Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto - Deserted Island ❯ Naruto - Temari - Tsunade - Ino - Shion ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Naruto Deserted Island

Disclaimer: Again….all right, you know the drill I don’t own anything related to Naruto.

Naruto X Temari X Tsunade X Ino X Shion…

( ) : Thoughts

((“ ”)) : Kyuubi’s voice

Author’s Notes:

This is the twenty-eighth chapter of the Deserted Island series and this chapter is going to be a special piece since I have something in mind. A lot of guys have asked me to do a blondes chapter for Deserted Island so I did.

Now since there are few female blondes in the Naruto series, then you can already guess who are going to be mentioned in the series! And following the setup in the series, the blondes in question have already been revealed and here they are, we have Tsunade and Ino from Konoha, Temari from Suna, and Shion from Demon Country.

And Naruto is going to be the only man with them! Four blonde ladies and one blonde guy for company!!
Now we shall see if the saying, ‘Blondes have more fun’ is all it’s said to be!

On a ship…

Naruto had no idea how he got himself dragged into this mess, but he was not going to complain too much either, not that he had much choice. He was taken into this mission as requested by Tsunade and here he was in this ship which was supposed to be for a vacation as well as a conference of sorts. The blonde Hokage had requested/bribed/threatened him to come with her and despite his reluctance, he joined her and was now hoping that it was going to work out.
He was not alone in escorting Tsunade either as Ino was with him and Tsunade and he could not help but wonder just what she was doing with them. It was not that he disliked Ino or anything, he had pretty much gotten on better terms with Ino, he was only surprised to see her with them since she was supposed to be with her team in doing some missions while Asuma was currently on leave to recover from a previous mission. The Jonin was not alone either as he was currently with Kurenai who apparently was pregnant with child, this was also the reason why Hinata, Kiba. Akamaru, and Shino were handling things on their own as Chunin while Shikamaru was busy doing field and evaluation work and Chouji was elsewhere on family business.

And to really add to his confusion was the fact that there were two other women on the ship who he knew of very well. Temari, the sister of his friend Gaara, and Shion herself, the current leader of the Land of Demons and seeing the two women was something that he was not counting on and wondered just what they were doing and why was it that Tsunade. He learned later on that since there was a special summit that was taking place in the Land of the Moon, the three were coming along and Ino and him were part of the security detail.

That sounded weird to him since he had to consider that fact that he and Ino were not part of the Hokage body guard detail. It was there and then that he learned that both Shion and Tsunade had agreed to bring him along while Temari did not mind and Ino was along since her father asked her to help in some matters that the clan had some say in.

All in all, there were three Kunoichi, one of whom was a Sannin and the current Hokage, the other was a Jonin who was the sister of the Kazekage and highly capable in her own right as a Kunoichi, another was a skilled Chuunin and very strong in her own fashion, and the last was the ruler of another nation and had powers of her own. So who would be crazy enough to attack them at all? But here he was and so arguing about things was not going to be of any help to him so he might as well make the most of it.

(At least we are going home soon.)

He got up and headed off to see how they were doing in the deck of the large ship that had been called in for this mission. As he got there, he spotted Tsunade currently lounging on the deck on a chair and drinking some sake, as he expected. Temari was reading a book, Ino was just enjoying herself, and Shion was enjoying the sight of the sea while being in the shade of an umbrella. That sight was enough to convince him that at least for once, things were going to be peaceful on this voyage, at least for a while as Naruto learned enough to know that something was bound to go wrong at some point in time.
He shook his head and reminded himself not to jinx the whole thing since it was not going to end well. He decided to follow his previous decision to make the most of the travel time that they all had left and headed to them and as soon as he got there, he spoke to Tsunade.


Tsunade looked at Naruto and while she would have slugged him for that comment since she was annoyed at being called that, she reined in her temper for now. She cared for Naruto despite his antics and she did not want to have to harm him for being his usual self right now. That was why instead of socking him one she spoke to him.

“What is it Naruto?”

“I was wondering how come I was brought along, I mean, I know that I agreed to this, but considering who is on this trip it seems weird that you need a body guard.”

Tsunade had to admit that Naruto did have a point there as most people would have called brining him was overkill. After all, she was there with him, along with Gaara’s sister Temari, Ino Yamanaka and of course Shion of the Land of Demons, between the three of them and the Priestess’ presence, anyone trying to fight them was either insane or very powerful, or both. Adding Naruto had had grown leaps and bounds was not very fair if they got into a fight. But she did have her reasons for brining Naruto along.

“Look at it this way Naruto-kun, you need to learn that being Hokage is not all fun and games, it’s not just the paper work, but also politics and making allies, as well as dealing with other leaders and noble. Now you know how I feel when I had to work every day so I feel that getting your hands dirty is the best way to get you up to speed. And taking a break is SO welcome after all.”

The blonde Shinobi sighed as he did know the truth of it as he had heard more than once Tsunade go ballistic and demand sake to deal with the stress. And he decided to try something to help sooth her.

“If you want…I can massage you a bit.”
Tsunade looked at Naruto suddenly as if the blonde Shinobi had grown another head, and she raised an eyebrow and soon replied.

“You should be lucky that I care a lot about you Naruto-kun, if I did not, I would do more than smack you hard like that.”
Naruto blushed bright red at that and replied.


Tsunade could not help smirk a bit at the blonde’s reaction and decided not to tease him further and let him do it. Truth be told, she was rather curious about how good Naruto was and it was high time she got a way to relax.

“All right then, go ahead.”

Naruto relaxed and soon did just that as he placed his hands on Tsunade’s shoulders and began to knead his hands into her flesh. The blonde Shinobi had not done this before, but he did read a few books on how it was done, and while he had not tested it out yet, he was willing to give this a try. And it seemed to be working just fine as Tsunade began to moan and he could feel the tension in her muscles begin to fade.

Tsunade was actually surprised by the way Naruto was massaging her shoulders and even her neck, and he was doing rather well at it, if she had not known better, she thought that he had taken physical therapy sessions. The skill was not too good, but the way he did it showed that he knew just what to do and when she grunted a bit in annoyance, he was quick to adjust and soon she was actually purring in contentment. That might not have been the way a Hokage was supposed to act, and she was a Sannin as well, but she was on vacation so no sense not enjoying the treatment. And at least it was free since all she had to do was be nice to the guy giving her the free massage.

“Mmmm…you do pretty good work Naruto-kun, where did you…mmm…learn this?”

“Read a few books out of boredom.”

Tsunade chuckled a bit at that but decided to enjoy herself and after a while, she finally felt the tension go away and nodded to Naruto and replied.
“Thanks, that round of massaging turned to be something I realized I needed.”
Naruto smiled at that and soon turned to see Ino and Temari arrive along with Shion and they seemed to be in fairly good moods as they soon joined the two of them to relax. It was going to be the end of the morning and after some time enjoying the quiet of the open sea, they then would head off into the ship to have lunch. The three females were soon joining Tsunade in relaxing in the sun and that left him to be the only man on the whole group right now. Most guys would have loved this kind of situation that he happened to be in, but only if they had no idea just who were there before them.

And it seemed that this was the case as there were a good number of people who were looking at the assembled group of ninja and the only priestess among them. The four women and the one man were not going to be alone soon as a group of men were now moving towards them. And Naruto could easily see that the men in question were looking at the women he was with, and he had a feeling that none of them knew just who the women he was with were.

The blonde Shinobi was getting ready to react when the ship was moving past a large outcropping of rock that was believed to have been made by some ninja in one of the Great Shinobi wars in the past. There was also another ship moving along side them and it seemed to be all right, but that all changed when the ship suddenly slammed into the cruise ship. The sounds of splintering wood filled the air and that shocked Naruto and the others as well as the passengers. Tsunade looked at the ship that slammed into them and turned to Temari and spoke.

“Temari-san, follow me! We need to see just why that ship slammed into us!”

The blonde Jonin made a nod of agreement and soon both Kage and Jonin were across and when they got there, they spotted that the crew were apparently passed out. The smell of sake and wine was more than enough to tell them what happened. The were not happy and they quickly moved back t the cruise ship just as the people on the ship were now on full panic mode. Tsunade quickly gave orders to Ino and Shion to hang on while she and temari tried to help as best he could. Naruto was far from idle as he also summoned his Kage Bunshin and soon came to the other ship. As soon as he got there, he began to help get the drunken crew of the other ship, a trading vessel from the looks of it. He and his Kage Bunshin worked getting them to safety and as soon as he was done, he soon helped the others get the crew of both ships safely. But it was not long before they too had to abandon the ship as the ships were going down.

Naruto had to carry Shion since she did not have any training on the use of her chakra in the ways he and the others were trained. As soon as all of them were now on the water using water walking technique, they tried to follow the boats, but Tsunade could tell that the ships were full so they had to move to find their own way to be rescued. The five of them decided to head off to the nearest island and they had to hurry as the darkening skies made the situation a lot worse. The four ninja and the one priestess were able to move a great distance but three of them were going to run short of chakra until Naruto decided to take a risk.

He summoned a large number of Kage Bunshin and despite the way the others acted, the blonde Shinobi and his Kage Bunshin helped the other three Kunoichi and get them to safety, The three female ninja decided not to argue with Naruto and were actually grateful for his willingness to do this. As they moved out, they soon spotted what appeared to be the outline of a large island, and naturally they wasted no time and headed to it. As soon as they got there, Naruto managed to get some of his supplies which included a portable lamp and he got the fuel inside to light up and give them some light.

This was something that helped a great deal as they were all tired from what happened to them and soon they got the chance to rest as soon as they found a good enough place for them to sleeping safely. The blonde Shinobi managed to make some makeshift beds with grass and leaves with soft sand underneath. The exhaustion they felt soon sent all of them to sleep and they knew that they had a lot more to face in the morning, so every bit of sleep they could get was definitely needed.

The next day…

Naruto groaned as he got out of the make shift bed that he was lying on, which was a fair distance from where the other women were sleeping in. Most men would have thought of taking advantage of the situation, but he knew that if they tried, they were going to be lucky if they were able to survive the retaliation moments afterwards. He did not have to try and figure out Tsunade’s reaction, having been on the receiving end of it more than once, and seeing Tsunade send Jiraiya flying when she caught him being his perverted self. Temari was no slouch as he knew of her tough nature, strength, and abilities so any man trying to get fresh with her was really asking for it. Ino could be tough and dangerous when she was forced into something that she did not like and while she did not possess the same strength as either Temari or Tsunade, she could be quite the hard hitter. And while Shion did not have the strength, stamina, or speed of the three women, she was not one to be trifled with.

For now they all seemed to be in the need for some sleep and that meant he had to be the one to find some supplies of food that they were going to need. The blonde Genin got up and soon headed out to see if he could find some food on the island. And it was going to be a long day in his mind since hunting for food usually was a tiring experience.

As he moved through the island he spotted some coconuts and decided to come back for those later. The water in the coconuts would be good for drinking if they did not have water sources on hand, plus the meat, despite his dislike for the taste at times was good for food. He decided to stop there and then send out his ace in the hole, his Kage Bunshin.


The arrival of his clones was welcome and soon he was off to see if he could find food, and he knew that it was not going to be the least bit helpful that there were more mouths to feed. That meant that he had to hunt a lot of food and he was not sure that he could find a good amount of food for them all. But he decided not to let his worries get the better of him just yet. It was not long before the Kyuubi decided to get in on the act and speak to him.

((:Well now, might interesting mess you dragged us into you blonde buffoon.”))

(Stop being such a prick Kyuubi, it was not my fault that other ship’s helmsman was drunk!)

((“Excuses…but at least this was a valid, now if you decided to strand us on purpose on this island for kicks, I’d beat the tar out of you for good measure. But at least we have some very interesting company to keep things her pretty darn interesting.”))

(What…oh no you don’t. There’s no way I am going to do anything to any of them here!)

((“Are you nuts? Any guy who’s about your age would sell his left nut and a part og his kidney to be where you are right now. Four very attractive women and you happen to be the only guy on said island. Unless…you are not into women and you like only men?”))


((“Yeah, I noticed that already, just needed to be sure that it was THAT kind of like. Now let’s get down to grabbing some food so we can get down to surviving long enough for rescue. Grab some long hard dead wood and let’s go spear fishing.”))

(Why exactly are you helping me?)

The Kyuubi growled and replied.

((“Don’t get the idea I am getting soft brat, you live, I live, so as long as I keep you alive, then I get to live longer. This is for mutual survival so let’s stop it at that. Now don’t bother me about the details and get down to some spear fishing.”))

Naruto decided to make the spears and soon he was off to the beach, moving about to find the right places where there would be plenty of fish and anything else that would edible. He and his Kage Bunshin soon spotted a good deal of fish, all looked all right and soon Naruto went into the water and so did his Kage Bunshin. It was not easy but soon they were able to get at least three very large fish and even a crab or two. Considering he had not done spear fishing before in his life, this was a good haul. Naruto also managed to get some coconuts for drinking water and plant food and he soon headed back.

And there he saw that the four women were awake, Tsunade tuned to glare at him, no doubt not the least bit happy that he had left and not told her and the others. But the sight of his caught food items was enough to cool her temper and soon they got a fire going. The food cooked nicely and now they all had to work as one in order to find a way off of the island and back to the main lands. Not going to be an easy feat, but it was better than staying in one place for too long and when they did not have any idea of anyone else was aware of their current situation.

The next few days which turned into at least two to three months were pretty interesting to the blonde Genin as he and the others were doing day to day things to stay alive. Making a shelter was not too much of an issue due to the Kage Bushin he could summon along with the aid of Tsunade-obachan’s superhuman chakra enhanced strength, and Temari’s use of her Wind Chakra to cut down many trees as well as cut down some needed slabs of stone. Once that was done, the place was not half bad, not very luxurious or anything, but it would have to do.
The place was like a massive wooden house that took at least about the size of his apartment though not as tall. And while he was no master carpenter like Tazuna and Inari, he learned enough on the reconstruction of Konoha after the Sound/Sand invasion to know how to make some basic furniture, some tables, and chairs, but that was about it. Still, what they lacked in aesthetics, they made up for in strength and durability. There was a fireplace in the middle along with smaller ones that were carved into the ground and in hollowed out stone so they would distribute heat into the place and the smoke would funnel out of the place.

There were naturally slits that allowed for the flow of air in and out of the place to allow stale air to leave and fresh air to come in. And to make things a bit more secure, there was a deep trench and several razor sharp spikes in the trench and a wall of wooden logs at least seven to eight feet high. And there was a ladder that could be used to go in and out of the place. The ladder was fairly large but made from lightweight and strong wood and tied up by strong wooden stakes and strong vines. The top of the wall was cut flat and thus they could use the ladder to climb up and then take the ladder up and slide it down for them to walk back down into the compound.

There was a large lake area at least two hours from their camp and it would be where they could get water for cooking, washing, and bathing. The lake was also loaded with fish and Naruto used a raft that they made to move on it and hunt for fish with a makeshift spear. The spear was made from bamboo and had multiple points made by the blonde. Apart from fishing there on the lake, it was also a good place to ambush wild birds and game since the lake and the rivers around it that provided fresh water also served as watering holes for them.

There were some wild chickens, rabbits, snakes, wild deer, and a few other animals to boot, namely some large edible lizards that at time frequented the coast, along with the fish that were in the sea and some of the lakes. And the fact that there were some wild fruit trees and edible herbs that grew on the island was nice; the island was fairly large which explained why there was a lot of animals who called this place home. And the fact that there seemed to have been signs of human habitation meant that at some point this island was used as a place of residence by people, which would explain the presence of such food items and more.

The supplies of food was one of the resources that the five of them were more than keen and ready to take full advantage of when they had the chance and had the time to do it all as well. And to also make sure that they saved enough supplies that would be stored away for future use, food being the most obvious so they did not have to hunt a lot.

That did not mean it was all easy, there were wild predators about such as wolves and also large boars that would attack those they perceived as a threat. The snakes were usually the poisonous type so they had to be very careful to avoid getting injured and it was Shion’s ability that helped them out a lot as she had learned how to use it more effectively since Naruto had last seen her. The abilities of the others also helped since Ino would routinely use her clan’s special Mind Jutsu to take over the bodies of the long distance flying birds to see for any sign of ships. If she saw any, then she could come back. Temari’s wind chakra certainly helped in cutting through trees for them to gather wood and also stone for repairs and such. And Shion’s ability to use her foretelling abilities would warn them of possible danger as well as anything that they might need to worry about. And the fact that she could cook very well was a plus. He had asked her where she learned to do that and she replied that she had good reason to which she intended to tell him soon. The wood also helped in making a fairly well built raft to go either fishing or for moving around the coast and looking for any sign of passing ships.

They did have the chance to build a signal fire on the highest part of the island which could be seen a fair distance from where they were and no doubt ships could also see them as well. And they also made sure to keep themselves busy to keep their spirits up, Tsunade might not like to work out too much but she knew that she needed to get rid of the boredom and it would help to counter her desire to drink sake so she usually sparred with Naruto as well as Ino and Temari since they were the only ones who could give her a test.
She naturally made sure not to overpower her attacks and accidentally harm them and also damage the island in the wrong fashion. Along the way she also used her healing skills to help keep them all healthy and safe from injury.

As for the others, they each made sure that they were able to help one another, and Shion was more than able to help them by using some of her powers to help protect them all from harm by warning them of dangers that she had been able to see in the future. And thankfully that helped ease their situation very well and for that they were all very grateful for her powers. They also made sure to use specially made furs to take the place of their clothes to make sure that they clothes did not rot away from over use and exposure to the elements. That also naturally included their unmentionables, though that applied to the women only and not Naruto since he invested his money on a pair of high durability boxer shorts.

Naruto’s own experience with carpentry was used to make some basic tables and chairs but these were not used often. It was something that helped the blonde put his skills in carpentry for their survival and they were happy for that. The furniture was not very good but it certainly helped and they were very stable as well.

However, survival was not the only thing that they had to deal with. There was more than just hunting, foraging, training, and relaxing in survival, it was dealing with the people who were with you as well. And while they were able to get along well enough, there was the matter pertaining to one’s hormones.
Naruto had to admit that being around the four women was very difficult on his mental faculties as he was the only man on the whole island. And it was not something that he could just turn off, after all, he was a young man and while he had kept his perverted side restrained, it was not easy. At times he had to wage a war with his moral side and his perverted side, and the fact that the Kyuubi seemed to enjoy needling him and convincing him to just take advantage of the whole situation did nothing to help his state of mind either. He knew that any normal man would lave tried to take advantage of this situation, but he was not just any man, and the women he was with were anyone but normal women.

Tsunade Senju was obviously very attractive and more than once, he had heard men comment on Tsunade being the most beautiful Kunoichi in the ninja world. And despite the fact that he knew that she was a LOT older than she looked, he had to agree with those same comments. If one had to accept the fact that she looked like that in her younger years, any man would have fantasies about her without any hesitation or restraint. So it was hard for him to keep his thoughts in focus when she was around him, and his wet dream way back that got her and Ino along with Temari and other women in it did not help matters either. He had respect for Tsunade and the idea of him getting on her bad side was definitely something that he was not in the mood to try.
There had been times on the island that he had seen Tsunade resting and moving about on the island. Some of these positions were more than enough to make him blush bright red and he had to work hard on not being caught by the Sannin, along with the others who might be nearby. And the times she had removed her clothing to enjoy the breeze and the sun of the island beaches, wearing only bolts of furs to cover her feminine attributes were hard for him to control his eyes and thoughts, as well as a certain part of his male anatomy. And for good reason since the fur ‘clothes’ did not hide the way she looked with them on her and it was not the least bit easy for him.

Temari was also another woman who Naruto had a very difficult time trying to not look at in a way that would have warranted more than a dirty look from a woman. He already knew just how strong she was and how capable she was in the fight. And she also was something that he happened to have respect for, due to the fact that he was on good terms with both of her brothers. And while he had no idea what it was like to have a sister of his own, he knew enough to guess that as a brother, having a sister makes you want to make sure that she was happy. And the fact that she was your sister made you want to make sure that her choice for a boyfriend was up to your standards apart from your parents’ standards. So getting on her bad side was something he wanted to avoid sine not only could she really do some damage on him, but her brothers would be LESS than pleased even though he happened to be on fairly good terms with them.
There had been times she took had been moving around on the island that had grabbed his attention, and when she relaxed, he at times found him staring at her. Some of the positions he had caught her in when she was in sight range was more than enough to send ideas into his head and he had to work extra hard not to be caught by her or the others. And when she removed her usual clothing and her fan to enjoy the breeze and the warmth of the sun, using the same bolts of fur to cover the bare essentials of her feminine body, made it very difficult for him NOT to take notice of her.

Shion was another person that he had a unique relationship with, in the past when they first met; they were hardly on the best of terms with one another. And the way Shion told him that he was going to die did little make her look the least bit likeable in his eyes. It was only after learning about how she had been isolated and seen as a danger despite her powers by others who feared her ability to predict their deaths that he began to be nicer to her. That did not mean they entirely got along until she finally broke down and cried about how she wished to not have her powers since she really cared for people. The only reason that made her cold was that showing her emotions for them would have been insulting for she sent them to their deaths willingly or not.
After he finally saved her in the end of the mission, she was very much different from before as he had kept his promise to keep her alive and safe without dying. She became a famous priestess soon after and was able to finally reconnect with the people who she ruled over, which to him was a good thing. There was still the fact that she had asked him to fulfill the promise he had made with her at the end of the mission and it was something that a lot of his friends had told him to reconsider a bit more before he tried to keep his promise to Shion. He did eventually figure out just what was it that she wanted from him and he was not very sure about how he was going to tell her of his own burden. And seeing her on the island like this and spending time as well was a real test of his control.

Seeing her relaxing and moving about when she was only wearing her top and short skirt and inner pants was tough enough. But when she wore only furs when cleaning her clothes and also relaxing on the beach, it was a lot more interesting. She might not be as well…developed as Tsunade and Temari, but he could see that she was rather well formed for her age. The fur that served as her covering for her bust served to make her look a lot more exotic.
And there was Ino as well, as much as it sounded odd to him since they did not get along too well when they were younger. She only had eyes for Sasuke like Sakura did and she was annoying in her own way to him. But in time she proved to be a lot more than just a pretty girl with a loud and outspoken nature and a serious crush on Sasuke. She proved to be rather capable and intelligent when the situation called for it, and there had been times that he had to admit that her skills were pretty impressive when they were needed in the field.

She was not too bad either since he had to admit that getting both Shikamaru and Chouji to focus on anything by one’s self was no mean feat. The two were pretty different when it came to certain things and getting them to focus was not always easy. And Ino had grown into a very attractive girl, even though he did admit that Ino’s previous short hair was not too bad on the eyes. And being around her was a real test on his self control since he did dream about her a bit every now and then since she was attractive and he had to work hard not to let any impure ideas creep into his brain when he was not in the mood for it.
She did not make easy for him when she was on the island, even more so when he caught her with few clothes on and also wearing the same fur clothing as Tsunade, Temari, and Shion when they were not wearing their usual clothes. The way Into looked like that with furs only covering the essential bits of her body was REALLY taxing on his self control.

The way the Kyuubi teased his about the whole thing did not make it the least bit bearable either. But he was not going to give in either it or his hormones even if he was torturing himself. All four women were good people and he was not going to do anything that was going to get him into trouble with them. None of them needed any of that and it was something that he was going to hold on to until they were safely back in Konoha.

However, Naruto was unaware of the fact that he was not the only one dealing with hormones and such matters.

Tsunade was busy running through her thoughts as she sat down on the beach while thinking about the time she had spent on the island. It was not as if she disliked it at all, truth be told, despite the annoying lack of sake, and the lack of chances to gamble, the time she spent on this place was an excellent vacation. She did not have the luxury of spending time without having a lot on her mind. And she was confident that Shizune and the others back in Konoha would be looking for them. There was one thing though that was of concern to her, and that was with Naruto and how he was handling being on the island with her and the other women.

She was no fool, because if she was one, then how was it that she became a Sannin in the first place and also the current Hokage? She could tell that being on the island was a real strain on his brain and he was no doubt trying his best not to let his hormones get the better of him. After all, despite her look of being unaware, she was very aware that Naruto would be looking at not just here, but the others, and she had no doubt the reason for the staring.
She had no doubt he had fantasies in his head that would involve her, Ino, Temari, and Shion, but unlike Jiraiya who made his perverted nature and actions known on many instance, Naruto kept his well under wraps. And that in her mind was a good thing since she did not want to have to live with the fact that Jiraiya corrupted his own godson and the son of his former student Minato and Minato’s wife Kushina.

She knew full well the truth surrounding Naruto’s parentage and she had no doubt that it would be shocking for both of them in the afterlife to have their son being like Jiraiya. She had no doubts that the perverted team mate of hers had already done what he could and no doubt had placed a lot of influence on Naruto. Not all of it was bad but only the parts that dealt with being a proper ninja. The rest, she would have to wait and see for herself and she hoped greatly that both Minato and Kushina were going to be all right in heaven, they deserved to be there and nowhere else in her mind.

But that was placed aside for now as she knew that she had to talk to the other ladies when she had the time. She needed to see just how they were handling being on the island and how they were dealing with only having Naruto as company. She herself had to admit that Naruto had grown into a handsome young teen, inheriting his father’s good looks and his mother’s other attractive traits. And if given another set of years, not many women would be able to tear their eyes away from him. And truth be told, even though she was older than anyone on the island right now, even she was attracted to him. She was reminded of both Dan and Nawaki by him and he was already going to be a good man in her eyes. It was unknown to her just Ino would take it though.

It would have sounded weird, but to her it was not as she did like him despite all of his antics at times. And while she knew that they were related, that was a very distant relation and that was a good thing in her mind as well. And had she been a few years younger, she would not have had any problem getting into a more personal relationship with Naruto. She also knew that by ninja law, they were all adults now since they were ninjas and they were not going to be the same in some respects to the regular folks.

She decided to talk to the other girls and see how they were handling themselves while on the island. And also see how they were handling being around Naruto since he was the only guy on the island, and she knew that each of them with the exception of Ino had some interesting history with Naruto. Temari owed Naruto a great deal for helping free Gaara from his inner fears and help him mend fences with her and Kankurou, and he was quite possibly the only man her brothers would approve of if she sought out a boyfriend. And she was very aware of Shion’s desire to have a child with Naruto as he had saved her and made her become a far better person.

As soon as she was able to get the girls to come to a private area that she found personally and knew Naruto had not found yet, she got a small fire going and began to talk to the girls.

“So, how are things for everyone here thus far?”

Temari thought about her response and gave it after some time of thinking.

“It’s been all right Hokage-sama, I do miss my family and I am hoping to go home soon, but I am willing to wait until we can be rescued, though making a ship of our own is viable too.”

Ino nodded in agreement with that.

“It’s not all bad really, personally it feels more of a vacation than a mess. Getting the chance to finally not worry about the shop and my team is a welcome thing. “

And Shion nodded as well.

“It’s been nice, and it’s also good to know that I have company than being by myself.”

Tsunade and the others nodded in agreement and it was also here that she spoke about Naruto.

“So how is it dealing with the only guy here on the island?”

Temari was not worried much since Naruto was all right and she did respect him for all he had done for her family, namely her youngest brother. Ino said that while she did not like being around Naruto too many times, it was not all bad, and she did get along with him though they did play pranks on one another. And Shion was certainly pleased to be with Naruto and Tsunade could tell that she meant it, even when she pointed out the priestess’s desire to have a child with Naruto, Shion defended her decision while Ino and Temari was shocked by that as they had not been there when Shion made her move on Naruto.
As soon as it was over, Tsunade decided to tell the three just what she had noticed when it concerned Naruto. It surprised the girls and also made some of them blush, though Ino was not too happy about it. She then assured them in her very own fashion.

“Let’s not get too hasty, Naruto-kun IS a guy after all, and at LEAST he is interested in the opposite gender. It would be a real waste if he was not. And I personally don’t hold it against him, after all, I like him a great deal.”


The Sannin was amused by the looks given to him by the younger women and replied.

“Of course, I might be old enough to be a grandmother, but that hardly means I cannot appreciate a good looking young man. And Naruto is a good looking young man, give him a few more years and more training as well as proper diet, he would be quite the looker. Couple that with the way he is and how he interacts with people, you’d be surprised by him very easily and he has done quite a lot for those he cares for. Granted he’s not exactly the smartest guy around, but there’s no denying the fact he has his heart in the right place, cares for others, and can be very empathic when he wants to.”

The three women thought it over and this was where Tsunade spoke.

“Besides, apart from Ino, we all have some very interesting history with that blonde dolt with a bit heart. I managed to believe again in the dreams of others because of his stubborn yet strong nature, Temari-san here now has a strong family and a far better relationship with her brother Gaara, the current Kazekage thanks to Naruto-kun. And Shion-san also changed because of Naruto-kun, enough to want a child with him. And we all know that it’s true right?”

Temari and Shion did not hesitate to nod in agreement with that and soon the blonde Sannin looked at Ino and she admitted that her previous perception of Naruto changed, though she also pointed out that she did not have the same history as they did. To which Tsunade agreed with without any restraint. She then began to tell them something important about Naruto and why was it he never acted on his perverted thoughts.

That also included the Kyuubi since she knew that they had to know about it at some point and time, though Temari knew it already due to having a brother who himself was a Jinchuuriki like Naruto. As soon as it was over, she spoke to both Ino and Shion as she knew that talking to Temari about it was redundant since she knew the feeling of having known a Jinchuuriki, with the unfortunate effect of the Jinchuuriki in question being a brother.

“Now for you and Ino Shion-san, you have to keep this between yourselves, the reason you can’t is because this was requested by my sensei long ago after the Kyuubi was placed into Naruto. It was not something people in Konoha could discuss, and even more so attempt to use. Naruto did not have a say in the matter, but he does not deserve to be persecuted for something he had no say in when he was a baby. And I want you to know that he was to be seen as a hero but was not because of the pain of the attack and the suffering of it all to the others. Promise me that you will not speak of it to anyone else, only we and a few others, including Naruto’s team including Sai know about it, no one else outside of Konoha should know."

The two younger women were silent for a while and it was Shion who spoke first.

“I understand Tsunade-sama, but that will not deter me from asking Naruto help me with passing my powers to another priestess. He is no demon and unlike Moryu, he had a soul and a heart, I know this and I will never let that dark past dissuade me from doing what I want with him.”

The others blushed at that and Tsunade smirked a bit as she had no doubt that Naruto would have been shocked to his bones by Shion’s words. She then looked at Ino and she also nodded in agreement.

“I will not speak of it to anyone else Tsunade-sama, still, it’s hard to imagine that this was the reason Naruto-kun was such a trouble maker. All this time he only did it to seek attejtion, but now he’s certainly different.”

Tsunade nodded at that.

“Yes, he has become a good man, and I have no doubt he would make a fine Hokage, not the smartest to be sure, but that can be fixed with time. Anyway, I think we should ease up Naruto a bit more on this matter as well as ourselves. We all care for him in our own ways so giving him something to make him happy and ourselves happy seems to be the best we can do. The only question in my mind is, are you all willing to do it?”


Naruto and the others were busy eating the food that the blonde had been able to catch for dinner, and it was something that really buoyed their spirits. However he also noticed that there was something about the other’s moods that seemed a bit…off to him. He was not sure just why he was thinking in that particular fashion but he trusted his instincts a lot when it came to something that got his attention.

But he did not make any move yet since he had a feeling that he would find out the reason soon enough. But the thing that bothered him a great deal was the reason for the sudden change in the women who were his companions. He did not have to wait long as the dinner was finally over and Tsunade asked him to come into their shelter which was now lit to allow them to move about without getting hurt at all. As soon as they all sat down, Tsunade was now ready to speak to the blonde Shinobi.

“How have you been doing Naruto-kun?”

Naruto had no idea just what Tsunade was getting at but decided to answer her question.

“I am all right Tsunade-obasan, it’s been hard and difficult, but I am very happy that I am with you here since being alone would have driven me nuts.”
The four women smiled at that and Tsunade decided to try a bit more.

“How about being with us here on the island with you being the only man Naruto-kun? It must be very difficult being the only man here and your companions happened to be women, right?”

Naruto could not help but blush a bit at that and gave a nod, much to the growing amusement of the four women. And it was not lost to Tsunade who decided to.try spiking the drink a bit more. She leaned towards Naruto and whispered into his ear slowly. She knew that Naruto was not used to this, but she was usually the kind of person who was blunt. If she wanted to do it with Naruto, then she was more than ready and more than willing to do just that.

“So you had dreams that involve us Naruto-kun?”

Naruto gulped as he felt his senses tell him that there was indeed something going on and he looked at Tsunade. She had a very mischievous gleam in her brown eyes, and he also noted that the three other women in the room were also looking at him. He had no idea what was going on and he wanted to try to get some distance to make sense of what was going on here. But just as he was about to get up and go out to let himself cool off, he was stopped by Tsunade who had a tight yet gentle and non threatening grip on his shoulder as she spoke.

“No need to be shy Naruto-kun, we’re all adults here, though Shion-san might not be in that area just yet.”
Tsunade-obassan…what are you…doing?”

“Doing? I am not doing anything bad Naruto-kun, what would be considered as bad at all. What I am doing is to ask you something. And that something is this. If you were given the chance to do what you dream of with any of us…or ALL of us, would you do it?”

Naruto blushed bright red and tried to get his tongue and brain to work but it felt like his brain was dead in the proverbial water. He looked at Tsunade who smiled warmly at him while having a light blush and the same could be said for Ino, Temari, and Shion. But their blushes was a lot deeper than Tsunade ‘s own. But he could also see that they were very curious about his answer and he was sure that something was really up. He looked at the four women and he was unsure of what he should do or say until he finally spoke.

“I…don’t think I would since I really respect you all and I have no doubt that all of you would beat me to pulp if I tried anything on any of you. “
Tsunade could see that he meant it, she then replied to him.

“And if we give you permission?”

Naruto was sure his jaw had dropped and hit the floor and she looked at Tsunade in the same she had looked at him back on the ship, as if trying to see if she had grown another head. He looked to see that the three were also looking at him in great expectation and he finally spoke seriously.

“What is going on here?”

Tsunade finally replied.

“I have been watching you Naruto-kun, you might not think I am not aware of you looking at me and the others and trying not to be caught looking, but I was. And I am telling you that it is all right, you are a young man so such things like that are to be expected in truth, and since we’re ninja with the exception of Shion-san here, and as such are adults, it’s not that bad. In fact that is a sign of a regular man with regular feelings and desires, and I am very happy to see that. I have no doubt that it’s been hard for you so I feel that it would be better that we do something about it.”

Naruto was wide eyed at this and looked at Ino, Temari, and Shion, and he saw that they were dead serious as well. And he could not help but wonder just why they did not seem the least bit shocked by where this discussion was going. And it was here that Tsunade spoke to him as she knew that what they were going to do next was the point of no return.

“We talked about this and I also told them about your secret, though Temari-san already knows about it all. And we all agreed to doing this so you can be assured that this is not forced on us. And I want you to be ready since the best way for us to prove that we’re serious is to go ahead and do it.”

Back in Konoha…

Shizune was busy running through the last reports as she had to hold the fort until Tsunade was found. As much as Jiraiya hated to be tied into the office, he had to be the one to help the village until Tsunade and Naruto along with Ino were found so he had to be in the office and help with the paper work. No matter how the Pervy Sage felt about it, he had to do it and he and Shizune hoped that the rescue team would find Naruto, Tsunade, Temari, Shion, and Ino soon. Gaara was part of the rescue team along with Kankurou, and Inoichi was coming along as well as the guard that protected Shion who were not too pleased about not being there to protect their leader.

The combined force had at least three ships with them and soon they were moving to the last island to find the missing group. The only thing that she hoped for was that nothing bad happened to Naruto and the others, though she hoped that the lack of Sake did not drive Tsunade to the edge. And the same went for Jiraiya as he already knew how badly Tsunade could act at times if she was really drunk and there was no telling how she would feel at not having a drink.
Both of them hoped that if the group found them that all five blondes were alive and in good spirits. As well as not going anything to one another that was considered painful.

They were unaware that the blondes in question were doing something VERY intense and it all had little to do with pain. In fact, it was the polar opposite of pain.

(Lemon Time!!!!)

Naruto gasped as he was being hugged from behind by the blonde Hokage while Ino, Temari and Shion were in front of him and allowing him to see them utterly naked, though in this case, all of them were wearing only simple leather tops and skirts made from the skins of the creatures that they had to kill while they were on the island so while they were technically dressed, they might as well have been wearing nothing. He couldn’t do anything at the moment as his morals was waging war with his more primal side which was screaming that he should just enjoy it.

However, despite his perverted tendencies, Naruto was a morally right guy and the idea of him taking advantage of the women was very wrong not to mention was asking for a serious case of a beating if he even dreamed of doing it and there were a number of good reasons as to why he was completely against the idea of him getting all frisky with the ladies right now.

The first reason was that Tsunade could really put him out and even the healing abilities given to him by the Kyuubi would be pushed to the limit if she decided to bash him in seriously, that much he knew for a solid fact. After all, even though she and he were on good terms, she was NOT going to let him do anything that she would dislike.

The second reason was that Ino, despite not having the same level of strength as the others did, she was more than able to fight back and use her ability to take over his body and make him do some very crazy things. And despite the fact that they sometimes did not get along well, there was no telling how Shikamaru and Chouji would react and that was not counting Ino’s parents.

The third reason was Temari herself. Temari was more than able to fight in either long range or close range and she was strong, she had to be in order to carry that fan of hers all the time. Not to mention the fact that if her brothers found out that he was taking advantage of her, then both Kankuro and Gaara were going to make his life a living hell.

Then there was Ino, sure she was attractive and despite her attitude, she was still a good person and he had worked with her before. She had changed a lot since he had last seen her and now she had grown into a very skilled Kunoichi without question. But he was sure that she still had a deep attraction for his former team mate, and as such, the idea of him getting it on with her was something that he had thought was never going to happen.

And there was Shion herself, she had once been someone he could not like or stand, but after knowing the truth about her and what she went through, he cared about her. It was only after some time that he realized that she wanted to have a baby with her of all people, and while he was attracted to her, he was not sure that being with her was the best of ideas.

But before he could say anything, the women were now taking their time removing him of his clothing, he could have resisted but doing so would have been a bad idea in more ways than one. And it was not long before he was stripped down to his birthday suit and his clothes were on a pile away from the bed itself. Naruto could only look on at the four blonde women who were now staring at him VERY intently.

In Naruto’s mind…

((“Wow….now THIS is worth seeing! Kit, you have NO idea how good this all looks, you had better not screw this all up.”))

In the real world…

Naruto could not help but look at the women who were now utterly naked right in front of him, he was unable to say anything since words were not going to do him much good at this point. He was happy that his eyes had not burned out from the sight of the women who were now utterly naked before him. He directed his attention to Tsunade first as she was the one who was the leader of the whole group and he could not help himself anyway even though he knew that she was not exactly at the age she looked.

Tsunade was the one smiling deeply as she allowed Naruto to look at her naked form and enjoyed the staring blonde’s adoration.
Naruto looked at Tsunade’s face first, taking in all the details carefully, her face was in a smile that spoke of seduction and arousal while she had a light blush. Her lips were still as well defined and soft looking as before while her chakra symbol on her head was there. All of that coupled with her hair still in the two tails made the female Hokage look very attractive in more ways than one.

His gaze then travelled to her arms as well as her neck along with looking at her own skin which was like light cream white, getting a unique tinge in the firelight. He couldn’t help but feel all the more aroused as his gaze travelled over the blonde Hokage until he felt his eyes focus right on her full, large, and well formed breasts. It amazed him that she had such large breasts without any trouble and he naturally couldn’t help but admire how beautiful and natural they looked to his eyes. He couldn’t help but look them over, drinking in the sight of her breasts as well as her deep red nipples and her areoles, and he couldn’t help feel the urge to kiss, suck, lick, and taste her breasts. Normally that would have gotten him a solid smack to the face from the Hokage, but now it seemed that she was going to let him do just that this very night.

Naruto then moved to see the rest of Tsunade’s features as he looked at her body, admiring her own curves and swells, he couldn’t help but lick his lips once more as he looked at her womanly hips as well as her long and slender legs, he couldn’t help but be amazed at the sight of Tsunade’s inner thighs being a bit wet due to her juices that were coming out of her sex, and he also couldn’t help but smile even more as he looked at the patch of blonde fur that was above Tsunade’s sex and between her thighs and he looked all the way to her feet and back up again.

He then turned his attention to none other than Temari and he could not help but look at the now fully naked sister of Gaara. He could not help himself as he looked right at her as she was certainly an eye full.

Temari did not mind at all the fact that Naruto was looking at her, she developed a liking for him and as such, she did not mind being seen naked by the blonde Jinchuuriki and her brother’s best friend.

Naruto looked at Temari and he admired her beauty as she kept herself in top form as her body was well sculpted and had all the curves and swells in the right place. His gaze went to her face, admiring her hair even though she still had it in her usual choice of hairstyle, her face was smooth and very well formed as she smiled warmly at him and her eyes were like small emeralds to his eyes, her lips were parted in a smile and were red and looked very kissable. His gaze went lower to admire her arms, shoulders, and neck until he arrived to her breasts.

Temari’s breasts were well formed and while large were firm and certainly well suited for her height and build. Her breasts moved up and down with each breath that she took at this very moment and her nipples were light red before his eyes and looked to be fully aroused as well, more than enough to tell him that Temari wanted this situation to happen.

He moved his gaze away from her breasts rather reluctantly and admired her smooth and well formed stomach, hips and her thighs. He looked at the triangle patch of her blonde fur there in the place between her thighs and could not help but be drawn as he could already guess what was there. He looked down to her legs and feet, then moved his gaze back up again, admiring the way she looked over all.

His gaze then went to Ino and he could not help himself as he had to admit that Ino was certainly very attractive to his eyes at this moment.

Ino herself was a bit unsure about this, but after getting to know Naruto better and admitting that he was certainly well built as well as having a good personality, she was more than willing to show her naked self to him. There was no way that she was self conscious of her naked body as she took great care of herself, but this was after all the only time she had ever been naked before a man.

Naruto looked at Ino’s face first and he could not help himself and admit that Ino was a very attractive Kunoichi, and he did have some perverted ideas in his head concerning her. But seeing her naked in the flesh beat away anything that his perverted mind could come up with, and that was plenty to say the very least.

Her hair was still long and well taken care of and was a shade or two lighter than his own hair colour and it was still in the same long style that she favoured when they were kids. As he looked at her his gaze moved lower to her well formed face as he admitted that despite her boisterous and loud nature, Ino was undeniably attractive and when she was being sincerely nice, she was a good woman to be around at times.

His gaze moved to the rest of her form and he could not help but notice the way her skin showed her care for her body. There were no scars or marks that would mar her appearance as he looked at her toned form. He also looked at her arms and while they looked delicate at first glance, he knew that her strength had grown somewhat when he had last seen her, and her arms were also muscled though not in the way of a beefed up muscle builder. All in all, she was very attractive and more than able to do manual labour as he had seen despite her supposed delicate appearance before the blonde Shinobi. It was not long before his gaze finally went to her breasts which were well formed and looked very firm as well as in the right size to fit her frame. Ino’s breasts might not be as large as Tsunade’s breasts, but that hardly meant that she was lacking as her breasts were in the same league as Temari’s. Her nipples were deep red and were certainly inviting for him to look at even more so now that they were right in front of him.

His gaze stayed there for a while and then moved his gaze down to the rest of her naked form, enjoying the fact that Ino’s body had all the right curves and swells in place. His eyes enjoyed the look of her body before moving to her well shaped hips, the patch of blonde hair between her well toned thighs, all the way to her feet and once he got there, Naruto moved his gaze back up to make sure that he did not miss any details of Ino’s fully naked form.

As soon as he was done looking at all four blonde beauties, Naruto could feel his body become even hotter and his cock began to rapidly get harder and longer. He could not help but wonder just what was going through the minds of the women who were right there in front of him now that they could no doubt see his cock getting harder and longer.

Tsunade smiled warmly as she felt her face heat up at the sight of Naruto’s cock already getting hard and long. To her surprise and happiness, his length was at least nine a man who was an adult, that was more than respectable, but for a teen his was a god-send. And she wondered briefly if Naruto had inherited that impressive manhood from his father with some interference from the Kyuubi.

(One thing is for sure...I now know why Kushina loved being with Minato...and it seems that Naruto has earned his father’s gift in the manhood department.)
Temari was blushing bright red at the sight as she had never seen anyone that well packaged before in her life. Sure she had heard the stories, and the boasting from men who were thinking that she was not there and they were all alone. But none of the stories or boasts did justice to the real thing as she could not help but subconsciously lick her lips a bit while still blushing bright red. She did admit that Naruto was a good looking guy and after learning of his own burden like her brother, found him a good man...but this was taking that admiration to a whole new level.

Ino herself could not help but blush deeply, seeing Naruto’s crotch and his package accidentally when he was bathing was hard enough. But seeing it exposed for all to see and it being aroused was something else entirely. She had always wondered just how Sasuke looked, but it seemed that none of her thoughts were going to match the way Naruto looked. She did admit that Naruto had grown to be rather handsome since they were kids...and a lot taller, but seeing him naked and now seeing his sex in front of her, she could not help but wonder why was it that she had not noticed that all these years. It added more fuel to the fires that were now raging in her guts.

Tsunade then decided that they should at the very least try not to rape Naruto, she wanted his first time to be a grand experience, and while she was sure that ANY man would have fantasized about this being his first time with this many attractive women in the same place as him...and naked, she wanted to do it in a more...controlled setting. There was no doubt in Tsunade’s mind that Naruto was like most men and no doubt his brain was enjoying this, but he had to learn that being with a woman in the real world was not like those cheesy romance books and trashy novels that Jiraiya cooked up in that perverted mind of his.

It was MUCH better, and besides, she wanted to see if he had inherited some things from his father. And she got the ball rolling as it were by speaking to them all.

“It seems that Naruto-kun loves the sight of us like this...that’s to be expected, but I think that we should do this in a way that does not become too problematic. We will draw straws...or rather, Naruto-kun will draw straws. That is to see just who among us he is going to have sex with first.”

Naruto was wide eyed by that and the same expression could be seen on the faces of the three other blonde women as well. But they felt that arguing with Tsunade was not advisable and decided to see what was she going to do. They did not have to wait long as she presented the straws...which were wrapped in some pure white cloth as she spoke.

“In each bit of straw is a small thread of cloth from our clothes, grey is mine, purple is Ino’s, black is obviously Temari’s, and the last which is pale red is Shion’s. You will place the staws from left to right, with the left being the first one you will be with Naruto-kun, then the second, third, and so on until the end. This should make this more interesting, and the others might as well get to see just HOW good you can be to them.”

Naruto gulped at this as the straws were now before him and he took a deep breath and began to select the straws. It felt...weird to be doing this to be honest, but at least it added some mystery to the whole thing/. He was soon done and the order of straws was now there and Tsunade then told him to remove the white cloth...and soon the order was revealed...

Grey was first, then black, purple, and red...meaning the Naruto’s first woman was none other than Tsunade herself, then followed by Temari, then Ino, and finally Shion.

The blonde Hokage smiled at that while the three other blonde women could not help but wonder just how this was going to turn out. They decided that they should watch and sat on three corners around the cave that they called home as Tsunade was moving towards the blonde Genin. She hoped that she was going to do it right and give Naruto the right kind of passionate and lustful sex that he deserved. It might have sounded odd to most people, and maybe a bit twisted, but Tsunade was not too bothered by it. Naruto was already an adult and while she was indeed older than him, she did care deeply about him and since he was honest enough to tell her about how hard it was for her, she was willing to help him relieve his tension and show how much she loved him in a more mature and adult fashion. She would never do this with anyone she did not are about and while she was not happy that she was not as young as she appeared in public, she was willing to let it slide.

As she was before Naruto, she made him relax as she went down to be closer to him and then kissed him gently, enjoying the quick gasp of breath he made the very second they kissed one another.


Tsunade was really enjoying herself as she gently began to kiss Naruto very slowly, starting with her lover’s lips and was quite pleased to sense that Naruto was more than willing to kiss her right back. She wanted this moment between the two of them last while the other women were being kept occupied by Naruto’s Kage Bushin. This was her turn and she was going to make the most of this moment as she continued to kiss Naruto slowly while she was right on top of him. She enjoyed the feel of Naruto’s naked form and could not help but blush a bit as she felt his fully erect dick on her body and the idea of how it would feel in her hands, her mouth, between her breasts, thighs, and her sex was tempting. But she had not managed to last thing long by letting her emotions get the better of her.

As the kiss between the blonde Hokage and the blonde Genin finally reached the end, she reached out with her hands and hugged his face. Tsunade then moved her attention to the rest of him, she started things slowly to make sure that she was going to get used to doing with a young man again, and she was happy that she was doing with Naruto. He had grown into a fine young man and while it seemed wrong for her to do this to hi, she wanted this and it was obvious from the way he was looking at her that he wanted this just as much as she did. That made this all worthwhile to her as she began to work her proverbial magic.

She moved to lick and kiss his neck, gently nipping on the place where she could feel his pulse, making her enjoy the way he squirmed at her actions on his body. She moved to the blonde’s chest and began to lick and kiss his chest, much to her amusement and his arousal. Tsunade continued her actions while also using her hands on his body and it was something that she enjoyed as she also used her breasts to pleasure her young lover as well.

As soon as she was done with rubbing her breasts and nipples on hr lover’s chest, she decided to let Naruto make a move on her as she licked his ear gently, causing him to moan out in pleasure and then speaking softly into his ear with a very seductive tone of voice.

“Naruto-kun, now seems to be the right time for you to do what you want with my body.”

Naruto looked at Tsunade with wide eyes as he was quick to guess just what was it that she was getting at and soon he moved to kiss her deeply. The blonde Hokage did not do anything to stop him as she actually liked him showing a more aggressive side to himself. Yet he was very passionate and showed a good deal of being gentle with his actions as he kissed her while running his hands on her body as well as breasts.

“You’re breasts...feel so good Tsunade-chan...”

That was true as Naruto could not help but notice the softness and firmness of Tsunade’s more than ample breasts. Even though he had never said it out loud, he had found Tsunade’s breasts to be very nice to the eyes and he even wondered just how could Jiraiya ever call her flat-chest in the past. He had never said a word to anyone, even the Pervy Sage since he had a good deal of respect towards Tsunade despite the fact he did not show that level of respect most people would have expected from someone like him. His hands felt like they were massaging a soft, but firm and warm pillow and he could not help but admire them both.

Tsunade could not help but smile a bit more at the way that Naruto was acting when it concerned her breasts and she spoke to him.

“Go ahead Naruto-kun, do what you like to my breasts...I want you to do what you like without any hesitation.”

And Naruto did just that as he started things by sucking on her left breast and nipple slowly, running his tongue on her nipple as well as breast slowly, enjoying the taste of her skin as well as the firmness of her breast. He used his hands to massage her right breast and nipples, making the Hokage moan out in pleasure at his actions. The blonde Genin began to use his tongue and lips at a more passionate pace, trying to see which would work best on pleasuring Tsunade, and it seemed to be working at the blonde Sannin was enjoying every second of his actions.

Tsunade enjoyed herself immensely as Naruto was already beginning to get the hang of how to pleasure her breast and nipples just the way she liked it. He licked, sucked, gently but, and kissed her breast in a very passionate way and quickly figured out how she wanted him to do those things, making her smile even more.

(He learns very fast, I should have expected something like that from a young man who mastered the Rasengan in a week.)

She was not idle herself as she ran her hands on his body, using her chakra and medical knowledge to locate the pleasure centers of his body. Touching them with her chakra the right way made Naruto moan out even more, as well as give her even more pleasure, which was something that she loved a great deal.
Naruto then moved his attention to her right breast and lavished the same delicious oral attention to the fleshy orb. Tsunade enjoyed that as she could feel that Naruto wanted to take in her very taste into his bones and that made her more pleased with how things were going. She had no doubt that Naruto was going to be quite the lover once he got some more experience under his belt and she was happy that she was going to be the one who was going to teach him. She continued her actions and even caressed his ass, enjoying the feel of his skin on her hands as well as the muscled flesh underneath. She also made sure to run her hands on his hips and thighs, feeling the energy that was there in his muscles.

Tsunade was then surprised when Naruto pressed her breasts together and began to lick both her nipples as well as suck on them at the same time. She had to give him credit for the rather bold and daring move as she blushed and spoke to him when he was looking at her.

“Mmmmm...very bold of you Naruto-kun.”

Naruto gave her a smile and then moved to kiss her deeply which she was more than willing to respond to. The two kissed one another deeply along with duelling their tongues with each other’s, once that was done and they parted from one another, the blonde Genin moved back to her breasts which he continued to press together as well as kissing, sucking, and licking. The blonde continued with his actions and he could not help but notice that Tsunade was enjoying his actions even more.



Tsunade enjoyed her lover’s actions and she decided to wait and see just what was Naruto going to do next. She did not have to wait for too long as Naruto began to move to the rest of her body but not before giving her breasts some more oral attention to make sure that she was happy. He then moved to her lower half and began to kiss and lick her skin, making the blonde Hokage relish his actions. She noted that it was random and not really well thought out but she did not mind as she knew that Naruto was still rather new to the whole situation that was before him.

It was not long before he moved to her stomach and caressed her hips with his hands, much to her enjoyment while continuing to lick and kiss her skin. He soon reached her thighs, and he began to lavish kisses on her thighs, making Tsunade smile at his actions and decided to not give him too hard a time as she parted her legs. This allowed Naruto to finally see Tsunade’s wet sex and he could not help but blush as he was now able to see Tsunade fully naked. The sight of her pussy was also move than enough to make Naruto come closer to look at it in more detail.

Tsunade could not help herself as she smiled while blushing as she looked at the way that Naruto was looking very intently at her sex. It had been a long time for her to be in something like this and so it was not too surprising that she was feeling a bit shy about it. But she placed that feeling aside as she was proud of her form even though she was using cellular manipulation on herself as she spoke to seductively to Naruto.

“Do you like what you see Naruto-kun?”

Naruto nodded and she smirked even more as she spoke to him with a seductive purr.

“Then do what you like Naruto-kun...I want you to do what you want to my pussy as well as my clit.”

Naruto did just that as he moved closer and took a good whiff of her scent, enjoying the faint muskiness of Tsunade’s dripping wet sex. The blonde heard his lover moan a bit and he decided to try using his breath first, he moved his mouth there to her sex and gently blew on it to see if he was going to get a reaction to what he attempted.


Tsunade cried out as she felt Naruto’s breath on both her pussy and clitoris and that was further increased when he moved to kiss her clit. She moaned a bit that as she had not expected such gentleness from her lover, but she had no doubt that this was just the beginning for her. And she was right as Naruto then moved to kiss her pussy and soon used his tongue as he lipped her folds...making her gasp a bit louder this time around.


The blonde Kunoichi soon felt her lover lick her pussy and clit slowly, up and down his tongue went on both parts of her body and even swirled his tongue around and on them. She loved that action and soon she looked to see the blush on her lover’s face as she reached down to caress his head while gently speaking to him.

“That’s it Naruto-kun....lick me like that...”

Naruto was more than willing to do what Tsunade asked of him as he continued to lavish oral attention on the blonde Hokage’s pussy and clit. He also found the taste of Tsunade’s juices to be rather nice, it was clean and had a slightly salty and slightly sweet taste. He could not help himself and decided o thrust his tongue into Tsunade’s vagina and that action was more than enough to make her happy. He then moved to using his fingers as he ran them on her pussy’s outer lips, he then moved ins fingers in and out of her sex while using his tongue at the very same time.

Tsunade was happy with the way that Naruto was quickly getting the idea on how to pleasure her as she cried out deeply the very second he found her G-spot in his explorations. It had been some time since her G-spot was found by Dan and to feel Naruto finding that spot quickly and sending pleasure through her body, was worth every second of it.


Naruto enjoyed the way that Tsunade reacted and he continued with his actions as he was able to taste more of his lover’s juices. Her juices was a combination of sweetness and slight sourness which was well balanced and he was more than willing to take in as much as he could manage. The way that Tsunade panted made him very happy and he wanted to see just how Tsunade would look like and act the very second she was in the grip of orgasm.

This went on and the smell of Tsunade’s juices was flowing through Naruto’s nose and he was more than willing to take it all in and enjoyed it. He continued to lap up more of her honey while thrusting his tongue in and out of her pussy along with his fingers. He also made sure to touch her G-spot every time he was able to do this and he enjoyed the way that Tsunade cried out and shivered with each action he took.
And the female Hokage was MORE than willing to shout out her pleasure with each scream she made.




Tsunade had no problem showing her enjoyment on what Naruto was doing to her and she had no doubt that she was soon going to reach her limits. She wondered just how was Naruto going to react to the very second she was going to orgasm, and was eager to see just how the blonde was going to react. And sure enough, she finally reached body’s limit and cried out as she tensed up like a spring as her orgasm finally smashed hard into her and flowed through every nerve in her body.


That cry was the only warning that Naruto was able to get from the blonde Kunoichi as Tsunade finally reached her limit and he was soon hit by a brand new wave of her juices. He could do little but take in as much of her juices as he could manage. And the hot and sweet liquid was more than enough to make him do what he could to get as much of it. And while he was doing just that, he looked at Tsunade to see how she was doing.

Her face was flushed with sweat as well as the rest of her body while her breathing was laboured and a bit slow. Her breasts were moving up and down with each breath that she took and it was something that Naruto could not help but get aroused with every movement they made. He also looked to see that despite the river of her honey that came from her pussy, there was still more. And he was not going to hesitate as he lapped up what he could reach. Once he was done with such actions, the blonde looked at Tsunade who was now looking right back at him and he could not help but smile.

Tsunade was more than willing to smile back, but she was more than willing to make her move on the young man. She moved forward to make Naruto back away, and once she was on her hands and knees, she moved towards Naruto and without batting an eyelash, she began to lick his face. She was licking her lover’s lips, taking in his taste as well as her own juices which was more than enough to make just about anyone who was able to see her do that gasp. She did not mind at all the taste of her own pussy juices, in fact considering what she was doing, it was more than enough to excite the Hokage. She was very thorough in licking Naruto’s face clean of her juices, and then kissed him deepl, once he opened his mouth, she quickly moved in and was able to taste her juices on Naruto’s tongue.

The kiss was deep between the two of them for a while until Tsunade then parted from Naruto, and both of them were blushing bright red as they did so. The Hokage was pleased with the way that it turned out as she spoke to him.

“You impressed me Naruto-kun...I haven’t cum like that in a long time, and I am very pleased that you did that to me. Now I think it’s my turn to make you cry out.”

And she proceeded to do just that as she reached for Naruto’s cock with her hands, the very second she held his sex in her hand, she enjoyed the feel of it in her hands. She ran her hands up and down slowly, making Naruto gasp a bit and she was very pleased by that and she began to move her hands a bit more seriously as she also used small amounts of her chakra to pleasure Naruto even more.

And the results spoke for themselves to not just her, but also to the others.


Naruto could not help himself as he could not help but watch as Tsunade continued to use her hands on his cock and the way that she was doing it was more than enough to make him cry out in pleasure. The blonde Genin could not help but grit his teeth at the way that Tsunade was using her hands on his cock as well as his testicles. The blonde Genin looked at Tsunade who looked right back at him with a very lustful look in her brown eyes, and he could not help but feel a great shiver run up and down his spine, and it was a good shiver.

Tsunade continued to use her hands on his sex and balls, and watched his expressions to see how he was enjoying her actions. She loved it and decided that she was now going to move to the next stage and see just how much her young lover could take.

Naruto’s eyes widened as he saw Tsunade move her hands away and then use her breasts on his cock and balls. The pleasure that came through his body was more than welcome to him and the sight of the blonde Hokage’s more than ample breasts being rubbed on his cock was more than enough to make him moan out Tsunade’s name in arousal.


The blonde Hokage grinned seductively at this as she continued to rub her breasts on Naruto’s cock and testicles to allow him to get used to feeling them. Once she was able to sense that he was ready, she made sure that he was looking right at her and when he was she made his move. Naruto could only look on utter awe as Tsunade placed his cock between her breasts and then press her more than ample breasts together. In that instant his cock was in a vice of softness, warmth, and firmness which made him gasp at the sensations now running up and down his spine.


“You like that Naruto-kun?”


“Good, how do my breasts feel around your penis Naruto-kun?”

“Feels...I can’t...describe it...”

Tsunade was hardly offended as she could tell that the blonde was enjoying the feel of her breasts around him as she spoke to him.

“That can let’s begin...”

Naruto did not have time to ask what it was, nor was there any need for him to do so as he saw Tsunade begin to move her breasts up and down his cock. The sight of his cock being rubbed by her breasts and seeing it disappear into her boobs and then come back out with Tsunade looking seductively at him with a blush on her face was unbelievably wonderful to the blonde’s senses and it blew him away as this was no doubt in his mind something that was not going to happen to anyone.

Tsunade started things slowly, watching as Naruto’s face was now in a mask of pleasure and she was not far from that herself. It had been a long time since she had done something like this to any man, the first and the last was Dan and no one else. To be doing it now with someone she developed a respect and affection for was something she enjoyed, that and the fact that Naruto’s cock was getting hotter and harder in between her breasts added to the pleasure. She also made sure to kiss and lick his cock every once in a while, sending waves of pleasure to her lover which she could both see and feel, which made this all the more interesting to her.

She continued with her actions on her lover’s cock and enjoyed the way he looked at her while she did this. There was no doubt in her mind that Naruto had never experienced anything like this before in his life. And it showed very easily in the way he reacted and it made her happy that she was the one to have given him this chance. Already he was moving his cock up and down in time with her own actions, which served to give the two of them pleasure and she was very eager to finally pay her lover back for the oh so delicious actions he had done to her body, breasts and nipples, as well as her vagina and clitoris


Tsunade knew what that scream was about as she still kept her breasts there as Naruto finally reached his very first orgasm of the night. She could not help but be amazed and aroused as she saw him unleash a large amount of his cum from his cock She did not mind the feelings of heat and stickiness as the thick, and warm white seed landed on her breasts, neck, and some on her face as well. She did not mind it as she enjoyed the feel of his cum on her skin. She waited for Naruto to finish releasing his seed and when that was over, she removed his cock from her breasts and decided to give Naruto a very good show.

The blonde Hokage started things off by actually moving her breasts to her own mouth with ease and cleaned them off with her own mouth and tongue, making sure that Naruto was given a totally unrestricted view of the whole thing. She heard him take in a deep breath and looked to see him staring at her intently and his cock actually becoming harder again, much to her arousal and pleasure. Once she was able to clean as much of her lover’s cum as she could, she used her hands to clean away the rest.

She also smelled her lover’s cum and found it to be rather nice and not too bad, showing that Naruto was at the very least eating right. She then licked some of it and found the taste to be sweet and having a bit of saltiness as well. And it had a fresh clean taste to it as well, showing to Tsunade even more than Naruto was indeed a virgin. She smiled at that as she continued to clean herself up and lick away the cum, while leaving some to rub in a bit more for Naruto to see.

Naruto gulped as the sight of Tsunade Senju doing that and enjoying the taste of his cum and looking at him with a seductive aura that really got things going for him. He felt his cock get harder and he was sure that Tsunade was able to see it. He could only gasp as Tsunade moved towards him and then moved towards him. She then spoke gently to him with a very erotic purr in her voice.

“You really made a mess Naruto-kun...but I like it...and you taste very nice.”

Naruto could only gulp in response to that and she spoke next to him.

“And I want some more...and I know you are going to enjoy this.”

Naruto had an idea just what was it that she was going to do to him, but he was still awed by the fact that Tsunade was now right there again between his legs. She smiled warmly at him and began to run her lips on his cock. That was more than enough to get a reaction out of him as he could not help but cry out her name as the feel of her lips running up and down on the underside of his cock.


Tsunade enjoyed the way that Naruto reacted to her actions as she knew that now was the right time to make things for Naruto even better. She continued to move her lips to the sides of Naruto’s cock carrying won with this action before moving to use her tongue. She started by licking the tip of Naruto’s cock and then she began to move her tongue slowly to the sides of his cock. Naruto could not help but moan out in a louder voice. She loved that and continued to use her tongue on his cock before directing some of her attention to his testicles. She began to lick the two balls slowly and enjoyed the way Naruto shivered underneath her hands as her hands were on his thighs and could tell how her actions were affecting the young man.



Naruto looked at Naruto as he tried his best to keep himself from losing it right there and then, that was made somewhat easier by his first orgasm and for that he was thankful. The blonde Genin had no idea just how he could describe the way this was to his senses, but he knew well enough that this was only the beginning. It was here that Tsunade decided to give him something else to enjoy in his mind.

“By the way Naruto-kun...this might give you a brand new perspective of that nickname i got.”

Naruto had no time to react as Tsunade began to take his cock into her mouth while licking the tip slowly, swirling her tongue all around the fleshy tip. Once she was done, she began to take in her lover’s cock into her mouth. and did the whole thing slowly and surely while using her tongue to make sure that he got all the pleasure that she could give him. Naturally Naruto could not help but groan out as he looked at Tsunade who was looking back at him, the sight of the blonde Hokage and Sannin in the nude, and taking his cock into her mouth while looking at him with a seductive look in her eyes and a deep blush on her face was burning through his brain.

Tsunade moved her mouth until she took in half of his cock and began to lick and suck on it while moving up and down her head. This made Naruto gasp out and grip the sheets of the bed hard as Tsunade carried on with her actions, enjoying the pleasure that she was giving to her lover. She however knew that she was getting quite a lot of pleasure from this as well as Naruto, as the feel of Naruto’s cock in her mouth excited her to no end, and the memories were coupled with how it felt when it was between her breasts much earlier. And the idea of what it was going to feel inside her pussy once they got to the more delicious part of their time together, made her sex even hotter and wetter.

She moved in for the kill as she now countered her gag reflex and gave Naruto a very good show as she then took in his cock all the way to her throat. She enjoyed the feeling of her lover’s cock a great deal more as she reached the base of his sex and was now right at his hips. She looked at Naruto who was blushing bright red at the sight of his cock like this. She enjoyed it and began to move her tongue as well as sucking on it at the very same time.
Once she was done, Tsunade moved her head back and as soon as only the head of Naruto’s cock was in her mouth, she repeated her move and took his cock all the way to the back of her throat. That made Naruto groan out even more at what she was doing. She repeated the process again and again, doing it all slowly to get a rhythm going and also to make sure that she was comfortable and the same could be said for Naruto himself.

As for her lover...he was more than willing to enjoy the way that Tsunade was pleasuring him.


The sight of Tsunade taking in his cock all the way to the base, moving back away her head then moving to take his cock back in again was utterly mind blowing in his mind. The sight of the blonde Hokage doing that and the sound of her actions on his cock made him realize just what she said earlier and had to admit that the moniker of the ‘Legendary Sucker’ that Tsunade had was more than accurate in this case. He knew that if anyone back in Konoha saw this, he was going to be in some very serious hot water, but he was not going to turn it down as he spoke to Tsunade in lust filled tones.


“Ooooohhhhh maaaaannnn....”


Tsunade continued with her actions, speeding up only a little while using her hands to caress Naruto’s testicles to send more pleasure though her lover’s body. She made it even more pleasurable for her lover as she used her training in muscles control to caress her lover’s cock. This was made even more potent as she was using her chakra to pleasure Naruto’s cock and testicles as her chakra was on her tongue, inner cheeks, and her hands. She could not help but blush as she felt Naruto’s cock twitch and shake with each action that she was doing to her lover, and there was no doubt that he was soon going to reach his second orgasm tonight. She was looking forward to that very much as she was eager to taste her lover’s cum yet again and to see how Naruto would react to her taking in his cum in her mouth.

She continued with her actions and it was not long before Naruto finally reached his limit as he cried out loudly as he felt his orgasm finally hit him fast and hard. Tsunade did not mind that as she eagerly took in his seed. The blonde Hokage could not help but get even more aroused as well as amazed by the fact that despite having cum once already, Naruto was still able to unleash a more than ample amount of his cum into her mouth, and she loved that.

Tsunade enjoyed the taste of her lover’s cum on her mouth as she also felt the heat and thickness of it as well, more than enough to make the blonde Hokage happy as she took in as much as she could while slowly moving her head back, licking and sucking his cock to make him release more of his delicious seed. She took in as much as she could take and relished the fact that he was getting hard still in her mouth.

And as she moved back to release Naruto’s cock, she was hit by one last stream of cum which landed on her lips, and she enjoyed it a great deal. She made sure that Naruto was looking right at her as she swallowed his cum and when she did that, she let him see lick off the cum on her lips with her tongue. Naruto could not help but look at Tsunade with a great deal of arousal as his cock twitched as well as hardened itself to full arousal.

Tsunade enjoyed that and decided to speak to Naruto once more as she also decided to get herself into position for what was going to be their night together.

“All right Naruto-kun...let’s get to what we both want....and I think that the others are waiting for you as well.”

Naruto did not need too much encouragement as he moved towards Tsunade and positioned himself in between her legs and his cock was now in front of her pussy. The blonde Genin looked at Tsunade who smiled wickedly at him and nodded her approval and he did not need to ask anymore as he slowly moved his cock in. The two could not help but moan out at the very same time as Naruto’s cock moved past the outer lips of Tsunade’s pussy and was soon moving itself into her inner sheath.

He could not help himself as the feeling of Tsunade’s inner walls begin to take in his cock. The feeling of her pussy’s heat, tightness, wetness, and softness was more than enough to send shivers of pleasure through every nerve he had in his body. Naruto gritted his teeth as he continued to push his cock deeper and he was amazed as his cock was being accepted easily by Tsunade’s sex.

As for Tsunade, she enjoyed the feeling of her inner sheath being filled and stretched by her lover’s cock. It had been so long and it was something that she missed terribly, to feel the pleasure of being filled by a man’s cock was very addicting to the blonde Sannin and it made her happy to know that she was doing this with a man she loved and respected a good deal for what he had done for her so long ago when they first met. The idea of what they were going to feel once they got things underway also served to add more fuel to the fire that was burning in all of them.

It was not long before Naruto finally buried his cock deep to the hilt into Tsunade’s pussy and he could not help but moan out his pleasure.


And Tsunade was more than willing to voice out her very own enjoyment of the pleasure that she was getting.



Tsunade hissed out in joy as Naruto’s full length was now buried deeply into her and it was something that she enjoyed a very great deal. She looked to see how Naruto was doing and the way he looked right now…utterly in awe at what they were doing together made her smile even more and feel that this was going to be something that neither of them were going to forget. But now was not the time for them to think, but to act and she was more than willing to act as she moved her legs to wrap around Naruto’s butt and he gently nudged him again.

“Don’t be like that…Naruto-kun…move your hips and I’ll help you out.”

Naruto did not waste time arguing with the female Hokage and began to move his hips back, that action had the desired effect on the two of them as they both moaned out at the very same time. Tsunade was utterly pleased by the pleasure that was now flowing into her body and making her a lot happier than before and it was going to be something she was going to enjoy a very good deal before this night was going to be over. The same could be said for Naruto as he then began to move back into Tsunade’s wet pussy, he could feel her inner walls moving around him, caressing and pulling him in, as if wanting him not to leave. It took all of his guts to keep himself from losing it yet again. But thankfully his two previous releases had given him a bit more time this time around as he began to do it all again. This went on for a while until they were feeling a lot more comfortable with that they were doing and soon began to move at a more steady pace.

The two blondes were able to hold their audience captive for the time being as Temari, Ino, and Shion were looking right at the two. It would have seemed wrong to them but it seemed that all three women were glued to the sight of Naruto who was now beginning to have a more than powerful effect on the blonde Hokage. They were not going to remain idle for long as they began to move their hands towards their own wet sexes, and began to play with them as well as playing wit their breasts and nipples.

This did not escape the notice of both Naruto and Tsunade, the former still unable to believe that he was doing this, nor was he going to stop. And as for the latter not minding the whole thing at all as it only served to excite her even more as she continued to use her legs to make sure that Naruto was going to thrust hard and deep into her pussy. Both of them were moaning out now and the sounds of their flesh hitting one another with each thrust of Naruto’s cock into Tsunade’s hot and wet pussy.








Naruto soon moved forward to kiss Tsunade who was more than willing to kiss Naruto right back, their kisses becoming more intense with each passing second and the heat built up bit by bit in their bodies as well. Their slow pace was soon getting to a pace that was a lot faster as Naruto was now moving back and forth at a greater pace than before, and Tsunade was more than willing to help him along as she used her legs to allow Naruto to really go in fast and deep into her sex, though thankfully she was not using her full strength at that time since she was not in the mood to injure her lover.


Tsunade was utterly happy as she was finally able to reach orgasm for the second time this night and she could not help but enjoy the waves of pleasure that was now running up and down her body. It had been so long when she had felt it and enjoyed every moment of it. She noted however that Naruto had yet to orgasm and was still rock hard in her pussy, this did not make her angry, in fact she was amazed at this. This told her that Naruto was more than ready for another round and she was more than eager to see just how much Naruto could handle before he finally reached the limit and would finally orgasm again to fill up her sex with his cum.

As for Naruto, he felt that he was going to pass out from the pleasure that came from feeling Tsunade’s inner walls milking his cock. The feelings that he had felt when he pushed his cock all the way to the end of Tsunade’s sex the first time was eclipsed by what he had felt when Tsunade was hit by her orgasm. He was surprised that he had not reached his own orgasm and while he knew that his two orgasms were possibly the reason, after what he had felt when Tsunade reached her orgasm, he had thought that he was going to orgasm once again. He however did not mind in the least as he could not help but think that things were going to be a lot more interesting.

The two lovers kissed one another deeply and once they moved apart from once another, the blonde Hokage decided to make her own move as she moved to make Naruto lean back...and eventually left Naruto to lie down on his back while she was still on top of him, and his cock was still inside her wet sex. Once she was on top of him, she spoke to Naruto while running her hands on his naked body.

“Now then...let’s see if you will enjoy this Naruto-kun.”

Naruto had no time to ask what was it that Tsunade had in mind, and there was no reason for him to even ask as Tsunade began to move her hips slowly. The pleasure that struck the two of them when she did that was very much welcome as the two of them were still affected by her orgasm as well as his orgasm. The blonde Genin could not help himself as he moaned out Tsunade’s name out loudly.


Tsunade also replied in kind as she said his own name in a pleasure filled voice.


Both of them were soon moving in time with one another, every time that Tsunade would rise her hips and then drop down, Naruto would move back a bit and then thrust deeply into her sex the very second she moved her body down. This started out slowly for the two of them since they wanted to get used to the situation that the two of them happened to be in. Naruto was not only doing that as he also moved his hands up to Tsunade’s breasts to play with them and also play with her nipples, something that Tsunade was more than willing to relish.

Tsunade was hardly still herself as she began to reach out and caress Naruto’s body and running her hands on his own body. That was increased by the fact that she was also using her chakra to touch Naruto’s pleasure centres to make sure that he was getting the right kind of pleasure.


In Naruto’s mind...

The Kyuubi was enjoying itself greatly as it’s plan was working, it had decided to make some moves on his container and even the women who were with him. It could leak out it’s chakra bit by bit to avoid the attention of the blonde, though said attention was directed elsewhere for obvious reasons, and the chakra leaking was for a purpose. And that was something that had to do with Naruto’s inability to orgasm just yet.


In the mean time, Naruto and Tsunade were still going strong with the blonde Hokage slowly picking up the pace with her actions and the same could be said for Naruto himself. Already both of them were bringing one another closer and closer to orgasm, yet it seemed that instead of weakening, Naruto was still going strong.

Tsunade was utterly pleased by this as she continued to move her body up and down, allowing Naruto’s cock to move in and out of her sex. She could not help but feel like she was going to burn up in a fire of pleasure and she did not mind it at all. Each time she thrust her hips down, Naruto was more than willing to move his hips. They both moved slowly yet were soon picking up the tempo and the pace of their movements.

The two blondes were more than willing to spice things up as Tsunade would lean down and kiss Naruto who was more than willing to kiss back. Once the kissing is done, she would also allow him to massage her breast and nipples. Once that was done she then allowed him to suck and lick her breasts and nipples, and he did in a way that really got her all fired up for more while she continued to move her hips up and down in a pattern that really got both of them into the heat of things.

All the while their audience continued to enjoy themselves as they were now using their fingers on their own sexes as well as their breasts and nipples. The three young women could only watch what was happening as the smell of sex was quick to fill up the room and serve to make them all even more aroused. They were also more than eager to finally get their turn once Tsunade and Naruto was done, though they wondered just how much longer would Naruto be able to handle the pleasure that he was getting from Tsunade.

Tsunade and Naruto were now making their actions a lot more passionate as they moved faster and harder. That was made a lot more obvious as both lovers cry out their enjoyment of the whole thing as Naruto was now moving his hips up in time with Tsunade moving her hips down allowing him to drive deeply into her pussy while she was able to take his full length in and allow his cock to hit her G-spot at the very same time.







This went on for a while longer and the pleasure for them continued to intensity as Naruto was no0w playing with her breasts and nipples while Tsunade was using her hands to touch and caress Naruto’s body at the very same time. It was not going to be long in either of their minds for them to finally hit their orgasm, and it was going to be something that the two of them were more than willing to look forward to. And sure enough, it finally happened for the two lovers as they both cried out at the very same time as soon as they reached their limits.


Tsunade reared back as she was hit by her third orgasm of the night and it was utterly worth every second as she felt her body burn up and felt her nerves come to life. She felt her inner walls move around to caress and milk her lover’s cock as her pussy release more of her juices in reaction to her orgasm at this very moment. She looked down to see that Naruto himself was in the grip of pleasure as she was...yet to her surprise and to amazement, Naruto had not released more of his cum into her vagina. She had no idea why that was the case, but she was not the least bit troubled as this meant that Naruto still had more than enough energy to bring her to her limit.

As for Naruto he was amazed at what had happened, the feel of his cock being surrounded by yet another massive amount of wetness and heat was driving him to the limits of his mental control. Not that he had a lot to begin with when this happened, but it was something that he could not help but enjoy deeply as he was there underneath Tsunade. The sight of her like this was utterly worth it in his mind as he looked at the blonde Hokage before him. He saw her smiling at him once more and he could not help but there was something cooking in the Hokage’s head concerning him.

And he was right at that regard as Tsunade had a very interesting idea in mind.

She had a feeling that she her more than enough energy left in her body for a few more and she cold not help but be utterly pleased by the fact that Naruto was like this. Not many men she knew had a lot of stamina to bring a woman to more than one orgasm, and she could not help but feel utterly happy in the knowledge that Naruto was among the few who could. She then decided to get off of Naruto and then moved to being on her hands and knees, hoping that Naruto was going to be quick on the message she was giving him the very second she presented her pussy and butt to him.

And she was not the least bit disappointed as Naruto was quick to move to her, and she saw that he was indeed still rock hard and eager for more. Tsunade was quick to smile and then moan out as Naruto began to rub his hands on her thighs, then her shapely ass, and held her hips as he got himself into position with his cock eager for more. Tsunade did not have to wait for long as both she and Naruto were too eager to wait as she thrust her hips backward, right as he did the same thing with his hips thrusting forward as soon as he was able to place his cock in front of her pussy’s lips.


Both of them cried out at that exact moment as Temari, Shion, and Ino watched with wide eyes and deep blushes on their faces. The sight of Naruto and Tsunade like this was something that none of them had ever seen before and the way that Tsunade looked as she was being filled to the brim by Naruto’s cock. She was blushing like mad and the same could be said for Naruto as he was buried deeply into her pussy, enjoying the feel of Tsunade’s pussy before he began to move again.

Only this time, he was not going slowly, he was moving at a slightly faster pace which seemed to be to Tsunade’s liking as she did not hesitate to show her pleasure at each thrust that he made. Each time Naruto did that, Tsunade cried out as her body moved in time with his thrusts, just like what they had done when she was riding his cock. This position was also allowing Naruto to hit her pussy in a whole new way along with her G-spot, that only served to add more fuel to his senses.

As this went on, the three could only watch as Naruto was really bringing it on and Tsunade was more than encouraging towards him, he thrust hard and deep into her pussy and she was more than willing to do the same thing, thrusting her hips backward into his pelvis, allowing him to really hit home. The sounds of their wet flesh hitting one another flowed through the room, louder than last time since Naruto was already thrusting into Tsunade’s vagina like a wild beast, and Tsunade was more than eager and pleased to encourage him.






This went on for a while longer, Naruto would then move his hands to Tsunade’s breasts which were moving back and forth with each thrust they both made. As soon as he felt her large and firm breasts, he held them firmly and played with them as he leaned in to lick and kiss Tsunade’s neck, back, and shoulders, not caring at all for the taste of her sweat on his tongue as well. They then kissed one another deeply and it served to finally bring them closer and closer to their orgasm. And sure enough, it did as Naruto then moved his hands away and then moved to take Tsunade’s arms in his hands, making her stand only with her knees and had her back arched a bit while Naruto carried on. Tsunade knew of this and did not mind at all as she cried out his name until they both hit orgasm once again.


THIS time around however, Naruto finally had his orgasm and it was something that had really blown his mind as well as Tsunade. The blonde Hokage and the blonde Genin were both utterly pleased to have finally hit their respective limits and this time, they had both cum at the same time.

Tsunade was enjoying this moment as she felt her pussy being filled to the brim by her lover’s cum and it was utterly worth it. He filled her up so much that it felt like her pussy and womb were going to burst as they were filled by Naruto’s hot and thick seed. Instead of being worried, Tsunade enjoyed each feeling of her lover’s cum in her sex. And while she was still amazed by the fact that he had unleashed a lot, having given her more than four orgasms, all of which he had done in one night, she was undeniably pleased with the results.

As for Naruto, he was happy that he finally unleashed his orgasm and unleashed his cum after all three mind blowing orgasms. He looked to see Tsunade looking at him with a smile and he gently helped her to a resting position and pulled away from her pussy, feeling his cock slid out of her soaking wet sex and soon be out of her vagina, all covered in both their juices.


Tsunade was utterly happy as she kissed Naruto and decided to slowly move away from him to allow him a chance to get his breath back. Once she was away from the blonde Genin, she looked at the other women who were utterly in awe at what they had witnessed. She smiled at that and had to give Naruto a great deal of credit for having made her orgasm at least four times in four different positions in one go before filling her yet again with his delicious cum. AND he was still able to get hard as well, showing his MORE than ample stamina and vitality to her and the others well.

The blonde Hokage moved away from Naruto and then turned back to look at him and his cock and she could not help but smile as she saw his cock become harder again. She decided to make one last move and licked his cock once more. She enjoyed the slight gasp from Naruto as she did not hesitate to lick his cock clean of all her juices as well as that of his cum. And once she was sure that Naruto’s cock was licked clean, she enjoyed the taste of her own juices and his cum before looking at Naruto and then to the three other women and then spoke to the blonde Genin.

“Okay Naruto-kun, I think it’s time for you to give the others the kind of pleasure you gave me…And I want to hear the two of you scream out loudly.”

Naruto gulped but nodded as Tsunade moved to the side and rested down on the bed to watch who was it that Naruto was going to pick. Naruto looked at the three women and could see that all three of them were looking at him very intently and he decided to make his move as he headed for one of them…and that happened to be none other than Temari herself. He moved towards Temari and she gulped a bit as she got up and moved towards him as well and it was not long before they were now in front of one another. As soon as they faced each other, Naruto decided to go for it as he moved to kiss Temari on the cheek which was red from her blush and he began to kiss her face gently.


Temari could not help but gulp a bit as she was slowly being kissed by the blonde Genin, normally this would have been something that she doubted would happen to her this early in her teen life but she did not mind it in the very least. And witnessing Naruto having sex with Tsunade Senju and actually making her orgasm not once, or twice, but four times and STILL be rock hard and eager had a more than potent effect on her. And she was very much eager to see just how her time with Naruto on this island was going to turn out.

She then held Naruto’s head and directed him to kiss her this time around, and the blonde Shinobi was more than willing to let the sister of his best friend take the lead. They kissed slowly at first until Temari decided that she was going to go into this full throttle and began to kiss Naruto a lot more passionately, and Naruto was more than willing to respond in kind, along with pressing his naked form on Temari’s own form. That was something that Temari enjoyed as she began to move her body on Naruto’s own.

It was here that Naruto decided to try something a bit more...risqué as he then moved to part Temari’s legs and as soon as Temari did so, he placed his cock right below her wet sex. Temari gasped as she realized what was the reason why Naruto wanted her to part her legs and that gasp was soon followed by a moan as Naruto began to move his hips back and forth, allowing his cock to move back and forth on her pussy, sending shockwaves through the blonde Suna Jonin as this was something that she had never felt before.

Naruto had NO idea just where he came up with this move of his, but there was no going back now as he committed himself to his actions on Temari’s sex. And it seemed that the results were more than enough to tell him that it was working the way he had thought it was going to work as he felt more of Temari’s juices continue to flow out of her pussy and coating his cock. He did not have any problem with that as the feeling of Temari’s juices on his cock was more than enough to make him do even more with the position that he and Temari was in.

As for Temari, she could not help herself as she enjoyed the feel of Naruto’s more than rock hard cock moving over her pussy lips as well as her clitoris. Each time he moved his hips back and forth, in turn dragging his dick back and forth, send more than enough pleasure through her body. She decided to make her own moves as she moved her hands down to touch her lover’s more than well formed body while she kissed him as well.

Her hands soon reached her lover’s well formed butt and she did not hesitate to caress them, making Naruto groan a bit at the contact. She then moved to begin kissing Naruto’s lips once more and soon moving to kiss his face. Then his chin and cheeks, one she was done, she moved to his neck and chest making Naruto moan out at her action on his body.


Temari enjoyed that and she had no doubt in her mind this was only going to make things between her and Naruto a lot more interesting and entertaining. And she was right as Naruto was now moving his hips back and forth even more. This in turn allowed his cock to move even more in between her pussy lips and under her clit. Each action that he did in that moment was more than enough to send shivers of pleasure up and down Temari’s spine, and through the rest of her body as well as they carried on with what they were doing to one another.

Naruto soon decided to make his own move as he moved to kiss Temari’s neck as well making the blonde Kunoichi move away for a moment and that allowed him to kiss the blonde Kunoichi deeply. Temari was more than happy to reciprocate his actions on her body in that moment and as soon as they parted from the kiss, he carried on to kiss her neck and her shoulders, making her smile at his actions. That was soon replaced with gasps of pleasure as he moved to kiss the top areas of her breasts and he soon moved to kissing them even more as well as licking them to boot.

He then decided to move away from Temari a bit and was now kneeling right there in front of her. This stopped him from using his cock on her pussy and clit and it was not something neither blonde liked a good deal. But that was soon placed aside as Naruto began to suck, lick and kiss her breasts and nipples while using his hands on her breasts as well as her thighs and pussy. This was more than enough to make up for him being in this position as he carried on lavishing full attention on Temari’s bust and her sex at the very same time.



Temari was finding it had to remain standing at this moment as Naruto continued to pleasure her body, each time he used his hands on her thighs, ass, and pussy, it was delicious to her, couple that with the pleasure she got from him pleasuring her breasts and nipples and she was more than happy to be like this. It was not easy standing through all this but she was not going to change position as the pleasure was too good for her to even think about doing at all in the very place.

Tsunade watched at what Naruto was doing and was happy for what she was able to see as there was no doubt in her mind that both of them were enjoying this. Ino and Shion also could see that both Temari and Naruto were enjoying themselves a great deal as well and they were all hoping that when it was their turn with Naruto, it too was going to be all worth it in the long run.

As for the two in question, they were enjoying every moment that they were together and it was not long before one of them was going to reach orgasm, and it was none other than Temari herself. The reason for that was naturally due to the fact that she had not done anything like this before in her life and as each action Naruto took was making her reach the limit. The real strike came when Naruto soon moved away from her breasts and nipples moving his other attention to her wet sex and clit.

Temari cried out her lover’s name the very second Naruto licked her clitoris and sent a wave of pure pleasure through her body.


Naruto continued to pleasure her clitoris, after licking it a number of times, he moved to her pussy and then began to lick her sex’s outer lips. He was quick to taste Temari’s juices and it tasted differently, there was a cleaner taste along with being sweet and also having a bit of a taste that was similar to some fruits that he had eaten as it had a different level of sweetness and a bit of tanginess to boot. All in all however, it was not bad and he was more than willing to take in as much of her juices as he could. He did his actions very slowly to make sure that he was going to give the most pleasure to Temari’s body to make sure that when he was done, she would do the very same thing to him as well.

He also made sure to use his hands to touch her butt as well as her pussy and clit when he moved away to get a bit of oxygen into his body. He did it slowly and deliberately to see how she would react and her pleasured cries were telling him to carry on with his actions. He moved back to using his tongue and lips after making sure to use his fingers on both her pussy and clit. Naruto then thrust his tongue deeply into her sex, making Temari moan out deeply at his bold actions and he was able to taste more of her juices. He moved his tongue in and out of her sex, enjoying the heat and wetness he was able to sense there in her with his tongue. He would then stop a bit and then moved to using his fingers while licking her clit with his tongue, in doing that he was soon able to locate her G-spot, which was further confirmed when Temari trembled deeply and looked as if she was going to fall down when he touched that spot.

Naruto moved in for the kill there and continued to bring Temari closer and closer to orgasm with his actions until it finally happened. Temari cried out deeply and soon Naruto readied himself for the inevitable release of the blonde Suna Kunoichi’s honey…and release it did.


Temari felt her body shake and feel hotter than ever before the very second she felt her orgasm. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before in her life as the feelings of release moved up all throughout her nerves and through her bones, and it was taking a great deal of effort for her to remain standing. She looked down to see Naruto still there between her legs and lapping away at her juices, and that made her blush even more as she did nothing to stop him in his actions.

She was more than ready and willing to take her own initiative as she moved away and made Naruto stand up and she did not hesitate to move to kiss Naruto once more. The kiss was deep between the two blondes and they were more than willing to use their tongues in their kiss. Once they were done with kissing one another, the blonde Kunoichi made her move as she moved down to be in front of Naruto’s rock hard cock, she blushed a lot more as she looked at his cock and before anything could happen, she began to kiss his cock. That was more than enough to make Naruto gasp a bit at her actions and that was more than enough to goad her to take things a bit further.

She began to lick his cock at the sides and enjoyed the taste of his sex as well as her own, she was not sure about it at first but she was quick to find doing this enjoyable, and she did not mind tasting her own juices on her tongue. As she carried on, she also made sure to use her tongue as well as her hands on her lover’s cock and testicles to pleasure her lover the way she felt would be good, and Naruto’s moans were more than enough to convince her that she was going towards the correct direction with her actions on him. She licked his cock back and forth from side to side, and from tip to base, then back again as well as using her tongue and mouth on his testicles as well.



Naruto could not help but feel the pleasure flow through his body with the actions begin given to him by Temari and he could not help but smile at the sight of Temari doing this. She was a very attractive woman and he could not help but admire the way that Temari was doing her actions and he vowed to give her a great deal of pleasure in kind for what she was doing. He continued to watch Temari and he was given a great sight as Temari began to suck the sides of his cock as well as taking in his testicles into her mouth while using her tongue, he knew that this was going to be the prelude to what was going to happen once Temari was feeling more than ready to take the whole thing to the next level.

And his thoughts on the matter were proven right as Temari began to suck on the tip of his cock. He could only gasp out as he felt Temari begin to make her move.


Temari managed to calm herself and begin to take in her lover’s cock and while she had not done anything like this before, she was more than willing to try this own. She started slowly and carefully to make sure that she was going to be able to do this without having any difficulty in taking in Naruto’s cock. The sight of what Tsunade had done was something that she could not remove from her mind and the fact that she had been able to train to fight her gag reflex recently when she became a Jonin, made her wonder if she could do the same thing that Tsunade had done. She calmed herself a bit more as she took in more of Naruto’s cock bit by bit and when she felt that she was ready for this, she decided to take it all in.

She did just that and was happy that she was able to control her gag reflex and she felt Naruto’s thick, hard, and long cock reach the back of her throat, she used her tongue on it and enjoyed the feel of her lover’s cock in her mouth and looked to see that Naruto himself was enjoying it all, making her happy that she was able to make him very happy. She decided to take her time and wait for her body to get used to this position and when she felt ready, she began to move her head back, making sure to do it slowly while licking Naruto’s cock at the same time.

Once she was almost away from Naruto’s cock, she then moved to take back in his cock slowly, getting herself into a pace that was going to be good and comfortable for the two of them. She knew that she was going to have to do this slowly to make sure that she was going to do it right and when she was used to it, she was going to speed things up, but not before trying something that she had seen Tsunade do with Naruto.

Naruto continued to look at Temari was slowly picking up the pace and taking his cock all the way to the back of her throat while using her tongue on the sides of his cock. The feelings that came through his body were more than welcome and he had no doubt that he was going to reach his limit soon enough. But he was going to see a lot more soon as Temari then moved away and then placed his cock right between her breasts which were then pressed together to form a vice, she then looked at Naruto and smiled a bit before speaking to him seriously.

“Move you’re hips Naruto-kun.”

Naruto was confused for only a moment but he was quick to figure out just what was it that Temari wanted and smiled a bit as he began to moved his hips back a bit, allowing him to feel her breasts around his cock. He did not have much room to move in but it was enough as he moaned at the pleasure while Temari herself enjoyed the feel of her lover’s cock moving in and out of her breasts.

This was something that the two of them were quick to enjoy greatly and it served to make Naruto come closer to loosing his composure. If anyone told him that he was going to be moving his cock in and out of Temari‘s breasts, he would have called the person insane and ignored him or her for the rest of his life, but it seemed that he was going to be doing after all and he enjoyed it. It was also obvious to him and to the others in the hut that Temari herself was enjoying the whole thing and there was no doubt that he was going to reach his limits soon.

Temari then moved Naruto’s cock away from her breasts and back into her mouth, continuing her actions on her lover’s cock. And this time around she was now used to it and was moving at a more serious pace and it was obvious that Naruto was enjoying the pleasure of what Temari was doing to his sex right now.




Naruto felt his body soon reach it’s limits and he felt that he was soon going to orgasm and spoke to Temari through gritted teeth.

“I am going to....Temari-chan...”


Temari did not mind and carried on with her actions, eager to taste his cum to see if it was just as delicious as Tsunade had shown on her face when she tried it herself only minutes before. And she did not have to wait long as Naruto finally cried out his release.


That was the only warning she was going to get as she was greeted by a large amount of Naruto’s cum entering her mouth and it amazed Temari that Naruto still managed to have this much cum in him. The taste however was very good, sweet, clean, and was certainly enriching, and there was...something about Naruto’s cum that made her happy to taste it. And taste it she did as Temari took in more and more of the hot and thick cum of her lover’s seed. She moved back a bit to allow her mouth to recover while she still took in all of Naruto’s cum. Once she was able to move back and release Naruto’s cock from her mouth, some of the streams hit her face, moved down her cheeks, and her chin. Some of it also moved down to her breasts and nipples and she enjoyed the warmth and thickness of the cum on her skin. The smell was good and it even made her skin tingle which was something that she did not expect.

As for Naruto himself, he could not help but be aroused by the sight of Temari like this and swallowing his cum which was in her mouth while some of that same seed was on her blushing face as well as moving breasts and nipples. He could not help but watch her as she began to wipe away the still hot and thick cum on her face and lick her fingers clean, but as for the rest of it on her face, she began to rub it on her breasts. The sight of that being done was something that Naruto enjoyed and he could not help but feel his cock become hard once more.

This did not escape the notice of the others, and Temari even more so as she was awed as Naruto was now back to full mast. She could not wait and lay down on her back and parting her legs to let Naruto see her soaking wet sex. Her invitation was more than welcome to the blonde Genin as Naruto was soon on the move and was now between Temari’s parted legs and she was blushing at the way Naruto was looking at her. She felt like she was going to faint from the way that her lover was looking intensely at her but she did not mind and allowed him to enjoy the sight of her like this before him.

Naruto did enjoy it and soon he had some very interesting ideas to try out from that he had learned. He decided to get things under way as he soon moved to position his cock right there at the entrance to Temari’s most precious spot. He ran his cock’s head up and down Temari’s very wet and hot pussy, enjoying the pleasure that ran through his cock and the looks fo pleasure on Temari’s own face.

As soon as he was done, he moved in slowly, taking his time to make sure that he was going to do it right and not hurt Temari. It was not like she was weak or anything, far from it, but he wanted to make sure that he was not going to do something that would hurt Temari. As soon as he pushed in his cock past her pussy’s outer lips he looked to see how she was handling it and it seemed that Temari was doing all right at the moment. She looked deeply at him and gave him a nod that was her way of telling him to go for it.

He hesitated for only a moment before pushing his cock all the way into Temari’s sex, the heat, smoothness, and wetness in her sex was more than enough to help him move until he was buried up to the hilt into her vagina. The feelings of being buried this deeply into Temari’s sex was more than enough to really test ever nerve in his body but he held it all together and waited to let Temari recover her own energy and wits before he moved on to take this situation to the highest that he could manage.



Temari could not help but cry out in pleasure as Naruto drove his cock deeply into her vagina and was now deep inside of her sex. It made her feel a deep sense of oneness that defied everything those magazines she had looked at had said about how it would feel for a woman to have her first time with a man. There was some pain as she had never done anything like this before, but that pain was soon quickly driven away by the pleasure that was soon now flowing through her body.

As soon as she felt more comfortable she looked at Naruto and smiled at the way he was looking right at her and she was more than willing to speak to her about what she wanted from him right now.

“Naruto-kun, go for it. Don’t make me wait any longer.”

Naruto was more than ready for that and began to move his hips back and then took hold of Temari’s legs, lifting them up to his shoulder in a V shape while continuing to move his cock back out, all the while Temari moaned out as the sensations of pleasure were running through her body in that moment and making her feel a lot more alive that she had thought. Once he was able to get himself nearly out, of her sex, he pushed his dick right back in and that was more than welcomed by Temari as she moaned out her pleasure to him at that moment.


Naruto slowly withdrew once more and then moved himself back into Temari’s sex, making the blonde Kunoichi moan and that was more than enough to make Naruto move again and again. The pleasure that was going through their bodies was certainly worth every second, naturally Naruto was going things slow to get used to being in Temari’s sex and also to allow Temari to get used to the pleasure and the pace in what they were doing. He held on Temari’s legs as he moved his hips back and forth slowly and he also made sure to kiss her legs as well as running his tongue there to send some more pleasure to Temari.

Temari herself could not help but enjoy the pleasure that was flowing through her nerves and flesh, as she looked to see Naruto who was looking right back at her and the sight of him naked like this was something that she was going to enjoy for a very long time.

Both of the lovers could not help but enjoy the sight of each other naked with Naruto enjoying the sight of Temari fully naked, her body covered in sweat, her breasts moving with each thrust that he was using in driving his cock deeply into her sex, and her face flushed with red as she looked at him with passion and lust in her eyes. As for Temari, the sight of Naruto’s well toned body there between her thighs, his body soaked in sweat, and the way his face was flushed and his eyes burning with passion with each thrust that he did made him look all the more tempting.

Their audience continued to watch the two of them and they could not help but admire the sight of what Temari and Naruto were doing to one another and it was was not going to be long before things between the two were going to heat up. And heat up it did as Naruto began to increase the speed and power of this thrusts into Temari’s hot and wet sex. In turn Temari was more than willing to cry out her own level of pleasure in this moment and that was soon joined by the cries made by both Naruto and Temari as things were getting a lot more heated up by the second.






That was more than enough proof for both lovers that they were soon going to reach orgasm. Temari was deeply looking forward to it and the same could be said for Naruto himself. And they were soon going to get their wish as both of them finally reached their orgasm and hit it at the very same time.

Temari could not help but feel like she was on fire as the pleasure flowed through every nerve in her body and it was a very good feeling. She felt her lover’s cock still deep in her sex and was amazed to sense that he was still rock hard and had not released his cum into her sex. Instead of being dismayed by that, she was looking forward to when he was going to release his seed into her sex and how it was all going to feel when he did unleash his seed into her body.
As for Naruto he felt Temari’s inner walls milking his cock as he stayed still, enjoying the heat, wetness, softness, and tightness of her sex. It was more than what he had been hoping for and it was something that he knew was totally different from the time he had been with Tsunade. He also noted that he did not release his cum again, and while he could guess that he was not fully recovered from what happened between him and Tsunade, he was not too worried. It was still a question why was it that he had not released his seed yet but that can wait.
Once more the Kyuubi laughed at the way this was playing out, and enjoying the sensations flowing through his chakra connection with the blonde Genin’s body. It was going the same thing it had done before when Tsunade and Naruto were driving each other out of their respective minds. And it seemed that it was a good move on it’s part as it watched Naruto try something new.

((“Got to give you credit for creativity kit…now let’s see you deliver the goods.”)).



Temari could not help but moan as she was now sitting on Naruto’s hips with his cock buried deeply into her sex once more,. This was similar to what he had done with Tsunade before, but there was a difference between their position and the one Naruto had been in with Tsunade. And that was the fact that he was right behind her and she was facing away from him. When they both had recovered from their orgasm, Naruto moved away and then hauled her up gently to straddle his hips while he was still buried inside of her. It was a bit risky but it was done, and when they were like this, he then had her turn around slowly, making them gasp as his cock was still deep in her sex.

This was something that she had heard about herself but never tried and all she could do was try to gather her energy, not an easy thing to do after her second orgasm of the night. And how Naruto knew of this she did not know, but now was not the right time to be asking such questions.
As for Naruto he could not help but grit his teeth a bit in pleasure as he then moved his hands forward to touch Temari’s body. Namely her breasts and her nipples, making her moan out deeply at his actions. He did not mind at all as he then whispered directly into Temari’s ear as gently and seductively as he could manage on short notice.

“Go on Temari-chan, go ahead and do it.”

The blonde Kunoichi was more than ready to take things to the next level as she began to move her hips up slowly. The pleasure for the two of them began to climb even higher and Naruto could not help himself as he began to lavish kisses on Temari’s back and shoulders. That action made Temari smile as she felt the pleasure of her actions flow through her body quickly. And when she felt that she was nearly off of Naruto’s cock, she then stopped, and then moved her hips back down to allow Naruto’s cock to flow back into her pussy…that made her moan deeply as she felt herself being filled by his rock hard dick yet again.


She did this again and again slowly while using her hands to stabilize herself by holding on Naruto’s legs. She enjoyed the pleasure of thrusting her hips down to take in her lover’s cock while she enjoyed the sensations of her breasts and nipples being massaged by Naruto as she felt his hands on her mounds.
As for Naruto he could not help himself as he felt Temari’s more than well formed breasts in his hands as well as feeling her hard nipples there. He played with them carefully and enjoyed feeling them in her hands as well as feeling Temari’s inner sex continuing to take in his cock each time Temari lowered her hips. He did not do anything to interrupt Temari as he was going to make sure that he enjoyed this for all that it was going to be worth.

He was not going to be idle however as he continued to lavish kisses on her shoulders as well as her neck and he would also move his hands to her hips and thighs. He also decided to move his hands closer to her pussy and by doing so, he was able to feel her wetness flow down from her sex. He found the wetness to be very much welcome and he enjoyed that and then tried something that he had recalled in one of the things he had read about in one of the magazines. He allowed his left hand to be coated by her juices while moving his right hand back to her breasts. Once he was able to do those things and his hands were in position, he made his move.

Temari could not help but enjoy the feel of her lover’s hands all over her body, but she was given the surprise of her life when Naruto began to rub her clitoris with his left hand while using his right hand on both her breasts and the pleasure that flowed through her from him caressing her breasts and nipples along with him pleasuring her clitoris at the same time was utterly wonderful in her mind as she made that obvious with the moans she made.




The pleasure that was hitting Temari was evident to Naruto and he silently thanked himself for the creative idea as he then would change his hands as well to give a mixture of pleasure to Temari. He would move his left hand away and move his right hand to where the left was, let his right hand get wet and then move to pleasure her clit as well as her pussy lips while his left hand went to pleasure her breasts and nipples at the same time.

As for Temari, she enjoyed the pleasure flowing through her and she could not help but move her head to her shoulder and that was enough to allow her to kiss Naruto deeply, and he was more than willing to kiss her right back and they were really kissing deeply with one another. And once they were done kissing one another deeply. Once they parted from one another, Temari began to pick up the pace, moving her hips up and down faster while making sure to thrust her hips harder and deeper this time around.

The others were enjoying the sight before them as well and at this moment, they were surprised to see that Naruto was still going strong, though this time it was Temari was doing all the movement and he was only going to stay still. It was s surprising in more ways than one but they were not going to complain in the very least.

It was not long before Temari was moving at a faster pace this time around and Naruto was still using his hands on both her breasts, nipples, and her sex while kissing and licking her neck and ears. And Temari was more than vocal about the pleasure that was now riding up and down her body with each rise and fall of her body, allowing Naruto’s cock to go in and out of her sex.




Naruto gritted his teeth as the pleasure continued to run through his body and he was having a hard time resisting the urge to thrust up and down. He was reminding himself that this was Temari’s turn to have fun and he was not going to spoil it for her. If anyone told him right now that he was going to be doing this to his best friend Gaara’s oldest sibling and only sister. He would have not hesitated to shout at the person and call him…or her…nuts. But he was doing it and it was soooo good. He was sure that at any moment he was going to finally release his cum into her sex this time around and he was looking forward to it as well.

It was then and there that he finally reached his limit at the same time that Temari herself reached her own limits as they cried out at the very same time.


Temari could not help but enjoy the pleasure flow through her body in this moment and it was so worth it as she felt the waves of sensations run through every part of her body. As she did so, she leaned back into Naruto’s shoulder, enjoying the results of her third orgasm for this night. She then turned to face Naruto and he was more than willing to face her and kiss her at the same time. She could not help but be amazed by the fact that despite her orgasm and the fact that he cried out his own release, he had not yet released his cum into her sex.

It amazed her that despite what happened between them, he was still able to hold it together, not that she did not mind, she felt that it was not going to be long before Naruto finally released all of his cum. And after all that they had done together, she was looking forward to the feel of his cum in her sex when he finally did release it.

As for Naruto, he was still reeling from the feel of Temari’s orgasm as her inner walls were milking him again. The heat and wetness was driving him up the wall while he and Temari were kissing one another senseless and when they parted, he knew already that he was soon going to reach his limits. But not before trying another idea that came into his mind.

As soon as Temari relaxed, he made his move as he gently released her, removed his cock from her sex slowly, and lowered her to the bed, but then made her lie on the side and then lifted her right leg over to his shoulder, allowing her sex to be exposed once more, and this time he did not stop and thrust deeply into her sex once more as soon as he was in position.

All the other women watched in amazement that Naruto still had it in him, and his Kyuubi resident was merely grinning away and enjoying itself immensely.


Temari could not help but enjoy the feel of Naruto’s cock deeply in her sex as he thrust deep and hard into her pussy. The blonde sister of Gaara and Kankuro could not help herself as this new position was something that she had not heard of and she wondered just where the blonde Shinobi had learned this one. This time around, Naruto was not going slow and gentle, but fast and hard which was something that she did not mind at all in any way shape or form as all of her orgasms thus far had really driven her to delicious delirium.



Naruto was now moving fast and hard while holding Temari’s right leg on his shoulder, despite the speed and power he was using, he made sure not to sit on her other leg and kneel instead as the pleasure for the two of them began to grow higher and hotter. The pace between them grew even more by the second and it was going to be one heck of an end between the two of them. The blonde Genin and Jinchuuriki was happy and hoped to finally reach his orgasm and unleash his seed into Temari’s sex.

Temari herself was more than eager for it as she wanted to finally feel her lover’s cum flow into every area of her vagina. The effects of her previous orgasms were still there and making her all the more eager to finally feel Naruto’s hot and thick seed enter her sex. She could not help but look at Naruto as he soon leaned forward to play with her breasts and nipples with one hand and used his other hand to pleasure her clit as well as run a bit on her sex’s outer lips at the very same time.

The two were already going at it on full throttle as the other blondes in the room were watching all the while. Ino was more than eager to have her turn though she was feeling very well as aroused. Shion was in the very same boat as well as she knew that sooner or later, after Ino, it was going to be her turn and she hoped deeply that she was going to be able to handle what was about to happen to her. As for Tsunade, this sight before her served to make her all the more interested on what they should do once they got back to Konoha.

But for now...all they could do was watch as both Temari and Naruto were getting all the more vocal as they came closer and closer to orgasm.







Both Temari and Naruto were really going at it with all power as both began to get closer and closer to orgasm, and it was something that the two of them were very much hoping for as they had no idea how much longer they could hold on. Naruto was hoping to finally release his seed and allow himself a chance to rest. Temari was getting closer to her fourth orgasm and hoped that this was going to be the time that she was going to be filled by her lover’s seed. It was going to be some thing that both of them were looking forward to...

And they were not going to have to wait for very long as they finally reached the orgasm that the both of them wanted very much.


Naruto finally felt his cum shoot out in a large number of hot streams flowing out of his dick and enjoyed the release as he thrust hard and deep one last time and could not help but enjoy it. He looked to see Temari was also aware of his release of his cum into her sex and she was utterly pleased with it as her body was tensed up in her own orgasm. He could feel her release as well as her inner walls were milking him for all that he was worth and he could not help but feel more and more of his cum shoot out into her, filling her up to the brim.

Temari herself was finally happy to feel the hot and thick streams of her lover’s cum in her pussy, she felt his cock pulse and quiver as it released more of his seed into her body. It was something that she had really wanted and was amazed to find that despite everything, Naruto was still able to release so much of his seed in that moment and yet still be rock hard. No one she knew could last this long and yet here was Naruto and no doubt his...resident had something to do with it...willingly or not she could not tell. But she did not are as her pleasure addled brain simply wanted to enjoy this moment.

As they both parted, Temari was exhausted by all four orgasms, but was happy as she moved away to rest and recover. She directed her attention to Ino as she knew that it was going to be Ino’s turn and she merely smiled at her and spoke in a very satisfied tone of voice.

“Get ready for a very good ride with Naruto-kun...I promise you he will really make you happy."

The blonde sister of Gaara then ended her turn with Naruto by moving to his cock which was soaked with her cum and his own. And without any show of disgust she did the same thing that Tsunade had done, and that was to lick her lover’s cock clean. Once she was done licking it clean of all traces of her cum and his seed, she moved away to allow Ino to make her move.

Ino moved towards Naruto who was surprised that even after all of that, he was not feeling too tired at all, even after what he had done with Tsunade and Temari. He then moved to join the blushing Konoha Kunoichi and soon they were facing one another as the others observed to see if Naruto could continue to bring the last two of them to orgasm.

Ino could not help but feel something run through her mind as she and Naruto faced one another and that feeling was shyness. This was something that she did not feel often except with those she had a crush on. But instead of feeling bad and odd, this felt nice and she was more than ready to try seducing the blonde Genin before her, and she smiled at that train of thought and placed it into action.

She started it out by reaching for Naruto’s face and then kissing him deeply, and with some level of passionate aggressiveness. That was something that Naruto was more than willing to answer with the same passionate aggressiveness as he kissed the blonde Kunoichi right back. The two were still standing, but not for long as Naruto began to guide Ino to a nearby table that they had brought from a salvage run and used for placing some things in the place they used as a home. Once they were near the table, Naruto was quick to lift Ino to it and he was soon making her lean down with him on top of her.

Naruto started things once more as he began to kiss Ino again and moved his oral attention to her neck and then her breasts and nipples. Much to the blonde Kunoichi’s delight, Naruto’s actions were changing to make sure that he was going to pleasure her the way she wanted. And Naruto did not disappoint and she was more than willing to guide his actions on her breasts and nipples to make sure that he was going to do it all right.




Ino’s moans were more than enough to tell Naruto that his actions were having the right effect on the blonde Kunoichi and therefore enough to convince him to carry on with his actions. He moved from her right breast and nipple to her left breast and nipple to make sure that she was given the right balance of pleasure to make her more than happy. He also decided to move his free hand to the lower part of Ino’s body. And in doing so, he moved to her stomach, running his fingers slowly down to her hips, passing over the patch of blonde hair in between her thighs. He passed over that easily and was now able to touch her clitoris and pussy, and he could tell that Ino’s sex was utterly wet once his fingers were right there.

He then decided to movd his fingers in and out of her pussy slowly, timing his movements with his fingers and that of his tongue on her breasts and nipples at the very same time. That course of action was more than enough to make Ino cry out even more as well as squirm underneath him, adding to his overall enjoyment as he carried on to make Ino more than happy with the pleasure that was flowing all over her body.

Ino enjoyed the pleasure immensely and could not help but be amazed at how quickly Naruto was able to find out how to make her body sing with pleasure and heat with his tongue as well as his fingers. The blonde Kunoichi decided not to do anything right now as she had every intention of paying Naruto back once he was done bringing her to full orgasm and she did not have to wait for too long as he was already doing a great deal of things to her body right there and then.

As for Naruto he decided that now was the right time for him to make his next move on Ino as he now headed off to direct his attention to her sex, but not before moving his fingers away, much to Ino’s disappointment, which he dealt with when he licked her nipples and breasts. Once he was done, he moved to her lower body, kissing and licking his way there all the while and she was more than willing to make her enjoyment known to him as she moaned out deeply with each action until he was now between her legs.

He could not help but admire the way that Ino looked right now on the table when he gazed at her, his gaze then moved to her sex and he quickly got himself to a kneeling position to align himself properly with her sex and he took a good whiff of Ino’s scent and he enjoyed the smell as it was different from Tsunade and Temari’s own scent. He looked up to see that Ino was looking right at him with a deep blush on her face, he smiled warmly at that and went back to her sex.

Ino could not help but feel all the more anxious and eager as she was waiting for Naruto to make his move. Back then she would have wanted Sasuke to do it, but it now felt right for Naruto to be doing it, he had changed a great deal from the loudmouth that he was,. Those thoughts however were soon placed aside when she finally felt his warm breath on her sex and it was more than enough to send shivers up and down her spine.

She felt her sex get wetter at the exact moment that she finally felt Naruto’s lips on her pussy, that sensation was more than enough to make her gasp and shiver at the pleasure that hit her at that exact moment. That sensation increased even more as Naruto began to run his lips on her pussy, doing it slowly to make her feel even more aroused. Naruto balanced that by also kissing her hips as well as her thighs, adding even more sensations all over her body that instant.

Ino could not help herself anymore as she finally spoke to Naruto in a very aroused and pleading tone of voice.

“Naruto-kun…stop….playing with me…”

Naruto smirked at that and decided to let it last a bit longer, making Ino squirm until he finally made his mouth, but licking her clitoris first, then running his tongue up and down her outer pussy lips. That was more than enough to not only allow him to taste her juices but to also feel her heat. Ino’s juices were also sweet with a hint of saltiness which was balanced by the fact that she tasted clean, an= way to show that she had never done it with anyone before.


Ino could not help but react to the pleasure that was moving through her as she was also holding on the table very hard. She was happy that it was a strong table and was able to hold her weight and she looked to see Naruto taking his sweet time, moving his tongue back and forth on her pussy as well as her clit. She had no idea how Naruto was quickly able to figure out how he was able to learn just how to pleasure her the way she wanted, but she was not going to complain at all as she could now see why Naruto was able to pleasure Tsunade and Temari to the point that he could make them cry out his name loudly and without any shame or reservations in any stretch of the imagination.



Naruto relished the sounds that Ino was making, very different from the way that she used to speak and shout about when excited or interested, or when having a fight with Sakura over something that he knew was best not to get involved by any means. He carried on and could tell quickly by the increasing amount of heat and wetness coming from her sex, Ino was soon going to reach her orgasm and he was right on the target as Ino finally screamed out loudly in release.


Ino’s juices all flowed out of her sex in that exact moment and it took all that he had to take in as much of her honey as he could. The taste was right there on the tip of his tongue and he naturally enjoyed every moment of it all as he continued to take it all in. Once he was done, he decided to see just how Ino was feeling and the sight of her nude form covered in sweat, her face flushed with red, her eyes looking at him with passion and lust, her breasts moving with each breath she took in slowly and her pussy still releasing her juices, was more than enough to make him smile.

The blonde Shinobi licked his lips for Ino to see and she smiled at that as she quickly got to a sitting position on the strong table and without bothering to say anything, she kissed him. He was surprised slightly but did nothing to stop Ino from kissing him and even kissed her right back at the very same time. Their kiss was very deep and intense until they parted and he felt Ino begin to lick her own juices from his face…making him moan deeply and say her name out as well.


Ino enjoyed that and decided to repay Naruto as she then made him stand up and soon she made her move as she lay on the table on her back and was now face to face with his cock. This was something that she had read about from a magazine that she had found in private, and while the idea behind this sounded rather off, she was willing to give the whole thing a try to see how it was going to do.

As for Naruto, he could not help but be amazed at the way that this position looked, He allowed Ino to guide him as she licked his cock slowly and gently, and despite the odd position that she was in, Ino did not show any discomfort at all. He watched as she then guided his cock to her mouth and she spoke to him.

“Wait for me to tell you when Naruto-kun, okay?”

Naruto nodded as Ino began to relax herself and he wondered just what she had in mind for what this was going to be. Ino herself relaxed herself and after making sure to position her throat and mouth the way the book specified, she began to relax her muscles in her neck and mouth as well as channeling some of her chakra for what she was about to do. As soon as she was ready, she spoke once more to Naruto.

“Go ahead Naruto-kun, thrust your cock slowly into my mouth.”

Naruto’s eyes widened at that and hoped that Ino was going to be all right with what they were about to do with one another as this was something that he was not expecting from Ino of all people. But he could see that she was deeply serious about what they were about to do with one another and he made his move. He started the whole thing and began to slowly move his cock into her mouth, and it seemed that Ino was all right with that was about to happen as she took in his cock slowly.

He did things slowly to make sure that he was going to do it right and not do something wrong, but he was able to feel Ino becoming more used to it. Once he was done, he waited for a moment or two and looked at Ino who was blushing deeply with his cock in her mouth. He also felt Ino begin to use her tongue on his cock despite the position she was in and it surprised him that he was enjoying to position that they were in. He did not move at all to make sure that she was comfortable and ready for what was about to happen.

As for Ino herself, she was enjoying this as she continued to lick and suck on Naruto’s cock, she did not move at all as she moved to use her hands to make Naruto touch her, she took his hands into her very own hands and guided them to her breasts to allow him to play with them. She moaned a bit more as Naruto soon began to move back his hips while playing with her breasts as well as her nipples. She enjoyed the feel of his cock moving in her mouth while using her tongue as best she could considering the position she was in of lying on the table facing Naruto on her back, and her head angled to allow Naruto’s cock a straight line into her mouth. Not the easiest position to be sure, and not exactly comfortable, but she was a Kunoichi and she had been training hard to be adaptive so this was not too bad to her in her mind.

Temari, Shion, and Tsunade were surprised at Ino’s action though the older Kunoichi had seen that move from before and smiled as she could see that both were doing it right.




Naruto could not help himself as he continued to move his hips back and forth, the sight of his cock moving in and out of Ino’s mouth with her tongue moving all over his cock was something that he could not help but find very arousing. Naturally he was careful to not injure Ino and also allow her to breath in air since this position would pose a bit of a problem. Thankfully when he moved back, Ino would take in air with her nose and she seemed to be in a position that was good. He would also lean forward a bit to reach her breasts and nipples, lavishing attention on them, showing his very own level of flexibility.
Ino was enjoying the pleasure she was getting and despite the position, she was all right with what they were doing, and Naruto’s own actions on her breasts and nipples added to the overall sensations. And she was more than ready for Naruto to finally reach his limit. And it was not going to be long before she was given what she was striving for as Naruto finally reached his limits after more thrusts in and out of her mouth. He made one last thrust as he cried out his release.


That was the only warning that Ino was getting as she finally was treated to the feeling of Naruto unleashing streams of his cum into her mouth. She managed to control herself and counter the gag reflex as more of Naruto’s seed flowed into her throat and into her mouth, she was able to taste some of it and she loved the taste of it all. The blonde Kunoichi moaned deeply and did not move as Naruto began to move his cock out of her mouth. And once he moved his cock out of her mouth, Ino was hit by several streams of her lover’s seed. Some of the cum landed on her face as she closed her eyes, and she felt some land on her throat and on her breasts at the same time.

She moaned and swallowed some of what she could as she soon moved to a sitting position and facing Naruto. The blonde woman looked at Naruto and she blushed as she saw that despite his orgasm, he was still rock hard and he was blushing deeply as he looked at her. Ino smiled deeply at that as she then used her hands to wipe his cum on her breasts and nipples while cleaning her lips and face of her cum with her fingers. She then licked her fingers clean of his seed and then moved back on the table and parted her legs for Naruto, showing that she was very eager for more.

Naruto did not disappoint as he moved quickly and without making a mistake, began to push his cock on Ino’s pussy. The young Kunoichi moaned deeply as she felt his cock go past her pussy lips and slowly move into her wet pussy. As for him, he could not help but grit his teeth in pleasure and an effort to control himself until he was buried deeply into Ino’s sex.


Ino could not help herself as she was now looking at Naruto was now between her legs and began to thrust his cock into her pussy. She had played with herself before and had read all the books, but feeling a man’s cock moving into her sex was something that she had only read about but never experienced herself in any way, shape or form. She could only moan out deeply as Naruto began to drive his cock deeper and deeper into her sex. She could feel her inner sheath begin to stretch as it tried to take in Naruto’s more than rock hard and aroused cock, and the pain that came briefly was soon washed over by pleasure and a sense of fullness that really made her very happy.

As for Naruto himself, he could not help but enjoy the sensations of Ino’s sex taking him in, the heat, wetness, softness, and tightness of Ino’s inner sheath was utterly different from what he had felt when he was with Temari and Tsunade, and he liked that a very good deal. As soon as he was buried deeply into Ino’s sex, he did not move to tease Ino and help her get used to his cock in her sex. As soon as he felt that she was ready, he began to move slowly back out, making sure to look at Ino to see just how she was taking the whole thing.

Ino’s moans were enough to tell Naruto that he was doing all right at the moment and when he was nearly out, he pushed deeply into her again, all the way to the hilt, which was something that Ino utterly enjoyed as she then wrapped her legs around his waist They carried on with their actions towards one another and Naruto was more than willing to go slowly as he could tell from Ino’s tightness that she had never done anything like this before.

And Naruto was right, sure she played with herself to orgasm before in private, but she had never gone that far. And even though her barrier was gone, Ino was by all rights a virgin and it showed in her moans as well as her expressions as Naruto continued to move his hips back and forth, with her helping along by moving her legs to make sure that he was thrusting deeply into her sex just the way she wanted him to. And both of them were more than willing to moan out their pleasure for the two of them and anyone else to hear.





Both Ino and Naruto were utterly pleased with their actions towards one another and it was not going to be very long before they were going to pick up the pace with one another’s sex. And as they did so, the pleasure for them began to build quickly, and it was obvious to the two that they were both going to reach their respective orgasm and they were looking forward to that moment to happen.

It was not long before they were able to reach their orgasm as the pleasure reached a very high point as both of them were really going at it.
They did not have to wait for long as both of them finally shouted out that the very same time.


The two parted from one another to get some breath in and Ino was still breathing in and out while Naruto’s cock was still coated in her juices yet it had not softened. He was a bit tired himself and needed to get some energy back into himself.

But it was hardly the end as Naruto still had plenty of chakra left in him as he still had not reach his orgasm. With that in mind, he got his energy back and began to make his move on Ino, and she was in the same boat as he was as she began to recover somewhat though still in the grip of her orgasm. And naturally in his current state of mind, Naruto was more than willing and ready to take advantage of it.

In Naruto’s mind…

The Kyuubi laughed yet again as it watched the events unfolding before it as the blonde Jinchuuriki it was bound to was now getting back up to speed…as it were. The bijuu was having too much fun and at least this was a good substitute to fighting until he and his container actually fought something worth killing. But that can wait, for now, there was still the rest of the night before the blonde Kunoichi that Naruto was giving quite the ride would finally call it the end. The Kyuubi was also rather eager to see just what was going to happen once Naruto and this priestess Shion got it together.

There was something about the idea of deflowering a priestess that deeply appealed to the bijuu and it was looking forward to that. For now, he had work to do.


Ino shivered deeply and moaned as she was now leaning forward while facing away from Naruto on a standing position as he held her hips and slowly thrust his cock into her hot and wet vagina. She held on the table with her hands and moaned out as she felt her lover’s dick enter her bit by bit once more, and the angle that they were in more than added to the whole series of sensations.

Naruto himself was more than ready for what they were about to do to one another as he buried himself deeply into Ino’s hot and wet sex. The position was similar to what he had done with Tsunade before, but the fact that both he and Ino were standing up and she was holding on the table meant that his knees this time had it easier. This was more than enough to make him happy as he was now buried deeply in Ino’s sex and he stayed there for a bit longer to get used to what he was feeling with Ino right now.

Once that was done, he began to move his hips back, pulling his cock slowly out of Ino’s sex and making her moan out his name as the sensations ran through her body.


Naruto carried on until only the head of his cock was still there in Ino’s pussy, he then thrust in hard and fast into her sex. That action was more than enough to send waves of sensation through Ino’s body and the same went for his own as well. That combination of pleasure for him and Ino was all the more reason for him to start slowly. He moved back and forth, allowing Ino to feel waves of sensation all throughout her body and that served to make her all the more excited.

Ino enjoyed the pleasure that was going through her body and hoped that she was going to endure it all as she was still affected somewhat by her orgasm earlier.

Naruto then began to pick up the pace once he was sure that Ino was now used to what they were doing to one another. And it was not long before the blonde Jinchuuriki was treated to the sounds of Ino finally crying out her pleasure in a much louder tone of voice as h was now pumping in and out of her sex.





The pleasure for both of them continued to rise until it was not long before Naruto finally cried out, just in time with Ino crying out as well.


Naruto could not help but bury himself deeply in Ino’s sex while also making sure that he did not move too much as he felt her inner walls milking his cock for all he was worth. Yet he noted that he had not released his cum and he was going to be very tired once this was over. He however did not mind as he leaned down to kiss Ino as soon as she turned to face him. They both moaned deeply into the kiss and enjoyed the closeness between them, he most of all as he felt that he was still going to have enough energy for what was to come.

As for Ino herself, she was happy to have finally reached her orgasm and while she was surprised that Naruto had not released his seed into pussy, she was not bothered by it. She enjoyed the sensations flowing through her and when they parted from the kiss, she moved to face him and kiss him once again. She also began to form an idea on how she planned to wrap up this night and she could not help but smile mentally to herself.

She moved away from Naruto once the kiss was over and whispered into her lover’s ear just what was that she had in mind. Once she was done, she smirked at his eyed wide look but soon smiled a bit at what she had in mind. Naruto was soon moving to the table and soon was lying on it on his back with his cock still rock hard. Ino smiled and licked his cock a bit, cleaning it of her own juices.

That made Naruto shiver a bit and that served to make Ino smile as she soon got on the table and was now over Naruto. She quickly kneeled down on the table and then made sure to align her sex with her lover’s own and when she was ready and so was he, she made her move right there and then. This was going to be their last romp together, and she was going to make the whole thing all the more delicious.


Ino moaned deeply as she was now on top of Naruto and he was on the table with her taking in his cock all the way to the hilt. The blonde was very happy with the fact that despite the two of them being on the table, it had not broken or collapsed just yet. This was something that they were all happy for as Ino was now in the grip of her passion. The three orgasms she had before were already taking control of her brain as she had moved to allow Naruto’s cock to slide all the way into her pussy, that action was more than enough to send shivers up and down her body as it was something that she truly wanted.

She was not going to waste time as she began to move fast and deep, rising up her hips, allowing Naruto’s cock to slide on her inner walls, until only the head was in her sex, then dropping down to impale herself on his sex once more. The moment she did that, she leaned her head back and shouted her lover’s name.


Naruto was more than willing to respond in kind by saying Ino’s name as well.

The table held on well as Ino was now taking the offensive as she was moving up and down on Naruto’s cock, the sounds of their actions filled the room and the smell of their sweat and sexual juices was overwhelming for the two of them. That combination of smells served to make them all the more eager for the release to come.

Their audience could not help but look on in admiration for what they were doing to one another as Ino was now taking the lead and Naruto was more than willing to let her. They watched as Naruto only used his hands to pleasure Ino’s breasts and nipples. He even moved a free hand to touch her clitoris as well to make Ino feel more pleasure what each thrust she did.

They were not wasting a single moment and the pleasure for them increased as Ino was taking her actions to the next levels. She would lean down to allow Naruto to lavish oral attention on her breasts and nipples, and also do the same thing as she would lick and kiss his chest at the same time. This went on for a while as Ino was increasing the speed and depth of her actions with her hips.

Ino then deeply kissed Naruto and he was more than willing to kiss her right back and they were using their tongues as well. The blonde Kunoichi enjoyed the kiss between her and Naruto as he was now using his hands on her breasts and nipples. Once the kiss between them was ended, Ino went back to her actions and they both moaned at the very same time as she carried on with her movements with the table making the creaking noises. Yet thankfully the table had not broken and held firm even as Naruto was now making his own moves as he thrust his cock upwards each time Ino went down…making the pleasure between the two of them grow even more.


“SO GOOD!!!!”



It was not long before the two of them finally reached their limits as both of them cried out in full release and this time, Naruto was able to release his seed this time around and it was all worth it. Ino and Naruto were soon crying out at the very same time and it was something that made the release all worthwhile.


Naruto was very happy that he finally released his cum at that moment as he looked to see that Ino herself was fully tensed up, and with a smile of bliss on her face. He managed to move forward and soon face Ino and before she could react, he kissed her deeply and she reacted in kind as she kissed him back while still gripped by her orgasm. He enjoyed the kiss for all that it was worth and hoped that this was not going to be the end of things.

Ino was utterly happy as she kissed Naruto, the fact that he had managed to do the same thing and bring her to orgasm four times made her very happy. And she was happy that at least she knew that Naruto was a good person and someone that she could count on to be with her to whatever might be there.

As soon as they parted from one another, Ino got off of Naruto and he followed her, helping her lie down on the massive bed and helped her rest. He looked now at Ino and saw that she was still deep in the grip of her orgasm and as such, needed to rest and recover. That now only left him with none other than Shion. He looked at her and saw that she was more than ready and the way she looked at him was more than enough to get his cock back to full attention. And with that, she moved right towards him, showing that she was indeed in the mood to take her turn with him while the others now looked on to see what they were going to do.

Shion could not help but gulp a bit as she was now moving over Naruto and he was more than eager to get things going, if the way his cock was ramrod straight and hard was any indication. As for her, she was getting herself psyched for the things that were going to happen between the two of them. She had been looking forward to this for a very long time and she was not going to waste a single moment, even though she knew that it was going to take MORE than one night at times to get pregnant. She might have been a Priestess but she was not close minded and knew how a woman would get pregnant since her mother DID give her the ‘talk’ when she was older, though she doubted that she would ever find a man willing to have her as a wife.
Of course, that was before she met Naruto and had her world thrown completely over it’s head. And she fell deeply in love with the blonde Genin who was such a loudmouth, but yet a good man who had a heart of gold and yet very strong at the same time. And even though she now knew that he was a Jinchuuriki, she did not care, he was a good man and she felt he had the strength to control and defeat the demon in him. And if he needed help then she was more than ready to use her powers to aid him in keeping that demon in him contained.

She started things of by kissing Naruto deeply and he was more than willing to kiss her right back with equal intensity. And that was something that Shion was more than happy to respond in kind as she began to use her tongue on Naruto’s own. He was naturally more than ready to do the same to Shion and now both of them were moaning deeply into each other’s mouths and it was something that made the whole situation better for them.

Naruto then moved to be right there before her breasts and nipples, he then began to suck on them gently, running his tongue up and down, as well as around them as well as sucking and gently biting them. Shion enjoyed the pleasure she was getting to her breasts and she was more than willing to show that as she held onto him tight while also rubbing her naked body slowly on his own body.

This was where Naruto decided to try something as he whispered into Shion’s ear.

“I think it’s time we pleasure one another at the same time, do you want to try that?”

Shion smiled and replied.

“Of course Naruto-kun, do what you want.”

That was more than enough to encourage Naruto as he moved to lie down and then guided Shion to move next to his head. He then placed his hand on her left leg and spoke to her with a seductive grin on his face.

“Move yourself over me and show me your pussy Shion-chan.”

The blonde priestess was more than willing to do what he asked of her and now Naruto was lying on his back and looking right at Shion’s wet sex. He could see ALL the details there and could not help but grin widely at this and he was a lot more aroused as he moved up a bit and gave her pussy a good long look before smelling her arousal. The smell was more than welcome in his mind and it made him all the more aroused by the second.

He was not the only one as Shion herself could not help but blush bright red as she felt her lover’s breath on both her pussy as well as her clitoris. And her blush was growing as she was now looking at her lover’s cock, which was rock hard in front of her. She was not however going to be idle and moved downwards to Naruto’s cock, once she reached it, she began to caress it with her hand and enjoyed the sound of Naruto taking in a breath of air and a moan at the same time. She was not going to stay still for long as she also began to rub her face on her lover’s cock, enjoying the feel of it on her skin and she was more than willing to begin running her lips on Naruto’s cock.


The two moaned at the same time as they began to touch and pleasure each other’s sex. Naruto knew that now was not the time to go for the main run and he was more than eager to pleasure Shion, he started by licking her pussy lips slowly and enjoyed the taste of her juices, Shion’s juices were sweet and had a slightly sour taste that did not go against it and it was very good to his taste buds as well. Shion was not far behind as she began to lick her lover’s cock, starting from the tip all the way to the base and back up again. She also made sure to caress his cock and testicles with her hands once in a while to make sure that she was not using only her tongue. She also moved to rub his breasts on his stomach, hips and his cock. This however meant that she had to lean forward which at times moved her sex away from her lover’s oral ministrations due to some differences between then when it concerned their height.

But that did not mean that they were going to stop either as Shion seen went back to using her mouth and tongue on Naruto’s cock and testicle. And in turn, Naruto was now using his own mouth, and tongue on her pussy and clitoris at the same time. The pleasure for the two of them continued to grow with each action that they did to one another and it was certainly something that was going to be remembered for a very long time between the two of them.
The others looked on as Temari, Ino, and Tsunade were all happy that they were allowed to look at this and wondered if they were soon going to do the same thing to Naruto once they got their energy back. For now they contented themselves to just watch the whole thing unfold right before their eyes.

As the two of them continued with their actions, Shion was soon going at Naruto’s cock at full throttle by using her mouth on Naruto’s cock, taking in his sex bit by bit and using her tongue at the very same time to pleasure her lover. Naruto himself could not help but enjoy the pleasure that was now flowing through his body. That pleasure was increased by the way Shion tasted, her juices were clean and also had a slightly tangy and sweet flavor, no doubt due to the fact that this was her first time and it made him very happy that he found her G-spot as this would make Shion reach her limit.

Shion herself enjoyed the pleasure of her sex being pleasured by Naruto’s fingers, mouth, and tongue, and that was balanced by the fact that she enjoyed the way that Naruto’s cock felt and tasted in her mouth, along with enjoying the moans that Naruto was making. She also enjoyed the fact that she was already going to reach her limits and hoped that before she reached her orgasm, she was going to bring Naruto to orgasm as well. She was also looking forward to the chance to taste Naruto’s cum.

The two lovers did not have to wait for too long as both of them finally reached their orgasm at the very same time.


Naruto moved into Shion’s sex and took in the large flow of her juices and he enjoyed the taste of Shion’s liquid honey. He was also happy that he was able to hit orgasm and felt his cum flow out of his cock and into Shion’s mouth with her tongue lapping up his cum as well as his cock at the same time. He could feel her moans as the vibrations ran through his cock, making Naruto very happy to be able to reach orgasm.

As for the blonde priestess, she enjoyed the taste of her lover’s cum and could easily see just why Ino, Temari, and Tsunade enjoyed the taste of Naruto’s seed. She felt some deep energy there and it was interesting in her mind. She took in more and more of the cum and it was all so worth it in her mind. She was very happy with the fact that even after ALL that he had done, Naruto was still rock hard and eager for more.

She moved away and got some cum on her lips and chin, which she did not mind in the very least and then moved off Naruto to face him. She saw him smiled and could guess that her cum was on his face. She smiled and licked her lips clean before him and taking his cum on her chin on her fingers and licked them clean. Naruto did likewise with a smile and licked his own lips clean of her juices. Once they were done with what they were doing, the two decided to take their actions towards one another to the next level.

And Shion was the one to do just that as she decided to copy a position that she saw and found to be rather interesting and very appealing to her. As soon as she did that, Naruto could not help but smile at Shion and he did not hesitate as he moved in and as soon as he was there, he pushed his cock forward and began to enter Shion’s sex.


Shion cried out deeply as Naruto was able to send his cock deeply into her vagina and it was something that she enjoyed. There was some pain which was to be expected since she had not done anything like this before. But that pain was soon replaced with feelings of fullness as well as completeness that she could not come close to describing at all. She was on her hands and knees with Naruto holding her hips while he stayed there to allow Shion to get used to his cock being buried to the hilt in her inner sheath.

This was the same position that she had seen Naruto been in with Tsunade and Ino, the sigh of that was more than enough to convince the blonde priestess to try out this position first and see how it felt. And it was certainly a very good feeling in more ways than one in her mind as the angle of their position was more then enough to make the priestess smile and moan for the first time. She could not help herself as she was feeling all more the more eager to get things going as she moved her body forward, this allowed her to move away from Naruto’s cock. That was more than enough to make Naruto move as well in order to get things on the go between him and Shion.

He moved back first and when his cock was almost out of Shion’s sex, he moved right back in and so did Shion, this combined action allowed Naruto’s cock to reach all the way to the hilt and that was more than enough to hit Shion’s G-spot and make the whole experience better for them as they began to move together to reach their respective release.






Both lovers were going at it with great gusto and they were soon going at a much faster pace that before. Naruto was now moving faster and harder, driving his cock deeply into Shion’s inner sheath, and Shion was more than willing to help as she moved her hips back to allow her lover’s cock to go deeply into her sex.

Naruto was very pleased as he would also move his hands to Shion’s breasts and nipples, he pleasured them with his hands while also lavishing kisses on Shion’s back, shoulders, and neck. The two of them also moved to kiss one another deeply when Shion moved her head to her right shoulder and when they kissed one another, they used their tongues to duel with one another at the very same time.

They began to pick up the pace even more with their thrusts and that was obvious as they were moaning deeply into one another’s mouths as they were still deep in the kiss with one another. They carried with the kiss as the pace of Naruto’s thrusts increased until he was pumping his cock in and out of Shion’s wet sex like a piston and she was more than happy to show her pleasure with his actions. Their kiss was still going on until the two of them parted from one another and both began to cry out their enjoyment of the increased pace.







This carried on for a while longer until they were soon hit by their orgasm and it was something that the two lovers were more than happy for as they both screamed at the same time. The two of them stopped their movements to enjoy the pleasure of their first orgasm together and it was something that Shion enjoyed a great deal.


Shion was utterly happy as she felt her second orgasm which was more than enough to make her moan her lover’s name. She noted however that Naruto’s cock had not yet released his cum, it did not bother her as she knew that this was not a bad thing as this meant that she was going to be given a lot more time to enjoy the pleasure that Naruto was going to give her when they tried something new as the night continued to progress.

As for Naruto, he was happy that he could hit orgasm, but like before with Ino, Temari, and Tsunade, in the past, he had not unleashed his cum. It was not too bad and he felt that he had energy left and that meant that he was going to have a chance to try something that would make Shion all the happier before he would finally reach his limit.

They were naturally watched by the others and they were all very eager to see just what was it that the two were going to do next.

The two of them decided rest for a brief moment, and allow themselves to get their energy back in order to pleasure one another again. Once they felt their respective energy come back, Shion decided to take the lead and she made her move to make Naruto to sit down on the bed and she smiled warmly at him to tell him without saying anything that for this moment, she was going to be the one who was going to be in charge of their next romp.

Naruto was not going to argue and he watched Shion intently as she then moved herself to be over him and when she did so, she began to move down but instead of thrusting herself on Naruto’s rock hard cock, she spoke to Naruto with a smile on her face.

“Go ahead Naruto-kun, fill me with your cock again, so I can do what I want for both of us.”

Naruto raised an eyebrow at that and smiled as he decided to do what Shion asked of him and hoped to see just what was it that Shion had in mind.


Both Shion and Naruto moaned out deeply as the blonde Shinobi once thrust his dick deeply into the blonde Priestess’ sex and it was something that both of them were more than ready and eager for. And their position was something that Shion had heard about and wanted to try out, and Naruto was more than willing to let Shion try it and that was her being on top of him and soon leaning backward with him doing the very same thing. They enjoyed the closeness with one another and there was no doubt that what they were going to do next was going to be worth it.

And there was no doubt in either of their minds that things were going to get interesting, It was Shion who started first after making sure that she was holding onto Naruto’s legs while he did the same thing as well in more to balance things out between them. Shion then began to move back and Naruto did the same, both of them moved away from one another, allowing them feel pleasure move as Naruto’s cock was now moving out of Shion’s sex.

But just as he was nearly out of her pussy with only the tip of his cock in between her sex, both of them then moved back in together at the very same time. Allowing Naruto to bury himself deeply into Shion’s sex at the same time as Shion’s actions also helped to send more pleasure through her body as well as Naruto’s. Both of them moaned out deeply at the very same time and it was something that the two of them enjoyed very much.

They began to move at a slow pace at first to get used to the position that they happened to be in and make sure that they were going things the right way. And it seemed that they were doing it right though this position meant that they could not touch on another’s body. The slow but delicious sensations of pleasure however were more than enough to make up for that.




They carried on doing things slowly and did not rush as they were both unsure of their choice but the pleasure that they were giving one another was good. Naruto looked at Shion and could see that her body was moving in time with thrust that she made along with his own thrusts, her breasts and nipples moved up and down and her sweat covered form was more than beautiful to look at in this moment. As for Shion, she herself enjoyed the pleasure that was coming through her body right now and she was going to make sure that she was going to remember each slow and delicious action.

Tsunade, Ino, and Temari could only watch as Naruto and Shion were continuing with their slow actions and while slow, it was hardly bad in any sense of the word. They saw the blushes on both their faces and smiled at the way they both cried out their enjoyment.

They also guessed that this allowed Naruto to hold off his orgasm for longer and as such, would allow him to really give Shion all the pleasure that he could manage in that position that they were both in.

This went on for a while as both Shion and Naruto moved with a bit more speed, not by much but that served to add to the pleasure that they felt. The sounds of their flesh hitting together with each movement that allowed Naruto to bury his cock all the way to the hilt into Shion’s sex was mixed with the moans they made and the smell of their arousal filled the whole room.

All that the two could focus on was each other and how they were soon going to reach their orgasm. It was slow and a bit tiring, but it was so worth it in their minds, most of all Shion who was now releasing more of her juices with each moment this continued between her and Naruto, as for Naruto, he felt that it was not going to be long before he finally reached his own release.

And soon they did hit it at the same time with one deep and hard thrust from both of them at the very same moment.


Both lovers tensed up deeply and it was bliss for the two of them as the release of their orgasm flowed through them. Shion was utterly happy as she had her orgasm for the second time this night, it was worth every moment in her mind even though she was surprised that Naruto had not yet released his seed into her sex. She had hoped to feel it but she was not angry as she knew that this was only going the make the moment of his release into her all the most delicious. It also made it worthwhile to know that despite what had happened, Naruto was still rock hard and ready for more.

Naruto himself gritted his teeth as he felt Shion’s sex begin to move all around him, he felt like his cock was going to melt at the all the heat, wetness, and softness around him . And he did not mind that at all though he was wondering only briefly why he did not release his seed yet again. That thought however was soon set aside as he knew that this was going to be his last act with Shion, already he felt that his body was reaching his limits and he needed to end this before he really ran out.

But how?

That was when he hit upon an idea, one that ready was going to be a test of all of his senses and energy. But it was going to be worth it all if he was able to do it and do it right. With that in mind, he released Shion’s legs, and moved away from her. He managed to get some energy back into his body and that made his move.

He helped Shion to her feet, then made her wrap her hands around his neck, she looked at him, wondering what was going through his mind. He smiled at her and then moved to her legs, namely to her thighs. He then got a grip and without waiting, lifted Shion up, much to her amazement and then he moved to position is rock hard and erect cock at her pussy and then moved her down…allowing her to be impaled right on his cock, with it disappearing effortlessly into her pussy with one swift, smooth, and well lubricated stroke.


The blonde priestess could not help but cry out deeply as Naruto was now carrying her on his arms and his cock was buried deeply inside of her pussy. It amazed her that her lover was still able to have the energy to do this and even carry her on his arms even after all the orgasms he had from before, but that only served to make her all the move eager for what was going to be the end of what was a very delicious night.

As for Naruto, he was happy that he still managed to have enough energy left in him to be able to get this far and do this with Shion. He felt that he was running out of energy soon but at the least before the night was going to over, he was going to make her more than happy. He looked at the blushing face of Shion and without batting an eyelash, kissed her deeply and she was more than willing to kiss him right back.

And it was not long before the two of them began to move, and this time Naruto was bringing in all the energy that he had in him to bring this to a very delicious conclusion. He started slowly at first to allow Shion to get used to the pleasure and the position that she was in and when he could see that she was used to the position, made him begin to increase the speed and pace of his actions, allowing him to bury his cock deeply, reaching all the way to the blonde priestess’s womb and hitting her G-spot somewhat, adding more pleasure to the senses of Shion as well his own senses.
And once that he was sure that she was now ready to go all the way, he spoke to her gently.



The way Shion say that one word was enough to tell the blonde Shinobi that she was very serious about what she had just told him. With that in mind, Naruto wasted not a single second and began to move his hips faster and harder, Shion was not far behind as she began to move her hips in time with each thrust that Naruto himself was doing to her. That allowed Naruto to bury himself deeply into her pussy, almost to the point of actually hitting Shion’s womb.

That served to intensify the pleasure that the two lovers’ felt and that was obvious in the way that both of them were shouting to one another and also in the way that they were moving in tune with one another.







Shion was now in heaven as the pleasure for her continued to only increase in rate and intensity and it was something that she loved with every fiber of her being as Naruto continued to move her body up and down. That was further improved by the fact that she also moved her body to allow her to thrust downward even more to really take in her lover’s sex and it served to make things between them all the more wonderful.

As for their audience, they all enjoyed the sight and they all felt that it was not going to be long before Naruto finally reached his limits. His stamina, and the energy he had in him were very impressive though it was only Temari and Tsunade who were aware of it as they both had witnessed Naruto in action more times that even Ino and Shion.

The pace continued and Naruto himself could feel the wetness from Shion’s sex flow down his cock, covering his shaft, to his balls, and down his legs. The feelings were not bad to him and he merely carried on with what he and Shion were doing. And for Shion herself, what they were doing to one another was all the more worthwhile as they were drawing ever closer to the orgasm that they wanted to give to one another as well as experience.

And sure enough, it happened as both of them finally reached their orgasm and this time around, Naruto unleashed a large amount of his seed into Shion’s sex, just as she thrust her body down to allow his cock to be all the way to the hilt in her sex.


Both of them cried out at the same time as they both were held in the grip of their respective release. It took a lot of effort from Naruto to keep himself standing as well as holding on to Shion who had wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. He managed to lower himself down onto the bed and allowed Shion to stay on top of him while allowing both himself and her to enjoy the closeness between the two of them.

He was also happy that he had finally reached his orgasm and wanted to enjoy it for all it was worth, while also looking at Shion who was also enjoying herself while being on top of him. Shion herself stayed there, enjoying the feel of her lover’s cum flowing through every portion of her body and she could not help but relish the fact that she finally knew what it felt like to be filled with the seed of a man she loved.

Once that was all over, Naruto felt that all of his energy was finally out of his body, but it did not matter as he enjoyed every moment of his last orgasm for the night. It amazed the blonde Jinchuuriki that he had been able to weather the whole situation that he had gotten himself into and he could not help but feel the need to go to sleep, he could already feel his chakra and the Kyuubi’s own to heal his body, something that he had to admit was more than welcome. As he did so, he was soon joined by Tsunade, Shion, Ino, and Temari, all four blonde women were smiling widely and he could not help but smile back. He soon found himself being surrounded by all four women in a very erotic embrace and he could not help but feel his body tense a bit at the feel of four naked bodies near him as well as the sight and smell of the four of them with the smell of sex in their shelter.

Naruto was soon kissed by them with Temari going first, then Ino, Tsunade, and Shion, he kissed all of them back and soon they were all going to straight off to sleep, there was going to be a long day tomorrow and they were going to need all the sleep that they were going to get.

The next day…

Naruto groaned a bit as he opened his eyes and then slowly began to sit himself out of bed and look about to find out what was going on. His eyes widened considerably when he suddenly spotted all four women next to him…all naked as well as he was. And he wondered just why was it he felt like he had been through a hell of a lot of physical activity. The very second his memories of last night smashed into him, he could not help but blush bright red at the memories of it all. There was a part of his male psyche that relished those memories and another part of him, his moral side told him what he had done was not going to go away.

It was not long for the four women to wake up and they were now around Naruto, they could see that he was now wide awake and decided to spend some time to talk to him. They had to assure him that what happened was not going to be a one time thing, and their lives have changed a good deal. Naturally Tsunade was the first to speak to Naruto and she was being very kind about it as well.

“Naruto-kun, are you feeling all right?”

Naruto nodded a bit and after only a moment of silence, he spoke to the Hokage.

“Tsunade-chan…about what we did last night, what’s going to happen now?”

“Now? Now we are going to discuss what we will do afterwards, I want you to know something important. What we all did, what I did with had only one problem, and it has nothing to do with you or your performance, since you were quite stellar in that regard. My problem was that I was not able to meet you when I was still a few years younger, which would have made it a lot more wonderful and interesting. You always remind me of two very important people in my life, and also you have become a good man, so I wished I was younger still. But that does not matter to me at this point, I do care about you and this takes it a step further in any case. I don’t regret what I did with you since I doubt I would like doing that with anyone else since I do care about you and would not mind doing it again if you want.”

Naruto blushed bright red at this and soon it was Temari who spoke next and she had a smile on her face to boot.

“You know, when I first met you, you didn’t look like much Naruto-kun at first glance, but I guess the old saying that you can’t judge a book by the cover is pretty accurate. You managed to not only beat someone with a Kekkai Genkai, but you also managed to defeat my brother Gaara back then. Your…first move was rather shocking and something I swear was something I thought should never be seen again, but it worked…you defeated Gaara…and you changed him. I always wondered why was it that he said you were a good man and after all you did for him…he was right about you.”

“You did a lot for my family, and truth be told, I think my brothers, Gaara in particular would like it a lot if I actually had you as a boyfriend he approved off. Gaara certainly approves of you and after what you did for him and our home, Kankuro would certainly be more receptive to the idea of you being part of our family. You did a lot for us and you have certainly changed from the young kid I last saw, not to mention you REALLY know how to make a woman scream. And in a more than welcome way to boot, and as such, I certainly would not mind taking a relationship with you to a higher level than before, even if I have to share you as well.”

Ino was the very next person to speak to Naruto, and there was no doubt that the soon to come conversation between the two blondes was going to be interesting.

“You know, you and I were not exactly at the best of terms when we were kids, I used to think that you were a dork and not the best guy. And the fact that you were always goofing off didn’t help your case all that much either. But you have began to do a lot of things that have began to change my opinions towards you, and that is saying something already. You’ve shown that you are very dependable, trust worthy, and you know what to do when it counts. Not to mention the fact that you are a lot smarter than you look and that is a good thing.”

“Not to mention the fact that you have been doing a lot of things to help keep all of us alive, and you’ve gone and done a lot in order to keep all of our spirits up. And that to men is a very good sign of a man. And I have to admit that you also grew up to be rather nice to the eyes Naruto-kun. That coupled with the fact that you happen to be a very good person has made me change my mind about you. And after learning about what you had to deal with for a very long time when we were growing up, I guess that I had a lot to think about. The fact that despite all of the problems you had to deal with back home, you’ve never turned to be like Sasuke now that I have to admit that he has turned into someone that I cannot care for anymore, considering all the things that he has done now. I would not mind helping you find him…but I doubt that anyone would consider him someone that they can care about no matter how we personally feel about him.”

“And after last night, you can bet that I am going to have to change a lot of things about how I deal with you and look at you for a long time. And that is already something to consider for me, yet I am willing to give this a shot Naruto-kun, even though I will have to share you as well. After last night, you are definitely worth it and I am going to make sure that I am going to make sure that I drive you up the wall.”
It was here that Ino moved away and this time it was going to Shion’s turn and the blonde priestess was more than ready to speak about how she felt about what she and the others had done with Naruto last night.

“When I first met you Naruto-kun, I saw you in my dream when we faced the demon that I was destined to banish. I thought that I was going to see you die, honestly and when I saw you, I was ready to accept the fact that you would die. But you already know what happened after that when you fought against what I saw in my vision.”

“You were stubborn, thick headed, impossible, annoying, and also rather nosey, that was how I saw you long ago when we first met one another, but after a while, I saw how courageous you were, how determined you were to prove that you can defy fate while still promising to protect me with your life. And truth be told, I was attracted to that even more so when you were able to save me when I was falling to that lake in the valley from before. It was through you that I realize that I could use my power to save you and save you I did and in turn you saved me as well. And I was happy that I was able to meet you and finally find someone that I can care deeply about and love at the same time.”

“You might be a Jinchuuriki, but I do not care, I see you as a man who was a real hero and more than worthy to be a Hokage when the time comes. And if you need my help in containing your resident, I will be more than happy to use my powers to protect you. And most of all, you are a man who can really make any woman happy. And I do not mind having to share you either since you have done a lot for not just me but all of them as well, and for that reason, I am more than willing to take this to the very next level, but only if you are willing.”


As Naruto was currently cooking some hot meat stew for himself and the four other Kunoichi, he was also looking at the now roasting meat from the wild rabbits that he and the others had dried before to make sure that they were going to be cooked evenly. The smell was great, adding to that were the wild chicken eggs that were boiling away in a large pot of water on the fire as well, and nearby were some fresh fruits to boot. Not a bad meal for the day since the island was large enough to have been used as a farming area with that abandoned farmland that they found weeks before.

At the moment, the others were currently there in the lake area at least two hours walking distance from their camp and that allowed him time to think about what had happened last night. He was going to need the time to think about what had happened and what was his next step supposed to be. Not to mention the fact that he had to think about how he was going to act towards the four women who he had managed to have spent time with on this island, and eventually having…relations with. That was when the Kyuubi decided to make it’s presence known to him as it had a very interesting conversation in it’s demonic mind.

((“Nice to see that you finally woke up brat, how was last night?”))

(What is it now furball?)

((“Bah, don’t play dumb with me brat, what happened last night between you and those beauties?”))

(Let’s just say that it was…very interesting to say the least.)

((“Uh huh, let me haphazard a guess…you got into bed with them and managed to make them scream your name not in anger, but utter pleasure, and you managed to make all four women orgasm four times in one night, am I right?”))

Naruto said nothing at first, but he was wide eyed and shocked at how the Kyuubi managed to figure that all out, and that did not escape the attention of the Kyuubi as it grinned inside it’s cage but said nothing at all as it was interested to see just what was going to be the blonde’s reaction to his assumption.

(You looked into my memories didn’t you?)

((“No need to, I was with you the whole time, granted I did not take over even if I wanted to since I was ALREADY getting MORE than my fair share of pleasure at seeing it AND feeling it as much as you were.”))


((“I was there the whole time and I did get a chance to experience the whole mess you were in, and I did have a bit of hand in it as well. You remember not being able to orgasm at least a few times each time you were each of those blonde bombshells? I had a hand in it by controlling your body’s desire to fire away, to make sure that you lasted long, mind you it was not too perfect, but at least I was able to help REALLY enjoy yourself. And I was able to get my share of more than welcome sensations since being my container allows me to be connected to your body in certain ways. And it seemed that one of them happened to be when you go and do the deed with a woman.”))

(You can control my body?)

Naruto was not the least bit pleased by that bit of news as the Kyuubi’s words did not sound right. But the Kyuubi then replied to that with a snide remark.

((“Listen here you blonde dolt, I can’t control your body completely due to the seal, I can only affect a SMALL portion of it, and that was not simple since that seal prevents me from using even more powerful control. If I could take over your body and you couldn’t do anything about it, don’t you think that I have done it a LONG time ago? At least that part I did control or rather, affect gave both you and me a good deal of enjoyment and stimulation. Of course there was another bit that I need to explain to you before you give me another earful.”))
(And what would that be?)

((“You’re seed has a bit of an effect on only one of the women, and that is that blonde Hokage of yours, Tsunade Senju if I recall the name right. I managed to infuse some of my chakra’s ability to heal your cells into your beloved Hokage’s body in full. Her body cells have been reborn and have been restored to full youthful vitality and health. In simple terms brat, her body has been restored to when she was in her mid twenties. When she swallowed your seed, had it on her body and took it into her body when you finally filled her to the brim in her sex, the chakra I placed into your seed has not only made her by all intents and purposes young again, but made her more than able to have children. That ought to really spice things up between the two of you and that should be more than welcoming for the two of you.”))

(Are you pulling my leg or something fur ball?)

The Kyuubi laughed at the way that his jailer acted and replied.

((“No, I am not lying, she is already back to being young and MORE than able to have children again, that should really make things fun. And before you ask, I did not do the same thing to the three other ladies, but I did make sure that they were a lot more…receptive to you when they are close to you. There is no bad effects on them and should make things fun. Anyway, I made sure that you did not knock them up since I have no doubt you would be asking for trouble.”))


The Kyuubi laughed again and spoke with a fanged sneer on it’s face.

((“You can be surprisingly smart in battle, but in anything else, you are blinder than a cave fish. Let me explain it to you once more before you ask again. I made sure that I did not make your seed fertile since if I did do that, you would have a LOT of explaining to do. Think about it brat, if your Hokage, then the heiress of one of your village’s clan, the sister of the Kazekage, and the head leader of the Land of Demons, suddenly got pregnant, and EVERYONE knows that you were the ONLY man with them, you are going to have a LOT of explaining to do. There’s also the fact that any children you have with them would be given a portion of not just your chakra, chakra nature, and that of your mate…but my chakra as well, making them very powerful ninja. You might not be aware of it, but physical changes are NOT the only effects of having a bijuu in your body. Since our chakra is mixed with your own, and in turn that mix is in your cells, it’s a promise that it will be in your children along with the same chakra level and type of your mate.”))

(Okay…so you mean to tell me that I would wind up having children with really powerful chakra and abilities?)

((“You got that right brat, the funny thing is, that not that many know about with the possible exception of any Jinchuuriki who is female. If anyone found out that you can have children with amazing powers by mating with a Jinchuuriki, then they would not hesitate to lock you up and use you to breed children. The good news for you is that none of the women you are ‘bonded’ with are not going to let that happen to you, and for that you should be bloody thankful.”))
Naruto then spoke.

(You’re not lying to are you fur ball?)

((“Nope, no need to, as long as it helps keep you from going down the gloomy and brooding road, then I am not going to stop you. The last thing I want is you to be just as brooding and obsessive like that former team-mate of yours. Don’t take it the wrong way, but I have gotten used to you being the loud and boisterous type, not to mention that at the very least, you are hardly boring in many ways. Nothing is more painful for an immortal being like me than being bored out of my…demonic mind.”))

(So…I guess I should thank you or something.)

((“Hold it…say that again, you’re actually thanking me? Hah! Never thought I’d see the day you’d be actually thankful for me brat. But don’t think I’m going to go soft on you, I have no intention of being friends with you fleshling, so you had better not get soft on me either.”))

(I haven’t forgotten, I’m not going to let you wander about and cause all sorts of havoc…but I think you should be thanking me as well.)

((“Oh really now? What sort of debt do I have with you?”))

(You’re not in the hands of Akatsuki for one, and at the very least you won’t be easily caught by them or the leader behind them. Plus at least you GET to feel what I feel with it comes to being with women, or am I wrong?)

The Kyuubi said nothing until it laughed darkly and replied.

((“All right, I concede those points…for now, we’re going to be allies of convenience and that will be all, now if you will excuse me, I have to go and relive those memories of yours. I at least now have some good material to watch until we get into an actual fight that is an ACTUAL challenge.”))

With that, Naruto was soon left alone in his mind, but not alone in the real world as the four women finally arrived. And soon they were finally going to have a good meal together as they knew that they had a lot to do until they were soon rescued. Once breakfast was done, they went about their usual routine as Naruto moved about with his Kage Bushin to help Temari and Tsunade in gathering supplies with both blonde Kunoichi being more than able to use their respective abilities to gather wood and stone while Ino handled the watch over the sea by using her family’s special mind switching Jutsu to take over a few birds to look about further from the island while Shion was also helping the real Naruto who was working on getting some new food ready for lunch and also to help protect Ino who was still moving about in the body of the bird.

However, it was not long before Ino came back to her body and it was there that she told them the good news, she had spotted a small number of ships. And to make the news better for the group, the boats were flying a flag that had the symbol of Konoha. And the fact that she had her bird body fly closer, she spotted a number of Konoha ninja on the ship.

They were not going to waste any time as Naruto moved to get the others back and soon they got to work stocking out a massive fire with Temari using her fan to feed the fires which Tsunade had colored with some of the powder form chemicals that they were able to find and discover to be still fresh enough in their sealed containers to use. The deep yellow smoke would not doubt stand out in the blue of the sea and the sky and that would get the attention of the ships.
Ino confirmed it when the ships were now moving towards them, and that meant that they were soon going to be rescued.


Naruto was tired and headed off to the nearby hot springs resort that was a fair distance from Konoha, he had been training long and hard and was looking for a chance to finally get some much needed rest. It had been at least two weeks since they had gotten back to Konoha and while they were able to get some privacy. Naturally all five of them were keeping the whole situation to themselves though he had to promise Tsunade, Temari, Ino, and Shion that he was going to keep himself silent on what had happened then. And thankfully no one bothered ti ask him anything on what had happened there on the island…though he was sorely tested by only one man and that was naturally none other Jiraiya.

The white haired Shinobi and Sannin had been asking him a myriad of questions on what happened there on the island, and he had been very intense about it. He had even tried to bribe him with ramen, and it was only when Tsunade was around that he stopped, though he doubted that Jiraiya was going to give up any time soon. That was why he was very happy that he was now on his own and heading off to a hot spring resort to finally relax. The good news for him was that no one was going to find out about what happened on that island that he and the others were on.

As soon as he arrived there to the hot spring, he paid his way in and decided to get undressed and headed right there to the changing room. Once he got changed, he headed off to the spring and sighed as soon as he entered the place. He got into the spring and soon moaned as he felt the hot water on his body. He lay back and covered his face with a towel and spoke gently to himself minutes later.

“Ahhhh…nothing’s better after a LONG day like soaking in a hot spring.”

That was when he was joined by another voice, or rather a set of voices…all of which were female.

“You said it.”

“Yes, It’s been a while since I got the chance to be in a hot spring.”

“Mmmm…feels good to be in one.”

“And it’s better to be with company to enjoy the whole thing.”

Naruto sputtered and was surprised to find that he was not alone and there next to him were Temari, Shion, Tsunade, and Ino. All of them were naked just like he was, but unlike him who was wearing a towel, they were practically buck naked and naturally that allowed him to see them all fully naked and he was more than willing to look. The fact that Tsunade was smiling along with Ino, Shion, and Temari were all smiling at him and made no effort to either slug him in the face or cover up their bodies told him that they were more than willing to let him see them, and considering that he had seen them already naked and more, there was no doubt that letting see them in their naked glory was just the beginning.

And that train of thought was confirmed as Tsunade was quick to move closer to him and pressed into him, allowing him to feel her now naked form on his own once again. He moaned a bit and that moan was joined by yet another as Ino, Shion, and Temari were quick to join the Hokage as Ino was on the other side of him while Shion and Temari were now taking in his hands allowing him to feel them up. The sensations were really more than enough to get him aroused and he was able to speak as he had a feeling that this situation might get the wrong attention.

“I know that….mmmmm…I should not ask this…but shouldn’t we find a better place to…do this?”

Tsunade grinned and replied.

“You don’t have to worry about Jiraiya if you think that he might interfere…I made sure that I kept him out of our respective hair.”

Naruto not have a good feeling with that grin on Tsunade’s face and decided to risk his own hide and ask just what was it that Tsunade had just done to the Pervy Sage.

“What exactly did you do to him Tsunade-chan?”

“Nothing permanent or bad mind you…I just gave him a very potent sleeping drug that will last for the whole night. It’s made in such a way that not even he would know that he was drugged. Don’t worry, the recipe is one of the very few I don’t teach anyone, not even Shizune and Sakura so I am the only one who knows how to make it. And Jiraiya will be fine once the drug wears off…so that means we can do what we want tonight.”

Naruto gulped a bit and was about to mention the hot spring when the Hokage spoke once more.

“Oh and don’t worry I had some especial Genjutsu tags placed around here to keep us invisible and the owner happens to be a good friend of mine who has done what I asked.”


Tsunade then replied with a larger smile.

“The owner is an old friend of mine when I was still here Naruto-kun, he already ordered us a lavish dinner and all the ramen you can have and it is already being stored in the dining hall. Plus your Kage Bushin can handle those details. SO for now…we can have some alone time and we all can see how you can pleasure ALL of us at the same time and in a setting that I know a lot of young men dream of.”


Jiraiya did not know why but he had felt the need to go to a deep sleep hours ago and was now snoring away in the hotel he was staying in. He had been hoping to keep track of Naruto to see where he was going but the sleepiness was affecting him too much and so he had to go to sleep. He decided to wait things out and try again tomorrow to get his student to spill the beans. He was unaware of the fact that Naruto was currently doing something that was no doubt going to be worthy material for his series.

To be continued…

Author’s Notes:

Well, that takes care of this twenty-eighth chapter of the Deserted Island and I hope that I am finally able to do this blonde episode bit. I know that there is another blonde Kunoichi and that is none other than Samui but at this time, I do not have a lot of data on her…apart from visual data of course so I am not going to use her just yet.

Now I know that some of you might complain why I did this, but I always heard the phrase blondes have more fun, so I decided to take that saying a bit higher than normal by doing this chapter of mine. Truth be told I had seen a picture of Naruto being with Tsunade, Temari, and Ino in a more than social setting, and I found the idea very nice.

Now I know that there are other blondes in the Naruto series, one of them being Hotaru, and Samui, who I have not yet included in the story and there is also Yugito. I will add them in a different time and I might even try another blonde special after doing the field work for the women in question so don’t bother asking.