon, so don’t pester me about it.

On the next chapter, I am going to deal with some very insistent requests for some ladies, and I admit that it had been on my mind for some time. And now I am going to work on these ladies to make sure that I am going to do it right.

Who are the women in question? I will not tell since doing so would be a bad idea, and would spoil all the plans that I have been working on ever since I decided to revive this series.

See you on the next chapter!